1989-10-09 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING October 9, 1989 7:30 p.m. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBERS: Chairman, Art Sorenson; Vice-Chairman, John Scoggan. Members: Ernest Johnson, Dennis Minder (alternate) and Joe Bentley (alternate). MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Downard. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works, Mike Barnes; Zoning Administrator, Karen Gandy; City Attorney, Betsy Elam; Jean Bryson, Building Clerk; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chairman, Art Sorenson, who read into the minutes, the meeting format outline which will be used for tonight's meeting. Mr. Sorenson announced that both alternate members will be allowed to cast a vote during WII tonight's meeting, as one regular member is absent and one member has resigned his position. Agenda Item #2 Approval of Minutes Motion was made to approve the minutes of the July 24, 1989 Board of Adjustments meeting. Motion: Scoggan Second: Johnson Ayes: Scoggan, Johnson, Minder, Bentley, Sorenson Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments Mr. Sorenson had no comments during this item. Agenda Item #4 Case #70, Request for Special Exception Use Case #70 is a request for a Special Exception Use for outside storage on property zoned Industrial-1 per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12tt. The location of the property is Block B, Lot 2, Hart Industrial Park, 1595 Hart Court. A presentation was made by the zoning administrator, who located the property on the map for the members. John Mayfield, TLC Builders, was present, representing the owner, Joseph Hart. PR Board of Adjustments Minutes October 9, 1989 page two Sri Agenda Item #4 Continued Mr. Mayfield stated they began construction on the Hart Industrial Park prior to the property being annexed into the City of Southlake, in October, 1987. On the original plan, all the buildings were designed to have outside storage. The zoning on the property was first Industrial-2, and recently changed to Industrial-1 with the new ordinance. He is requesting they be allowed to continue with the project, as they began prior to annexation, with outside storage. r it Mr. Sorenson stated that any Special Exception granted by the Board of Adjustments will be on a case by case basis. Each project that is completed, will need to apply to the zoning administrator for outside storage, screening and, fencing. These requirements must be adhered to. Mr. Mayfield stated he proposed the completion date 1. for the project will be three to four years from this date, depending on the economy. The City Attorney, Betsy Elam, questioned the amount of construction that was in progress when the property was annexed into the city. Mr. Mayfield stated that Block A, Lots 1 & 2, and Block B, Lot 1, had buildings completed when annexed. Also that Block B, Lot 2 was under construction. The engineering was completed, the retension pond engineering was completed, which has all built up to a substantial investment toward completion of the entire project at the time of annexation. Mr. Mayfied stated that outside storage is essential to the entire plan for the Hart Industrial Park. He stated he feels the City Council realized that outside storage was essential when they were given Industrial-2 Zoning, when they first came into the city. Joe Bentley, alternate member has questions in regards to Ordinance No. 480, Section 38, Outside Storage; Section 39, Screening; and, Section 42 Bufferyards with respect to this request. The Public Hearing resulted with no comments, in support or in opposition to this issue. Mr. Bentley expressed concerns that the Board will set a precedent in regards to the outside storage issue, if the request is granted. Betsy Elam, City Attorney, stated that their are certain rights that a person has prior to a previous ordinance or prior to annexation. If we cut off uses to sharply, we are causing "a * taking". The board adjourned into recess at 9:10 p.m. Board of Adjustments Minutes October 9, 1989 A"k page thee The board returned from recess at 9:27 p.m. Agenda Item #5 Continued Ernest Johnson expressed concern that the board is getting Case #70 and Case #71 to intertwined. To continue discussion for the case at hand, Mr. Sorenson recapped the issues for the board. A request for Special Exception use was filed by the applicant for outside storage in Industrial-1 zoning. Outside storage in Industrial-1 may be permitted provided other provisions in the zoning ordinance are complied with including; a solid wall fence, and, consideration of the buffer yard requirements. Additionally, the proximity to residential from the location of the storage is another restriction of the request. As the zoning ordinance is written, and specifically, with the residence within that proximity, this board has no authority to grant a special exception use and be under the current zoning ordinance. The City Attorney reaffirmed, they can't get there from here. The board does not have any authority to waive any issues. Motion was made to dispense with agenda items #4 and #5 (Case #70 & #71) Motion: Minder Second: Scoggan Ayes: Minder, Scoggan, Johnson, Bentley, Sorenson Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Motion was then made to consider the proposed use and structure as stated in Section 6, of Ordinance No. 480, for Block 2, Lot 2, and the applicant can proceed with the plans he had at the time of annexation, also that a substantial expense and substantial development plan were underway with the adoption of the new zoning ordinance. As to screening, storage, side yards and buffer yards, these items are non complying items. Motion: Johnson Second: Minder Ayes: Johnson, Minder, Bentley, Scoggan, Sorenson Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote # Note: The balance of the property is in a non conforming status and will be considered at a future meeting. r r~ Board of Adjustment Minutes i6 October 9, 1989 i page four Agenda Item #6. Case #72 The request for a variance to the side yard of 351, as provided on the Cimmaron Acres plat was presented by James F. Anderson, proposed owner of the property, known as Block 2, Lot 4, Cimmaron Acres. Mrs. Gandy noted that seven letters were sent to property owners within 2001, and she received one response, in favor. Mr. Anderson explained the situation by stating the encroachment is 1.7 feet over the building line. The public hearing resulted with no comments in support or against the request. W John Scoggan outlined the findings for the board as outlined on page 44-2 (a,b,c,d) of Ordinance No. 480. Including: that special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, and building involved, which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district; that literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this ordinance; that the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the " applicant; and, that granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district. Motion was made to concur with the findings as set forth, in the request for variance to the side yard of 35' as provided on the Cimmaron Acres plat. Motion: Minder Second: Bentley Ayes: Minder, Bentley, Scoggan, Johnson and Sorenson Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item V. Case #73, Request for Special Exception Use The request for a Special Exception Use for the construction and temporary use of a concrete batch plant as provided in ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12jj. Location: Block 1, Lot 1, Southridge Lakes Addition, was considered. w i1~1 .wl Board of Adjustments Minutes October 9, 1989 page five Agenda Item #7 Continued The zoning administrator made a presentation, stating the Southridge L.P. is requesting a temporary batch plant. She sent five letters to property owners within 200' of the property and received no written responses. ■ John Levitt, Levitt Engineering, stated the location of the temporary batch plant will be the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Southridge Lakes Addition. He presented a letter from the Texas Air Control Board, granting a permit for J.L. Bertram, for the concrete batch plant. Levitt went on to say, this plant will facilitate the project and will lesson the wear on FM 1709, while under construction. The A permit is requested for sixty (60) days, as the permit from the `i Texas Air Control Board is also for sixty (60) days. Mr. Scoggan asked if the concrete being mixed on site, will cut Southlake out of sales tax. Levitt answered "no", as the roads which will be build are public roads. The public hearing resulted with no comments from the audience. Mr. Scoggan outlined the findings for the board, stating, the request is for a specially permitted plant, with the locations defined on the site plan. Motion was made to approve the batch plant for sixty (60) days, with a beginning date of October 10, 1989, using the approved truck routing of FM 1709 and SH 114. Motion: Minder Second: Sorenson Ayes: Minder, Sorenson, Scoggan, Bentley, Johnson Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #8 Adjournment Motion was made and approval given, for adjournment of this meeting. Motion: Bentley Second: Scoggan Ayes: Bentley, Scoggan, Minder, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote iM • s Art o enson, Chairman AT T: COD ra L. LeGrand ' • v City Secretary ~~l1Np11H lq{II~~ i+~rlP MEETING FORMAT OUTLINE GOOD EVENING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN MY NAME IS I AM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE. I HEREBY CALL THIS REGULARLY NOTICED MEETING OF THE g CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT INTO SESSION. MADAM SECRETARY, IS A QUORUM PRESENT? (SECRETARY): YES, MR. CHAIRMAN. THANK YOU MADAM SECRETARY. A QUORUM IS PRESENT AND, THEREFORE, THIS BOARD IS COMPETENT TO PROCEED WITH IT'S REGULARLY SCHEDULED AGENDA. PRIOR TO COMMENCING OUR HEARINGS I WOULD LIKE TO REVIEW OUR MEETING FORMAT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE. EACH CASE WILL BE CALLED IN IT'S REGULARLY SCHEDULED ORDER UPON OUR AGENDA. AT THE TIME A CASE IS CALLED A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE WILL MAKE A STAFF PRESENTATION L TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PRESENTATION IS TO IDENTIFY THE GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION OF THE TRACT UNDER pm CONSIDERATION, TO EXPLAIN THE NATURE OF THE REQUEST, TO PROVIDE 6 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE CONFORMANCE OF THE REQUEST WITH THE OR COMMUNITY MASTER PLAN AND VARIOUS DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCES, AND TO EXPLAIN NOTICE PROCEDURES AND RESPONSES IN RELATION TO THIS REQUEST. L AT THE CONCLUSION OF THIS PRESENTATION THE APPLICANT WILL BE L GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD EITHER BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE OR BY REPRESENTATIVE. AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION THOSE INDIVIDUALS IN THE AUDIENCE DESIRING lr TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSED REQUEST WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. AT THE CONCLUSION OF PRESENTATIONS BY THOSE SUPPORTING THE REQUEST ALL THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WISHING TO SPEAK AGAINST THE PROPOSED REQUEST WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. THE BOARD ASKS THAT ALL INDIVIDUALS AND PARTIES PRESENTING INFORMATION ON EACH REQUEST PLEASE TRY AND DIRECT THEIR COMMENTS TO FACTUAL INFORMATION AND NOT TO SPECULATION OR SUBJECTIVE COMMENTS. AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PRESENTATIONS MADE BY THOSE OPPOSING THE REQUEST THE APPLICANT WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIEF REBUTTAL AS THE APPLICANT HAS THE BURDEN OF PROVING THE NECESSITY AND THE JUSTIFICATION FOR HIS OR HER REQUEST. THE BOARD WILL THEN CLOSE IT'S PUBLIC HEARING AND COMMENCE DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL ITEM. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT IS A QUASI 6 JUDICIAL BODY. A FORMAL RECORD IS MADE OF EACH HEARING AND EACH CASE. THE BOARD IS PERMITTED TO ACT ONLY UPON FACTUAL INFORMATION OR EVIDENCE THAT IS PRESENTED BY THE STAFF AND BY PARTIES MAKING PRESENTATIONS AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON EACH CASE. ANY PARTY OR INDIVIDUAL WHO DISAGREES WITH A DECISION OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUST APPEAL SUCH DECISION TO A STATE DISTRICT COURT AS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE HAS NO REVIEW AUTHORITY OVER THE DECISIONS OF THE BOARD. IN ORDER FOR THE BOARD TO APPROVE ANY REQUESTED ITEM FOUR AFFIRMATIVE VOTES ARE NECESSARY. ~w I WILL NOW COMMENCE WITH OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED AGENDA. ITEM li po 1 ON OUR AGENDA IS APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF OUR MEETING. EACH MEMBER OF THE BOARD HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN PROVIDED WITH A COPY OF THOSE MINUTES. ARE THERE ANY CORRECTIONS, ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THESE MINUTES? (COMMENTS) HEARING NONE, I AM PREPARED TO ENTERTAIN A MOTION TO APPROVE THESE MINUTES. (RECEIVE MOTION AND SECOND) I HAVE A MOTION AND I HAVE A SECOND. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION ON THIS ITEM ALL THOSE IN FAVOR OF THIS REQUEST PLEASE irn•~' INDICATE BY SAYING AYE IN RESPONSE TO THE CALL OF THE SECRETARY. (THE SECRETARY OF THE BOARD WILL CALL EACH MEMBERS NAME AND AT THE CALL OF THE MEMBERS NAME A VOTE OF AYE OR NAY WILL BE ENTERED). THE MINUTES BEING APPROVED THE BOARD WILL NOW MOVE TO THE FIRST CASE SET FOR HEARING: I HEREBY CALL CASE NUMBER ZA THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY PROCEED WITH THE STAFF PRESENTATION. (STAFF PRESENTATION) c7l THE STAFF PRESENTATION HAVING BEEN COMPLETED I NOW CALL UPON THE APPLICANT OR THE APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE TO MAKE SUCH 4001, ,a COMMENTS AND PRESENT SUCH EVIDENCE AS THE APPLICANT SHOULD DESIRE. (PRESENTATION) THE APPLICANT HAVING COMPLETED IT'S PRESENTATION I NOW ASK IF THERE ARE THOSE PRESENT IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH. TO SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF THIS REQUEST? PLEASE COME FORWARD TO THE PODIUM WHERE YOUR COMMENTS MAY BE RECORDED. (COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE) HAVING NOW HEARD THE COMMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS OF THOSE IN SUPPORT THE REQUEST I WOULD NOW ASK IF THERE ARE THOSE PRESENT IN 4 THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK AGAINST THE PROPOSAL? WOULD YOU ALSO PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM SO THAT YOUR COMMENTS MAY BE RECORDED. (COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE) COMMENTS NOW HAVING BEEN RECEIVED FROM ALL THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSAL I WOULD CALL UPON THE APPLICANT 6 OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE FOR A BRIEF REBUTTAL. (REBUTTAL) w THE APPLICANT HAVING CONCLUDED HIS REBUTTAL I NOW CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING UPON THIS PARTICULAR AGENDA ITEM. THE PUBLIC ear , HEARING HAVING BEEN CONCLUDED THE BOARD IS PREPARED TO ENTERTAIN DISCUSSION ON THIS ITEM. DO I HAVE A MOTION IN REFERENCE TO THIS ITEM? (MOTION) w Ali HAVING RECEIVED A MOTION AND A SECOND IS THERE FURTHER DISCUSSION ON THIS ITEM? (FURTHER DISCUSSION) THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION ON THIS ITEM I ASK THE SECRETARY TO CALL THE VOTES. ACTION ON ITEM HAVING BEEN CONCLUDED THE BOARD WILL NOW TURN TO ITEM NUMBER ZONING ACTION NUMBER (CONTINUE WITH EARLIER FORMAT). (AT THE CONCLUSION OF ALL ITEMS ON THE BOARD'S AGENDA). THIS CONCLUDES ACTION ON THE FINAL MATTER r SET FOR HEARING THIS EVENING. THERE BEING NO FURTHER ITEMS SET FOR PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD THIS HEARING IS NOW ADJOURNED SUBJECT TO RECALL BY THE CHAIR UNTIL THE DATE OF OUR NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED w, MEETING. irr FORMAT.01 SL1 .w nr rrm.mrrr rrrnl EXAS AIR CONTROL BOAR T6330 HWY. 290 EAST, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78723, 512/451-5711 DICK WHITTINGTON, P.E. JOHN L. BLAIR CHAIRMAN MARCUS M. KEY, M.D. BOB G. BAILEY OTTO R. KUNZE, Ph.D., P.E. VICE CHAIRMAN HUBERT OXFORD, III * WILLIAM H. QUORTRUP ALLEN ELI BELL C. H. RIVERS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARY ANNE WYATT 6421 Camp Bowie Boulevard Suite 312 Fort Worth, Texas 76116 October 4, 1989 Telephone: 817/732-5531 Mr. Tim D. Mullikin, Estimator J. L. Bertram Construction and Engineering, Incorporated 1007 Harrison Avenue Arlington, Texas 76011 Re: Permit Exemption X-17784N Exemption No. 93 TACB Account No. 91-3902-S Southlake, Tarrant County Dear Mr. Mullikin: This is in reference to your request dated September 12, 1989 to install your Portable Concrete Batch Plant A under Exemption No. 93. The information submitted in support of your request has been evaluated, and it has been determined that your facility appears to meet the qualifications of Exemption No. 93 of our July 15 ,1988 Standard Exemption List. Based upon the evidence presented and information L gathered by this office, the Executive Director has determined that authorization can be granted to construct and operate this facility at a site contiguous with the right-of-way of Southridge Parkway, 550 feet north of FM 1709, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. This authorization is contingent upon continued compliance with the requirements of this exemption. The operation of this facility at this site will be monitored routinely by staff personnel to ensure compliance with all Rules and Regulations of the Texas Air Control Board. Sincerely, Melvin V. Lewis Regional Director Region 8 - Fort Worth ri cc: Technical Services Division, Record Control, Austin E CO (-\j Ln 3 w co O Z ~l I00.24 i 30 C. rn w 0.998 AC. C'n co 2 8 3-..2.4 "b.. MIN. F F,, 608.0 cv O ct Cl) MI N F F r 60 80 °D L N C O e K1 to cY !A~ cn ' O Q x 0 L O N AC. 4r943 U I LD I N G ' L. I N E Z r 3 2 1 5 0. 0 0 150.01 N89 20 4F E HART------ STREET-----.. 618.3 ~ N 199'20'4 6" .71 2'r' oo 183.01 I I Q t c0 o r V • O o lV~ . J V j _ O - ` N "N FF= 608.5 17- i t i co 3 AC. 0 0.972 AC. til I N F 65 8. S - r~ _17 m 0'49"W 4c";g.22 S g9 ~a /A rn , lllli , ~ I t/ ' V ti/ 2 Stec{.~e • ' 0 (~1aS9- )tee O 1. C 15 n w Bar/may - ifIUPQ.~l Y.S ✓or GP~4 I St B J 1~j 717~ S.-70 ~ A `A'+'Y i ✓o/ 386-?i I Zonod / Vol 7311 Aq /7-T4 !d d /+O/A/T OF •BCG/A/N/NG f~ Ioncd L / so.v OCSC,Or °T/OIJ / Ioncd/-im /t •I N89°20'27"E 615.20 T150.00 215,28 24 9.92/ ll- e ~ IS D.fiU.E: 1 •`-80' DRAINAGE UTILITY EASEMENT- 4 fie MvciJ - _ - - U g v^r 0711 Py re+v = I ~ i 1 y 0 ,y~ ~ vol d I I- W BLOC K-- -A-- N89°2I' 38"E p I{lf,'~fe in 3~ 3 4 CD r4 200.00 Z !+I 100.24 1.330 a N W 0.998 AC.'Q a 1.442 AC fl fPL/O ° ;MIN .F •606.0 r FZMINFF•6080N~ MINFF•606.0 Y Ilf 1 1010 •`t%/J/A7 Fiq .'7.8 V I OQ I m m z a z ~I v W O a !°wdfx Ir ti F N _ •i -.J. G N OI > 0.943 AC. p U I L D I N G 'LINE 10 3 tea 2 150.00 150.01 218.18 w N89'20 46 E - - HART--- STREET---- - ~°c ✓ee H~:g6f 618.35 N69-20'46 7 " 183,43 m ✓o/ 700e vj rec , 610 43 M ✓o/Gser ty Sri 194.71---- 211.00 153 183.01 61 O 10i7c0, AG m ILDING LINE I I W I v_ (r O 0 ~ - 0 6.+•+~a,~'c _o 0 BLOCK B O • rni 0.884AC.I in ° Dow _0 - to 0 0 ° °a ;MIN FF-608.5 H m~ 5 N 0.919 AC. Z N 0.996 AC. _ 0 0.932 AC. G \ Y - _ MIN FF • 608.5 - m LM 9 4. +v IIYY S89- '49"W 499.22 o. .0 16 e. C'j sd } y~ 1~ 123.88 i l! f 6j H O homaton t~ ~0 Jlr, ~y oncd /aG f~ m 0 4 a O 1.088 AC. p `^In/ Z 15UTILITY EASEMENT•~~ i - ^ nf~ e S 89°04'33"W 320.88 o PEI ✓ T r'vi//ia~ns 4Jj - i'n /7JO i 9 ?GQ - Ionec' ~!G y i~ ~v av 0 ~Z FINAL PLAT SHOWING LOTS I THROUGH 4, BLOCK A,& LOTS I THROUGH 5, BLOCK B, HART INDUSTRIAL- PARK An Addition To The City Of SOUTHLAKE Tarrant County, Texas IN THE J.N. GIBSON SURVEY A-591 11.303 ACRES ~nnirn r.p BRTTMLOW AVE. F.~ j I ~ x f it » ~ • I oooooo~ 0> V1 It, (}W ! Vl t~ r ~ C VJ < 4.1,~ 14PN . . 1 J ' N 0 co N r 7 .O jW I .a~.voora ~ e..iey spa o rr• cts. Aw ~--17 I .O Is j~ h/ 7J.• h I ~l~ Paw?, of acs.~u. vl 1/ t fr.4rr.tl ~/m/' INNS' I sm.~ osse.►i~.~ro.v cc Ne9.2o•27" 615.20 249,92, of I50.00 210.26 a~M•~ /~wrw~ 1 10' QOUE ( .4- ORa1NrGE UTILITY CASEMENT- o m,.,~~AV" V BLOC Kam- A I ~ ~ N89.2r WE 2 1 4 ~ 00 L.+~'1 O. ` 100.24 L330 AC. 0.998 AC.A~« 1.442. AC. NI "J ; wM it•i0;,0 gum if•40ed1~ MIN ti-006.0 000, g -'kv me-p q w,f M oQ c e a I. 0.13 AC - 30' eY1L0wC rUNE t 7 223.20 1so.oo I 1 r5o.01 trele ! >v 3 Nar20-•s E of _ - HART-STREET - - Clam- * a ~ = Ne9.20'46~ . 163.43 ~ w/ siw A .w 6 w/ cws/ Per fii I H4 T1 1 L 1 19 3.01 133.43 A hoarded owe CD 0~ 6 ING E I W ~ ' ( N ° Ahcc M. D, Ics o ap - °o AINI ( w - •i L K a1 B MO t 7' n Q86 4 K. o~I« 1 ° I OIaAtN3i0e s s 2 w'' e I 0.119 AC 0.99 C. 1 0 0.972 AC. QN v I= S n\ a MIN F 606.5 \ o 1 5 89.20'49' W 49922 1~ owni s ~ r I i • OR ~ ,y p rAaar•ason ~M.~.h`01;~. 123.6 8 ~ ~ f ~ • Na✓ P~ -.!,r G.V i 00 IonK AG - p ~5 4 m ~ o r LC88 AC. O 13UTILITY EASEMENT ;j~•/~ S 89-04.3 3'W 320.98 Ianrd A.: w ~U 40 FINAL - PLAT SHOWING 1 LOTS 1 THROUGH 4. BLOCK A. 81 LOTS I THROUGH 5. BLOCK B. HART INDUSTRIAL PARK An Addition To The City of SOUTHLAKE Tarrant County. Texas IN THE J.N. GIBSON SURVEY A-591 11.303 AM$ Zoned 1 1 City of Southlake, Texas tr M E M 0 R A N D U M October 5, 1989 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment Case #70 rli Board of Adjustment Case #70 is a Special Exception Use request for outside storage on property zoned Industrial-1 per Section 44.12tt, Zoning Ordinance No. 480. r The property is located at 1595 Hart Court and is legally described as Block B, Lot 2, Hart Industrial Park. The property is zoned Industrial-1. The Hart Industrial Park was annexed in October, 1987 and was zoned Industrial-2 on June 7, 1988. The owner of the property is Joseph F. Hart. The applicant presented the attached drawing as required by the ordinance. There were three (3) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, no responses have been received regarding this request. KPG/ew err it CITY OF SOUTIUAIE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSIMENTS RDQUEST FOR APPEAL NAME: ~vsapf.. Ne.~♦ FEE: $50.00 ADDRESS: kt I. 60Y. IVo A Lroffcweoe4 7x. 75-/17 TELEPHONE NUMBER: i 14 1 9 4 144+ 0 I LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) 15 95 K-iw( 54 .L d f 2 8 f e t x a fs/4r f I t,~r ~ 4p, f ~a r k fm OR REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) sgm&-mt tJLCeC~~+•..wLSC~o 0- ~"4-,S7, ae '*o~t czae Der ~QC~~e.. ~!4 . ~'L •tt . ord:...... te. 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BLUE TEAL CT z' W S SOU7XUKE PK-W Iy GA AURNEY • .W~.-LA / WOODLAND OR d { 111 8 HILLTOP OR O pp'~ e ` GRAVEL RO N _ i W ` SWEET ST q F CL e4. it"'quirin 1 W RAYF< . 1i TAYLOR ST w W) DINE CT ti W x ° s = ° 1~ COVE ST_ E •S FME" CIRI _'-CARR ;U `i ROOIN' lNl y u i i OOYEST_w -NIGH SCNLOOL ig m I ya a ze, ' a s 1 MOCKINGBIRD LN ~OAIT7ANY CT z s Y, I °`tR,I BOOST 1 s) - PRIMROSE LN _ ~q °f 1 st• = T A (0 DAKLANE. N I J COEE G l e' m~ a irN 1 ? PLANTATION OR•'_m j~gq,"q ~~4f J~ s+ ~•1 OAKL~ME. S c i ~ pIR15 PING Pam *"k - ' ~l1 SL¢E Rp((OW 'fKiR..'6 3 S CT i CAPROCKCt\, e h - o 1 --••*~.-,RAY = 2 TUMBLEWEEDC rI be 4 1 1- oJv o LCYPRE S f`P'POl OR WN $PE818G LN D ROUNDUP TR ' ' `CHEf ` W M 1 LONGHORN IN p 1 _ ~c iikif L11 c JACK 0. JOHNSO ~o" : e THOMAS CT • j NIDOEN ELEMENTARY 7 PANHANDLE CT B m q6j s„' N XIGRIANO ST W - ~T INGhLANO ST, E -~pTEAiE ' 6lE "y B BOX CANYON C ' F I FAWKEEROIKINOSW000 ,is \M-,j><~~_m _ MESA 10 10d ~ °I 3o0DBgOC~' i DOVE CREEK "J ; *#S§TIM81*-'RAY,goFMOC~ I q CARROLL via$ Ws 1 !IIr WILDWOOD L _ SCHOOL ~MEAOOW ~q7 ~EY,A~~ ~4 FLORENCE RD GLEN r}0 UK(WI00~ dA __{s GLEN ...Y,%\% _ GA CUMBERLAND TO { COVE . Y• LOVE HENRY CT 3 -RD NIllSIOF gi iE^ i \J4 s CITY LODGE SAN "s~g~ ~ - HALL 110 ~ 4 s CX_IBUM TIT I .g~ t 1111 yf9~U1MON0 BEvO =1 x I co Ak 2 CO ' f BICENTENNIAL PARK F0~°OtVO v` 'e> JOHNSON NO { ° ii I~ SOUINLAKE OLVO_ W qA~' Bd ` '•'i 1_~ 1109 I1 ~ SOUTNLAKE BIVO_ F s 9 ~ ~ , I m Li ~ ! I'm i i° ~ ; ~ ~ CqA m O O ' 16 i ~6 GNAYL - °a GOODE O~ \ IRPORT IICTIPINE_%T.E 3 3 f WAR R A 1 r, LILAC 3 1 o m~ 1 m 1 ' % 11 `P ` J > RAINBOW ,fAIC~FI GREENWOOD J ST ~ w N EfE~ `z ~ : W 1 BRIAR W ° x x L piff:AUAEA jo a` _co11nNENTAL /LYO.; W 3 u CONTINENTAL BLVD., E CO I CARROLL ~iLER E)JMENTARY is . ~ROST'e > / nA+e, 19JB w` ftm T 3i SITE rIRD 1 ~f 3f g I I1I 1..~~~~ OWN ?on COLLEYVILLE 25 ♦ _40ON MCCAIR RD ,NL/go.0Y.1 y ` I i SveG I ✓eljP 7 i .Srrd,e ,v~:,r~Y - ' ~ ~ ~7 I Iored~/ /a/ 7d/i P_y /7Jt POINT OF OEGiNNiN6 1~ ~ I Q 1Med L IpnCd L / /O.I 06JC/O/PT/pN I I ¢ N199.20'27" 615.20 AN f'• 249.92/ 140.00 215.29 L' Ask, '1 tS 0.9U.E. I Ed DRAINAGE UTILITY EASEMENT•'''. o r~ii~n/SisAr BLOC KL- -A-1-- H I ~,1 71'38"E N 89 .o - I - 3 4 200.00 z ?~oo.zs 1.33o AC. m.rw 0.998 AC. N 1.442. AC. I{ 01 N t /r/ C p -~83 24 1 0, ;MIN.FF•606.0 w OZMINFF•608e. MINFF•608.0 r !/f to O •'Hi✓ St 4Y itij )1.F An { z ¢ O ~I m n 510 ~ f o 1, -0 Q 0.943 AC.p 30' BUILDING 'LINE z 3 293.29 150.00 150.01 21616 W N@9'20'46-"E 00 = - HART-STREET- ✓ee w.>b/ I 6i9.-S - I' 183.43 w/ Laos i iaw ms 9,20,4 6" > > N 610 in 153.43 viGS.•i ~ sii ~ 4.71 IL 183.01 I • loncd AG CD O'8 ING E I I W F' I yl I o Alice M. Docs _ 31 o p;p o I 0 L K' B o V n 0.88 4 Ac. a 1 - 0 2 • N m mIN F3" 608.3 F~ m 5 _ 116. Q 0.919 AC. 0.99 C. 1 1p 0.972 AC. cNi Z Qr \ + C - MIN F 608.5 I A 19s- j/ 0 w I > fY~l 589'20'49"W 499.22 in L.r /y w O6 v i16. s°I iye Ati 123.88 J V F6i. N O Thp~oaon l► N0 JF.' r./ _Arw0 P9 G/-f 3 O% Zoned AG 4 m - rn 1.088 AC. / P.4 Z 15 'UTILITY EaSEMENT:~ j, ilm S 89.04.33-W 320.88 M ~ ^e ~w h 'y ! oI1k Ion~d sly: ~ 0 V Z i on 6 FINAL PLAT SHOWING br LOTS I THROUGH 4, BLOCK A,& LOTS I THROUGH 5, BLOCK B. HART INDUSTRIAL PARK An Addition To The City Of SOUTHLAKE ~e Tarrant County, Texas IN THE J.N. GIBSON SURVEY A-591 11.303 ACRES l1t ZONED 1-2 { km a #eiA L 09L !~/1 «6i.;2f aC;-' V G O 8 b•Z 9 L 3„Lb18200 S - - - - - 1 ZU-69 09 --21 Z0£ - - - . 5~ -i WS3 .lll~llfl SI i:' Q z 0 I to ~ co Ow ~ I tn O ~J ~t Q ~ ^ N 2 CO Go ro ~Z N N - - SS ~6 i CD a I - w d LL N i 00,991 U') ano~ -18 m 3J, 1,6 r. .0 S AJ ° 551 '6 9 a o ~ uor- tD - O Q G i W p C Q rr) 01 LLLL O i G cD N 0 L0 t,9-96. 11 h O p _ tn z CD LL 0) V N- O w 1 Z O OZ M„L. i~ irr'""rC Q; N 00 1,IMS3 39VNIV80 OZ:?? O _Y M.,ZZ,b0 o ON -J' 3n G'(] SI cr0 N - - - 5 8 '6 8 Z - W - I - - 0 9 S 0 Z - WIII 0) i Q 0 z! W --M„60,10.0 N % CO co cc c\j z m o < it m ; cn z U r \ 0 _ o ~J v , rn c~ . N r4) z O Q ~ a 0) - o iz __j F- N m 0 t Q11 M ~S PC oQIN =W Cr J tT1 - 0 ft 6 "r t, li :D ~r O N N O A\ Z _ \ V O I In oO i e e i 9 ~I f M ) ;1 b p "J CD CD z z 60,10 e-0 N. N > 8 btl Hi8ON 0 M Q I~ M \ W 1 _w a1' N I - - ' U dl flo ti Q \ s~ a) o N 0 I C) O CO z 00'S t71 ~ ;H:I: ~0Z Moa HOJ 031v~1a3Q 0 9.01 b a 0 N and M0-i v4 n 8 8 - - - City of Southlake, Texas r Hwy, ME MO RAN D UM October 5, 1989 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment Case #71 Board of Adjustment Case #71 is a request for a variance to Ordinance No. 480, Sections 39.2a&b and 39.4b regarding fence material, height, and distance required along adjoining property. The subject property is described as Block B, Lot 2, Hart Industrial Park, being more commonly known as 1595 Hart Court. The building was under construction at the time of annexation; therefore, no buffer yards were required. The owner of the property is Joseph F. Hart. Section 39 of Ordinance No. 480 provides that screening "shall mean a fence, wall, dense evergreen hedge or other device which is solid, made of durable material, and without holes, penetrations, or other openings other than those required for passage, and which is designed to prevent persons from seeing through." (Section 39.2a) "A screening device may be constructed solely of masonry, wood, or concrete, in combination with each other or with a metal frame." (Section 39.2b) "Where a non-residential use abuts a residential lot or dwelling, a screening device shall be erected along the side and rear property line abutting said residential lot or dwelling to a height of eight (8) feet."(Section 39.4b) Please note that in Section 9.6 (Agricultural district) that "for the purposes of calculating any required side yards, 40 set backs, heights or other buffering or similar provisions, tw this zoning category is not to be considered a residential classification. Please note that in Section 44.12gq the ZBA "may authorize a waiver of the solid wall screens requirement for outdoor storage, only when such outdoor storage abuts a lot or tract EL zoned Agricultural and only when there is no residence on such lot or tract within 500 feet of the storage area." This may be granted in the Industrial-1 and Industrial-2 districts. tai City of Southlake, Texas Board of Adjustment Members Board of Adjustment Case #71 `r✓ Page 2 October 5, 1989 There were three (3) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, one written response has been received from H.D. Thompson, 1363 Brumlow Ave., south of the subject tract. He is "strongly opposed to a solid wood or masonry fence along his property line adjoining Hart Industrial Park." Mr. Thompson's house is 150 feet to the common property line. KPG/ew A# r Irr , W 0 CITY OF SOUTRZAKE v 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas %Moe ' ZONING AOARDz OF ADJUSIMENTS RD=ST FOR APPEAL NAME: Zos eeL F Ho r+ FEE: $50.00 ADDRESS: R,{ . l 8 0x 1%0 A Geld e w e e ct Tic 7 5 1 1 7 A TELEPEENE NUMM: A1y 314 1440 LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) 15 9 5 Ho r + St . ,Lo♦ Z 'a Ioc~- 8 Hctr-t •-d~s4ridl parK REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) i Re:&"01% ~ o. tlcar• a..e s -~ca SeG~•ew 39 .2- Q..cQ 39.y eld:.. d O-Ce w%cA r:o.L, hc:a~k~ a...d d:Sl•a....~ Q(o.,e4 -pro e:! T A, :2) *MAW oeA •w3e r~ ! +o C •w Raw ~n ~~..a sc ~S+ca~ } C,-tiCk SCI'it V, . .`n, a LO WC% ~O k-f-L L.IO WL ~Q'I~ /00 Ate • ew o r T 4IR a// .1'~ . $cre.tw, Qr E621.crn -slot-4.4e { (65X /DO ,46 O.t~y T~:s •~roper}.I kag 2►.~w.4s:..! D► ~4►.~t 'SAes o,,.d Ayr. 4• more- 200 -Vt r►1C,0 t tOaA Q!r►wtOW . G DATE: ! /_`~rf!J SIGNATURE: h . i CASE NO.: G i~ ■wr ' l~ 0" ' Sept 28, 1989 City of Southlake 667 N Carroll Ave. Southlake Texas W W I am strongly opposed to a solid wood or masonry fence along my property line joining Hart Industrial Park. IIWi H. D. (Cotton) Thompson 1363 Rrumlow Av. Southlake Texas i City of Southlake, Texas r w M E M O R A N D U M October 5, 1989 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator it SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment Case #72 { Board of Adjustment Case #72 is a request for a variance to the side yard of 35' as provided on the Cimmaron Acres Plat. There appears to be a 1.7 foot encroachment into this side yard according to the survey provided. lid The property is at 3111 Gray Lane, being legally described as Block 2, Lot 4, Cimmaron Acres. The request is being made by James F. Anderson, purchaser of the property. The entire subdivision is zoned Single Family-1 residential. There were seven (7) letters sent to property owners within -.O~ 200 feet. To date, only one response has been received. Mrs. Castleberry at 151 Harrell was in favor of the variance so request. ko KPG/ew di id CITY OF SOMILAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas ~r ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMTS REQUEST FOR APPEAL NAME : FEE : $50.00 ADDRESS : tj" ,7'~~ TELEPHONE WMBER: L LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) 3 / REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) / r~ X:w - r -r. 12 b/1 -71-61 ,fir c~ /k--? DATE: ift CASE NO. °L I WESiPARll 1001 TROPHY CLUB SAM LAKE E "\}am no X L ° t ° GRAPEVINE o e 3 t- 2- - 1^1 001 JONES RD. BOB JONES ' 1 POSSUM HOLIOw ~ GOOSE ; NECK OR ' 2 REDBIRD LN -ff! Z .jl~ "'"~•-...ry, / 3 BEAVER 5-21 IV ASWAN !s 1 +~,e3 W... S CRANE i J J ° ` ` WESTLAKE Bl1iiBIRO u ' Ffd"r t 1 m A. BASS 01 c TMT DENTON COUNTY 1uM 9 to seDix ` 1 TARR OUNTY CRAPPIE TRAIL LAKE THOUSAND OAKS M__-_- CIR_I SOUTH LAKE DISTRICT BOUND r te` ~...r s, s,.. m IQ 8/11.ANA } SOUTNLAKE HARBOR~ W-, Ti Q 1 1 ,-E = t tW °o ~ ~u~SOR ° I ~ i iw000ON IU IBM BRIAN (p • s s I'll,, wxlTfE[ ° Iy 1 HILLSIDE OR 1"EAi WING CTo Y ° 2 CRESCENT 01 HARBOOT .Q BLUE TEAL CT i.~ i2 3 SOUTHLAKE PK.W ta'°• G~~ LU A WOODLAND 01 1 SuRNEr - • LN ' - I4 111 \ ! MLITOP 01 0& Z - '!.SWEET ST c 'If ; s~'6-RAAVEEL R HO N IW FF+r OU CIE UN RB-'°°1..~•r spa' DENE CT ;TAYLOR ST y C a COVE ST. E` ice ) 1MERALO CIRI 'ct: ROBIIf 3r t DOVE ST.. W - - - - v° CARROU ° v ;U ig LNI HIGH SCHOOL ~MOCKINGNIND LN ti v ~BRITT ul x 6 d pl ANY CT z s o , I 1.° s,..o t: i~ .e o z 1 _ PRIMROSE LN ( :GS~9,d I:i m. :E'sWC~ ,OAKLARE N { I J' CREE 9G o H• z ! I i.•; I Oi1K'LAOE.TS PLANIATION OR? CHATS + SLEE elPY Nlow K TR lIN6 k t 6 1 p 3 SQ~Cf I CAPROCK CT's- ifl •-f it --•_:RAyF 3 „y 2 TUMBLEwEEOC `;CYME S ~U 3 ROUNDUPTR ' 1 15 CHEF 1 t OH IVAI$PERING IN Im 5 1 LONGHORN TR p 1 ° MITER Lb o00 fx'- W 5 ALICE CT 14 J m JACK D. JOHNSON B THOMAS CT a INA"OLE CT B:• ~d, y' HI00E N _ HI6Nl~N0 ST M d E6 LAND STARY f aB BOX CANYON CT to N ~CE 06 I s G`h _ _i_ L AIPCLE ~1 w FAWKESROIKINOSw000 ( pOlgOpl• ys i_MESA~E W IOA ! et 30 !oi DOVE CREEK1, ' : '1 I ~i• t J° i_ o/`»fPdr ~lll *oSStIMBEPS.~RA I ~o CARROLL WB yfNd % MIDDLE S t(( ` E,A W 1 WILDWOOOTL SCHOOL IS OW f,40% 5j S LORENCE_~. NO_ GLEN LAKEW000f OA - EAPy ` I~ GLEN f MISdI ALAMO OR e d GR CUMBERLAND TO I COVE °~-p • ° g s S.i °ej-- ,HILLSIOfCi `+E-" ~LO_VENENRYCi -`~•P e1 -ROi CITY fMFI' v LODGE Ile ii!v ti HALL 3{' h SAII BAS \ s NI°UM TR ,,..~°-R `af z ai~ TaE,y, DMMOBO BLVD x I RIY I I~ r t BiCENTENN1Al l f4 OEYO i co 7W ° PARK ~f Vol ~U O , Ie' JOHNSORRD 1 ° ~W 1709 u SOUTNUKf BLVO_ W e D 1709 SOUTNLAKE BLVD.. E 5 ' ~ W ~ 116 ~ 1 9 I / : i m ~di 6~611A1~ W , GOO Id °~~o0 1 CT. PINE PINE E 3 o \A 11111',11 1° I ANAR D CT 3 1 i~ Y o 1 3111 Gray Lanel 0 =7 ' W J RAINBOW AIIC~EI GREENWOOD ~'SE i1 a R 10 1 o e W W A' BRIAR L [AGACIf" w t o ___CONT_INENTAL_11VO_ W 1113 CONTINENTAL BLVD- E CO ME" z- _ CARROLL '*pe ; ►'J °.J LE,R EjjMENTARY ~A3Y'° ~ tN '1~ HART,3i W r' 1 I 1938 ~ ~_r ARSON, 09E E ' Q ~ W a COLLEYVILLE 26 JOHN MCCAIN RD ( , _ .......1___.•__-•--------.~.-- _ eat, o,,. Cr'CB2l M 9C ♦U.00 S 00, u O ~ , Y Gf _ _'w- _ V _ ? N / ~ O1 _ 3A /&G 7?34YND'H = f ,..G92 Matl:,A 'ice ,OOOY► M ON 'i o ° r+0 .-i a Q CW O ti n So, •r•1 0. ~ f1D ` N w NN cN ~,RI o, 1` ;-1 O o ~ (D8 ( 1 1 to ■11 v c t'l 40 1 ► . r. n °a c 11 v J ~ ' h h t eJh M1 N7w hlYOA' •O olz ,OOII e 1-9 O t. u ' OI 1 ^ Q ~ `V h a M b al . _J l~ ~t ~4 w rr, t 7E si '7B CC _ 311- • / 1nS9 w~-Yv of 1NS3IWVr9,OC - / ~'Cf~ . ,O D OOI- ~O DIZ. ~nSZ3- w•se: .02 • 06 16Z1 3 „6Z• ►0 .00 N , 3N VI ( NOSHV3d i n ga ,o „N 4d f nos / ) • ~ocMrvor J I:f,Il ~Y •r'14"nee, iJG:7_ pr.,rnseronr~ . •;.~Suwevors tq = a~ f n6dit i of to tho Ci tV o. Southlakc in Tarrant *r,. * nr) ~n Lot R, Block CL•.'l_,... 1 '•C'T::.. , in vciiL:?r` '81, Page 8, Flat County, Texas, acc~rrl: trt to "l n;, c' Records, Tarrant- Count 3111 GRAY LANE 237.57 i . i 3S II/T. Volt _ 54 14 35 i - - - - m BRICK RESMENCE tt N N c. 70 24 O LOT 4 N i O O_ J 04 _I /cr-yy LL i a I ^ 7. 5r (?t'SL1`V :~asC^eai. '.C>f_ ~~lCe .i 237.57 NOTE: According to FEMA Map this property is not in the 100 year Flood Zone "A" r^ ,r,~.ere Asnhilt Frnr'n Elec. S^rvicr,, n i.,.. D-4 e.,.-4 City of Southlake, Texas i~..••, M E M O R A N D U M October 5, 1989 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment Case #73 Board of Adjustment Case #73 is a request for a Special Exception Use for the construction and temporary use of a concrete batch plant as provided in Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 jj in all districts. The location will be the Northwest corner of Block 1, Lot 1, Southridge Lakes Addition, 1410 W. Southlake Blvd. The applicant/owner is the Southridge, L.P. The property is zoned Single Family 20.0 A. There were five (5) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. There have been no written or verbal inquiries regarding this request. KPG/ew 1~1 X11 rrrrrrnrrrr raw ~.rararrrrrnrr~nrwrrawnnnwwrrrr .~..~r+r w....~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue 6Southlake, Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSIMWTS REQUEST FOR APPEAL NAME: FEE: $50.00 ADDRESS : TELEPHONE NUMBER: LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) L Zi f r x- em p, L REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) Yrw PR ~i DATE: SIQVATURE: CASE NO.. NCI HIM " ~ rtSTSAaalr ~ TROPHY CLUB LAKE- GRAPEVINE Imm JOIN Yw.mum 13 11' m • 4,111 13 r = sa~illR 4 Is ♦ ` Sam i1rTy 3 1 oisraicraouND ]Q InI.ANA SMI MAKE W!O{MY•a f•---- 18 rats M L •j tom'E x.. M i I _ IV Imaw-a -,law* u 1= i ►tt wa is TM I i W a IMNNAN• r ! j I LAK!!M Iz to ` i aaL:rTi~T n e,~°hs ~ ~ f:~'•wllt fey ~ ,wlw X. OIILAYM q r~•.. ~ won A mist n = :Tana ST. 33 va SrG ~S O~tf tt .~OAE3f_E M ~3 F ~ - i ~YF,` E sari a ~N1O~t1 sF a ! • a ± i" .~Ipp+, 24 ] V KION SCNOOL r ` _ rf. _ 1 r MOCKINI Na LA w IrTTAN CT a Y w w w .~l + F4uu ELN ,w s N a s. SUMMIT 3 ] ' w OAKLANE N X ~f Cott a ''a f ; OAKUNE. S PLANTATION 0 : N - JI tMri. AtwIC[ ° vi i I ! Ya`EIT XW °~n :Y .?tCi I I CAINOCK CT .'•i a;~ ~ A-~`~'/ s w..#a'- to ~ 2 TYMOIEWEEGtIy y ~ 1 u ° `-CSMEtS F~~gIW 7 KWNOUP*R I j 4 i4 .<.,i IEIO f I'= \\\VEaIMfr LN LONOMONN ti ~Pa tl 3 S AL Ci .g o FOpEif7t $ JACK 0. JONNSONF $ ;s a TNOMCE . UI r f - ELEMENTARY yy`► s- T ►ANNA 'r MOM IIIC ! t 90. ^ : MULAW -w kIQAIAMI ST_ E » e aOi Capra &LOP Will tAKiUM%Mo s ► YlOa s _ a PAS o am Cal _ y + f '~St TTR~_AM - - HILLC ' spool ,6= -MaAMa1~+`~~ ~l t a I _ r ppMTIE ~'tG~O sun LNX91111" W-, "Kim ~ ~Mqy~+►UMaOa w ~ i ;w = y .CNEENMOiMOR M LLOY! am CT * AaLYiE C0L"~ ;RIDGE LoosE av` 7:z = sN~AUT 114 L yzi + so 2, a 21 .2 a D IHWM NEAL- Tf*F~rowaLw. u ' t COLYMWS~T ~ PARK ~,r3~~= I7W ??JTNUR! ■M_ To 1 'a , s SAKE [LYO. E S a : ° . > f..r .r w 6000E 3 : *r'r IMI~OA7 11AE Cf.t L 21 1 I ~ - ~~~.=,3f•ETSOIANCEt M `r NMMtOw - j»~7 ST I ; 1hAO 1 I+a _ s a f cut~ENTAIle .CrT-WIAL taR. w At u CONTINENIAL ILYO. t y ~0 CARROII 02 ♦ ` ~f1JMENTART w N~Ytte° ~~tV~~I = NAST ST z / tau "Lt f tflpMAT e'vo f ilf. i Ir ~ ~ COLbEYVILLE o I'Aoe Nos3Fflr owe , ^a N n ~I ~ •a 4IR AftFTT c f. . j ~ ~ aoaafg _ a ~ Ipg wn~t~ C3 sit } oor SAV 111 ` ~ . ~ ~ \ ~ , t y 1 • HIVON -4 L.j 6E 10 o I jai 'T co ► Awl cc/ Ole ~AM oft 03 VIC ri t /p~ao s jamm AF M ' NMI "MIN i L \ co s• ' 1 I \ r--~ LO CD \ CQ N i J ce ® w , `A ; N C~7 f ' i ~ p 1 aim t gyn. r fie' • 1 r f' : 1 1 ?OS. Q~ E 1, g N w ~'te yr w ~N.M 3 1 7 i _ S 88'40'17' E \ M%lo , ~ 8~ ~ w I t 1~ 248.28 1 65.00 c I .14 3 9r32'00" W 183.28 16 3 . 'w TEMPORARY CONCRETE 7.6' u.E 00 I t I BATCH PLANT _w i (-lop U.E. \ r N z 9 ~o ~ V, 1 :3 I 250' BLOCK 1 I . ,7 OPEN W I I Z Z SPACE g ~ j ( I I I Gal I I 135.00 Z i I W S S 8W32'o0_' W I= 1 , w„ 8 r--4 i co C! In 40 co Y 0~0 1 7 P HA ~I I I i as sE 'im I m 548. p,R.T.C.T. I W t I ~ ~cn I M ' Z 4~ I co Wto IV _ > O t I ( O co W. t I O R 9 O O V 1 O ~ O I I C I i ~ - - - - - - - 1 L 50' BUILDING LINE-- I I I L.---- --4.S~A•L.- 914 LS 89032'00"• W 482.08' F.M. 1709