1989-06-12 1~1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue ® ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING June 12, 1989 7:30 P.M. Present: John Scoggan, Jim Wooll, Robert Downard and Art Sorenson Absent: Ernest Johnson and Alternate, Dennis Minder City Staff: Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand and Karen Gandy, Zoning Assistant. `.r The group agreed that John Scoggan would serve as chairman for tonight's meeting. The oath of office was administered to Art Sorenson, Robert Downard, Jim Wooll and Joan Scoggan, by the City Secretary, Sandra L. LeGrand. Agenda Item #4. Case #63. A request for a variance to Ordinance No. 420, Section 6, exhibit rr "A", establishing a house size for property zoned Single Family-1 residential. Owner: Ralph D. Turley. Applicant: Marshall Noyes. The property is located in the Sun Square Addition which is located in the 200 block of Lilac Lane. Public Hearing. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, zoning assistant, who stated she had sent out nine (9) letters to property owners within 200' and received three (3) responses. The homes in the area are smaller than 1,800 square feet. In the Sun Square Addition, each lot is 1.39 acres. irr Public Hearing: Marla Luny 2901 Tumbleweed, Grapevine. She was present representing Marshall Noyes, as listing agent. She stated that the area does not support homes of over 1,800 square feet in size. She also stated that applying for a zoning change was not suggested to them as an alternative to the problem. Art Soreson stated that the initial zoning was established at from 1,750 to 2,000 square feet. Motion was made to approved the request for variance to 1,800 square feet home. Motion: Wooll Second: Sorenson Ayes: Wooll, Sorenson, Downard and Scoggan ~Y Nays: None Approved:4-0 vote 11 Board of Adjustments Meeting June 12, 1989 C page two Agenda Item #5. Case #64 OR A request for a variance to Ordinance No. 334, Section 6, District Regulations regarding the side yard requirement of 25' for agricultural zoned property. The owner of the property is Paxton Vaught. Location: 3400 Southlake Park Road, Lots 1,2, &3 of Southlake Park Estates. Public Hearing. During the presentation, Karen Gandy stated that Mr. Vaught has submitted a formal replat of the lots he owns in Southlake Park Estates. The garage is on Lot 1, crossing the lot line onto Lot 2. Mr. Vaught was present for the meeting and answered questions for the board. W. After discussion, motion was made to approve the request for a variance to the front building line by granting permission to build the garage 17' to the property line. Motion: Wooll Second: Downard Ayes: Wooll, Downard, Scoggan and Sorenson. Nays: None Approved:4-0 vote Agenda Item #6. Adjournment Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Motion: Wooll a.• Second: Sorenson Ayes: Wooll, Sorenson, Downard and Scoggan Nays: None Approved:4-0 vote Jo a Act g h an ATTEST: ~ N ```~~L A KF iw Av~ 1"~ J zllzz~ Z co . F O : cn± ra L. LeGrand wr City Secretary % r `4C City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M 10 AWN June 6, 1989 iii TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: William D. LeGrand, Director of Public Works r~ SUBJECT: ZBA #63 Sun Square Addition Lot Size Minimum Variance w Board of Adjustment 63 is a request for a variance to Ordinance No. 420, Section 6, Exhibit "A" establishing a house size minimum of 2,500 square feet for property zoned Single Family-1 residential. ril The owner of the property is Ralph D. Turley; the applicant is Marshall Noyes. I The subject property is the Stn Square Addition to the City of Southlake, Texas which is located in the 200-Block of Lilac Lane. The property was zoned A-2 in October, 1986 with a house size minimum of 1,750 square feet to 2,200 square feet. After platting the property in 1987, deed restrictions were filed with the County establishing an 1,800 square foot house size minimum. irr With the adoption of Ordinance No. 334, residential zoning districts were given the designation of SF (Single Family). When Ordinance No. 334 was amended in June, 1987, all residential zoning districts were changed to i SF-1 with the SF-3 district minimums. This new district allowed a 1,500 square foot house size minimum. Another amendment to Ordinance No. 334 was passed in August, 1988 establishing a 2,500 square foot house size minimtmm. ~ There were nine (9) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet of + Sun Square Addition. To date, only two responses have been received. Mrs. Rudduch at 217 Lilac Lane was opposed to this variance because she felt that the City should "maintain ordinance consistency." Mrs. Acuff on Pine Court East is in favor of the variance because "it is unfair for the City to change deed restrictions as it has recently done." WDL/kg rr PM ' r. ..■rr - rrr~■rair..r CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake,Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS REQUEST FOR APPEAL NAME' Marshall M. Noyes FEE S 50.00 ADDRESS.6104 Westcoat Dr., Colleyville, TX 76034 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 485-0004 LOCATION OF APPEAL:( address/legal descriotion) Lilac Ln., Southiake, TX 81k A, Sunsquare Addition ~xa REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) Area s y-4'd zoned residential, Single-family housing, but let property deed restriction of 1800 sq. r✓ ft. minimum, stand as minimum square footage of heated/air conditioned living space for residences on these three lots. This square footage is more appropriate for surrounding neighborhood which contains several houses of less than 2500 sq. ft. DATE -l SIGNATURE: P May 16, 1989 To: City of Southlake, Board of Adjustments From: Ralph D. Turley w~ I, Ralph D. Turley, owner of three lots on Lilac Lane in Southlake, Texas, known as Lots 1,2,&3, Block A, Sun Square Addition; do hereby request that all three lots be covered by the variance re- quest being submitted by Marshall M. Noyes regarding Lot 1, Block A, Sun Square Addition. I support the square footage requirement being lowered from 2500 sq. ft. minumum to 180.0 sq.ft. minimum. This is necessary because the properties surrounding the lots in question do not make them conducive to building 2500 sq.ft..properties. I will not be able to.attend the Board of Adjustments meeting on June 12, 1989, but do give.permission for Marla Looney and Bob Couch to represent my interests at this meeting. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, C Ralph D. Turley Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of May, 1989. *Noy Public . :.rcr i'h iX7S 54. y EvfK.pEEN+MFAO e. 61, WfUrA 'yam, j LALWATT0 SASS lip 11 IL-AAA Pau -y: ~QrYr fA . . ES I .f..1', > I~iJ - e. el yyAyflc 2 1 slI,r4041f'' s""uMMaascr. 1 porn x~ $yF~_- I~" ~E6~ `y''~ai-. EEEr~ ~ Ji VIr. "ay I I :J I- J J L •!.l N y.r s. 'R DA" I i I j I i J,~•` ✓I~ f _ Cr 3D°. IwERNFU s~ -QOOEANOS I f -e p j - f -~"jT MM = r nw OAK I J r t I. WETVJ si. i1All ~ - - I" P am •'.i.- E+ s , i \ 31 - - ' Zt f.I"IY I i .IE" aa~•~t"E~Eypr~ i a *0 *EAST NMSOS~ _ !-h1• al ! J ' R I \G• I~~' I'"NrA1 N.1 I ~ ~ LtCT■~ J ,~J ~ t 1 of •.1 . - 1 ~J i lad OI ~14•~J~ 1 = wwrE wlNGCf I 1 '.l...A:... . '4~ I i r~ 1 { ~ARROR IR'ANUE TEAK <I FII J ..A- LN, Cr C, UMrrs - _ Y SWEET 5T_I <rar+~ Y} ! 00 I Au rAYtot Sr - r EAtERAIO CIO ZI I OCLO SOUTHLAKE SI,r < 't ! / , j 11 j IwYRp1! tN 'wNrEts~'-N 3 a - swEEi C, I ; . < j CR CEDAA EEK T~Lj 3 I ( ~ I •I KEEK W W 1~.' i-~ ;G ~ 1 I i ~ j Stln ,'OAR i ~ C A~~ _ 'brl C~ yQy>: s 1 ...s"RING IN ! MEAOOIwVwM1 I~RORFST IN 1 i 114 ! - sI V Y I = F i,,,~~F{, w^ IRGNIAND - Sl E. ~r NIGNUNO ST CTS tl I, 1 I 1 i ~itA~tq #FO ~NALL~ 1 _i d MtR~IANti. `I ~ I 1wfNR~fl V~ u77 IQ ? ILL I J' • <AMSSKJN I p 1 MSOa \ ) i j PAKK pK I WY 11` MVO. .'1 I ~ N ` I r. I W SOUTHtAKE BLVD. +~E. ole. -L - I atP~ IJ - IIIANDINO .1709 - tI STRII _ I REENWAY. I __T It f Iw 3 s I I ' SUN SQUARE ADDITION I# W ~ LILAC- LPM 1 ~ r- ~ zI ; ~ *vt ,-o*~ ~ .S Z RMNEQw W 1 G ~,rooo ! < < I UNN]N [NL R['u 1 _ __N(SI I » OAK GFFST I f ` i - _ :oNnNFNr.I E►sr l VsLLs,f or-, rr .OOO I.- _ I I % T s A TR TR 2A2 TR 2A1C h2 1.19 AC t 1.0 AC $ TR 2AI °c TR 2AiD g 1.93 AC .95 AC r. TR 2AS8 TR 2A 18 F- sTR 2A1A s .95 AC .97 AC a~ Q ° SR N 2AI TR 2A5 W M - ;TR 2A3 6.05 AC - - - - 6.03 AC $ 15 TA 2A7 .97 AC Q ACRES C tt ,t 21... K s A~ 1 TA 2A 'jgg 15 G E r P.D. West C' " r C , RIND 3 2 gg15 Sp 3 Acuff N~-lit i1CTL~ It. 6Y a1D i! U711 7.. N. Y. 2.4 E TA _ TR 29 TR 283A $ "AG" 4-02AC SAN AO'~22 5.1 AC /IAGII 2.33 AC 2.. r i I 2 TR Sandra Kay Talley Eugene Stevens 2838 .34 ° AC bi LILAC no in ~ 217 Lilac 2T~ „AG" 223 ttAGtt S-LrlilE . I .45 11AG11 11AG11 "A6" Michael Blackburn - I William A. Zei o » ~ I ~Rudduch J.E.Sanders I I ! TR TR 2C2A I TR 2C2 8.;~ s TR 2C TR 2C3 7.0 AC I 10.18 AC 17.15 AC; ryrj 4.0 AC 3.54 AC i ~ I } OR ~ ~ 1 City of Southlake, Texas i M E M 0 R A N D U M June 6, 1989 T0: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: William D. LeGrand, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: ZBA #64 Side Yard Variance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ZBA Case #64 is a request for a variance to Ordinance No. 334, Section 6, District Regulations regarding the side yard requeiremnt of 25-feet for agriculturally zoned property. Ali The location of the property is 3400 South Lake Park Road, being Lots 1 & 2 Block 1, South Lake Park Estates, City of Southlake, Texas. The owner of the property is Paxton L. Vaught. He owns Lots 1, 2, and 3 with his residence on Lot 3. He plans to build a 321x 36' garage on Lots 1 & 2. Due to existing trees, the Southwest corner of the garage will extend into the 25-foot building line. * Informational note: Mr. Vaught has submitted a replat to the City making the three (3) lots into one lot to prevent building across property lines. The Planning and Zoning Cannission will review this replat on June 22, 1989. There were seven (7) letters.sent to property owners within 200 feet. No responses have been received. r WDL/kg trri r CITY OF SOUTBLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS REQUEST FOR APPEAL t o NAME: jr U~. (/fl U C ff T FEE: $50.00 ADDRESS: ~yo Sc Lf~~~ P/9~C'6: ~p ~a t 7?Yz ,-7Z-X,-7 S 76&FZ TELEPHONE NUMBER: l 7 q F/ - 0-1? 4 LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) h O ~ I 2 3, OF~jt oC✓ ~ 0 u ~~tfYiE(t" / ff~PK FS i7~%Z'S REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) it 7-0 co,v5reucT A 32 x 36 C9fh219c~ o.v 4e/-3 1612 o f 7n X i s 71AI C Tt? f-E-s G' e,5" ^I ~-Z;, 5 A Ez- C147-'-Z::~7 41,9/,1?o x/m,9n...;r A5 cao5~ y R ! -7 ~ 7a 7?tf- 1 1-1 Aa A rZt u c~ ; F ~Q r r~'~ r Fe y2 ,q4 Z- 771. ? E C-V to TS -Ni 3 N175 j9,E-7r-7v 5 4,P u - yc-1J +rw DATE - - 8 `T SIGNATURE: +m CASE NO.. m ad o - < 3 I o I 46 rwurEno MSslIOGi IONEs J.-O W*Vl MIRTS.. f / J ' J z . Ev` r S[wff0 z fVAGMt** fJlMrwJt R + 0" "`•FD{px. ,1,- R U-mascr. ' J J ~QQYj r J 11 - - wEW,. I I.I. - '1 i ; U4ior I I I I s'~J' ~~j:•_~~ n ~ • _ .ir+ ~Z,.~ ,1 J OAws I I { 1 i i i .r ~ J' rl r = • _ _ ' -mvE'h'ESs A0O0LAMos I I I I h J .r _ ' 3 3 _ _ ;x= SOUI'fI LAKE PARK ESTATES WESTLAI _ { I : BLOCK 1, LOTS 1, 2 , 3 • _ r.~~~~~ --i.L~E[1j.L,v,,..~' -M'r~lf"c~~~~r'.r -YEC•1'IC(('T.fil~I'YfL~,R" IL't J ~ , tiSi- I 1 3{'- 't IiN~ ' ~J'ar t'_ .r J J J •..J~ T ' I k 1 z( ;K- f'tASF RD jI AASRO" ,Mizo¢rcWG;: s. I I~ Ii 1h -1+-♦ 7T I : J~ 2CT *•~M~~ .1~.• J. I- 1: wwrl wrNO CT f ` MARRL>R : 'VU trEANus raw{ FI{ J-a.,.. . 1 I \ (ii{ SwfFf iT 1MIT5w •rii70SVR R0 00 TAILOR ST. Qf I A1M1. FA1fRAL0 , DOvr- SOUTHLAKE z _ , 1. 3z i - //I j •~I i -6-09031 IN 'NINIF = I 1 `A C/E!l W W 4,r f i ~,5, ~ 3. ~ I~•--~~ YTS _ I I I II ~ 7 :EFSS ! lJ~ .wlsfERrNGLN. _ f A I I ~~IOREfT lM - 7 A.• RNr ' t rAwrtsf ~.yq d i . a ~ ~ ~ IT E. ir' IfIGMANO ;r C111 FT~ riw Iw Lra. "'.d'~M. 3`,A~`• ~,fl.~t•~~ f' j , ♦ I yy~ i wn«ooD -41 . 'kl . CWF I 31 A/AM a 0 4 j ~~fI~ ~s( MALL 1p~•✓ E z ~.~MISSIOM I 1 CD r rAaxl -rpAMONp~o ryp i ` ~fWy V z f LL. 1* I{ T I ( w SOUTMLAKE I BLVD. - I{tANaNa I 1709 - j I~sinr ~ ~ I +E[NwAr~ LILAC I ; 3 •~<i T'. - i I _.LILAC LN. I• j < ~w~ I 1c ; I ~ y ~ .i ! RMMRI'. I I OAR CREST KE (7Ti'- r- CVnNFrr.L _ usr } ; I L Longlai aO s Anderson ( ` PQ_ 4 m Co s P a qb p Drun wnd b .L ~~a~gKE G0., 'Brien Smith Michael J. O'Brien 1 7e % 89 &V 8) le ® e Casey Davis \ ~a 00 2I~ I R + 0.Yl f~ ~ d Q I.R N d l Coakley. ?Ica 2 141 Q - 1 Q a 4 f, wood, R° L rt~ A. Tucker P~ Serv w r n j 13i Y 3 Q n 3R „ S Stansburl J r r VS ti 52 4a s A r p It 1.50 8 I kE a > 3RZ ° 'bo In ' Brief j Robert D. ipton o Martini 44 I~ll 11 - b + Harris Parker d C~E\FNr &9° 1 4 N ZR Klepper, Rodney \ K. 'Spragley e • ~ N 2 _ N Farmer r ° ZI I ,a Lower rI Hastings Miller o Roberts, Terry D. ° -3 i 8 1 _ T Longer N' Scamardo 9 I o tie e 0 i a 5. Jensen 1 O 0 e $a~PA Ltd tioo OO Hailey ° 45 _ e t 4A t Bledsoe 61 P. i z 6 l Kennedy ° e ~ ~ 'do tiA It e 4 ' ° 280 _ 4,5 Morris I~ I R.1 `iit 2 f 12 SI (6A rr►I' 4 ~90a b -Fa ZFI t 11~ r ~ - 6.13 / Q i !V '°GI S~.' c 1S{.4~o / ~~C! . CCU r w 3 s Ell v v~ ~n ~Q -77 7 o; ZS' B 1 ail dad" =Zto°?.:cxi' ' '4`zc Pow Iw1 2 : ? 3 9J lr T - i.~~, S S UT I ' N C12CLE vJES r S~.>> u I