1988-08-22 t~ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS T' CA a < < W o n oy oy MINUTES OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS M z a c o MEETING. M > o DATE : Monday, August 22, 1988 d M W TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS o ~ 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, o o TEXAS. z z AME OF OMMISSIONER PAGE: 1. INDEX i Zoning Board of Adjustments Members present: ZBA #59 Acting Chairman, Lanny Tate; Members: Carter Barcus, John Scoggan, Arthur Sorenson, Jr., Alternate: Ernest Johnson City Staff. Present: Karen Gandy, Zoning Clerk OR The meeting was called to order by Lanny Tate, Acting Chairman. Board of Adjustment #59 was a request by Larry and Sharon Young of 507 San Juan Drive (Lot 18 Block 1, Mission Hill Subdivision) for a variance to the encroachment of a carport and retaining wall into the 15-foot Utility Easement located in the rear yard of the property. P* Eleven (11) letters were sent to property owne within 200 feet. Three (3) replies from prope y owners were received by mail, all in favor of the variance. Mr. Larry Young, the homeowner, was present. r~rr Mr. Bareus asked what utility companies used t le easement and had they been notified. Mr.Young said that there were underground telephone and electric lines in the easement, but he had not notified either of them. ' Mr. Barcus was concerned that granting the variance could create a liability for the City. Mr. So enson was concerned that the utility companies could fully exercise their right to the Utility E nt. Mr. Young assured the Board members that shoul the utility companies need full access to the easement the carport could be supported withou permanent damage to any structure. w CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS cn v < < M cc d n Cnn oy o MINUTES OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS d b MEETING. -3 t= czn d M n o DATE : August 22, 1988 y d a a TIME: 7:30 P.M. y o PLACE: CITY OF SOUTH LAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS .j 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, °z Z TEXAS. FAME OF OMMISSIONER PAGE: 2 INDEX The Staff noted the 1.6 foot encroachment on.th ZBA #59 South side of the property into a 15-foot drainage easement as well. Chairman Tate felt that the Board should address this as well. He comnente that this encroachemnt could be just the diffe nce in surveyors. Chairman Tate read Dennis Minder's letter rec end- ing approval of the variance. Mr. Minder is ar. alternate to the Board and was unable to atten . L. Tate x C. Barcus x x Motion made to approve the variance as request J. Scoggan x and to approve a variance for the 1.6 foot A. Sorenson, Jr. x x encroachment into the drainage easement on the . Johnson x South side. r Vote: 5 - 0 to approve the variance Mr. Tate adjourned the meeting. L Respectfully submitted, Karen P. Gandy Zoning Clerk w