1988-02-22 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 'T' cn a < < d o N o H MINUTES OF THE Regular pqx Z 9 v e ]KI4~x$~14IVgx~EIC ONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING err d 0 0 DATE: February 22,1988 y, d > z TIME: 3 0 0 z PLACE: CI~Y &p S'SUTHLAKE~ COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3 -3 y 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, 0 0 TEXAS. IIAME OF OMMISSIONER PAGE: INDEX 1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairperson, Lanny Tate. Pamela Muller, Hurb Schantz, Art Sorenson. ABSENT: John Scoggins, Larry Samartin and Carter Barcus. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works, Bill LeGrand. The meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by Lanny Tate, acting chairperson. Pantz x The Minutes of the January 11,1988, 6Sx x Board of Adjustments Meeting were Muller x approved as presented. Sorenson x x Approved 4-0 vote. CASE #58. Request for a variance to CASE the rear yard setback. Applicant: #58 A.P. May Custom Builders. Owners: James and Linde Makar. Location: 1654 Creedside Drive, being Lot 3, clock 2, Twin Creeks Addition, City ~f Southlake, Texas. Public Hearing. " Mr. Dan Light of D'Lightful Homes ill was present and represented the owners and general contractor. Mr. Light informed the commission that he was the original builder of the home. He stated that due to the creek running through the property, he had to build the home as far back on the property as possible. The pool is on the right.side, rear of the house, W, which leaves only the area, center rear for building the addition, still having access from the existing house. It was noted that eleven letters were sent to surrounding property owners. There was only one inquiry N a c CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS o _q 0-3 MINUTES OF THE Regular RkANNINN Z a d tv x~~~~c~c''ccx ZONING BOARD z M Z a 171 DATE: OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING. d a ~ TIME: February 22,1988 7:30 p.m. o o z PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 0-4 1 -4 y 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKE, °z °z TEXAS. AME OF OMMISSIONER PAGE: 2 INDEX from Mrs. Donald Rogers. She resides at 1647 Royal Oaks Court, behind the property in question. Light stated the addition will be in W keeping with the existing home and it will be used as a hobby shop for Mr. Makar. Tate x After discussion, motion was made and Schantz x x approval given to the variance to the Muller x x rear yard setback, with an encroach- Sorenson x ment of 6.5 feet and 2.5 feet. Approved 4-0 vote. ;te x Motion was made and approval given to is hantz x x adjourn the meeting. Muller x x Approved 4-0 vote. 17 Sorenson x Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary ~r1 American HOME * BUSINESS * LIFE * HEALTH * CAR Insurance ,mm IFO 0 :m,. Service - A--RRYN1111111010 Fort Worth: (817) 838.6943 * Dallas: (214) 429-4291 November 19, 1987 , 91987 Mayor Johhny Westerholm City of Southlake O1 `1 Os Southlake, Texas 76092 CITY. SECRETARY~l Pw RE: Resignation as Chairman and Member of Board of Adjustment Sri Dear Johnny,, Thank you for allowing me to serve on the Board of Adjustments of Southlake and likewise thanks for appointing me to the Planning and Zoning Board. w. 1d Since I cannot serve on both Boards simultaneously, please accept my resignation as Chairman and Member of the Board of Adjustment. !h a I look forward to working with you, the City Council, the City Manager, and the Planning and Zoning Board. Sin rely, W. Ra h Evans RE/nt w AMERICAN INSURANCE SERVICE TAB/Riverside Bank Bldg. * P. O. Box 7574 * Fort Worth, Texas * 76111