1988-01-11 y r CITY OF SOUT111,AK1, TEXAS ~ y M W O O M o H M M MINUTES OI' THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT J Y t=$ tv ten V. o DATE: January 11, 1988 a y TIME: 7:30 p.m. wr!A", = PLACE: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, KITCHEN a H Ln 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTH LAKI \ tE OF o o TEXAS . 1NCILPERSON PAGE: 1 INDEX ZDNING BOARD OF ADJUSIME14T MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTING CHAIRMAN: LANNY TATE; MEMBERS: CARTER BARCUS, HERB SCHANTZ, JOHN SCOGGANS, PAMELA MULLER.; ALTERNATES: LAWRENCE SAMARTIN AND ARTHUR SORENSON, JR. W CITY STAFF PRESENT: BILL LEGRAND, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND JOHN ELKINS, CITY INSPECTOR The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Lanny Tate, acting chairman. Board of Adjustment Case #57 was a request by Mr. Thomas Longley of 3464 Southlake Park Road (Lot 5, Block 1, Southlake Park Estates) to be granted a variance to the front and side yard III setbacks as platted in the City of Southlake. This recorded setback was twenty-five (25) feel. Three (3) letters were sent to property owners within 200 feet. Two replies were received, all in favor of the variance. Mr. Longley was represented by his attorney, ZBA CASE Mr. Wayne Olsen of Reynolds Shannon Miller #57 Blinn White and Cook in Fort Worth. Mr. Olsen established that the lot in question was the original platted lot. Mr. Longley purchased the property in 1976 with the exist- ing house and extended foundation intact. The lot is, extremely sloping in the rear. The property is located at the end of the street, do not obstructing any neighbors' view. The con- struction would add to the area rather than detract from it. To comply with the ordinance and be forced to tear down a nearly completed addition would cause Mr. Longley a severe fi- nancial hardship. Bill LeGrand established that the zoning was Agricultural and the subdivision was considere legal, non-conforming since it was platted in +rr 1958 or 1959. Mr. Barcus questioned that if the variance wer granted would it remain with the property if i were sold. Mr. LeGrand confirmed this. ("'Ty 01' SOU7'I1LAKE, TEXAS y M tv O O M 0 y ~ rM MINUTES 01' 11111 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 2 Cl ;y Od DATE: JANUARY 11, 1988 M d v y TIM F 7:30 p.m. PLAC : CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, KIT fEN 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE, SOUTHLAKI: TEXAS. tE OF o O ,%'g ~1NCI LPERSON PAGE: 2 INDEX There was discussion on the road to Mr. Long ley's property. Questions: Was the road full extended at this time? Was it dedicated to the City? Would the City build a cul-de-sac in the future? Was Mr. Longley's retaining ZBA CASE wall in the street? Mr. LeGrand said it was #57 a City street but that the City probably had no intention of any improvement to it and would assess the property owners if any im- ad provements were to be made. Mr. Tate asked Mr. LeGrand if the members granted the variance could Mr. Longley meet the City's requirements otherwise. Mr. LeGr d responded that Mr. Longley could with some arcus x cork. Schantz x Motion was made to grant the front and side x yard variance as requested by Mr. Longley. `gars x ller x Samartin x 045orenson x o Barcus x Motion was made to adjourn. hantz x to x Scoggans x ,Duller x amartin x Otorenson x Meeting adjourned by Lanny Tate, acting 40 chairman at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ Karen P. Gandy City Zoning Clerk do 04 6i