1990-05-29 1r/ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING May 29, 1990 7:30 P.M. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Art Sorenson, Chairman; Members: Robert Downard and Bill Stoner, Alternate #2. MEMBERS ABSENT: John Scoggan, Vice Chairman; Ernest Johnson, Joe Bentley, and Dennis Minder, Alternate #1. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. A quorum was not present. Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments Karen Gandy reported that the next regular meeting would be June 11, 1990. A motion was made to set forth this meeting until June 4, 1990 at 7:30 P. M. Motion: Stoner Second: Downard Ayes: Stoner, Downard, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 3-0 Agenda Item # 7. Adjournment The meeting was postponed until June 4, 1990 by Mr. Sorenson at 7:45 P. M. it BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING JUNE 4, 1990 7:30 P.M. Continuation of May 14 and May 29, 1990 Meeting BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Art Sorenson, Chairman; Members: Joe Bentley, Robert Downard, Ernest Johnson, and Bill Stoner, Alternate #2. * MEMBERS ABSENT: John Scoggan, Vice Chairman; and Dennis Minder, Alternate #1. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Wayne Olson, City Attorney, Karen Gandy, *Awi Zoning Administrator; and Jean Bryson, Building Secretary. Board of Adjustments Meeting +W page 2 June 4, 1990 Agenda Item # 2, Approval of Minutes With no comments or amendments to the May 14, 1990 Board of Adjustments Meeting, Mr. Sorenson, Chairman, deemed the minutes approved as written. Agenda Item # 3, Administrative Comments Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated that the next regular meeting will be June 11, 1990. Agenda Item # 4, Case # 90. Request for a Special Exception Case # 90 a request for a Special Exception Use Permit for Petroleum Operation per Section 44.12 (pp), Ordinance No. 480. Legal Description is 33.626 acres of land out of the Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, Tracts 1B1, 1B1C, and 1B1B. The owner is Conoco, Inc./CITGO Petroleum Corporation. A Presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, that the property is located on the north of Highway No. 26 across from Grapevine High School, the tract is zoned Industrial-2 (I-2). There were eighteen (18) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, there have been 2 written responses, Barbara Rhoades, 1229 Timberline Ct. and William Hutson, 1227 Timberline Ct. both were in favor of the request. May 14, 1990 case # 90 was postponed until May 29, 1990 and the lack of a quorum it was continued this date. Mrs. Gandy, Zoning Administrator stated that the board felt the need for clarification of Section 44.12 (pp), Ordinance No. 480, which states in part: "In granting or denying a use in this category, the Zoning Board of Adjustment must bear in mind that these sites are not to be located contiguous to residentially zoned properties and should be located in such a manner as to preclude the necessity to travel through residentially zoned areas to reach these sites." It is the City Attorney's opinion that this language does not preclude the board from granting a special exception permit to an already existing operation which would otherwise be treated as a nonconforming use. The City Council included this specific language in the ordinance as a limitation on the location of new petroleum operations within the City. It was specifically anticipated and intended, however, that the existing petroleum operations would be able to apply for appropriate zoning and then special exception permits from the Board to become legal uses if the Board of adjustment deemed it appropriate. It'll 1 Board of Adjustments page 3 June 4, 1990 Agenda Item # 4 continued Continuation of Public Hearing: Jim Rau, 3100 Highway 26, representing Conoco, stated that his previous comments May 14, 1990 would stand. Ed Brown, 1231 Timberline Court, stated that he would like to join with Conoco on this project and requested the starting and the finished dates. Mr. Rau stated the starting date to be July 1 and the completion date as August 1, 1990. Public Hearing Closed: Mr. Bentley stated the findings that the request of special exception is permitted, the location are clearly defined on the site plan, the present use is nonconforming but legal use and that the special exception would be compatible. Motion was made to grant Case # 90 the Special Exception Use Permit lo"N for Petroleum Operations. Motion: Bentley Second: Stoner 104 Ayes: Bentley, Downard, Stoner, Johnson, Stoner Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to Grant Agenda Item # 5, Case # 91. Request for a site plan approval Case # 91, a request for a site plan approval for the issuance of is building permits for two (2) projects: 1. the shroud surrounding the thermal oxidizer ("flair") and, 2. a 91x18', 10,000 gallon above ground additive tank. The property is located north of Highway 26 across from Grapevine High School, being legally described as 33.626 acres out of the Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, Tracts 1B1, 1B1C, and 1B1B. Owner/applicant is Conoco, Inc./CITGO Petroleum Corp. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated the tract is zoned Industrial 2, eighteen (18) letters were sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, there have been two written responses, Barbara Rhoades, 1229 Timberline Ct. and William Hutson, 1227 Timberline Ct. both were in favor of the request. On May 14, 1990 case # 91 was continued until May 29, 1990 and due to a lack of a quorum, it is continued this date. i Board of Adjustments page 4 June 4, 1990 40 0 ai Agenda item # 5, continued Continuation of Public Hearing: Jim Rau, 3100 Highway 26, representing Conoco, stated that the shroud surrounding the flair would reflect the noise and light toward Hwy. 26 instead of the homeowners on Timberline Court. The 10,000 gallon tank is 9' X 18' above ground additive tank. No opposition was expressed. Public Hearing is closed. Mr. Bentley stated that finding were not needed in this case. A motion was made to grand Case # 91 a request for a site plan approval for the issuance of building permits for two (2) projects. Motion: Bentley Second: Johnson Ayes: Bentley, Downard, Stoner, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to grant Agenda Item # 6, Case # 93. Request for as Special Exception Case # 91 a request for a Special Exception Use Permit for a concrete batching or transient mix plant per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (jj). The proposed location is 403 and 404 Bosque Court, being legally described as Block 2, Lots 3 & 4, SouthRidge Lakes Phase II. The owner is Southwind Partners, D. P. (Arvida Company). A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, w stated that there were no notices required to be sent because all property within 200 feet is owned by the applicant. Public Hearing: John Levitt, Commerce Street City of Southlake, Engineer for Southwind Partners (Arvida Company), a letter from the Texas Air Control Board granting a Permit Exemption for a portable concrete batch plant under Exemption No. 93. Mr. Levitt stated that work should begin possibly June 15th through the middle of August and the working days would be Monday through Friday with a possibility of some work on Saturday, but no work on Sunday. The trucks will be routed the same as they were for Phase I (Highway 114 to Southlake Blvd and Southlake Blvd to SouthRidge Parkway) No opposition was expressed. Public Hearing Closed Board of Adjustments Meeting page 5 June 4, 1990 1 Agenda Item # 6 continued Motion was made to approve Case # 93 the request for a Special Exception Use Permit for a concrete batching or transient mix plant per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (jj) for the duration of the contract including any and all extensions and thirty (30) days to tear down. Motion: Stoner Second: Bentley Ayes: Bentley, Downard, Stoner, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to grant Agenda Item #7, Case # 94, Request for a variance Case # 94, a request for a variance for a five (5") foot encroachment into the front yard setback as required by the filed Final Plat of SouthRidge Lakes Phase I. The property is located at 305 Gregg Court, being legally described as Lot 12, Block 4, SouthRidge Lakes, Phase I. The applicant is Jeff Mercer dba ~rr+ Concept Homes. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated as noted in the application, both the developer and the City's review process approved the plot plan because it met the front yard setback required by the zoning district (SF-20 A). This district requires a minimum of thirty-five (35") feet for the front setback. There were six (6) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, there has been one (1) written response Randall Sullivan in favor of the variance. " Public Hearing. Jeff Mercer, applicant, 1101 East Northwest Parkway, Southlake, Texas stated this house was designed early on in the subdivision and was caught between two plats; causing the error of a five (51) foot encroachment. No opposition was expressed. Public Hearing Closed. A motion was made to approve Case # 94 request for a variance for a five (5') foot encroachment into the front yard setback. Motion: Stoner d' Second: Johnson Ayes: Bentley, Downard, Stoner, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to grant Board of Adjustments page 6 June 4, 1990 Agenda Item# 8, Case # 95, Request for a variance Case # 95 is a request for a variance to the corner setback requirement for the Single Family-lA zoning district. The property is located at 775 Wildwood, legally described as Lot 7, Phase III, Lakewood Acres. The owner is Morris Stewart. A presentation by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, stated the lot platted 30-foot front setback and a 15-foot side setback; however, the house fronts Bentwood with a Wildwood address. The City Attorney's opinion is that all new construction must meet the current setbacks for the zoning district. The SF-lA district requires a forty (40') foot front setback and a minimum twenty (20') foot side setback. See the corner lot exhibit showing that subdivisions platted prior to September, 1989 are allowed to maintain a side yard rather than a double front setback requirement. Wildwood Lane is not stubbed out as it appears on the plat. The road ends approximately eighty (80') feet into Mr. Stewart's property. Mrs. Gandy stated there were six (6) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date only 1 response, Mr. Colter in favor of the variance. Mr. Stoner ask that Wayne Olson verify the setback requirement for a tract platted before Ordinance No. 480's approval. Mr. Olson stated that according to Ordinance No. 480 zoned SF lA is forty (401) foot front, twenty (20') foot side yard, and forty (401) foot rear setbacks regardless of the platted setbacks. Public Hearing Morris Stewart, owner, of 775 Wildwood, City of Southlake, stated that the garage and workshop that he plans to build is a ten (101) foot encroachment into the front yard setback as was required by the original plat, however this would be twenty (20') foot encroachment into the front yard setback as is required by the City's Zoning Ordinance today. Mr. Stewart presented an updated drawing and photographs. Mr.Stewart stated that to take advantage of his existing driveway this location was chosen and he would have to cut down six (6) oak trees if he moved it to the South and if he moved it toward the existing house and toward the Milner property it would be in his garden. No opposition was expressed. Public hearing closed. Wayne Olson stated that even though Wildwood is not completely ~.rr paved and extended; it is a dedicated right away and is treated as Board of Adjustments Meeting page 7 June 4, 1990 Agenda Item # 8, continued if it were paved. Mr. Olson stated that the ordinance makes distinction between a corner lot and a reverse frontage corner lot. Mr. Olson stated that it was his opinion that the lot in question appears to be a corner lot with the front yard being on Wildwood and would require a forty (401) foot setback which is the side yard. Mr. Olson stated that it would be difficult to find hardship in this case as it was already platted, was fronted on Bentwood instead of Wildwood, and the trees on the property. Mr. Sorenson ask Mr. Stewart is forty (40') feet the minimum requirement for variance and Mr. Stewart said yes a variance of forty (40') feet is needed. Motion to amend Case # 95 a request of twenty (201) foot variance to a ten (10') foot variance. The motion died for lack of a second and Mr. Bentley withdrew his motion. Motion to grant Case # 95 a request for a variance of twenty (20') foot to forty (40') foot setback. Motion: Downard Second: Bentley Ayes: Downard, Stoner Nays: Bentley, Johnson, Sorenson Vote: 3-2 case denied Agenda Item # 9, Meeting Adjourned The meeting was deemed adjourned by Mr. Sorenson, Chairman at 9:22 P. M. Art Zor son, Chairman n Brys ended Meeting and Prepared Minutes `pa~nu~aap~hi ATTEST: ~S~v H L . may. 1 andra L. LeGrand « v r City Secretary ~quennun~ F VLLA I U W E-~ H Q ~ Q . z z~ o ti r~ G7 J A' W N W ^ r- v W b V " Q, z T r _E_XAS AIR CONTROL BOAR 6330 11W Y. 290 EAST, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78723, 512/451-5711 W DICK WHITTINGTON, P.E. JOHN L. BLAIR ,.w,. CHAIRMAN MARCUS M. KEY, M.D. w. ,rr CALVIN B. PARNELL, JR., Ph.D., P.E. BOB G. BAILEY WILLIAM H. QUORTRUP VICE CHAIRMAN C.1-1. RIVERS STEVEN N. SPAW, P.E. WARREN 11. ROBERTS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARY ANNE WYATT 6421 Camp Bowie Boulevard Suite 312 Fort Worth, Texas 76116 May 29, 1990 Telephone: 817/732-5531 Mr. Tim Mullikin, Estimator J. L. Bertram Construction and Engineering, Incorporated 1007 Harrison Avenue Arlington, Texas 76010 Re: Permit Exemption X-19990A Exemption No. 93 TACB Account No. 90-1454-P Southlake, Tarrant County Dear Mr. Mullikin: This is in reference to your request dated May 14, 1990 to install your portable concrete batch plant under Exemption No. 93. The information submitted in support of your request has been evaluated, and it has been determined that your facility appears to meet the qualifications of Exemption No. 93 of our August 11, 1989 Standard Exemption List. Based upon the evidence presented and information gathered by this office, the Executive Director has determined that authorization can be granted to construct and operate this facility at a site located contiguous with the north right-of-way of Bosque Circle, 200 feet north of Brazos Street, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. This authorization is contingent upon continued compliance with the requirements of this exemption. The operation of this facility at this site will be monitored routinely by staff personnel to ensure compliance with all Rules and Regulations of the Texas Air Control Board. Sincerely, odq-- ' Melvin V. Lewis Regional Director Region 8 - Fort Worth cc: Technical Services Division, TACB, Austin Wp0.0 1~9~t/E t.,,.;.~. . q-1 lo too azrt~y yin • col t♦ Z v, V1 lot 4% 5of I a - ,tar. • • : PLAT aING LAK dtfflVEY: OT lR,ma;l B . LOCATtD 01i LET 79 P1USE THREEs 11 ERAS*ACCORDII'G AbDITION TO THE C2T! • 0f dOM"AKH, TARRANT • PY11T CQQDED IN • VOLlk4 368-13 ~ • lACIT. 35, PLAT RECORDS 9 TARRANT Taw cowt - This It •'to ic.rtify. •tbat I have surveyed ibe abv~re'-deseiibid ptop,rt7 and f ind - buildfn~d Mbo11y 41thih the bounds of . • safd p~copert~ - do' doco+►ebs►ts , ' tbasete, .isc~t to •~io~ra. , • • - . - - , +a FOR INCLUSION IN THE 29 MAY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS PACKETS SUBJECT: CLARIFICATION OF COS ORD 480:44.12.pp.1 IN THE MATTER OF CONOCO'S APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE OF MAY 14,1990 TO: ALL BOARD MEMBERS FROM: CHMN, BD OF ADJUSTMENTS 1r Gentlemen: Mr Bentley's commendable letter to members and alternates not present at the 14 May meeting is attached herewith and will with this cover become part of the Board's records (COS ORD 480:44.2). Those present will recall our request for clarification of the Council's intent in use of the phrase "are not to be located contiguous to residentially zoned properties" (44.12.pp.1). As you know, the Board's latitude in granting special exceptions is strictly limited to those specifically authorized in 44.12. In discussion, Mr Bentley held that the language clearly did not r specifically authorize the use. Mr Stoner, who has knowledge of the rationale used in developing this special use provision, assured the Board that the council's intent was permissive to pre-existing and otherwise conforming petroleum operations, but prohibitive to new such use after implementation of the new (now- implemented) zoning ordinance. I concurred with both gentlemen but held with Mr Bentley under the limitations provisos of 44.3 and 44.12. With only four votes present the Board resolved to postpone consideration pending resolution of the Council's intent in the matter of the language. Also attached is City Attorney Olson's May 17 response to the matter of intent, also now made a part of our records. It confirms Mr Stoner's assessment of permissability, and also holds ' that the language does not preclude granting the use. It adds that should we continue to hold the language as prohibitive in rw this case, he will advise the Council of the need to amend the ordinance, and Conoco will have to re-apply. di However, after conferring with City Manager Hawk, I am satisfied of the adequacy of the response and feel that we now have a em documented and defensible clarification of the Council's intent in the matter. I will accept the grammar as permissive in the case at hand and, barring previously unrevealed reasons to the contrary, will not speak against resumed consideration of the request as a specifically authorized special exception use. I believe you now have all the information available to me, and so will be able to make an informed and independent decision. rr R pest lly, cys: Mayor Fickes on Mr Hawk %owl Mr Olson dw rid ~i May 16, 1990 qR Art Sorenson, Chairman Zoning Board of Adjustment City of Southlake 1201 Oakhurst Court Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Art: j The enclosed letter was sent to those Board members and alternates not present at our May 14 meeting. At this time, I do not believe I will be able to attend the May 29 meeting. If there is any change, I will inform you. I will also inform Karen Gandy one way or the other when I know for sure. Sincerely, oe Bentle i~ Enclosure !A ~f Air" fAW , t May 16, 1990 John Scoggan, Vice-Chairman Zoning Board of Adjustment City of Southlake 1340 Forest Lane Southlake, TX 76092 Dear John: As you were unable to attend our May 14 meeting, I am providing you with a summary of the discussion and action taken in regard to one agenda item which has been postponed to May 29. Your input at the May 29 meeting will be important. If you cannot attend. I strongly suggest you convey your thoughts on this matter to other Board members who will be in attendance. ZBA Case # 90 is a request for a Special Exception Use for Petroleum Operations, made by CONOCO, Inc., and CITGO Petroleum Corp. After the staff presentation and public hearing, I raised the point that the Board lacked authority to grant the Special Exception in this case, owing to the fact that the property in question was located contiguous to residentially zoned property. (This fact, regarding location contiguous to residentially zoned property, is not in dispute.) My argument that the Board lacked authority in this instance was developed as follows: 1. In Ordinance 480, Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 44, Board of Adjustment, sub-section 44.3, Powers and Duties, paragraph 44.3-c, Special Exceptions, the authority of the Board in the case of Special Exceptions is clearly limited: The Board may grant those special exceptions which are specifically authorized under this ordinance. A special exception may not be granted CA by the Board except in accordance with the following: [Items (1) and (2) are not relevant to the argument in this case.] (3) No special exception shall be granted unless the Board finds that the requested exception is specifically permitted by this ordinance;... 2. Sub-section 44.6. Conditions of Variance or Special Exception, in the second paragraph, further directs: Under no circumstances shall the Board of Adjustment grant a variance to allow a use not permissible under the terms of this ordinance in the district involved or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this ordinance in said district. 3. Sub-section 44.12, Authorized Special Exceptions, further specifies: The following special exceptions may be permitted by the Board of Adjustment in the district specified, subject to full and complete 1 compliance with any and all conditions required in this section, together +W with such other conditions as the Board may impose:... 4. Specifically regarding Petroleum Operations, in paragraph 44.12-pp, sub- paragraph 1, the ordinance expressly states: In granting or denying a use in this category, the Zoning Board of Adjustment must bear in mind that these sites are not to be located contiguous to residentially zoned properties... The Council, in adopting this ordinance, chose to delegate certain authority to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. These are not statutory powers from the Legislature, but delegated powers which have been bestowed upon the Council. In choosing to further delegate their authority to the ZBA they also chose to impose quite specific terms and conditions upon the exercise of those powers. ZBA was being entrusted with added authority to deal with matters which Council believed to be appropriate, but only so long as those powers were subject to full and complete compliance with any and all conditions required" by the Council. To go beyond the scope specified by the Council would be ignoring the responsibility that has been entrusted to the Board, and would also be an invalid exercise of authority. Since even the City Council must appeal an action of the Board in State District Court, it would quickly prove cost prohibitive for Council to permit the Board to over-step its lawful authority very often. Ultimately, Council would have to remove the members of the Board for cause, or resort to amending the ordinance, thereby removing the authority it had attempted to delegate to the Board. In researching this matter before the May 14 meeting, I recalled a closely similar case where Mr. Alan Taylor, City Attorney for Southlake, had specifically addressed this issue. (I have included a copy of excerpts from the recording made at that meeting for your study.) The case then involved a request for Special Exception Use for family quarters. The request specifically requested a building of approximately 1,450 square feet. The conditions specified in the ordinance stated that such quarters could not exceed 1,000 square feet. Chairman Sorenson inquired regarding the Board granting a variance to the terms of the ordinance, to allow a larger building. Mr. Taylor was very explicit in his response, saying, "...our legal position is going to be, you can't vary the 1,000 feet. They [Council] removed that flexibility from you by saying if you grant this special exception, you must strictly comply with terms and conditions set out in the special exception." Later, he reiterates: We submit you are authorized to permit a 1,000 square foot or smaller conventionally built set of family quarters or servants' quarters, as a special exception in this district. The proposal does not meet these requirements. We therefore believe the Board does not have the authority to approve this special exception, and urge you to deny it... An opposing argument was offered that the intent of the Council was to bring all existing petroleum operations in the City into a "conforming" status, and to deny the request would "splitting hairs", and would delay the intended process unnecessarily or unreasonably. 2 d OR I do not disagree with most of this argument. But I do believe that ensuring "full and complete compliance with any and all conditions required" is far from splitting hairs. Council has given the Board clear and precise direction. To ignore that direction, to make discretionary judgments where Council has clearly decided to NOT give us discretionary powers, would be irresponsible. The evening of May 14 there were only four Board members present. It became obvious that if a vote on the request were taken it would be 3 to 1 to deny the request. Since so much effort had been invested by the applicant to that point, it was decided to postpone the case until May 29. The hope of the Board was that some legal way out of this corner could be found, after conferring with the City Attorney. The Board was in total agreement that the intent of Council in this specific case was to permit continued operations, and as a conforming use. Unfortunately, the wording of the ordinance does not appear to permit it at present. If the City Attorney cannot come up with some clever way around this predicament, the choices remaining are as follow: 1. The applicant remains a non-conforming use. 2. The applicant may seek different zoning as S-P-1 or S-P-2, to specifically permit the existing operation. Council would then have total discretion to permit or deny any facet of the operation. 3. Council could amend the ordinance to make the phrase regarding the location A"k of petroleum operations to be permissive, with discretionary guidelines to ZBA, rather than prohibitive, as at present. I hope you find this summary informative, and I hope you can share your ideas with the other Board members if you cannot attend the May 29 meeting. Sincerely, 6 -4 Joe Bentley Tel: 481-5555 3 iil 40 May 17, 1990 Ch 'rman and Members of the Zo 'ng Board of Adjustment City o Southlake 667 No Carroll Avenue Southlake, exas 76092 Re: Petroleum Operations Dear Chairman and Board Members: On May 14, 1990, the zoning Board of Adjustment heard the application of Conoco, Inc./CITGO Petroleum Corporation for a special exception permit for the purpose of conducting petroleum operations at its existing facilities on Highway 26 within the City of Southlake. It is my understanding that action on this matter was tabled by the Board because of some of the members' interpretation of Paragraph pp.1 of Section 44 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, which states in part: 1. In granting or denying a use in this category, the Zoning Board of Adjustment must bear in mind that these sites are not to be located contiguous to residentially zoned properties and should be located in such a manner as to preclude the necessity to travel through residentially zoned areas to reach these sites. n The existing Conoco plant is located adjacent to residentially zoned properties. However, it is my opinion that the above language from the Zoning Ordinance does not preclude the Board of Adjustment from granting a special exception permit to an already existing operation which would otherwise be treated as a nonconforming use. At the time the Zoning Ordinance was adopted last year, the City Council included this specific language in the ordinance as a limitation on the location of new petroleum operations within the City. It was specifically anticipated and intended, however, that the existing petroleum operations would be able to apply for appropriate zoning and then special exception permits from the Board to become legal uses if the City Council and 0 the Board of Adjustment deemed it appropriate. Chairman and ZBA Board Members May 17, 1990 Page 2 s• *ape On April 17, 1990, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 480- 11 on second reading rezoning the Conoco tract from I-1 to I-2 for the specific purpose of authorizing Conoco to make an application to the Board of Adjustment to become a conforming use. This rezoning of the Conoco property by the City Council does not bind the Board of Adjustment to approve the special exception permit. However, in my opinion, Conoco is authorized to make an application for special exception and the Board of Adjustment would be authorized to grant such permit if, in its opinion, the application meets the guidelines set forth in Section 44.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. If the Board refuses to hear the application under the current language in the ordinance, I will inform the Council that they will have to amend the ordinance and Conoco will have to reapply to the Board for a special exception. If the Board votes to deny the special exception for other legitimate reasons, that is fine. However, I did want the Board to know that in my opinion it does have the legal authority under the Zoning Ordinance to grant the special exception if it deems it appropriate. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please let me know. Very truly yours, Wayne K. Olson WKO/kt \slake\ttrwko.15 cc: Mayor Gary Fickes Councilmembers CuXtis Hawk, city manager ,pren Gandy, Zoning Administrator ~r+ City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M May 8, 1990 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, SUBJECT: ZBA Case #89 ~s ZBA Case #89 is a request for a variance to the five-foot (51) side and rear yard setbacks as required by Section 34.2(a) in Ordinance No. 480. The request is made by Northampton Homes, builder for the prospective buyer, Alan Wood. The owner is Ann Hardy, representative for the James B. Stahala Trust. Mr. Wood would like to place a tennis court within two (2) feet of the rear and side property lines to avoid a stand of trees. The property is at 700 Garden Court, being legally described as Block 1, Lot 15, The Garden Addition. There were three (3) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, there has been only one response: The Architectural Review Committee was in favor of alloW.ing.this variance. The homebuilder will meet you on the site if you have any questions. Please call 430-0531. KPG/ew NR rW 00 CITY OF SOU HLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTbERM REQUEST FOR APPEAL NAT: M an d rr Dr4 16A o e°_ S FEE: $50.00 AZDRM:- r~►dr+, ~n ~~rtPS , 36a ~rmlt~r ~~6 ~hr. ~ro~h•r~lcc~,T~ -7G2 TII 1E NUS: 091-7) 4.30 - D 5 a/ IOCATICK OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) The 6' at-deh ~..o t' 1 s h~l,~ a,Ksr c a.f- G~~a(e.. ~a-~ REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) eque5~1`ha a. Va.riaAce. +,n 5' ro r h Owner -S +o 4he T j2►-yT~~6 yot11 Mr-lyzie a +enn 1 s cactrt' 3. (since e r~'~ sr~'f'~ac% r `d e /d JLla e t ;+io lpl o-- 4-he- -f en n Ps coc,-. Is very` clue +0 1anoc old frees on 4e aT rfu. - r- ~o n1.we 4e- c.ou.rf 4 ~Ae n-Wr+4 hn&- wac-/a 0-11 W 4A ceur!- 40 be h rra ;n ~pa5' a~eel a sIWif- av►crl~ cJ~i r l~ `dG a. ~ Ct~ _ r t-,cadic, p rOU a r 1 0~ sett `4Le eurvLU~ ~4 Ate T►'e~ S~ is 4e OWr2~ J&-c anJ ua,1 cce, -~o h► s b'`on-e'=T a A L durad Cq-n~rQ/ 4~mmyWm-- of 7~e Garde,,, has Ar`✓e % araora utl for cou---f" e n s, ale anJ rear, k :5 Tcle-hA An r-- a l Li l4te have _T a ~ u en L;LA" va l 4-o 4,ke, esa 4i' ah i-m? a-~- We- caw* e n +e 5t`de g DATE: SIGNATURE: would would be- hey Y-0 meet" ~/ou a Your co-Avic-nce. Oaf 4--h for-ope✓ fY +o cznscO any -;J-t-he►^ C~ue6'~'lon S. CASE NO.. -Aly C ANON 900 McCAIN ROAD • COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS 76034 • PHONE: (817) 481-4007 J r lei dim W', r S t -I ' r n ~vWHARDY - BROKER ~d 1 WEST/ARK LOOP \ TROPHY CLUBSAM, LAKE r,LtL, 'rr `R- ° !mot Ml6FNS, ~1 GRAPEVIN11 le"" I BOB JONES No. 901 s JOERS e ' 1 e f 1 rOSSUr HOIIOw - ~ NOSE W31 NECK OR 21101110 LN ^(e T 10. OSEAREN = I2 j • - ASWAN A: ui,..• S CRANf I. . W WJGa7TLAKE ' RVteIROIEE M + CRFFX OR', W ° LASS OR ` : -#RUN" Milt u ENTON COUNTY + LN SOUTH CUPPIF TRAIL LAKE » THOUSAND OAKS ' ARRANT COUNTY L7 SOUTH IARf~~~ 1 DisTRICTBOUNO o1N.P--ZZ-.L~^e I"•~~_~~~ ~°fJ•NNrsm° ti/ILA `.t 3_ SOUTNIAKE 'pAReOR NI,V~ ti Flo t p 1 PR. E „ VW. UKESIDE = 11000 ON I 1 s ! OR 4 !REAM lR / it s +i, NARe00 `1E F °e `s ly 1 NRLSIOE OR 1` ' 4'stat W14% 16 W e 2 CRISCE11 RR HAR10e` SLUE TEAL CT 12 s S SWINLARE rt.w w Ci I SURNET 5 W j LN Iy • w10/UR0 OR u n 1 R 1 E S N_R.LTW IR » GAAREL NO N Vu SWEET ST + UN NO' 12 `u~ OENE Cf TAYLOR ST ' 1~ s i ! ° i s i~ I t 4 1~ w Si. E D ay( r EMERALD LIRE - ; W OOrE ST- w _ CARROLL/ MIN ;V _i IN a°»I i NIGH SCHOOL 2 1 M0CKING11N11 " u eNlrr I ul - _ - '•S~ ANT CT ' _ =i - L PRIMROSE LN c4_ ,L rtG; OAq ANE.1 .p CA~ ` ~I - ' e °I-10AKLANE S RAN 110N ON's i 'S ,rF W a. 1 1 ° m p,iNG - ' :1 SlE`/r MpUOW TR ` - Y s CT I CAPROCK C^ ; ~NAF TUMILEWEE7: i~ 1 1 : ee'CT PE S BI Hit— 7 ROUNDUP TN _ Ti I 1 6 3 CHEEK V2 1 •E~AiS.IN IN A LONGHORN N - t0. EN "'T INOwUtNO ST. f► . NRNLAN1 S1_ U seat UNM1i C' FAWKES ND/KINGSNOOO D._ » DOOE/R101' e 1 DOVE CREEK! J 11♦ ° ~1 ~l J - FX~E BOSS TIMIEAS .RAVEN i 1 CARROLL TR - - - 1 W; si wi 4 eF+o t ! MIDDLE W1LDWOOD L SCHOOL JI ;MEADOW TV FIONENCE- a0 l l _ 6lEM 6LER '1 I MISS/ %LAMD IR LAKFOe00~ DA _ NCUMIEALA TA 1 CDrL I LOVE 01111Y CT oyG.r 3+ i CITY °e ( 1 NILLS10f Ct a I= LOOGE ISAR0% ~ NAIL ILA 3 _ a Ts a 1 ~f`` aAroiEOelvoj e1CEMTENN1Al ll PARR ~F Fr~oI ItVa ( JOHNSON RD , } ; SOUiwI ANF IIVO_ W ~'r! OR u RLYD..E ' 3 ~ 1709 1 ' ° Ix I °1 I e I = 1 _ of , 1 'aNlli l $ , GOOOE j I °o Eli rINE;nNECT.E a° f3 ' g 160 i s AIRPORT ` vI»; H ie CT (LILAC 3+~IW I f c 0 w RAINSOW RIC~EL GREENWOOD if A ( I SA14 lRiiR L`UAIA~EAUIRA - ja+ - - ' o -CONTINENTAL SlVO.. W - I CONTINENTAL elY7.. CARROLL 31 t: WMENTART ►St a A i►~ 'y !HART ST ER 117e zj~:~_~ {iRE~T~'~'~ldr~ i e e 5 71 J COLLEYVILLE -JOHN r/CCAINno - ~_-OIOMIll9UN.. z 1 L p 11 N L ,T rT ~ y V rU p/ y L > ~ i N tO N - t ~ V ' t L 1] m a i N J 7 4 .y- u ,t T I J J ~ L J T A Q HVO AOVHS - - A lL t N 'O N n N J-~ fL ~ Y V Q V) N N m ~ Ar O ^EF m 10 N30HV9 o Do i N m m a ^ m Q (U LL N In N ai 7- r N a pow- t-- ca Lr Z N LO i O O v I ~ a I ZLL1 W U ~ NJl I Np N NQ L m Q i I m F N U - Z a F- y ~ y 4~ tr ~ Ir- O 1, i o I - F-' T V O = r r d ra l U t W •ro Ly1 c• 0 _ u, o :L' [L 1 a ( C 1 W N WEB ¢ r- E 0c 1 OO ~ H~ O H W 4 7 9~ F a x m 0 i `tCL.bgH..tfa y E • a~`a 1 rn b. r c "MNE~ n Q 0 a vv i'1aoatr.. c>. E `o ara W F [.7 F 5.4 LO V) I toR~ f f- Ty N NaU. - . C7 H 'C7 N o HOC.) l~ a f( z W .30 d o fai H Fa 41-4 x Q N D d A E c wo a v f vv o w pa x 4 El Eai.LmC: 1w ° F, c J a^ cr. ° -e r.t W :z u\~ f~ ~ ca c 3 c y.Hp r7:. V e aRi~ ~+r. a c o V r b Y r ^00'•~CaH ~ - .l '.YE o.op ' i Ib '911199S '-A QUdN~UO X10-------- -i-~--- - m I ago-Iqj v -I-o r- I I C I I - I , m J J I u J I o v I I tl ~ Sg0 0 C rnr C ti I I _r~~ I I ` O I I O I - _ o\a 3~°?SS v PpS J ti J --o KGB \oc%i i 0- Go DI `fn.,~7p,°~G,9BS Cr s^ph opCS -`J AD ` ` - - I I \ dri d I 1~ <7~ I ~ < o I~ I 8 ~C I a' - - _ - ~ LL ` j y$ ~ I I s PN I ~ ,p ~ I h_ . . _ . I o ~ bnKwdy L a- ~ 'o ~ t; n ~ v ` \ Y I 'n 1 /00 • s a V I ` . _ • Y TF ; .~."--a:E4 - ?-ACCAYS.-~s ~#~•:~JO~.- - \ T f Y~e' c 4~ ~ 1 I ~ ~ L h N >nzva ~w X. Public, semi-public and private ALL parks; recreation and open space including playgrounds, parkways, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, botanical gardens, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, equestrian bridle trails, nature centers, bird and wildlife sanctuaries. Y_ Temporary construction and/or ALL sales offices, including manufactured housing, only during actual construction for a period not to exceed two (2) years and located on property being developed. 34.2 ACCESSORY BUILDING - The following regulations shall govern the location and use of any accessory building: a. No accessory building shall be erected closer than five (5) feet to a property line located in the rear yard. b. No accessory building shall be erected within ten (10) feet of any other building, except that detached residential garages may be located no closer than five (5) feet to the main dwelling. c No accessory building shall be constructed upon „a lot t't2 ecoction of the principal brc has actually been commenced, and no accessory building w? shall be used unless the main building in a lot is completed and used. d. No accessory building shall be used for dwelling purposes other than by domestic servants employed entirely on the premises or by family members and only in compliance with individual district regulations. 34-6 ■ 3. The minimum space area upon which such grazing animal(s) may be enclosed, including pasture, pens, corrals, and stables, shall not be less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet per each grazing animal over five hundred (500) pounds and not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet for any other grazing animal. 4. All enclosures for animals as provided under the terms of this subsection shall be placed a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the boundary of any adjoining lot or tract which is zoned in a residential 1 category. e. Private residential garages, AG, RE, SF-1A, carports and related storage buildings SF-1B, SF-30, and greenhouses accessory to permitted SF-20A, SF-20B, residential uses. MF-1, MF-2 f. Private swimming pools, wading AG, RE, SF-IA, pools, and game courts (lighted and SF-1B, SF-30, unlighted), provided that if lighted, SF-20A, SF-20B, the lighting shall be so directed and MF-1, MF-2 anC shielded so as not to shine directly HC on any..adjazant:.. residential property: , . _ and further` provided that any such pool or game court is for the private use of the site occupants and their guests, and not operated as a business. All "at grade" swimming i pools with a water depth greater than twenty-four (24) inches and "above grade" swimming pools having a water depth twenty-four (24) inches or more, except for portable tot pools, shall be enclosed by a fence and gate of a height so designated by the Uniform Building Code of such material and design to discourage unauthorized entry to the facility. Ornamental pools or ponds designed for decorative purposes and having a depth less than twenty-four (24) inches are not subject to a special fencing requirement and may be located within required front or rear yards provided that they maintain a minimum ten foot setback from the closest property line. ion' 34-2 ......~-rniir.-rrMnrr~rwrrwrirrr ~r All other pool (s) may be located in a side or rear yard, but not within a front yard, and shall not be located closer than five (5) feet to any side or rear property line. g. Lanais, gazebos, greenhouses AG, RE, SF-lA, garden and patio shelters, sundecks, SF-1B, SF-30, and children's playhouses, provided. SF-20A, SF-20B, the privacy enjoyed by adjacent MF-1, MF-2 residential dwellings is not impaired. h. Required off-street parking and All loading spaces. i. Home occupation uses, as defined AG, RE, SF-lA, by this ordinance. SF-1B, SF-30, SF-20A, SF-20B, MF-1, MF-2 j. Parking and storage of private AG, RE, SF-1A, boats, camper trailers or other SF-1B, SF-30, recreational vehicles in conformance SF-20A, SF-208, with Section 35. MF-1, MF-2 k. Model and/or sample homes for the AG, RE, SF-IA, purpose of promoting sales shall be S F-1 B , SF-30, permitted, providing these structures SF-20A, SF-208, are located on and within the same MF-1 tract or subdivision of land being irr developed for sale. 1. Signs for advertising uses on the HC, 0-1, 0-2, premises. C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, B-1, B-2, I-1 and Z-2 M. Tennis courts, health clubs, and HC related recreation facilities provided they are for the primary use of guests, customers or persons associated with the principal use. n. Retail uses which are reasonably 0-1, 0-2, B-1, related to the principal uses within I-1, I-2 the structure provided they do not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the floor area of the building. 34-3 il~r► A City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M May 17, 1990 49 TO: Board of Adjustment Members 49 FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator 49 SUBJECT: ZBA Case #93 Al 1114 ZBA Case #93 is a request for a Special Exception Use permit for a concrete batching or transient mix plant per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (jj). The owner of the property is Southwind Partners, L.P. (Arvida Company). The proposed location is 403 and 404 Bosque Court, being legally described as Block 2, Lots 3 and 4, SouthRidge Lakes, Phase II. " There were no notices required to be sent because all property within 200 feet is owned by the applicant. A copy of the approved Final Plat of Phase II is attached. 4d KPG .z i CITY OF SVIIII,AKE; 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southl ake, Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSI'MWI'S RBQUES'T FOR APPEAL NAME: Arvida/JMB Partners, L.P. II FEE: $50.00 AIIDRESSA 15303 Dallas Parkway, Suite 590, Dallas, Texas 75245-4645 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (214) 980-5075 Sales Office: 481-2151 LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/Legal description) Block 4 1,()t3/4 South idge Jokes phase It REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) i mnorary ConcreteBatch R ant to construct pay i -I ,R ail DATE: May 9, 1.990 di SIGNATURE: i CASE NO.: 3 WESTPARR LOOP y TROPHY CL UB + SAN Of. LAKE .t GRAPEVINE g'- gas JONES All. _ ; s JONES ' AEl w IS I I POSSUM mellow -I wuE ; NICK a ' A- /~,T~T}~~ ! 2AE0eI42 IN •ta Y i•~°sa'~s 4 SWAN E ? S CRANE ,3J a s 40 WESTLAKE " •.~,F_I - oE1Nn.NlN ! ON , =.IASS all DEJIVTOAI COUNTY ^'0N`a ITT swig TARRAAIT COl1NTY CUPM THAN. IAAE THOUSAND OAKS 1 r ' • _____r__ SOafN LARE~~- 'if DISTRICT80UN0 C t•~rr.___.L_.N.i16E+_~_+~~~ - ~O \(EI..\~i,\ \ :f u 1 ! S- W Vt'/R~A~ r~fwrrr__. ! SOUTNLARE 'NANeOA A'~~ = s - ME ,y IBS 000oN S »►K E uaSIOE \ ! a 13 . I OA OMAN LN t ` I• I'll RANOO%wNITEE I NRLS o WINIJ CrSCINN Nf 011 "a i RAAOOPi OME TEAL CT = « A WOOOLANNa W OUANEi' » Wj LIEA* I2 M \ S NRLTOP OR c a~i < ORAVQ A0 N 'A SWEET ST +F t e - j ;W iv AIL lu"RO e'1_J/e I2 a NJ s jTAYLOR ST : W 3E41CTL~ _ # « _ ' ` A001 3 . OOYE ST. w OM Si_ E...__. _ ENfIIAW C.= + = IQ CARROLLt ,U 3~ LN; ° I ( I NIGH SCHOOL 1 - i MOCtuGOROIN /RITE t t u! " i « FFem.. I ANT CT - -f : ~ z t : J s S a E2 ii PNINNOSE Lx_ s'•• i CA - OARLANf. A ~.~\1. {FG.` o(: y1 s aAE: 1 r I ~ OARIARE. S PIANIAIgN ON'o ~ if ,~F+~J i~ 11 ,1P ,~~INC alr er-- 3 y: Cr I CAPROCRLT'-.; 3 ~u°" S~CTPNESS ~AAPF4 , 3=,.0 ITUMILENEEDC. + TAOR " TA ~3 3 u CREEK • 41 701 CAI=PENN SA IONONONN a I _i FONFSI LII ~ ( ~ u ICEtT e JACK D.JONNSOM S A1. ~xOMASCT xI00EN DA ■+w PANNANOLE C, 7.- r 21., lt xICNLANe Si. V : ELEMENTARY ` E EOS CANTON « FAWKESNOIKII;SW000 SFUNO ST ■ - •ti0L u -•'1 fE Cm, Fva ♦ L CARROLL IRS ~f((+ , .f,pcr P i MIDDLE Ate. ArtLowooo SCHOOL 6 { Si LAKES _ AIEAOOW / LORENCE Aa' I ' GLEN ~_.X LAREMI00~ DA GLEN as (Ct1r0E>~ TA ` CovE~,';i;;=~:;:~.. -.pi vu e° y es• ~t t I = NILLSIOECi IlOVEMENATCT Z CITY ' o'IUN IN I = j y LODGE 'Sail Sl•M' HAIL nA - r a tEICENTENNiAL 144; dAM0NOILYDJ 'u « FF _..JoRN30NN0 PARR + ~j !I! _ 11Ya1 !.l ' ` IJO! SOUTNLARF /lva- W Itt y~ ~ IJOO I seurxLARE /Lro. E jA. t W % ~JbiiAi ~ , AIRCORT 14RE I PIKE, CT. E 3~ i3 I `T 1 LILAC _J a e •Aat~~l CAEENW000 RAINS % EA[E - N INIAA L-6AGlf~ OLDER ~ SEE Te : c e .......CONTINENTAL ILYO w .'3 ~ CGAnNEATAI 91Y0_ E Fli CARROLL c : ;r-c- ■y'r ~h;0 (3 LER .FJJMENTART pS►°° ~~nE.♦ -1 W ~L « HART ST k7t pow .9 E f, I= Tu 1 sl COf LLEYVILLE OmNMCCAINNO_.- ~~.1J^ / / _:0 MILL iUN _ - -----rr ■.rrirMWl~l/I~MY~r~r --Yrrrllrrr~w~iY~rrYrrY 461 i • . DOVE ROAD _ Li ( W W( Q _t I ~i Z' Y ' f Q( Q. c. 0 LAJ i ~ o3R~ HIGHLAND p,oOK WI a-, 1 / W dig ~HaS^ ZZ> FM 1709 LOCATION MAP C fill L~ w F 410 i s ~ a t sou~rnjorp i + g • . \ ~7 \ s i fffftffminis ff r -i=!!!!!!!~!!! ~ ~ X1,'1 / + ' i ~tttt.tfsfft~ftfffs ' 1 • • i .fit ffff.■f;tttttttttitt . • w i man M • • ' 1 i Will ass. 1 ~ a Cl) _ SCR ✓ o CL w a H AV to yq~~" O 1 , _ m w X i Z ° a~YQ r T Cl) a f" H I V7 ch src:ru, a, .0 1(n5 , xr" ~ nt "s Cy') 41i g +n IN. . CCU ' n• W) I \ ~ 1"l H 10 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M ,M May 17, 1990 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator ai SUBJECT: ZBA Case #94 ZBA Case #94 is a request for a variance for a five (5') foot encroachment into the front yard setback as required by the filed Final Plat of SouthRidge Lakes, Phase I. The applicant is Jeff Mercer dba Concept Homes. The property is located at 305 Gregg Court, being legally ' described as Lot 12, Block 4, SouthRidge Lakes, Phase I. As noted in the application, both the developer and the City's review process approved the plot plan because it met the front yard setback required by the zoning district (SF-20 A). This district requires a minimum of thirty-five (35') feet for the front setback. There were six (6) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, there have been no responses or inquiries. KPG di CITY OF SCX7HL.AIr.E 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas AWN ZONING BOARD OF ADJUS11MM RDQtW FOR APPEAL NAIL: Howls FEE: -$56:98- A AMRESS: 'lot gR t WQf-jhQP-C1j P q MMIHONE NUMBER: 1~1- 4 { )LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) 11P~E SOS r+rA a a Coy r't , taK P _ LDt Q AL000 4 SoothR~'~n,o L"Loc ~AR11 ~1 L1FU4toP M ail REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) (1) S oroe:a reupaled fmmt !1;tf ki l+ijv- st-1 bAc--V 4b bQ- 'Shoe ~j %J mF 40 FT F00-11- IV /WNI' CLOSIP0 r ~1T y a- D4_~1~ oP F tQ AP~IM20U~ b 3 Fr F n S~j' SAeie bpi I-aZ-9D. _ Se~~ ,~OOu ATTAC°NFY~ (l F1Nw! ~et!PI~Te '0',a JE.Tef1pd:ied y0 f'r?o~vT Z?tji~n~~yd uivE w rr DATE: S- I b - r~ SIGNATURE : CASE NO.: q t i i DOVE ROAD > Q w st 1 W > J Q J Z < O0 O HIGHLAND DBROOK a < 00 = En J w Q di Z U w t- 3 A CL FM 1709 LOCATION MAP 1 s t F N arh d h ® u \ r} to ~o~' eA CIA C2 /~p 'dam a~ co /'1 v << 00 .90.9050 r[ 0' r odP<o` , \ \ _ 1.y3 t7 \ ~ / / 1 h'L ~ app/ p•.,~,, 'Vp r/'1 b ~ 1~.eY~.~j ~ e g ~ v \ ti h St 29s ~f lam/ '4y l i 3 .r0.1~80 N 1 1 Q0 h 1 1 1 1 ~d r a W i co I I y NlilON o ~ j l x ul 1 WOOL bo ..4 z -4 in I m a ~1 00 IS 05-M,17* C T \ I c t`I I Q \ sf,~) \ ? > N i i t~ v y~ rk 4 C.? I ► r 1 1%;N V = C), 3 z I ` c7 y~ 66 rc 1 1 M Z S ^ 13 ~g ,99 9S r1\ i ~ 1 00•sa ~ ~ M ~ ~I d d 'g 8 8 1 r-4 30VNWHo"l ti E \ W e~ 8 n N o 8 n on i° o 1 1 \ U r\ 09 94 g X 8 W \ c 9 ~oP'0o 5!n A nmNNQB Q4♦ ~°d S A~ r n O O O oo N N eri O •j~ W (°N ~i Q„~ r'~ \ ~I t. ~1 N♦ O r0 p pl N ~ J' W MOVE 8 8 0 ~ 8888888T69TE L 00,00.20 H r g' g 04 g n n w 2 2 2 2 2 IA W W ~z N n+ n o P z + -1-1-1- o m LI 1 W c0 d' dj I fr.1 Od` ~ r 139.84' I 10' bR~~ N Z5'-c," M CD OD 19' M+ 4'couc. 35' B.L. ~ k l_JaL.}c 41. 47.48' 7.5' U.E. GREGG COURT 1 PLOT PLRN 0 D~0 ~G~ UllVUL~D SCALE 111=20'-O" rr LOT 12 BLK 4 SOUTHR IDGE SOUTHLAKE, TX.I BUILDER TO VERIFY LOCATION OF HOUSE, BUILDING LINES, AND EASEMENTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4ri DHTEo 12 0~,- 89 I&L PLAN >~1og92~12 B L D R o HOMES EXCLUSIVE • HOME • DESIGNS ;*R 4 Cit of -Southlake "Yher Country Living Is At Its Best" ar ► 667 N. Carroll Ave.. Southlake, Texas 76092 PHONE 481.5581 Permit N1 Date .7a n _ 9'4- 19g,p_ N ME CONCEPT HOMES ADDRESS 305 Gregg Court WnW WE PROVISION TNAr r0 ERECT THE IMIROVEJKENr MZX rjN DESCjUAEO Tn MEET ALL TWE CONDITIONS OF THE IVILDING AND 20NWG LA wS OF THE CTrr Southlake. Lot No. 12 Flock 4 Addison Ph I Subdivision SOUTHRIDGE LAKES "'t! Type of Coetsuetion BRICK VENEER Clan of Work X N*' Addition __Altendon Rapdir Wilding Set task Front 35' left Side 19' Right side 151 Rear 45 Amok. Uta of Building Single Family Residence secuieian J S Electric 536-2230 Itumtw Kidd Plumbing 488-2366 Readag A Aft Mack Bminom 292-3795 to K J Construction 540-3127 rune of Owner Concept Homes A" , P. 0. Box 160 Grapevine, Tx. 7605 J Bolton & Assoc Hurst, Texas Name of Ateldtac; Eapaaer Add., oncept Homes C Name of cmex-tor. Jeff Mercer A"ren P. 0. Box 160 Grapevine, Tx.7605 ay Jean Bryson rtin Alan Carlton Appnwed by Skmiure of Owner or Aughwi:ed Agent w TAU permit eomeyt no rthr to wcwpy any aawt. Nrey Or alde-elk or any pert thereof other ammporer0y or peemneady. Eruoaehrnenr an pub* prWmy awr of i wmrhard _ ruder the 1rOdas code. awn be approved by Me etty eoWW& 4 1 y p NOTE! THIS PERMIT NOT VALID UNLESS PROPERLY RPCEIPTED FOR BY CASHIER. RECEIPT NO. .O ~ City of Southlake , J-7~~+;47 Mayor (Mary Flakes May 4, 1990 yor Pro Tom: ttySpringer Texas Title Company Councilmembers: ATTN: Janie Davis chant W. Wilhelm 1340 S. Main Street meta A Muller Grapevine, TX. 76051 Ily Hall W. Ralph Evans Re: Block 4, Lot 14, SouthRidge Lakes, Phase I Manager. 305 Gregg Court, Southlake, Texas ;:rtla E Hawk Dear Ms. Davis: ty Secretary. ndra L LeGrand The plans for the house constructed by Concept Homes at the above referenced location conformed to the setback requirements of the Single Family-20 A zoning district. This district's front yard setback is a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet. However, the final survey reflected a five-foot (51) encroachment into the front yard per the approved and filed Final Plat for SouthRidge Lakes, Phase I. This encroachment warrants the Board of Adjustment reviewing the case and granting a variance to this encroachment. Sincerely, City of Southlake er Karen P. Gandy Zoning Administrator cc .Jeff Mercer, Concept Homes Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager Michael H. Barnes, Director of Public Works Alan Carlton, Building Official 667 North Carroll Avenue • Southlake, Texas 76092 0 (817) 481-5581 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M May 17, 1990 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator Nl' SUBJECT: ZBA Case #95 ZBA Case #95 is a request for a variance to the corner setback requirement for the Single Family-lA zoning district. The owner of the property is Morris Stewart. The property is located at 775 Wildwood, Lot 7, Phase III, Lakewood Acres. The lot has a platted 30-foot front setback and a 15-foot side setback; however, the house fronts Bentwood with a Wildwood address. The City Attorney's opinion is that all new construction must meet the current setbacks for the zoning district. The SF-lA district requires a forty (401) foot front setback and a minimum twenty (20') foot side setback. Please see attached corner lot exhibit showing that subdivisions platted prior to September, 1989 are allowed to maintain a side yard rather than a double front setback requirement. .A Please note that Wildwood Lane is not stubbed out as it appears on the plat. The road ends approximately eighty (801) feet into Mr. Stewart's property. There were six (6) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, no responses have been received. Mr. Stewart encourages each of you to come by. His telephone number is 481-2329. KPG wr CITY OF SOUTHLAKE w 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS RBQUEST FOR APPEAL NAME: V 1 ~IV~t' S "T&zvA,- FEE: $50.00 ADDRESS: 1 C~} LUP~P~ Ij TELEPIM NUMBER: LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) 6,0 wo Orj kol 9 Phk'2-63 LA-KeWo oQ Au4e5 REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) l L Av t rto 05-W-r A ~z 1 X /YlZ SID ~~2.D Tf-~AT !-I~#-5 K~ 3~` ~iJ ~ L b i Ne 5r. ~'-,6A-eta, l ~ ~AU~ X !ST ~6 ~l2t-c-s ?'i l AJ 70 11A P (Lt St ti7j' b w i U L,it.!d-r j 61 Se L7 P o J0° l t w Tn h-f5 o)-l i (-OLZG7 LAS DQ-t C 1 AXV h07- 114E 52" S fbReK, c.~)/+~c p(-A-r b !~5 j r JD ~2~~~ • 1-t' ~~,~-rtiy 2 ~.w/ ~:x ► s rs !1 j.~l~~ c ALA ,jo-r 6-o ~45r& ` s :G-40[2~51 Of L q . 5L66AC At 0 J4 && E, M 5' t~ AAA DATE: SIGNATURE: i6 o" CASE NO.. 6 MAY 291990 " May 28 , 1990 OFFICE OF SECRETARY r~ Ms. Sandy LeGrande City of Southlake Southlake, Texas Dear Sandy, With this letter, I am resigning from the Zoning Board of Adjustments for the City of Southlake. I plan to attend the meeting to be held May 28, 1990 and have this resignation become effective at the conclusion of the meeting. My tenure on the Board has been very interesting and I have been proud to serve the Southlake and its citizens. Regards, J n Scogga OR Art Sorenson Karen Gandy C Sri ~r ig ~w iN (wfsrnRA LOOP TROPHY CLUB, LAKE ~tµ ors "'°°E' a GRAPEVINE J S s y4+f+ Ni 1 100 JONES It 1 w I0/ JONES ' M S = 1 POSSUM HOLLOW 4' W GOOSE W NECE 011 l IENNIO LE -1 3 1' ~ i~ w ;SEAEN 's llt $ ;3 Wu W A cEANE WESTLAKE ; alfunto E <<+ oI , W IASS 11 ENTONCOUNTY _ ~nlw ?may .e LN !LUKE ARR~iUII CO!/NTY ' 3' CU"lf TRAIL LAKE TNOUSAMO OAKS _ DISTRICTBOUND WORK Lolltf_~ Io \0l.A\i.1 SOUTNLAIE 'NAIIIOIMT'V~ OA EE1~~Y W 000 ON 1 AMY to E R ar 1 NAAIOI' : y 102 ` 1 RLSIOE Q 3 11 I lim WMT& ~ : s II.- ` 2 CMSCENT II NYIO' inim; a .-SLUE tTAI CT: W 7 MTNLARI IKANI PIL M :3 CS IU01ET B j L1 A WOLEtAE1 0E 12 114 ! EELt1► ON pG s Lot c @ T ST glAEL U~-"~1 ■ lO a -'"1', 04 ~UN NO{ OfRECTT- TAnOEST S NAYE~`~ 1:, ! 't ° i IW f 1 sI ~*v 1 ! ( Ft1ERALOCi`- e j la t DONE ST. W IIIIIIi It I CARROLLr IQ ii W ' = I. I V ~1 LN: ° B ( HIGH SCHOOL 0 $ a " MOCKINSWD II " 31 1 ~i~ IRItrANT Cl =T~ r l iI PRIMROSE LE_ s' { t z! i 3 <'OANIIME.t v LW 'PJ "EE+-`1' a~• j f a OAKLAMlf IlAN1AtMIN ON's es ~ * *FP i~ _ SLEEPi N ~N TI 1 ° = r~IN6 ' .1 ( . A► ar-•.E~ 3 Cr aI CAPROCKEr-i r z A! " i TUMILEWEEO C Ta CTPREIS IAYF+'4; DI 1 ; 7 ROUNDUP TR ' i; 1 CREEK IyA13PERl N w 4 LONSPOIN TR - 1 e ~ Foliisi ti o ` NI t~ I ALICE CT 1 o I I w JACK D. JOHNSO s TNOMAS CT J s WOOEN ELEMENTARY T PANNANDLE CT I ► l_ R~ oil D• t MEM . NICIIlANO ST. N MIiNLANO ST. E fy I IOS CANTO" C'LL':..: FAWNESROIKIN6fi1000 - oooLAloE-~'A •`'_jj J v ~1OR ?sI !t P S' CREEK V INS ass?IN1E~ RAPr,AF CARROLL 1 s s.' ~P SAC) I ( MIDDLE WILD SCHOOL MEADOW Ie+~ fLONENCE-- RD GLEN O . LAKEW aT+ QINOEMAII TI GLEN L At/y ►li'~0 ON s e~ T'~~L NKLSIOF Cf C0 LOPE NEMEi CT CITY 1 °1 ( A LOOOE r • = TI 1= +1!7111 HALL 3 } DICENTERNIALI '~F,P • • ILRO u ; _ JO"NSON RO I e a « PARR '0! OR S 1 < iT09 SOUTNLARE lt110- IN $s I70! SOUTNLAIE ILIL E 00 i,. Lll~ti _Y , X0001 E 1= a oo , ' = AIRPORT PINE IPINE. CT.E _ 3• 1; CT b ~ 1 f r 1 Ill w s 15 NEL fREE0W001 w MIEIOw I _ ` ff AA~tfj EARN S `a 1 I~ ii ' s CONTINENTAL mo- W L-il r~lu_AzR w~ '+a r - f. • e w - _ a+ u CONTINENTAI ILYO_ E CARROLL Nis p ~IoCn f° a 7 MMENTARt . sTa ApTi~ i NA"TfT qEE C"i C~ COLLEYVILLE -y ~JONN McCA1N RD _ -001- OLD MILL AUX.. _ .__..ru~i■■u. u~rrrrrrarrrr 1 c: r tcett Mw • ■ fert[ts \ f W. trt sell N * ~~i~ near- -1-2 -us w-- - ti 1 ~t fFN nw \ • ~i 10 2 13 f s •M K N s eN K . •M K j Lw K / •IS K s •M K. •l~ . elt.~r■ ><.[i 14 WAM . - -M -2 - •j - cpm K i felt K 1 •1 K 1 •M K 1 •w K i- 1 •A K t: we K 7~ 6 S 4= 4 3 2 i ~It•l ■ • •,yf •t •iN• - n- - ,l -.33.~d•T~ 1 I 1 too OC 101t K 1 OK K 1 1824 K r tft ec 1 Ott AC 82.8 SC 134e Al. 1 I I •t •1 ' 1• •It 1 9 i . 9 10 t 1 I j'µ ax 12 ' 11= I3 iiA 14 15 y. a 3l; s~ 'L 1 Amok is 1 Al ec /f 13" K I 1 IOYI ac ~1= 1 t/t ec ?s~ I$tt ec i~ tte] K Y = t :'i i tlta 7 6 Itf1 K 5 sl 4 3 '1 2 1; ti. FIT, TH I e ee•• K I 1 • ? Ie•f et f 1 PRO i 11 ■we K _ •r • 1 i ill I~ 1~ f.1 f• ~ i I 'i1~1 3 >q - 10 i . 4ew come K. 1 K. J 4 left K. 1 S c 9 e K. I a ••w K 6 8 •Mt et• w1 ! ..w at eeM K. 3 . `•11•'W4a11 ttKOM COOtt 'Yp'9l c~. i ~c~ Fsr w~ 9 R. Icard K. Ford SF-18 SF-1 qj 8 S10 11 E 12 13 1 ?509iildwood 81 WILDWOOD LANE > 23395 14 51g LA S 6 i G. Coult o 7 5.85 0 SF-1 5 4 f- 3 2 SOLL D (;AOAKS 825 Wildwpod ~ R.J. Pasetta K. Gar rn dne r SF-1 SF-1 z 8 9 10 11 !2 13 A~~ 14 15 f 500 Bentwood 550 Ben V400: t LAKE WOOD OR 23385 7 6 5 4 3 2 i i i qY ' i W cli 12 ~ J O O 2 3 ~i Z W 3 CRES m a SE TA 5 N 32.5 AC , .n 4 ' L nrirrrrwrir.rm.rmr.r .t WOOD lOl.laN' ~ ~ • . rr~ . y s,{r lit -MIA x spy, 14 Novo 7 - -kaa • ' PLAT SHOWING ; 0! .•!RElRStiB , LOCATtD Oti LaZ 7, PHASE THREE IA1C8 WOOD ACRES dtfRVEx• TEXAS ACCORDIIIG ~ITICtI•'TO Tt CIT?• Ot SOVi'gtAKB, TARRAtiT COMM, , _ . • ' To Pw MCORDID Itt vOWO 388.137) • PAGE 359 PLAT RECORDS , ,TARRANT .-COUM, 21. This !t to irtify. ibab I have surveyed abanra' dstriti~dptop+t7° and f ind buildinS 4boli : ii Low the bounds of. = 41afd• Pail"tty doe jiac;oaeboents thsreier, . ~1t &1o shcim "4 . • i STREET STREET / FRONT Of LOT 1 1 IS SINE Of LEAST FliDINENSION IENSION3~ a IN I MAY BE WM } STREET / ON PLAT W < w FRONT TARO / F- W o W APPROVED By ' a ►a- THE PLAIRMINI p r I a "all AND ZONWS 1 : p I ~ C W M REAR YARD W s LOT PLATTED PRIOR LOT PLATTED AFTER a ( THIS BUILDING LIKE- TO EFFECTIVE OATS EFFECTIVE OATS OF MAY BE VARIED FROM FRONT YARD STANDARD Of ORDINANCE ORDINANCE i PLAT y, IF APPROVED ON 4. CORNER LOT a BUILDING LINE FOR ACCESSORY BUILDING ESTABLISHED BY STREET PLAT Oil ORDINANCE FRONT 5. STANDARD YARD METHOD* OF MEASURING FRONT 4• FRONT YARD YAROS BOTH FRONTAGES SPECIFIED FRONT YARD FRONT FRONT 1PROPERTY riR0 YARD LINE STREET i DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOTS III 6. IN SPLIT 20NINB FRONT YARD REMAINS uNwo M THROUGHOUT BLOCK SF-2 SF-2 SF-2 SF-2 i NS NS NS NS - - - - FROM TARO STREET 7.• FRONT YARD WHERE ZONING CHANGES IN A BLOCK 4-20 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M May 17, 1990 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZBA Case #90 ZBA Case #90 is a request for a Special Exception Use permit for Petroleum Operations per Section 44.12 (pp), ordinance No. 480. The property is located north of Highway No. 26 across from Grapevine High School, being legally described as 33.626 acres out of the Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, Tracts 1B1, 1B1C, and 1B1B. The owner/applicant is Conoco, Inc./ CITGO Petroleum Corp. The tract is zoned Industrial-2. There were eighteen (18) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, there has been three (3) responses : 2 written, Barbara Rhoades, 1229 Timberline Ct. and William Hutson, 1227 Timberline Ct. were in favor; 1 verbal: Mrs. Gollihugh, 1217 Timberline Ct. was in favor. On May 14, 1990, the Board of Adjustment agreed to continue the public hearing on May 29, 1990 to clarify the issue of Section 44.12 (pp) with the City Attorney's office. KPG/ew s +iill rw CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas *wool ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS REQUEST FOR APPEAL NAME: Conoco Inc. and -CIT60 Petroleum Corporation FEE: $50.00 r ADDRESS: 3100 Highway 26 West TELEPHONE NUMBER: 817-481-2909 LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) 3100 Highway 26 West Grapevine, Texas 76051. Metes and bounds description and plat map are attached REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) Zoning regulations adopted September 19, 1989 by the City of Southlake, Texas W specifically provide for inclusion of petroleum operations by special exception within 1-2, if granted by the Board of Adjustment (Para. 27.4) This facility is engaged in petroleum operations and desires to be properly err classified with respect to the current zoning ordinances of the City. tirr rr N DATE: SIGNATURE: Conoco Inc. CIT60 Petroleum Corporation i' CASE NO. Ali ~ W[ STMRN l 00► ` t `j sAM,~ ° ti TROPHY CLUB LAKE 'P AT RO 7 GRAPEVINE waoo,- BOB JONES RO B0» 0 s JONES I ;i GOOSE ' NICK OA ' L } l J~yp! i POSSUM NOLIOW ,>s'• E r REDBIRD IN S s s e- ABFAYfR W Ii ~~~„•~m / SWAM f //!}~~TJr S CRANE Lw y B B \ ` nU[BiADiB = S j X Dfl i W BASS '80 ' ~BAUMp TROUT LN SOUTH = CRAPPIE TRAIL LAKE land THOUSAND OAKS CIR.. SOUTH LAKE- DISTAICTBDUND YSOUTHLAKE NAABOR1% 0 ROLANA ~PK. LAKESIOE 1 IU Bfl1AR(N / yiNARBONWHITE°„ 03 ; a y 1 RILLSIOE OR MEAT WING CCTT e 2 CRESCENT OA "AR60A BLUE TEAL CT i - _ ' L` ll------1 12 ` 7 SOUTHLAKE PK.W •'o~ C~ BURNEY - LN W WOODLAND DR ` j 1 UKESN_OAf p< IZ 111 ` S NIISIWTT ST c9Fp'P~l o s --GRAVEL RO N~ AMfi~e~'' = IrL s~ °s f* go 1411. RO ~•gBAVTE~~ BIDDING LN I2 t' v DENE CT TAYLOR ST .=°•f 2 _`e~ z °s ♦ e s s. `!L4''ENCQRT m s' ~!Q' 4♦ J ~•-a 3 EMERALD CIR +V7 fwE71N1Rf7F = O s r• ms. a ta? OVE ti(Z'7A COVE St_ W - COVE ST_ E CARROLL> Ye • u w~ON N x = IQ ROBIN „IIAKY LN °e HIGH SCHOOL m s 7 v mss' o . ► L . fr-i I REST: ! F.i: i.» OAA IU MOCKINGBIRD LM " BRITTANY J s .'-'St s°hAVE ssCT 2 Z IRA~R~ R ~ 1RIIIBFRCTOA PRIMROSE LN w• W s ° s...rzs",P SUMMIT R'CE: 1 .1 CREEK JyG W s:Swtt pEN16 01111 1 OAKLANE_N m e .u ly3~* J~ N 1 ° OAKLANE. S PLAN2ATIO1F0A- _ :f CHRIS ANWICK AMN ' I i SLEEPY MO<( L INS 1 CA►ROCK CT •.'•i ; i^~O i s 1 i e w :OW ° AAYE 3 0~ j 2 TUMBLEWEEO `CYPRESS - yfU_ X OR 'WHISPERING IN 1 LONGNOANTN t~ 4NfF;IELD ST T i 3 ;0 4 CREEK 5 ALICE CT ESTER °ORESf LL „ JACK 0. JOHNSON iRE 6 THOMAS CT 4 r ~Y~c 'uPt i LN J m s HIDDEN e s ELEMENTARY 7 PANXANOI: "T ,Til1AA pp 9~ HIGHLAND ST_. W HIGHLAND SL E 8 BOX WNrG C tM)PLt' Oy, ^ - GLEN "L6~ FAWKES401tINGSW000 : DB 0i•~,N .n •pj SiESf• PA 0r OO AO A' OOVECREEK~ uR ` r ~LN 1 ^ ESE P `'FOSS TIMBE~`S_pAVfp ! CARROLI XIL.CAi7. 1 W: W [<P r ~~fNB + MIDDLE i s' s CE WILOWODO• L SCHOOL 'BAOOKwC: y~ • ~I MEADOW .YS'} e'KO~ j I ~`o= RAINTREE OP : di.VpO L0 RO iW GLEN i LAKEW000~ 0R'-" PAS - ° H a. =MISS1,7, '01110 011 g a = s 4NE s GREEN ROL'GX DA _ GLEN •m-~~s ° f~~? COVE -M j LOVE HENRY CT ° ' ; v °e ROLLING RIII A v CITY N W. -MU•SIBf Ct LOOSE SAM$A~ `s - a s HAIL 114 m m m w 1111I u + , aO »Z X s = 1 RIVERSIDE Or 1= • (E,~ DIAMOND BlVO. 2COLUMBUS T~.WiNDIME' I C = BICENTENNIAL PARK ~Ef'0EO~BlVO OQ` y1NjgB N •_,r J ,...._.1 : 009 'O » +7,xlAKE OIVO.. W ! in 11 , SOUTHLAKE BLVO_ E . ~i °XH/PfLyNE;KF OAK KNp. lip d t i o[[EA Rt • GOODE PINE : PINE Ct. E , 3 ; 1 ` ,NEe AIRPORT CT LOOP - 1 LILAC do sO 1 1 EXCHANGE BLYu! e RAINBOW °°ST 1 ~1iIRG3T? - MIC11EI GREENWOOD t: 46 R 1 1 GRffN BRIAR % ~ z i CONT~ENTAL CONTINf NTAL F:.II W 3 v CONTINENTAL BLVD. E y D C7 Z3 lrlll9lJVlJ 1~MCARROENTA RY ~M ASr o OY~ IL s HART S1 Sr° -I s / c XA / P F W' ° . COLLEYVILLE F..OID MILL RUN f~ w ~ o, TR Be --GAEEN~E - ,630 I i ~U6 d 57 AC ~ i pow .101,01 v AEE~~ MEA 11~ G 1 20 A uul.l a I TRACT 2 13.308 1 T11 6F a 01 AC 1 2 3 I ( ~ J Tit ,810 TA .71 AC 6CIB Amber PilxMne Co. IS ISIOH to _.45 AC_ &plorer Pipeline Co. TBALT 3 TR fBfUA .45 AL -a° Indu lrlnl-1 TR 1- - Ie TR 1BIA „ .45 AC 6C 15.6 AC TR 1815 to I t` .Is m felai ip _ - .4 AL ' eE Industrial-1 no TR 18 Iq T J.EA6 am TR 1817 - z GO1111t7t11T 1 iR IBIS TO M.M: °I-Sg _ °J I Finn Oil and Chemical Co. Er A1, w 2' TIT 1813 • •10 In 382 di H K. Art& e0 5.33 AC - -Tl Tit 3A IR 1816 •1p U 02 AL T.W,eofianf ea e~ TR 188 Ip -^f 4 A' ee Agricultural Gut1'err&z Tn 101 I In ISSA IA (Proposed Industrial-2) i{Utsdrf~ 6at 16.654 At 1 TR 1880 Tp w TR wea ro.M TN 18781 In • 18 .c ~J wq Joe'Aer Tit IB/B To 7" IBIC *0 1 Fina Oil and Chemical Co. P.n bw 'M IR BC7 It167 1.996 1 1H a 65 1; ~ TN - J.D 4,A41 •si 2 al At. ftithlakv l Joe L. Wright u~ gL as AL 1 ,1. AU P Tract 1M I NT E R~rieulUlr~l 11, - \ jpN . GE TI 1818 r 00c A~ 15 AC Grapevine City Limits SpL A-1453 ~ ~ iH 1 1 i ~ N SOUTHLAKE PRODUCTS TERMINAL x x x x x x x x x~ XI x I 680 645 I xl iso• ow. es ow. I x to x ~x x-ac x x I 609 611 601 a ow ~e cw. es• ow. 610 p OMATER n °w' 22. OW. 4 wcanwe I 0 „RHFMJ3 x Rte. I SLrr s PROPOSED YRREHOUSE 0 x ~SHROUO p VVFLARE _ I i x Al x T WF E ~ x - / " City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M May 8, 1990 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZBA Case #91 1m ZBA Case #91 is a request for site plan approval for the issuance of building permits for two (2) projects: 1) the shroud surrounding the thermal oxidizer ("flare") and 2) a 9' x 181, 10,000 gallon above ground additive tank. i The property is located north of Highway No. 26 across from Grapevine High School, being legally described as 33.626 acres out of the Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438, Tracts 1B1, 1B1C, and 1B1B. The owner/applicant is Conoco, Inc./ CITGO Petroleum Corp. i The tract is zoned Industrial-2. There were eighteen (18) letters sent to property owners ert= feet. To, datethere has been --thr- ON responses : 2 written, Barbara Rhoades, 1229 Timberline Ct. ' and William Hutson, 1227 Timberline Ct. were in favor; 1 verbal: Mrs. Gollihugh, 1217 Timberline Ct. was in favor. m KPG/ew I i CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2/06/90 SITE PLAN APPLICATICN OTITLE OF SITE PLAN: *UBDIVISICN SITE PLAN IS IN: LOT: EMCK• W j `I t APPLICANT. 6 001 OWNER (if different) NAME: CONOCO INC. AND CITGO PETROLEUM CORPORATION S: 3100 Highway 26 West RES Grapevine, Texas 76051 817/481-2909 I hereby certify that this site plan is in conformance with the requirements of 1he zoning Ordinance No. 480 and other ordinances, maps and codes of the City of Southlake that pertain to this submittal.. I further understand that it is necessary to be present at V,e applicable Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council meetings to represent the losed request and address any unresolved issues. i ed . » L- Date; ****9r**xxirw**~tlt*~r~ktklt**~c~t~t***~t**it*iktkit*****it********k~k*****~nk**~Ir**~ktlt****tk~lt**~Ir**ylrk**rM*rt~t***~1r 4or City Use Only: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the site plan application and the application fee in "'he amount of $ on this the day of Signed 'title: ,ollowing checklist is a partial summary of site plan requirements rec~uired.b the Ci of ScUthl , _ =I'efer to the° ther ordinances, maps and codes available at the City Hall that may pertain to this site an submittal. own Not RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN 7 Plan Applic. Acceptable scale; 1" = 20'1 1"= 401, or as approved North arrow, graphic & written scale in close proximity Location Map Appropriate title, i.e. "Site Plan" to include name of development, City, gross acreage and date of preparation . Name and address of record owner Name, address..and phone of person preparing the site plan Metes and bounds labeled on property boundary Existing zoning of this site and all adjacent property _ Any proposed zoning shown All R.O.W. and easements on or adjacent to the site labeled (type, width) Width and type of bufferyards labeled Pedestrian walks, malls, and open areas shown Location, type and height of all walls, fences, and screening devices shown Anticipated schedule of development Location and size of points of ingress/egress to the site Location, size, height, type and orientation of signs, 1 ight ing, luminaries and exterior auditory speakers All trash dumpsters located (Multi-family only) Any necessary drainage study or details APR 20 '90 9:24 PAGE. 00:3 Site Plan Checklist Sheet 2 of 2 1i shown Not MIXED USE DEVEMPM NT SITE FLAN Plan Applic. Acceptable scale: 1" = 20', 1"= 40', or as approved North arrow, graphic & written scale in close proximity Location Map Appropriate title, i.e. "Site Plan" to include name of development, City, gross acreage and date of preparation Name and address of record owner Name, address and phone of person preparing the site plan Metes and bounds labeled on property boundary Existing zoning of this site and all adjacent property Any proposed zoning shown All R.O.W. and easements on or adjacent to the site labeled (type, width) Proposed finish grades shown, i.e. contours, critical spot elevations at edges of pavement, curb returns, building corners, finish floor elevation Directional flow arrows in all flow lines Existing or proposed drainage structures labeled with size, type and flow line Location, dimensions and square footage of existing/proposed buildings, uses contained therein, number of stories, maximum height, entrances and exists Percentage of site coverage labeled All building setback lines shown (Front, rear, side) Location of any ors--site temporary sanitary waste storage facilYt~ _wr _ F7.re lane designated--show radii adjacent to fire lane Label width and t ~ ype of all bufferyards Show any proposed septic fields Location and width of all curb cuts and driving lanes including radii of all curb returns Show all pedestrian walks, malls, open areas Location, type and height of all walls, fences and screening devices Types of surfacing labeled (i.e. asphalt, concrete, grass, gravel, etc) Closest fire hydrant dimensioned to property corner show any proposed fire hydrants Drainage study or plans Anticipated schedule of development of the site All off-street parking stalls and loading areas shown Label parking required (Per ratio) and parking provided Location, size, height, type and orientation of signs, lighting, luminaries and exterior auditory speakers All trash dumpsters shown, label screening enclosure Building elevations provided, note on plan whether or not the 4W facade meets the masonry ordinance requirements e~ JW APR 20 ''DO 9:25 FAGE . f1~4 i Z ' L T.¢ ~ ~ x J ~a -CL i ~e u V -_T _-l[ 9 533td5 f___ a S:'v •i i '•-J---------~---~ s-t_:_:______---- u. o ~ 8 Kn _•:1. aS; W n'3 Z Y ~ y B-2l .f C7 A-AI W ~ -J •I 1 I s I ~ i • i a 17 _ ' 111 . ~ • u ~~•f` - , . I • a o ' a~ nwi w ~ a a ¢nu JuJ <1~i ¢ Y V'` y -I I i I 1 • i i dA ~ aw ' METAL STRUCTURE FLAME I I I I I I N I I STANCHION FLARE r i I I i I I I r ' SIDE VIEW w i N V ~ C O of Li ~ w `-Ell ~1 ~ cr ~ i o 126M M o~~ J ~ ~ ~ O ~ m \7. ~ ~ Z o LAJ g ~ W o 0 U) NZ F- Z i V 2 O =°o w 3: i yamYz( Z w o mW ' Sm O Q Q 72m JI U LIJ ° ~ go U) 3 ~ W YY Z W a Z W d CJ aJ t0 W - -4 > y rt g HZo U3 Iii 3 > ,gy m v w CS) ! m tD ° m N Zx Y m x F- D Y _ at-- WF-x W O 06 a. U, 6 r S = ¢ 4. W 2d b W KJ +IIA ' i(W DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIVE TANK INSTALLATION AT CONOCO/CITGO SOUTHLAKE PRODUCTS TERMINAL Prefabed additive tank to be set on 2 piers. The piers will be 2 feet wide by 10 feet long by 7 feet deep, 3 feet above ground and 4 feet below ground. There will be a footer 1 foot deep by 4 feet wide by 12 feet * long that the 2 piers will set on. These pieors and footers will be made of 3500 lbs concrete with a 4" slump. There will be verbar on 12" centers running the full width end height of the piers and footers both ways. This tank will be piped to an existing additive tank. Ali pipe and fittings will. be scheduled 3 or better a,-,d coated where under- ground. There will be a 2" off load line from the tank to outside the =ir.ed area. ~c ii 1c wl: ti:-- oe s--r;eu-,led E3,) Lr- better illill - - - !1111 + MAY 0 71990 FARE DEPT. PLANS REVIEWED BY FIRE DEPT. DATE - - NAME t iAu P, LF 0~ ' CHEATHAM ' AND ASSOCIATES Vey 7, 1990 Karen Gandy Zoning Administrator City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: ZBA-90; First review of the Site Plan of Conoco's Southlake Products Terminal Dear Karen: Our staff has reviewed the above mentioned site plan received by our office on May 1, 1990 and per the requirements of ordinance 480, Section 40.3B we offer the following comments: 1. Provide a graphic scale near the north arrow. W 2. Provide a small scale location map. ! 3. Title block should also include the gross acreage of the i tract. 4. Provide the name and address of the owner on the plan. Also show name, address, and phone of person preparing the site plan. 5. Label the metes and bounds on the property boundary. 6. Label the existing zoning of all adjacent properties. Also ' note the proposed zoning of this tract. 7. Label the R.O.W. line for S.H. 26. Also show and label any existing easements. s~ 8. Proposed finish grades and critical spot elevations are not shown. *Due to the fact that all these improvements currently exist and the proposed improvements are not impacting drainage, this requirement may be less important than under a normal scenario. 9. Label the type and size of the existing culverts shown. 10. Percentage of site coverage should be labeled. ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 2011 East Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76006 817/460-2111 • Metro 265-7948 1 Karen Gandy City of Southlake ZBA-90 Conoco's Southlake Products Terminal May 7, 1990 Page 2 of 2 Iwo, 11. All building setback lines should be labeled and/or noted. 12. Label width and type of bufferyards required on all four sides. If none is required, please note this. 13. Show any trash dumpsters and label if screened. 4 aG ade 14. Provide buildingVelevations or note their compliance with masonry ordinance requirements. 15. It is our understanding that the only proposed improvement to this plan is the shroud around the flare in the west portion of the tract. We recommend this be shown on the plan and clearly marked as a "Proposed" improvements. * We recommend that this tract be platted prior to any major building improvements. * We recommend the fire chief review this plan for fire lane requirements and adequacy of fire protection. 0.1 If you have any questions, lease call our office. Respectfully, ~(2/7 r Eddie Cheatham, P.E. * Denotes informational comment n rn~..■ srr~r.~~. I =87.28 R= 3Z2. 1`R°/°crTy Gist O~ ~~ep ° dop ci ~ o T I ~ ~ I -I I I ~ I is 11 oft I ~ ~ ~ci► ~ J j e t ~a I g ~ 1 I ~~i~ o rrr I ~ ~ ~ I ` I ~ ~ i " rrrrirruunnor+rr r w+i~.~r+rimri.+r~ - 900 McCAIN ROAD • COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS 76034 • PHONE: 1817) 481-4007 { 1 40 f A 04 ;j '~JV-)HAROY - BROKER ' r r WELECTRIC May 14, 1990 Northampton Homes Inc. 300 Trophy Club Drive Trophy Club, Texas RE: Easement Encroachment Garden Court & Shady Oaks Southlake TO Whom It May Concern: TU Electric has no objection to the encroachment of the proposed tennis court into the platted utility easement along the West property line of Lot 15 of the Garden Addition to the City of y Southlake. If there are any questions in this matter, please call. Sincerely, QTY i'• Margaret oolery C"o Customer Services Representative MW/sb P. O. Box 609 Euless Texas 76039 •+~+r- Ul AL-i♦ ruirJ s .7-1•}-7vJ ,~.•+trw , G14 43'4 'Li~G'l~ tit'/4..ib4b'r9;# 2 05/14/90 14:48 002 r L - aT- 3 GTE Southwest Incorporati P. o. Box 128 Le isville, Texas 75029 w W May 14, 1990 1Y Diana Brown Northampton Homes 300 Trophy Club Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 sR Dear Mrs. Brown With the following stipulations, GTE Southwest Incorporate Offers nu objection to the encroachment of proposed tennis court into the 15' utility casement at Lot 5, in the Gard Addition DevelopmeaL, other ise known as 70 Garden Court, 'e Southlake, Texas. C 1. GTE Southwest will no assume liability for any damage to the proposed tenni court or to an other improve ent which may encroach up n the utility easement. 2. GTE Southwest will be held harmless a ainst all suit a, costs, expenses, dama es, or any other claims which id may arise out of this consent to encroachment. L 3. This consent to encroachment does'not constitute a release or surrender f any rights, p ivileges, or interests which GTE S uthwest may have in this easem nt. MR Any questions may be directed to me at 214-1118-0027. Sincerely, '0 4, 4 6 4 ~JZV4 4. 0 r Daniel Belser Project Coordinator DB:bkm A par i of U It Corporation i i i ~,I