1990-04-23 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING -Awe April 23, 1990 7:30 p.m. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBERS: Art Sorenson, Chairman; Members: Joe Bentley, Robert Downard, Ernest Johnson, and, Dennis Minder, 4W Alternate #1. MEMBERS ABSENT: John Scoggan, Vice-Chairman and Bill Stoner, Alternate #2. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. Agenda Item #2, Approval of minutes r with no comments or amendments to the minutes of the March 26, Board of Adjustment Meeting, Mr. Sorenson, Chairman, deemed the minutes approved as written. Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments 40 Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator informed the Board that the next Board of Adjustments meeting will be held on May 14, 1990. Agenda Item #4, Case #88, Request for Special Exception Use Permit W Case #88, a request for a Special Exception Use permit for family quarters in the Agricultural Zoning District per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12(n). The property is legally described as a four (4) acre tract of land out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tract 2C, more commonly known as 217 Lilac Lane. The request is made by Barbara J. Rudduck, owner of the property. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, who stated that the property owner proposes a conventional, stick-built, 1,000 square foot house in the location shown on the site drawing, incorporated into the minutes of this meeting. She stated that ten (10) letters were sent to property owners within 2001. She has received three (3) letters in favor, from; B.L. A Marriott, Elizabeth Heyne and Wanda Pulliam. One (1) letter opposing the request, from Marshall Noyes. Noyes expressed concern +w due to the fact that the 1,000 square foot house is far below the house size in the area, and that it would lower the property values in the area. ,w , J Board of Adjustments Minutes page two P'* April 23, 1990 rrr►' Agenda Item #4, Continued Public Hearing: Barbara Rudduck, 217 Lilac Lane, stated they agree that a mobile home would not be in keeping with the neighborhood, therefore, they are requesting to build a stick built structure. Jack Rudduck, 217 Lilac Lane, stated they will be staying within the 1,000 square foot, as they are removing the garage from the structure as shown on the plans. Bill Pulliam, 329 Sioux, Keller, was present to answer questions for the board, stating he will be building the structure, if the permit is approved. No comments were received in opposition to the request. Joe Bentley stated the findings, including: 1) this request is a permissible use in terms of the ordinance in Section 44.12 (n). 2) the location of the activities are defined on the site C plan. 3) this request is compatible with the area. Chairman Sorenson polled the board at this time, in terms of approval of the request for family quarters. Ayes: Sorenson, Bentley, Downard, Johnson, Minder. Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote. Agenda Item #5 Adjournment ON The meeting was adjourned by Mr. Sorenson at 7:46 p.m. Art So on, Chairman, Board of Adjustments AT 419 419 fit V111111WI Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary v rn N J. v N jJ 4 a V L z L z z - c7 M cn_ rNn City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M April 18, 1990 di TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment Case #88 Board of Adjustment Case #88 is a request for a Special Exception Use for Family Quarters in the Agricultural district per Ordinance No 480, Section 44.12 (n). The subject tract is legally described as four (4) acres out of the O.W. Knight Survey, Abstract No. 899, Tract 2C, more commonly known as 217 Lilac Lane. The request is made by Barbara J. Rudduck, owner of the property. She proposes a conventional, stick-built, 1,000 square foot house in the location shown on the site drawing. There were ten (10) letters sent to property owners within A 200 feet. To date, there have been four (4) responses: three (3) in favor: B.L. Marriott, 223 Lilac Lane, Elizabeth Heyne, 440 S. Pine, and Wanda Pulliam, adjacent property to the West and one (1) opposed: Marshall Noyes, 220 Lilac Lane. KPG !AA AI .s i~ ~Illl CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTVENTS RDQMT FOR APPEAL NAME: Tack cd -B&rb&r& Ru tlA u ck FEE: $50.00 AMRESS: 2 7 LiL nc Zan r= TELEPBWE NMER: E-3 3Z LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description.) REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) r V sjoyQ ~n 0 r 01 r is o-y 1, G > SCE . r man, 7L --5'T"r'C,CTvrF L 0 Qs~ Elm U Je ~mE'V as SE am"e 4E \r~A~ L2 F 0 U Y- , LOV S rT~ A :A 6~-- 407r 4->r~Vs ~,~~OUEST- DATE: 4 go SIGNATURE: G. V CASE NO.: l is LAKE TROPHY CLUB O 0 _ GRAPEVINE 1 ' ~_r f r• in ar: r r a.7 ' I rNw rat■r 15.!11111, a ' u 13 S 3s f! r a+\ i a&" APw 4im .lift E , aura u y OWN l LOU ~ loom"&= 1 r 111 ;O O/STA/CT oOtINO . 3 i s K WPLM t woo7ow J----• 1 LAN a 3 1 = Iv IRK ~rwa w+itN =4 ~srttr ' I2 i WAHMN a a 1 1 1 I tf.l7r:• M own It S. *now-; Ii ! s- cater MMUSS". itntrt■ i+ Ice _ _ ttrt st. r _ art !t. t i _ it 1` tt w r - Ca/qlt~ a' IV U - Ni/N scum ~ ~ ~ ' ~ j1••~4Z rL. -rir wauaw u 6.4 , - Founa LO NI a; rtrunati -a■t j ■ttfa. ~ ~ ~uf t wne. a . ' I ) ~ = L Mrs` s s 7 wwa.■ ITT fir ilNtrtn■~u = j tua tt' 1 I,.E7{iy JACK /..ANN7/N t ?Now Ct :a 1161 CARTS - Falls ■■I.Na!n! .:ir■~ i' are s■tt _ ■ ~ ~ Ifs ~~ft7 iw(~ ~1~►f , r /to • t: 1`~~~~ W■ t[t fir. M.Now! OUR M M l..trlN MI"' s ay itlp arm 24 Kis 1 O N ;tm SI Mt ~ ~ s' a" -MtiNt ~T tel. L//i[ 'w~a•'ri ~ N ~ Nut ry 1: ` MUMS CIS f 1 tNClNTENNIU 'fy7iifi■a i amaws~ y i /ANK ~f -1[1/• f a an 1 itw _ 'i s~rtawt ww. • • 7■ ' nw wta..t awl t .i•. i 1 to to a ~ aooef s ~ r«tt =wet et. t i ~ ~ ; 1 i Wt 1 s 217 Lilac Mr ry;: rs~tt att■rtt■ S IL r aNif cat~t■tu t.■la■t4 I. A.. ~ (■■TI.lw• ar■. I ~ Q! "new A r r Y xi COLLEYVILLE r" KNOLL 9" • ~ PINE ACRES C V s to *A : ,j99sg a ~ t 11as 1.0 Ac 1 sNG . a y tillA - r 1 1 ; 111 us If Roy Beyne s.• AL' 440 S. Pine Sandra Bay Talley s s a SL 150 Lilac Lane 220 • AG SL Noyes { Sr -1 1 Pearson i LILAC 1 Rt.l, Box 511 . sr 1 2A 1 TA 1 1 Roanoke 1 J.A.Fultner 1 1 RE 1 ; 46 3707 Lakecrest Dr. 1 - - - - , AC Grapevine i . 1 Agricultural 1 P~ Wanda Pulliam i pet, Rt. 1, Box 97 Sanders B.L. Marriott 1 NA Keller 219 Lilac 223 Lilac Lane.- 1 SL SL - 1 5 0 a6 18 VC 1A 2C3 1 ~ Residential Estate 4.0 I►C 3.34 AC (]RE) 1 Agricultural Agricultural 1 f 1 L.G.Mantooth Mobil Land Development . Ibite Chapel 13777 Midway Rd. P.O. Box 819047 17 ' Agricultural 1 Dallas, 7X. 75381-9047* 'tA TES' m is 3t. 4/. Residential PUD r 318 E. Continental Blvd. r L /CAC AAIVE WE A- 1 91Jt =W0T AD PULL NP M M A WAO OF LAS Wf W 1S 0. Sit WOW. MWWA T M. 599. WARM MM, MU, AS IOIN ~fQl~ N MMM AM WORDS AS FINJAMS Sff.I== at w Ivan pis. said point being 2000.0 toot mra of abs Soethweat cevaer of said Eaigbt SWMF* $aid Mint b6la0 dW se.thwnet eorsar of a tract of lad deeded to do Veterans' Las/ Board of Te=as as shown in Velaae 2333. Pap 219. Mod Records. Torrent County. Tassel TSE11t3 East. along the South line of said tract 210.2 last to an 0 ~ LS fed iron pis for career; ow 4p9' ~OA9 T1O'.SCE Worth. at GOO." feet as iron yin is the South line of 0' Lilac Lam. is all 027." Cast to a sail to the center of Lilac Lone; r V Mf r v 77lL11Ct N. 89• - 30' V. along the center of Lilac Lane 210.21 feat ►1 di A to a sail for eereerl ~ibrr'' ~ r. M R~ t' G% O TIQIIL3 South. at 19.0 feet an ices Via. is all 029.3 face to the O n NOelff or SEQIVII IM and containing 4.0 acres of land. Of 2 a which 0.09 acres is in use as a public road. 3 h Registered Public Surveyor. 1600. do hereby certify that the above whence plot is a true and correct ropeaoestation • of a survey sale on the groud Under q . personal supervision. ° Dace 7 12-83 s Asa Odle `,...'V • ,ii.,AK10 a IMa1 s . . &GOO Jr . r 10 AREA 101, TRAM too I. s?. EVUMM. TU" 75100 N"I a,~•ssa4 . . 1 r. r4 rl i o • -------T ~ I I N Z 14 I i IL OPIR i M f ~Q 19 r7l 4 Q n 7 ✓ • j lob ' •M5 far . 0 • a ' in' s` c"z • r J<` t fill _ - I