1990-11-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue ~w BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING November 15, 1990 7 P M MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Sorenson, Chairman; Ernest Johnson, Vice Chairman; Stephen Apple, Joe Bentley, and Fred Joyce, Alternate 2. MEMBER ABSENT: Robert Downard, and Dennis Minder, Alternate 1. STAFF PRESENT: Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works, Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, and Eddie Wilson, Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer. Agenda Item #2 Approval of Minutes. di With no objection approval of the Minutes was postponed until the next scheduled meeting. Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments. Mrs. Gandy commented there is no scheduled meeting for November 29, 1990. A motion was made to suspend the rules and adjust the agenda to consider Agenda Item # 5, Case #114, before Agenda Item # 4, Case #113. Motion: Bentley do Second: Apple Ayes: Bentey, Apple, Joyce, Johnson, Sorenson OR Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to suspend the rules Agenda Item # 5 Case #114 Request for a variance Case # 114 a request for a variance to the setback requirements of the SF-20 B Zoning District to allow the original setbacks established in Ordinance No. 161, A-2 district. Location 2960 Lake Drive being legally described as Block 1, Lot 9 Dove Estates. The owner/applicant is Waterstone Homes, Ltd. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. The owner/applicant had no addition to Mrs. Gandy's presentation. Public Hearing. No opposition expressed. Public Hearing Closed. Board Of Adjustments Meeting Page 2 November 15, 1990 4 Mr. Bentley stated the findings as the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance, and the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land. Granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. A motion was made to grant the request for a variance. Motion: Bentley Second: Johnson Ayes: Bentley, Apple, Joyce, Johnson, Sorenson Nayes: None Vote: 5-0 to grant the variance Agenda Item #4 Case # 113 request for a variance. Case # 113 a request for a variance for approval of an amended site plan for a metering station. The location being 2401 Highway 26, being legally described as Tracts 3A, 3B2, 3B2 and 4 of the C B McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013. The owner is Fina Oil and Chemical Co. and the applicant is Koch Refining Co. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. A presentation was made by Dan Stecklein, of Koch Refining Co. and Barry Hudson, Vice President, in charge of planning with Everage Consultants. After a discussion by the Board and at the request of the applicant a motion was made to continue Case #113 a to Thursday, November 29, 1990 at 7 P. M. Motion: Apple Second: Joyce Ayes: Bentley, Apple, Joyce, Johnson, Sorenson Nayes: None IN Vote: 5-0 to continue Case #113 di Agenda Item #6 Meeting Adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P. M. Arthu renson, Chairman Eddie Wilson, attended the mee f~~' N ATT ST : CD L A ~ F % Sandra L. LeGrand = y City Secretary " t ~ M CD z 7 ~ ~ H y v ~ 0 C C1:3 - r cn In bb ' M a cn ~pq F d ~ Icy ' n H c1 z ❑y low, N H 1 • 9 ~l trr, z n o H WV Lrj + o \ rd H z w 160 Cn Cn H M -A City of Southlake, Texas do M E M O R A N D U M rr November 9, 1990 TO: Board of Adjustment Members FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: ZBA Case #113 ZBA Case #113 is a request for approval of an amended site plan for a metering station which will include a motor control center building, a header, a meter skid, a meter prover, filters and a trap. The request is made by Koch Refining Company. They propose leasing a portion of the property owned by Fina Oil and Chemical Company. Their representative is Barry Hudson of Everage Consultants, Inc. The property is located at 2401 Highway No. 26 West being legally described as Tracts 3A, 3B1, 3B2, and 4, C.B. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013. The proposed location of the metering station is in the southern portion of Fina's NOW, approved site plan. The property is zoned I-2 (Industrial-2) with a Special Exception Use for petroleum operation. There were six (6) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, there have been no responses. KPG at W di iW A rl~ CITY OF SOLI ILAKE Agent- 667 N. Carroll Avenue EVERAGE CONSULTANTS, INC. Southlake, Texas 2630 West Freeway, Suite 100 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Attn: Barry Hudson "!M ZONING BOARD OF ADJUMMM 429- 7 560 REQUEST FOR APPEAL Fina Oil & NAME: Chemical Co. and Koch Refining Co. FEE: $50.00 Box 2159 12550 Trinity Boulevard ADDRESS: Dallas, Texas 75221 Euless, Texas 76040 481-1514 Joe Baxley TAE NUMBER: (214) 890-1969 Shelly Hacker 685-340n Dan Stprklpin LOCATION OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) Southlake Terminal Champlin/Fina Highway 26 West C. McDonald Survey, Abstract No. 1013, Tracts 3A and 4 REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) In compliance with the City of Southlake Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 44.12 Special Exceptions, pp. Petroleum Operations; this property is already zoned "I-2" Heavy Industrial, and has special exception approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment for Petroleum Operations. The currently approved site plan reflects the existing site improvements of Fina Oil & Chemical Co. at their Southlake Terminal. The attached amended site plan shows the metering station Koch Refing Co. is proposing to construct on a portion of the vacant Fina property at the south end of the terminal. There are no tanks proposed. The only above ground improvements are: the Motor Control Center Building (approximately 12' x 16'), the header, meter skid, meter prover, filters and trap (as shown). w DATE: October 15, 1990 SIGNATURE: c / A CASE NO. /J 4M Southlake - Fina Oil and Chemical Company and Koch Refining Company I-2 Special Exception October 15, 1990 Amended Developmental Site Plan 27.4 (a) Development Regulations (1) All buildings located on property are one story. (2) Noted. (3) Gasoline and diesel are delivered to the terminal via pipeline. All outbound gasoline and diesel leave either east or west from Id the terminal on Highway 26 (Ira Woods). Once on Highway 26, the tank trucks proceed to either the interstate or other state highways with the majarity proceeding to Highway 114. No change from previous site plan. (4) Noted. (b) Performance Standards (1) No change from previous site plan. (2) No change from previous site plan. (3) Noted. a/ 27.5 Development Regulations a. Site does not abut a residential area. b. Site does not abut a residential area. C. Site does not abut a residential area. d. Site does not abut a residential area. e. Noted. ✓ f. The lot area is greater than 10 acres. g. Does not apply. h. Site does not abut a residential area. i. Noted. AW j. Noted. k. Noted. 27.6 Development Site Plan a. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG b. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG c. Table of net land area Tanks 31,000 square feet Buildings 13,340 square feet Awnings 2,000 square feet 46,340 square feet Site 17.9977 acres (783,980 square feet) Covered site 46,340 square feet/783,980 square feet - 6 percent total land covered. d. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. All Buffer "J" is undeveloped agricultural land. e. Noted. Provided as needed during building permitting. f. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. 3 OWN g. All terminal operations perform per internal guidelines. More detail available upon request of the Administrative Official as noted in zoning ordinance. 27.7 Performance Standards a. Noise. Noted. b. Vibration. Noted. c. Smoke, Particulate Matter and Visible Emissions. Noted. d. Toxic and Noxious Matter. Noted. e. Odor. Noted. f. Glare. Noted. g. Fire Hazards. Noted. h. Additional Standards. Noted. 40.1 General. Noted. 40.2 Application. Noted. 40.3 Site plan information. Noted. 40.3A Predominately residential development site plans. Does not apply. 40.3B Mixed use development site plans. a. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. b. Noted. We take exception to this item since the property is not located in the floodplain per the Planning and Zoning department. c. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. d. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. e. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. f. Access to fire hydrants and equipment on private accessways. The fire marshall has a site plan. The present access agreement for the fire deparment is to cut the movement chain on the automatic gate and then roll the gate back. The terminal personnel work closely with the fire department during training activities. Fina has a program for the local fire officials to attend our annual fire training school. David Barnes from Southlake attended this year's school. g. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. All Buffer "J" is undeveloped agricultural land. h. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. i. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. j. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. k. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. 1. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. m. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 1601.0002.DWG. n. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. The property is not located in the floodplain per the Planning and Zoning department. o. Noted. As capital budgets are approved, yearly development issues can be addressed. p. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. q. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. r. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. s. Noted. No changes from previous site. The signs are 40 approximately six feet by six feet. The internally illuminated sign is approximately fourteen feet above grade to the bottom of the sign. t. Noted. u. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. v. Noted. See item (o) this section above. w. Noted. See attached scaled drawing number 16010002.DWG. 40.4 Review of site plan. Noted. 40.5 Improvements. Noted. 40.6 Administrative action. Noted. 40.8 Conflict with other requirements. Noted. y' Ad 4W Mi w TROPHYCLUB I HEST►ARK LOOP \ SARI, LAKE N - ~`'RI°■ = GRAPEVINE W NO/ JONfS no. AN J= ! 1 POSSUM NOIIOM =-Z {NOSE ~ RECR E1 2 4184me LIT 12 5--jig /mar i sw,~N Ei ~e W u "Not A CRANE A' r-'= a' WESTLAKE E* , _ NUf/IRpI. << mat a W BASS n J ' ^IINK TROUT DENTON COUNTY a $MTN = CIU1"If TRAIL LAKE TNOUSANO OAKS TARRANT COUNTY CI L DISTR/CTBOf/ND 0N'~---'~--~~~~-~--- - a~ ~ Id a IO tiL11.AV.\ t NUTNLAKE '.0it RIE =4 "*Olson ; ►ILE VN.LIKE SIDEE r,* 1 04 AIR IU A , 8411111 IN { •ay.?,NRtoo i i GR H ` - 1 NILLSNE A,NEAT will G, V • 1~ E CUBISM M E~ NMIANL IIOE TEAL CT s if 12 SSWTNLAKERL.Y1:3 C~ BWAU i LN W A WORL N/ ON - v IIA _ _ 1 W S MILLION a Z.,rEET ST t s e YEIp■ VIN! S BIT •uI GENE Cf t~ •TATLOR ST to out Ct" . i¢ e~ ? . e - _ NOME ST- N MOVE ST- E.' Z Na1N 3 W t CARROLL7 ~..r ;V LR, 2-v i i NIGH SCHOOL 9' ' e I J MOCKIN1 m LIT " W i- •ai7 8mrrANT Cl 1 a I a i L HIIN NOSE LIT_ Gsrf o~ i. 4, • Z a. ~E <I q _ _ ~ i eJ OAKLINE.■ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ uE~ ~ OARILNES PIARtAI1pN OR'= s - A. 1 SLEE►Y N ► u INC a 11 ft/y ~ R % TO TO iE I 4 CT I CAYROCR CT's. rAz II a"i s ;ICYPNESf NAYF+ l ON ~OAISAs, tE~"lN e S XWNDUPToOC u 1 CREEK • 11 A LNNUMN TIT it S 1 1 ° o ifiRif LM °o ! , s JACK D. JOHNSON!, I { TNOIi CT "OEN°e. ELEMENTARY ■ CEr! 7►ARNANOLEC• E J 0~ 'a: >E aE, ? _ • XINIILARI ST, rr _ IUC6LANN IT, E 1 EAS CANYON C• FAWKESNNIKINSWO000 Z88#844. ~ J 'I OR W:• S: NOYECKfE# ■ ; • ; W. <I~ : IrT~l4 Dss tIKIE~ NA►TAOFyO i CANKOLL s. ~y q MEDDLE W"WO pL SCHOOL YI/ 1 MEAOOLE I~: J~G~ ! e _ ft0/ENCE_~ NO' JI ~e GLEN .E aunt, µANN in 8 W. QININEtA i Ii XKLSIO[ Ct COVE `LOVE NERRT CT at u CITY I°ej • (e ~ 1. f A LODGE ++ISiE ink - IIq HALL 114 " la t y MAAIORN NLYN IN r !r f. ZO BICENTENNIALS f►~ LANK } !It Kh i " i _ .JMNSON NO . J ; 17~ SOUTNLAKE NLYO-• in I g' - SOUTIN.ARE NLYL E _ 170! _ ( 'f Wit' 'r-g~ ~ GOODE l s , .AIAPOR f ►ICT I IpE. ;T. E I3 CT I 1-- W • RAINNOW ' NIC~FL /NEENTYOO/ =f 410 S CdEF~ iMiN e CONTINENTAL RY/ N . rt % 'LI■ ~9bIR1 . e... T` -A ~ CONIINENIAL ILYO_ E T as MLER + JORINTAKT 57 e°e ~ MANT-ST AWE ! COLLEYVILLE :s J - __-•__.Wr -JONM McCA1N RO , RD MILL iUN ! - e u { I I CO) 40 o y os ti L9 a- ;ot 3 1r~ -t •f rJ t-- wrr'' 7.1 I 424 I O I Q1 Y I { m A 1A S a r i r j - 04 Aid 444 40 HEADER r METER FILTER; M,` - aI C, RO ME TEq ERL PROVER SUMP-r1. r BU:,O1JyG p r IRR -J TRAP KoC H METER I NG ~ W J 4 Y _ V Q W df . 1 O dl~ C 1 Z . J m r, y 3W ~t TR^sH DLWSTER o 4 J i LT. POLE L O O C r - - - - - - _ _ SF.lTIC TO PAWANE TA1t ~r HEADER METER SKID FILTERS I Ail A- M~C 1 fll L -I METER I C:'.'ROL PROVER SUMP--~,Lojl Rl*'iER / eu:,IING TRAP CMOs 12 - Xle KOCH METERING STATION Ali male am w 2 J Y V I m F Z J I ~ m Minim W SET LACK LDE 30' CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES 40 November 8, 1990 a~ Ms. Karen Gandy Zoning Administrator city of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue 40 Southlake, TX 76092 Re: ZBA #113: First-Review of the Site Plan for Fina Oil & Chemical/ K oh Pipeline Cmpany Dear Karen: a Our staff has reviewed the above mentioned site plan received by our office on October 17, 1990 and we offer the following coumexrts: 1. Please provide a building facade showing compliance with the masonry ordinance. * We reeoataend the applicant encircle the area of intended improvements with a 'cloud-like' designation and label this as improvements intended with this application. If you have any questions, please call our office. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P. E. Va113.sp1 +a * Denotes informational ecu meet oc: Everage Consultants ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. A 1170 Corporate Drive West • Suite 207 • Arlington, Texas 76006 817/633-1023 • Metro 640-4329 City of Southlake, Texas M E M O R A N D U M November 14, 1990 4 I TO: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator FROM: Roger Stewart, Fire Prevention Officer SUBJECT: FINA and KOCH METERING STATION PLANS r1 04 Monday, November 12, 1990, at 09:00 a.m., Mr. Barry Hudson of Everage Consultants and Mr. Dan Stecklein with Koch Pipeline were at the Fire Department office for a d meeting on the new installation of a pipeline and metering station on Fina Oil Company's property. Site plans were looked at and the following questions were discussed. 1. Who would have the control and responsibility for the metering station and its operations? Mr. Stecklein responded by advising that the Koch Pipeline Company is the sole responsible party in the operation and control of the metering station. 2. Where is the metering station going to be monitored from? Mr. Stecklein advised it would be from the main terminal in Wichita Kansas. 3. Will it be monitored 24-hours a day, 7 days a week? Mr. Stecklein, yes. 4. What size pipeline will service the metering station? Mr. Stecklein, 12" pipeline coming from DFW Airport, which comes from the tank farms on Hwy. 157 in Fort Worth, not of Arlington. 5. It was noted on the plans that a sump would be used. What size cap will the sump hold? Mr. Stecklein advised it has a cap of 8,000 gallons. 6. How will the waste product be removed from the sump? Mr. Stecklein advised that a small pipeline will be installed between the sump and a truck loading rack in the Fina complex. 7. Will Koch Pipeline be willing to purchase 50 gallons of firefighting foam like the rest of the tank farms in the area? Mr. Stecklein: Yes, we will be happy to do what the rest of them are doing. 40 City of Southlake, Texas I Karen Gandy November 14, 1990 Page 2 r 40 8. Will Koch Pipeline be willing to install two access gates 16' wide for firefighting purposes in the north and west fences? Mr. Stecklein: Yes, the gates are no r problem. 9. Will Koch Pipeline submit a written explanation on how the metering station will operate and the emergency operations plan? Mr. Stecklein: Yes 10. Will the metering station be diked or a concrete bermed for spill protection? Mr. Stecklein: Yes, it will concrete slurry impermeable surface with earth dikes. 11. What types of fuel will come through the metering station? Mr. Stecklein: Gasoline and diesel fuel and i at some time, maybe jet fuel. 46 Note: Fire hydrants were discussed and it was determined that the existing hydrants on site at Fina were close enough for protection. If the metering station is installed and maintained as purposed by Mr. Stecklein and the Koch Pipeline Company, the i Fire Prevention Office has no problem with the installation. Roger Stewart Fire Prevention Officer err RS/lc :rr i i City of Southlake, Texas + M E M O R A N D U M 4 November 9, 1990 s TO: Board of Adjustment Members „ FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: Board of Adjustment Case #114 Board of Adjustment Case #114 is a request for a variance to the setback requirements of the SF-20 B zoning district to allow the original setbacks established in Ordinance No. 161, A-2 district. The property is located at 2960 Lake Drive, being legally described as Block 1, Lot 9, Dove Estates. The owner of the lot is Waterstone Homes, Ltd. Included is the revised plot plan reflecting compliance with the original setbacks established by Ordinance No. 161, A-2 district. 0041. There were eleven (11) letters sent to property owners -00' within 200 feet. To date, there has been one (1) response: Margaret Hall for the Johnny Dean Hall Trust was in favor of the variance request. .r #W KPG ,rr AIM S 1 CITY OF SOU HLAKE } 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas TOTING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS :40 REQUEST FOR APPEAL NAME: FEE: $50.00 ADDRESS: 73361 L~,•~E a i, Vb6 us ~G ?X %24T TII MUM: ~if~ito (8i7) S7'~~ y'+~ 9 LOCATICK OF APPEAL: (address/legal description) LDI/ Anvf- REASON FOR APPEAL: (describe in detail) u e- r-s 2 e g~( 2~r Z 14 Z-,2 DATE: 1-/D-a SIGNATURE: *Mole 60 CASE NO.. M 6w ► WEST►.AK LN, 4 TROPHY CLUB SARI, LAKE _ n_E- ? GRAPEVINE 3f • • A"1 W 000 JONES At No JME: ' z MCOOfE e 0 1 "nun NOtEOM s IIEU M E AENMO IN I, 3. Mg A SWAN NIPPON IN" to \ r s CRNE WESTLAKE a nurmlo ,s to \ FFr in z MSS N ` u DENTON COUNTY r ^"WW`'y T INUT soon TARR' UNT--~ - ! t '~M TRAIL FARE TNUSANO OAKS + I~ww~wwww w ~ew~~ww~+e C1L.- NuI ~Rf a__. DISTRICTSOUNO e'A'~www~w ww.{I` wwwwww w w i >r w . J 1 f. 1 ~e~r w M AN IO v111..\~.\ \ it ! sou AKE 'ORONO''1 0= ,,e T I= ~IIN//A ~a•LART21on son in 4 two 1 Iy , 1 mum all ksERi iwT ~ IZ ! CRESCENT M i NARIa't TEAL CT S s i _ A U- low. TEAL CT ' 1 WNNLANO N W W IZ 111 31NLLTNN o}, s -.11NET ST r. on All P&M jui I2 j ~I TAnox ST a •RRART~EE~~~' OfrE CT - R' 1 ~ to e 1 1¢ Devi IT_IN NYEST-E.. ~.a W+ EMEIIAIO IQ Wi N{IN s W t CARROLL 1u tr. M C I HIGH SCHOOL J M ' 416 F . 1 oclflrCM/ tR {RITE 1- ART CT e . z < j a fG ~i ` I 1 °s+ ►IIIMROSf IN sr e~*, 1:~ 5 _ i OAKIAME. R u ( - tJ CREEP J'yG ( 6 1 I nAN1AlI0M 0R•a _2 ~y~stf \ 1 i ' MRLAMLf e •1~ ~l' ~'I SLEE/TN6,_. ~R u tOiNR TO `Cl 1 CAIAOCR CTS X. ! All E TUNIUWEEDC. +Iw ; 1= u CAEEIL S f*~h a { IM•I=►ERIR to e 1 IORGRO NTTR . f 1 o S LLICE CT'♦ _ ~ i LESEII i O $ t s JACK D. JOXN30 { TNOMAS CT i T t~ IIt tD: ^s wOf i HKNlANO ST, M _ NECrIAMiit ,ARl1ARRE T • _ ,.I0 +M ' E e i s LLw IOS CARTOr C. FAWKESAOIRINSSW000 + OOIr/01•E s' Imo: - ON e 30 C am CUES « - - ~1 :S a i; ~I►~E4 05f tIM/EVE' RAY`rJiFrOC ♦ ~y MCARROLL IDDLE J/ J?NEAOOW *.~EA E j/ WrlOW000`J , SCHOOL 41 a 1 s FLOUNCE= NO I` ! sun LAKEWI00- IN~ SSA . GLEN .t RIOIL ►tA 1 oA e E OKMANI I$ 1 COVE A IOVE ME MIT CT 1y .A•. C , MLLSID" C= CITY ' i~l ZOO n a L006: ~fAiF sna w s NALL 111 q i 1x s i~ 1 •j OICENTENNIAL Itsf ~M01° RM0 u PARK •.1 1 $ ITN w 30UTNLAKI RVO-■ JOHNSON AO SOUTNLARE 11.0. E to ITN I ' w s 's.~, I +e + I e T 6NA~ Y s , COOOE 1 a '•ee - + (3 1 iJ3lAA1 re N \'A MPORY' / ncT; FME % CT. I A] Z eI w LIIACTJ J••. I t 1 s ` 1 = e e I• 3 „ MINNOW I MIc f L /REENWNO s{ M CiE1; wiN ' g =i EEII r s CONTINENTAL /LVO. W .3 e • - - u CONTINENTAL ILVO_ E CARROLL Y ,LLER I !UMENTANT ~~e/y~rti v 1 ~~w~/~~ ssy MAIIT_ST y a ARC : IAN `~iI 0 ~ tl- °A 3 ie a ~wwwwww AAM go* COLLEYVILLE~ JOHN M►CAIN AO • I ~I ' C) F r Q) N C ` L „n N A CO N O a J m rQ I w I F, N 4 m v 4 N I A r = A C to H Ul ~ m rn N 3 Z cu- 03 cm CD r- G) (7 N N C7 Ci -il ~ A C mm C) m o N N o L N ITJ C:Lj FLAMINGO CIRCLE 'o m o 0 0 O F► o o F-n• 1-~ F+ 1-d I w tz N z w oITJ A U1 01 " 9 ITI o CD o ~l No CTt A w Irl tb ~ ~ tnrf- A w LAIC DRIVE c z i (63 a C 8 ~ y I cm cm A J ~ _J _ ~Fv 5 a;Nv =REV: ,71 49 1------ E. i h1 i -rO IPR^I.'N R:JN :FF .O 12 •0•Y,/ APPROACH 3 fY) FRONT S'"Z:E; PRJx?'f Ll`ES. TC G1' Y S.M#FIC~ T70NS: i 41 14 I j{ u ~ 11 40 W i - I = PLAN vG• 17y 8 (Y) FINISHED F-OCR; 102.0' 1 I I FlNRNt'D ELr<Y. 98.751 N M i EXISTING ELEY.l 98. • - - - ,f _ _ - FINISHED ELOV: 100. 25 EXISTING ELEV. 100. 'S3I e-LAN LOST-- --`1 __.5L.,.C"Cl" 1.