1990-11-29 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue %timr' BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING November 29, 1990 7 P M MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Sorenson, Chairman; Ernest Johnson, Vice Chairman; Stephen Apple, Joe Bentley, and Fred Joyce, Alternate #2. MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Downard and Dennis Minder, Alternate #1. STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator and Jean Bryson, Building Secretary. Agenda Item #2 Approval of Minutes. iW Motion was made to approve as corrected the Minutes of November 15, 1990. Motion: Bentley Second: Joyce Ayes: Bentley, Apple, Joyce, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to approve Motion was made to approve as corrected the minutes of October 29, 1990. Motion: Johnson Second: Apple Ayes: Bentley, Apple, Joyce, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to approve The minutes of October 22, 1990 were deemed approved with no err corrections by Mr. Sorenson, Chairman. Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments. Mrs. Gandy stated that the next meeting will be December 13, 1990. The board discussed procedures. Agenda Item #4 Case #113 Request approval of amended site plan. Mrs. Gandy read a letter from Barry Hudson of Everage Consultants, Inc. requesting consideration be continued to January 10, 1991. A motion was made to continue Case # 113 to January 10, 1991. Motion: Johnson Second: Apple Ayes: Bentley, Apple, Joyce, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to continue Board of Adjustments Meeting Page 2 November 29, 1990 '~lrrrd Agenda Item # 5 Meeting Adjourned. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion: Johnson Second: Apple Ayes: Bentley, Apple, Joyce, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to adjourn Arthu S renson, Chairman L 0~'X/ zo, e n Bryson ended the eeti g and prepared minutes. %moll ATTEST: a~~~tNnmm~q,yi Sandy L. LeGran x= City Secretary sv : y A