1990-10-29 r1rYYY r rrrl~.r _'-"rIS~rIIM _
667 N. Carroll Avenue
October 29, 1990 7:30 P M
im MEMBERS PRESENT: Art Sorenson, Chairman; Ernest Johnson, Vice
Chairman; Stephen Apple, Joe Bentley, Dennis Minder, Alternate 1;
and Fred Joyce, Alternate 2. Mr. Apple asked that he be removed
from voting.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Downard
STAFF PRESENT: Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works and Jean
Bryson, Building Secretary.
Agenda Item #2 Administrative Comments.
The next Board of adjustment meeting will be on Thursday, November
15, 1990 at 7:00 P.M.
Agenda Item #3 Case #112 a request for a variance.
Case #112 a request for a variance to the 40 foot rear yard setback
as required by the SF 20 A zoning district. The location is 1401
Chimney Works, being legally described as Block 2, Lot 1, Chimney
Hill, Phase I. The owner applicant is John Trahan.
Mr. Trahan requests the 2.5 foot encroachment into the required
rear yard setback.
There were thirteen (13) letters sent to property owners within 200
feet. To date, there have been no inquiries or responses regarding
irr this request.
Public Hearing.
John Trahan, 1803 Plantation Oaks, Trophy Club applicant/owner
requested a variance 2.5 feet to the rear yard setback requirement
of 40 feet. He stated his hardship was a delay is construction
time and the interest charged on interim financing.
Mark White, of Mark V Builders, Grapevine spoke in favor of the
rr variance. Being the builder for the Trahan's he described the 40
foot setback is difficult to work with using their plans. The
Trahan's have been working on this particular plan for about one
(1) year. They have purchased the lot and have their financing.
Regina Trahan, 1803 Plantation Oaks, Trophy Club stated that on
closing on the lot, a 40 foot setback did not appear on the final
plat and if it had appeared the architect could have made the
determination that the plan would not meet the setback
requirements. A builder was approached later after the architect
had completed the plans.
Board of Adjustments Meeting page 2
October 29, 1990
Agenda Item # 3 continued
No opposition expressed
Public Hearing Closing
Board members discussed alternatives of altered housing
configurations to accommodate the rear yard requirements; the
hardships incurred should the variance not be granted; and the
burden of responsibility for the error.
Mr. Sorenson summarized the discussion by stating that should the
Board make a finding justifing the granting of the variance, the
Ad variances should be the minimum possible to make reasonable use of
the land, and that the granting of the variance should also be in
harmony with the general intent of the ordinance.
Consensus of the Board is that the reasons set forth in the
application do not justify granting the variance, and most
specifically, the special conditions and circumstances presented
are the result of the actions of the applicant or his agents.
W.! The motion was made and seconded to vote on the question of shall
the Board approve the request for variance of Case 112 as set forth
for the Board in the application and listed as Item #3 on the
Ayes: None
Nays: Bentley, Minder, Joyce, Johnson, Sorenson
Vote: 0-5 Motion failed and application for variance denied.
Agenda Item #4 Adjournment
Motion was made to adjourn and seconded. With no objection, Mr.
Sorenson deemed the meeting adjourne .
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Arth r Sorenson, Chairman
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ATTEST: ;mss
andra L. LeGrand,
a City Secretary
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