1990-08-16 E; City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING August 16, 1990 7:30 P.M. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBERS PRESENT: Ernest Johnson, Vice Chairman; Members: Stephen Apple, Joe Bentley, Robert Downard, Dennis Minder, Alternate #1; Fred Joyce, Alternate #2. (Art Sorenson stepped down for the meeting due to his interest in Cases 103 and 104.) MEMBERS ABSENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Barnes, Public Works Director, Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator and Jean Bryson, Building Secretary. Agenda Item #2: Approval of the Previous Minutes With no comments or amendments to the July 23, 1990 Board of Adjustments' meeting, a motion was made to approve the minutes. Motion: Minder Second: Apple Ayes: Minder, Apple, Johnson (Alt. #2 Joyce voted aye) Nays: None Abstained: Bentley, Downard (were not present July 23, 1990) Vote: 3-0-2 To approve Agenda Item #3: Administrative Comments Proposal was made to entertain Case #106, which was a new case, before considering Cases #103 and #104, which were related and which had been continued. Motion: Bentley Second: Minder Ayes: Bentley, Minder, Downard, Apple, Johnson (Alt. #2 Joyce voted aye) Nays: None Vote: 5-0 Motion was passed and the Agenda amended to consider Case #106 out of order. Agenda Item #6: Case #106, Request for a variance. it Case #106 Request for a variance to the setback requirements for the SF 20B Zoning District. The applicant requests the original 1ti1 setbacks be placed on his lot that were originally placed on the lot when it was platted in 1970. That would be under Ordinance No. in 161, "A-2" Zoning District. The owner of the property is Juan Carlos Trimino. The property is legally described as Lot 1, Block #Mk- 1 of Dove Estates, more commonly known as 3000 Lake Drive. I I'm Board of Adjustments Meeting August 16, 1990 Page 2 ~1rr Agenda Item # 6 Continued. There were fourteen (14) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, one response in favor has been received from Francis Chupz, who prefers the larger home that the lot could accommodate if this request was granted. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. She presented a plot plan showing the home basically had sufficient it side yards; 19 1/2 feet on the right and 20 feet on the left. He needed the variance in the front and the rear yards. That would allow him to accommodate a home of 1,963 square feet. Juan Carlos Trimino, owner/applicant had no remarks to add to Mrs. Gandy's presentation. He asked for the zoning to the east and to the north of his property. Mrs. Gandy replied single family 1 Acre tp the east and agricultural to the north. A Public Hearing. No support or opposition expressed. Public Hearing Closed. OR The Board asked staff clarification on the old vs new setbacks. Mrs. Gandy replied the front yard setback requirement at the time it was originally platted was 25 feet and the current requirement is 35 feet. The rear requirement which was 25 feet, is now 40 feet. Questions and comments were discussed regarding the surrounding property owners; previous zoning requirements; and other related variances that were granted recently. Motion was made to approve Case #106 with the original setbacks as attached. Mr. Minder stated the findings. The reasons set forth in his application justify the granting of the variance and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land. The granting of this variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Motion: Downard W Second: Apple Ayes: Bentley, Minder, Downard, Apple, Johnson, (Joyce Alt. #2 voted aye) Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to Grant Board of Adjustments Meeting August 16, 1990 Page 3 Agenda Item #4: Case #103, Request for variance Case #103, a continuation of a request for a variance to the W fifteen (15') foot side yard requirement for the SF-20B Zoning District, due to the contemplated replatting of two lots. Location: 1201 Oakhurst Court, being legally described as Block 3, Lot 8, Continental Park Estates. The owner/applicant is Arthur J. Sorenson. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, who stated that the existing side yard appears to be seven and one-half (7 1/21) feet. After further work by a surveyor crew, it was found to be less than that. The granting of this variance is conditional upon the City Council's review and approval of a replat of Lot 7 and 8. There were eleven (11) letters sent to property owners within 200 feet. To date, several responses have been received, Kelly Stouffers and Williams were opposed and the Lietz were in favor. There was a petition of those who were additionally opposed to the action. Because the Board is required to grant variances by a minimum 80% vote (4 of 5 or 4 of 4 members if one seat is not voting), Mrs. Gandy stated she did not believe that the petition will bind the Board to a three-quarter (3/4) vote for approval because the Board is already down by a three-quarter vote. At this time the petition is not an issue, but, possibly later, should this Board grant these variances, and this same petition surface at a replat, it could very much be an issue. Mr. Johnson asked a question regarding the legal requirements for side boundaries being straight with no dog legs? In the subdivision ordinance it states that the lot line should be perpendicular to the right-of-way. To conform, it'would have to be parallel to the existing boundary. 40 Arthur Sorenson, Property owner and applicant stated that previous discussion of the ZBA adjustment sought by the variance request was 40 clarified by noting that the original plat did not provide for an enlarged corner lot in this instance. As a result the 30 foot. building line on both front and side yards yields reduced ABA for lot 8. The survey error was confirmed by the original surveyor, who surveyed the property just this past week. He has yet to furnish a corrected drawing, but has verbally provided the corrected ,y information as well as confirming the original markers and other lot dimensions. Pe Board of Adjustments Meeting August 16, 1990 Page 4 Agenda Item # 4 continued. OR Applicant has visited with several persons who signed the petition as well as those who declined or were not asked noting that many were outside the 200' radius of his properties to which the city sent notices. He also furnished a letter to each petitioner earlier this week in which he explained the reasons for his variance request, notified them of the meeting tonight, and provided a brief overview of the requirements for requesting a variance and the process by which it is considered. Applicant presented additional written statements of non-opposition from two households (Chambers and Murawski), both within 200 feet of the applicant's properties (confirmed by Mrs. Gandy). Additional verbal commitments of non-opposition from two other owners within 200' (Green and Headley) were mentioned for the record by the applicant. Applicant also presented a copy of the petition on which two of the original signers requested their names be removed from the petition (Ryan and Johnson), one of which is within 200 feet of the applicant's properties. He also noted the presence at the meeting of two petitioners; Dr.Greg Gist and Mr. Christopher Kelly, both of whom reside within the 200 feet. The board examined the petition, the withdrawn signatures, and the additional statements of non-opposition furnished by the applicant. Applicant stated that he visited several petitioners, including those who lived outside the 200 feet distance. He discovered that his position on the Board of Adjustments was a factor in the opposition of at least three of the petitioners with whom he had spoken. They were concerned that a conflict of interest would influence the Board's decision, and therefor they were opposed the the variance. While he feels that those whom he was able to speak were reassured in this regard, he concludes that the merits of the request were not necessarily factors in the minds of some petitioners. Applicant also met with the two opposing respondents to the city notice. One (Miller) was based on supposition that the variance would permit the unbuilt lot (lot 7) to remain unsewered and thereby escape the proposed sewer improvements fees for the subdivision; and the other (Stauffer) that the variance would permit building on Lot 7 regardless of the state of neighboring septic fields or status of the sewer project. In the first matter, Lot 7 is to have sewer and paid for and in the second, the applicant's intent to sewer the lot prior to building has been put in writing. Board of Adjustments Meeting August 16, 1990 Page 5 err Agenda Item #4 continued. Applicant feels his discussions with the two parties addressed these concerns to their satisfaction, and that these particular concerns are not factors in the request for variance. Applicant furnished his copy of the survey of Lots 7 & 8 for the Board's examination, pointing out the proximity of the dwelling on Lot 8 to the property line and utility easement, and noting that the scale was imprecise but apparently the line is about 7.5 feet to, maybe 10 feet with the benefit of the doubt to builder. An additional error on the 1986 survey was in scale of the drawing for lot 7. While the listed dimensions were confirmed to be correct, and the property pins in place, the drawing caused a computation error of 650 square feet. The initial variance request reflected this computation error in the placement of the proposed lot line, which recalculate correct survey data so as to insure an 18,000 square foot minimum on lot 7 is the reason for the two postponements. Applicant emphasized the need for requesting variance phrased in "not less" than terms is due to the approximate nature of the Wool"* proposed property line relocation. His intent is to keep the line as close to its present location as possible but not less than the variance will permit, and thereby conserve as much area to the unbuilt lot as possible, but not less than the variance will permit. The precise relocation of the proposed lot line is to be m determined by a registered surveyor in accordance with the terms of the variance. M Mr. Apple ask, Would the applicant point out the septic field area and the degree of encroachment into Lot 7? The applicant complied. Mr. Johson asked What would be the result of putting concrete over a septic field? Applicant replied this would not be done unless the sewer was hooked up. Mr. Bentley asked, Why 7.5 feet, would 10 feet be satisfactory? The applicant replied yes. Public Hearing OR Eldon P. Lietz, 1316 Oakhurst Drive, stated that he lives across the street from the Mr. Sorenson and he believes the variance will enhance the area. He is infavor of the request. Carl Grabell, 1310 Oakhurst, stated that he lives across the street also from Mr. Sorenson. Mr. Grabell viewed the lots from the cul-de-sac checking the property lines and upon doing so was made aware of how narrow in the front lot 7 really was. Mr. Grabell is in favor of the request. x w Board of Adjustments Meeting August 16, 1990 Page 6 ` aw it Agenda Item # 4 continued. Christopher Kelly 1205 Oakhurst, state that he lives on lot # 6 left of lot 7 that is in question. Mr. Kelly ask if consideration of ZA 103 & 104 would be acted on as one or separated. Mr. Johnson answered that technically ZA 103 would be considered and then ZA 104 but both do share the common information. Mr. Kelly asked, What is the current zoning of Continental OR Estates? Mrs. Gandy responded the zoning is SF 20B, minimum 20,000 square foot lots, 15 foot side yards and 1,500 square foot homes. Mr. Kelly asked if there had been in Continental Estates any lots reduced in size? Mr. Bentley responded that he did not know of any request to reduce the lot size in Continental Estates. Mr. Kelly ask, has there been in other locations in the City? Mr. Minder replied, no not to realign a lot. Mr. Kelly stated he is opposed to the lot size being less than 20,000 square feet and he would not be opposed, if there was excess 9t on either lot and making the adjustments as long as it was not less than 20,000 square feet. Mr. Kelly stated it was his belief that the original owners of the :ter property did not plan to build on lot #7 as they would not have extended their septic field onto lot #7; however as soon as Mr. Sorenson bought the property he was aware that Mr. Sorenson intentions were to build on the lot. I have no objections for the Y building on lot #7 as it is a buildable lot I do not feel there is any hardship as it is a 20,000 square foot lot and large enough to build a very nice home. I do see that if building on lot #7 it could lessen the value of the existing resident at lot #8. Dr. Greg Gist, 1319 Oakhurst Drive, described himself as a third party, was not necessarily in opposition because he'd earlier been told Lot 7 was not buildable as it now sits, and now hears that it is buildable. But could it be built without the new sewer? Mr. Bentley responded it is a buildable lot, with the qualification of the septic system for the existing house to be contained within its own lot. Mr. Joyce stated the septic fields on lots 7 and 8 must be separate. The lot sizes are well below the square footage required by current city codes for septic fields. Public Hearing Closed. At 9:25 P.M. Mr. Johnson entertained a 5 minute recess. Meeting continued at 9:30 P.M. W Board of Adjustments Meeting August 16, 1990 Page 7 r1r.. Agenda Item # 4 continued. 1o The board questioned the applicant and staff on points of r. clarification, duscussed the basis of their findings. Motion was made to approve Case # 103 for a variance as requested to the side yard on lot #8 and the side yard not to b less than 7.5 feet. Mr. Bentley stated the findings as the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance and that the variance will make possible the reasonable use of the land. The granting of this variance will be in harmony with the general W purpose and intent otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Note: There was an error in procedure no findings were stated. Correction was a new motion, findings, and vote. Vote was the same. Motion: Bentley Second: Downard OR Ayes: Bentley, Minder, Downard 61 Nays: Apple, Johnson Vote: 3-2 to approve woo" Motion Failed Agenda Item #5 Case 104, Request for a variance. Case # 104 is a request for a variance to the 20,000 square foot minimum lot size for the SF 20B Zoning District. The location is 1203 Oakhurst Court being legally described as Block 3 Lot 7 in Continental Park Estates. The owner/applicant is Arthur J. Sorenson. Mrs. Gandy stated that Case #104 is a continuation of a request for variance, to the 20,000 square foot minimum lot size requirement of SF 20B zoning districts, submitted as a precondition to VIII contemplated replatting of two adjacent lots. Arthur J. Sorenson, property owner and applicant, stated that the outcome of the previous request is irrelevant to the validity of this case. The denial of a 7.5 or 10 foot sideyard to Lot 8 does not make the variance to an 18,000 square foot area for Lot 7 physically impossible; it is still feasible and desirable, and the same hardships can still be remedied by approval of this request. Public Hearing t t. , s Board of Adjustments Meeting 6 August 16, 1990 Page 8 'rr.r on i;,11 4 Agenda Item # 5 continued. Mr. Sorenson 1201 Oakhurst Ct. owner/applicant stated that Case # 104 should be irrelevant to Case #103. This second request seeks variance to the 20,000 square foot minimum lot size requirements at 1203 Oakhurst Court an unbuilt lot. The need for variance is occasioned by contemplated replat of the common property line. The variance requested is for lot size of not less than 18,000 square feet pending a surveyor's replat proposal, to be done if variance is granted. If this request for a variance is granted, the ensuing replat would, if approved, increase apparent lot width to a point where a home with neighborhood-commensurate floor space could be attractively situated. This would in turn tend to preserve or increase surrounding property values. Christopher Kelly 1205 Oakhurst Court expressed the same opposition as expressed in Case #103. W Public Hearing Closed. The board quested the applicant and staff on points of clarification. A motion was made to approve Case #104 for a variance to the 20,000 square foot minimum lot size for the SF 20 B zoning district. Mr. Bentley stated the finding as the reasons set forth in the ► application justify the granting of the variance and that the (W variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land. The granting of the variance will be in harmony 'with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Motion: Bentley 40 Second: Downard 9d Ayes: Bentley, Minder, Downard, Johnson Nays: Apple W Vote: 4-1 to approve Agenda Item # 7 Meeting Adjourned. A motion was made to adjourned the meeting. Motion: Bentley Second: Apple Ayes: Bentley, Minder,Downard, Apple, Johnson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to adjourn Meeting adjourned 10:15 P. M. 4" ir1 IF Board of Adjustments Meeting August 16, 1990 Page 9 NWW Ernest Johnson, Vic Chairman an Bryson tten,jJ„xqQ,eting and prepared minutes L q, ZbTtST ' y s ~ ~+NUUU+~ woo., Sandra L. LeGrarfd 0" City Secretary I~r 4" dw W t- w U =D ~y W H ~I ~ 77 pit Q'I W1.1~ O I Y Cn ~ m N O 4 lie , ~ v a W N \ C Dear Neighbor-, As some of you know, trey wife 3nd I have asked the city to let us redraw the property line between our house lot and nur unbuilt lot next door. We ask your understanding in this, and if possible, your support: dir t, we want you to know that we are not trying to make one lot out of two, nor trying to avoid a sewer hill for the empty one. We just need to make orie lot r..-e liveable, and the other one better for building a new home on. in Second, it's important to know that the empty lot is buildable as it is now drawn. 8'.It we don't thin!.-- it would carry much house the way it is. For openers, the 'curb appeal' and the septic field work against it. The other reasons are more important though, and are the basis for replat (see below). Third, you can be sure that we want tO do the right thing by the neighborhood. We like it here and plan to stay, and we sure dent want to draw down property values ;gust the opposite - most of you know w:e!•ve work-d pretty hard for new streets and sewer service.? We'd like to change the line for two reasons. on 1. The 'survey we got when we bought in 1996 doesn't show it, but our home practically sits on the property line. if a fet=e were Juiit on the property line, it would almost be under our roof overhang, The property line is not just :lose to the house. It cuts catty-Curner across our back porch. Again, if a rrl fence were built our back yard view would be almost all fence, and a real c!_ose, Cait; v-corner fence a' that. : . !iw T+!_ e } --see Ub a not t r 14 = as to the by IC {age. Wh t s gigot so easy is the hi0w. rr first, we have to decide where to move the line and still keep a decent site and appearance to both lots. This was " tough, because we found there was no combination of moving and swinging that would avoid reducing the unbuilt lot area: iw If we just s'w'ing it a'w'ay from our hci'se, we cut too much into the size of the unbuilt int. If we swing it any nearer, we get 3 fetiCe in our spare bedroom. So we compromised and moved it to about ten feet away from the house, and swung it so it doesn't cut across our hack: yard as much. And to keep the most area we could to the unbuilt lot, we gave up come. front yard on the house lot. And we ask: ir.:__!r application for permission to do this, but in such a way as to reduce as little as reasonably possible 210,0 00! on the unbuilt lot, because a nice property next door will help our home's value as well as our neighbor's. Orr It turns out that the line's new location would more nearly balance the officially defined !available building area' on as both iota- (=_.omething that many developers do to begin with, but ours didn't). And, in our estimation, the result (if that fence were built? would look real good for- !Ott It °=tter hetfi for us and our neighbors than the way it is now. - - And, because it would increase the frontage on the unbuilt lot, I think it could support a nice-sized home with a rear or side entry garage that would be a credit to the neighborhood. And that's what we want for our new next-Idnnir neighh?r. We hope that's what you would like to see too, and ask for your support of our appeal for variance when it comes up for hearing on Thursday, Aug 16 at 7:310 pm at City Hall. There will be overhead slides of the plat, public question, and esussiori of the nrl_: and cons. I rr-': s for those who object as well K t d' _ Tli• _ roc. who wed ac as thos_ who just want to keep the process holiest. And no hard feelings, We (tope y_~u":l b= able to be there. :i : - !i}._ for your . ir: stae rst and, upr e'_:crt we t : Vp?i y.-r - c:. Sincerely, Art and Gayle Sorenson i^nl Oakhurst Ct 488-4633 Aug,=st 14, Igar kr B~ •w as A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE VARIANCE PROCESS IN A REP'.ATTING REQUEF The process of establishing a property litre (platting) or redrawing one (replatting) normally involves a review of the request for conformance with zoning requirements by the Planning and Zoning Commission, their recommendation in this regard to the City Council, and the Coun'-?l'_ approval`disapproval of the request. However, when a known nonconformity exists, it is prudent to first submit an. appeal for 'variance t the Board of 00 Ad-justments. Variance, if granted in these cases, is usually conditional on the subsequent approval of the replal +rr request by the Council. If not done in this order, the P&Z has no choice but to either refer the case to the Board Or to recommend disapproval of the request to th u nci1 1ft This approach can save the city's staff and governing agencies both time and money. If appeal for variance is denied, 60 the request for replat may not even he eligible for consideration by the PU or Council. Appeals for varianrr- to previsions of the coning ordinance are based _n law contained in the Texas Local Government rrid= (chi 211,009), which provides that the board cf adj,sfTe''t may auth~ri_1 a variance if rN 1: the variance is not contrary to the public interest liter+l p a. enforcement of the ordinance weird result in unnecessary hardship 1- the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial Justice is done 1W rife of S-1thla1,:e Ordinance 490 (the zoning ordin3n-e) it, ch. 44.3.6 further requires the applicant to show that i = ilk 1. special, unique conditions and circumstances exist (44.3.b.(1)(.a) literal interpretation would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other- properties (44.'1.6.+.1)(b) +rr ..a 3. the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant (44.3.6.(1)(_) +rr 4. approval of the variance will not give the applicant any special privilege that is denied by the ordinance to others in the same district (44.3.b.(1)(d) Each of the above demonstrations must be made a 'finding' by the board (44.3.6.(5). Additional findings are required to demonstrate that the reasons stated in the application justify the granting of the variance, and that it is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of w the land, building or structure (44.3.6.(6) to 2. the granting of the vari=tice will be in harmony wit!: the general purpose and oo intent of the law, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise so detrimental to the public welfare (444.3.6.(1) If the variance request is approved - and the board may place any conditions on their approval it sees fit - it may then 00 be submitted to the P.-11 for their recommendation to the Council, which then must vote to approve or deny the request: All re,quectc _re given public notice before dis ussi=+n by each Of these agencies in public session. Additionally, property owners within 200 feet f the noticed property are individually notified of the request by the City, given a form on which to register their s:lpport or opposition, informed of the meeting time and place, and urged t--ake their views known by attending, by representative, or in writing. do 4ft to