Hiram Grandberry Survey, Abstract No. 581 (Lot 4) - ROW JAN-21-2005 FRI 03:37 PM N, A, T,C, -LEGAL DEPT FAX NO, 214303002f - ~r~20-00 O~:Bap int.g~.' ~a1ty rSC$ DEDICATION INSTRUMENT STATE OF TEXAS'. f COVNTYOI'TARRANT I For.. in COIIIidmtion ofdle Nm IIf&co doum. '($lO;OO)'in'Aaad paid by the'Clty'at Soutbl.tc. Texas, tile l'CCCipt of wbic:b il hereby ICtnow1Idpd, ad other sood ua valuablecxinaidcntion. iDc1udiq tho benefita tblt.wilLtccl'III to our JIIUPIftY"~ SouthJ.bt Rmmllt l"'.Jmm. bIl:.. DEDICATOR, ofTIIIIDt Co~ty, Teua, u the OWIICf of u.' catlain. U'III:l of IUd 'm TIIIlIIIt COual:S'. 'TCUi dc2iCUId ill' &*' cIn.'wiD( lIIlfm!JMd bemo IIOd lncarponlecI bere1D for aU J'IUPOUI of this dediCltion. lIIId ;~ pII1icuIarly doHrt"bi!d Ii)' ...1Dcl boIIIIdi.. .-fonIl li1Exbiljit'''A'''; ItIIlllhell~ _ iIEoIporated bac:iD for all parpoICI of fhla decliomioa. do ~ dedicate JanIe Itl the City ofSolldlllb. Tin'IDl COliatI. i_ for tk_ IIICl hMfI;c ofdw paljIil:'~ papetual riabt-of.way lIDd CUC!DeDt for Ibc JlIIIlIIO Ind lllCO!IlIIlOdalon of ~ lIDd ~'1IdI~, met the'~ opendGn; lIM, ~ ~. replW'. IlteratiOll, IIIli NP.~ of I JlIIlved I'Olld within Ibo bcnzDd.rin of die rilbl"G1'- way IDd ..... ...._ for all-otblJ-purpoICI fur wbIcIl. public I1reet ad rilht~ way is COftlI2lOIIIy UICCt. IDchldiD& iDltalliq, ._ IDlIimaiDins. aIteriD.. 1IIpl..... tdocoatiDg aM ~ atiJitieilr; -. 'upoD, cnw; --. .w1iMlt-aaid- riaIM{. MY. and includlDa but IIOt limited to aI. such UICI pcnninId by the Laws ortbe ~ ofTexull1d the 0IdiDances eIld Chanar of tile Ci1)' ofsoutblakCl, Texas. TO HA VB AND TO HOLD ..id rlsht-of-wey IIld tIIImODl \IIl&o the City ot Soulblake. ilJ SUC<leAOn lIIId _.... aod DBDrCATOR bemby biDda_ iti.If.'~ 8UCcetIlla and wiIDI. to W8IIID& UlCl tbrMr defaDd, all IJId 1iDplar, said premiseJ unto the City of Southlab, iIJ SUCCIIIOI'I .d ...pI, apbIal tNtItf perIOD whamJOCYey lawfully claimina M to claim chc un\I or IIDY pari thcnof. ' . The t\!ll'lTl8 of this dedictltlon IbaIllUn with the land md iJwre to the benefit of the Ciij of Southlllce. itllucunora and IlIip, ' . paprr 4 _<_,_,R'___._....._.,.._,_.~,.._~_._-_..._'--,... JAN-21-2005 FRI 03:37 PM N, A. T,C, -LEGAL DEPT FAX NO, 2143030029 M~r-~U-gg 01;b~P ;n~.~ realty rscs . .' WI'rnESS MY HAND this the 20th SOUTHLAKE BAPTIST CHURCH a/k/a By: Sipture Jerry 'L. Bartlow dlYof Sf>[)tPmhpr .2000. SOUTHLAKE'.. EiAPT1S'I CHURCH.. INC. President Title' Print N.me ST ATE OF TEXAS .~ COUNTYOP 1he ~_ IlUlhority ill and fD~ CoUDty, Texas (Stale), on Wi d:ay pmooaIly apPeared Jerry L. Bartlow . as Pres iden t of U ~~ BIDtist ~ lac.1aI.own to me (or proved m me on Ihl: oath of Of tbJouah (descriptioo of ~ CIl'd or other dOCWIleDl) ~ bci the lIIIIIC pIlSon whoY IlAIDe is subscribed to the forcaoilll ,iJ)Ittwnln\ IIUIlIllknowlcdlcdtO m. ~ be ex.ecutad the aame for the pul'JlOIeI ud OODIi~tberein ~od IIld in. ~ ClJl8C14Y.1IlIreinltlMd, '*5.0.u.thl.ak.a. Baptist C~ a./k/t." ' BEFORE ME. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the _ day of Notary Public for the st* of Printed or t)'pcd IIIIftlC ofNoli1 Page 21, of .. ,. .~ ..._-=-,_.."..~____..,__..__._.__,..".__.~_.._~.'n""'""'_'-'_'___..___'"______.___.,~_.~,.....,_ P. 03 P.z~ JAN-21-2005 FRI 03:37 PM N, A, T,e. -LEGAL DEPT "Mil~-20-00 Oll&9P 101oltg>". rlt..lty .....".51 FAX NO. 2143030029 P. 04 P.z1 p~~ cmoPso . ==~ WBI1'& ClLU'&LANJ) 1'. M.. ~AY l' EXBIBrr "'AIt '. PDM.vfIM'I'ti'IIaT'IIGIIT-M-WAY' . HDtAM GIIAIfIIi'I&Y, maYn. UI'ltiCf!ro. 511 T.um.un' comrrv.1'ZXAf srl'UATD ill" City ofSourhllb, T"'Couatr. T...1IIIi ..~.iitrip afllnd 0Ul ofiMHiRm GrIdIIny Sarwy; AbatrlctNa. 581,............ _ fI a ....,... ~&l)"'~"" Cburch by deed u NOClIded ia VokJa m4, PIle 1693 oflbt D.-l a.coma of'TlmIIl C4urity, reua\-. (D.lt. T.C.T.).IIid"" .... .....LlJt. Qt!l C3rIabonx ~o, 511 AddIIIosI.....1ddiIiaIl to tIw City of SoutWlb...... to dae pIIIl. reoanW ill C'~~ 4. S~.. laI Dfllll PIll.... or,.... CQuafy, T.., (P,ll T.C.T.). __ of'W....... cI.:ribed IS & fl"OPCIIId .,..,.. width ~ su.t ~W~ bd _ -*1lIOI'I paniauJIrtJ.....",..--- bo.mdI. felIowr ~ . BGI'l!DIJIIG .... paiI&........ ~ CIOI'IIIW oftbl iii. Lot 4, MId poiIlt ~ ~ 1III1GUth property Iiae of. cr.aI al", OOIMJ'CI to 0Iada J_l.-hIer IIIllIollll StepMn CIudl_ NiIIy MODrqe Cburd1 b,d.lureconW III V....~. '.2371 at_D.LT.C.T., llidpoiat IIIIobelllsoatlleweettrty ~..way W. ~ a.ipIII BcluIlfnI'4*_1IIo bekrt... t,.,; ..:." or. curve 10 tbwriPt__ GeIIhI' bell. Nonh 73 ...... 12 ~ 51.... W.... l,077.7S ~ ' .. J TJI&NCI. ill. ~ cIreaIi....... _ property !ilia afthli ... Lot 4..,11_ tJIit 1IiI~ way IilIc lid .. die IIid GUI'\IC, dnuP ........ ... ot. __ 35 !IIi.- 05 IIlCI01lIh md DIJ'C of 161...Hlltto ..poiIIt O/t"tt.tOIIIb JlfOP-l1" efdle_Lot 4.... _ ..-.~~ or. tr... orland ~ to.... MaloIIe IIId MrCW D. vaullat. D/B/A V .t M Property ~. bY died.. r1IDonW m VolUme 10904; _ lJonnlllnJl T:C.T.; , TllENCE. South 19 __ 3J mlau.. S IlllCllllll& Wilt, .. U. _4 pIQpII'lY I11III. 16.30 rill to . ~ -' .. blPnnlIls ora ClWW . die ltft.. ~ ~ NortIL61-~ 43.....,. 1~ iocioIIdI Wee&. 1-1.50 fce\; .. l1DJI(CI.'1ll1 ~ 'cIIlicdaD -. tbI....C!iaM. dlrouP I oenlnIlqle or. __ -oa 1MiIIIa1:a~ I8DDftda IIId 1ft II'C __ of 162.16 f'tK 10 I ~ ..w paiat beiDa on tile tlOItb pIOpIIty Ibw of tile aid Lot.., IIicI pOiI! Il1o 1MiDa oa 1be IIid IOCIdr ptOJICftY'" o1'GIr 1.-h1Irtnat; . . . TllENCI. r:=~~ ]] IIiIuteI ! t IIOIlBdI But, ... tbe llid properly IiMI. 12.83 felt to .. toINTO, _....~[' . TIll propolld ........ ItRetJUalaHf-MJ hInIB ~. ClOIltItDI (a....... t.l" ...It) or..,. TO AU. PAl.TIHS INTEIESTED IN TJ'l1.8 TO THB PUMIS8S stJaYEYED,1 DO HDBBY CBlUl.rv iRATTftK ABOVE LBGAI.;DBSCIUPI'lONWAS'PIII'l\lt!!1'JPItOId~ aseoJDI~ AN ACTt1AL AND ACCUBATB suaVBY UPON THS GROVND AND THAT SAM! IS T1WE AND, J ~. Coapuy N_ ............ ....... fH, Br- iI,.(lI~ p~ - -.1.0.,- .....,....,? - -. . PAtlittcrIICI.Pr9t'el!.ioMI Lutd SWveyor, T... No. 4183 DIre ofSurwy. 1.11-2000 3,,~ I.j .~ ....,,_....c.,"____...~,___ .__,_.______,...__._,."_'~___'_ JAN-21-2005 FRI 03:38 PM N. A. T,e, -LEGAL DEPT FAX NO. 2143030029 P. 05 Ma~-20-00 02:00P 1nt.g-a real~y rscs SUBDMsIaN: ItIWI CRANIEIwf IUIf4V ...., LOCAllON: SOU'n4~ COUNn'. TEXAS RDIf...oF"" '. . . . PERU. STREEr RIGHT-4F-WA"h 0.0_ NJ. 1DI11. CONIftUmQH PIE: a.G117 IIJ. (DRAWING OF' EXHf8rr5 -A- .. Y ) P.2, It.o.w. os:. I'OIt tiNIB. twaL: NO; .2 .. saunuICE IH1IRSSmCN _1W..~.o '.. WHIT! aWIEL. ,.... ....., 1708 cnY OF ICIU'nUIC! . . . . 1721 rASt~8L~" SDUYHLME. 1DAS 71C112 ~ I I ~.......-~ . 0 =~ P.o.&. ~ JIJ" EXHIBIT .. . -r . . . OMIIWIC ~ It FttT 1. "'II' 10J11' :=r. . " ,.. _ 'M' . . . ....."''''' NIl': 51.E. --------------~ ~ -----~----------------------------~.. ~... II lm.IT'f' WDIDIr I ...e , - ~ I f p~ VMIAIIL! WIImf ! -.I; 1DI!aIMt CCINS1RUC11ON( ,rASaaf- 0 ,. I.. O.0.J27 N:. 1 .~4 sa. ". ~ I I A .. rwd',' 'roo . . ,.,...., .. l.. 'JI.U' . / ,....=:~ '.-,.f. .. I !l: I /. I ;SO' , / HIfWI GIWI8ERR\' $UIMY AMnWrr No. .1 ~ Q 10' --- - - -------- I J 6 - 11";15.. ~" " - '#17.75' ~. .. ',' L- 1.';...... o~"l i).,. {;j 1/ o. j " 1-," (j J .. sr. I '" ~ /fI-' /1 L01'4- H. GRAN8ERR't" No. 581 ADDITION CABIfEf A; SUDE "128' . !I.R.T.C.T. SOUTMlNCE WTIST CHURCH . YCWWE 7>>4. PME 'II! D.R.T.C.T. ElCHBi -",- PIIlOPGSED 'MMILE WIDT1:I . . PEIbMENf ITREET 1IGHT-oF'-wAV 0." ~. (2,188 sa. FT.) :t' l1/ll.IIY IAIfEiIT ------------------------ -..t..... MDIolIL~ 0..... "~~_ ,..., U,T.C.f. I I SPOONER' &:. ASSOC.- RECIS1l:RED PROR:SS1QNAl.... tMD' 'SURYEYORS" . . 'FI;i: - -. , DRAWN .... E.S.S. W- CHECKED fIV SA ~~ ~,_"W'_'" ....__. ,_....._____.~~_.___"..~._____,.._.__.....___.__..______._._~_---""'-...,"".----.-. City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM March 3, 2005 To: Pedram Farahnak, Director of Public Works From: Cristina McMurray, Assistant to Director of Public Works CC: Shana Yelverton, City Manager; Charlie Thomas, Deputy Director; Tim Sralla, Of Counsel Subject: Southlake Baptist Church ROW Purchase in 2000 On January 21 2005, I received a phone call from Louise Miles of North American Title Company (formerly Southwest Land Title Company) that the Title to the Right -of -Way purchased in 2000 from the Southlake Baptist Church could not be issued to the City of Southlake because the Dedication Instrument was never filed with the County Clerk's office. She requested my assistance in finding the original signed document. After exhaustive searching with the City Secretary's office, searching through Charlie Thomas' files, speaking with Valerie Bradley and conducting a search of the County's Public Records, it has been determined that the original Dedication Instrument dated September 20, 2000 was never signed by the Seller, President of the Southlake Baptist Church, Rev. Jerry Lynn Partlow. Because the Title Company failed to secure his signature, the Deed was never recorded with the County Clerk's office and thus, the Title still cannot be issued to the City of Southlake. Here is a brief timeline of the events to date and attached please find the supporting documentation. Please advise on how the City wants to proceed. Thank you. • 1/14/2000 - Spooner & Assoc. survey Lot 4 of the Hiram Granberry No. 581 Addition on White's Chapel Blvd.; 2,196 sq. ft. is to be permanent street right -of- way. • 6/28/2000 - Integra Realty Resources, consultant managing the ROW acquisition, sends a counter offer from the Southlake Baptist Church to the City of Southlake in the amount of $31,296.13 to $33,296.13. • 9/20/2000 - Settlement occurs with Southwest Land Title Company as agent. City of Southlake pays $34,075.75; $779.62 in settlement charges and $33,296.13 to the Seller, Southlake Baptist Church. • 9/20/2000 — Dated Dedication Instrument is not signed by the Seller at the Closing. • 10/20/2000 — Wire transfer for $34,075.75 to Southwest Land Title Company is logged in City Finance's books (verified by Sharon Guess on 1/26/05). • 11/15/2002 — Remainder of Southlake Baptist Church property is sold to NMEN, Ltd. Deed mentions exclusion of 2,196.8 sq. ft. conveyed to the City of Southlake. • 9/19/2003 — Loretta Armstrong, working for the Title Company, is auditing the file and discovers the Dedication Instrument was never signed. Contacts Jerry L. Partlow and sends him a letter with the document for his signature. (Apparently, document is never signed nor returned; Exact outcome unknown). • 1/21/2005 — City of Southlake is contacted by Louise Miles of Title Company claiming that the City must have the original signed Dedication Instrument. She cannot issue Title policy on land to the City without this. • 1/25/2005 — Searched Archives and Tarrant County Clerk's Public Records. No record of signed original Dedication Instrument on our side. • 1/27/2005 — Louise acknowledges that Title Company's original closer never obtained Seller's signature. Kitty Cloud was the agent responsible for this closing. Per our phone conversation, Louise tried contacting Seller by phone. Number unlisted. At my request, Louise resent copy of Dedication Instrument for signature, along with a letter, via certified mail to Jerry L. Partlow at last known address of 1216 Desiree, Hurst, TX. • 1/31/2005 — Jerry L. Partlow signed for Certified Mail. • 2//9/2005 — made follow up phone call to Louise of North American Title. She had not received any documentation, or phone call, from Jerry L. Partlow. She was going to follow up with a second letter. • 3/3/2005 — made phone call to Louise to set up a meeting at Southlake Town Hall to discuss the issue at hand (Jerry L. Partlow had still not signed the document). Louise declined to attend any such meeting. Instructed the City to contact the Garland office's manager and attorney, Tommy Harold 972 - 272 -9531. • 3/4/2005 — made photo copies of all relevant correspondence and documentation, including a copy of the unsigned Dedication Instrument from the Title Company, and the Settlement Statement, for archiving in the City Secretary's Office. • 3/4/2005 — As part of the $779.62 in settlement charges which the City paid to Southwest Land Title Company, $458.00 were paid for Title Insurance. As such, after investigating the matter and determining that the Title Company failed to complete their obligation of securing Jerry L. Partlow's signature on the Dedication Instrument when they gave him $33,296.13 from the City of Southlake, it is my recommendation that the City file a Title Insurance claim.