667 N. Carroll Avenue
SEPTEMBER 10, 1992 7 P M
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Bentley, Vice Chairman; Robert Downard,
Fred Joyce, Karen Reynolds, Sharon Hobbs, Alternate #1, and Bill
Towler, Alternate #2.
STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Jean Bryson,
Agenda item #2: Approval of the Minutes and Administrative
With no objection, Mr. Bentley, Vice Chairman; deemed the minutes
of August 27, 1992 meeting approved.
Ms. Gandy reported that the next meeting would be on October 15,
Agenda Item #3: ZBA CASE #156, Variance.
Case # 156, a variance to all setback requirements for the
"SF-20B" district as described in ordinance No. 480, Section 14.5
to allow all the original setbacks for Dove Estates, being
twenty-five foot (25') front and rear yards and each side yard not
less than ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot and not less
than five feet (5') nor more than fifteen feet (151). The location
is 1599 Flamingo Circle, being legally described as Block 2, Lot
Pt 51, Dove Estates.
The owner/applicant is J. Bill Roberts.
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator.
r Ms. Gandy reported that sixteen (16) letters were sent to
property owners within 200 feet and that one (1) response in favor
of the request was received: Keith and Mary Grant, 1519 Flamingo
Public hearing.
r Bob Couch, representative for the case, was present on behalf of
D.E. Ekstrom, realtor for the owner. He stated that the variance
was needed because the proposed house would not fit the lot given
im the present setback requirements of the "SF-20B" district.
on There was no other person present wishing to speak either in favor
or in opposition to the request.
~irr►' Public hearing closed.
Board of Adjustment Meeting Page 2
September 10, 1992
Agenda Item #3: continued.
A motion was made to grant Case # 156 the request for a variance to
Ordinance No. 480, Section 14.5 as stated in the application and
per the attached exhibit.
The finding were stated that special conditions and circumstances
exist which are peculiar to the structure involved and which are
not applicable to other structures in the same district. That
literal interpretation of rights commonly enjoyed by other
properties in the same district requested will not confer on the
applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to
other structures in the same district.
Motion: Bentley
Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Reynolds, Hobbs, Bentley
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0 to approve
w~ Agenda Item #4: ZBA CASE #157, Flagpole Height Approval.
ZBA CASE #157, Flagpole height approval for a single flagpole not
exceeding twenty feet (20') per Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.5 on
property legally described as 1.17 acres situated in the John A.
Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529, Tract 4A1. The location of the
property is 710 S. Kimball Avenue.
The owner of the property is Beverly Bratcher; the applicant is
James Phipps.
r A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator.
Ms. Gandy reported that ten (10) letters were sent to property
owners within 200 feet and that two (2) responses were received,
both in opposition: Gary Fox, owner of Lot 7, Meadow Oaks
Addition, and Mrs. Donald Ramsour, 703 S. Kimball Avenue.
Public hearing.
Neither the owner nor the applicant were present for the meeting.
There was no one present who wished to speak either for or against
the request during the public hearing.
Public hearing closed.
After a thorough discussion of the request, a motion was made to
grant Case #157, a request for one (1) flagpole, not exceeding
~r twenty feet (20') in height as stated in the application and per
the attached exhibit.
Motion: Bentley
*4000Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Reynolds, Hobbs, Bentley
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0 to approve
Board of Adjustment Minutes Page 3
September 10, 1992
Agenda Item # 5 Meeting Adjourned.
With no further business, the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned.
Meeting Adjourned 8:05 P.M.
Joe ntley, Vice Chairman
7e n Bryso , J~Etelded the meeting
Vren P. Gandy, prepared the minutes
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
In the name and by the authority of
The State of Texas
WILLIAM A. TOWLER , do solemnly swear (or
affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of
State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and
laws of the United States and of this State, so help me God.
SWORN TO and Subscribed before me by W T LL T AM A. TOWLER on this
,/0 5- day of a jute mbej-, . 19 1z•
Sig tur of Person dmin~tering~Oatli-
Printed Name
. =C;RM
See Reverse Side
for Instructions