1992-07-16 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 6 6 7 N. Carroll Avenue BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING July 16, 1992 7 P M MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Sorenson, Chairman; Joe Bentley, Vice Chairman; Robert Downard, Fred Joyce, Karen Reynolds, Alternate # 1 and Sharon Hobbs, Alternate # 2. (Mr. Joyce stepped down for Agenda Item # 6, Sharon Hobbs voted only on Agenda Item # 6.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Minder STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator and Jean Bryson, Building Secretary. Agenda Item # 2 Approval of the Minutes. With no objection, Mr. Sorenson, Chairman; deemend the minutes of June 25, 1992 meeting approved. Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments. Chairman Sorenson, stated that he was resigning from the Zoning Board of Adjustment and he expressed his appreciation to the board members for their hard work and cooperation. (Mr. Sorenson's 0i resignation will be official upon written notice.) Agenda Item # 4 ZBA CASE # 152 Variance to Ordinance No. 480. Case # 152 Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.14 requiring a minimum lot size of one acre for a private sewage disposal system and subsurface drainage field. The location is 2104 Greenbriar Drive, being legally described as Block B, Lot 4R, North Davis Business Park, Zoned "I-1. The owner/applicant is Don Butler. yj A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. Mrs. Gandy reported that eight (8) letters were sent to property owners within 200 feet and that one (1) response in favor of the request was received. Ms. Gandy presented the soil report (percolation) to the Chairman. Public Hearing. iW Mr. Don Butler, owner/applicant, stated that the building will be mostly warehouse with limited office space and no outside storage. They have plans for extensive landscaping. There was no opposition. Public hearing closed. After a lengthy discussion a motion was made to grant Case # 152 6r the request for a variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.14 requiring a minimum lot size of one acre for a private sewage disposal system and subsurface drainage field. Board of Adjustment Meeting Page 2 July 16, 1992 Agenda Item # 4 continued. Mr. Bentley stated the findings that special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land involved and which are not applicable to other lands in the same district. That literal interpretation of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands in the same district. The board further found that the City of Southlake plated the two (2) lots smaller than one (1) acre. Motion: Sorenson Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Reynolds, Bentley,Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to grant iw Agenda Item # 5 ZBA CASE # 153, Variance to Ordinance No. 480. Case # 153 a request for a variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.14 requiring a minimum lot size of one acre for a private sewage disposal system and subsurface drainage field. The location is 3105 Greenwood Drive, being legally described as Block B., Lot 1R, North Davis Business Park. The owner, Clarence Kidd and the applicant is Curtis Kidd. Zoning is "I-1" Light Industrial. APO%, A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. Ms. W Gandy reported that six (6) letters were sent to property owners ib .00, within 200 feet and that one (1) response in favor of the request was received. in Public Hearing. Mr. Curtis Kidd, applicant was present and stated that the request was for a 50 or 100 person occupancy office/warehouse. There was no opposition. After a lengthy discussion a motion was made to grant Case # 153 the request for a variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 33.14 requiring a minimum lot size of one acre for a private sewage disposal system and subsurface drainage field. Mr. Bentley stated the findings that special conditions and P"! circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, involved and which are not applicable to other lands in the same district. That literal interpretation of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands in the same district. The board further found that the City of Southlake plated the two (2) lots smaller than one (1) acre. Motion: Sorenson Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Reynolds, Bentley,Sorenson Nays: None jy Vote: 5-0 to grant Board of Adjustment Meeting Page 3 July 16, 1992 Agenda Item # 6 ZBA CASE # 154, Approval of the height of 2. Case # 154 a request for a height approval for two (2) flagpoles not exceeding eighteen (19" on property located at 102 Regent Court and legally described as Block 1, Lot 4, Stone Lakes, Phase I Addition. The owner applicant is Doyle Wilson Homebuilders. The current zoning is "R-P.U.D.". A presentation was made by Ms. Gandy, Zoning Administrator. Ms. Gandy stated that four (4) letters were sent to property owners within 200 feet and that one (1) response in favor of the request was received. Public hearing. Kent LeSueur, Construction Manager for Doyle Wilson Homebuilders was present. He stated that the flag pole was 18' and was located at their model home in the subdivision. Mr. LeSueur further stated that the flag poles would be removed at the termination use as a model home There was no opposition. IW Public hearing closed. After a discussion a motion was made to grant Case # 154 the request for height approval for two (2) flagpoles. Motion: Sorenson Ayes: Downard, Reynolds, Hobbs, Bentley, Sorenson. Nays: None Vote: 5-0 Agenda Item # 7 Meeting Adjourned. With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned. Meeting Adjourned 8:15 P.M. P hairman vice J an Brys , ttended the teeting and prepared the minutes ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary ~r TARRANT COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1800 University Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (817)871-7510 Your soil test has been received and an on-site inspection of the test area has been made. The test area is suitable, X provisionally suitable unsuitable for a conventional soil absorption (septic system). Soils may be reclassified from unsuitable to provisionally suitable under certain conditions using acceptable site or 00 system modifications. Lots rated unsuitable for a conventional soil absorption system must either be retested in a new location or utilize innovative/alternative systems such-as evapotranspiration beds, low pressure dose systems, or aerobic treatment. Lot surface cuts and/or fills disallowed after execution of soil tests without prior approval of Tarrant County Health Department. Specific Requirements w 1. All systems must comply with "Construction Standards for on-site Sewerage Facilities." Contact Tarrant County Health Department for im cost and availability of booklet. 2. No water wells of any kind are allowed within 150 feet of a septic system drainfield. 3. X Minimum tank capacity is 3000 gallons. Add to existing tanks if necessary. Minimum tank capacity is to be determined when building site plan is received. 4. X Lateral line requirement is 3333 square feet. Evapotranspiration requirement is square feet. (see #8) Absorption bed requirement is square feet. Square footage is to be determined when building site plan is received. 5. Builders must contact this office prior to the start of building construction to have site plan reviewed. 6. Innovative System 1Yr The Tarrant County Health Department will consider low pressure dose systems, aerobic treatment plants and other innovative systems as an alternative to conventional septic, evapotranspiration beds, or absorption beds. Designs eligible for "Conditional Approval" must be in accordance with good engineering practice. Alternative and innovative systems granted "Conditional Approval" status are eligible for "Approval" after a 12 month trial operation. Builders must inform buyers of "Conditional Approval Status" and provide a detailed description of any alternative or innovative private sewage facility installed on this lot. System description must include instruction for proper system maintenance. All proposed alternative or innovative systems must have a site specific design sealed by a Registered Engineer or Registered Sanitarian who is experienced in private sewage facility design. 7. If ground water is encountered at any point during excavation, excavation must be backfilled, compacted, and another approved dry area must be found and utilized. Call the Health Department for further information at (817)871-7510. Soil test reviewed by: P.Kirk Fuqua, R.S. %00i Date: 7/7/92 Site plan reviewed by: Date: - sw y' COIL 5-r,' Pcop(l l(o (o ~ -f't" z SOIL TEST Ii( ivrr DpTr: /~Jit92 A`'PLICANT: Name C. URUIS A-1,0W/41-Street or P.O. pox 0113 - 91tEFi~! Z/Ak' It/ Rhone City S0 U17f6- 1 P t!E e 140PF RTY LOCATION: Slate 7~:C4S zip 76oI9 Lot Block p Stccet/RoaJ AJJresa I tf ,~G~.y ,ub Ivlslon Noon, AVIth I: talc jArve 1 2.f ' /?fv6 Unincorporated Arco 60 or City ~UV7Z//-t Additional Information i(71Kxvt/ iUsm. 2SN ' SCUFSIAI'b_ iF LOT OR TRACT' 1/ r /y►~--/---- re(I"Cling the (pll..+.ln~l iM`/ 6t]S out • Cvrl.rar Korth. adl•c•nl tl.ettr•), dintllon r el !lope, properly liner with linear feafssa. I?• Location of (nvmhered) roll pereolollare load G7ie'llcQ/f~(~0~ AlcJV,~ table" lost bole (thew dlel•ece of each hole Iron Property Iles or ether really r . I discernible point), I+K Ise Loc.llon of edulne or proposed Waller wells, 09 &-4 4• l.e.trllYn of aelurel. ceatlrueled or propose@ 1 JrslneQlo "re. war te 'yl u+ rill honky bar ldlnasa0"artweni sear. eve ~0 04' ~2 d16 J S. Addllier.l /efwr.as/len Ibot w.vy Willows the function of proposed *Yale .a ~u7•~'i;,~ = 4,76 20 ~TIC4 l-u'w14.ERGr9( v tF /'&16M r 3fd+11[: j.reltx~r (Stop; APArcar) I'RRCOLATION RESULTS: ' ~ of four n. ■erp iraund w.tlor T%:31 Nu. naplh of HOIe Ir r^aarnlrwd, chow le a e~ 1~Iinules pcr Inch poll end Indlevle spprerla.sl• depth.) `L /Zo 66 1'v.:•.L.6-1 lee,. to Iw area. ~T~ 1~• Within Ar I p•^."•^r' lulcrr fl,•t,l i i t.I; TO h of 'd ail, Ikep i^ih ,ah,• 1.. ,Irt r.vr,kqu4laly rlr ^r^M +011 eandlll..r.o `_--4_- rr.•nl County l•tl..M T TYrer on I.n csaJvelo4 ran M font I Irllh P.~' i ~I ULD sr.wAitm 1Tv.ra'b rlw..•nl o avrnaa) or rt•r•el/lad .nanl• of raeorJ, i 0vr'r•r•IlA1 re.l 411"flurle unit rW.Ilinn rarYRel be allowed p.lur 1• . eY (1•- , St111S01L TEST RESULT: Deplh of Texture ( tf ba+rr a.•.'r [round water 1 Classification encuwrbred. Indicate depth 0.0 to 7.6 f.;on.l r...l Rat lieu) grlit bvri.) , (P (-C ~ A•~G.£R AL _S.Cv T Subsell la•Ifr) to bn eutuleJ Sill wilhia Ill. I, rotwsed lateral area Cledrif.•atton Sual•.e or ether s to a o.iwla.va de , pMovrd rrporlind Y.cth..d shell to a -l plh of sir faeL The hill SM4 COMMENTS:. JrT6 A Unlfled T1trf wfS7 ' P t•.... nee all 4600. w•I;r ds4 xl:lt r Yf odl•eawl P-46. ar.cona. Molar Iw ff~~ Call Hinr or piopertd w• Isr M In /mil Teo ✓ Crenl0ed r• ware dlepoaal aavlee av*fartar aloe. yon ailable to lot At Ines YesNo ATTES1,1q) UY: Yse No 81~u•bn• if.. joined line, Add.... • r l St ao cc micas o neer 1$1!10 ROrlalrallan Na, 37701 1 al lceg t'om' . 1i f"Motet 1.• 4nd..•land h. -i oat: 1 ore 1 Texas 12 Phone A17-4 /4r Ih• lo•1•tt.q^a 91.0 I'di Ih• 1.01 4 r .1• pli run Ih• • •eltl• rile rank or. law, 1 does u.obT.rrrwl • caedl ton, i/(o and olAr LJ~~'i1TAiJsI 1. 11.1. repo. aol eevrr County 11•atth Depole.eM, tune ercb tot eowlo'utlloe • .1 b nJ 140141101194a Yrrao appnv•) ar Uetl onJ fear e rob••gyloetly "Viewed and • ilk Netlorl to ba ■ub^.Illyd In du eA sysloq (Oqurtaent of plle.te will. e p pproved py Pul.lle Ifs•tlh, 1800 Unlvcr•lty U ivle. rw~lw,,O To sfrl i 7dle7,11 the Terr•nl County r hone s71.7b10 , Lu ~U =2 A Flu F 4 Z N ~ J C T i CL. o. U / I Ilq : ~r .