1991-12-12 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Board of Adjustment Meeting December 12, 1991 7 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Sorenson, Chairman; Ernest Johnson, Vice Chairman; Robert Downard, Fred Joyce, and Karen Reynolds, Alternate # 2. MEMBERS ABSENT: Joe Bentley and Dennis Minder, Alternate # 1 . STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator and Jean Bryson, Building Secretary. Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of the Minutes A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October 24, 1991 Meeting. Motion: Johnson Second: Joyce With no objections, Mr. Sorenson, deemed the minutes of October 24, 1991 approved. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the November 14, 1991 Meeting. Motion: Johnson Second: Joyce With no objections, Mr. Sorenson, deemed the minutes of November 14, 1991 approved. Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments. Mrs. Gandy reminded the Board of the COG Seminar December 13, 1991. Agenda Item # 4 ZBA CASE # 141, Variance to Ordinance No. 480. Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 34.1(y) which allows a developer to place a maximum 500 square foot temporary sales facility and 500 square foot construction facility for a period of two (2) years on the property being developed. The developer proposes a 1,076 square foot facility for the purposes of sales only. This exceed the maximum allowed by 576 square feet. The location is 210 Timber Lake Drive, being legally described as Block 2 Lot Timber Lake Phase I. The current zoning is "R-P.U.D.", Residential Planned Unit Development. The owner is Southlake Joint Venture and the applicant is Timberlake Realty, Darlene M. Carmody, Sales & Marketing Manager. ~rrr►' r Board of Adjustment Meeting Page 2 December 12, 1991 Agenda Item # 4 Continued. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. She reported that Five (5) notices were sent to property owners within ~t 200 feet and there had been One (1) responses in favor of the request. Public Hearing Timberlake Realty, Applicant, was represented by Darlene M. Carmody, Sales & Marketing Manager. a~ IW There was no opposition to the request Public Hearing Closed. After a lengthy discussion a motion was made to grant the request for a Variance to ordinance No. 480, Section 34.1(y) subject to adequate landscaping approved by the Zoning Administrator, underpinning of the structure to look as permanent as possible, removal of the structure within 60 days if there is a cessation of the approved use during the 2 year period, restoration of the land to near original state. If removal is necessary, the Zoning Administrator may extend the 60-day limit, but may not extend the 2 year period. The finding were stated by Mr. Sorenson that special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the structure or building and which are not applicable to other structures and buildings in 6 the same district. That literal interpretation of the rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, structures, or building in the same district. Motion: Sorenson Second: Joyce Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Reynolds, Sorenson Nays: Johnson Vote: 4 - 1 to grant w Agenda Item # 5, ZBA Case # 143, Special Exception Use Permit. A Case # 143 Special Exception Use Permit for family quarters per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (1) located at 1700 Randol Mill Avenue, located on the west side of Randol Mill Avenue across from Loma Vista. The owner/applicant is Thomas J. and Susan J. Holbein. The current zoning is "AG", Agricultural and the requested zoning is "SF-lA, Single Family-lA. ~w W Board of Adjustment Page 3 December 12, 1991 Agenda Item # 5 Continued. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported there were thirteen (13) notices sent to property owners within 200 feet and there were no written responses and one (1) inquiry by telephone that offered no opinion. Mrs. Gandy stated that on December 5, 1991, the P & Z voted (7-0) to approve the requested SF-lA application. The City council will hear the request on December 17, 1991 and January 7, 1992. Public Hearing Gary L. Morphew, contractor, was present to represent the owner/applicant and presented a drawing of the 900 sq. ft. quarters. There was no opposition. Public Hearing Closed. I 6o A motion was made to grant the request for a Special Exception Use Permit for family quarters per ordinance No. 480 contingent upon Council "SF-lA" request and limiting the quarters to 900 sq. ft. (30' x 30') . Motion: Joyce Second: Johnson Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Reynolds, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to grant Agenda Item # 6, ZBA Case # 144, Special Exception Use Permit. ZBA Case # 144 a Special Exception Use Permit for the construction of an accessory building of a size or aggregate size greater than that permitted in the "SF-1A" district per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (3) on property located at 1700 Randol Mill Avenue, legally described as 1.8465 acres out of the William Winn Survey, Abstract No. 1660, Tract 1D. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported there were thirteen (13) notices sent to property owners within 200 feet and there were no written responses and one (1) inquiry by telephone that offered no opinion. Public Hearing Gary L. Morphew, contractor, was present to represent the owner/applicant stated that there is an existing 1,582 sq.ft. foundation on site and the applicants propose removing the existing err, barn and rebuilding a 900 sq. ft. family quarters and covering the remaining foundation with a covered patio. i 6 Board of Adjustment Page 4 December 12, 1991 There was no opposition. Public Hearing Closed. A motion was made to grant the Special Exception Use Permit for the construction of an accessory building (family quarters with covered patio on existing foundation) and including the existing well house on site which is 88 sq. ft. The total not to exceed 1,670 sq. ft. of accessory use a size greater than that permitted in the "SF-lA" district per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (3). Motion: Johnson Second: Downard Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Reynolds, Johnson, Sorenson Nays: None Vote: 5-0 to grant Agenda Item # 7 Proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 480. A discussion was held on proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 480. Agenda Item # 8 Board of Adjustment Rules of Order, Procedure, and Conduct. A discussion was held on the Board of Adjustment Rules of Order, Procedure and Conduct. Agenda Item # 9 Meeting Adjourn. With no objection Mr. Sorenson deemed the meeting adjourned. Meeting adjourned 10:10 P. M. Arthur S enson, Chairman can Brys6ri-, 0 ttended meeting and prepared minutes ATTEST: Imo' a ra L. LdGrand 'f,.►, city secretary November 26, 1991 City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Attention: Zoning Board This letter is to acknowledge that Darlene M. Carmody is authorized to represent us at the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting on December 121 1991 at Southlake regarding our needs for additional marketing space. Sincerely, Joh J Da ich IV Gener Man er thl Jo' t Venture JJD rc Re Ashton Woods Homes 14860 Montfort Suite 105 Dallas, Texas 75240 (214) 490-3255 rr~ J J 1 O 2 Q O k IV- :3 1 y C ~ i I d d N r d v Lo Z r. rl IZZ us