no 667 N. Carroll Avenue
November 14, 1991 7:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ernest Johnson, Vice Chairman; Robert Downard,
Fred Joyce, Alternate # 1, Dennis Minder; and Alternate # 2, Karen
MEMBERS ABSENT: Art Sorenson, Chairman; and Joe Bentley.
STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator and Renni Burt,
Court Clerk.
Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes.
With no objections approval of the minutes for October 24, 1991
meeting was postponed to December 12, 1991 meeting.
Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments.
Mrs. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, ask for a count of all Board
Members planning to attend the Training Seminar on December 13,
Agenda Item # 4 ZBA Case # 138, Special Exception Use Permit.
ZBA Case # 138 Special Exception Use Permit per ordinance 480,
Section 44.12 (3) for the construction of an accessory building of
a size or aggregate size greater than that permitted in the
"SF-lA", Single Family-lA residential district. The applicant has
an existing 192 sq. ft. storage shed and request to build a
W breezeway shelter of 1,120 sq. ft. making a total of 1,312 sq. ft.
The location is 2960 Burney Lane, Block 2 Lot 9 in the Harbor Oaks
Addition (1.9). The owner/applicant is Ted Saunders.
A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator,
reporting that six (6) letters were sent to property owners within
200 feet with 3 responses in favor of the request.
Public Hearing.
Mr. Ted Saunders, owner/applicant was present and stated that the
the Zoning at the time he purchased his home allowed 1000 sq. €t.
W per acre of land for accessory buildings and the barns in his
sub-division are built accordingly. He also stated that the
building will not exceed fourteen feet (14') in height.
There was no opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The board discussed that until the adoption of Ordinance No. 480-C,
in March, 1991, the applicant could have built an accessory use of
an aggregate size not exceeding 1,000 sq. ft. per acre. This would
have allowed 1,900 sq. ft. of accessory use on this lot.
Board of Adjustment Page 2
November 14, 1991
Agenda Item # 4 continued.
A motion was made to grant ZBA Case # 138 Special Exception Use
Permit per Ordinance 480, Section 44.12 (3) for the construction of
an accessory building of size greater than that permitted in
"SF-lA", Single Family-lA residential district subject to the
concept plan presented with the request.
Motion: Minder
Second: Joyce
Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Minder, Reynolds, Sorenson
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0 to grant
Agenda Item # 5 ZBA Case # 139, A Variance.
ZBA Case # 139 Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 34.1(d)(4)
which requires a minimum distance of twenty-five feet (251) from
any grazing animal enclosure to any adjoining lot which is zoned in
a residential category. The applicant request a minimum of fifteen
feet (15'). The property is located at 2960 Burney Lane, being
legally described as Block 2, Lot 9, Harbor Oaks Addition. The
owner/applicant is Ted Saunders. The current zoning is "SF-lA"
Single Family-lA Residential.
Mrs. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported that Six (6) notices
were sent to property owners within 200 feet with three (3)
responses in favor of the request.
Public Hearing.
Ted Saunders/owner applicant was present and stated that the site
for the accessory building is already cleared and level ground and
another site would create a problem of removing many trees.
With no opposition
Public Hearing Closed.
A motion was made to grant ZBA Case # 139 as submitted a variance
to Ordinance No. 480, Section 34.1(d)(4) which requires a minimum
distance of twenty-five feet (251) from any grazing animal
enclosure to any adjoining lot which is zoned in residential
The findings were stated that special conditions and circumstances
exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building
involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures,
' or building in the dame district. That literal interpretation of
' rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district
requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege
that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, structures, or
building in the same district.
Board of Adjustment page 3
00 November 14, 1991
Agenda Item # 5 continued.
Motion: Minder
Second: Joyce
Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Minder, Reynolds, Johnson
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0 to grant
Agenda Item # 6 ZBA Case # 140, Appeal of the Administrative
Official's Decision.
ZBA Case # 140 appeal of the Administrative Official's decision
regarding the expansion of a nonconforming use in the "MH"
Manufactured Housing District. The location is 1217 Woodsey Court
legally described as Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract No. 438,
Tracts 1B4G and 1B4H. The owner/ applicants are John and Deborah
Mrs. Gandy, Zoning Administrator reported that Case #140 withdrew
the case on November 14, 1991.
No action was taken by the board.
Agenda Item # 7 ZBA Case # 141, variance.
ZBA Case # 141 Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 34.1 (y)
which allows a developer to place a maximum 500 square foot
temporary sales facility and 500 square foot construction facility
for a period of two (2) years on the property being developed. The
developer proposes a 1,076 square foot facility for the purposes of
a sales only. This exceeds the maximum allowed by 576 square
feet. The location is 204 Timber Lake Way, being legally described
as Block 3, Lot 4 Timber Lake, Phase I. The current zoning is
"R-P.U.D.", Residential Planned Unit Development. The owner
applicant is Southlake Joint Venture.
Mrs. Gandy stated that the applicant requested that Case # 141 be
tabled until December 12, 1991 meeting.
Agenda Item # 8 ZBA Case # 142, Variance.
~e ZBA Case #142 a request for a variance to Ordinance No. 480,
Section 34.1(y) which allows a developer to place a maximum 500
square foot temporary sales facility and 500 square foot
construction facility for a period of two (2) years on the property
being developed. The developer proposes a 1,320 square foot
facility for the purpose of sales and construction. This exceeds
the maximum allowed by 320 square feet. The location is 601
Vicksburg Court, being legally described as Block 4, Lot 6,
Monticello, Phase I. The owner applicant is Larry Cole dba The
Hills of Monticello. The property is zoned "R-P.U.D.", Residential
Planned Unit Development.
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Board of Adjustment page 4
November 14, 1991
Agenda Item # 8 continued.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported the structure is
located on site. The required permits were issued for moving the
building from Colleyville to Southlake for Monticello's grand
opening. The problem arose because there was no provisions on the
permit application to list the building's square footage. Mrs.
Gandy stated that no notices were sent as the developer owns all
property within 200 ft.
Public Hearing.
Terry Wilkinson representing The Hills of Monticello said he
appreciated the City's cooperation in the development of Monticello
and he had nothing to add to Mrs. Gandy presentation but would
answer any questions.
There was no opposition.
Public Hearing Closed.
A motion was made to grant ZBA Case # 142 a Variance to Ordinance
No.480, Section 34.1(y) which allows a developer to place a maximum
500 square foot temporary sales facility and 500 square foot
construction facility for a period of two (2) years on the property
being developed.
The board suggested that the applicant place underpinning around
the structure.
Motion: Joyce
Second: Minder
Ayes: Downard, Joyce, Minder, Reynolds, Johnson
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0 to grant
The findings were stated that special conditions and circumstances
exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building
involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures,
or building in the same district. That literal interpretation of
rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district
requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege
that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, structures, or
building in the same district.
Agenda Item # 9 Proposed amendments to Ordinance No. 480.
No discussion
Board of Adjustment page 5
pw l~, November 14, 1991
Agenda Item # 10 Board of Adjustment Rules of Order, Procedure
W and Conduct.
No discussion
Agenda Item # 11 Meeting Adjourned.
A motion was made to adjourn and with no objection Mr. Johnson
deemed the meeting adjourned.
Meeting adjourned 8:30 P.M.
Ernest Johns , Vice Chairman
Renni rt, Attended meeting
e n Bry n, repared the
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
NOTE: The tape failed for backup.