1991-07-11 ird CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue Board of Adjustment Worksession vo, July 11, 1991 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur Sorenson, Chairman; Fred Joyce and Karen Reynolds, Alternate #2. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Ernest Johnson, Vice Chairman, Joe Bentley, Robert Downard, Dennis Minder, Alternate #1. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT. None Agenda Item # 2 Discussion Proposed Amendments to Ord. # 480. Discussion of Board of Adjustment review of Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and related ordinances. W Ongoing review of Ordinance 480 and 483 will help us to do our job better through increased familiarity with them, and will help P & Z and Council with periodic revisions if we can make well considered recommendations for change. Board of Adjustment members present concurred in having regularly li scheduled meetings (2nd and 4th Thursdays) regardless of case load for purpose of ordinance review.. .l"'"' Some items mentioned for our consideration in near future. a. Clarification of "reversed frontage lots" and "second front yard". b. "Grandfathering" yard setbacks in subdivisions platted under previous ordinances. c. Available building area minimums for corner lots. d. Board of Adjustment coordination on changes recommended by other sources. Other items Discussed: a. Board of Adjustment training and North Central Texas Council of Government. b. Ordinance # 483 required for Karen Reynolds C. Changes to Ord. # 483 forwarded to Board of Adjustment members as proposed and published. City base map and Land Use Plan thoroughfare maps obtained for each member. Work session adjourned at 8:36 P. M. Notes prepared by Arthur Sorenson Session taped for Public Record. ,d Arthur or nson, Chairman c b71~ Planning and Zoning governing Boards FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS PLANNING AND ZONING - Role of the Board and its TRAINING SERIES members Fiscal impact analysis is an important • Types of power tool when considering new To help local governments - Variances development, redevelopment, land proactively plan and manage - Special exceptions use planning, and annexation future growth, the Regional - Appeals/ interpretive rulings proposals. This course provides Training Center, in cooperation • The non-conforming use dilemma participants with the tools and with the North Central Texas methodologies to make informative Section of the American Planning Date: April 19, 1991 and sound decisions regarding Association, is again offering the rime: 9 am - 4 pm growth. Planning and Zoning Training Instructor. Allen Taylor is a partner series. in the Fort Worth law office of Topics Will Include: Fielder, Barrett and Taylor and a • Working with developers Individuals have three years in member of the Planning Commission • Identifying affected services and which to complete all five parts for the City of Fort Worth. Prior to those responsible for providing Wr of the training series in order to embarking upon a legal career, he them receive a certificate of completion. served as Planning Director for the • Projecting costs and revenues 49 City of Edinburg and Director of • Building inflation and economic Parts I, II and III of the 1990-91 Planning and Community shifts into the forecast Planning and Zoning Training Development for the cities of Pharr • Projecting one-time and continuing Series have already been held. and Killeen. costs/revenues for services and X11 Parts IV, and V have been Tuition: $50/person (includes lunch) facilities scheduled as follows: • Presenting and using the results of fiscal impact analysis PART IV - Subdivision Regulation AN INTRODUCTION TO PLANNING Date: May 3, 1991 AND ZONING FOR PLANNING Date: May 31, 1991 1r' DEPARTMENT SECRETARIES ~NS4- Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm PART V - Planning for Fiscal Instructors: David Eisenlohr is Senior Responsibility This new workshop has been Vice President of Ralph Andersen & Date: July 12, 1991 developed to give secretaries the Associates and manager of their information they need to effectively Dallas office. He has developed fiscal Tuition: $50/person (includes impact analysis systems and written ww lunch) planning perform their role department. a municipal expert systems applications for use in complex policy analysis assignments. Terry Brechtel is a Senior Consultant Topics Will Include: PR • Brief history of P&Z in the Dallas office of Ralph Andersen TRAINING FOR ZONING BOARD OF • Preparing commission meeting & Associates. She has over nine years ADJUSTMENT MEMBERS agendas and materials (what is of local government finance included and why) management and consulting This course seeks to provide experience Commission meeting members of boards of adjustment procedures /process (what happens Tuition: $90/person and those who staff them with a to materials you prepare) greater understanding of their • Definition of terms statutory and local authority and . How to write minutes their role in relation to other local . How to post notices decision-making bodies. Board . legal documents (what they are members will be provided with and where they are filed) specific tools and knowledge to a Maintaining effective relationships assist them in becoming more with the Planning Director and See also "Overview of Planning effective board members as well as Commission members and Zoning for Mayors and improve the overall quality of board . Confidentiality and ethics Councilmemberv; page 26. decision-making. Other courses of interest can be Date: May 9, 1991 found under the heading Topics Will include: Time: 9 am - 4:30 pm "Current Topics" beginning • Overview of the Zoning Board of Instructors: To be announced. on page 14. Adjustment Tuition: $50/person (includes lunch) State laws authorizing and 19