1994-12-15 ws CITY OF SOUTHLAKE im %000 667 N. Carroll Avenue BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING im December 15, 1994 7:00 P.M. RM 6, MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Joyce, Chairman; William Towler, Vice Chairman; Dennis Minder, Richard Waltke, Arthur Sorenson, Alternate #2. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lloyd Latta, John Moore, Alternate #1 STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Debbie Coomer, Secretary's Assistant. ~r. Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting, October 13, 1994. With no objections the Chair deemed the minutes approved. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting October 27, 1994. With no objections the Chair deemed the minutes approved. A motion was made to approve the minutes as amended of the Regular Meeting November 10, 1994. With no objections the Chair deemed the minutes approved. Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments. W The oath of office was administered Richard Waltke, who was appointed to complete the term of Loyd Eubanks. A discussion was held on ZBA Board Procedures. Dennis Minder was not present to vote on Agenda Item #4 & #5. Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case #221 Request for a Special Exception Use Permit ZBA Case #221, a request for a Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (3) for the construction of an accessory building of size greater than the permitted 1,000 Square Feet in the "SF-IA" Single Family Residential District to allow a barn not exceeding 2,000 Square Feet. (50' x 40') on approximately 3.009 acres legally described as Lot 2 of the J. Childress No. 253 Addition. The location is 1577 Randol Mill Avenue, located on the South side of Randol Mill Avenue approximately 700 feet East of the intersection of Randol Mill Avenue and the private street Marantha Way. The owner/applicant is John R. Smart. w~ Board of Adjustment Meeting page 2 December 15, 1994 Agenda Item #4 continued. W A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. Ms. Gandy said there ! were ten (10) notices sent to property owners within 200 feet and two (2) written responses r were received (1 in favor of the request and 1 stating their property had been sold). Public Hearing. Mr. John Smart, was present and stated the bam is needed to accommdate horses, tractor and miscellaneous equipment. The building would be 500 feet from the front property line. There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition to the request. W Public Hearing Closed. PM A motion was made to grant Case # 221 the Special Exception Use Permit as submitted with a twenty-five (25') foot set back from all property lines. Motion: Sorenson Second: Towler Ayes: Sorenson, Waltke, Towler, Joyce Nays: None Vote: 4 - 0 to grant Agenda Item #5 ZBA Case #222 Request for a Variance. PM A request for a variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 11.5 (d) which requires a minimum rr rear yard of forty feet (40') for property zoned "SF-1A" Single-Family Residential, legally described as approximately 3.0 acres situated in the J. W. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 350, being a portion of Tract 1C1D, and also being proposed as Lots 1-3, Block A, Oakwood Pond Addition. The applicant requests a thirty foot (30') rear yard. The location is Northeast corner of Ridgecrest Drive and East Dove Street. The owner/applicant is Tom Miller. A presentation was made by Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator. Ms. Gandy said there were seven (7) notices sent to property owners within 200 feet and there was no response. She noted the applicant had reconfigured his lotting and that only lots 1 & 2 would require the variance. Public Hearing. Board of Adjustment Meeting page 3 December 15, 1994 Agenda Item #5 continued. Tom Miller was present and stated he was asking for a thirty foot (30') rear setback. Mr. Miller further stated the property was 164.99 feet deep and his hardship is the City is requiring 30.08 feet of right of way dedication and there being a floodplain along the East Iir side of his property that prevents acquiring additional land. Mr. Miller stated the plat had been amended since filing and he is asking for a variance on lots 1 and 2 only. There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition to the request. Public Hearing Closed. Mt. Towler stated that findings were met. A motion was made to grant ZBA Case #222 a Variance as submitted for Lots 1 and 2 only. Motion: Towler Second: Waltke Ayes: Sorenson, Waltke, Towler, Joyce Nays: None Vote: 4 - 0 to grant Agenda Item #6 Meeting Adjourned. With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned. Meeting Adjourned 8:45 P. M. red Joy e, irm Debbie Coomer Attended the meeting fi J an ryso repared a minutes AT EST; +r Sindra n City Secretary ~n C) 4 ~ N Q I 43,560 SOFT. I Oo (n p O S88'49'29"E 294.13' I IA11 N d w M 3 i S88.26 22 W tD t 163.92 w O N 143,560 SC.FTI d N 00 r- ~ f- I J. M. SHELTON ~ I I w I CD 88'49' 29"E O 132.86' ~ I ~ I z O Lj I UW m i o Z o QD 1 o Ln o IT r- O 2 (6 rn r to 43,560 SC.FT. cr- ~rr~rrr►' _ _ I I I w ! I 588'49'29E O 133.77' I °z iI ANITA SUE KELLY ~I 1 W r ~ j I I~ w I ~ o Z O oe I o I 1 00 _ _ _ M I r''1 51,579 SO.FT.I I i i I I OLA STRAIT lb I I 4o e. L. 134.87' 0 r Si{7_~ j t_]1 `ST7 ILI! tj?tr e ~t tF F ~ _ < E ? is: t :t:_ :E uc s ~I ; ifce !'~F a f -H a ~S~rf ?j ~ j iSir I o o _?bf t?1~ E itr Ttt~; ] iti? t d o ^ - o _ „e*r,. •c:t:• 'i'3Er ME-. 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