667 N. Carroll Avenue
October 13, 1994 7:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Joyce, Chairman; Lloyd Latta, Vice Chairman; Loyd
Eubanks, John Moore, Alternate #1; Arthur Sorenson, Alternate #2.
MEMBERS ABSENT: William Towler, Dennis Minder.
STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Jean Bryson, Secretary.
Agenda Item #2 Approval of the Minutes.
With no objections the Chair deemed the approval of the Minutes of the September 29, 1994,
Regular Board Meeting be continued to the next meeting, October 27, 1994.
Agenda Item #3 Administrative Comments.
The oath of office was administered Loyd Eubanks, who was appointed to complete the term
of Karen Reynolds.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported at 3 PM on October 19, 1994 a Work Shop on
Procedures for Board of Adjustment will be held.
Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case #212, Request for a Variance.
ZBA Case #212 a request for a Variance to Ordinance 480, Section 33.14 which requires a
minimum of one acre for the use of an on-remise septic tank and subsurface drainage field.
The location is 555 North Peytonville Avenue and being legally described as approximately
0.86 acres situated in the A. A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, Tract 2A1B. The
Owner/Applicant is Jode Wilson.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, said there were twelve (12) letters sent to property
owners within 200 feet and there were five (5) written response in opposition to the request.
Ms. Gandy presented to the Board Members a letter from the City Engineer.
Public Hearing.
* Jode Wilson, was present and said, she had spoke with Mr. Sullivan, owner of the adjoining
property, about sewer easement to her property. Ms. Wilson, further said, although sewer
is south of her property in Southridge Lakes the topography and lack of off-site easements
precludes the connection of sewer and she is willing to do what is necessary to build on her
Board of Adjustment Meeting page 2
October 13, 1994
Agenda Item #4 continued.
Richard Morgan, 402 Donley Court, was present and expressed concern the trees would be
destroyed if a sewer line was installed behind his property. Mr. Morgan provided the Board
with pictures of the trees he feels will be destroyed and also expressed his objections to a
septic system.
Sean Brennan, 403 Donley Court, expressed his objections to a septic system and concern for
the Oak Trees and the damage to the trees if the sewer line were to go through Mr.
Sullivan's property. Mr. Brennan further said he believes that Donley Court is higher than
Ms. Wilson property.
Tom Chapman, 402 Valverde Court, objections were the hill terraced and large Oak Trees
on his property that would be destroyed if the sewer line was installed through his property.
He believes that the only way and with less destruction is to access the sewer through Myers
Meadow from Peytonville. Mr. Chapman was also concerned with a septic system.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition to the request.
Iwo, .
wo,. Public Hearing Closed.
After a lengthy discussion on the Soil Test Report and the access to sewer, a motion was
made to grant a Variance to Ordinance 480 Section 33:14 as requested.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Eubanks
Ayes: None
Nays: Sorenson, Moore, Eubanks, Latta, Joyce
Vote: 0 - 5 to deny
Agenda Item #5 ZBA Case #215 a request for a Special Exception Use Permit.
ZBA Case #215 a request for a Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480,
Section 44.12 (4) for an accessory building located in the front yard in the "SF-1A" Single
Family-1A Residential District to allow a 12 ft. gazebo. The location is 1125 S. White
Chapel Blvd., legally described as being Tract 5R1 of the Glory Place Addition, being
approximately 11.1668 acres East of South White Chapel Blvd. and North of East
Continental Blvd. The owner/applicant is Gary Hargett.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, said there were fourteen (14) letters sent to property
owners within 200 feet and there was one (1) written response in opposition to the request.
Ms. Gandy presented to the Board a copy of the letter from Mr. Ralph V. Williams.
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October 13, 1994
Agenda Item #5 continued.
Public Hearing.
Gary Hargett, owner/applicant was present and ask for permission to build a Gazebo in front
of his home that he believes will enhance the area.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
A motion was made to grant ZBA Case #215 a Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance
No. 480, Section 44.12 (4) for an accessory building located in the front yard as requested.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Moore
Ayes: Sorenson, Moore, Eubanks, Latta, Joyce
Nays: None
N *00~ Vote: 5-0 to grant
Agenda Item #6 ZBA Case #216, Request for a Special Exception Use Permit.
ZBA Case #216 a request for a Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480,
Section 44.12 (3) for the construction of an accessory building of size greater than the
permitted 1000 sq. ft. in the SF-IA" Single Family-lA Residential District to allow a barn
not exceeding 3,420 sq. ft. (45' x 76'). The location is 1125 S. White Chapel Blvd., legally
described as being Tract 5R1 of the Glory Place Addition, being approximately 11.1668
acres East of South White Chapel Blvd. and North of East Continental Blvd. The
owner/applicant is Gary Hargett.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, said there were fourteen (14) letters sent to property
owners within 200 feet and there was one (1) written response in opposition to the request.
Ms. Gandy presented to the Board a copy of the letter from Mr. Ralph V. Williams.
Public Hearing.
iW Gary Hargett, owner applicant was present and presented to the board a drawing, he stated
the home has 4892 sq. ft. living area and a total of 7268 sq. ft. under roof. Mr. Hargett ask
for permission to build the barn that has been designed to compliment and blend with the
home under construction.
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October 13, 1994
Agenda Item #6 continued.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
A motion was made to grant ZBA Case #216 a Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance
No. 480, Section 44.12 (3) for an accessory greater than 1000 sq. ft. as requested.
IR Motion: Sorenson
Second: Moore
Ayes: Sorenson, Moore, Eubanks, Latta, Joyce
` Nays: None
di Vote: 5-0 to grant
w Agenda Item #7 ZBA Case #217, Request for a variance.
00., ZBA Case #217 a request for a variance to ordinance No. 480, Section 11.5 (a) which
*00 permits a maximum building height of up to, but not exceeding thirty-five feet (35') and
2 1/2 stories on property zoned "SF-IA" Single Family Residential. The applicant requests a
three (3) story high building on property located at 520 Brooks Court, approximately 1.08
acres, legally described as Lot 15, Block 1, Oakwood Estates. The owner/applicants are
Todd and Debbie Clark.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, said there were three (3) letters sent to property owners
within 200 feet and there was no response.
ilk Public Hearing.
Todd Clark, owner/applicant was present and requesting a variance. Mr. Clark stated the
third level loft at the rear of the home will not be built with dormers, but will be a full story
high before the roof starts and the unique conditions of the property is the grade drops four
feet (4') from the street, and the trees. Mr. Clark further stated, the property surrounding
his lot are much higher.
Mr. Clark said he has no objection to sprinkling the home and the Fire Marshall did not
object to his plans.
John Brooks, Architect, stated the street level is seven feet (7') higher than the first floor and
ill talking with the neighbors there was no negative response.
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AWN October 13, 1994
Agenda Item #7 continued.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The board stated that the finding were met according to the Ordinance and a motion was
made to grant ZBA Case # 217 a variance as requested.
w Motion: Joyce
Second: Sorenson
Ayes: Sorenson, Moore, Eubanks, Latta, Joyce
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0 to grant
Agenda Item #8 ZBA Case # 218 Request for a variance.
ZBA Case #218 a request for a variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 10.5 (g) which
,r requires a minimum lot width of three hundred feet (300') for property zoned "RE"
Residential Estate. The applicant request a sixty foot (60') front lot width. The location is
700 S. White Chapel Blvd., approximately 6.794 acres legally described as H. Granberry
Survey, Abstract No. 581, Tracts 1D, 1D1 and 1E. The owner/applicant is Mark L. Struhs.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, said there were three (14) letters sent to property
owners within 200 feet and there was no response.
Public Hearing.
Mark L. Struhs, owner/applicant was present and said the property was submitted in 1988
OR with a sixty foot (60') frontage and approved by P & Z and Council as single family
property and since that time a minimum requirement of 300 feet was installed. Mr. Struhs
further stated the property will have the same use as was previously approved only the
zoning will change.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
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October 13, 1994
Agenda Item #8 continued.
The board stated that the finding were met according to the Ordinance and a motion was
made to grant ZBA Case # 218 a variance as requested.
Motion: Sorenson
Second: Latta
Ayes: Sorenson, Moore, Eubanks, Latta, Joyce
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0 to grant
Agenda Item #9 ZBA Case # 219 Request for a variance.
ZBA Case #219 a request for a variance to the maximum height requirement of fourteen feet
" (14') for accessory structures per Ordinance No. 480, Section 34.2 (c). The application
request the proposed barn height not exceed nineteen feet (19'). The location is 1125 S.
White Chapel Blvd., legally described as being Tract 5R1 of the Glory Place Addition, being
approximately 11.1668 acres East of South White Chapel Blvd. and North of East
Continental Blvd. The owner/applicant is Gary Hargett.
Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, said there were fourteen (14) letters sent to property
owners within 200 feet and there was one (1) written response in opposition to the request.
Ms. Gandy presented to the Board a copy of the letter from Mr. Ralph V. Williams.
+w Public Hearing.
Gary Hargett, owner applicant was present and ask for permission to build the barn with a
height no greater than nineteen feet (19') that will blend with his home that is now under
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition to the request.
Public Hearing Closed.
The board stated that the finding were met according to the Ordinance and a motion was
made to grant ZBA Case # 219 a variance as requested.
Board of Adjustment Meeting page 7
October 13, 1994
Agenda Item #9 continued.
Motion: Joyce
Second: Sorenson
w Ayes: Sorenson, Moore, Eubanks, Latta, Joyce
Nays: None
49 Vote: 5-0 to grant
Agenda Item #10 Meeting Adjourned.
With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned.
Meeting Adjourned 9:30 P. M.
Fred J y , Cha' an
an Bryson
Attended the meeting and prepared the minutes
4w ~pFSaUTy
Sandra L. LeGrand
City Secretary