1994-09-15 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING September 15, 1994 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Joyce, Chairman; William Towler, John Moore, Alternate #1; Arthur Sorenson, Alternate #2. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lloyd Latta, Dennis Minder STAFF PRESENT: Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Jean Bryson, Secretary. Agenda Item #2 A. Executive Session: Karen Gandy reported there would not be a need for an Executive Session as ZBA Case #210 had requested to postpone until the next regular meeting. Agenda Item #3 Approval of the Minutes of July 28, 1994. A Motion to approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting, July 28, 1994 as amended. Motion: Sorrenson Second: Moore Ayes: Towler, Moore, Sorrenson, Joyce Nays: None Vote: 4-0 to approve as amended. Agenda Item #4 Administrative Comments. Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator, reported ZBA Case #210 wished to post-pone Agenda Item #5 until the next Regular ZBA Meeting, September 29, 1994. Mrs. Gandy further reported ZBA Case # 211 wished to withdraw their request and Agenda Item #212 wished to table Agenda Item #4 ZBA Case #212 until the next Regular ZBA Meeting, September 29, 1994. A Motion to grant the request to table and continue ZBA Case # 210 and ZBA Case # 212 until the next regular meeting, September 29, 1994. Motion: Towler Second: Moore Ayes: Towler, Moore, Sorrenson, Joyce Nays: None Vote: 4-0 to grant request to table r rr Board of Adjustment Meeting page 2 September 15, 1994 Agenda Item # 4 continued. r Mr. Joyce read a letter of resignation from Board Member, Karen Reynolds. A discussion was held on the Order of Procedures and a need for a work shop with the +w available Board Members and Ms. Gandy. Ms. Gandy requested the date be Wednesday, September 21, 1994 at 3:30 P. M. at the City of Southlake. Agenda Item #5 ZBA Case #210 Appeal of the Administrator Official's determination. Case #210, Appeal of the Administrative Official's determination that five (5) above-ground storage tanks cannot be repaired/replaced on the property located at 1675 Brumlow Avenue, being legally described as Tract 2B of the Brumlow Industrial District, being approximately rrr 2.61 acres situated in the J. Gibson Survey, Abstract NO. 591. Appellant: Henry Frost agent for V. W. Investments, Inc. Case table until September 29, 1994, Agenda Item #6 ZBA Case #211 Request for a Special Exception Use Permit. 4d Case #211, Request for a special exception use permit for family quarters. The location is 2900 Brookwood being legally described as approximately 2.244 acres situated in the John L. Whitman Survey, Abstract No. 1593, Tracts 8A1D, 8AD1, 8W1, 8W2, and 8W3. The applicant is David Walsh. Case withdrew. Agenda Item #7 ZBA Case #212 Request for a Variance. Case #212, Request for a variance to Ordinance 480, Section 33.14 which requires a minimum of one acre for the use of an on-premise septic tank and subsurface drainage field on property located at 555 North Peytonville Avenue and being legally described as approximately 0.86 acres situated in the A.A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, Tract di 2A1B. The applicant Jode Wilson. +e Case table until September 29, 1994, to oYrr f +II a!W t Board of Adjustment Meeting page 3 September 15, 1994 Agenda Item #8 Meeting Adjourned. With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned. Meeting Adjourned 8:00 P. M. f red Joy a hair an I J an Bryson Attended the meeting and prepared the minutes • + ATTEST; i ~ Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary f it Ow Alw