1956-12-29 MINUTES - CALLED MEETING - Dec. 29, 1956 TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOTVIN OF SOUTHLAKE',, TEXAS Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to all I members of the Town Council, stating; the time, place and purpose of the meeting, a Called Meeting of the Tow Council, Southlake, • Texas was held Saturday afternoon December 29 1956 at 2:30 P.M. in the Clubhouse at Western Hatcheries. The following members were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor, A. Gail Eubanks Aldermen: C. M. Gordon John E. Quinn 1. Lee Yantis Mayor Eubanks called the meeting; to order, and asked that the ' minutes and other r egular businessbe dispensed in order that the Council could more quickly proceed with the special business. It was so moved by C. M. Gordon, Seconded by W. Lee Yantis. I Motion p assed unanimously. The Council then proceeded to consider the following Ordinances: Ordinance No. 19 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCF RFCFIV- ING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJA6ENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . . " Same concerning property of Norman W. Bennett and wife, Dorothy lone Bennett, owners of the real property . described therein. On motion of J, E. Quinn, Seconded by W. Lee Yantis, said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted.. (ORDINANCE NO. 19) Ordinance No. 20 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE; RFCFIVING ADD ANNEXING TERRITORY .ADJ ACYNT A'%?D CONTIGUOUSTO TFF TOTWIN OF SOUTHLAKE:, TEXAS . . Same concerning; property of James B. VanDeventer and wife, Marion Miller Van Deventer, owners of the real property described therein. On motion of J,F. Quinn, Seconded by 11. Lee Yantis, said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted, (ORDINANCE # 20) I Ordinance No. 21 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCF RFCFIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS 'TO TH?- TOT,°aN OF SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS . . Same coed-rning; the property of Mable bflright, a widow owner of the r ea.l property described therein. On motion of J.. Quinn, Seconded by Z°tr. Lee Yantis, said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCT,ISO. 21) ' Ordinance No. 22 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDIN NCF RFCFIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACFUT AND CONTIGUOUS TO TFT TOT,~JTT OF SOUTHLAKT, TEXAS . . Sane concerning: the property of Rufus Oliver Bozeman e nd wife Belle 1°Iard Bozeman, owners of the real i , property described therein. On motion of J.F. ('uinn, Seconded by Lee YFnt C•ald Ordinance ,7-s passed un,~nimously and adopted. ~ORDINANIC TAO. 22) ' Ord.ina.nce No. 23 was introduced, entitled "I,N ORT)Ia,°.NCF RFCFIVING " d';!D ANI` EXITIG TFRT ITOF Y rIDJ~" C--'TT AND COI\TTIGUOUS TO TT{' TO `r~T OF I SOUTHL2.-K ,1, TFXAS . . Same concerning the property of Albert H. Graves, aind ?rife, Virginia T¢T. Graves, Owners of the real property described there=in. On motion of J.F. Quinn, Seconded by . Lee Yantis, said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. G 9, A Ordinance No. 24 was introduced entitled, "--'IN ORDINANCF ' R'-PC" IVING AND ANNEXING TFRRITOR ADJACENT AND C'1)1 TIGUOUS TO TF TO' `T1 OF FOUTHLAKF, TT rAS Same concerning the property of R. H. Burgess and. TrTife, Mary Burgess, same b Bing real property described therein. On motion of J.F. Quinn, Seconded by W. Lee Yantis said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE NO. 24) ' Ordinance No. 25 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINIINCF RFCFIVING AND t.NNFXING TERRITORY A DJACFNT 4 ND CONTIGUOUS TO TH r TOT; OF SOUTHL1;.K , TFXAS. . Same concerning property of D. W. Harris, owner of the real property described therein. On motion of J. F. Quinn, seconded by W. Lee Yantis said ordinance was passed ' unanimously and a dopted (ORDINANCE No, 25) Ordinance No. 26 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE RFCFIV* ING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJ1CFNT AND CONTIGUOUSTO THE TO1111 OF SOUTHL;*K-' TEXAS .'t Same concerning property of C. P. Joyce and wife, Versie 0. Joyce,- owners of the real property described therein. On motion of J.R.Quinn, -seconded by W. Lee Yantis said ' ordinance was passed unanimously and a dopted (ORDINANCE No. 26) Ordinance No. 27 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RFCFIV- ' ING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AIrD C ONTIGUOU" TO TIFF TOWN OF SOUTHLAKF, TFXAS . . Same concerning property of Leroy Dyer and vrife, Carmen LEI. Dyer, owners of real property described ' therein. On motion of J.F. Quinn seconded by W. Lee Yantis said ordinance Was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE NO.27) • Ordinance No. 28 was introduced, entitled "Ali? ORDTNANCF RFCF'IV_ ' ING A[1jD ANNEXING TERi ITORY ADJACFNT '?D CONTIGUOUSTO THT TO`VN OF SOUTHLA F, TF'XAS Same concerning- n roperty of C.A. Prad.e and wife, Mary F. Pradr, owners of real pronfirty described therein. ' On motion of J.E. Quinn, seconded b,=°1. Lee Yantis, said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDIN NCF NO 28) Ordinance No. 20 was introduced, concerning property of R. A, t Underwood. Ordinance tabled- due to lack of information. Ordinance No. 30 was introduced, concerning property of Carl ' Goodman. Ordinancetabled due to lack of information. Ordinance No. 31 was introduced, entitled "On ORDINANCF. RrCIFIVING r NEJ 't"NNF_XING TERRITORY ADJACFNT AND COIFIGUOUS TO a 'r Tfl!t1N OF S Th ~ OUTH11,K. TT-:XAS . . Same concerning, property of Charles Monroe McPherson and wife, Lou Ftta McPherson owrners of the real property described therein. On motion of J.F. Guinn, seconded by TAI. Lee Yantis,- said ' Ordinance vTas passed unanimously and a dopted. (ORDINANCE' No.31) Ordinance No. 32 was introduced entitled "AN ORT~IrYTANCF RFCTIVING ' ""I'D 1 1IIFXINGTYRRITORY t DJACTNT AND Cl:~NTTGUOUST0 THr ` O'°_N OF SOUTI-ILAKT TrXAS . . Same concerninF property of Lewis Brows and wife, Juanita Jo Brovan, owners of real. nrornerty described therein. On motion of. J.F. Quinn, seconded by IV. Lee Y'a.ntis, said 01 ordinance wras p assed. unanimously and adopted. (OR.PINANCE No. 32) arr+ An MIN 11011' " Of 0061IM""# P IS IMT SVM AM SM" SZOM A PAW Of "ID "M "D =AT I ft + VWS AM USA#" • Of OT CITUar "is TMS* ASO soon W AMA SIJ CT A" " an M V t r VrWMt ta, the " sjo Of fte ae of 19$3# 33" is stuM# as 33?fp Obaptor Sat sA1MAarS Art&*&* V? "v P4WiS0d C&ttk stf►taet" iC US "t MA* WO 90000 % OXi WSINS fuarotby 1s" bro tte Sao of tbo rofts p"Po"'► bomimaftaor doso ib t*v4o nb" sp 1 ia at#ao lam Prs is tbo b4w*r aot t+d 04" of Ala mo at Om T"m of sout.b, b• * Too"# a tr+ *t lot %aatrd si*tetsAs*tga of f#vo (3) *or" out of too 16 a I V0064WINI SWTaMfS Tarrant county* TOX600 as U 4080or4bod #A varomo►tr DMA reeerded la Volume 4301 P"M 1 a Us" o og `!arroat Countyg Toss g SO" fully "8014*4 as fall i A aim 0* t`bo Sor cost coraaoor art a 310 "WVW fst o is R 4 ''*aWbaerrYj TUMB Vest 13 war" to s stsboi TMISM 4 ' attrb 333.0 war&* ~ few* line to An O Witmi 1~r~ of this tive TRIMM Moot 1IF5 vu ra> s to an froa p sat for ao*nmrs U' ' tb 161 • t 1►aaraao to ' sa draoo pin a*t for 0010091 IMOX tarot 1t$ vat" to * stao o9t In the tones lbw of a VWAI MOM mov*ft Idles waRr&& book to the boaIAGkmW * A plat of 0444 kart Sao its 1000ti:on with maopot to the 'tom i! Soutb1sime Tom** Is st tashod bor etw aNr"ked MMT 040 .0 TMATO tt Ov orir boraotl"ba" "O"4 bo aoajardtoaa alr s tt o is tba ftwa IAA&tao of 1t#4sim& ?*a"# be a is borobf r4kJ Aso brlor bt witUa tt,o "rlrt* Ualts of said Tar m and is 44+oorattrjr madao an t attaoml #aft tboviof. M r Mtwa t-b oo ae on s aoat 4a004ta n tat off' tbo iro o mamen" 0o "t's ta" to all of tbo ft is A" PAr110g otato at otb*r aeltasomi ao $Woproo"r +w+rww " of d TOM a " soft" 044 of, tbo and o f go" ` seal ev"W tbo taeat new " tst14 for" aa" o#'faoatrt *04 ab4sb aw be boroattir a ptodo p THAT O t *Jrlto s4 t► w4 s a of 4 be Town of 04this", T*w " i t*to#`+e w* Pt+d a" am"*M s W* is Uoxa " as to 'MAO t affromm*100" territory Vert of t b* Tow* ♦t 3outhish.w '3`ox*** pp T O'S o aaw~w *h 0"O Ottoots" •"t be in t tom oet Pnm d art4w its V&ss o wind apprlv*X the r d t ttostod tbo Town 09"taryo AVISTs MAT= M • lp a r a ~r t~ ■ dd A K~&A.&A-64400AWIME A*4A FM 1909 17 r . H• CQr4N8~~?R~ SuRVEy, -r4 jet 4M7- CovNTy, TEx4S COuelmi Romp 3099 • R EXHIBIT A SGALE 1 ~Ntrr = Soo VAeA5 r~ ~IpQ~'1AW W. DOROTMy I. SENN6TT - OWNsRs ss AS XAMOS : U'M A*D *Q STMT AWAMT Ott d a t TO TOO or aw"UA"s PAOT' 0t t O Ott 400 Wit` .Tt dWNI" AND. l ~w ' AM Ir al s" dtnL A&L M Ml- La"s OF t d dl"mawo or SAO 4116 dtt 88SWND W 3` AM 0 rAUXAX*%# IV ' W` ASS I0 d TWO AND MA"WTI" 0YXUA.SWItOf "It T+ *4v AS a tt' t OTIN s AND PR0- l~ s S*aat -ter t prawUlows of tbo AO* of l civil tt+ Ott To***. JOAO* a. Too **Inrwtrr wite0 rt+ Allor Von Mars rww"s► tsar roma ,wop"ty ba"16msr'ta r d+aoo rlfe# UVU4 soft ovol"#tl wr lm ►vt** to tho yar mW weierd Wit d*VWM of t T* of *Mt M s Iroxa1 ~c• at t"o of land 00000019" . of *or** out ! 460 John T. ilAy ! r'r1w.Wo Ur#rust *a a % yo TOX40#0 •M l~r'"+ +t lw~r 0 GNAW 84 *at ods V" or*" to vollu" ""s ►od* 30s 00" 40or s UNT00t 04untl a Tswo►o. Sor0 tally do"r11M" oo ftllowos to-cult, s l l' wt tk* d01tt Of 04 00 our* trawl out of tko Jokm T. i at oy wAr oy **not 16Y L wt, natior kjr'3 vor&o sort of sbo sw ,wwwuwo*r of sold ras ►y to T arra t Doty, loxesi WOR Woot 72 yovAs# tt tb 144 Sul T"{ *Cl too* 72 yorda; t&lswt:! of two it) *or'** out of tow 4oba'l, by ll y Wit, A plot of *aid too* *bevAmg *to tooetl*n w*tb roe"** to Who poor se waa wi shoo Ta u*& r a►t"M Ieratte waft" !t - ' A* s 1. "''s u~~ ~r►r+alwaa+1~►+!r+a aMw+lirl~it lwr~ ~.t o~ard 11~tt wtaM~IliM to fto ' 0*0 lets of ut ~rN►• '~"!w~l~~ ~ 6" to bor*b ' wwwaod &a t brown" s tar "Too roto I.l ter art' it *014 1w1 I!"wl port t roor. r~ • 1`rf AT, the soars A*adf d bMato •t tb * or** b orots a xld 100 *a*A lod to oil of tbo risk** 'svtlos*. o of other ostasl r a" 0o o rs st is AA "l`~ out be b een& by *U *t t watt 004 s a&" An searo ty *bar**** to d'a'd b tw o And shoat as* ftat abt may be bor"t"r ad0v4". Y"y the oftt0lal map a84 l bonds rigs of tba Town of l t .4aio, 'les" s *0 kaftsofore A" t*4 *a& *400444, b o bud to bo rsby *Mmd" 00 sa to laot b 'mow A00" t rd try ss port of bko To" •t "ba,she* Tows ` 3t• ar ea s, a %l. biweafto orrooti.v* an& be taftll tome sat +atro" tram as after **a past*" and spp"Vol. Lw the yer *ad duly *ttsmt*& by tbs Town %*olP'otsmy, IK-41.110 #bttll 410Y Of *60*0*0r. A. 'D. %N ow At t bit a ~r o P .y KEL.LER - &RAPE✓iME goAO F. m. ROAD Na 1709 7 . gvrts. aC ~ N 7 z W J--T. afNLEY s URVE Y Q oz PT HYDE SURVEY EXHIBIT SC4LE iiikh =~DUNA~P.~S TAMeS 6A MARION MILLER VAN bEVENTffjt- owuERS JL Y, Irmw 3A - Sao arc & 84 r I. BSI PNWZU't SVOU AXU **A" GROOM A PART "IS UT IND AND ZXVASI- UNU "2001 SWA- 89 it s A" MM- "008 w 711 * AS* OR GWXD W UK AC w Is MALT A" w ww4assalu Asorm t1R'tlt IPTIW MBA A"XIMAS V1 4 t As xrr%mTK "TOO ti t Rw w M islwas Ott a w "to Of aps3tt s3ft civil 06060000 of "t+rt"*# 4~ at too real art ~~0 +s i~rwt p&vwt** to "m 111wor sad 14"" ot I a-- ot the Too of # 0 w is or t a ~ ~ l"s 004 t^ 00 so J* Pat" or~► MMt+lr+~at* . tl$$# I&1 wt* 04 been" as tolle" I at 0 SWAAr# OW ~ "so et wwl" awl' 7s wafts V*04 of AU 11i►v"east w rl "NOR $em + $0, a point to *ow" 1# of in"" sees r1tb wit v► t lime 1"0 tool tw puft of lbw.Ldmlw # and being fte "at IA of "at 00t A .L rrE-~ aego 6~1 40*64 to Jo be WK04 Or r &34W An, 101* 1 A# rose 1031$0 Of fte d "00"410 %wft" apaw4w r F A wt o "d l sbWUW i tesat w wlt ass t *be T rt % w tbX4A*# 1%000# ire ♦tt^06" eft us~ UOUT *A** 1. r* t pmow* M~rwt M$" 444t ON& %0 f** l at kw*kU^o famas be am* to 1M Mi # *46 avoil WIN" tm! Ci 1uM tw X11 t~ $60 *mum a" A~"batsww st ow a ben" ago"" t+ w wow" all rrt Ibe aiwr a" Oft ~ +r icl wr ur emo0^4 IV sw of the et 406 wwi mmosas aad* " +w 1wNw1 r tlwv*ft# is rail t _e "t'Oot x lrrr ~ Sao #Ad &Lgk&mvLAjbjpj" Ot "0 low *9 ALL- + Mai ► ► $1 / M" Mmadwida be to ft"01W affmoded M ri AmeoLm " Woo + d ! is + Pon Of ~ leam* ~i AbOlIl" lipY AMST A T ~f lid +rr ISAgUIM AWA"a AA& " a VWX Aar THAT 'fit Oft5ft A" 4A ' - 044" t TOWO AM SK AWAO M AM AND L"W 110 AN&MMAO A" OUP AX t a 4"40"* 4 "1 10$# 00460104 00 ANUSIO WAFFF", "'i" iropwwqpww WON Ire~* *at "to 0"0 as r 06*4" %W ,fir owid", " "W morw a" *o" 69 as too +T 1m* ?fit ft* Wo 4 114 ftmw* swo"t Como"* Taa"* ~ ~ ~ POO*~ ►&WMO ~ s ~ * rf"t ft a Too"s d rl`I A aw met" 1~~ *w► IsSAAC f a~r3~1~a ~ # It **ft* mt lost oot of tt►a► . + # *OWVWO 00*~t Xoo "S• Carat r• ~ ftSOOMW 60 o Jo dart NOW * 147169 ""ft & * tr*110"I *t A polo* l» ft* mol of t tart 1 dt;' t to * voiflmt its ft* Aostb "we aa" wav"y I of to um1 t a" "low "a fm" a I t A6 6"14W xotuo VV a Do" a"aka! Ufr "Val! s"o 19 #"'f at ~A load aboW1 , 1,60 I t aS t to ► UM *t rr wwwww #i owes% 0"0 so U*w ps " tbove sto ~r U VO t Ow w► awwd fw1 wbatoato at *be a b "O&M mad 60 +~r~r► ♦w ail 9SOia *Ad ftee or *Obo ► *Itimme "d ww"ev 60" re ft" 0"4 ums avert be be' ♦it se 1t ft"s ` +~tawr#t ► #~tr p t fail # ► awrr# Otreet a # WUL*b bo btroattawr ad rtai. T"If #wra +►tft amt bmm" ri Ot # too* ec ~a ~wr as to low&mdotlaa"~ +wr r wrt VON* pow a *"tam"* sb"l boos" +wi'f+ltlwr aal #i11 ~i t*ft* *Ad Ott*** tom *SW &tlww At* pasm"m W4 Inc tea d~a~* • 1i~• s Cc, ~ it fir.. to Op a LAW OFFICES GEORGE. P. GLEESON A7n-MNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW SUITE 1202 BURK BURNETT BUILDIND FORT WORTH 2. TEXAS BENJAMIN M. MCCLURE TELEPHONE yr AssociATE EDISON Z-6331 February 12, 1957 Ir Mrs. Dolores A. Quinn Box 1058 Grapevine, Texas In Re: Ordinances No. 21 - 22 Annexations of the Mable Wright Property and the Rufus Oliver Bozeman Property Dear Mrs. Quinn: s Following re-examination of the two tracts above described, lve find that there was a slight error in the field notes of 'Ordinance No.,.21 covering Mrs. Wrights application. You will At note that the field notes in the ordinance, provides a beginning point in the north line of the Padto/Survey,437.47 varas west of its northeast corner. Please correct the original of Ordinance No. 21 to read 475 varas in lieu of 437.47 varas, remove existing plat therefrom and insert the plat enclosed in lieu thereof. Sorry to put you to all of this trouble, but surely will appre- ciate your cooperation in this regard. w V ru l o , wt ~ . • GEORGE P. GLEESOX GP,~: wt .rr air 1 6 YtN~ RoAa • ti RJ PADEN SURVEY o 1 O r 1 ~ t~t I{ I E X H I B I T X" sous : i,Mw =zoo v*A" j ants M4&LE we#*Hr - owAisoc ,I f i AWSW ASS COAL TOWS t SGUMAJOks TIi M PMVINUS UAd A 5"LL ftOCKIL AA VA" Amt dAM T I ZO O"TAM TWW%OT S . 84 th.• "its A" AUfX" t of 4"" TIT? Of SAID Ato t A AS SY "t "IS Ate ORDIAMONS sov A T M A '!fit t AA AAm A li' fA 2W AxIWI=ft loo. AAt A A# t OU" IC L 4"41DAN!" 01 "19 IOWA ~ TW OMO A AMX* A" P 'A IU 1 Aii MU i I VA aR It A Pr OWWO to tot."* ot a* AoitsE o! 19530 3301 CAIVU Atts►'640" ` *to"** Alm o fte"i t"og *9 U""t qtr • Tos" ! OWM*X of t ~ ""Wi r A" 40*01 o91 ^14"aft of s" VON of So-"t ~ a troot of low o iot3ft of as 000" "totlrt" Ok tto * o, S« ft&& tumloylo • ltorv* t *4m&tjro 1*"*# ft ` 4o0"U" Amt ttott r~tttrtty► ft" • ~ *"ft , "wows" to $ Mtf ~......~Ir POW SOAUS.Ulwo l at 44, "ft " t o"Ov"t *1: TO M9 !Wfft;t to lA t "MOt or t err * It* 'tau WWI A * a"AV40" t"A"I I V*"* to too Ifort vt of it" of . 3983# of t +~~~rt rat of of sow ► $*$A See $3 to two ! o"A" *to a* 00 lug,~ flomwPir ""a" ftwo ot swtuoboo `oooo , .~l 3• " « **W*Wo" to its As'dlAA066 A** III #At ftAtA" mot "ft" ~ rood to ft* ft** r&&% of ow ).A** t boA'I of t T""Awe mos*k Mitt Uo tt fte"Ory 14#w ot co~wtf or "e UA3 t* a poti►t ! "V" IAorf^ of tth w~#A r r HMO of Colt Ts"tc fter"ll do*orAoA T Ito W**t 0"001046 Mold road a" o ttt"I float 2t3 War" to o &at t fo Awft t «3 rror+a r t „ ct s 'i iws$ ? 'r*r t+1► ~ t A " « ► to t TUWA#. St's 0a1 V"" to ttr A"o of lot" 44 di some of Rood owt of *a* 'I * *wt aw"f C3 ow" oew" of &W** +tr ~.r A t of d t~►o+ wrt tt A" *"a wi t po" to the t ot"' to~riA~~ ~ ~+luft ~A t~rooott ~ * , ril 1. lp THAT, the property hereinabove described being adjacent and contiguous to the Town Limits of Southlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby made an integral part thereof. W 2. THAT, the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto, now in full force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. 3• THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Southlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of Southlake, Texas. 4. ft THIS, ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretar}-. ADOPTED this day of December, A. D. 1956• ~r APPROVED: MAYOR AT~T~ ES T:~ TOWN SECRETARY N TM. Hoots SURVEY 73 4.4 ✓4s. b..+ l 1 ' Q { t O 0 5. 4. HALL SURNEy a 0 z KE~L~.~-G/hgP6✓INta ROAD F. M. R040 N0. 1'709 rr1 ffX H I a rT S c FI L c_ Ln ✓~1 ~',)S R~d6A7' N. ~ ✓iAb/N/A N. GRA✓65 - ow~+iRa f~ s I ` Jf g3 AN IAMB AtXddl* * A,db A SXI. r . I'Sula1 -TIMASS MOVISIM WAT WON AM SK" NOW= A PAW Of *A" 'f A10 '!"MAT T30 OVUM$ AN IN- HAMAM "M901 SftU. AAr 072IMS2 AJA T PIRMLm" at CITHU OMX=s 4w "M AND NIX AM M U AM Ad* d$tdfXArd MV IN XFYWr AND IM IM liAkA1i'rAfMi`A AA PA VUd~ FO TZd1110 PON rIVO AND 00**X M to U I iO O1' O AID TOO AS A "02 A OUI1 AS A M. :'O 1 IAS. PWWAOAO io Ow ? reft law of t Aete ` of 1033. SW 14eislo4wro. fa" ;fir. "Opter #'3, 0~1" Artist* 9TIN-4. mar"Od d#W&I s talatoo Of To . 'to a. Air O o" witov x&r1r dreg . of W"t d+tt trr TOX,400 oooof* of stir cool A rif ham"a r d earrribed VIA*` t t ,~ksMrtiaw as by %mm provided to Uw ftyor o" f1wrd of A ermems of , t , T or tail a be s 'To***. 0 hoot of so" ootaois"as of " *or** fiat ,ia the x.. . 0. Sall torv"# Tomm.t 04ti stye To `'x"t fttlr ilesor#b it to a Uosorel wtarreaft " t of iw uufttr POW 3.S ft" ftso; , 'fitl~r~tto~t c~a~~dtr * ~'o~tasNt * d~tsstri0ttt+l r.~trto~r aE~td Yoo~tds trs !al low • ~ t~►-trit ~ i a pota* is ft$ 66"$ft Of oojW131wo or tit. A0 I "N sosd# 710.8 t of f4be t "Oattld00r l'i" of tua k.. s;. 0, attal I Tax&" N* tj& sra#A t $60 soi44 &0'jt+rV-Qrtrt"n j ftq "'sod **,fibie tb st r tr of Ifto 00, aero troat borwlo diomwibed o,od ootl l t♦qu tow from Sold $Win io a j;ori%tflr dimo47.500 V&r" tw fib* bortus"t oor~ 0, tumid trwwat~t A d in a 100 Atwrar "rooltion ?%go$ wor** to for dirtritb"Oot oiD►v~ of said traolt„ said PoAlat boil" Is Wost b"AdOrr 11#40 of tb* said i. . 14* ;J&It A tA~lNt oA,oag mat of t~to L' 00 . "It .t;"'tt" er 475 0 d vo r" " rA#k t of way line of tbo said gollar-w rspaVinr g TUA 9 t *loft Vw Norlk rtgkt of roey It** of paid KOllor. ep4W M ft*" t4M a hst jiftiro r040 Asiorsooto tba o tawoolt aerewr of tltaid Rood wt+ift +A + o"O'br hood dew. a oar tt "a"Ime tb soress F. . 17" RS%4 to t itltb rlt t of way line tbewroof ~ T It is os batorly 4A rooti4asloat tbo Atttb ritbt of 11no of oai* KmlI*r- vop*v t* Ro*4 to the wand pluos of boti ►alne, A Vt ttf Valid 10" a4mving its 1900tion with re"Ost is Itbttt Irown of . &wvt &bO* ?*so** to Att turd hrroto wrood d V UAW* 'a• ves"W" 0 f roinobov* des"tom twk o Mot a" 004"404"r 4s tb US" aft" *"*bash** T"Mo, be to boreby or MME MM #a%aaso Was" fto O►rporsto Liatts of ss1 Irem and ► aw~t l*"or" part Oko . TAATa fto o4ma4sro i* '~t:~1► i#> of tho *woo barol" al it*d IP WWO" of W* TOWN 6114 bO 6WA" i &I t of fib* 04440 sr so" s" `"o *t fto"to o >A full tl*"* one or the eo►fttekel :r ft"d bW#"f"ri##j of fib* %,40%0 of ~M M* ' or trro~►, # horotat ►re * top*od onA ~ . i1M► ost to lrrr "IW 600"s# " 00 to Inds tm do # forem"Olosod torr Dory oltolMt IF p ri tho T *w" of Se aftl o ko o T#x 4 m, oraettnomo* *bell b*"%* stroo ttv# 0114 bs Xa fall for" a" 11Fttolot ftom *ad attar Its ss * *14 * *v*l by tkw toMwr as* duty att*ot by ttw Town *oor*tery. AA9rTX9 of DeoMsabo r. A. V. %936# p &Pao= NOW* TOWS OXWOTAIRUN N lmA 400 + W T M. HOOD SURVEY V a Z ~ Q Oz W L. G. HALL 5OR V6y ly 7/2.0 rRS. h 3 2 N 712.8 ✓ts. _ KELL.E It Cw.R- PCV/N6 ROAD F M. ROAD n/o. f 1 oq E x H 16 I T A' S C A L E 1 ANC N- ZOO ✓ABAS R.H. MARY QUR6rm.ss- ouj^lcits A bMA S IW tI 0 ANNUM 'tom A GUM A 9 OtAt OUS, TO 1U TOWN at SOUTHI"Ne POT of &&U TOWN ANA T40 7" OWMO AND If- P M or Own Qlt ZUS as, S To"* "D ax " iii THt Atii"i'if A** ORUNAMM SOW IN i ii 3 MIN MMMI AIM 00Oi iSO W4 1ICI SOWM I S rROVIOtWO PM ANN 'XlPrWTX *An* 11 E * po"460t to 'ltho V roftos ast of tbo Aets of 1 .5310 3 xaM i#1l tlt fa 3J7* ov trer 930 sodtfl► 4 00 Avft"* 97"0 movie" civil "at"" of TOXata* bo W* Marft t of '"l"oo "t 004"f* To*"* sir of the iro st a"rtr blersinajrtrr daatorib" bav&wg mado seplioortiow as VV isM prow to "M *"4w " of A"*r"m of "O U" of ts"a"O To I►** a wart of lapel 56.16 *oros Deno or 1*00 sitaatodi to the L. O* A. Hold SIwr" ► to Tarraao►t Goesty, T ws * fully dtaooribw+t! to a 00worotl worrosty ;hood sotoor eel In M+sIww I "3, PNO 130 ► so" Vooorft* Urront Cooety, Tax**, dosoribed by motoo aatdl bouatis as 1t~w•irit follows* ""1 at o yautitr* in fte alr rltt of Main lino of 00uetttlty le 1*0 1181 to Us L* as so gall survoy o Torrent Mmutys To**** 1141 * war** South of t Carr eet sore of hood smovar i 'lCt, ti to r lrttralsito "w Vertu Ilea *9 s044 V"Y's 6514 war" to *60 xOrtbwsst O*rwor Ot tht tr t of S3.6 a+ w*o bwoso doso t'1bod i 1VMCN„ South to a 11,me 1wrellol to the s*rt 1#.t#ea of i sold rror Btl * 5 vowss Ik* the itthwoot o orw of *old "Vets TA"Cg, Most to a &in* trallol to the Worth Un* of said survey fill. f war** to the % th right of way 11,00 of Covistf po No, 31031 TiMCS, trta alost the Woot lisw at QowWW Shoe! Rio. 31230 i!lUs war** to too pl,am of bodirtt*i»s. i plot ♦f ooIL4 load skowlus Ito l+ Ovation with rro*"*t to tb• Town of bwt &eO* TOwt009 lank otto*btrtsi borwlto A*r IXT *A*, Id-I 1. THAT, the property hereinabove described being adjacent and contiguous to the Town Limits of Southlake, Texas, be and is hereby annexed and brought withinthe Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby made an integral part thereof. 2. OPP THAT, the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto, now in full force and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. op 3. k THAT, the official map andboundaries of the Town of Southlake, Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended op so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town Afro of Southlake, Texas. op 4. THIS, ordinance shall become effective and be in full force op and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ""fir l ADOPTED this day of December, A. D. 1956. J APPROVED: MAY ATTEST: TOWN SECRETARY r1 - AND tub ll"t'ttttl OUS T TUS Too;% Of SOUTSAXgo TRX01 kPOT10110 THAT VOlf AOX)k #A!J.. NOMM A P#XT OJT SAID TOW AND M4 T RE NO 1119#%MM "!k "!it T` I $HALL » EN'T f D TO ALL TW", PRIVIIJMS Of CTGMZ=d Off' SAID TO*** %P a WVXV by Tttt ACT."I t V. Dt#t.04 M NOW IS "'tJ*T O TO HE K,$tV91-t.PXT11Alm . l YUFTWM AXUO * AND Pr OV181 r "N AS %S"CTI" DA-TX, t u$* pursuant to the pevvtoloss of * Aots *f 19533 3" 4i L*4tttoturo* ye,fa S76 *pt*r P3* **Al tad as Artist* ff"q bawtsod Civil staotut*s of Tawaats* G. P. Joyoa lento, Vowwrstao► 0. Joy*** at Torras* Gov y * *xaato * owners of t1to real property b era In ettor da#artttw*d bating made appllostion as by law providod to tho Wayor and Door* or Alderman of *be Town of teuthlaa ko, Tezaa,, a W "t of to" TO "a nor* or too# *ttvotod to the A. .A, Froomm Mlia"voy lw Tarrant County, Ta aoo * fully dosoarAbod to a 0ono t War"*" t l*"Y to Volume Togo bead o►oor"# Totrr~ 0*00*y . ~rarwoo dorsorib rw~ot*$ ass bbounde cos follows$ ft-wits ttl lteIXG of a point In tbo $Se t Lawry tine of mw A. A. ""was Survey t#X$. a worst boo►aowtk of the ortheast ooroonsr of eatd oir"y, being the So~&** oarmor at 4i the troot vets doserlbodt q "#'AItMCI# Vast along the 1#artU boundary nine of eo.id treat to a lino parallel with the North boundary line of said Sur"y 626* 6 raroor 94to wtb to aw 1 tlm paral,lel, of ##t tttw* 'a'sst boundary 4 line of said Survey 794.1 worse aww#ro or lose to tto t wttlo oot oorowwar of salyd troett TUItNCSp Sa#t to a line parallel, to the North boundary tin* at sold traatr o626*6 rvrras more or lease to the O w+wtheast ooaw*r of uald treat is the' dea>rt bou adwy ltae# at ttb o A. A. yrww*N" 'V", #awolttMO Vast U00"Ory ttos of too t.. IS. G, awl Serwrww►t,. end b*Iapt a Olty Lta It if wwa of tlw+wwtt~lwarke * Texaw%#, or*aot*4 b r Ordtnamm fA. at * ' adopted oomberr tfit" TUM0 d. North aloft tko dao ant boundary line of the sold l.. A. Irro *aw s Survey 7044,1 Yates more or 1# #e to +tttw pis** of boto"Gi . A plat of 0 *14 to" showing its loostion with respoolk to tk# 'towo of V wthlaket T*x**,v Is att*ebod bar*$* worked SX a = •A*, T"T, take vr*vo"y 1or*1nuboV* iooortbod bout 0000"* a Sootlw#Wmr to tbo Town Ltw&to of uttbl*ko, Too60, be and to b*robr &g o&" rad brosbt within the Corporoto Uinta of said `own and to bores a"* o Integral part th eroo!'. t. **,O ' o fro and inhabit nt a of Cie area borol a a"sed ~ bo oatitlod to all of the eri ebt• and WIT12.04*6 of otb* olt a" W*VW6t owner* of a lmits 'row" be boand by all, e f tt o *91k# MA w4ian amme me" In conf ►rmttp tbroroto o son in su l l for** 0" orroot acrd toot WA*U may be bo"aftor ado +tod* 3. ju%T, for otfioial m and bo-.m4 rioo of the Town of $0016 ba, r To**** as berotororo 04ept*4 amid owM "Ods bo VIA to hero" 0000 so a* to teeoiado Ow of ilowentioned territory as part of tbo- Towo ~ er ftwtalmUe„ Tea**. i fir. l use ordlno+aoo ob~ai1 bmo*w offootlw* a»d b* in tall for** ~ and etteet froie arid otter Its poosago seed approval, by the reror o duct attested by the UNO oosroUry . , ADOVI p tjAa,.., y 444 of room rr, A* t. 1956. i r ATTt t r "fcxrr6t ~ ~Y ~ _ ' i 9 i TM, HOOD sok-vc-Y i. l~ la-s ~i s k''' C, b ~ I ( ~I I r D. W. HARRIS OwAid,k 1 Z~ N J. CH14D RC= SS 50RVe y N ~ 7 26 6.rRa ~ w ~ r 7 R, A, FREEMAN SURVEY Z h I ~ V f Q fl ~ C OC b26.6 ✓RA -l Q' La J EXHIBIT A" bCHLE : 1„ -ADD✓qR.1., C.P.. * V.FR406 O. Oby[s- OWn1ERb SUSAN A rART OF SOU !I. TA I a `P7tiF f,,. Oir N Y Q.,,g'WiP ~ 31 JL ~ S 0 if CAI 1 A~i. S ..x4 ~J aAM '44 Tat ortl1j,"I'AL . = tit to ta# ~verV►jsla of the A,o s of t d al! trutrMr, aw . r b +karx * « aradl a~a! as f,Vttalm 974-*, arTt,*" irll St*trltos of Texas, Leroy Dyer *ad *if** a r"Ou Re Oyer, of Tarrant C,*tmt , Tex*** o rs of 6 "at 7ro'"opor'tl' hrrotnottor doa- Cr#A • bmv* *ad* Pllo a t l oo as law orOVA4" to tbo X&Y-or ar" 3o rd of Attls►rrrryn O of the 't'own of *t lark*# 'fauna, # tr*ot of Und +p ***-bolt OL«1/21 *or** *or* or lorrs alto***& to the ' . As rroo . orray, 'arrant C#' arty, ` tsas, Illy alAxort,bod to a -gomieval vorrontx !d rooordrpd to Yol~ 45(l, o $63, gird ar►arri r ta, T+lerroat County, ' o%**, sorib&4 by motoa asa4 i s as 1RollsAwsN, to-rwttt r V A at a tints f r *oNrmw is tba North right of way '1ta'o of tho Allan-~roo+rarri>rw l 4aaroa aatt or the soot*arrra * oor t of ttlo • ~ • TAKNOX, I►rrtb In 0 3#."e, Parollel to the last ttou"4ary ttormerr, , of 1tha traet i o rtrln "*oribodt TWOU , st 30.7 vr~rao to ttvo or#Uoast oorraor of as irrrwot t T t r*,r boutb its % Ilan! r*11,ol t too rr#stc b6asAoft Ito* of sold tr*ot 148 turnery to *be oarrth right of way Ili** of tt** t*1I#r_,1rP rlrr» "d:t -IKACt, We** mlont $be North r'ld#'tt of +sat line t)f than Koilor- Qra povr yw o f to the laos of badiani> . ' A plot of 0614 'laved Showing Its looarttl with rospoet to the 'own oartbl,aieo, assns, to atttooft ed harote, mor> l l'f *A,$, arr ~ ;~t'o~o#rt~ br►arsipab+Ra~ d+raaril►rd boil rd~r+~*t o +RoM pa ti t0 t 'Tom* LIAWAtM Of S4m*b4* losao. be *#TA in bore" b*o&^t tbiw *b* cor rs" Lj"to, or #014 Town a lr torte W*do on satrtdrai part UWroorl s. TRAIN IkW * rtr* rod i*b*bft&Mt* of t or" to"In aaroSed 60 optituA to all of t* rAsfa to "A PrIvAlo *m of It r *It&**" grad porty owworM *t sod Town 604 bo boww bpi all of W" **to & s t►Mmoos nods in a tfonvit* tbaroto, a*w to fiat% for" sod *tfoot oaf that t►iob soy bo borsaftor ad pked• ~i ?SATO alto *f!'iM1ol nop *ad boM lrloo wf the "own of tbittaio g Uso** AM bsr*fA*for* a4a od awsm 4# br on* ii berob ' tiwr*md" so of to "WINdo tho a~'*r*rrtrN* lorrit*ry of 't of' to t of AMWtb;#m, T*"** M 19100 +ardi wart thrall b ooso •ffM#ttwo and be In NIL rer" * d~ti~t ott*stred by tbtr town "Or*torf. AV~PTXD IrAIS 'toy of bomeaboro A* 'no MAV A'tz 0 ' a b it •-r..~.. r~rirrrrri~ r. +.r~rr N A. A, FREEA?qN 5 u R✓E y o~ Z Q } a Nc+ w KELLER- GRADcV/NE ROAD F•M 174 ~02 O R.4. PADEN Suizv&y EXHIBIT A sc 4L-*: 1 W~N v Oro vak.l, Lr ko y CARMEN M. OVER - OW Nfflts , 93 ~R av ORDINAX02 D() 0 as "WEVI ?#AT VJU AR" AAJA. 0 0 4 PART 4W SAID TOWN 11-4 T44 T" OUNl s AND I :UTAWS TR"XM SMALL tsTi s t PAOL T rRML s or CI$I ;tss Of OAJts r3RM g ASO 09 9 101 bs Ads AND 01101M S4 M11410104 r AMUSING AXb MPRXMNO T ft'MIAL f 04 XISS Of 4116 TOWN AS MU 0 ADOfTUD AS A *8900s 0 11 "A' Alf 091M.-DIVA -SAT3. VIVOL AS# parasent to there pro st of Uo oats of 1933, 3" LoSIslaturo, Figs 333', ftso*o r 93. eo"flod as Arltlrtts 97", Revised CIVIL st#tutsad of 'foxaets, C« As Prods VA100 Y It. mss, of „t Torra>rartt 0ounty, To**** owns" of tbo rvof "aportf` hereinafter dep - mr bolo kawta4 go" NvIl estiow " by lav w+ttluot to ft o eyor std 6~4 of 4orme o $be Town at ttUtreittr, T*sss„ are traot of ISM 33 aatros avers or lose sd# e0od to the . t « InSa t 9urv" • Torre" Goueety, 'fuss, orally dosorlbod Ia s Qonarol bsrrsaft bood "*art" to Tolaaare 2133. Tome, $3d. Drat 'f ear tr, Torre** County. t°oe as # 4*sortbed by wstss 4 1eoawult ds as follows, rte,-wtltt t 1sd carat to ssisit to tips hest riot of "I Une of tbo county OMA No. 3021 • Too foot Seatb of *be s+nrttor pt be bo1k*r••0ratporUM (Y. M. 17") 14161 't''UMCZ, nth slstat4 tbto eft rl t of wally 11,no of as" Ctousty boa d 30210 a "cut o of 43 toot, to i #olstt white is *L rootly Seat of thro Southa ovk eoroor of the ttrsot boro3o 4owar.i; ; T 01C, West, oretai t#4 0014 To" to the toast rleb* of way 1184 steed Ie00444litlat d T ruse 69 doer"o, 23 Sloutoo 'i oo$ * V36.40 root 3 TiIS CS. North 0 d*Wpo+es, 80 rat natso 'soot 1994034 foot to a "AM I TUXXC8# loam 490.00 l foot to aat pobA j ' MMS40 ltort b 0 444ars11t#r, " 010 0000 est * 3" too$ rttorre or fuss to the Soutb right of way line of *a* 11or Qvop tNu t"e Re"I 'f4 00it, to an Xostorly 4 ettsaet "oft the Stit4 ri to of y Line Of tat l~tttll•r•►firaitt►~e~»t toad to r the pta" of boes""t". plat of as*14 lent d 'eals~ettfi Its tesat sst wife rospoot to tuo Town of *ollttUako, Texas, Is atteo!b" barsibo nWWb" MUM *A*. tbo ope►rty bat°a#+aabsw etoeeo rtbod boj"4g adj* er Mt ad *"taw s to to roast 4tw4ts a9 Somt ItalmR Toecsee, be wW is ""by a r x" *ad bit Sri thin tbet firsts Ludt* of •a&d i*we and is % ere" wadar an Integral port tboraot. '1"WLTs the em.ree and ietwbitants at t ae"* boroia *some* ~ be aa!etitU4 to all of the riekts wW ar►iftta rr of other aitisom on* property oarerwe" or said ''am" 004 be baasd by otl or the *,at# ae4 ordd namm a o eado So oo -f ormitir tba now is fell foray w ♦ttoot * tbalb wi4eeb way be borwsoirte r adaptode b b TWTP tba eftkotsl map and boeaeesia rkwo of sbo `lawn at SeatUokoo Tex**# as baarotstb ro adoptod and a►tieoodod# be eead is br"by aweeendlard so so to mdudee tae afiereemr►M#,oresd territory so part of the Tower of aaattblake, Tex**,, r IVIS* ordiee ooo ee t 1 boat ems orfreetive and ber► in roll for" ~ and at' wf, t!'p11i a: Otto r Its passeedee and approvsl 4f tkw mayor rad duly **tested by a fovw "Oasts , b yM yam}`'' 4tay of Doooftera A. So ItJA, 1 Ali` 9T t n illy K.CLLER- 6RAAEVin/E ROAD FM. QOAA nb, 190q N.7+~39w. 5491' POINT OF BECa/NN1N4 S. O'J9 c. bs'Aaa 25' FROM N.E. CON. KAIIGMT :5JR. 0 N N W p ~ O Z wasr 490,060' N o- M O,W KNIGHT' SURVEY A-899 410 40 0 W +rr+ 2 p v Mi M. 817 9 3 G' 9X•40' EXHIBIT A" scA►,~ ; = 30o F6 aT C.A.4 MARY E. PRADE - OwNcer, rx 3. Your petitioners agree that if this request for annexation be granted, said land shall become a part of the Town of Sout flake, Texas, and the said land and eny future inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges cf other citizens of the Town of Southlake, and shall be bound by the acts c.nd ordinances of said Town now in effect and as hereafter enacted. WHEREFORE, your petitioners respectfully request that this Petition for Annexation to the Town of Southlake, Texas, of the land described in attached EXHIBIT be granted. WITNESS the signatures of petitioners duly acknowledged as required for deeds. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT f BEFORE ME. the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared C. A. Prade and Mary E. Prade, his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names sresubscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said Mary E. Prade, having been examined by we privily and apart from her husband. and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Mary E. Prade, acknowledged such instrument to be her act and dedd , and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for tho purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GIVEN UNDER' MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of December. A. D. 1956. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS k PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION OF LAND CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO THE TOWN OF SdUTHLAKE, TEXAS. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the ,Board of Aldermen of the Town of Southlake, Texas. Greetings: We, the undersigned, C. A. Frade and wife, Mary E. Prade, of Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter called Petitioner, represents as follows: 1. That they are the owners of a 55 acre tract of land situated in the 0. W. Knight Survey, Tarrant County, fully described in a General Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 2835, Page 358, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, described by metes and bounds as follows, to=wit: BEGINNING at a point in the East right of way line of the County Road No. 3021 700 feet South of the center of the Keller-Grapevine (F. M. 1709) Road; THENCE South n ong the East right of way line of said County Road 3021, a distance of 2524.02 feet to a point which is directly East of the Southeast corner of the tract herein described; T11ENCE West crossing said road to the Wiest right of way line and continuing South 89 degrees, 25 minutes West, 936.40 feet; THENCE North 0 degrees, 28 minutes best 1994.54 feet to a point; THENCE East 490.08 feet to a point; THENCE Borth 0 degrees, 39 minutes West, 529 feet more or less to the South right of way line of the Keller-Grapevine Road; THENCE in an Easterly direction along the South right of way .line of the Keller-Grapevine Road to the place of beginning. ~A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Southlake, Texas, is attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "A". 2. That the land described in EXHIBIT "A" hereto attached, is less than one-half mile in width; that less than three qualified voters reside thereon, and is contiguous and adjacent to the Town of Southlake, Texas. ORDINANCE NO. 29 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOME A PART OF SAID TOWN AND THAT THEOWNERS AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID TOWN, AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AuD ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE HEREINAFTER ADOPTED; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AMENDING AND CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID TOWN AS HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS AMENDED, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. IN WHEREAS, pursuant td the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter 93, codified as Article 974-G, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, R. A. Underwood and wife, Underwood, of Tarrant County, Texas, owner of the real property hereinafter described having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and board of Aldermen of the Town of Southlake, Texas, a tract of land situated in the 0. w. Knight Survey, Tarrant County, IRR Texas, as is described in Warranty Deeds recorded in Vol. 15579 Page 414 and Vol. 1426, Page 201, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest Corner of a Twenty-One (21) acre tract of land described in General Warranty Deed recorded in Vol. 1557, page 414, as Tract No. Two (2); THENCE North along the West Boundary Line of said tract, same also being the East boundary line of a 40 acre and 44 acre tract of land annexed to thre Town of Southlake, Texas, on December 39 1956, pursuant to the provisions of said Town's Ordinance No. 18, to a point, being the Northeast corner of a said 21 acre tract, said point also being the South Line of a 50 acre tract owned by E. Gayle Eubanks, which was annexed to the Town of Southlake, Texas, on November 129 1956, pursuant to the Town's Ordinance No. 3; THENCE in an Easterly direction along the North boundary line of the said 21 acre tract and the South boundary line of the said Eubanks property to the Southeast corner of the said Eubanks tract, also being an Easterly City Limit Line at such point; THENCE North and West along the East line of the said Eubanks tract to a point, same being City Limit Line of Southlake at such point, situated 700 feet South of the center of the Keller-Grapevine ( F. M. 1709) Road; THENCE along said City Limit Line in an Easterly direction to the West Line of a strip of land 40 feet in width as is descri)4ed as tract No. One (1), in Warranty Deed recorded err in Vol. 1426, Page 201, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; TES! "b, crab e1o" soles Yost line of trail 40 *Oro strip to that 4orth bow 4orf llnaw of t at aarro trout snd oontl wwt'ir South *long the go** Ito* of Sold treat spVroalftatoly 487.1 rate.e to f toottfto&ot eora*r tbor*of 40*tt along tiro r►UVA line of sold l arttro lroot M.? Toros to tko rlaaaet of bacl"Iti . plot of sold land showiad Its 1o*wtl.es with r*ep*+t# to tbo Totm of Somiftlarkr, Tom"** So atta~ob*4 bar*** wawrk*4 ZMi VilT *A*. 1, 'iUATO %be wopoartir rolsobovo dosor-ibod being o4jooontts and eant# ro" to ttw Torte L-iuits of *outhl+treiao, "tat►ss*# be and to brr" onaosord end b"tight wttkin the Corporate Liarito at said Iowa a is borwW owdo an l.awtsg"I part tber*of, t`UAT9 the owners had i+ rbitorntts of the wee heroin *n atoxod b* ontitlod to &U of tro right* and privileges of otb*r a4tis*ne and property *Wwre of solo. T*wn **4 bo bound by all of drat **to snd or+di "Wo ado to *00fotmaty tbsroto, now In tul for** and offoot *ad that wil:ob way be borosft*r s opt . ~ lob TUi T,j for offloiai wop ono boundarlo* of tho Town of boutblokes 'i'errlaooo as kwrrt►Werrs aedoptod asd oanovAw4, be and to beroby mod so sat to imelttdo the af`oremmatle"d territory ss port of the Town tA► of r rtbt'lalatwt. To:as. r. TUS, srditn"od sbt►1t bay**" offiatt o ■tnrd bo to full f*rvo and wffoatt from * oftor its goemo;oo end op ar"t by tho yort• aa4 611f attor#od by tb* Toom '%aar*tterry. s Ai res#k tb#s 1,2...,.,, day of January.-, A. P. 1957. 4 14TTX-tT>P A • J4 )rte S k t■m a N HALL 6URVE y ELL9R - RgP_6✓#AIE ROAD M. ROAD /7Dy lost roc 1 1 t rrr _ . TY i i .ry ~ Z k A O.J. KNIGHT SURVEY o i o . i COVnITY--ROAD- NO. 3o q9 EX H I BIT ";A SCALE 1 ~nlCti - 300✓A[AS FIRS. R. A. UNOeR,Woob - owNE~ sW N RBYX Y R fi1,CX1Y1, AND AV11"10TXRR i, l' ASJA %*T Ad C 1N `lWOUN T'~ TUA TO Of "OULAIN. T'g Ag t ROYl 130 # . `T U ARRA Sot" SMO M A PAST OF WD 'Tr:VX 6b TUAT "UDC $ AND IM TAM TRXRUW SHALL 10 X$Tl?LYb ALL Ted J'0 A "1 AND 40r SMT fi TUX Orrl AL XDAa2 fitfit OF $A" TO" AS 14"S""RX ASOPM AS ANKUNSDo .Ad* OYlAi FOP AN gr3PMY19 *AS, 'dt` UXAS* pursuant to the rovIGlatws# or tho As*s of IL 33, ,1 t 3.at34laGtFdra►r, Pass 351?,o ftaptor 93. "fled as A"&*&* f74-4, Rsrissd Civil SUVA tss air Texas, Carl met OW vi,rs Muth a tet, or Tarrant tl nty, Tetecets, owner of' the rw*1 property beroinartor do,r-► etrt: t bawtug nods, aprl etativa as by lrrr prewtd" to tht► Mayor and card of A orrrow sf fi Town of $outMaos Tasott, a true* of land sttuotsd In the Theme heady jor Uedlo) Survey, Tarrant County. Tow** # as Is 4,esorthsd to Warranty ;,lood resorted in Ye twoo 1637, ~e rage *sod aovsrda, Tarrant Count # Texas, more fully 4*sarlbod atstset +end! be "s as !'e►11 o rrf s GINVI In ttk* ortu bounda" lino of t#m T. k. ;tool Sarv*y at a roint ,30 voras gash of the 'o rth*opt Gornor of !t said turvol r r~Y t forth. 3 ,rams; "nt%w4 . West A675 wara*; ZiNSCIE Worth 204 varsel Inr sOs. woo* 47010 Vargo to #ho last lin* of the 0. Coa*tovvns Survoyg souttu 364 Vora* to the horlt att oorasr of optd T. 4* .1tood 4urvel, the oamm t ttLo Eau tlawo st soma r of *aid 14rody Srrvoy g 1-49*020 Sot, along tttw $autb.11ws of the tie oft Survey to the plaso of b*g1"n1n#. A plot of said land showi its loosttion wltb r** of to the Town of soultblabo, Totes. l rtteobod trots worked t 101T *A*. TUATO the vorty terosarabov* do*orlbed being adssoont, a*d oootitwwo to tbs Town Limits of rruthl+ako, T*x*o, be ot#4 to Ua►sy by •wwo:od awd brro t r#i ►p the Corporate Limits of sold pro*,n *a to korroby made an Integral port thoro o►f. 3. TKAT, t%w owrw" sad Inhabitants of tba or** h*roin `annasod to ontltlod, to all of tbs ri is and privileges of *tbor s tioows and property oars of said To bo b*un4 b all of t o oeta &04 * rsunam ►s a%W* to oonfolvitt tuarote, 00M to full for** offset rd that w oh way be Wroaftor *doptod. 3. "tom,,%T* tbo offtola►l map aa4 baueadw&*s of tks 'tovo of Soutltlaka& Tex**, as barotweforo aodoptod awd, ao+rsdod, be and to bore au0ndod arcs as t4 toolude tug, a rorowontionod t+w"ttorf as rt of *U* T"Ww of a tlaie~3d1, T"`ex*$* 4. TKIS# ordtym aoo *hall beeows Wootiwr and be In f4ll forgo and Woot f row mod oft*v Its aRos,a;to a04 approval by tho 3,40,yov aad duty arttootod by alas Tana ~aorotory. , #c PT" tul* day of February, . 1957 A Tai ' A]kY ■m a ~r T, W. MANN SURVI y 0 i tali j V i I 3 1 ' e F { 7; M. N OC D 5 U R E y' I EXHIBIT A CARL EDITH GOODMAN Own~e Rs i R. 0 jj.r~ > _ /O 3 a 4*KXAtVO* 90, 31. AWAGXXT AJOV OOSUMMS " "M TOWN ' dOMMAKi, "A BUSt fbdMrl =At AU A tlt" AWNS A PAM WS "f~ AND T V 001090 At XX- y NAUTAAffd WWWV !0UAU« A ='fiTLS# TO Atm. "'9C PO Mkt. OT OMSM df "XT # AXV OX DOM AT VMS AM AMA OtWU Nd MW U XWYWT AND ASONT481 VUdM~ f"TIMO fdt JtA SUO AM Oft v tans" SA SO Of w~A,y~~'~p'+~1s~Aw~1~ ~,~y~MUOA~40S Ate:", AND 11U t; t# PWOO O to ttto PIr *Vlk 1*M of tbo A alks of x:933# 33rd Lo"oieturs# Pass 3074 r glut " Irtlels, 974-06 ►ioed Civil Stat"teo of T trs# ftafto* *00"0 Norborsan and wife* LAW #*to *%0r#*G# of Tarrant COMOV# T*Xoo, owner of *b s root Pro• porty biers ftor +toss t b"q harm me" o"11000iow as JW lair tw*- *idod to ttto Mayor and Dowd of Alderwo of a Towtat of Southloko# Users a tract of land SIONSW4 to tiro 40 W. aftivero rvoy • Torrent 4o my # Texse* as to dooeribed to wo rreaft Dow WOOW4" to Volume 1t "q Page So. d39 # 01aed Poeordl; TittA nowt County, ?*as** more fully d+r tsr trod by setorr o bower aw fol.towwoe awl NG at a point in tb right of way tiow► of S. a. No. 114, st $bo xertbwrst city Limit Laos 400 foot west of $be toast ftebt W war liar of comety dead so. 34018 T4,404 # WOrthoostorly ate" mold 4.orft r1Sft% of woy liw a to Ito in toreo"14at with tko v*rth rte of way lino of t *00ty Road Ito. ""I TASNOSO Most elead the Mirth rat of way tier of panty d tar. to *No etaaobvest donor of ttr J" No hivers aoa~+n►l► ~ boQd# Best sIont one +wtU liar of "Ad ourvol# 196 #oat to a point for aeraart T4 MN # X* "b I dogr#0 a? Simttoo Sost x 9.49 foot fie a print for ooroorl IM s# Woo* 196 fort w posit for oor~$ . , I=WXO Owth I dogroo 27 atom*** Moroi 119049 foot t*a- tlaei wit South to the nth fright of way ltno of County A044 Ate. "I Td 4;, host aloft the Sahli right of war line of County itoad bur. 3"4 to the Ust risen of wady line of t. A. Mo.1141 TAN1148# SoathossAorl along SW 4aelk sod So rth matt of way 0taw of a. t , rCCU. l l to the ploo, of hostaft1*86 Illrgerrrrwlwlrr.wr..r~.. . Oll+il A plot 99" 0014 land oi3ewa mW its oosti on with r*Spoot to do "fawn S"tkloko. 'issaat to rt+taob" ho"to marked unit" SAW * ~ T "TO tDO V"PO"y b*"Inab►rw "Dort bolt odjoeow t arnt l0016140oa to tko Tom I.ImAte of Soutklsko# Tom*** be end is boroby onn*X*d a" a$4%NNM wiskin /HMO cor poroto >6A*4ts Of satd T*10 0" w IS 4~rwiq► wwo an i sto l Port tkoroor. th OUR*" aad a bit^mtts of the a r*sk ioo"ja aao+tswl be ontIvIe 1 to all or fto rights and 'PrI'v logos of o"Wr ottks*"* end t POrty oo"tor Or 00" TOW 044 br bouwd by *It of Oko 4st o or. dlao O s wwds to Oy ovultlr thorotEo* now to mull re *ad offset and t!t►tt WbA*k mw bit t-wrootter *40ptrod. 9. to oft* offtoilot map a baw ndortos of tbv low" ot" tkl*ko O 'loxos~ sr bo"W"tre ""t" ft"4404* br le ijoroby *400404 sat as to 1 tb* 4fos atton" twpryt►t**VY as per* of tks Town of Ordl*4400 *hall AwWww orfootivo *ad b* tai full f`oroo 4 *ad .tt".t of fro. `nd a#tor tts Possa" whet +opprowol by t mayor arm duly wt*09*94 by th& T* tworotary, day of Pip ATTSS `o o T 4 k Sa a l1 x ' 041VER5 SURVEY ^ I ~ i 1 ' i 5T SURVEY 1. NIVERS 5URVE Y 4 - j ` e I H.CHIVERS SURVEY o F ~a D 'I i l j W.W. HALL 5URVE Y i I l 'j '16 EXIT lb, A SCALE . JOWH 4oovARQs dMWAX0t i. 32 AM Xi IFI#a" AND MM +1 " ,1 AMT 40M TOMS Of SOUTMARt Ts 1 POWIDI TVAh SU PAL. +SW A PART dAZM "O D 1"T T M AND rMACS Of O d;tt Of #ob "S"ING "a =M 1G 'lilt l"lCl d Mt (W V TM SUWMOl "M At AMXX* • A PROVIDING if Ab UTICTSVIL TIo blR * vQv**qt I* tbe prowtoloos of tb* Arts of 31PI39 t rlar►la33" twro ► V*410 "70 4bMP 93& s fted as AVt i 974.40 sod civil totr*00 of 'fir # Low" ► m and twita$ j+uAai " jo oun of To"*" l Coeur, Tste"# *WOW of tbo r"I » x,.,V alw bsreumhlr **sss't "rtos a awalo*tko" as w A&V pVwSA 4 to tb* X P° aa& ISM & of AU*v W of the 'lt'ow W S1atblabot Ts g o tv t of t oitoatod to the Ja J9 l'r* - ba r OWWA "O T447401k G*Mlwo TOWW• *Or* CAlly d*"Vlb0d blr met" raA bo ~►i toiler r a1~ a# a pal►ot to the d utbwootore Intorlrootton of the rt,tbi of way of qty +blrrN d " +r 1 tba Imam* is a toutbrsstorly diroot►ooo 0 4 fte "Utu rubt or my line of said 1~eilor••~r~rr Read to tle, Bod t wolf Laters tton of w44 11 wttb County ao" 30331 TIOU010 **S 04 *ft tbo W "t rt t of way ll~l of qty Road 3933 orossl 004Mtl► ROM td"t to the rortbwst atorooet on of srrld County Skmmis 3033 a tt311 TWWWZ# rust ka t'be tortb rl bt of war lUm of s&id + wuntt 04" 4"10 4" toot to a potst j sCtg rrtk 3"A toot to a pilat1 IMAUo st toot to a point is tbo hest rk&*t 8 of w 1"m of county psed 301S t lus"Uo "at orossl said goad to tto tart risbt of wvrwy 1lno tbo"ot1 US099 bou6b aloft the last rigbt of war ttao of Coty go" 3033. to tbo rtb "t latopaoottoao of salt COMAlky P40M with tbo 4011rrr•► MSvOwAraro Vii. ~ dortb~w~twrarl~r dtrow~ttow North VL*bt of way lum of w+~ll+ar•~rwa~wrrla~~► to l West rLbt at MW Lum of C*wtf ;mod And oortti►aaawt OS lotto ae"we mid Need 3m to Its . ~i tor"OtAom wktb the tb ltigbt of Ww of K"Lef'«Or"Powtfto vio" , *bo 01"0 *jr b' * A DUS of s"A hand o ft A is losetLeat with roopeet to t" I' of toutbl Of "oXaar to aft od be"** mark" UNUM? *All* =ATr the property bosoS ve do+r~trib" l*l "JASOwt,w li11d +wN "Ou"s to lbo u1 L tww wit ttblOko.v t#t be an* is b*VWW ORMOXOS and 6000401k WI tblO thO bl► L to of and is rob Made on kateoval tM0vt.'roof* '3 LAT# ttW !WWAOVO 644 IQb&Ut4 tti Of ttlo as aft bwrkt'"O as ►Ntwtd 60 oft"U" to &U Ot *be risk" a SWiVSA0VW of other "tiamo a" Onvo f owsorr *t said T440 awe be bow" b sly Of tbs aw is ° and ottdi► ra made in so "s ty tbovoto►r sa fail r *me 404 r••, " 1 to street mad that 'mo'b NNW be k*rs*t for ada~twwit. ~s l tbo r olal t of map and iarsunififflo* of 1<brt T of d+r►u#►a, TOO"o os berets o" od a" s d"S to wu& to bwMV*IW 01000dwad sir as, to UWMto tbo of aft att+ m" tarrAtory " Part of Ow Tsma itIWtl~ '~'+i~wl►i• ~r d ls+i Ob"I DEMO *free"" be is full rwry and off o t fr+ rt and ter &so pa"440 mad awrova1 by t" ma"Ir w MA duty attested kv the 'tow ovotrry* D t"S ~ w,d1 of boesm*o r". r D# IV5# ~ i 00, 4. A TARRY ■ w 1 a COVNT It*Ab AJQ 404 r M ti ~ A 78 E x ~ 2 o a ~ ~ won ?o ~a~ 1 A a OIiN 7 Ito A D No. 30 ~3 r T Oo C4 In ~ N ~ C IA q A c rl COuwT oAAD Ko 30 r 20 y a N ~ a M 3 2 c z N 76 C /a g ISAM X0 At QXSX"t 1fIX ► A T 3st I*X"s VWVZDZXO MT I AS" S"" JWCM% A tAAT OF 9 WWd Ajo JUT OWSSAS AM lM"MUSlli IM- WMA tW.L 01 RMUM " ALL P tttl M of CITUIN S "IS IOU w AXb M W TNK AM A OU01"WSS "W Ilk t#rI AND " 89 XI"11 a tlS't 1 "RIVtt PUMMUS IM AMi l Ast t " bbl ADLARII "to `tit H WtM Al QrM AS A IDU,l AND P PWVZDM "A At sOtt #A1$* * - to the, p rt6t r, of tWa Aetr of tv 0 33rd A06103atare„ papa ;t Yr aboo"r tar seeIrtod as A rttsla 974-4111 ►trod "V&1 Statute* of I*rt"# Jo 09 tot*" 04 WIC0. VtUM Pot r s o of 'rat 4000tlr t "tM so# _ow wor o of the r!osk ors ty b*"Afta Corr Alows b bow 00*0 pU04tskow &0 %W t prov"sd to *be 00"r aawo 806" ll+WraWft of 1160, 1000 Of MMUl"es 1001^*w mom a *r sot of tend, 080"sti,r of also (t) as "s, of lam situated r ` In tb* jo bw Iftlo SWVW# '"W"as county* '!'*eaa $ " fUllir 4**Or&b0d Affig bir 004+r6 award b*104* apt tat # w ISNI at as t vivo &a the South Lum of i W * ftt* f ,fir' we warso v0st of tt# Coat t comor 1 I t rrtb 400 ♦ar" to, an & r" ove for *sMori T I w West 04 var" to tron po, tar eNa►r'a *r Tat' s tomob varas to on In o Ip* in ttb Unr of *414 low"o r I 'Ht t r Urt 04 rams to We plaeo Of t ens. plat of *a" laved sbowift Its l,oew►tloa with ros e" to the Town of b"tolakor To w to attambod rrorot* ,art b "i` TO this Property ber osma o, do rr~ bsd b*admit t and io*t +ra w to the Tom U"tr at ttblafrr Temaa,br# aid to b*rob; awd trrevot *LtUn tbt Gol rato LUAU of &ald Iloom and is bwrrow made as IrrtOgrsl iwrrr^t tbrar' Ot• NOR e I try qtr the o tro a" tubmbitawtt of fte & biorsiss ommm+rd so owtltAod to art'the r Ater smA pArtloass, ot" other rrltis omw aA14 Vro; W*r OWW• of 00" UWU a bO %00" bW &II Of tbs a4ts apd owdsnamews MAO is oar `t tt tbar"tor array &m toll ter" wad robs Otte** a" t"t WbAeb may be b►rr trr "'Opo o 3• Is t*w vtt4"w1 map a%* bwum"r**s of S Tom of &wt"moo To"** " boro Moro ►t" of asee" s be sAd to b *"Wy &%**A" as to to""* tao +fir- st"Mm trrr trry as t of tear Town *r "mloultuakw o lox"* ~►t+rt *fir*** tras t oa!tor It* pa"aso eid a ►ror toy the OV 6"'i' wttrstS4 fur the lot" !$iommtaryi Asomb MAY` i r ~w t N , All it N 0 al s (Q I I JW HALE 5 URV E Y Z to ~ 0 i ~0 I IA it I COWNT Y ROAD NO. jD49 d b E X 1-f I B I T A scPLE : i .N~, = 2oorgl~~ Im#,oMMAWTO AND IR l IRttd 1!WA CW T TO% 'S'OWS 01 SCV1MAXX9 TXIAAdw AXP PROTIM4 THAT aid APdA t1 UOULt M A PART OY TI TAI F OF 0TUXIt a 1Tt lit Of "It TOWS Or d0VTM.,Ant9 Ate lib M TAR AM AND 01RDINAMOXX thtA# TED Is a iatlt CIVIL STA'1WXX OY TMA , AND AMSXDXNQ A XD a BOTI 4i`rICI, "4014S Of INS TOWN OF ViVING 1P,* AN UJPNCTXVX- OATS, VARRIAX►, pursuant to Artiol* 974 at ttsae 192.$ Pasf!wtood Civil Statute of 't*xatala, and Others Inhabitants *f the or" berets 4*sortbod oaf water are qualified to vote for mombers of that $$ato 1wo4aAlrters, %a" berotoforo, filed with the Moyer raad Ike aeafrd of Aldirmieft of float Town of Soutb4a 1mg Tows, their rrtittion raR osti ne Aaatnamtca*too of the afra~w sawid area to the Town of uthlaakks, Tax**, *mob are* being doooartbod as fea,l low e l i3W1X X%G at the out mst C19►rmor or a treat of land + w►riwti of 40 *or** 01*uaikod is tho rtheaast one-quortas r of th* last half of the L. Uw tl* ita ll` Surv*y, !arlled by Mrs. Nor y ~i~~raaard t TAf S, t *Gt a law> *t A* youth b*001 <aarlr line of the **14 . 4owTsr4 twro*$ to the Southwest arnroar therooi' In the tom* right of my liaoll► of County soat~4 No* 1193, 00"tia i>ta *or*** the 00i4 ro*4 to ' the o*t right of way Use thorooft TaXV40, Xorttt along the usart right of way line of Counter k4wd to. 312) to a point to the Worth undory line of the T. M. Hood -Furv*y I TASXCX. o rdossing sold road So. 310 at suet points to the fast mewed oontl.aMa ing *a** along the said forth bound "I line of that T. X. Coal Survey to e point wattsro same iatoro*ots tbo sa►atilll7ttrestern right of way lip* of tot* Highway 000 1141 TAX V020 South *long the south aright of wary line of ~tota ebwray No. 114 to the Southeast oornor "Mod of a ono (1) atom treat of wrhieb wo mo oruaabaMk*r and w1fo, Uvol do P. 147rumbaker, are the Owners tta►aMrat►af; 3 THU41t, Crest along *be 0014 ono (1) *or* t:rsot ~ 46 to the test line of the Or"Obwaor + *or* tract, said point 1 el ow "M South**** **"or of the said (1) agars Waste and the to** bou"40 ryr line of *.&14 40 *or* *root j ' It1at, Sonata *l±eara tho lest boundary line of the said ruwbaftor 40 *or* $ raest grid *be 0. i « L%Srao tt sore great to tho sou t toe st *o for *f tho s ac id Sursett Timet, *a** being also t,** North boundary i Wk line of the X. f. ii*aon 3-113 *or* trash U19 619s Root along the ator boo oNr 115Fo *f the told 13opew T r*ot to th# *rtbaa.st eo,rnor thoroot 3 are TU41CX* South alonK heat Most bd*wn**ry It** of the **ld Dopor Traeot to the ►wttleast ooro*r thor stj TtA, .WC4,s *ot t►laad the Mouth tin* or tbo weld ~ Uepa w Trost to *a* :to rtlaooot ewer a r° of t Mary dowaird 57 *r## trootl ik ' X,o Sioutle* net' on South *le th a lo_at, 'forth PP *ad lest # ary lire of tb* Said dafword ' 37 *or,* taraet and *"*lamina houth aloft tho k ewarrd 40 *or* ~ *root adj*Lalag sold 37 &o r,* traoS. to the plats of b*gLnnIn4' Wil t s, 0*14 Petition at Oa o* ntod by a* affidavit oxotrwt*d ~ _0 i 11 - ' *aad others* Inhabitants of tb* O ro4w deserx= and w or* awo.ll 1*d to t* f aea*tb*rs of t'ta* $tat* L*Cisl*turo *ad that by aioning sold otfldtttri'It wort ft" that said petitloo oont*letas tbo *##a! -turoe of more t4ske fifty ;rPaea oont of tart ~ +tu*141104 Vott+er*. "014 ins In sw+en *roe who ba" Vot*d in favor air b*slaS th* 0 *14 are* sand tbo iaabooltoats thereof ^fM*X" to and bases* a part a th* Tail of saewthlakoo TO***# and W ti. it *Ppeearift to tUO aitd at Aldow"n weir the Town of 94wtk4&k * T'rxa,ae, *I%*$ rill s~*twt*ry rWPIrofte tts in oormooti.on ~ With said *ropoood ae+tea oxaettan W* bean fulfill" and tsant tho scald area dull group" Into *no territory to not aa*roo Via" 1/9 mi,lo in width and that *I& of **ow to odjat t of teho proovist City taloalt* of the Town of belrttitkIa1me* T eaa*si US IT 14Y Tij* x v r TA!' T,;*- (4 f_THL'.990 TXXAS i Ut hor*inaftor desorib*d t*rrltoty lying and aid ja o*nt to tho Town of outtai,a kee '1`A%ar # to horoby onnox d a 'brought *A thin the r•~ oorp*rstr limit* oond sad* i~gn int*arol.:tort of the Town of ut ►1okee T wxa s e *a*lat Itorari4te rlt ing aaituto tod In Tarrant (;ountr, Tax**, *ad ~ 6*Ia dosoribed by notes and ia+aa r as fo l lows i ZOSI at th Southeast Oerwr of aa► treo* of lead isnaototime of he *or** anattwwot*4 to tbo dorrttsa alat 000"1a+tasrtatr or fte tas# half of W tbs L. , as doll suer , Owm" %W Mrs, Mary Howard $ "l l d, West & onll 0 South bomiodary line of fte said ' to the , Ithw *t oar tbtereot #o tto taut tight of way IA"* of county aad No. 314% 004ti utft 00"09 oatd road to the Was* rAOA or wear tt tha"t►f1 IUXNCX# dor#4 stoarld he Oft rtatdct at way line, fatf cAal ety Rood do. 423 :0 o Vol it-, tdas North boundary Uss, of tbo T. u. Used Survey j Tad 4a, oroalaarsing **14 rowed No. 319) at sueft points to t art and at+ont agaa bw artt along "o, said North boundary tt of tbo T. 9. a►od surrey to a "1144 Wbovs sago i#trros,al$$ tbar aka Utb►nahaastora right of aaaraary 1t"o, of to** 3a ►walr wad, 1141 TH9009, 10out along the Sleuth rA#M of way line of dtaato 01k wsy trt. 114 to the, ttheast orner of a *aao (1) &or* troe't of whisk W* 4, Grta ebokoraF 404 w1.fe# Stood. It. ~'.ruatat awakor, or* tho owners lrb.rruarsf 1 '1'ANVOS, ast at t 0#14 one (1) more trout to *be Seat Uno Of tuo Orrmrtb9artsar to 00" *r sot. said Point truer tbo ' tthwoot atormoar at the sa" om 41) *oar* trout, and ttw toot boundary line of saaald 40 *or* troe$ t TK t, Sleuth at*oig the t soot boundary lino of t a w 0*14 Oraawaa ba rr 40 so rro trust and tho G* ~Wl. Ltatmott 40 40ro tratst to t ~wtbolralltt opt of the ialaid s r>I t It TrM4R1t , a aaa ae as t se the +aaalr th 1Mataaetwaadtaarry 1 i n* of the 9"F. w~ 1/ 040" 166ra►0t1 TA tad, Soot * 1.aat # tht Worth bowaaaaadaary x.iaarwt of their s*14 tartlaMrw Tract is thm Northeast oara*r ibi oar°ootl Tip O X „ South along the d+a o * boundary ties o tb* sold atrsw Trast to the 4outhoost oornor tbornoll TdINCX, woo* *long too Sout4 Ili* of the said. Drpow Tree to tlo toy t oot o+oaroor of tbo a[!r'y no rd $7 *Oro traaot X lE `d, South, Last and South *Ao the et, 10ortig arrld traaot b u"Ory %t of tho satd daa►vord ,7 *oar* treat aa" sontioulantd soutt's a1"0 tkw Hoawa>ird. 46 *or* $vaast ardjointa g teals 37 *or* Itrost, t tho leers of beginning. 3 Poe 416 T"T vim i> Mritasts of tba " 'irrltwy +berols a lm od to tba Town of aswthlak** '#"*Xao, shall bo •nti tlod fie all thr rlgbts smid vr#wl l+ rs of of r Ot, t iae*** and bound by all t b* a4ts a04 ordl. s! t sa*do to s votOrS1ty t o"te and P008a4 and +rde lt*d is ""Mot is fit*u 28* to" 1 to 1s t"elwetwo, R*n L$ed ~ 0twtt ttatmttes of Toxos. TWX •trioUl, map and b umkari*s of tbs xawim of som thtaus, Uwas, to be +so rroefi wi d **on"& s* as to iaoly the sftro- ment<ioned itor b*4 toxvit+ory os part of sold Tswom TUId *r4immoo shall bwe ► tffoetivo from sW oft or Its pos*a,S+s *ad r reared. i i is tats day of t *wbor, A « D. 19$6. P ~d r ATTi ''t T(Tit d t s . sf~r r. ~3EE~y SURVEY J, 8. M IN SvRVEv , 1 ac i 1 ~ I CRUmBRKER vi PRATT I 30AC. M M i U M ~RNETT 1 " ¢ O .4 ti I DE pew 0! Oa 4sfz qc. 1 Q W it 1'c O h I /~/Owq,lD OC Z Z h W u Now~RO Q Ac, 40 L, B. G. HALL y kEr. [R - Q Pt rN or4,D F. RDA s EXHIBIT B SCALE : ~ rwcN : 30ovAeaj l OWXAMM So AN AND IM A"IIW A VMS of SorXI 'T# IltISbd "MT SUM AM SSOM A PAW Olt TOM AND TUT "I bWSMUAM 00~&w ~ TAUMM Sou sit: gin"As ALL ~ XNAM Of omit UTZA M 3"D AM D& S"M SY M AM AND OMI;IIM DW XX WFXM III USAA ' m x mnum i Jt►lkt ll~ AW @+ t l" in OMCI" 009"=Iw a no As VMCM !Il llli AS ANUMMO D P>~SI , 104 °Il"IM"I X VA.Mo It ► ,t 6bRV% 9031* OMdAft" SO AV""a P?"* &ar&S" t it db ba 09 %waba memo" M* aa" "to "am "*"$0f 3"wsr~attit b~ To*"# *Svi*" at fkb* M Pwovorw 6w " r d Mrs Im Wl" aatda off""u" as Mir am pow"" eta 'Irtbi "Wow a "art of awwwt at ltbata► llara+ltas MM barb' i+ o ""o"" "0" (id) s + -M ►'b" by Not" auMd bols as to&&*" S poloot 431 t*ofj We" of a" 15 ta►ab Nor" of the Barr # +It*Mor of "s J* .10 IF" 1"Wani I 4wbto To"w$ M CS f Aartb 13" test to a fat II TU1 N t West iii rest 'TUMM# So oft '"oat So a #*"#A In tbo s*#bt at TUMMI) at At 00 go" fib allot at Use at i plat at said Uwd oboving Its looa!> wi tb r*spWt #a brut Town it bou blako # Toxas* is IM F bo, "11 to morkAd SMUT *A** 1• • wove " b i abo" lM rib is batrg aid ja► t,. amt low a► wt i br+wme to "M 'll:om is •t " WWW O to*" # be & ad it holm' a bm%wblk ribb ow Corporate vita at a*" Town to boroby 'Poop *MOO to T# tit o ars 04 kaababitmat* *1 tbe aaroa boa* Sao** be tit +nd SO I at am meats aad vv& " Ot Ot 1" "tom! aid O "d"WM0004 swd* &ft of 'o#vaty tbo"tot to fall to~ a" Mrtlet aad t"t abtok may be taw"#'ter rdtod• v IUATO t otirleW amp as* As is of tta Tvm ot ~4wtbJ taa i. 3'sMWS &0 UtT~O" Orb" oN 4*044"p bO &Ad *8 boVOIW 0000 0* air to laola t ato iatt eft d to rttotry " P&rt of tbo Tovs of s"wis.kov T'*X"* p Ott tree *nor ito pass"s a wl roms tbO UOY*V 406 *AILy at"***& by tow "tom som"t • ~ tbi ? M,..-"Y or salsa u A* to F ►Y f ATI Ts rr d d ■ ■ ~ . v i i P-O AD moo. i I O ~~E.5 ®(.j a 5URVE y jz. n t~% 4 y7 M ~ EXHIBIT i f 41, wo- moo AS IilAXCU +111 *QWM SWAM s 31UP .30" ORA 30" ~ 00 "M tWMAUs TRiAS 101 YT O T C b"t ZW 8 "PS iU Of T TOWS C l• 'ls l~r . ~ ~t st,twtt+l~ ~ '~►~rarsett 06"'y t low" so lro"la 00""b" it sod t# boiayrlw mrtrrqs" to %*X" a *t' ► t o soxat io ll l* riebt of use Qowmtu vtM" oo* g 0 " fto lit A"r "M of the o .10 lido SWW tot Tan mat cemty ► T*S" l a~ tire" tltl its`" "06 of it" or No" S4• to %be WO&S viol of "m or Qottoty N " ► AMM wseftc Otto Ifoit Ir r+lt of MW 11 •t Qmnty ago " to t P*t+r o mrs lamas lFlk * ftoftoxu tltty ""t SO of Sout"S."* 'opt of owft po tl t~ osoolawQ Q+arut~r lla►•i#lii to t St rat of way line tborsorl tth al !t olallt *t 1l oir the so" QouNty XNA so • tt is *ho tas"th of of ► ioo or Q trty %md 400 30 "1 I achy list olo tbb X* ► roam wt war 1 of County ple" to. 30" to o point w#oro 00" "44 wo os with county M"d Sog UP 1 Was ilk " am West wig1tt or w Aldo, at tt 'I 04" tp to o polat &a tlto See" viot of oIRy ttso of County "osA ♦ ~ ~ tam *am and Xo o"t ~ t ta, "Oft t1w sa" **st t of oar U of Camaty It • to • point r* * Wood dots #lo it iC" Q#rtr U"ts of tbo TOM of stoat~i~tto,~ 'l""# a the Te l! t*-r sm"oy3 SAO sw1►a thr siftth o ft of way use of 044 Mo" So* &a tbi raid T* "*tot Sm"oy to 1t %ast tt, #c Of W&Y 1 tboro! # ~ t>wttt~t#t#>ct,1r a+~+t ~srtss~t~ ~i~r~et~~t r VAOt IOW I&IM of y err. ".~@$ to a ro t What* 0400 ;Latewssltsts OM r"O t Us, "at right Of Way tiut~l► GovaIty ~ 0 right of W^Y &A" Of qty so" o* 2UP to t South Vi As st rasa jum t t ~t ~sus~tlt~► 1w ► # +I► PO&Ot lft*g ► *4100 s In s s lldwls +s~attt "no Ot tit * f TUMLO Aofttk itf#ititow i&s4 qty w .3 to the Ift t of 1Mr!ey t o rooe q too via" of ~~>t>lt 04 shots>fn on , ►t attaot d tr t+~ limm, * . 1# >>r! +ttat>rtts~>r4 tat a t ats+1~s if r s ft"O an I-stog"I pa er tilt Um of :0 0# To"#~ tbo Town or i ' ~tu~wt#+rt +r t r t#f 1 a + t~~d *moodot* bo ; wry "MA t 144 AAOIU" lAa ' r tl lyd ros>w+0* ae Vol at the s lslltn* T"TS this o n&%oo * ji1 boom* W>si of V* f"m OW t* fir tits Est Om Appmma tbs %WOVO fir a ttmoted tho Iowa >ts>w~trs~ts A" r1l" t+w M**m is 41 otirles, sit th county + Sark i! Tarrant tys Iwwa* asst "s<' t rsslt o2 f ash` is t>r~rs , ~ r OP .q L 1 a ~ z. I v [ 1 kb, w .489 _ LL ~e -Lim 'r 71- E Y ySSS v r 'i ~ ,acmes AX MMAMM hMOM ' b& A AY: Mb ,MO AMdAOMMT AND OOW + M " M Ir"x of WMT"Al'M„ TRx"# PSW1b1Mb ON VM4= MMM MA "VX a AXO WUMM W MM S AND 4WUMAM NOW IN "B"UT AXV TO 83 M M A"MM A W" MURU"OTMIM POP A14 I ASM O MMIMG TM #ff% sl: M MM MtMM QV "U "M AM USU► M A V' t AS AMIMV, AMM PSOVIDIMt! M AX IWVSCI'IVX MAIM. llt it A:4 s pa"GO" to +It" pr*V&*IG M of *be .60" or 53" 1.~~~~* A" ~~w h~~~ a! .e~r~t~!*r► ll~rM~r►iriod Mivil Mlaswl*a Irou" o John ors M wors of T*Aprmi #lamlry s Tox&s s arwarr of /tha >roa wo rty btra"Umnor daEwribed WWI" rttrra+io appli- **Uoo as by low pro"ad to the M or awl the Smart " d0rmow of lho 'down of Moutblriko* X*S* a *"Ot of L•*" oaot M#ro wt l ao *9 6 more or l+ o*q *14h wt" $a l1t Js A s Woot lnrnmy o 'l"w"awrtlt C*tmMy * Toss s were tolly 40sForibsd m o$** mad boveds as follooar a r.; M USISO at i Ma~a*M oolow aaat` 804 fu rrrr oy s ""#`MGS» ttk vrtsrrNw to a vrlralt for Santibwtarttl erar"r at rlwaiA. G rra"a; z NCS p Wool aloft Arta ddb lkno of mold survey "fo ver" Mat t Mb St *orww r ihwo*fj 'l~Ml',r 1~or"MArt. oor io i ~w,►!'#bArwlsik +rtararr►r at lwalM rrtar~rM►y i 1"ttrkSNOX * goofs rrrtrao to bba iortb e"t oarmer of s*$A so4 y* the wtoow of boMintt . A plot of aalA# to sirawir a lla loos tion wick rraa # to the 'lawn at M+wl%%*b0* 'fosaa►s 10 ait"b0d pia worbrrrrL SX" Ws 1. T 'l`s fhe nmerty ber"webove d+r worr ibrad betas at#Seeomt ead O-),Sk t&Wo" t6 660 TOW IA"t • of SONShl+wS* 'i+srrl be sarwd to roby a artaaarr4 surd MNomm" rtiitwus too Mole Lima#ar of ssfwt To" is bereft soft m A troMr I Mort 6110rogto lt. Arm IUATO the osmero m4 Imbobiiertla of the *woa b erol a aanwxod be 0"101w4 M all of *be rIAM40 ^ad Mel lit of *fter *Ms em MA peov *wows of raid Town a" be bowel %W 041 of aoltr and epitomes rive" to eashwasty IMrr ot*o raw ih full fawt" sod offtoo and A a lek tufty be homeftor adopted. T*000, so berotofort► ado"od and amended* be Mtnd to boroby td" 0o os to taou"O the 4ftroamovttioaoi torrlt"7 ws part of *be To" 1~r "fate, #r Saft* o uwtl boobso oflo+ tt" be to full fame **A ~ o oot from *ad Oftor *to osaeo and appro"I 1r tko ayor end *Al' Ottog"d by the, Town rr*fAary, it A ftso sp► day of poow r, A. a. 1"6. d~~a dot: s~ ATTtWTt • ti pp Op r i . i tB i:' d~'~ C4h I( I, I K -Now R~ ~yy {y~y,qqg. AWSW AND CONTI(W S TO "it "W of mulft"Re TMASS V%MjU & %VAT OUCH #A )MJAL. "Wk$ A to aAU sa A WD 'dJt TAX OMM AND I A 'ANTS OF *=U MUMS Qf SAX$ TOWV* AlM IN 86M Off Mg pAM a' MXZjjAXCTS MW t i~ XFIPWlt TO AXV Pa#i 116 WAS OVM AL l MiAldlae t` SAID " 90910"X X ADWIM A* AX&MX&# A** PS 1 F X" 'lv'x *A"* parstamat to "W v"W#61a80 of *110 Of 195% 33Vd ar ]Rt VILsett civil 4itou tes of jai 0"n Taerto r * t Tarrsn't *enriMwo "#'!SA$* otter of tko rrt►at Prg""Y tt ar ter dooorrtbo d, bov artp;Uo*1b, 0 so bylaw Prord to duo mover, me d rd of 41*wom or tbo Tt oir asst" 'o usmat air traot of to" ~ststt" st 7S sd"** Were or Uss* ot****" in *be 41. 0. 'Aleo *W"'To varroat 0000*0 'eta "EM" dosartl d 1W notes a bovads as !`+tslleva t S.Sla adds apt tnt in the South rUm of vox Use ard' F. ` 0t749 Peod 1M oot SA1M of the 'a. . o~ ftrvw sMd sW s1t tine of tbo j. 00 :x.11 aar r t Tdxa i in o *W s t orty dtroot ion along #tbo 0014 Al with rig" of MW litW t* 0 VeWIt, *Sao 4at0s i ► X444 IkWN&Nrt 1100 Of w IWMA of Uwe ssntsaltlag of Y# a Ot WAAtk OV04141400t VOL" isomme r ttor*01 jr"e e, VAfA stet" said anst boundary 11*0 of said treat 644.5 Vora* to tjxs 4wfto"i ser"r ViermW9 T4=09s rat a l"W ft* A►s1+A 4rwlth lum of 00" Ts "re •reet "6,5 ♦aews to the 44C40ast oormor tk*r*otl 9" mus'a vW%b a loma the Woos time apt sold trast 407 we r+u $ is point In fto Sou tb risks of Itm* of 1`. N. 1709 mod; 13 Tit a, best 01"W %hq sstr+ prig" .9 war 1t" of *&S4 s. dt. IV" #4" to taae Wuratrt 1tsMAW* 1 s of !ho d. Q. All*o aurV*Y aswtAaax ^gross re►Ad rg4A to tbo X*r r*4^4 rt voy line "O roots i Ta"Ca. ttss* rtj and 10rtits! *tOrIV 01*ft / 40" X rtb risk* eft Way line or so" Jr. Ito 1709 Nie" to * right of ray liar of tsttr ..b. nev" Warmed *04 og"tjxU ltso tb, atom +001+1 " Suresdr ILUW to tut !rswtu rimb t of Nor kiwi of 0*14 read* the vim* of boffiftldad* A plot Of 0014 load fttrW Its 10s0#100 wt tb r00li0sl ate the Town or out lak*'I 3'*X049 is sttset0d k*rrotss now*" a WM *A*. r ~~lR~►+~`ti' hrrtrwt ~oobo+r~o dMOO~"ilw~ krtwd sd,~a~toot ~ ~ ooat amii to tks Town alto of ttbXoko# Us o. bo #YA to krroky ante +rd "W brWA t oktto tb* Gor"r*to LuAta or said 'r*WO d to brew OWU r0 ' t0404wel tart theroeir. ATO tho o ro and it Utortt s of fte or~t►o boro k" a mmu d h be Ontitiod to all of tkw ar ►to o ! PrtVil0 ► of otbo r ettisooo and ear'oporty owner* of "&d. 'down *14 bo ***ad by * I of tuo 0060 *ad o loon" made 1a oomforwAtr tko'roto, now to 1t to"o sad of 'ialtt W" Uat toft may be boroartor edoptod. 0 3. T4AT# ttto alfielrtl lap and boMldorles of OU& "Perm of tttbl1, Too*** as ksrotourrro sAoptoi stwd amrt+k * bo mW to berojr *sondod, 0* as to t l o tkr orommottomod, tern'tory as part of the of *oututu"* 'ion o. Ip 4. lls* oar"none• shall booorwk ot'roe!tt.+irrMt and bo 641 toll ter" a" ~ off'oet from a" i[t!IWW it* v6*6040 ar4 &"row&% by tt► t*y+wr and dusty ~ attoe"d tho 't`own Soorotory. j(p d:~1~' ~ o► T ry W SSC XT .w -.90. X09>~a o l~ 9 t EXHIBIT nag, 6CAI.C. bAx ® ®v,qfqs OW AJEt a r 41M Rook O DI 5 MOO O INAMS I X AND ANXIMM TSIM ' Y Of SAID TOWS AMU AT TIM `Xiii AND til AIMMAN "t► WSSW 40" 64 tiT'~ ALL 'ice POXVI'SoMXX Of 41M CMUM 01 SAID T4)*X* A" 10 SWU M MOSIM VS0 ADOPTS9# iPUMXf :OMNIXG it tom' SAID TQWV .A. SMbiS iiis"SM " AK*M tA$o MITIM006 to tiW r010441,000 Ot tb0 A4ft of * 53" LAMILslaturot $ 9"* Ito` 9,1* oe"ftMd as drttbl• * Rsrtsod Civil sto ttlrs of Iaa"j, we W. Yveft o" wilt, ftortem ftoft* of 'serve" *omwtY* Tom"* swans Of tbs" rest. Pre"WW it trrottor do*- oribod* %m ta$ modt a ltoattier ad IV for iis'"ovlrtdsd ti tho fty*r and Board of ~Idorwsrr of tt Town of Xa"atba," Tom o t a trm" of tsad s~rarssottttX of (1) a"oroo Wors, or toss* sitwt4od. is tho J. X. oibsoa Xatrvr"tt* 'b"iarrent County* Ts mmo wor"r fully +dr "Abed by a*$** and boon** as followel » fi at a point* some be " rrarra► 8"tb► tew of tbs► Xortai lino of the 4. so a4boos tanrvro r to tho bo ror st Cousty ad No. )Sft* same tai am" the saatb bawwtory i"► of a 1* a wo tract of land sw woo aatossd purewout. to provisions ot Or, "am** so. I 'moist * Uwttb &Io" fiat saner limos of #atd County ►ad 73 v aras to the feutiaw"i O aoratrr of ft e tra+ bsrolm dosoribod,# =9%0 Xo*t 99 wo"s to tbo sootbo*o* soraer of said tvrsot 1 (t t, Xsrfb 'IS vraras to tow XoartMA nest sormer of "Id traoti TU f* Vest T3 vrsiros to obo omter of County Brad ~co. 3"l, to plsoo of beekoiaion. A •t *f sa#d load sbwI its losation with roe st to the Town of Slutklaits, " ox* to et od burst o **rim& XXXUOXT *A** 1. f ATw Wee prtpoetyr borotsolww* dosor"od bo a,+tjrw!Wt GopttlaosAt to tho To" 1►agits of 4wthle "s* Tes"* be sad to boroby a oxod, out bro ►t thin tIAl* C erpsrrto 1.1"tlt of srid Town and is boy %W m"o an intoor part tlakrost. 13 v tUX* wr s%ago" and s+ bbtants oiC' ► Oro* b+or*la o ssd OP be, Ottitlsd to all of bho riot* mad twil es of labor 01614006 w. on& y sr ors of 0 *14 Town +on& be bo"A by of of $be a*** ~ a srdim*&* trtaw oaods $A wvaton4ty tO►"16* 0 w to to l l for** era •tlroot and "so woksh r bo bevoottor adop , 30 TK T„ ttio Oftotal, imp a , bousa"rloo of tbo Town of etuioko, i Tea a s # so ftwo►tetovo *400+o4 m aw"Oatd* boo ood to beroby o waaa!aw is l so ss to UmIa" Um otormoisti*o" t owit+orr " "wt of bbo Team o! *w blobwo, Tex*** T08# or" sUoil bsooowlw *f!'ootlvo sxW bo to lull for** *ad *troet ffts ow4 o f ter Ito pae o ft* sort op± ro w I %W ba *rsr o duly ottomtbd by tbo Twat *rot"T* o~r~~tY'tlt ~ q G AT SITS y r 4 "I ' to y e _ i E .9 A C F• a.. "Al cl, i k S ! i t ,.r I p 1,n /'1 p - - - oun't*Aact SO. 40 TVXA$l PRe' VM 56 TA4T dii at,RZA MALL 0200024 PAXT Of MU VWX AX TtUT TUX OWURkS ASO KASUTITCd 60f OR" " unmet TO ".L Tdii "XVZt.M" kV O10 1 1TXI4 S ' 8"0 T*WX9 AND Wig ON T44 IM flirt ORVI i SS SOW It WYX T f AMSUil 1W, 1;.190 01,441,9- TO TAI Off'I0IA. NOWNSARI S OU°IF tAS* "W000" to the "t"Wiskoft of the . of 1lS36 $3Vd i itslar trro~, 'agar jS7, + iaa ptar V3« oo"f`ioat as Ar,%&oln f?A -G* Revised Civil Statarttoo art Tosa# John o. 0burob arm wifog Vo r stills, 0lorrraft, of Tarr at yaw , Tow**# *wore of ttaa► rest propor y Nom# rr deo- ortbod, raring mad* +applio*Vloo as lore poevIded to fto ftyer and 000rd of A140rrtwMr W of UW TOWS Of S!W t hl okO s 1"0* 0 at t"Ot Of 1104 a onsisttarg of lke" aueos atwrro our lo"s of stod to Mw dlrsaa aWoeborry so+d L. 4. 0. Hall Surrryo, Ta mart gty, "!'osrrs, wore fully do**rtbod by sets* sod bounds, as f ollorws a 9441,0VING at a point to tt o X* rte right of ahoy It** of F. . 1 14MA ash the Wes : right of wy line of county " Ao. 30160 t» the tom. H. 0. Anll Suzy,, artoatttrw t"t South 00rro00 said"ad to the, o rtbast so rme r of a 1106" so" troot or lain In the d0 ors 9w>4 VW as to dooor ibed to it roeov&A tat Volmme AWAg, `ado od iro**Vdo* 7orra nt Ootmloty, Torsa sl "i~;iUCS. aath 6* degrees most 91 r4rool 'iARUCt, South 80 dotrsoat 1#5 miautos tat 91 vakraai TAXWC i, Worst 446 worse to a stake set to too" line ter atornsrri THRICS, Xortb 170 ararus to CA* South right of may line of P. M. 17" vo*d *ad ovatLawing North oorposs *mid tarod to s orth right of wryr line therroots TAROS. toot olong Herr 'iorth >r> t of v*y line of s&$A road to tow tarot right of voI lino of County Road to. 1016 V trw PIooar of "ginning, A flat of said land *bowing Ito loootioat ritk rospoot to tt! Town of Oomthleko q Taa=arr, is uttoobod k*rot,o aarrtod N UU1 UT *A0. irk T!lA.T'a fro pro ►tt r 1r►r"atLURIPOW0 darer rrALb" bow adjaooert and oo►ae- tigwous to the To Linits arf Sowthlako* Tosas, be and to kwrolq f +atrra►xed snd brought wtt ktm the orpor a t o t.i"t s of **td Town and to boroby made on i~utogr*l part th*ro+of. 133 Owl 'KAY'. tba awMrs nd iab0011karotto of the are* koroln wn"*od b* entitled to all Of ttw rietats aad #prlv►tloIg*s of ottair ottle*"S ~ aad prov*vtj awn*ro of satd Town and be b*wW by all Of for ooto 0" ordt004004 umd* LO QomfOrMity thorr0to, o4a in fta l l for** mind Ott'9616 a4d tb►t wbl*b way 00 boro&ftsr od+optod. 9 A ~ , the o!'fietal, may 6" boundar1o6 or the Tov* of Scoxtula o, 70,141 r, era borltoforo od*Vtod and a ~rdo+t, be ot4 is hereby t=end" so as to tnolu" the •fo r+ atinwrd territory as pa" of the Tyr of utbl.aaa, Trirsas. THIS# srdlaaao* 0"11 boo o •troott** and be to full foro* a"d rff,00t front miad sifter lto PoSso4o aad, upproval by the Y4yor #04 dvYy° a tooted by tao Towa Aooro t,raxyr. KATOP AT I T t 7 how r 1p O1 6 V/MoF Qom s,rts k.E. Cert. w.vDeER~,r LA sit. ss~ s rts. i f N. G OojojwRRY wkvc Y O. us, KNt6NT SuRV y a f - r 0 IA a_____.C Q -Too TON~I CWmecH - aLwja R AN ()PVjrVj4Wjg it A*b %X19=10 TOW T"WX Of SOUTOLAISS* "14 444 pp-0 jVj ' jjjT SL;ft Ah9Ri GSA h9S h "X sg l Towg Alt) THAT TAR OWURS AND into +t 1'1~AXM"M">IA 'nf#349 41' .7. " Vt"4' L To ALL '?'Jr PttjTlt. dt fo9f ("T9A p CIT191198 109 t4 3`t %N* AND ilk g' 4 i I'a% ACTS fiat' :`t (4 b j$A&I0>AAr JKQVJ IS WFU 'ago T 9jh -*I1&k,jVTWZ A x ht RUSt tot itt91'lt Q'`~t T`9~tft`+atL €>dthii 9~t 4* pur"#W% Ike tha pp*, ri*laa►w* at Ihbo A060 a! IPM 33" 4.+t~dt.a~rla#turo# P6410 35?* Chapter 73# 00"tlasd fi Arlthl! )VI# U1`~~►ld Civ'4.1 :1tatates or T*-*ar4, govfts L. rrt' wifte LO"#h 0. ~~ral4sMt terry. of Tsr> smt 000"Ays T+Ds**- aww"*rs or the r*&'L pg*""r beret"' +rt4r ~ta~trihsd# h r + aMp~p►lt►4ot~la t !0 by lawn 0*14" to *us :44kja't+r and So r& of ldaro Of StO TOWO Of 'k11►>wit>hISUS0 T*Xsksi * tra " of lead eo*014t144 Of 1:714 s'orers, serf *r lo**# **4**"d 1a ttso .3 +#a►~to Alto* *Mr"y# $'""nt 000;tnty, Toss off *or* talltr d~lsatlaibard by gat*$ pad ia44 ss t*l:l*wttt +g *Miamim art • r►t : to o%6 wft Ito* Of os server rglad" !s 71*05 'IrMalt'ar4 1900t of t Nortavost Sera) er at 4#14 Stun t 954.2 ~rsrsrs, to 0 stake in *be Soutar at the Koller rawwpovtX9 140 041 TxAlt t w~tth, 040tor 4t **is roads vortb far, r+s4s Rots SO**$ rarost '9t 4 , forth `fib 404ra!t09 904t ~ 'w* " '4!'>t` 4► Nor" 45-114 40 4#004 gust 300 wares; Td AC , Worthy S dat}gV*Os "Ot ~1 1ra~raMM. is otske Ao t tIs Asst l t o%0 or Said Sur"y sod to the 't ttr h. 4 k attl& 00ntor of **14 rand 500 Vo~ra$* to are stake liar corn#rl TUSX0 6 blast With North Uft* of 4014 J, . 411*0 4tdtrro ► 1110#1. Vora # to tho P1 Of b"1081044 s A g~l~ atr=' said load stserwjjW Its 3assti*0 wttla ra @V"f to tb0 Town of dilwl Sou+thlsko# Texas* is sttar~r4rad bar*** mark" 49 lUT *AIR t Pro r*Y borarinift1 ova aeso rlbard 'bst s&jssa fat o n• r t&940m* to tbo Town Liw.alts of >e ut.;kloko# TlN►I### be and tp t rlby aoaarx*d ssad baOught wr~thl" too Gor orstar LtmAts of said "ow" and is a b*rsrby **do an jint*grsl pert t£40rv:tf. TUXT* tbO OVOOrs and i.nhobitants at t!w or0e, bersin manoxod be ~ ratt*104 to all of tho ri,g:uts "d sivi:.losoo of other oitisons nd p ovort,y ow"re of said Town and bare bound by all alf trj# Oet• and ordIn&ae v* s&dM to soofs+mity thereto, now to full farrow and *ffoot and tkaat wh1ok wain bo harrrooftor s o tsd4 ! 3. TUAT, tho orfitetAl sue, and bosindprrrios at t'ac't `L`oon of s uthl,ako# '1°ot**, as heretofore, ,adopt i- tiW otssadod• be ea#d to borobf atmosst od sari as to loolm4o the sforo ootlin*d territory s part of the own of atmtblalm# 'Tax%** it rUS, orditoaaav suall boo,yso offootlvo and bar to fail. Maras, surd rm sn oot fro* eaed after 0* passooo awsd ap►proval by Via kay*r and duty ottost*d by t4* ?own ~1*ar*tgrje 40 Ito PP ' TI PP it tm tip, 40 PP 60 0 9, COUNT Y' 9040 r wts 0 4 t O 0 p O ~ ,h c Rojo I F. M• ~ I ~~o !o KELLER - Co R AP&VON E R ` !0 '~f ICI le` fv k ' COUNTY. R°A-D---- No. 4_-099 ~t a EXHIBIT A~scA~ 1 ,•+cn 300 vA4a~ MoKk►6 6. ~ Louise C. OAAKE BARRY ' OW fNdRS 'r 3 'R^4 C1~+bI>iAX02 J~WZ['r'I AND At l " lllkl'1"`w>RY W 9VT AS O ' "9 1QU tip.' d TO T '!<"`OWN QV L TlE~.. 4 PRIVILROKS Or 0TUV-- CITIZZU Of $A" V-494 AM* 111 d0 14V T !XT AN ; t di11AMUS M IN 9IM'Y1R 4r AIM TO 16 V S*$ VURMW 011tl P OR AMXDXM 1 OtWICUflt TdR OtIP I AL &011 *,r1 It till SAL TOWN A 3+;"~tt ►llRtllt .AvojwrsQ As A"WI'l199 "t vv WUNR1IGAd, por Bent to the rovisions of two ioiotw of 1y33. .13rd Loolilrtoro, rag* 1579 40ptorr 93. oodm#flod so , rtiOle V74-Ge Vr+rtsS& 01vtl Steytrr*o• of Togo$# d. 0. Doughty and Woo l er dome Dou htr, of Torrront dewatf,, leas, ownerile of t4o root. Vorty hisroioaftelr dos ribeed, tlrcrewtas made o llootlon as by lar lrrwV&*wd to tebe jorrr sod "~d of aldormom of the town at omthla eree Tommy r traot of teemed oer otia of 64 0eletrosq Mori* or loses * sitaeatod to tbo L. 11. dt►ierors ervey, T4wrr * County* T*xas* aortr fully do*4ra`ttrod by eewete>E• r^ egad bounds rr fp3lovst 1&1tiW G1V%Tt10 at ere °point* ao" bolos 5,62.3 worse Wate# or !late teeat te.l+olM of tie 1►• g. dtq►iwrrenrs Survelr# seat 76 eraras nth of the Wortk boundary lie* *borootl THSACE* North in a lino Parallel to tb* Xoot t ea "rf Uoo of mel4 ouwvoy Worse to a point for ON* ewwwoot *orrss of the trrraot borosrre "oor>tkbod; Tx4 QSf Woo* along two aortae b andeery tines of sold troot 302 worse soro or less to a point b+eteeo the mros*41t Nortti-ftrUosest **veer of said j"z lwfCX* S"tte I" rrsrsa to a ferrtatj T"VVCV# Vest I" Hers oa to the West boundary lint of tbo meld A». ;t. 4tx1vor# ftr 1 Tdttt0go South *tons the test boun4orry Ito* of tats *at* OUTVW, 320 V*rms to tb* Somtkwo*f; oormw of 0014 troott 'f4900 t, two* along tt► -south & tme of tr rt d boot to r tbo raeiw Maoot oorn*r thereof, the plaeo of' A alot of **it leered sUowiog its loseettes with rag"** to V,# 'a'orta of* omthl. e, To-soo. is attask" b+i►roto osrk*4 SXll» 410. TAAT * tho property U#VOIA§bs^rs dOSO rIbad bo og a4 je ►ont and a**. it aunt io sas 'low" 14Olt* of Soutblot Ton*** be mac Is tioreby sastoxfd ash b rouVO►t %4tblo the U*rporoto Liaits of s*JA own and to harobjr a*4* as to tidral post thoroof. I. it . 'T AT, %to ovaors sod tababitants of the area, bsroia s;rmexo4 oviti tl+sd to nit of CA* ri ots sr* ,rLvijog # of otbor allti2otns and #w+p*1r%y **more of sold Town and be boupd by *It of too act* "nd *rdisrsncob rwds iq onaterolty ltuvr*ta, oov to full forgo ot*4 offaei a tbpt Witch way be hereafter o4opiod. 3. TdiT* t ! offloioj map and b+s~snd-*,rIo# of the "noun of ou thImmo T'o%&** as heretofore A"Pted Wid! s+oondod, bo and is borer savan400 so as to inaludo the aters al;ic ►d torrttory as part of the Tom of 6 4tblmmo Texas. i it. ~'~"►~rr THU* ordioan+so *#tol'l boor N effective ond b* So full oroo and off*** frown mad after its passage and a arras! by *be Neyor sad alt ( i t *R uxs.: OP is ~ ....r. yMd++*`.~.,. aet• Gate i ~f11R d~~K t i 1 d "Aim EXHI MT *A acmes s - LOW. MCe. ew •.rr a1C'r~f ' svrNSA~ i is r t Oll1DIVA CI IT0♦ 113 0 AY09 sROXI1 ING AND "NOXIM TUt I IM A li AW LI COMdt (VO ITO TUN T ' VIN 0# dOMI- t, T&XAS9 PROVID114 T VAT WCK AM R HALL SWOZ A PART OF "XV TOWN Ate TOAT T41 'OO AND I IIA/AtTA"M TIM PBOT Sa" llNt TITUD " ALL THIS PRIM5 OF (ITREP 01TIX=# Of SAID TOWN* AV U 19 SOUND 16Y TU* ACT$ AV U "K NANO A NOW 1" 8lo ) IIC'T° V SAID VW X AS UUMr NX ANOrr= Ad Al l . AX2 l►ROVIOI F top AN AMMYli *AT*, 9tt1402Ad. pd"Ua" to the p retrrf oltiof of fte A*** of 19"S39 Leflotstutr o Dads 3 Y, Maptsr V3« 0046 "t ed as Art t 974-69 Imrtsod G&VIl $tote*** of TOSM40 K*. it', IIt*oat and tjt*# Dorothy Sutton. of Torres Cloootf, Toxasj emorw of the real pro f heiroUmft* r dose rlbod, loving mach a t*stlon as by low .1"ldaA to ter error an4 board o! Alder of the own of Xsoftlakop Tom** a *9000 of land oo"otat# of aaros* ads or Is o's 4"a"& to the 1.. cmrn s r ` +u row c r, ' O*&*. mo o► fully Aoserll et My met" ssd IMPAnds aid follevo t SMINV , of at# T►etat to the aor*t r t of way It" at Qomety we" sap 3! " where too 1st*r outs the South r t ght of way lIna of Stitt* dA h ool to, 1111= l i ao of **t* ftchwat No. 116 to a votat where sams Int*rrsorto the toot boood y Un* of t L. W. 'I ARVOt, t*b s l oag brio go** boun"ry IS** of the *aid b, m* 1.vori survey* to, , t y~ c'Itit lrtsAtt or voY 1 t nw Of no"*" Re" goo 3#34# T"*030 Best of t Ifo ttu r lltt of ony line of ca6 m*y koAd V64 1034 to tbo plooo of bogtolit1 , :A pt*t of oatd tart e ;#ag Its lsoo't>l"om wttb roopoot to fta Town, 5*u*k4vJ o. T* p, to ottoohod. ftnrtt* ~ XXXX= *A*, IUAT* the ve#* Mare, ,tWbr1ve dawr bod baft" adjacent 04 oon» ttxusi4 to the wn Limit• of Sout$1T# p To os,, be *ad to hereby r m"Xod brought wi«t1o the awporste Lssits of *at* Two a" 14 hereby a"" an ntomloro 1 Vert tlt er4"W, w•~ . Tl1AT9 the nt r* i b*tontS Of L We as he"In alo►sod be satttl*d fie All of the rt Al it on* pr*v"sd+ s *f other *&$I&~ oni P"Vortr o more of sold ?s *ad to r11o Nd bw all of the and sr"naa -me" Is 0*08oaarltr thorstos now A" full taros and * "Oett ® 0>44 Lb&t wMok'aaf be horoaft*r adap**. TIIATg, tno offtolal map *ad b*undarlos of th* 'Yew* of mt+kt , To s## as bm"toiroro "optod x *mond*d, ro and is tkorobf ****dot •o 00 to SWIV N► tb# &fOr*w*atAajM*d torrf so ray as part of thf Town of thloko, 'Pox s . , TIUS, or*Uanoo Oo i l '1 *oomo *f foetivo ono pro is toll, roraim w##osi from am artor Ito possa s and opprovol by t k ror nd duty attos"d by the `own Soorotary. APPICNVXW ,k `4.1 AT T #,,,-;T: . i PP OR OP m ko r~ N ~ ~ 4I I~ V ~ I I' p r If ~ j I { 7 M ~ F ~ i~ ~.C a • ij E ;i x a I+ tl ' ( a ai I u J ,c r 9"; AN 17 d A X:tlJ NO AND ANIMUNO TURITOM AWACX"L A= 0010TIOUOUS TO TAX TO" 4W SOUT'r(L"X* MASS MY18 1O StON AM, ate. SWW A 7:W Y sA1V T t7 AW O TWAT T 'HI'V-S AND N- SAWTAWS, IKXXSW 00" 10 MUTUM TO' ALL, TAX 7x 14 47 OTUR C l 1. or itd "W9 0 3 109 SWXt ST TR9 AM A CO N17A 2{ Im `mT AIM V M AXICA"1p A I PURTW Tit A . 3 O 6A1d TMN A " ► M Olxm ' ASS a.01 11101 ftV Ad 01P ! 'I1ft RAC" . MRIP"S, pwouset to It * nrl;tt&oop or for Adft of IM's 310 I-MI SI r trot O O PSWO. 70 , eke~ 00dl tSeA as i i#El • or"* mood. cot" & sltatu"8 0 or "MMO, G$ . "O *t a&* mile, {era "*I* # of T*rfraA at Cai vretre Texas, a r;a of' t "at "rtFp*"7 1aa►"Inal t fteortbods "Vine a}oda arpplioatloa as s by . I" pro"4*4 to tes ftler +ied A- -4 it A44ormm of the Tow" of 9"thamo, foxatt* a 1 Batt of 104 aa~aia r "g~ *or*** Of 1*"* a1 rlsA to Sho mar N. mod Sot"Yo 'arrant County, I"e x s e *o r* fully *worlbad by rttwefts, and booed* as f* 11L O ea t S"1"196 at a p"Int $1, ve#" %foo* of tbS of #,Us it M! eg Ifo rthwosit ra ►r or the tra of T-MUCS, 7*01r S" j To res to, a *Oak* is th* Nord! IUM of ti mot d 140"15 X. Mood aw"71 Talgires'td u ttk 713.03 r*raa to att sts*t 1 '1 sSM Worth 713005 rorwo to ttw V1000 of s"01046 A #&at of Said le shoving Its loealtioa w1ift roopoot to t! 'tare of a~utlr ~shtr, fi as * to attoofted ktalraaroto mwfto* XXHZMT *AV, 1. TWTg ► 1wopoo ty kii"jiNAbOv,# dfiamR jj@d bel"S aadja t :Ike *an. tiamods to *k* Town i»i>Ard,to or 5"thl1t 186 '1ou". bor a to bor*by • osrrd 004 bro"ht Vit"S tho dor orsto Limits of **Id 'town Ovid to boroby +*do an into al Po-rt thoro*f. TO:NTe fto *we*" and iekab31r*nto of the o %"rotm mn*a t b* a►at t la►d to all or tbo r qtr and Prhll ►at Of **bar *Its**" Brad p'o"arty * s Of **Ad 'M'own owl be booed by all of ttw **to and *r'dLm*M 0 M"O t+t ao `aroltlr fl!h*rote, now to full for" and offtot OVA thlot W #lt W&7 be lwro*flkw mdaptod. THATo t offt ial sop *ad 1sewade+rtos of twit TOwrn of %*utjawl"ke,, "t`o** $ R ors ko"tororo odeptod and s0*"dOdo bo "Wi so lbox by on* 4 0* as taw U M1649 tho stoaomostion" tor"tory ss 4 rtt of the Tesm of south t Taxes o 4. TAX$$ *r4imosoo *ball booco w *ft*ottve and bo In full forco *sd op Ott*** fVVM af'tor Its P4000 40 *ad, oppra►'1r*l by titer Aftyor void duty sttsstod by t Town Soomet"y, vi~,q UAT TOWN Sso" p pp pp w r q TM, Hoc I? ~SURVP- i ill sue' ~ i lj ~ I G. FL SAP"v FI. ~ y I I 1 p ~ EXHIBIT C.J. PRAT T - rat i P f* S T-WN * T MAT TM OWXX" A" IS- OWNS 0112M " TOWN* A " MOM W. T * " AND :MNAM190 M i AS* " XWXUAr A*MXSI MM ""M8116 Y AND OOUXWMG If" MIAL ""'A $ 4f OAT A* 4APS"f 4 ASQr A$ M * AXI 3~s1i ar .Arrloio , ls~t,R 1l1t1w• ftWO WAMVMW civil d#rwlpi~o~t of 'i'nt"O s 46 j o +asrU&* ~rrltirrrorrN 'fOMS10♦ l~rl~*`ss Off` ~ dOS!*~ ■ Soori Of ALAWS" of mm Town of 1 xit *kos To**** 4 twoot of iron! MOMaY~ s of 70 swwoi s r o or toss* oA *A in 'fit J oW Av Ft`l+MIM M t J. W. su Ms TAff ost Ck" Ys T*" tautrt tales 1~+~Mil~~Md 00 foll*wo l rtAWfi 't't!~!►? 't So &oros tiro 4w SWOdd Ott s1 "Os MOPO or lore &OA#s too *w part of o dd * ov* of •b* #d port of o. + q W* AbM4 so, Soo tttt'°ltii"Ose mo. s 401# f4*04* ft o ~ VOXWW lv t to**" too 4)b* Vol. l5o ftrok as &or** doo4ribod 00 dot" May t,ss ISS79 "rabod follows$ as fol l+ott+tn s Astor we too sor~Itft"Olt 00"wr of rl t ING at *h 11orthose t **"03P aw J. w. to SurveyI or ~ w. ~!!li sus sow b* &AW A of 0§0 'TA 4s "Ot 301 vors o l u ti Ot SO w*rool Msox* "i 'r►rrTSSslt ~e t~tw 4TJJgM4s Ott S62 !'rr~$ Ness yo rto Sad "WOO ItIA"O Cs Vogt 517 "Wool plooo of b"1001"Od Tr t tr • 1ta0ts t '*'Oil!`MNM to tftMR Plea of s014 to" X104 Ito 100*0&00 *m roop**$ to was 70,001 *r 'MAT, tbo vrop'Wty 1N►IPrItISSUe+1 W &M0T004, b*1A6 04400"# M+FSfi ss t• ttgaoNA too To" Li to of #JASW* 'C' Os be Md Le b"Ow d. d dfis Mr>Mt r i ~Mt,~,rrs s1 Ot tho *r" borfin OMOU404 Ito OWN arsti# to all w a our r3 tt ► curt~rt i,*4 0 Of otter Irftiaarrauae +.r + W*V* rtr mots at 0ae14 Towae and be iloww by alt of tim carte end W41M rleM 04 nm►+ue eentaerraity qtr, w to t*a 1 t forvO A" ett'eart *ad that w 1eb way be b*"#ttaer aw ard. IWO 3+ MW Ottfelat map d b+aundart"s at the Town of 3outblskes TOROS O as isor We'rar adopted one "and" be +a4d to boreby 00*04 d so as to iaot"e ttw aterowmtlenod territory as Vert of ttw T~Mwft of toutblekoe Toz es, 16 " 1d. +e d&mmmo* suet s be**** et#eet t" be is full tares and rrtfto t ou as a'f'ter its puesae r and ur mow" I t%w r,*r and data attest" ' the Tomm gos"to ry, tr e0 5 e~ N El(.__A VINE oAD _ FM. ROAD No, (?0 I I CITY LIM17 in F 2 ~Z f I of ✓ea. yS7 ✓Rt. ~I r S 0 o r;' ~ M c y ~ w c a h L r 2 Z SIFT X W. HALE sUKvcY f2wNlry C D NO. 3091 EXHIBIT ' A" SCAB : 11ACM = 300 VIM" J.T. 4NCiL1s CAl."La- f wslla LW) AA()"UA►Adt 149Ci1 .ILM d UMU T ITOW AJ ■ PAR' Of SAID TQWX ANk 'K } AT My~X 8 t O AWO I,'N..~/ AXT& ~1.WAN• ~:o tTAME 84 U/R r!IN~M P H UX OW ND AN ACTS AV MXUXNOW 11XPTX AND TO 09 9,09111APTER ADOPT481 MIUM PROVIDING 00 $AID T W10 AS dt~aXTOtOMX A %9 AS AM "89* X ad d 0 putromout to tko, p roftst o" of "w A*$* of 1"39 3 Loo tslo to rog Pogo, 3S?, teptor 9 f etioelIftetd *o tartjolo "q Povise d CIVII tbt#tt tttet+t of Test**# 1wo. H&mdo he OWN"*"* 0 wtd**# of Tarrettettt otter►tt, T *sor et+wmor or t(-coat rtraver be osittar"r dosorlbod'o tttetvifts modes 0", Itootlkon as by low provided to fte, fear Wd 9oard of t dotrmr m of tho Town of ttbl l ko 1 tlril4* a *voet of laad sonttsolk tsw of i? _ eue opo sore, or I**** situ**" Wlt* bitt* of .i. t. (41boes u rtf"o,y,p Tarrant County # Tox**, moro tally Bares oftbod. by note* m4 boun4o as tt 1 l*wa t to at t+olat IN t" 4#44e line of alley Road see #l he ewttt► *Mad wry liwtto of %be heirs of 1. N. asbass fer»,tri , *et st *loft taw so Aorth boundary line of *old armor'. 46773 vorael to a po for the Sortisrroot oort+twr of a twro t borot,twt "00"bodl t"ft. d41KO Mitt !art a lANW tparrett1101 to tk* West Uno Of th *064 gut vwv A6.5003 vorso to a lat in tksw goatttwoot doroor *r *414 tra Tt 't . X"$ &1"0 tt!tW wttitt %i j$o of etF"#I treet j•'s to ta* owntetr lane of •atd coutaty pead No. ~ Ttttmcxo ►r'+tu aloswtt the ofmt*r ll+st of *a" County Rood 3trt$**$ Vora* to so* of boomptac. A plot of o"d load *bowing !t• loostiael w i ttt wrospo" to the Towns of " ► s tbl T*x*tt. to atitoobod, betroU mark" td'tT '*A** 1. 'ice OM tltutt! property bitroiRmsborr+e etoereurtbol bet" etdjttaerat owl aern- t4mous to tko Town Lttatto of etblokop Terwoss be and to borobt &",a sad *ad brotwbt within t"10 Corporertto Lterttto of aal4 ?*We attest to bt o robt eplttft an integral tort thorero►f. /J f AT* tkW OWftO S 004 L#b*btt&*%* Of tbO 1NrSO 40"'I S *MW%Od b !#it t+1ld to *Is if t ho p140440 a" rir►Uoww of O"wr hi w sad proportl o ►rs O# S&JA T*W sad bO b4WPA by 611 of $bW 00*0 044 S" MW O Wh&4*k SOY 60 US"Sft*r ad*Vt"* 9. AT* the Offistasl aawr and b0fai darl00 *r tue ° of ttalwm* ?***so a0 bor#tofer* odopt*d sod smww&A# be and to boroby amombed se as to looladr tbo aftromenti od torritory was part of tbo Tow* o uth ib#* Tes*s. ~r " UISO 0"dlooOo+R o it booeme offootive *#A bo infoU fares a" OffOOt froW a8d sf tOr 1t0 OUSSO90 and O"rOVO I by tftO X&YOV WW *A'tf atteotod by the Town liarrottaffy. ' MYOR 'Amp AITI Tt I Ot i ■ N f Yir~ ,t H:~11. t swev~ y r EXHIBIT wftLa: its"" 20ov44s Nis P& 6444OWwsf - lVRANSTO" AND T N AWW TO 7= "tl 01P SOVII LARS, Tax". _b um I MAT CS bd #WCQLV 40 A P Y T TOW OW SWUL. 8, Try, AIM TAT # I . an" Tuts TO TOR hal t AND :1M smu or OTUR aimasut of 7ut It," F ta'm 1e Tu" ANAk ST Tits b AND bl 36O SU*M tl "MANY Tmg 80* PT 1 to 10 I FtMOXV8, lima" 0XT1L 0!` 141A . OWSDARINS df Tow or * vmU s ZI AsA R POIAX A40 bt AND "OVISM YOU rr t t ps"Uat00 *0 *tioli +rt t"' ;spas UWAS": civil tt1004#04 Of TOR0e9 M, it, 4M44 004 etho"'s luarbl saNltart *r tb~► or" 1 aet~*~lb+rwd a on 400ilf!' ed " 0000 for wsaart *rO Of i40 *60*0 1-04121W U"o b0V*,borw*%ot0v ► Mod w0b *be Mayor o04 $1%4 M*&" of .01dellne of fto 'Verna of J04ttt>; boo a s~M ta~oir POtltiaW re !rltl" SIVROaaw►"00 Ot t%W GO" 49*4 $0 ftf TOWIr of 6*04blobse 'l0;Goov >mobores boiws dnror*b" as tone" t treat of land aliftwOod to the g. '~1>1i~W-m7 Surveys Torrat►wt Covotl e T+eesos, morol u lly► 4o"ribo# yes CGl lewo o of alt ~1• SUM 101 .04 # etb"utt ioraa or of tho Ad. ara"berry "I t 1 N+ 1t, *left the tsltt& bOWW4Wy 110O of i1tF alwa•1rO' too the ►0t1r 1t * r f balar'eef # TWiii *A;X s SO dart tb o %*at boo"O", 3440 of **U m ur* t► ttao South vielat of iser lla* o~ d«ellarr•..~~are~r~rr9t,r~r' le+atd 'T"A.dt cur! o,*" , tho • t uft rA r# 'Or ay 1.#+tMr of see: Read to too t~wri M►# ~1►w= of Is" tMltmaxed to the Tova Of *'1ftloke, -Texaco On 00000106'r 1!560 "ou"t to Its 4#0 lei ' Ea Z, Sfttth el• iHaoar +a~rt b wt*rl► 1*00 of 8 tart 217 vtros to the ltbata04% oorme r t a Oel ImMut U044 *to" Isto uth boundary Lin* Of s r~+dt tr eelk to - t" wee$ beww *vy l,tm* *r We d. 10-0"bom sw"Wi -Maus* nth aloft the saeart bwa a+tdN" U" of tbe Geld 11. re". bo W►rvey to tho plo oo of "gltw sw o rr~ r• WHEREAS, said petition was accompanied by an affidavit executed rr by M. J. Grace and others, inhabitants of the areas described and wh are qualified to vote for members of the State Legislature and that lP by signing said affidavit certified that said petition contains the signatures of more than fifty percent of the qualified voters residing in such area who have voted in favor of having the said area dnd the inhabitants thereof annexed to and become a part of the Town of Southlake, Texas; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Southlake, Texas, that all statutory requ irements in connection„ with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the said area duly grouped into one territory is not more than 1/2 mile in width and that all of same is adjacent of the present City Limits of the Town of Southlake,.Texas; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: 1. PP THE hereinafter described territory lying and adjacent to the Town of Southlake, Texas, is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits and made an integral part of the Town of Southlake, Texas, said territory being situated in Tarrant County, Texas, and being described by metes and bounds a's follows_: pow p BEGINNING at a point,same being the Southeast corner of the 4W H. Grandberry Survey; THENCE, West along the South boundary line of said.survey to the Southwest corner thereof; THENCE, North along the West boundary line of said survey to the South right of way line of Keller-Grapevine (F. M. 1709) `r Road; THENCE, East along the South right of way line of said Road to the Northwest corner of a tract of land annexed to the Town 1ri of Southlake, Texas, on December 3, 1956, pursuant to its Ordinance No. 10;! 1r THENCE, South along the West boundary line of said tract 717 varas to the Southwest corner thereof; THENCE, East along the South boundary line of said tract to a the West boundary line of the H. Grandberry Survey; THENCE, South along the East boundary line of the said H. Grand- berry Survey to the place of beginning. ■ 2 _ 26 &Obobkt*"s ♦f Ow '3Eo rrisoNT twmta sown" to tai *f tswtus „ T*Xao, shell be *Isu*104 to 611 tfto ~ rtebtf Oad PrOll"" or sMhmw *Itl"*$ amyl bou" bw ell fte Sets sr"10 so" to •su["o"Ity *%Orr*** grid rsssi 40" to "r arst u imtlo r + p*wrs 1 to 10 la►e~r~s~r~. 'IS" civil tatafi s + f T+ls;ao. TAX +r~r ar al. aa~ bodadw~ss of t Uto of taatk,sko, T*Xas, t+• b 0 r!wip's W1 We aat womme" s! as SAWIN1N+i. t be a <~INlwM~t#e11sd dossrtlrad r*t"T as Vrt of *WA Tom* ' is wa ► s ►ail r Onset VI# f"m wnt a#tsr Its paox*so tsd Il tll +M#. A,-spit 0419 At dal Of 0** r, A. A. AVIO t i d TOWN SSOMTAW4=;~=~ } L.r, CATHcART TRACT ANN. Dec. s. ais` 61 V ono. NO. 16 r- s ~ RENNET ~O. TRAc7 ~ .1t. W ~ s ® k N. 6 QAIJDBERR SuRu a W z 3 lu i 004 r Ro q o No. 309 EXHIBIT A sCAA.E : i iNC~, = 300 Uq,~,~ kU A 9 90, Olk*iV CX iOSO144 ) ASO WI TM* MV "I tR"iA't t ?"T SUU At SM MW OM VA Of SAID 1009 AID ma't` Tttt ftla d AS t*• P1417It. d st a= 4l?jA*Md #jA ` oWgv AND 44 8W%t1 US AM .AN t .t"A SS 94W " R)'`YOV W SAID TOWN As X*A'XT*rrt*v & pp"" Ad J4jtt ,v AIM tR ISINO fts As t Ttd 1! • Lesislrals"O Page Isp* t"tr M o" tUd a* Artt s tt"ired CIVS& StStaaateO 104,00* . Sftn1h ttetrstoldsa A w'* of TWrant couaalky * 't ii w owner of ft* soal PwtT' krrrvi fte r aftertb"0 Mating 0*40 apsliata"O" alas LOW V"rtd # M" J1474W and acrd of 440t0 of the ?Own Or rltklakee lswus* a %mot la" Op"Ses of ens 11) *ore * more W lens * *two*04 to for j" W. le "Or"Y. va rraaet aou aty. TOX69* Moro tulltr daWoarib" by ■eto• bou"s as follow, at t tft*#s;t oerwor or 0 40 air* tart of low OOWWetred r< ars, A. by 'loner UOVI" "4 Wife* S. S. al .Aaa►rlrt+aat►t r * lte l * a"eoa►raled $,n d "'S j S610 J10" *aaae"*$ 'b`ra "Ant County. T*xott* ail o being tk! trtboa st *or~ of tho o. W. alt ter TOY ~ iN~► aaar•aa is stakes Tk t * Ott 90 Tords to s t kR t TUSNORO 4kwtk 70 e'er to oAsia► We Stu lime or tea J, W. Hou tea, I 'f t t4. %*aat Wttb testa kook liner Of a, jv" data 0"03F fit f *0 tttrr trtfrt~WOOt 00ro rr of *be J. W. ato 'soya fto pit** Of A. plat of 0014 land slt+mirW it* leoslion wltk "Op "t to the Town of o tt irttrkrt. 'rtra~►s is stt**b*d 'M*rote NOW%*# tkT!"' %A** .t. AT* "0 Prep " k ►rat~iambove doostrtbot boiW4 a+d &**nt and 0e06LO"WO to tiro Tee t4mits of twratrtM&W* T* s* and is rolrf r 4000a04 and mkt wi iS t60 or"Pate LIUSto air opid Taws and to kar*bf U040 as intosrrol, po rrt theroof. f ! kb (f ( r T, "TO tho oMM &o tt UV*bst##"*O ' or- t - • Or", twr*-tm . mswt~ tEot td load. l Au, or t OfAu ooh, Avoo► Ot ,ot or *It&s and y *wows of 0*44 lo►vsa► and +.~a& SAIL +t~` ► Mrfo~ < 0 and +ordi a o s so" to *4tarmaty thow+lt ~ 0 Dow I'm 1rul l Ito r" and o tro *,6 MW that whiott way bo bo"oftour v4ait 040 9 Oflr&O&#A MOP as trjoro oft tho Iowa of 6wt1t11"*s Op T To►sao, t b*"tef* r+o odaoptwd a a bo ooh to koroRlw wood" s• as to loolLtbo ofo►rowtnt `e"od Ito rratort as part of t low* e# ~ 'x' d. o►rdta~tnno+o s al bot±o+~mt ~►~tow+ot# w olwd b* do Full d^o>rr#o sod off# tlt, f raft 004 ott# r its so *ad Nwrr tbo yor mod duly stftesod by tu* ' Tom ►o►rs tarya ' ,41 A''t ~Li~'2.P'v y~ryy~c ,`yp w # h VA M 4 sv f _ r t a 1 . Z J.HALE 5URVE-Y d 4 d f 1 1 i xhl a, ' K + A w ~ . u PART 01 D TOUR AND IMAT IMS 0# 1M PXV I*- KAUTASTS U"S" MiALL IM Xg%= TO A" ins M 60 III THt M 410 014MANOW 90 11 11Z ` Of SAIO TVAM AS WiNN "I S ,AIMPrIi@ AS AN=M• AS' MOVltIM is tt A tt`l wTly* SAS. s#~~~~ ~rurstarat~rt ~~ar#.~tlet!~t st' tius ~#itsl ` ~~.~~r LoSiolataro# Pogo 4"p►t0t, $1.1t 0"I" " A r°t"10 NOVI*" csortl st,rtwrtos at Toxaass *000 sar" 001001400a i Us Turn" ttetow*to I*X09• etwttwtttsr s# tb* P"l !VV"OIFA lMr0*Al tt0t d 1WIM , I10 *VP11e0t160 as %V log PrOVIdod to 060 *►er s~trNA ase" eta' ALdersoa of ft* Team of *mull*** Vos*s„ a tvaot or to" owns"t w of " seros 0 3 *or'* or losaw sSlwatetd lat ttr %I. V. artt,'l, ft"wo Irwrstrwrlt ""two Uas„ >rNOS'w 1'al dosaa"b" %W aarios s bo"" " toll **1 smussup at a ""t tat flu* 2"t ltrot art fibs If* V. Attu r",t► • Abottr"t Vo * "7s S V*V08 dot*irt t torthessrrt a or"s, of scald satrttt "y s V1 all West 3..0 far** to as palest tar a *ruw l . =Mile I Aft wtetras ta► s parlsrtt fair oareorl +~f T3 s t, fist 30 varos to a Palo,* for oor rl '~u r°wttx * Nwtb *to" the wt 'Ilona of *a" 467's vo~ *0 *b* VIA** at booeftlos* A plot of 6014 1o" *#Musa* Sts l+aaatitlaor WiLtk roe"** to tbo TOW" of s*utb4&" r wood as >wttaabed Ner*** work" t".r OXT *A*. 1. ' 'f "t, rises r* *y rslsobov* des*rlb" bolwa sd,3a"m* and o eti~ts to s" low" "Otte of S",04 *9 • Twxss, to acid is bow* lw saawe~retd a 11 w t #%"In t" G*V"W tto Ltutts ♦t stint Town *ad to 11ora►lslr tdat as ia0t*4wsl parik t orOOr, t. Tilw, itue etsistt trace *sabo tmtsNt at the or** berets atmoxod be ont tlod to &IS at fto rsoutd and %'t' lss OO eat` *ft*r ettlateas a" vrop*rtjp oast *m of said To" a" be *w#W IV all of the sots as* Wood *"*Mae" no" in s ow"1r torrotem mrist to full forest and offtett at,rEtd tll *t u131,,1#11 "I het hsx'esttor sr 4wp$!wd. 3 PP ~k • 46 TEAT` tb* a ff "al. sop and boendsrlos of tho Tour of t boo ~ '~vaas~ as b~r►enslot~orw ~ o laar+r~r a~oad+~lt se oe to Inelmdo Um oferromrn#ioewed eorritorx as par of fibs TO or • elmakos ' oa ~IMI. " 1 ,p ordinonoa *hall be**** offootioo w id be in fool tore* OP Rx off ets Prow and aftor Its m*ago and approval by t'h* ' goer aad dole attost*4 by ti%s Towp %**rotary. . a' t E ATTRST t T€~~i "'gyp' ~+1C' OP PP ib IP 1 i i w NA L L SURVEY Aas. &b, (6E 7 Asa j ~ I f K 4 1 M,(*. IA 444 PWYNCLDS - 0wn7G'R I I 3 '1 ORDISANCI SO* "t , t Ph0VIZ X TART :sUcd AA" SMALL yCox at PART v %;ill! Z4s Axe- NAA Vi*_ 04o Aw'D 1N. HAWTAXIT* `VlhWWI' `p;E s:.I« BE UTI US A" WE Ali T rst, .I ► ttt ABM! lUltMh ROVID,`€A0 Y aIF3 TOWN A$ ti. T*1041 ADOPT ID A!~ ~t,od shat Taro t ParVOW014 00, the olOW of tb* AO U Of 1M* 51194 ar fto 11370 *4 020 oo"at"t" arm At" 01* !mss twrLood GIVAS ~$t&IYtayeaa► of TarX&*n to 0iorgaln 004 Witt! tt"l* Ar XOVVW# oaf` TORrraat C-6unty p Uxas o *wm#V0 of tb* roalrx, proms r#&WXl oV #A0W&k lld t r i o, < 00 40 **PI *ftt3.ap 0 by UV SWOV1404 to thO tV 004 600" Of A140MOn *f t b* Town of t#a a, ww o a t ""t wf Ia1 000"oshaaas *it 342 alai eo g *or* or I*" # oitaaaat4A Ia tbe J * CkI Idar oso A* -'o I'v*00" 814"Wo s Tar rust Coamtyg lox** # grove I'a Iy donor t" by **too algid bow"* as ts4lo m a► art aa► t I" " 'uo rt aaEt ~ Of tbs Is . 110" YIdrroy► i mxcz 0 tth awlaprra tb* too* Ilaaao er sbo To : of aN 3d "m* t of " 4*04ittawd hart arwt`eremattoM4 MUG U* Woo* aatlapraaf the wttb t1SO of a 4sd " 40" ttartot 46'tt V*Ar o to t twoot o*r"r t ar~aa►a~ T a #t} 10 war" to & t TURAC W*ot d# v&rsr to the Vo gat It" oir & 62 a1NIRr* troot o14» t to tbo 4~• F'roomm rt ! -VIRUC * nth ulea-I tho **44 alit aa~o" t of vor to tbw t-t art eos r the" root' 1 T C Woait :S Vat" to t l4awt art wrap W r Of o++rdo t!a"a~o+l; ''Gia- 'cf's vf* 1203 war" to eru SUM art t 0"d A r A* From irit'°1i►oy j TI,"CU# loot alosig the Sortb It" qt th* *^S4 A* 10*0 em Suat'v*-,r to t * o#v" r oaf' a 100 a o to"t to tho Jt Ch eSS b6VV j*j } aiCt ~ ItaaFt o10a t t" 1Nia►saprlal Ary #.um of the * s sarvor $04*41 ♦arv*0 to tb* Akwtkw*at oe raoar of tuo To . uo" -,vora Y o tho ao** or boellm .a , A plot o 4"d low aoo oarotaa g its IsoarNtten With ta o ott to tk,+O own #t ! Soutulookiao t Tooe^*# is Attootwd bo rsto USA RXIRU ' *A** T" v# t pro r ty taus ae ot" ve ao sork bod bo l sw ad4icont 944 ,seaatidvaorvs to the Town Liaalto at 9 Tvaaiwss be #Ad to twaroby ad=o serad►araa " w&tbln the f:!*r orari.ts i.1 is of sula lowrn ust4 is Uwarwbr uatad* ao ai ntrrdsai part tbaor"Ir. 2* tp 'MAT9 the o*iio s ak ,u ttU btt*nt* o 1,bo area b*xilNio taint'-s" b* eat&U to aril of tho r.L bto and arivklw,tem of other as ttiLzalno uaaad rty owmws of OSU Town * bO by *U or t ai oto W Ordknow"S modo to Moui's ly that* a16iow in Usll irores and off o!t aria O bat wM*b mw bo boraorbaftaarr Odaa3pf►"* ~M . rr T r# the aaoitt,ei►ol aII*&P aana tmu",*irloo of C,* low* of outb#►a icop ~ Tor** # as r*4ot"or* a eptod and a mondsaadt # bf o" to bo roby mod so aims ~ to Ancla o t wr& r*mmt#oaaod to rArito a o, part of tho Town of otblama, aataltaats . , ~ Z459 ordin o a ll eemo aut`fo oatiwo a 4ul #oa to full for co 11rto*t t raft a after Its ja:aM►saarft* sndk Mppla11V*1 +tt w ~►srar and duly arttaMa t*d by !b ~ retaa4rr• ~ To JCHeLDRE55 5URVEy ®W p C',-l 4f q ;P- EMI? SURVEY i a g L&4. H&,L SOON i EX H' I i a~ ~t r a l Ad+ F' a O 1eil SAS ONVA AWoO"' Aft 0 t d TO TUX TO Of 00JMAKd# XAS# PROVI* ['t '1'0xT ITN AtdA S'%: A :P-A*T of $ 011 TOWS AND TAI AT T Xd 0'.211140 AND III- p wKt ,tt . OW '=919 GITIXMIIII 01P $A t* "Thp , Asd ,t it TO S JIUSAIT A r T% wvwi4aii=l41!T; ot'l1Tfll tft ANS11900 d 104MT 0#0261AL T NSMIS t Op ";LS TOM AS 11 tt"" ANSOMSD• AND TT110111, TO AV "V# bXT*. WARS'Ass .Pw ON so tbo ttrew"Ie" or *bo A o* of 13430 33" Legislature* too s?• Obi' M *odift" ao ll"tatlo "4-0# ROV1004 Qtari l "*Out** of Tomaes X. as kow"n w" artfl, tMtollo A. A`ioa, of Twwoawt cooo"O Td*&s* *Wows air tbs ar*41 bllomm a poor + s-► oribods batv-sod me" at l tnRos us by lows vrowt&A to the koger MM board Of Al+tarlWWM of ftO T& of &MYt -4oao# ' sass & ftvrlt of 100111 000016$J40 of l *or" out of tbo J. C.:,iidrsto a" U. J * sa►stor Vr s, `om"Ast ousty, Toneo„ w or* futly dose'ribd OW so*** sod bow"* as tollow 4001001W at a Vol" Pat varas sostt► of ttus Xortk limo of soId LI !wuf w ` T4"0110 Ieutlttt to a Ilse "Volt t *be I tst ttas of It tw k. 4* fostor w"y f, 15 vor" to the ftstamost aer mor of the 0* *are trout fret" It ow*&a dosatrib" I "TMXCS# Most I#IP3 varos to tho bast tine of the b. J. lostor dare lus* Portttt *ton tho boat tum of the s. J. poster survey "0 waves to t'%o South l of tbo d. O ldrrrsr surosfi TAiNCS@ Soot atom tko South' tioo of the J. ►#ldrss+r kutrwey to 41so *Mtkyost oarogr of o 40 *ore *mot of tho J. Oftildross sauna spooned to taw! "town of - ttt4oko, Toxas* oa 'dssorrbor t'f, 13360 po"Mos* to It* or%otwomoo Ile. "I 111101099 dorlt ► att*ft tiro Brost 11no of tho salad 100 &a** treat to V30 waves to & rout o T IRWOd, V*** to a l- kno ratta l tq "w lltou th time at th o J. O$l tdroof wArvoy 394 varms to a points TdAA090 deutb ♦a at time parallel to tko West 11of the «i. ck"Idross SONVOY9 03* worse to tho bnrtb ltoo of to said ago TU"Ots smart ol,osd t south tim of the J. Ob ldroats survey to tltw rlatoo at #a~. A plat of *a t& land onei og its t"ati ns +aitb rospeot to th* lowa of Southlako, '"!`Mx**,: to otwt obod %*wo o m*r td XM.tOV "A°. Co , pow 00 am T"Tq tia► property ow►ro borrrUmb r dr►seribod bolas o4josiont and eootls.seoe to *be Tom tts or tbleft j Texo*f bd so* is Awrolry ssnsr and Woma4t within tb* Corporate LUAts of sold 'T'erra a to r. 4s"lyr gieft an istodrol part tbwroe►r. T' it's, ttw ownors asd LMWbtitattts Of tilcW Or** hOroAr etMesod be ~ eatittod to all Of t rights soil riv►tltgss of of r olttroos *ad ~ property oww" or satd Town * be bovad oil or the oets and ordiaaooos mode In oantormity thoroto, new In l%*11 foroo and oftoot asd tbstt whieb way be tio"artor atort+rd, TAAT, tba offietal sop,and boondariss of the Town of t,xlttlo o To***, a• i►tr*tof'ero odept*4 ^n4 sor►nd 9 be oa4 is hereby amended *o as to inotado *be wf'eromirotionod territory as port of the Town of , 4, Td1t0 ordlwmoe, obstl l U00040 off`eetttro artd be to U411 f oror "W and orreet# fro* and aster its pasondo s app rev" by tu* mayor 004 duly attested br the town 300"Ury., tT ATTb TRW b r F t ■ 4 m 00 ~ft. p ' CHILDRG :55 :5GP,kve y I I i E I 7-5 j jt1 !,10 Act, ~I I ' 49 i'v4s 4 M,09064 A( - CO ~ -4 tr. r-S ;f r' AWtC " At 0;) + WWS U' 1*01 M VWwAA%* TIM", pftVtK,M =Alr ttb" ARU M" 00010 A PAW *A$b T~) A 'li't` T OW dS&$ AND 13 g " Tits dpi * Awa I NO~ id Pry AUM140 Alto d l 40 TV* 099SU OWNSAPIRt 01, t S TOWN At J9PWMdi ASOPTAMI AS 4M'W9 A390 Mt011bl A , "t`i'lt O. ~swf ~tt~* ta►~ofd # ~IIt1 t►!` Y~'~3r Lsd#atet rwo l' "is ***Ptsr 93,0 0+radif ! :w• Artlr 010 +*.04 1rAl ftrlaNatl at "l MrMOS a C. A, t►1i **W 1t Tit WWW * 104041, OWM*ar • " tt ► rrNtl ►rr'eve"I brat Osma!`tas dw1l1 111 4o befft!e no" ►l,t0o4dom *s by iwa pr*vSded to *he Mayer rs i N or A1d*raft er TONS of "thls cta. T*vssq • West at to" oemsfst; of slat sore** *ors, or leas„ atta "d LA the T. -14. o" L. . 0, Smllt da""O. TArrumt dot#nty. Tex*** more folly d**OrAbOd %W 100t01 as *mud* tell Ows t 't 4USI O t a vivo 4V65 way"* North of the ttb"et sermor or v k# T. . U"d sed the t. ~ r ~r #1r taq+r ~9k. ~~tal,3 ~~rr~ T t. Xwth 154*2 Tor** s pip' to *he W*Ob linty of ss;JA Aal t r'v y► t I T C b~ #t 1, d.b w orsst TiMICS South o t 103.3 w air" 'be the nth 11"0, of $be Used an4 t North line of 0011 utr OY • to all 331.3 wore* * *two bow* vest S wrermat f TAXACS0 West 223 Tor" a 01"ot ' 'ri ot, North 192.3 wwr.s s pipet 3 714w"* West 73774 Terms to too V1000 of bogift"ifts. A plot; of slat irld showleW Sts i*sttiom wit% respost to t'e Town of "otlAtalw. Ts"*# its **lkel bereft mart XXKIWT *A". 1 TRA'M`, the pr or" ow"" m"Inabows, ds "ad being "380"t *sd song to tuo I Limits of SoutliUke. Iloxas. be and to hereby ~awir~ari f and WOWS" WS"Sa 4tuil► dotvsr Ues** er tsl,+ Town std to barsby wade as tatogra1 part th*r*+a<t. 6 i / 7d TAAT, tho awnors end laimbitaato of the or** iwrola o be i entitled to *U of the rights and Privileges of other 43614"m *ad property *wow* of s*id Tow d be bound by all of *be sets *Ad oril,a*0008 mads, to remitty l uir'+~►bw, no* to fell faroo and offoot and that ok way be bo rooftor adopted, 6 'MLA?, ► offlelal Map and boundoar1*9 of *be Toim of Soy thlake t OP T*x*s * so rod orore adopted t mmen t e be ono to b rb,Q ended fro as to iw*lvtdo the ofareneabi od territory so port of the Town of rthlt * "Texs, If* T st erdts*P**.sboli b** off+aa#tro aa4 be In toll for** P *ad wtfoot„ f a"d otter Oo passage 11k op rwval by tha Moyer w, ,gad, doll ott *#d by thr T*wa roa rot#ry,r 'SOW'N RY 6 hlr t4 J Q -T.. sre a •tf ~ oL Q v+ W tV . cc) z z ti V)m or ' 1 / 7,SL, ORMNAM S I XV1 AND It"SU T sar T _ t IR VG 3W SUCH AATA Ae WkS A ! PART Of SAID Tn%V AND AT TdA *M* Amu 1 "St N w 'fi't ,A,' A%* NIXAW U d 11 tip" t' Ito AMiUM Aft teat" T449 dPPl tlAL OWNSAIRISS USNRIAA* imrsosa" t4 be Pwr4►wr1s1ftW of the As** Of 1M 33rd Lsdlslatdro. Page, Is t pt ar "s 00"ttod 0* A,trttst?io 97"a, Poviat A Grit ttt&***oo *f l+ mw# Ofte rlos 't. Ams"a end wife. sparitw A* st laq of Tavnmt ~ Comty p ltatmw,. ommor* of tae rool wort y ttarrob wttor # at+- ort , baatrtai so" -W "on 00 by low a`rstt 404 ta► tl►#W mayor and ?1eaMrd of Alaiormea of the Tow of eMa m4bl boo Tstiatt ep ~ 16mot of lood o sts time of li5 swat, move or 1*06, 0A%W e4 to t To 9, no svrveyo Tarr at doun* * To"** nove, folly dararo r ra * by motoo & od bounds oo follow s# f ' d"143=6 at sit eo in the tiost rya of rear LW) line of i toty mood No. 312 310 b$ rorm s So" ft of fto South bsu1H ory tuns, of tbo T# 0, hood tuarve ri IUSXOt eta 411 war** to s posast for oormor of the traot of land taerets behead deser#bodt Tdtt*Ag North, 109 v* ras to teas Northwest oormor tuoroors Tfavux* dash 43 lorasr to thaw vrtrst >t *t of way Ita * of oat+tl coataty *1oad so. 39t3t Tetteb tt ttb 1d3 traaros t* the soa*awoot oonter of alt grid tarat ot. the vtoo t of boat" alus. A VIPt of *MA tat" s houlag Its Umatr oat wrtttb rospost, to tt a Town of Soathla im# Togas, Lo attttawsbsd la vrota mores Wig GAIN. 1. , fi » *be vo"y owners ttoaroksabove dooortbod being *4j*mwt and sauttgaqus to *be Town LtaaAts of athla boo To"** be and to Wroby anaurr *od *od brougM wtltt!It! * the Corsorots LUAto of *aid Town. *ad to bev eby grads *A integral part tbo r"It, '.J TSA'f* be owners end Uft* altos►ts of tt}o area boroln annexed ont.itl.d to ail of ttw ridbtr *ad Privileges of othor 0Atlao,ut a property owners of sold Town mnd i* bound by sAt of the met* and er"ammoo wodw In sonto ty thereto# to tall forov► send atfoot and tipt wklob way be boroattor adopted, P* T1TATw the otlialol map isod boon4,,,rtos of Vie, down of * oaCA*k*q Togas, as berwt+ofore adopted and mmadod, be and to borobyr amended so &0 to 10010" the xf arooa^tj- territory as part of !ho Town of so"t'Alak** Texas. #R F T1410* ordinonaao a tall bap*aa ott"tlrro and be In full foroo ~ *ad orre ►t, twos and oriko r At* posaaoo a" approval bra *be 04yor sodditt ottoo*od by the Town **@rotary. to ON J~ MAYOR IP im A rr Pq it 1 i i • e d.......,., a , ,..,~.~...~.a.~ i.,.,.... .tip= • } i t° i 9 e ~ I i 1 i i r IL IL • i i 1 O U1TS008 d+, 34 AWACXVT AIM COMWOVS TO ?US TWO SOW4LAKX* TdUS1 OVID TIU SUM ARM W L" OC A PART vy 0 TO A" TU? TOVW** Amu Id-. s1 OW U W 'MI ACT! AND pltSUAW SS X IN dlT 0 TO 1X1"W dSO"1 l NWO MNIXG t*P UND Alts ' 111} TAX WMALI i MA"So 0!" $AX9 TOWN AS "*R 01 '11 AW0900 AND w s"s to ft* prow"1 " of aloft of 1t.m 33" L*91*let+ , Pace, 3!#Ps t t or 939 ea"A" x* rilele r", Revised 01trll 6*406*09 Of T*X"♦ rft" W. you axwwter T mt sown1w ~ Tosea. ergs aet tbo ►rlgl~rss"elrrtr ~Aer+,r OR ft"Skeotum *a by low peoglood to "W xxrw AN" of the I*m of ftatumwv 'see, 6 + re" of Uwe 00"1,4 )s sorose me" or loss* *If^*$" aa fto L,*. X. ii 10404"l«. Tuvie" County* Tosos, nor* fully doaerlbod by *"so w W boomM as fe Bowe s +s► + 41tl o• w Point 363•! oso*o *w"A of tb* sorteb t oe"o r of tk* w4d Lo Vii. S, Roll Se rvoy IR 6 In tis* IV! It" or 00"lly 84" **it "s " Vol" bol t rtlxwoot ee r or s I's sore o* of lord wined t* t 'few of tblwowr TMsteo, to ter 1"66 rr " 1ftl ► ftftem"m ate. lot TK Q1# "tit to o 'Um ;p ollol Mw sari % line of sold Survey 46S1.1► 's'tir" to a point for oe ww►r; T#t tr Nor" "14 we"s two r Pokot for eere rrt TMNGsw ee#t "903 voy-a• to Obs l wtet U of tho of flao troat barsote botem fteariv4* THCX; poi in a 11ns pwE!"!M"llll to 1br11 War#b 1ltnr or Said owur w 950 war" to Us Vogt rl,Stt of It" of County koad eo, 111231 TUSUC09 W4W*1L alarm ohO Nf*** U^* Of 0044 County Red V*to tb* ol+seearf "St"0106, 0 V&at of 0*1d lend *howl Its Isootiom mitt vo*poot to the To" of s" 31wlfi o" o Tox" # Is ate her*** werks+L X)090M Us, e~ =AT* Otis r"Mrsy owners hog *kmobevo er►ee rsbaaed b S 044ooont and o tjow"W tbo Toerw t i.atu of t thlo w s Taxes. bs **4 to barobir omov*d. aad b b odtbld trtw Corporate its of **$A Toww ood to Inver o an Istropowl, part t horoote f. WATT tbo owmrs mad bikabitonto of rroew boarets a nnox od be o►"UtIod ices *It of t ko rights ^oed P rIVA104 rs of eot ar ottlao"s and pre po"y ors of s^14 Torwe *ad bo b Ast by all of t ostor *ad *r"Ima s "do knoonto ity tbo<re *09 am tall f'oros, and *frost asd that wbifft Way be ftoro* `ta+ror sd+Pt:ed: 3+ ' taco wtftotbl oroep &*4 NmvAorloo or tbo town of eutbl , r boT"OftVW ~04 sift 040 a" is boore 6090"d set yes to l0010teba star Hoard t orritcry agar port of tho Toga of ;.$yat* .~`+IMSs. b~ "Md• o1vAtm emoo *boll bo0one wl't`ootivo and taor to full torso a" *frost* frew an* O tor ♦ts eoe **4 o arroval by ' lko yeoer it daly ~ ***eltoo by *Us 'soup wotsry • / eft w ~-w a - t t 1 F N. K Cot as 0 x 6, B.' PA L L g +e r 4 x ~ ' K Z~ 'i jj I T rt=.14 LE ' L ! .1c t# Z t7~ v.4 A44 . ORDISAXOS ISO. AN ONASCd UVI AXS Mtt TOMMY A dkCOM tt't C M S TO 'f ib TO** O t tWTSUAXt P M"i v1 l" Fi nk t rttr or t.l a rowm AND T T419 OVVMS AWt - r*t"MI"tl s of 01MU OMSUO t t " ` s Asp V11US* po"MSStt to tto wevistom *r the ti of 1"30 33rd 1A0*10tarrf, P 3STO obo"+rr 910 iMMWU4 " rttdtlo -9 406, twrwrtoo'd 01VII SISOUt" of TO*4* e ! or#o it. room sired wif a #.MSO To mor ns of Torrent 4rw m6y o Taxsss e%aors •f M* rr#44 rte' tMr+sls*ftor do#- •rtbed# i awt s OA40 s ISORtion " by SV p"svi&A to fto kore r aad beor* of 1401"rn of the Tow* of t" , Tos*ss * or"* of som$ 000*4 *1 Ot 74 a* " mart Or too** sitr+rtrri ttro J• To i1l0y Now t I+A!'1!'lMpnt s Tense9 *my* ftt r dosorUM4 by met** and bon as folUm et r 8940,3M h a point to the Urthwout se wmr of tbo J. To a" toy Survey I Tamdd, Use "701 wram* to *be West lint of a t" 4 t) orrro treat I TIASUOX* t rts► 133*0 verse to a vote* Ivor oormorr of said two' &otr* troato T 9044, Was* 'P7*9 verse to the orratrr hair of the J. To motley rvoy x TFdSXOS* ith along *be *outer time of *be said Jo I @ boiler mur"1ro r ►.f varss► to *It* $out* Ito* t"roet# eke ett *t ttormw tdwrwsfl TMMOV, `fork ales *be ' oo$ Ito# of said rmsy "0 veras to tM "too* of t MA*40 A plot of ootd land "A Its lee*tston with rosrpr+st to eb* 'own st tlgtle► r. Tess is sttsoked hereto slorkst R ifllXT *0. pp" 40 AtTo t tko property OWOOars to roloobeYo desertbod bolt 043"00t *ad e00t16"Ims to tur Town star ter of dA#'Utbt,ake, ''sc`*aaS, be o to bo rokyr aka" a twos bt vlthto the orporoto L"Ato of said 'own and to bo r*by waft an tar om ral part tooroof. tr TB,A►T, tho ow ore 4-od tnWiblUnts of tb* oroa ooroin annox*4 be 0861t10d to all of tho rt bto :nA privilodon of of r o ticona ~-zMd proloaft,f oars or sold Torn and 'l ou" by all of the cots and ordlna"O" sods Its O*ara rwllty t aoroto, now to toll toro* *ad offoot *od t t ieiob a*f ► bare ftor odopt*d. T% T. t i* ofrflotot ro And twowrAorlow of tho 'loon of ouUtt*ke ,rau*, as borstoforo adapted cic amandod, bo sad to beroby srandod so as to inoludo t eforown*mtkoeod torrttory No part of the Town of ou+t3~?►oo~~aa, Teaaa!. 1,A1 , erdinAnoo gull base oo off#*tflve o1 bo to full for** offoo t. firom end oftor &tao pasoodo and approval by tUo mayor 0 dud duly aRttestod or ttie Town Socr*tory. rrr P" OP Mrrw Pr Irr 1 • ~ p Ci N q7, ~ vas • . Y XT 6AILEr SURVEY ~ ryg ac, ~ P, SG8 k216G- 4 7S ✓f 5 EXHIBIT Ah scq~~; lrN~N=Zoov~~.As fiEO~tii Il <don/A F, #4,eMVW - ou-l ,J646 strN~rt PAW F SAID VWX 09 T RAT TMS OWNS** V I~ PRIM S"a or 0 XV CAMS or 9"D Tetsuo AWD OWN* Ity Twit ACTS *%"0pj1 %Att = x Xx milICT Pf', i 0"31 AND + R5 XCTX TIM 014MAL AWU k,,n i of $AXl) " )WX AS wA BMZ MOPTSd AS i Sis* AXV 1180TIalwk F(* An 9"Wilys DA". WHRRXAt* pursnrrait to the fr rlerw of Vie Aststr sf 19$3* 33rd Losislaturr<o, Paso 357. fiiuttttor 113* eediflod sstt Article Pf* t'wvlosd Civil Statutes of Tospr* 40o rmo 4. Rarsstt M mad M►ltoo Logone fr A*r,aon,, of Torrent i0wn+lty 1, T*alst, oworft of ft o real jpr*pwtX 4eretmottsr d * - *rA d, ts4rl stttstds ate tl*sotles ar by laws ~rt4od to tits +kayor old Moorrd of ",d+rra of the 'rove of touthIMMartr* Toms rw t>w a*t of load e006441ttrtrd of l +we on $ more or Ie ss * "*64"4 the It, J, !t odour Survey* Tow"at C»,*nty* To*"* more Bally dto"ribed by notes ate bounds ~s f~I I~MMrs t i4f4l wl of the 44rttruwutrltrrtt somerr *f tho U. J* 11ado a trrrrry s TmS, cX# 'Aorrth *loft two last It** of 004d ~*Wswy to tots ~tslrt~tM►~tNt 11t~~dt#~' ~1~1►f1'~r#~`# rtlthtm* ties* *I*" tao Werth It-no of raid Survey 400 rstasrss to a rolwt for eomert VIVOCt„ ►uittt In a 11"* rallol to tuo dosrflt line of ssaAd Survey 426 worost T w cis. West to a l&** trallol is ow s suttrt Itme, of, *be sold rvoy iS vpros to ttho ev"tor IA** thoreot"p TsrssQt t worth s2on tho 0o8t# r ISO* of sold survey to the North A t o* thoro t t TH YPN i s * w oott *lone the or I II$* of s wi d fvrr+re► to tbo t+ a rltia►+tt est oorrmor t ►rrsof t '3 RUC1i s t t#.ttt 33d rrrtr&* o l sate ate twltstc tin* of Il &A d survey to t bo ititbweat oorrn rr thur oot t Ism 't'`45,,4A, ,too* alms, itk* smth lilm of **44 tarvoy "0 voras to t" lsrertt of AstsaAra4c. ;felon of **14 lasd s tittiag lets losatton etas rrsspsr►itt to tta• "To of loutblydr:o* `rssos* to otlt"bod h*ro to trax%" SX420 V 100. Op ?NAT# the property owners asroinarobov* 4oiroribod bets' +eadjaciont &ntd oo>« 614prtawrs to the Tov `Limit* of'' Soutl lake,F 'i<osa me bs one to t~rarlrobwr or rosod and udbt witbAL" the Corporate Linits sf sand Town and is PF berob**A* on Integral art thereof. PF "b'b l`, th* owners tvn4 i6e umbitants of +th* orr*0 rolls &Massd be entitled to stl of t rights and t%ri vIl,ogto of otb*rr otalanus and t►" rty ow"re of al &14 Toast wr bo bound *I 1 of tier o aarft and ordilrftenooo Vi* to oonlora4>irty thereto, now to :roll oreo . aid sffwai end that w ob a y be horraoa f for *tdoptatt. TH/tY, Vw oftiolml sap rad brru mr1os of t Town of ll`~ouC4*V,** Toxars, as 4orrotorw orrw ipdopt od uno. arasasndod, be and laa li oroby amon4od so as to Include ttxa of"+armoon tt,o tor"tory *6 port of the Town of s~ultolaicsr 'rtaMxsre. P" r T alt, ordin*ass tt4a11 bo+rrome Wootl.w* *ad bo in tkill for** ~ sW o!lttot, iron area a ftor Its passago and avw* ►al by the ayor 606 *ad duty attost#4 by ti%o Town *or*tarry, i ra AT 98 1 p rr i ~i i • J C~, 7 " 3 ~ E ! 3$AC ~M 4 R f f I ~ a i l t* Mt t PICUT" tit . 100 A019"1010 SAMS't' A A.CINT AND TO s T i WMM06"160 TUASs PROMO O AT 0 *U &A ALL A XAWTWM IMMOV SULL 819 2#121"* TO ALL TO* PjkIvIt tt OT13tr CITIt t Of SAID TOW** AS$ 81 000" INI TU°'S A>= AND OVAIN.t ' NOW IN tft AND T' LM MIMM t ISI t MMtb MOVID114 sH B",# parounot to Uaa Provisions of t :sts of 193. 53rd lsct,sUturo f P 357,0 rtor 99# 0#41 *04 nn Salo 97, R*VI 4 Ctrt1 stototes of Toxase mgr N. dor"W" 044 wite L*ssa P. sermon„ or Tarrant tMMtf* I`asas# *%nors of t ho irael propo"y beroluaftsar dss.• *ribrd,, Iltavri.alt tsada appltetstton as by for pr vUod to tbte parr Board of ""xdamon of tbo Ton of b"caftla"'y Tlexa e a tra,** of Ia44 oo.nst tt"g of 115 "r*s# sera or los4» trit****t to ter r... .A, froomm $u r y o Torras►t rJo my * Toxoa # mora fully dtsori by viotos d b4mws sit tollo# 83GINS190 at t foa tbaost *ortMrr of o sold A, #h. rroomm 1-901 1 T491Cts forth *&*as tho West ti of lit =pry Y vpr,-*M T i t, test to a Iii +r parallel to the bow limo of t sold THISCIAt tb 31 verse aloft Soot tine of *044 Survey to t PO I" "sir 04M tb"s,t steer thoroorl TuxxQx # ,opt to a 1to.r rat to& to too *,oask t lsm or sstd Survey JL" rarva l Qd„ South In a Itmo parallel to t heir It** of said mss" I" worst fie tbo t ttb 1t." t reof$ TUVW , West rXot the hot, LI O at sa$A varvoy varss to tba )nose of b+rdttsmAmg* A V10 of mis" land sb tsd its le"ttsat wttk 00"t to the Town of 04mtblske9 T#aosa 10 at#**%" %orote sstVftvd M` ' GAO. wr ~s t p roporty at*mor* tw "ltoobo a die"ribod bottle a+tjo*ont and art aola►o to tkw Tmot Limits of So"44oko• *T*x"# " 210lrObS P sarmos" and mkt wiftin tho Corpormto Lisits of **U Iowa s is bor go" on Into +aI port thar*sf. 7UxTq the owa*rs *ad i} w.bitento air t or** herein onmes 4 D ~ omitted, to all of tRo rt4fttn and atrivilo ►s at otb*r oltiseas a :t Vertf or o of Ilrld Town rid bo bound %W all of for a*** ! U ordil"oss ww4a, to ooraterwity t ►roto, r In full torwroe *ad sff*et I nd tht,t wtdoh awf bboveriftor ad* ord. 3. T x* Ito of W&I Nap and bou"do ias of than Town of +lMfdF'1t llakoa T** **o 'ols horotofo ro * od and o on4o&,r be amA to boreby owood*d ro on to inoledo t h* mro rsraa ioa#4 tolrritorf as part of tho, Taws, air ~ TAV-4s o r4inanoo *holl "oo offrsttwo and be #a full f+ ree alp! •fx'osts frow *n4 aftsr Ito p+asas ego * arpro by t olor and ~ duly ott*stod by th* o rotasp. ~ AWS"Te MAY" a rr M i 1 t,,; k N II$JJ 5§ i ° 20q-4 - A 31 R i r i rb 8r,t.s i b S.ac, I spa' 2-e004kAS "i3 air A* ORDIdA S 94UVI. i'td ANNAUNG T101Tttdt At►Jta GM" 0 0t aSTt Ws TO T HS 101JO *WrAL"S, PART uY SAIri Tv A AAU TUAT TQradtXS atA0 lN- FAIMU Of :a"I',ULit C1TIASKS Of 049 Tolig, MNLI A dtlt lit T44 ACTS -kVU c ' .tAt* SOW 114 19tFIXT TO U d SI -FTC AID XI #W[X'3 MoYirlu.NG ,t Ax"" AS D C i = kA3' I Tug Opr2cA, WI L l S 61 AD TOWU At fir Af.T0r01tX ADOTTIM Aid ANSUM, AND UMMJL", pu rasatatt to tuo rr*vlolortts of tt" A*** of 1953. 33r4i Logtslaturof Pogo 3570 a lttor 93, codiflot as ri~rttitll,at 1711-0. to rlood 01Til st t uttoo of To***, 3oor g* $*Na ow sad W o, ids 1. Homer", at Torrent County, Tomas, *veer* of the rot&i otopertt' berroinoftor **a- atribod, having mod* appilooti on as bit for pr l,dod to tbo mayor and t a ;rd of -3Aarm" of tw Town of Soutblokow Toartrt: g s tr+aot of lard 000slatlad of swr• or too** situotod to tbo . li, rostor 004 T. At. S+arast -_%Wv y s* Tarrant County* Tomas, nor* fully doaorrlb4A 47 Not** *ad "us" as tolUwas 1&441Nx1 at a Pointe $mso bolas MO Sarthmostt stir of tow W, R. saves, ourvoy sad the "Utboofst sor"r of $be be J. t°sstsrrAurr"y t TIt[' 116x6, X4Wtjj olon Mw 'NFi►a* ties of t IA. J. Fitter Sur~rof 356 nrrras to o Vote* tour' A*RIWri TtltSS099 Most In a %in* ttrotrltllol to tttw South Brno of tbo saki yt+urtltorr borrwX to tir otbootot oornor of a 64 stlrrs *root as dooorlb d ♦o T* IUVW *009 ftse . Am* hooordtr, 'tta srssttt G*unty, Toxas, no.* V *V" from tbo soo* llao et tab* a. j . 10804r apt 1 'TA" cog Nortb 01004 ttho West L"M of the oald 00 trout JV4.0 varroo to t1w ttor^tbwat *#roarr tborsot; TACs 4; Xast alotkt tbo Worth !,lotto of the sold + sorry trout 570.2 war** for its Sorftosot o9 r to tt4w $*at line of the be Jo # oot*rr boy t 71111 "A sooth old the test !lure, of the sold d. . jroot*r ur vvoy ► ♦s#rart to Atbo tratftwtt of 90roor of ttho Said to aero trwat and o&ettimift Souta aloft tbo' oalnd Root hart 3S6 Vora* to taro '.4su tt rt rttr of Wv'y lino of F. 64. Road "60170$1 IMX*cs, Woot slow tart "Oath rrld t of way hers of sold Y. ~a. Moad go. 1711~t to s patatrt +rirrrrnt solr#t tWM" to Toro or 1a40 a *mttrrrsrrtt►rr lr' dirratotiori, *Ad t!t i,lllt ing att+ t ho asl4 ' rttb riext of way 114,40 of aai tram to that W*** slim of the ` 1 4CId, iltt oR o #pta~ oat line alit l be NOAA WO it., low** durVWF t*V tbo VI"O of beginning. A pint Of O&M 1444 *hawing it* loo*ti#n Wilk roe#prO t to the Iowa at ~r So mtbl*ko„ Ito X*A. to ettao kod twrot* rbod 'et: I lT a,**. opsrty ou oure I%*'-OIftftpbowe 4000111bod being adjaeont and ~tlwoms is tote To l'imito )f Out loekot Tax",, jsnrr I ar bw t d A"d berougb t wi tbin th* ~'Ort7O r AtO Lioott* of suld `ogre *nd to boroby **4* an integral port tjj*F#Or, TUT,, the owso lro sad Inb*b1to nts of tb* *r*ot« bor*lo mooed b Ontitlod to ali the rASbto sod prit logo o of otbar *&*lo on s e or*~,*rty *wenerr of sold Town o" be boa by *ILIL of the *at* sod ordloso wtoo mo 4o law oar fiwrte4ty t or*ta, now in full far a r off°ooft Moth tea t 100 &my i rtoartor Adopted. 3. Tit T9 ft o ot►f fsolol a!aR Dolt b+l►%nderloo of tba Tom of Mw e Tioxor, 0e bot"otot or* odo#t ed, and M00*4"I be oowd to 1prorby 0000404 0o e as to Inela" the aftrooeoettloned territory its part of *ho Town of data orothloria*, T ex&*. 14. ardlno"d oboll boewm* ottoosltivs o b*In fall forme IF and of f eoafio ft en a" after 1!o voraro o o" *pW*V" by W* Payer a" t, daly 4tterltod by t To 5*6 r+t tery e V 7!7; MOMMY t r.w. m "PIP _ 4 0 ,1 Vies . w v 1 ~Al V. 2®9g-P59 ~ 404c- I" Sfsows m t EAVES SURVEY i I T 5CA L6 : 1 4411; " `ate Of._t F. ii~$e~l~ • ~s~sAJ~3 i COMM so" so* 34" u"* saaft ti's IM MTV # 10 GOOM JMU& Nor 3 In "Va or sa t at ISXAS* A U w A" of of `t' TOWX 8 VISLAS s IS# 'D'~"~` Apbttr ~ i ~ 1!'#~p!l~i~ try St~tar to beav ' ommas t I* that Teve rat tw#ttte le ~ it t;. at r votat to tb* nor" V40* ot low AIM et state tll &y 00 M on* + rt W*st rimat off` + t Mtn` qty X60 3w sAtvat" tm twilps of j o . "tom SaNvoys 't's"Ost 00mlty p Ism So t " 9# S69th &&046 ttse WOO* r# t of WMW It Of wt w 4404 . to aw s tb viom pest' mw 410 emw 1 of qty Aww "g eve" saJ4 road to till t right of vay lbw t v"ts M# soomth 440 Um Xast rAAt of way luw is tie Aor" !Lebt st"' ray &A** at sttat* a** S ov"xt Ord ro" • 2049 to tai W*ot arot *t way Uao t roor o the s of booACi e it b*V*I &0008" MA W*4#$kt W**W^ the eosvov*t* luAts 04 0"0 00 s stew r*4 part the Tova of s st"# trr Mot t 'fit ettts"s w om tit ~M-AAWS" of tto 'm Of e* e# s"o t ilevomottom" VW4 as pert of 04" Tama. TUATO tbso 044ske erg a is bee ie +wfro etswo im*w A" for it* ~0440 0" **p rwp" 1w Vie`o t 44*0a4 ow the "Vem 86WOU Y W M04 f0V roe*" to that OMMW of the County Glork of TarrMt County* UNK". OWN vp t t s7Ca,7 r7 ;Z ~ ~ HRS C~ ~ t. 3 ,F~.RWi 5 ~ n S ~,c ! Y ~ti._.~..~._ i ~ ~ ~ ~ \ T w:ult~w`~'~ j I ,~J . ~ ~ Q ' _ ~ ~c ~ ~~.K E tx ~ _ _ jg c~® y1,~Ci1. ` ~ ~ t J. Yid. ~ - S'Itt°.S. fX ~S _ U°' ~ 'i ~ _ rJtw r Elr.' AK E R I ~lEC:7 $ J. f3~~.f' d9N ~ ~ - e~s~w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ c y ~ ~ li 1 ~i Ea L ~ N ~ ~ Z ~ & comas I 1 i ..y ~ ec ~ I ' ~ - - aS + ~ ~ ~ ~ _ D 8 H ~ t-iRS. OF ~ j . z ~ • ) ~ ~ ~ ~ q• ~ MEel2w ~ N AA WtSG D ~ ~ q. dd K PA~C7TtiJ ~ _ r ~ ara' . 3c~; - _ ~ DLtiNE I 3012 WAA r~,x_ . I4 ~~~p -~.G- . ` bY.E SSE lL;, J. J. T. ~ i i. d F` S~ \,'Gr ro'*r~ J'' ' ~'a ~ E. tia RC_ A J N O1!VENS _ .L-- Clti ®AtEtEY ~ Cti r QlL~tidllW HRS OAF y.. - 1 C3.'F~` T EAS~f~Ep , 6'OST~r~ ~ IDUNN CC ~ HC C) ~}CPdICsh,'T ~ ;r~ 1 NUDE I HDDE N D,~) + D1Yi~~. 4 ` J W- ! a i~ W ~ ' D tl Fi 6 9 e9- WAIL I ~D~; ~ ~ jD00~EV _ INVUCviHS Q it C.a ~ ~ p~;v'EMS I V a,~, ~ ~ 1-- ~ ~:;~-u' _o ill d ~ ~ r' (~DSUwIS+a~~ ~ ~n I ~`Q ","*e ~ Y ~~i~d~v .4 as,::~Nl ~ i ~ ~YRfJ Vv~^~! + I I~mdY YA d i ~v`0 ~ ~ i ~"'i ~ I '~RU ~,ITON r ~ ~ ~ W I ~y~'~.,; ~ ~ i'~ o ~ h~RS.ov' I ~jdCl6~Ri) ~A4 KIwNf_\ ~ - PJ I - <a° - d ~SNfDNEiI~? 5YEDW1: n ~ `iJILL~Ahr75 'T ff ~ _ a e. n ova ~ ~ ~ ~ r4wi, ~ s a~, ~ _ i IAU OUNiCE I= i ,f,. I tY ~ r>~ti,\(\I 4013 'C~.'rE ~ ^t~, tom. riOQu ~~d.stiRV I '~~.'ticiS cq~,BUGNt r .1 R$ J _ ~ _ { u~ u r E ~ ,J ~ ...C3$Y' I r~ O' ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ .~1 , .__.i j-.,z~ ~'li#Jr;a. a.: -....c....i- ' _ ~ A ; - 1 ~ ~ t t ; , i 4 s - ~ ~~tc~~~3r~stu ~ ~►a a E CLAN 0 aJ 1 ~E.Lc_• _:r9:~,Z-cs,'t F~i;r;' ER S _ ~ r3Yd:a + B i_ _ - - H6 ~JV.i..,UYCE ~ JWh'1%idESl 1 a ~ it Z r~ l Y - -r a 1-s,' ! .i y. L~y~ ~ J A 5 C A'1" ~ ~ ATE + p r, ~ ~S~LSKRL ~ ~ s ~ t .~-C .-r I r ~ O j C5 ~ Ih ' a ~ Qy ~ '.C: A~r,r ~ W Y Ci Go. ~ @+fiYY(7+V ~ ~ I ; ~ ~ r~-z~zs et-- - ~ a j 'J Y ~ ~ PA ; Y~l Y Et ~ ~ I _ aa.~- ~ i ~ . ~ ~ ( Its ~ - ~ w ~ 1 ' p ~ A ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R.R.Go. 10OP1f Y ~ S ~ I ~ } ` ~ ( r4 q~~ I _ J R DU S ~ ;,1 ~ ~ ~ t9tn:1(rtil}~? ' r j ~ ~i l~ . I ~ \ ) .T_~uu_ +..a ~.i J J:an.C_ rus , ~ ~7".,A ~ ~ I✓7~j ~3' 1I v1 ~~f1 ~ 8 I iE r' ~ IRaINA' I I ' l ~ -`-_-ti , T`~U3 , ~ w iAY.'aiNtTfKtl ~ K 1 l U `175 Y L JC3 ~ U ~ ~ v y ~ 5 Y.J. tom, ~ ~C~3~.~i:`ti I L>6• j E n ~ ~Y ~ --L'~ fiuaGOON } eJ, J .d Q D- ~3 - ~ ~s ~ Y(EtE~"~6~s, ~ S3.tl I ~ ~ ~ 3 It_LLioT'i'V~ t-'( ~ ~ ~ tW.~R,Y W,y~ >r6N + ~ ~,q rC~0,NKC.A1 j~ICE ~'I 1 D- ~ (j EVFRARD I r ~ - I Tz \R ~tEY ~►s7tAla ~ an ~ 1 ~ f ~ t~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ - _ . ~.s>~s l~ ~ ( Z ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ d 4 R ~I~a. y LtiJi~9~ V ~ ~ ~ > N ~ ~ W~ RriWOENBUgG ~ ,,;•6r ~ I I ~ C: t.~Aatf.A+~,~GS ~ o v ~ \ MAGUS ~ • ; ry + i T i PY RILE _ ~ ~q I CGI ~~7;vvdv 3 i''~ ry 4 ^ - Sc~;'.~`c~c.+ ~i _ ~ W Y a I ! y ~ F-~ xl 1. ~ J ~ .`7 ~ g \ ~ .Q l ~/1 Gt PJ k S3 d i ~ 0 '~EE~v I i;d~tybCe t~~, ~ ~ c+ ~ TFic A$ ° M '\yj l .SfJ ( 3olCG+ per. ~ rU 0 ' 1Hl.U ~ uV YV. i s+.Y I ~ Y ~ \ ,..I r •r`~~' ~ , _ Tei~T. ~ rJ!T'Pd ~ Gd~~H ! ~ 7 G4R Y' _)a5~a.l'1 A aF• I7Y J H~Ji ~.~r~. ~ _ ,I ~ ~ C~ • ~lttc,€~aE J.~ ~ J.~ ~ ~~s~.N;rl ~ +d ~ 1, + ~ ~~~~~~'1 ~'l.- . ~ 3N4CG}~s'~! Y ~ ~ i f ~ O sY ~ 1'P`E4 W/ ~ \ 1 . l ~ ~ f ire ~ ~ i ~D'~(y-~;?e~' G ~ ' ~ BG. ~Ds? tYa~ - ~11~c(.(i. W6Q~' CG. 1CN ~ r v~~~~rr-> ,i*1 t~n.' ! W9?B7 ( - ~ ai _ at7 r ~ j Cv.P~el J val t ~ ~ -~c- + A C z ~ S.trct.Orawvl.~4Y ~ - ~ Y ~ vista r~~s~ ~ , . _ _ -zt~- ~ ~ k ~,W ~.t; a E`>S"t'9lB:b„' CH ~04E5~'" ~ J ~ ,~rrt~ ~ ~ .cr NIS.~af~`N ~ y~*pM ~ x 1 ra r a _ ~ , (Y~ ~ ~ i t l _ -^~i _ ~ K!tw,~! 'iCi f> 9 ~ :(~.'f ~ ~foa:la ir-:F: aC-.,rS'~W... '~a.L 1~.~