1956-11-12 CrLL T k'TING - Nov. 12, 1956 TON COU ~CIL OF T111 TOT T1 OF SOU TI4L `KF, T? ;nS Pursuant to call of the lileyor and to notice given to all members of the Town Council, stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting, a Called Meeting of the Toiirri Council, Southlake, Texas, -ras held P'ondat-, Nove -mber 12, 1956, at 8 p.m., at the Carroll School. Following, members were present, constituting a. quorum: T" ayor A. Gail T ubenks a Aldermen: ~ C. Cummings R. G. Lyford C. ik=. Gordon John T . uinn Lee Yantis I eyor Eubanks called the meetin7 to order. The Ki.nutes of the previous meeting were a.nproved as read. There were no bills, I" letters, or other conmunications to be discussed. 4W The I"ayor stated that among; other business to be considered was adopting the "Granevine Suez" as the official nubli cation of the sown of Southlake, Texas. Akn ordJ.Y1.j.ncc entitled "..II I.~~ILL.i li?CE 'VDU `,'ING THE *GF~.!~ i Tl:~ U~1* ~ l..: OF F'Ti~I1}I F'UFLICn~'IO?q OF THE TO'a°iv OF ;..U a'I L`!LK1,, was introduced and read in full. On. motion of R. G. Lyford, seconde(= by J. F. uinn, said ordinance was passed unanimously anda~donted. (O " 1{CF; Flo.2) 4W _ Fi.lll~vr „ The I{ayor stated that the next business to be considered was the annexation of the A. G. uba,_nks pronerty. An ordinance entitled 46 "AN ORDI Tr v(Gr ui,Ci IvI ?G A- x d j ' I',`G T RF:ITOF~Y L?J__C' T xa~vI) CON- TIGU7OUiT~To THT' TO N OF , `OUT11,.a~1 ':T i i E r. P _Ot~TI I°T~ s11JU ART A l`I J.JCOI'~_n 1E4. .r'rl •.T OF t SAID iL r'11~,i' .~.f TS..) T.f-'~:T 1L?t'l.1 tl-:j j_,SL~.J nj,T TA 'h D INNBIT .r ANTS Tl FTOF S ALI T , BE TITL' TO ALI, HT1 ~RITTI? G'1_1 OF OT 'F'R CITI1' 'i, S Oi~~ S1111) TCY11~' , ` "D B . ?Oi?. T BTr' T~TT ACTS AND, ".I.DII. ``CTS 1tOT, 1€;f FF..(~T ? ;`D TO B~; F7, Fy4 T T`iFTT' 1?ADOI F'U'~lF zFi T~.OtTI1 Ii4^ FOR r "IN G r iIT~ COI 11 'C`'I ECG ~1FFICI:-kI, BU ' (3 Os~' ~~L I7i., TYOt.$rTTr ~7~5 tTT' '11C' I~ rti-Z T«PTT .1 ~ A fls~ A .h_:. ._.'T hr r r+-~'v RJl ~TI 1 _ V~Y.. ..~..i. t1.. 1l l. i ,,1 i !.A PI G N-~l i' 'N T:F L'irt~ IY: .i~tT' t1 has introduced. On motion of R. G. Lyford., seconded by C. p ClummingsA said ordinance was passed unanimously and ad.onted. (ORLI N ANCE No. 3) Ordinance iaumber four , entitled "AN i; I°t ^ I'Cr`: GRI ~~TI',~G TO TF'.X~iS i't r FL l f; I.,ICrIT CO ' Y, ITS aUCC SSOFS r ASSIGNS t tl k Id T-L_ CTRIC , LIGHT, HI.K,'.T A`,J13 P O k ; F: F' F +St a.~ ~ iCt' iST'rr we. S ii'zt1'oQ~'t..GPd and read in full The i,eyor asked for discussion regarding this Franchise. 1{1r. fir. S. s, District i"anarver of Texas Power a..nd Li,'ht Company, Irving, Texas, expla inFd the various conditions of this Frenchise (See it- i l C a RI''s 0 s' t ZA t1`i'f : S OF C. ALL T I r 0 F TI' `l TO` I~ C OUT.„C IL OF Tl , TOI:W OF SOUTHL,~K TEXAS attached. hereto - n epared by the Texas Poorer and Lirrht Company). This Ordinance as pro osed to be effective for a period of fifty years, ef.'fective 'Novem~er 1, 1956. On motion of W. Lee, Ya ntis, seconded by rt, E%. Gummings, this ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDSTJUbCF Pao. 4) The next ordinance, entitled ".AN OR .I Nl" NCL PP IOVI']G CIE= .THIN RnTF CT ~:F;UL''S r'IL=f 3' T {V'.?tS POT L'R r.T.r1 LIGr"I' CUTT'j ;;Y 114 TH I'G''1j GT ;OUii]I~'.K T' tt,°_~, IL L ? z;0VIT-TG CONDITIO: s; li 'Il DT ? ; r'ICH SUCH Rt'.Tr'. CFH7IiULI:.S I=_ Y 31 Cr:, ita L, 1 0I~I~N 1 , Ai a vD. I~ 0IR "ITHD~ A . 4 was v+~ introduced. The Mayor called for discussion. On motion of C. M. Gordon, seconded by Lee Yantis, said ordinance was p ssed unanimously end adopted. (ORDI^i ' ACE No. 5) Tike I• ayor called for the Secreta2:7,-Treasurer's renort. Ilo r e-curt. ' He also called for the ToTvrn I,"arshall's report. Ito report, ' Under new business, Tr. R. G. Lyford esked if the Toi~m of Southlake should solicit a te1 en?-_one franc;^i se. TT F Attorney, George P. Gleeson, said that 1 r Would notify the :,out'hwestern :states TFleohone Comnany, Broitimwood, Texas, in this rep-ard. He stated that Mr. `'illiam P. Fslinger, Irving, Texas, is the D7 _strict, T'a,na._mFr of ^,outh~-.=e stern States Trl(:-ohone Co -pany. The Mayor announced that NTr. Bill Yancey of GranFvine, Texas, has offered his Veult for the storage of pa-Ders for the Tarn of Southl_ake. The I1< yor su7 ested that a letter be fnrritten thanking the Texas Pourer and Light Corr any for their interest and their valuable assistance in our behalf. No furt1 er business comingbefore the meeting, it was moved by PL. G. Lyford that themeeting be adjourned, seconded by C. I.T. Cordon. f~ eeting ac journed. t~ GC . ~ ..olores l uinn, Secretor -TrFasurPr a Approved, r . Gr it ~ulRnks, P~ayor op ~r p ■ • EXCERPT OF MINUTES OF CALLED MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS b~ Pursuant to call of the Mayor and to notice duly given to all members of the Town Council, stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting, a Called Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Southlake, Texas, was held Monday, November 12, 1956s at 8 p.m., at their regular meeting place. The following members were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor A. Gail Eubanks Aldermen: W. C. Cummings R. G. Lyford C. XL. Gordon John E. Quinn W. Lee Yantis Dolores A. Quinn, Secretary, acted as secretary of the meeting. Mayor Eubanks presided over the meeting and stated that anwng other business to be considered was the granting of a franchise to Texas Power & Light Company. Thereupon an ordinance entitled, "AIN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AN ELECTRIC LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER FRANCHISE", was introduced and read fl:ll, and on motion of Alderman W. Lee Yantis, and seconded by Alderman W E. Cummings, said ordinance was finally passed and adopted, the vote thereon being ~animous in favor of said ordinance. Mayor Eubanks signed and approved said ordinance and it was ordered that the same be recorded and the same is recorded in words and figures as follows: ORDINANCE No. 4 "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AN ELECTRIC LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER FRANCHISE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SQUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1: That there is hereby granted to Texas Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns (herein called the Grantee"), the right, privilege and franchise until November 1, 2006, to construct, maintain and operate in the present and future streets, alleys, and public places of the Town of Southlake, Texas, and its successors, electric light and power lines, with all necessary or desirable appurtenances (including underground conduits, poles, wires, trans- mission 13.nes and other structures and telephone wires for its own use), for the purpose of supplying electricity to the said Town, the inhabitants thereof, and persons and corporations beyond the limits thereof, for light, heat, power and other purposes. Section 2: Poles, structures and other appurtenances shall be so erected and maintained as not tD interfere unreasonably with traffic over streets and alleys. The location of all poles, conduits and.other structures shall be fixed under the supervision of the street and alley connittee of the Town of Southlake, or the successors to the duties of that committee, but not so as to interfere unreasonably with the proper operation of said lines. Section 3: The service furnished hereunder to said Town and its inhabit- tants shall be first class in all respects considering all circumstances, and shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Grantee many make from time to time. The Grantee may require reasonable security for the payment of its bills. Section 4: The Grantee shall hold the Town harmless from all expense or liability for any act or neglect of the Grantee hereunder. Section 5: That on acceptance of this franchise by Texas Power & Light Company, it shall pV to the Town of Southlake, the sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY ($250.00) DOLLARS as street rental for twelve (12) months succeeding November 1, 1956, and on November 1, 1957, and annually thereafter on November 1 of each succeeding year for the life of this franchise, Texas Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the Town of Southlake a sum equal to two per cent (2%) of its gross revenue received from the sale of electric energy by said CoVany from its residential and commercial business conducted within the corporate limits of said Town for the preceding twelve months ending August 31, in full payment for the privilege of using and occupying the streets, highways, easements, alleys, parks, and other public places in the Town of South- lake, whether as rental, supervision and inspection charges, or otherwise, for twelve months succeeding November lot of year in which pWment is made. This paymentaball be in lieu of arr other tax or increased rate of tax or other imposition, assessment, or charges, except ad valorem taxes. Section 6: The Grantee shall file its written acceptance of this fran- chise within sixty (60) days after its passage and approval. Section 7: This franchise is not exclusive, and nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to prevent the Town from granting other like or similar rights and privileges to any other person, firm or corporation. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12 day of November, 1956. (Signed) A. Gail Eubanks ATTEST: Mayor (Signed) Dolores A. Quinn Town ecre (SEAT,) a No further business coming before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned. Town Secretary, o the o Southlake, Texas (TOWN SF) /d ORDIMARCR NO. 2 AN ORDINAR'CR ADOPTING THE *G1kAPRVM_ g2"9 AS TSR OFFICIAL PUtALXCA.TXON OF TRR TtlMR OF BOUTHLAICS, TsXAS BE IT ORDAXWED BY "tTIHZ BOARD OF ALDXPM= OF T"HR TOWN OF SOUZ`HLAXR. T MS t Z. Svc THAT OGRAPMWZ *WON, a weekly newspaper published by Mrs. X. X. Keeling, Grapevine, Tea&*, be mod is boreby doolarod to be the official publication ter the Town of Southlako, Taxes, for the publication of legal and other notices, ordinances, rules and rogVlations promulgated and adopted by the board of Aldornon of the own of Southlake. Texas. II. T11I3 ordinance shall booowe effective and be in full force and effoot upon its adoption. ADOrM this 12th day of Newombor, A. D. 1956, A~'pR OVSI t MAYOR ATTERTt TOWN SRCFWARY Southlake, Texas SPECIAL l P;TI dG OF THE BOARD - T O1~DAY, PTov. 111 1956 Va RYOx~ PR'SENT PLFn,3t,, PUT DAMES ON THIS LIST 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15 16. 17. 1&. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Wk 27. 28. 29. . son 01191N."Ca 90* ,rUIF 1 4A44t S Aft AOSXM TMXT MIJ ,r M "I ~ ""T SUM MU M" OM A PART Of SAID Tort ASS TuT Tsai WSMS AX1 XUMW1!'AW& T1111 MW SMALA* 1113 11 TM= " ALL. T1 tai UP VMIk i T1tSRS Of to TU , ADD 19 11`;: W TUS AM A QttltitA U SOW 1t X"XCT llth TO ANX I AND C*SM `Ut T af1`1+ CAL UMNb IM Of -AID T t AS S OPMA9OtT At A DIWo ~.XA4* g t to tba *VioimW or tit •ato at 111336 33rd tlrta nr, Page W o *bW%+rW 93. tftet ra Artists tom, R'4W " GIVU $tto*"" of "INIM"t A* Oe sm* *at wife j"o fM""s. o+rlaautra of fobe, tro" go overty br"itaratttor + eribed h av* MWi 'apt►1iaa•• "on as by law VMVI"d $0 the Moir UK 800 of A14 I Ir Me M at *be Tom of ►attul"o. TO*&*. ra woo'k OWWirtioar to a* TOitts of "t"610. ?*SO*. of the SovM1e part of a fifty (50) *we ttr+aot Of Is" as to folly fto ertb" in a 00"Wel Weaveaatp flaod 4atod POVV WY 1*• 19500 wlberotw W. J. Austin saw wtfo,, Swo1e , A0641#16 fire wt*" a potitlemors he'"In are rtwt~ta aa~►d 4s~ed. boil d . "0sa Toibso ds'o ~ ;gym me" Asia "O' ft"Mat O+sittiltt • To 6s* 40e+eWIWO by Imikoi and ban a►i fellers, to-wltt s SUMUM 'st a gate 1329*9 too* mat and 700 to** South of hate Wort1woot iormar of the 4. M. aftlebt SWrW*1►, to Tor o"t Mmaty. Toaaai i+eid point bolas tba 800th &Md best a+r N*r Of tb+li TOWS of GoUtUako. 168040 in "a 0044 0. W. K iam owmoyt • X1144* fkmttb 412 font Nor* or loss to the SoutWmat 40 00MOS ♦f t"Wt of 1400 d"Wkbad In tbo above siontloned 6400;"a1 wormaty da+etl TUSU • motet It".3 tawt arlsof tho tb 1t" of said + treat to tho Southeast ooro or ttboreet; Werth 1 toots 00ro or 1"N aim $be Ress bNt f 11" or a►aid West tplt a pat.at wbrati► Imago iettorooeti uto preaotert loath bsaardttry Jim of the Town of SouthIsi oa. Texas. as to staAwn 00 *IW 1 ar "Verotion wsg of sold Town* wtAch point hers ytt' foot loatttt f"m t" oonter lino of c4tintp r rs"*tt 301c.. ato is no" ifit t - 4ommooit known as *to 411W f1~r Wviaro Road; "t f11d, test in a tine par01101 to the 640" twu ry ilan► of sold trait to ttw Pao" at beginning. 49 A plot of avid kart gbowi ng its lolation with irollyest to tote fawn of d+rmtht,s". Texas. 16 atti"I ed ltror+eta +rNaskOd bl RMIT *A* ataNd / a? M Y ' ORDINANCE NO. It AM ORDINANCE GRANTING TO TEXAS POWSR i LIGHT COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. AN SLECT'RIC LIGHT. BEAT AND POWER rRANCNISE. B$ IT ORDAINISD BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF Tilt TOUN OF SOUTELLAKE. TICXAS: s SECTION It That there is hereby granted to Texas Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns (herein called the *Grootee$)* the right, privilege and franchise until November 1. IS.O.(,2006. to construct. maintain and operate in the present and future streets, alleys and public places of the Town of Southloke. Texas. and its successors, electric light and power lines, with all necessary or desirable appurtenances (including underground conduits. Poles, wires, transmission lines and other struvturr4 and telephone wires for its own use), for the purpose of supplying elsotricity to the said 's'own, the inhabitants thereof, and persons end corporations beyond the limits thereof, for light, heats, power and other purposes. SECTION 2s Poles. structures and other appurtenances shall be so oreotad and maintained as not t4 interfere unreasonable with traffic over streets and alleys. The location of ail poles, con- duits and other structures shall be fix" under the supervision of the street and alley committee of the Town of Southiake, or the 4 successors to the duties of that committee, but not so as to inter- fare unreasonable with the proper operation of said lines. SECTION 3! The service furnished hereunder to said Town and its inhabitants shall~be first class in all respects considering all circumstances* and shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Grantee way make from time to tiers. The Grantee may require reasonable sec+}rity for the payment of its bins. S$C'oN 4s The Grantee shall hold the Town harmless from all expense or liability for any act or neglect of the Grantee hereunder. I, SECTION Ss That on acceptance of this franchise by Texas Power d Light Company& it shah pay to the Town of Southiskes the sun of TWO iWNDRSD !INTY ($250.00) DOLLARS as street rental for twelve (12) months succesding November 1. 1956, and November 1, " 19570 and annually thereaft on November l of each succeeding A year for the life of this f anchise. Texas Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns. shall pay to the Town of Southloke a sure equal to two per cent ( ) of its gross revenue received from lot the sale of electric energy y said Company from its residential li y V II / c~ cn c: 7 ~ c x ' 'x ~ v! i AA ~l ~I L o H w I. U 's I ' O U I ~ :n I< 1 t ~S R STATS OF TRXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT ~ r 4 ~Town Secretary of the Town of Southlake, Texas, duly qualified, do hereby eortily that the attached and foregoing copy of erdinonoe entitled, "AS ORDIVANCR GRANTING TO TBXAS POWSP A LIGHT COMPANY, ITS SUCCZSSORS AND ASSIGNS. AN ILLECTRIC LIQW, HEAT AND P042R FRAU- CRIS=", was passed and approved at a Called Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Soutblake on the 12 day of Novenbor, 1936. HIVES UNDER MY BARS? AND SEAL of the Town of Southlako, Texas, this the day of xevomber. 1936. Town Secretary', Town Of Southlake. Taxes. (SEAL) 3 ZOO r=-er-c e o - u is an asw oe Regulations# and the approval of same by the Town Councils in the •narr *r berein provided, *ball constitute notice to the consuurers of oloctrioityl within the Towns of the availability and application of such state Schedules and Service Regulations. s i ORDINASCR NO. ~ An Ordinance approving certain Nato Schodules filed by Texas Power & Light Company in the Town of. Southlake Texas,, and providing conditions under which such Rate Schedules may be *hangeds modifiod.s amended or witbdrawns BE IT ORDAINED SY THE TOWN COVXCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHx.AKR O T AS s SZCTION 1s That Texas Power & Light Company# having filed on the 12 day of Novembers 1936# its Rato Sook Yo. C-36-12s containing a sot of electric Flats Schedules and the Service ' Regulations referred to thesreins with the Tewn Seeretarya the same are hereby approved as the Schedules of Ratoounder which said Company is authorized to collect obarges from its customers ' for the sale of electric poser and energywithin the corporate limits of the Town until such time as said Rate debodules and Service Regulations may be changods modifiedf anondcd` or with- r drawag as provided in the next succeeding Section heroofs SECTIOR 2s Should Texas Power & Light Company, its successors or ass:gnss desire to put in effect within the Town a new Rate Sehodule or new Service Regulations or to change any ~oxisting late Schedule or Service Regulation# or to withdraw the samos it shall file with the Town Secretary such now of changed Rate Schedules and Service Regulations or notice of withdrawal of any existing Rate Schedule or Service Regulations and unless the Town suspend or disapprove the saw within thirty (34) days from the tiara of such filing or notice of withdrawals the new or changed Rate Schedule or Service Regulation or withdrawal of an existing Mate Schedule of Service Regulation shall be in effect from date of filings and thereafter until +ahongods as herein provided. 14 SSCT10h 9s It shall be unlawful for Texas sower d Light Company to charge any Rate or put into effect any Sirvies Regula- tion not fixed or approved by the Tower Councils in the manner herein provided. SECTION 41 The filing of tho Rate Schedules and Service Regulations and the approval of same by the Town Councils in the manner herein providodg shall constitute notice to the consumers of electricity# within the Towns of the availability and application of such Rate Schedules and Service Regulations. F SECTION 51 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and f approval by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROM at a Called Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Southl&kop T*xase this the it day of " Xoveaber g 1936. ° c XAYOR ATTESTS k mac. , T®Wt SXCPBTARY k i _i 4 i V' ity Secretary's Copy Q. /3aX is s8- Sontb2WOm Teas s TOM" hex' t COMPOW 1 s Thu Idu \ reaelgt of R&U ftok Woo 12jr .1ed, for a pxrwal 1~. ! 1956, vft emtsi= aapd OS Of r"e *Ob*ftlAW to be mad* 40ffOUO In the Tom e soutblowl XX9560 veep tray tee, TOO OF SAS (BEAL) Sonth3, k*p Tons ~ Date rN aeoeptancr of &saahin in a eoorda nco with the te> of said nchise granted by the Town of oath a ka, %=a, on ember 121, lib. re , o Srathl** !fit a~ (SUL) r, r s I