1956-11-05 I_I,,UTES - November 5, 1956 . i'.erruler Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of Southlake, Texas. The first re-ulcer meeting; was called to order by Mayor Vubanks at 8:00 P.M. The following five Aldermen were present: Lee 'antis John Quinn, Fade Cummi.ng;s, Bob Lyford, and C. Gordon. Also present were Marshall Tien. Anderson and the City Attorney, George 'z reson, and eighteen visitors listed on the attached sheet, The Mayor introduced the Aldermen, Marshall and. Attorney to the visitors. The 1-.ayor asked for a. volunteer to serve as `secretary, and receivinE none, opened the floor for nominations. Mr. Lyford was nominated by Mr. Yantis: firs. :'uinn was nominated bSr Mr. Quinn. r. Gordon moved nominations cease, and sir. Lyford seconded. The vote -rvTa.s taken and unanimously passed. The vote for Secretary was taken, Mr. Lyford receiving one vote and sirs. Quinn four. The Ifiayor announced that P'rs. Quinn was elected. The Attorney announced that Texas Power and Li_j7ht Co. has been henpy to assist the Tol,,m in its organization, has been well pleased vrith the nro;ress to date, and has presented the ToF,,Tn with books and supplies for use in kPoring proper records. The Mayor onene d the floor for nominations for I`ayor Pro-Tfim X. Lyford nominated IvIr. Yantis: dir. ('~uinn moved' that nominations cease and that fir. Yantis be elected by acclimation. The vote was taken: For 5 - again t,none. The Mayor announced Mr. Yantis was elected. Ordinance No. 1, concerning; rules of nroceedure for meetings, 1"Tas read by the Mayor. Mr. Yh.ntis moved the adoption. Mr. Lyford seconded and the vote was taken: For 5 - against none. The ordinance was adopted. Resolution No. 1, concerning, the depositary and general fund, was read by the Meyor and was followed by discussion co .cerni.nEr which b, nk should be used for deposits. A vote was called for on this question, and a ma ority votes' to name the First Natione-I Bank at Gr4 nevine. The motion was m,.d.e to edont the resolution. The vote was taken: For 5 Against, none, This concludes' the business of the Board and the Mayor asked that the visitors be introduced and announced that the meetinb W would be turned over to the Attorney for a discussion nertaining to annexations blr those who were interested. Per. C'leeson described. 44 the various ways nroperty can be annexed and answered a,uesti.ons of individuals. After this discussion, the Mayor made further remarks about hour ~ the business of future meetings tIrould be conducted, and announced special meeting of the Board to bp 11eld the following Monday, November 11, 1956, for the nurposP of hearing request for Franchise by the Texts Pourer ar d Lip-ht Co. The :'attorney answered further cuestions, advising that the franchise mrantL~d does not have to be an exclusive one, and that any other utility comnany could also serve custonc rs vithin the Tovm, for a.t' least ten years, and longer if the TOVTn so desired. hF meeting -was adjourned, at about 1.0:20 P.M. W . Gordon, Acting Secretary Mrr Ip Op Ob p x Ddi2 N 44*&~S ON T/1/ 3 G./ S T Jol s -r74 O 13 Q s I ORDINASCS NO. 1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING RULSS OF PROCSDtTRE Ili COW- DUCTING MEETINGS OF TUB BOARD OF ALDIItMEN OF TUB TOWN OF SASE. TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL Ali OF ALL ORDINANCES AND ABSOLUTIONS (W PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HERZWXTH AND PROVIDING FOR AN SFFECTIVS DATE. BI IT ORDAINICD BY TUB ]BOARD Or ALDERMEN OF T$E TOWN OF SOUTHLAM 1 TBXAS: I. A. All meetings of the Board of Aldermen shall be held within the limits of the Town of Southiake., B. The regular meetings of the Board of Alderson shall be held on tho 1'1&S r .r-ro v1-7.a y of each month at o 0 P. M. o'clock. The Mayor, of his own notion, or on the application of three Board of Alderson, may call *partial meetings by notice to each member of the Board of Alderman, the Secretary and the City Attorney. served personally or left at their usual place of abode. C. Bach member of the Board of Alderson shall at every sooting of the Board be entitled to one vote in person but no proxy shall be voted on any occasion. ~r D. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Board Rik and shall with three of the Board of Alderson constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; and the quorum shall have the power to enact such by-laws and ordinances not inconsistent with the laws and constitution of the Stare of Texas, as shall be deemed proper for the governing of the Town. IZ. A. The order of business at regular meetings of the "card of Aldermen shall be as follows' 1. Calling meeting to order. 2, Reading of minutes of previous meeting or meetings. 3. Reading of bills. If. Reading of communications. Vnfinished business. 6. Report of Town Secretary. 7. Report of Marshal. 8. Now business. 9. Adjournment. B, At all special meetings of the board of Alderson, the order of business shall be as follows: t i 1. Opening w 2. Special order of business 9. Adjournment. III. The procedure at all meetings of the Board shall be in r accordance with the provision of Roberts Ruler of Order. + IV. e All ordinances and resolution and parts thereof in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict e herewith. I~w V. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect limsediately upon its passage and approval. R ADOPTED this ay of November, A. D. 1956. 40 APPPOVZD s r.. a . a MAYOR ATTEST: IF 99Cf;F.TARY a" ,a a 2.