23 2
Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to all
members of the Town'Council, stating time place and purpose
of the meeting, a special meeting of the 'own Council, South-
lake; Texas, was held on Saturday, February 23; 1957 at 2:00
p.m. at the Carroll School. Following members were present,
constituting a quorum:
Mayor: A. Gail Eubanks
Aldermen: W. Lee Yantis
W. C. Cummings
R. G. Lyford
C. M. Gordon
J. E. Quinn
Mayor Eubanks called'the`meeting to order, and the minutes of
the previous meeting were dispensed in order to facilitate
the special business,
Under communications, it was announced that a letter was
received from the independent Keller Telephone Company offering
to service our area.
Mayor Eubanks turned-the meeting over to Mr. John Stephenson
for a report from the Telephone Committee. He advised that the
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company is not yet interested be-
cause of the small area of Southlake which they service, He
further advised that the committee needs more time to study the
situation before making a recommendation,
It was suggested to secure a vote regarding the Town receiving
benefits of the Gross Revenue Tax for all Utility Companies
except those already having Franchise*s
Mr. George P. Gleeson, City Attorney, introduced his Associate
Attorney, Mr. Banjamin McClure,
1 The Mayor announced that we have "Application For Officers
those wishing to be candidates for the April election, and for
' candidates to secure same from the City Secretary, He,also
announced that Mr. L. A. Casey would he Election Judge, Mr.
L. T. Cathcart, Asst. Election Judge, and one or two assistants
' would be chosed right a way. The polls will be open from 7:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and a customary fee for the election assistants
is $1.00 an hour with a $10.00 maximum. The Judge and Assistant
Judge get $1.00 extra for handling the boxes. The election
Judge will receive'the "Election Set" from the. City Secretary
and will make out the payroll to be submitted to the Secretary
when the polls close. The County Clerk will have ballot boxes
"*W%. and other supplies ready;
76 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIV*
OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . concerning property of H, A and
Juanita Overstreet, owners of the real property described therein.
On Motion of R. G. Lyford, Seconded by C. M. Gordon said
ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE No. 76)
ORDINANCE No. 77 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE
TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS , . concerning the
property of Andrew Aron, owner of the real property described
therein. On motion of J. E. Quinn, seconded by W. Lee Yantis
said Ordinance wasp assed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE No,
ORDINANCE No. 78 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECFIVING
OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . concerning property of John P
and Rosetta Sheehey, owners of the real property described
therein. On motion of J. E. Quinn, seconded by R. G. Lyford,
said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE No. 7
ORDINANCE No. 79 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE RE-
THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS . . concerning property of
Ray Austin and wife, Onia Austin, owners of the real property"
described therein. On motion of J. E, Quinn seconded by.
C. M. Gordon said Ordinance was passed unanimously and
adopted. (ORLINAN CE No. 79)
ORDINANCE No 80 was introduced entit a "AN IN
THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS concerning property of
Mrs. Inez Blevins, a widow, owner of the real property
described therein. On motion of R. G. Lyford, seconded by
W. Lee Yantis said Ordinance was passed unanimously and
adopted (ORDINANCE No. 80)
ORDINANCE No.-81 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE
property in the J. L. Chivess Survey; the A. H. Chives
Survey; and the W. W. Hall Survey. On motion of R. G. Lyford,
Seconded by J. E. Quinn said Ordinance was passed unanimously
and adopted (Ordinance ho. 81).
ORDINANCE No. 82 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE
property in the F. Throop Survey and the T. Mahans Survey.
On motion of R. G. Lyford, seconded by C. M. Gordon, said
Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE No. $2).
ORDINANCE No. $3 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE RE-
TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS , . concerning property
in the J. West Survey and the T. M. Hood Survey. On motion
of C. M. Gordon, Seconded by W. Lee Yantis said Ordinance
was passed unanimously and adopted'. (ORDINANCE No. 83).
ORDINANCE No, 84 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIV-
THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . concerning property located
in the J. Childress Survey and the M. E. Thompson and F. Throop
Surveys, On motion of J. E. Quinn, Seconded by C. M. Gordon
said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANC'A No. 84).
ORDINANCE No." €3 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING
SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS concerning property of E.W. and Kate
Bailey, owners of the real property described therein. On
motion of J. E. Quinn, Seconded by W. C. Cummings, said Ordinance
was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No, $5).
ORDINANCE No. 86 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE RE-
TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS, . concerning property
located in the J. W. Chivers Survey, the L. Chivers Survey and
the W. W, Hall Survey. On motion of C. M. Gordon, Seconded by
1 W. Lee Yantis said Ordinance was passed unanimouslyand
adopted. (bRDINANCE No. $6)0
ORDINANCE No. $7 was introduced, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE RE*
TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . concerning property
looted in the Beedy Survey and in the T. M, Hood Survey. On
Motion of J. E. Quinn, Seconded b- W. Lee Yantis, said Ordinance
was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No, $7)
The meeting was adjourned, Next meeting
g to be decided on at
a later date.
Dolores A. Quinn, Se y.-Treas,
-,.I- Z-.w- pproved, . a F'ubanks, Mayor
AWA UT A#11 CtD~l°' WOU T;+: T 'resiMrW o sc UULa A e
or sAiv Yews Aso $u A Tax awi A s xs@.
PRlVlL. -:4 Or OTHSO E3Ik"1 ,419*8 *Y SAID T OW s AND
POP **D) *G AVU t "PS-40 INO TAX t*F1(;1A . API C!
OAFY -.AB, pUrsuent to th* provision* Of the o** of 1031. 53rd
Lsdlslo t g rw pogo 137 * GkoptOr 02. wtodl t1*4 so Artitto 974-0* VOTI so4
Olvil sttartulte# of Toxas„ H, A. Ovorstroot a olf#, Juenito O►er'stroot,
owners of the " property Wwelwortor dosuprAbotp bovia mod* oppliesti on
as by law p"VI404 to ttW oyor *04 Soard of AtdoWw s of tbo 'own art
oouttul^ko* Tex", a tr of at load ooostrarttag of 38.4 &or**, werv or bass,
s *ustod 1,,; tbo sail WodtAn survey,, T~or~ryont 0ouafte ' ozos, nor* fully
"W19 `ING s#t the verftwoot oornor of the so ltwdtin wrrroy •
' ° bstroot Vo# 1038. **14 point being In the oootor of is ounty
w.~ TY,iKscs, sest along tho North boundary &too of i 1A. 411"
army and titre oootor line of tunny Aosd ss. 301#9g, 420
mares to a mint wh*ro County o to. 3"9 Intorsoots county
toad at*. 3016 for aornerl
TC N't , In a! outh ete rt di`rot»tlon s t nto#
y ~ ~ ew line of
.Ouovy mead he. 301+ to s point w ro County Rood, No. 016 end
utg t:o*or Crook intorsoot for aorner;
. t*W4~;ro, to a lriort4t►aa+r otorly dlroatioo si.ovi4 the noontlorings of
ill seer Ciro" to a point to the host und*r;t 1 :,no of tram
A. *d i Axe -';tu rvoy for aern tr i
TUcF6;x# ortb aeons the 4est boundary line 640 worse to the
place any bo,010"Ing.
A plot of sold load shoving Its looetion with ros,poet to the town air
ooutbloko, lox**. to e t aMo tsd boroto work*4 MXIWr *A* &
Mad onn+t4guove to *be Town Limits of oouts►lskoo Toxa►st, bo and to hor+tby
O Annoxed and Wo wgk t w9 tbtn tf,~* (4rperstr Limits of **14 Town ead I$
reby do iso ist grol j*&rt tboauoof.
TUI T9 tUss *WWra and `in bitonts of the oro* coin ana oxsd be
ontitt" to all of the right* and privileges of other ott.&aons and
peoperty owners of skid Town and be bound by all of Via **to sM
ordinow ss aradr in oonfernity thers*te, now to fool for** a sf lsst
and that which my be boroaftor aada sd.
"!MreTO the offiolol map and bound,-ries of tho Tawas of out4laVo,
Tossl, as bor*tofom adoptod an4 "waded, be to bore" a+rrood*d •o
as CD tweludw the ofor*menti*ned territory as part of tb* 'h'ow" of
tt~hla!> s. rsa*s. Is
If. rw
U140 ord#n,aeaans lah*11 bo of foottre ^a4 ibe In U411 force
and sftaat trom and -f toy. tts passage and a -iraval by tuo oye r and
d ` "m this d oy raw r~M.M.rri rr • • i ( •
. r! P
AT ~L xT z
K ~Ar
•p ~
±A''1~;A,~►, ~'}'A eN~'/l.S9rREiT" p~aJMS+t3
01ADl.N,dX09 att . 77
Aid t # i tau rfAV ISO A A059XIWG VURNMIX "
TUASI - IdI THAT WON AbtA 104 61W0141 A
PART of SAID Tvrt ADD TMAI T +0iM1M* AS#t t-
ITAt d T P SHALL hS Mff 11"D TV ALL "9-
t TUROUS or + d Cx t=s OF Ib TdVX. Al
OF SAID T~`kittt{, AS 9 1t'i'!" Pft kDOPT S AA J1WAXIDSt1, A
rPROVItI YVA AX 111MI'I1 X sA'1Cd.
'wfflwb.At4, wrrsuowt to th+r« provisions of tbe A4et4rt part 19334
L*dlslotare, Pogo 357. Gbapto r 91, oodif od as A,rwtiote, 90,44. %Mlood
Civil *teto"* of Tonal, Andrew :hoot, of Torrrent costtattlr, 'Vosms, ow"r
of the revel pre"rty hereinafter desorlbod a hoitwing 0".o rpi►.Iloot ion Ors
bif low provided to the yorr end boord of kldwrrnotrtt t tibo, To" of
Aeutbloke, T*xao, o trost of I son#tatl m# of $0 IMte"so more or 1L*&ss
*&too**& in the . L« ObAv ►aroo frrrey, Tarraot tjoulatys ''tyf ose more 1rutlly
detrwribed by wot*$ 604 beu"s as #sllower
; IUMI of the Xorr'thtt ast owroorr of tto J. L• Cbtv*ro rroy i
4th 1.4,*z760 West alert the t rrM boundorry Its* of tho► J. L. 0#21wors
survey dit ♦orsot to rr point for oo rt
Tagmog,, iith IrotrmIlel With ltk* ftst b*0040VY time 6 v&r*s to
o point for ooreart,
tHU0 , errt *:1,$ WOrMS 040 i V010t 101 tk* West bft#Md0VY 1100 " . ,
tbw4* La CUAv ors ium Is
'3,39*011+ tliedErlth *long ttw tom boun dry It" 1941.5 wott!'o# to a ►.int
fir oormort
T{,.fV'R, in a tort"ost+orly dirostirns 223 wor*# to A Poi.** far
oom*r i
TiMMS, tenth 90 worse to o point for sermon
Tit t, last "I v*roo to a Point to tho Aant r4ndorry It"* of
tho J. L. tt Avore rrrsir o
T4%%C * North 507* 5 gorse *long tko Xest boundary lino to tho
P1Sae of bost t sad o4votwlaing 60 60 wlr +ae re or 1*06 out of the
,4 , Oftivors Survey*
A plot of rrot+i land showing Its Iseotlom with rem ost to the Town l'
M tom t aittw. Texas, to ottoohod b*rrots tt orkod 't bl"T *A*,
'tAT, the Property owner* borelnot"wodesertb d, bolas o4joeont
end e*oLt=Iuou• to the Iowa Link** of so►u9tb44eko, xos, be tend to horeby
oono s#d *nd bro,u ►t Wit"* tb* Cer"t"4r Lint # * of surd Town *rod to
:w ell
I W57
# ,5~, • - ~ - ~^i, a ti
A sum: tww =.3oov~t,~s
AI~#tW Row • o.rNsR
4" a '
iiddIN AS01# , 74
AS 0KM*ASJ1F 1p,X4rs 4V1N4 A00 ASVSXZ1`210 Vadt
AND Td s'~T T Ob" AND 1AJUSIT XTS TIJUR 9x' S "LL tilt 0-
so A. 99 WWW Tdt AM AND SISAWD Oft 10 9"WoT AS:s
00 COMRSd"! M 101M41AL OWSS tSS Of dA.10 T 01#11g. AS
'tT0YM ! k Rs AS MUM. An PsOf1bI POX AS `VW Ti `IT5
WIMMAS# powimawt to Isbe previsions of ft* Aoto of 1#13* 33"
di Loglataetu"e Pao* 'S"# Oka~ 9310 ate"fiod,so Artiatt+a !7►e. "vie"
Civil Statotoo of Tae to## ,holm ro 1049o16 mad wi ftli Etta! * ,
ownors at the rest prspsltf borolraftor do#ori bed, bang mad* aewrli estion
oat tsw provided to Mw ha ror and ►rd of Aida wnse of th• 7swn of
soatl4lVh4$ 'T exas* as troot of to" 00motoft"d of l "*4 ~*so Moro or
less. *1t»otod in tbs T. 4. TuAmopsan, ~f. I1. S#vois arnd t-Irs, J. 4, Ittlool
Surreys. Tor rest County* Tuaolt, wwo fully doat-loribod by atlar*** *ad baousdo
so faeiiowot
€ $kt ! apt w pout for the ost b+wtaw mrr line *43 war** bawtb
is of the Norttwost 0a09,190tr if tho 'f: J. Thompson traraetrt
+.w Tf-V111 S, Belot Ord Toros to a t*"* INS, S*r"rt
THUM DAi Worth 243 varars to s point in t1* Sorft ieeaatdary thecae
Of tt o T e a sarrvey Irol. ooa oti
TvItICS, most aRI tug ortim boo ar"y tine #f *be Tooaapo rvoy,
ware being aaI" Vat, woutb b"adorir ties of tbo le,' !t. Ssvlr rrvat,
147 wars,* to Ya 4st for o+oroorr i
TW%XcSw North 40~ ri►rsat to at ~ea►t#t for +oe ria orl
Thk;a- , of 909 ,Y*rs# is m, polat In tko sost*r tins, of a'.
I?" k osd to a point for earners
*MK* 01asw tbo aentar Liao of V, +ti, F Ood 1709.504 Toros to the
West beaeunda►rr of t; , o . JR. UT00 .50.v
THRUSe oonti"Wi.ad slaps the oo ator %,ino of F. . 17" 14*4 tn**
tqo J. ;'i ton Sorw*y 270 Toros to s point for s+orrnsrr
't' ltt. S. Sou tb 149 Toros is a lot for oormor l
''U.:'itr , 'West 77*6 vorow to a otnt for oorrnori
MUM# ottb 31) war** to a wtot for ooraar;
Tilt.*cte Ss#t 2831 v*ros to r "In$ to *be *t bauardwy tins of
the nm. A 3lon u y for somort
TAXNCS* Worth olong tho Ust bourAlory line of ft e 'Alan s;~Urvo,,V
s ► boron at** the 14sstt boundary 1 - ov~ of tUo 'T. J. Thespeon
ttr'voy• 230 'H`ams to CIO pls@e► of bac ontne, ~
A plot arf sNtd land stxoatittd Its lee ation with respect to the Too" of
Seutslakat, Terms, to ottoohad tiaraite markod «tXSWXT ~A*,
T:! -fT, the property **nor* borsin.a Lmvo derssrib" being mdJeectit
and conUguous to the Town Lial- s of Ta►sss, to and Is borobry
annexed and b►rovekt witftla the , orrora t * L a It s of ss*I4 gown and is
here node an Inttogrri part tho roof. P
Ts-4,T, the cursors and lobab4ta+nts of tho aroet k wr*lo # sed be
ooti t l 4 to all of t rij~bt s and privilooas of other sttiserss and
property +awners of *aid lawn stet brr bunt tr all of the a*** a" W
or"non oo asdo to s"tiformitty tutu "tot now in full tar oo amd off of
and that wfat.4h any be bor *,*ttor sdspttod. w
THAT. tim offlolal as" ono boand.ortom of the Town or Soutb.t"*#
Texans, as Wrstot'oro adopted and aiwooded* br and is kwr*uy mmadod so OP
ens to inaludo tjw oferret"ationod for ' ltory as part of tl** 'town of OW
outhloko, 7ertttr*.
T11113, ordinance shah istoome 4ffootiwt and bs in full foro* and
atlfoot from and after Its prto*ader and ajV rove by the bayor and duty
ottootad by the 'Town Noarotarye
Alt, this °,M. -4day of A. U. 1957• t
s ~
ATTP-1,3T t '
Y ~
2 ~
. . 4
S fi 1
sr" ,
ors f1.'
a`~r ~ N ~ ~ p77((a h
Ar A 1
e N. ' f
► a Of 1l4 09 s
rr rrr' l S t UNGUATINO Alin '0041100 TeRRI?;'.; '
PART tit $All ToWX AND T tf'o OWS Ad O INK
'Atli Toxa f L at *STtTLSD TO ALL "
r111 LIa d f WMXV,, 01T TUCS 0,3P SAID TOWN s AND
tts *O, J$V T US } Y 3 - ~3IN-0 . fi t' I TV'SO
r- , k AMUS111 'r3K 0trICIA. 80"SAPIA A
AN S ) r• 01110>1." ! S ' f'1` XM 1V •
vta tsi, perm"" to ttw provisto" Of tbs A*** or 1'!330 33rd
L+tt 4j9laotai*, P40o 3374 Obapter jt3r oo" tod oo Ar tlolo 41.09 P-.ovls*d
01911 Statotas of '1"oxts6sf AUstlo &*4 wifs, tot w*tto# ownsro of
tbor rotattl petty &oroktsof r dofNoribrrdo oavi *sdo ao~s~~lioattlt3~tt as blow Provided to too y*r and sottrd Derr ld+rrt oo of tow 'f Tarr or 4outlaolcatr,
?**as* o tryst of is" eta notlottl or 47-t3/106 aLals"*$ MMW* or lototo►,
twiturted to the tr. , MoDo old *wrrrarrf, Torres* C ountf N " oxos, Nor*
fully dssorl,btrd by motoot o l at 4o *a follows&
adt e x t t . at tip Sottrttwastatst oo rrnor or tho c, dt, mosenou surveys
rws to att laolast in the Northwsot ILIA* of
f rigbt of w el of the ~'il ~L• & . We t
T 4 c, bawltu 34 drfr+ttos 33 *1"rtoy ~astst *lo the lino of
right of way 421 v*r*s to s s tt. akof
`t'ot to r North 0 40groof 13 minutes sate st 062-•3/10 vsc+ss to a
7ii', VOo, dorms " doarooe blast -3/1+0 War** t" aeN otatkol
'Tft g,* X * li tter 4 do om 13 minutes, test 271-7/10 Wor" to s si to o l
ThFt Cgo West 119-16/10 wafto to a stat,ol
( t 4 it. torus 11-t/16 T>RMS to ate otsito to the 60wttrh lloo► of w
twssrd s
T4 vCl, North 66 4*Woott 3 a 1nutoo lost all..?/to ragtrstsl
West 330 voroo t ti's* "loss of bo gi =ning.
A► plot of sold to" altboie Itn location wltb r oopost to Ifto iow" of
310t a w. 't""s*e* to ottoo d rot* ooot MMMM SAO
TIUAT* tuo wowrtf Owners 1%oroinabove 6040ribid !Moving adja toot
stsd asortt#v 4e do t 'd`own Ltot.tto of 4o>orrNtt4aa". 't`oxem, be o to bo ritby
onatodsod and bro"Ut Within ttte Warts Limit* *f said Town and to
hereby made on tsr+l ~r l port thereof,
" A't'. the ows+rs and t a bit into of tho or*e Iroln mM"*vd I»►
entitled to all of itw rights *ad ~Wtvilwg*6 of other eitisono *lid PV*"rtp *W wrrs of seid 1row* and be bound by of l air tfto sees and
er"nomsss note is conformity itzoroto. now to fall foroo and sfroot
094 that wka;leb may be tterooftor a4ooted.
't'it:=T. the offtelot reap a mi boundArIon of the ".gown sit outvita o,r p
'furs. as n*rototoro adopted *w amended, be wW is boroby r►t *"*d so ~
to lnaalvd4 the *for nti~wsd territory os art of t `own of
southloko, Texas, pp
TYU4, ordinarnoo *a ll ooeffootlve and be in f~jlt fare* .vind
offeet fr and after its ",*es** and mpprnrbl by tho 4eyer *ne, 4=ply
st:tsotod by tho Town -**rotary,
C-As 441Y of
A z' Fly IP
.3 i
p t
a~/ycvLJ~p ~C .
a -
c~ s1~♦s ~y1
RRy oN+,p Au&riN - o%o^ic s
`1} "~1R 1"'`'a
'~~y'. yq.~y, ~ "a j ~ t •sl/ I '~'x~~ A4 ~~yt ''~"`8~~r ~'8'
~r g,<~'I~r" i~
n L t r' eb. t 3 4 V f li 3s ?x b i ,T 114K l t,41-
1Ib.L.` s fit' r"r4IM a; l'''t-VIVS G 1 TAM, .I
X117. ~7 d ipK ! d4 ;Gd1 : R:`:: r~. ff;t h. r..{ .b. 4Ar :x A Z y
~►ft r ,s stsr+u~ovt ttw► +tt%e jAr*+r'3awlq** of t%xo oft* of 19,53, 3r4
LoSASl^ivra, Vag# 317, Ub--,rtojr 93,o 0041f"led #i Arh101* V711-11r t'=0VI*ed
Cjv,jL wtawitutoat of Mrs„ loos o rkno* a wtdowo o tr of tt-4o e&
1weporty ixor,oi ftor 4aataR{a r ibod# t►*'t ing scads a p lisetflem as larva
err eV ded to tho 'YI&yo!r and *Ord of A14 one" eir Uto Town of f t f-ole o
7"ar.xom, o taroet of land sr7onawistflawd of 67.13 *or**, *ore or tsars, eSt uatSoM+d
to t" ~t. Oarratbli or, 4, . ~v*ooon and C. 3. *3*a&l4 urvoye, Tarrant
9w ~.ca7r~pt, TOX,4 e, Wt ror f"Aly '4100c rib*4 by W&t** and t 7luftd o 00 UsIlowo
E at a w# #ri t tip o4t t ano or t n* "vun" ld
' urr~rrey 8.5110 ~raaararar Aeut, *f vt* orthroot ea.#rmor aarf~" tho ,
"4ok or urvor ,rat to sioat r s+t ()r"rr of toxe , r+aar €an
ortft 69 +doer#** 4$ apti"ut*x ost 1 ..flj1~ v*rate vs are
,ry test t, tho too* 11"* *r tr unity OA No, 30991
+y eared 0. 99 to are
r x z a<a# Zxktl t :a t 1 no of roaa►d 1 y
. Y :•t€i1r K Wo j dwRgjroes 43 '##iat' ;'pet o om; tf,%* o:.S F IF,~I^'
S*utwl 1,3-1/10 ixh rao to a► Staarf$st
xe#t 119-4/10 war** to o artarl►os
,,?groos 15 art taro *ov* 271-7110 voroa tv as rtarkra
. a , aaocat 49 dogrees toot 94-3110 wa,tr&* to o utakef
. . oath IS minut*o oss $49-3/10 rrrrros t o aaf awko In 1,:t, r
ar+t wataa t A to of rf.stat of way of ul-to R=~, ate. Ij'#~t
*oolkb d*groeo 13 wis#utoar West * awa Iliao of ri4t4t of
era ~p i var s t
dg' t a "`a West war** $
e ar + /xa rse;
'No rtik d9' afar',trooe 4-% minuto s est 221 vaaras to arty PLO**
of ~i►x~i~aotod.
A plot of sold 1*"d 040vir it* xeor~ti~,n wrt t`y: rasp# ot tq ttxo 1'jxvn of
obt~la o~ TOXOS, 19 &ttOeftod iroto npe'kod -ItWVXT *A**
It «
F 3* Vke pr!"op*r"ty Aw"Or# 11*r*1nO1;vQvO d*eor!'tbod ing mdJooorit
and Contiguout to than T.,,*n, i.'aits of *o?*4jgko* ~'i>t~~~ trM oa~d to ~,wJtRfty
titrS#X#+i OjW1 try$jbt wit Ito tha, ;orV>Or to A.iWito of voffal 'own *;v is b*r* arm on intwdroi part thoroatt.
21 to
T OT. tt m ownoro nand iWhvibitontar of tha prom hor*itn, onvioxod bo
sa#i tiod to *I& of ttio R igutto a W vw1viloges of otfier oiti,sons and s
prror*rty owvt trro of !lurid "*wn & be bound by *It of t mots o d
ordinonaos nod♦ in a rnforiaattf tstsroto# now in Hell for** nd offe t 4M
*ad tWot wrhiah way be horoaf't"r aden ed.
t* 'Is ttko official na: an fijoa arior of too 'loan of t%Mttxlxr w„ ~r
` osso. -ps Wrotofa,rn acte too ofui a n4e,d, be and As heroby aw*ndod tee
as t4 Anal ado the aforementioned torlrit ry n ort o the a air ~
T;A rr<rdluaknoo g Fit t bee ono, affo tlvo rind too In full. forno and
offoat f'r°»-wi and #,flor its ax-so tr -:»at o. ~r rroi by C tAyer and dt4ly
tole 21 doy of r t3bruJW , 19S70
s~~s Op
All ! ,TT s it
a ~
i ~
J9>q -4P
~ #4 -Z vA,(4s
MRs. IME¢ 31,4VIA)S -owfieR
QI~' \
are &MM
!Cli A.,A)F4 J~. wit i%tVT T-,,,A ok T 5001,3_
§ LAC,%, T9154*,,, I, A3 , T T a 3 of fU'if AirTS Stt;CJ. nt.
MNS or
,ATT'1.nh T- TL'
ex' 1 Cpl*.l a"'3 ; , 'T-i T + Y S"t,;' "1t`EXAS,
10 WT4SUAXT TO TMN 28, ,!it I to 10,
1 x ULV IX 1iir. F011449 C f V I L. ~ rJTX `Y Olt TXXA i
T 41, QF AS
r1 , x~ r? f p«a1#tia 4er4t to Artiolw of tt:o *Wlsod "'Av l
atatut o* of loxaes. 0. i&. :u uo aNa" of.,yrs. is bltants of a
oars h* rrae t n do sslr a bod Pad who a rar qu as l i f l*4 to we for i>renaaebatarae
of ttho 5tato Lodislarturo, bwwo bw+r*tof'ora frlkloafl with the ofor
owl *do vioord of Alder"" of the 7owo of out~hla kit, 'Vexes, their
potitt in request arald aennoxation of the sold or*a to *bae 'Tosun of
oat l k :o, trzo 4, stkoh or** 4*~Pg aioocri d *a follower
A trout of load oltwo#tod two tho J. tivors. As i. fr<irors ond
the r,i*ll js*warvoys, Torrent Oou"ttj, T*x astr. nor* tulllr 0o1aa-
ortbs4 by yr#to a *ndl botinds at fol.lowar
1 at t; kortUwa* t oorntvr tai tiro A, a. €1 irons lvrroy,
*ton atho %*Rt ih*undory line of the ;i. "taiwolts
a'Jrrrorr to a point *U*r* s ► iaitrrsoots tl o Utb right of wrote
lino of °Vtoto Utalxvoy 114& saeiA point also bee the ttorrthwoot
cornea of as tract of la svmwx*4 to to * Town of ` outhl a- e.
.d v'. ew, pursuant to Its Ordinance 04o od 00, X?, 19563
' . in s 'Southvostaerlf diraeo ti.* &tons sold South right of
w# itne of tote ui lkwof 114 to a no nt where some intorasocrts
too 'Oath riGht of way lino of County ,owd. Soo
ty d x ost o1 qjw tho orth r tmt of woy line of ow-'t y !~ox+l o.
3043 to tho u o t lino of do A,, 6. ato~.if~Mrar"al Survey, *aid point
atloo the outbw oat aoarnor of the A. A. ftl"re Stl "yr l
I . •>ti t, stn pier
tho **art bout#ry 1i of *be 14. 4. 2,011
t,urvop to aye point whorae **m iratorsooto tbo old Sout!tkla k* , A t y
Limit !Anol
*tar" the 014 ity Limit Lime, to s point Whore, some
intoa soots s trvott of y ixawl *naexoO to tho ' o+ of South1sUo.
40 Tog t, ree+ e*$ tt" its Ord asnoo % 9f x4optod Wyo. 3. 19361
%*"b 010" tho b>grool rY It" o 00i4,1 *root tal as Point
for Ce' raar+Iert
arott t a etwt w ro *so* int,orooots the original ~:ity
Limit a.10* In aeal . a. 41411 a.l y- AaCt 1 ae A/ir said e-1441't ..100 tO itbe Neerth rrleht Of
way t ifwne of tiaU JigtVOY 1141
;I N 7t. "~Ir►Vt etasla aeleav, too Forth rlt'-ht of way lino of totto
ltlghraa;p 114 to the t Lin* Of C111"tsy %~o. 30211
t i~
'fiat%ox, worth done k,%o 'W*ist line .f~4►r'#~'y x Q^d No, 3021 t" f
Uorth line o rtts.,. • `•hiv rs "wrvorl
eson tinul tort,. aalloni' t ho '.aa*t bousa'a4ory l is of than "
. ilraaro 'turvoy to its #vortktl vs* Ogroert b
L Ch
"y'~',('', CW O ~~aast: *I one t f* Iorsth $~rtlFtln-l awry 1 I-no of ttx~ tilvors
: ",Nf+M 6 Yg1 ai ?Els nnz th # a4/At#mls%r !k ; o c)f t * . V"! rb s
StAr ey to the 01600 of gi aas l sx ♦
%Ab, sold tit i -jo was oo*omraankod by on offi4evIt executed
by 0. t+aguar end etrar• tal~ttaeta ~,tas t►ts of t h* arw~►r das~aorltrsd end wriaend otba
or* quolitl to vote for m bo rs of the State L*;ifoIotvro and tetL t
by sieving sold affidavit omrtiftelad that ttaaid tit ion oo>ntoins tbs
elga sturoo° of more than fifty poreont or the queattfled voters r siding
to ouch srroo who hser * voted in favor of having tho, saaai,d era"oo and too
oF3 t~Y~
lokobitoot s thaws«oof *"nosed to and boaoaao m oort of tt*o Towset of
!alas, exmst and
WH ASO it ar,-~OsrlRS to the 'F.w rd of .41401 asa of the Iowa of ~
~aouthlalao, low*** *hot all otaaatutory raaguiLro nto to oonooot~ion with
sa►ld rtraalrOS94 +!lsn+a wotlon have be+swsaaa fulfilled ar tt t tho sold Prows it
duly grou lsoto one territory to not a6r~o %how l/t arils In width
th*t all of caarasar to asd4aaoont to t zo tare oont 01ty t.taarlto of too P
Tow of "u+hti'r2aa''ta, `s'oxnet
aA 11 1;100 xrD fly r jA34D f ALNIa~~'"Fv f;;' `!tC "t'O"W
TA' heroialoftor daasasrtbod territory lying east o4jooont tq the
Tova ^tf -,out s2e3ats, . wawa, to hereby aaranivs and brou t within do or- it
porato j..l.aalto and aarodeFi an integral part *,,r the, '1'+swn of io atttlakos Tozaasr„
told t*rrltory bolmW sitauota4 two l'asrraant. Gesonty, 7*wooq *a4 being IF
doeoribeai b, met** sand besoo--s was follows:
f3PGx -101,# lot the Northwest aesrnor of the A. 4. Culver* '-Ur-lr'oy. ~
Torront ~,.'ounty, Tozost
'l.a iq*** c . e :4joutb aatsnf the ,$owt booodls y liars of the ?,hlvari
Surve r to s rol"t waaoro ease rotor memo race "SOU to right of way
lino of tatter tit Rtwoy 21140 sa oint also being tho Xorthwast M
atorn#r of as *root of laan4 aaaas ox*d t ttaaa Town of outhlaa= o. 1r
I'ux**, sarsuaaat t=* its a rdlaaasknas v'o. 43, adopted O*eo 29, 1936t
in a Souatturaa storlf dirwotin=a oio sold Soutb right of
way 1 ,.no of silaato :tte;hwoy lit tea as - Ant whore sa** intorsecsto
tbo nort=h a IgUta of wiry stns of ("au t y ~-,oo,d t 30341
x VA, Usst oltoo gear %ortta ri !,ht of way litsno of ountf k ood No. ~
3043 to ttte io*t brat of the ~41lrsrsr $mrrsi►„ weld F*obrrt
box also taso -'Q~Y~i~lWA1l~ *ornor Wf tk`*e A, 4., Gc'tlvoro Y.:vrvoy j V
aY XQV. %oulth 014"r the 1400t ltraaass r x°y ll"no of thr W. ,Alt
^AtIrv y to as point whore s tntor*oetss It, old 13alsut4laaket ~Ity ~
asit 'nLsi of y
i O t *+j.. c,o *14 < . i try 1, i wj r. r rse~ to are int *'trore aaaoo
int'arasoots at tsraot of land rsnn+ sod t, tiger `r`owan of ait►la~~o. ~a
'foxaas, Pursuant V) lts Or4lnanoe Nfi. 90 adopted aoc* 3, 19363
wor a►ta taxes boua a ry I jL xo sjr 00id treat to o point
6" ter *Ovl war I
# d t , farm to a ox"t w h*ro 0000 into rarvast0 t oarISAO&1 wµlty
List 1.180 to Sold 4* " ASIA Surveys
TARXQS# North atanK, scald 'tt LIMtt Lino t , Warta aright of -
way line of toto }tcu ay 11 I
` . , ~t iaia4t cat a►t ` E#X' t rtabt of arsy tjjw of toto
t. ta~raty► 11 r tta ~a,: t y.:ino o ,~'r aty Peio4 ia►. 302ILl
Voar tb 01009 th" a ~ t t ~ 11A of County O ft. 30AI.. t t t
oont's"Wias ortt~ 614"4; tu* ~~U st taovia airy itsr of tho
J, 3htvo rs -.4orvoy to Its .1ior t ost ce rnorrl
out along th artk bourxiary lirws of the » i.. C;Av*ss
y~~~wyS ~gt~o~tfi~~ +t~+w,t ~~lrr~,; ftd 11"# of -j
`si, j that is bitarats of 4i t*rritar,y ha>roln arosac#d t ttie
'Ia►raa O ' ttxlnko, TO> V04 atwr4tl entitled to all th► n►iebts u
r r I v i l o a r o a of othar oitla+ 4 1 s , *ad h o u n d b y o L l ttaa o0ts and ord-Ann "+t
Owdo lra O"Incor"Aty sroto 011 ,nned ;.nd adopt In poraaaaat to s`ltl*
too %Aanptora 1 to 1* liaaluslvo# av:aary sof'{ 4AW11 1.401blttop or ~f' asr.
is orfletal mrr and b rondories at' s Town or `"owv,.I foxozo,
to {V., .~,,i c rroc t~edaM avraw!4* so ast~: laolv4 t tho al"o r ►atltten do*-
orlb#d territort~y oo rt o* 1 7 nr
T,4,!. aa.d amimo # a*ll booeme Craw of%4 aftor Its
~a1~yFMt& Its afi?'~Ta►w►Ml •
~"VvF''"l XD title it ) darer of K*tnmry. A. °,as 1"?.
lTTt sT
21mc-u of 's!
v ~
{ ~ V
ME mom
LA12 t TIMA . 0 TiI AT 'M I' ,fMITftM td
OTUXV € ITllfl t OF 191 T_ 4 ref V-1 v' U«A1., U x S,
I " L: It SM 6 1% it ''I) CIVIL 9TAWT*$ Of MAX,
, d sf Tit Tl: 14v :it ±t VT,, LAKt. TV VISo AS
FORS rte r". {1~~1f1 R
#ai aMt t f Vu eu tt to rtioto 974 of t 1,94,rwl,a+ 4 a twit
t,, tvto* 0' 'f"aaartpo t d. 4. LmW o **bore # tt abt t ou to er tho
area horielart atl*oorlbod end vbo or* qraaat.lltod to voto for wewbore
of the $**to f.OAASloturor have boretorerv Mad with than avor
and they "Ourd Of Ald*r AOM at tbO TOM of ttatl,aN&*q Tax*## thiolr
fotttf Ott ro""UP memo xo ti of tbo **14 or** t* the =asv" at
sout4laltoo„ lose*# oe orwea being dom arkbod ss retlowrau
A troot of laad, eklmot*d to the d', l'hr**V and T, Koh mm rvoy at p. 7& rant
qq Sim :ioafttya lox#s, and Nor* folly aio orlbod by U010os *Wt i ooodo &o fo k tone t
" OWINNIXG at a point 330 ♦ar** %ost of tb► o ttwtoot 00m or of
*be P. lb rp
~r~►op ~r°w►f t
q North t of p~ a y
d'a~l`,"~y~ If,w4ft 'cwt ~1#o'm, t ho North 1i0' o 14&4 let. ,3~R34* 39/?} wares
tar than Nmrt s oormor of as "no *or* treat f ft r a4raort
'744t-:Nica. South 73 v*rao to ati rots
`a' cd, loot 73 vares to as ponds tt
T HUM Worth) P3 wara * to t xort4 It of Cwsnty x.,,*,t No. 10344
TU onto US* alb tt o rrtn 1 A,sato of C* anti 140*4 ta. 3014 tel tho
'oat line of 404"ty i,4&4 No
T : "Cv, Ortillu of ow,r tb* voa;/ a 961 onty 04 to. 1119 to the
srt"aast *►rnor of tho P. Throaap : urror;
T9994;44 toot 930 were* to a p*&"* for aornor f
=t Slt, doutb porallot t tbo Soot boundary tt.a* of'tho r. Thresp
° ervofr to tho Plea* of hoarft.a► Ind.
f 1t at 4 "tat' I" tho *rOt nt orf tin* of tbo 't`« 'hosa o
c a► ootd point oaat"s th♦ 'ttlV tkooot oor+aaar of arr treat c►f land
aaaraaox*4 to t To of ttrlo*,o. TI*Xo,#. raueat tf~ to aradtnoms
7, +al"t#d Nowwobor 12. 19361
TiMmat $mat. 010"t tue Booth It"* of 0*14 treat *,I th* `4lwdth*vo
aorar er thsra~sot;
't`fH411Cde *tth stovist ttw► Xasttctt ttno of s *root of to*4 avs*sard to
itbo loom air uthioko, ''fox*** Purloo"t ♦ i"o Ito Or•4in*"00 SO.' IL?*
+a4opt*d ftoombelf 30 19360 to tt: " North t, 09 air Ataa►to l$1 way 11401
to d~o>a'ta~rarata~s,~•ly alitnirotlrratx ari#t ~~nartti 1~:air
'St*tl o atighway IV* .tho Voot Imm da ry line Of VILO T, iWwv aE Zrivir
TRMCf. oarth atrlatn thrr `Ifoot' boa~tattdary I%** art` tsar T. P~haN►ws to Vie P1000 of b"i"awtlnd. aP
USASS ata#L4 ti t o" +arA* *4000960104 by an Wi.al+t w t arreaat mtt*d
by ar. Loft sawl otbors. l,aaba►bftaanto of tuo areas domortbod aan who
are, uar►lifiaed *Y-a veto for vombore of tuo t toto Logislstarrr aitgW t t
iry sidnift aawid Otf&44Wtt O*ritltiud *bSt aaatld g0t°it1t 000taatlOO t%W
oismotaree or aaaors tts*n ritty p*rooot o~- t4o, Qualified votors, resid,im
to arty or** who lw.vri wetaa►d to tower of itswIr tarot sP14 rata and tbar
1#0zatbitaraato tbar+a*oof apniao%*4 to and boon to at► V*rt of the oom of Sootirt- +r
1atw . r►atws R MA
*UkRUAd. it 0 "p orin to t130 40s rd ist iderraaa>Naon of t oWn of
out lalaass. *Tax,% * that all statutory ra quiraam*Ots i a lat+nn*alrt1on awitb
0* 14 'mops, 004 arn'raarwt "t i o n V.rr bowl Ct l ri i l and and that t the said o r os
duly aloup" late oaar► territory to not war* tbun l/fit awilo in W14th
and that s1t of some to aaatjovont of taw parosoaot (.'I*y Lint-to of the
Town of % utk1oko. T oxas s
T X A 1.14
its ko rarlsort,o r doataesribod tor'rtttor y lying and 044*4Ct t* t too arm
"loran„, of 40"tblske. Tosar v. In haroby onno"d6 -md ouicut within the
Co rp mots Limit* and rat*do a integral apt of the T*w n of d~t►tttlr► s.+t*
o:ose sW torrittary boons otttuattod to Tarrant 4+ raaat', Texas, end being ■
dmovr ibo,4 by not** and booratds as tol love r
T ?4,T t . 1
at r polat► *50 versa West of t1 3aa u thoaa ot s orn r of
a3 1 i6. gsa * aaatoatrat grata North I toe of 46"Oty tt~444 o* 34340 3ya? w orois
to tao :a~~oar%tsWo*t oar a *r atot' st one *oar* treat for ooroort
uth 73 war** to 0 Poinlt
1A."A169, West: 73 ♦awar" to aR points
sorta 7$ Voros to alt 4 ortb i.i.no of ounlty 404 . 30341 14-AMCSo ftat aria" the ho rtb line of Qowtnty mod No. 3034 to tho
rs*St It"* of 0040ty '*ad ee 31191
TdS*C%4s :`~ortb &laang ttbo mart %in* of ~+4 aAt~ fv*4 tai. U19 t s) t: P
torttwoo t enrao o r of tits, f. 'It troop rturvoy t
TAKN 3S, aaaart 930 vor es, to ar pain* f4 r eornor;
Smuttt Por atllot to th" toot boraua4m ray line of `Troop to *no loot► of bodinraiaad. ~
O a lwxxtai at 0 "tot to t "at bova"rT 1 in of CIO T~ tee
rwey• sold point being tt* 96"Al i est oerr norlr of w troot wr LOS&
*moved #o tbo °Towwrt or IkMtAdokoo TOXo#. rrr riot t* it$ ft`4104000
So. 70 0400t*4 Voratbor 1*, 19561
Tjj%WCr, a s*$ ralsw th* outtU lit* of 0 *14 tract We South0*91A
Oa>C~~" f+bott~ts~ ~ -
j THINCR# th alo tho Last Lin* of a Offset of Lead ormox*d to
tbtao 7,0" of Soutj%l&ko, uxos, pursuant to its OrrtAi*"*w We. 17
opt*d D*ooatbor 3. 1936, to ttt* Itariin* of $toto HlstrwtnAy 11#*1
"sAINO t to M Northwesterly dl,roottl*n alos *It* North 1100 of
`.tat* higbroal 114 to tuo *oat bI?uaAskry lia* of /tho T. Usse ,,wrvoy 1
711SU t. Worrtrts o long V%* -,ost bound ry Un* of tho . Aaft as rf*y
to tttrpl~ 1o+ 1a of bot twitne.
tt tbip ip&ab tants of tc territory Isorrsin oavsox to ttw
Towao of uthlak#, "Faxon, ao:aall b* ootitlo+dt to all Ow ri btts oed
privil.h4os of othor oItIA*ntt and bou. by all ft* "to *ad os inns *s
m d* in oonfortarity tbor*to and soo4 and a oirtod in purwwarrt to Ti,t%*
24« &Aptora i t; 10 looiwrstv** € wvI**Q Civil totut ow of `rox*a.
Tat orrielol M&P and t!i«a►u"do rrlo a of 020 'Town of ou t histr*, "t'sil X A S O
to bo oorrrooltod and ammdwd so a* to inalu * the ,~fsws~!'wwtttttr~ti a~~ate~! ~►e+r-
tribod t*rritto r alt pert of ` owrsw.
T11 Or410*00* s tIo l t: b*00100 Of t*a tir`o frog 0"4 *f`tor It*
*1415 approval*
Afl'~ sD thIS, 43 4ry of -robruary.
T 74 c xTAV
zs? Co Off'
' ~aR
n~D. 7 ~ 2
uo«..94 ~o
ORE) 1') i I
3 DL=c . a~6
~ i
t#pit ;-.y., 'AIgAera"d+V`r`d~~f..~%. . Th ftk'' ?+iYl S l~A"'y~,p~i~i- i y+` 0 t~+
f, '44 `4 +F - Le rx,6~a:`~K a~ X 1 * U') x 3~'.. h~Xi1y:. 1W TuAT
I 4X 0 's {l; T 1 `Y ;'stye; 1 MI41MAVI'S SIAM
117t. I to lot
T. 28
44 T- vlr A,
+rli P*V l sod , wi 1
totuter<s of Toxx#. Mrs* To 149 Keru "Of, .;ro wW 9tbe", lntrabitants of
tho carer`s twroin d*sor "d and v,,fo at* qualitiod to vat* for ma rs
of tuo State CAM10sture, for* rwtoforerr f"tled with too M*jor and
tho tAord of A Yrr 1$ of they ';`Orin of 1,404A o . 4SX4600 th*tr 1*t1tifin
rO4gU iSt:i OTM '!tOtiftIM Of t10 00 14 srW& t0 th* ,%Wn Of aerta~
410 +~..letrar etllr3.pe , f'ntle~rwrra
bw A tweet Kvf" land situated in ttra z . '4ost ur•vwY. Tarrant i;,-w my , Tee ras,
*ad more dC-jI ty der sert et by mates and town s as f "Rotas:
„A I ~ ~Vt4 in tbo ort!% 11 0 of ue<tnty *ad oo 3080 at its tntors"etk
wlttt t-no Foe* ri,,lat of w;py t%ns of Oo~saty o-w"d No, 3193;
Icautit slot ~ tlp* tr*st rig tit of %ay ti,nrt of aowaty !<;notd
rri grit of way Up* p* of 4tots Ott. hvay No. tlu;
a,~...: F+ a 50ki sawmastof f,Y di reert°io th* Sa tiA ri4aat of sway 1Arty
of ltot* €ti i%woy 114 to a volot wtlwr* wsaix* int*rsoolru tart %nrt a line of a
treat of tend ern s iw► the T*wn of ,jltr<tskea. ~"oata~a, rooont to its
d 11rdinatsoo Int. `.140 adopted j.a#q. ;qr t '.~t►i
,c:~ Cx, :aver"Ot 010 0r>I elt, ortu tirl of 901d treat to t Ira r ."rlttilkl t
ra*rlr t $uarlaotj
*otaa otor#A tho Est Wxandery of sold treat to tike "raooth right
of *sy lino of ul-f4snty 10341
hot o long w bogndairy l i do of srstd tract to tbo %arthow.wt ocir-ft er
~ S~#Hf 3' pia{'
S' 'e South aloft t asst= bouw1ary lino air so 14 tract to a noint for
"ttf octet al*e a t"uaftry Itno of said trout to at point; k`'ir corner;
rr~r rnr r
•t tf: . ~014th atkimt r) ~,AAIK bountiary 1tna of Said tract t.~* a mint forte mp
tercet 010". a br"iztwlar 11no Of 0014 troat a *wlot for oornerll~
t . %nuttt tetatw a botsm=:t:ry 11no of *#Id tract t,% a int wt-vsr* said l
*root lertaereioots t1to "N-ortu l tsa of a treat of tend ft"n xod to twee `t"Deem
of ,*o" thloho , T****, pursuant to Its +:trdlnaneze '~,v. It a dwp*ed : er**tabor 3,e1
n't#, Mist along *I 'earth boundotry 11ne of **Ad ~djn ueo 11 tai r
tile -,,.e9t U no ei" k:*', 4ty tkefr* ,tin. 3 A16;
t *orth along tho W*stt i.tna of ~aiwity n;kd un. 3016 to t ; -qtrttl
liner o scanty Road ioo 3040,, e►sreYe botaig t've 4ortittwast saxmwr n~ tt 4 1P
'40f* u r'rey ; b
i °CMI i1vat 4ri3;; t1aa _ ,yrittx 14tw eat 4101w;nty d"Ell. Noe `3ddtb, the Apo t
WKNEAS, staid v1mtttsi-m logo, seam sa,41ard by an of fftdavit ,e7t*eut*4
by ter-s. * e Kasper, jr, cad arti~►erec. Inhabitants of tba► *roe* derasrlbod,eR
a^4 wao sree quallf lad to trato for nowbars of tuo ;Mato ftieriatare and tea
by sttt;niaj;.. sold affidavit oortif'lod that weld "ttttefnn oontoatms ft
signatures of *or* t n f Lf'+ty rreaat of tno r4mellft'1e4 tree romstding
In x%icts nrao area tir*vo toted to fever of - vi do said Pro* awl foe ~
Inhabitants * 4,ore ef etnnazed t><k and boc aer a .:4rt of # he 'r awn of -moo -th{f
it a,..,,efre; t txsa 11fF
.041fTd Of ;.,-14rie+Y! of tee`tiY1fx0fC d
SouttAcio, '7°texas, t hot Ott stat'utnry t°'ogfAtaroeweents I" 0,1(meeati-a ribs
said rogeeas+d ane;o tret';i sn r;tave, be• n U 1Vt Rl*d and !.tYot hear rsuld strve ~
duty r*uped into arm tarx'tt,:ery Is riot more that 1l1 all-f in vidth
ead that O t of orf to a+dj*oo tt of tna pr*o nt tlity Limits of tho
low" fslr
iax IT s~ ;s# s~ , F = 4., i'`. t; psi M ,f 's t. • ~ " ~
T X? Z
T4 reelywsl'tor desorlbed terrltf,*a-y lyle and adjagent to the
(*we4 of NoutMake, Toxa I* h-rsby 04063ted aff brouatst wltttl,ce t m ~
Corprerate a-twite eend made an lateear 1 part of foo Town of` iout'.'A" e,
,Tax **Id torrttory it ot#%4~ s~ I tu*tod ~I To rre,tit ~1.ounty, Toseret, a trey tw It
~ild~T i~~~ lfi°r~z# fif e~'~~r xvTe~T3~#39~~1 ~'~,q fit: ~V~~• ~ 'i.
U941* UX4 In Xte! E#1K'th line of Ule1►+c!nt,y -'40*4 No, )060 int. iflR sin+ortereati.+3t1 ~
with 010 Cast r iesit Of wol lip* of tRnunty e3t~el No. 3123;
Seutl ft O tact K&st racbt of way l tna of -C-Aunty 140j;!d Na. 31>'
to tho #thw* t tftftlrr or *f tivr# J, 40-,*t 'Iur"'Ioy;
cat a1ee06- the, ct#utb line of' trap ,f. West tur o to the 4autb
right of way Ilan of 4t4 to l.trtiray xe. 1141 r i
s ~ r ,
* ,inn eaaut >oiaswtarly clts-o ott-ft along t4sea LOO" r Sht of rrsy ~►~~wwr
of %to*r Akabw9My IV* to a tl'eriat when eoero* taterrrso+woto the %Ortft It** of s
*root of load armetxod to the Teteterr of autiileako. Tt►tceas, purirue±~ra►t to its
`rei eowrr! rs ytr. , awder►pt#4 t4o r *9, 19341
West 010r tbea ta►rtt% lime of scold true $ to tbo for o rtt w*- t
eaor'taet~t' ttt~eaaroof l
Ta°tU f, f4mtkk sloes tk* twat boundary of sold trrseot to too outti rrt kart
of way It"* of County oard V06 3041,
. r1K~ test ateor • bouadrary tin* of eewi+d *root to tber sorrtboost cortarr
t eret 1
, atb ato t ho Soot b "40ry line of sate *root to a print for
T"'A = t~ti
e arnort
1".4Ir810, . past alone o b n4mry line of said troot to a point for c ornearr
'l4 FAL %oath stool sane ast boundary Ito* of asld tiroot to s teat for
i es+orne►r t
,N, test eol*ow o boundary llawv of said treat to a, point for es wnerk
Ido P-
'1 4 . , South Moog a vAeary line of *iota treat to a polot wa aro en td
ow. *root aotsacar*ots t t North line of a trroot Of land orwm+oxod to tu* - o~
of ttilm4o, Toxoo, pursuant to ltri t4rtitmonoo, to. 11 er<eiveykreod 0,seaarwwwbor 3,
T -ct„ east alb the North boundary lino of sold orrdiswaaoer ties It to
the 409% tin* of Uounty i"e"Oad No. 30161
At...XCK$ Worth 01oft' traur► exert lit* *f O%Mty 1016 to tbo N~)rtta
linen of County P*44 "eft, 3080, rte being t sort ast sorrow <,-f title J *
ear ea t . u csoy t
I "rA
Titi'., o., Usst oto the North I.i*w of County 3'eit~+l~ %o, 3060, t#mrda playas of
bet i at~wF i:a~; .
TAAT *,be 1n%*bflterrms of tt tsrritory boreta eetoeorrx*d to ttur
Town of etitnt s, Tear, sbaall, be sxrlti.tiod to 011 tkw rights and
privileges of Other eoIt# a boa44 by salt *be ***a ar ordluenees
wtoeltr to eronfeoreelity thorerterr *ad gasser4 a sder eril to pwurooont to 'title
qq tit, pure I to 10 tnolu,olerer, f.'a►trrLswd Civil tatu+too of Toxos,
'TH11 offlelot mop onel boundaries of tho To-wrr of outt-ilaks, Texas,
sr to be eoorroot#4 owl *wo"4od lien as to inol.udo tho ofsrersarontitaw-A d oo-
eo+rlbad territory wo pent of s v14 't'o rr.
~i ~ s ~ r
YTdIS ordinanoa 1e1.4.411 boeO offootlvl* free Pay! *fter Its
M ttUs 43 day of *brvary,
P, ale' I) ;
calf?= Op
T T ;
I ~
I ,a
09 D. 34
9FC S't
X 1-~ 181 T
M yyl~w
pt 4j
y gy ~y p /y ~ yy~ per y ~p yp~ !fie g#
4J"' f#~6tr=~~~ i'74 {4~;R i i.i.$' +R~!# s1f R~FiA#Cy Afi. B
SUCH AP 9. 4 S4,)W. 3 Ult A WA;°T -'Ir Titg `101 W`tMi-
fill M'" LN Tv TI RI(O'S AXJ VIL86
VTOAM 4"I' U"S tai' 11149-: `Y'. U* Of $4,WTU .i XIs TXX,,Ar#,
9 S MID Of TO, ACTS X41) t, bldatddyS 9SAGIRD
in MR3UAb"t I, T Lb a*. ms 1 to to,
ApIts 0 TAR T ,`sk'i S 1 t~"a:3~.+~ti~.a~, T1~ ~ `;0, AS
wtl t , pMsi►'aumst to "wtltelo 974 of the 1945 #owisod civil
**tot** of Useso 1l, T* tii tao sae" of sers, tnk^bli#stss of the egos
beret" +dosorkbst »o agar qualified to rro** for M+I 're *f the A fat*
Lo,liaslotoro* be" boretotoro filed with the Mayor *ad the ibfrerd of
,AI4*rs of the Town of ttdokar, Texas, parse#r gotltien rve W*sttnag
s is tiem of t b* sold *ree to t'txo To of sou tsloko, ':'*saw, suete mrook
boleti doaeoribed so fo t t evo s
l it iI . 3 b of tno ertttwo*t o arna o r" of the W. 7kiroop urvoy . said
I" flit pol"t being atoo the .,asset line of 00%inty f4oad o►, 3021;
THEX% M, South along tUs ost I -kno of ..'ount 1##,
th lint of O nfy Pob4 o, 30341
TU%f~ test sloag tbo %outh limo of County d 3034, soomo
b *1"g the old City Lialt Lino of euthloks a Tosrrs, to a s~tr trwt, t
TAV= 1041 Booth *tests the arlrl t+ity 4t*ltt tine of outhla ko tl where
nowe I ntor;1 Ot a the pAk sty line of tbo F,,,, ors do r^roy i
ai 1 + to era Sqwtboaastorty dtveot eas aloft 144to dtrbbwoy 114 to s
int wtwr a some t"tersootA tho l"l of 1 t"o, Of *a* ads a"<'troy t
4XsC4, orth s oo tho go*t boundary It"* of *no P. X.Odrs :'Ou,rveo„
said 11uo oo"tk#wln4 ertb tttW*ugb t ***tar of t ► it'. Threeep
urvey to tho ortU lame of the Yo Troop survoyl
' Uk v, 1tE, eontlxtinx ortb olonit t1so past boundary l*+rw nt ttio . .
Tbo prow kvrvoy t e lass %orthe6st ow"Orl
IIV44~ K, Cost x oft4 tlkao '"°outtb boundary lino of tho John '"alldaresxs
'iurvoy to Its oatbeast oanwrl
T VCS, trtb a lon the neat boundary Itno of 'tx do U iidrosm
ae Survey to Its ortttosst onrnorl
/ OF
arawyo 750 vmrroo; rr~1
ooth boundory 1lnog arwarwrrrse being *to* the North boundary the of h
the 4, E., 11toopson .1furveyl
" lZXCS, *oat ot.ern ttho Itorth boundary It** at tbo 'I"t.wm sen ~ urwoy ji,
to Its ssrttttwa oet sinrnior t
Skmth &tqrtart; too ~:*ot boundary 11ros of t kia TIomils )n '°'aUr"y
AA#* , 9s14 petition arise sooomiian&*4 by on affidavit oxoanted or
by . t". taiagias and rrthartr, Inhabitants of the or*** 4osorlbod and who of
are qualified. t trots for aeowbers of the -tots Loglattotar* Pn4 theft by
signs "S aarffldowit sortitied ttsst said ptition eaantartins, the sirtnotaurrep
or *or* tamp Fifty Poreont of tho qualified water* re►siA,iattd in su ah or**
who hove; noted to favor of wing the sold &rawatr and tho in1 bitarnts therot
of rar nexod to and hooo** a tworrt o;, the 'own of ox jtftllmko, Toss*% eatrd r
ti "tA , It appearing to the ~ osrd and Aclorime►n of the low if U
Soothtsks, '"oxvo* that &I& oUtutory rogaatr!omonts to oemu4tion wrattr< eawia3
taroroood otraaars*tIon how* been tut ti 11*4 and that *be said or** a 1y w
drou**od Into fwanet territory ate riot were titan 1/2 tto to width and timttwa*
at etas to ad jaaaeont of Vie roisont Vi ty ta Its of the To of *,Jh%a7j j~
~'ew~aaar t
10 IT °.<DA II ,9 A 9 a 11, t:~e0 i„Lf)tp1" 9 7 V I'3 ::Jai
T149 horoianrawafter dosorlb .d territory l.yIne and Adjacent to the
Town of out,hlwk** "'?"a xv,oo to beroby aaartalexod and brought rw►it rt t
*)r,r,^roter Limits a04 aw&4* so iantoabrot xrcwrt of, the, Town of '>eaatthl*lso,
Ta, at atr ra, *^L territory bs log el tsrtolod in Torfra►nt %4`a vaty, 'losses orrc4 b*lna; a
described by **too o=n; tifto 40 as follow*
a a i ~4tl at the Northwo%t serner ~,r the f. Thrsnp urr'oyq sold
point boi also the *oat Itne of 4ouantty ta,a d <oo It'41 i a
T;±t'G>, tooth aeioatlV, the '4'*art ttn0 Of rt•aaant t 004 hew. )021 to the
liooaat.j 1tivo o 'a~a~rattt~ ~af5~'Q Vie. 3014: ar
istwt arlAartyt tit* ~►~t d ~ I no ty o No. 3034. bola tare 014 'City i.imltt La,no )f tmurt4a<1ar , e, 'fox*a*, to 0 point: at
sera< i , : aUtbt as jolig ttao old 'It,y `v..1, wit t.. i no of Air. a t;tatlarke to where >r
amino atntolrsooto *us not ltoo of the ~ . t-wets! .-`mrveyw
t"' # Soat ;~etorly direct-l on string' tnto Adkwey 114 to two m
point wlar* *aa** Intorrseets the t~a>'awt tin* of tit* t=. a►ds Survoyi
Worth otoa,, the set ttwoct+crdor-y line of the a a+d• 'Sur ey&
said tin* sontimsi ng rrrrth tA;aroiA h the onto r of the Y, Threov ~
nwrirw~rr.r+r w--
err %Ar7 it to the Xorth Its* of t< t* Tharp ar' t
TIMU to o+t►aaaiti,aaaitla sortrta sales tthaa East teowrtWory time of the W. s.
Ttempoon wrr oy to Its snrU►woott +eor" rr s
lflttQq Ust alga t ao ! ,%utb 1b<oundory line of tUe John Childress
awry to its *.houtltooot a rlwo rt
TW- jj*, North alga t . ist boundorry line of the John Childress
14#rvoy to Its orthoa stt earmo r t
s ikx 1, West alaoRn4 tbo North boundary ;ice of the ~%hildresas
survey, 750 ootrarao{
lit`=NOS, South through tlao **"*or of t1aa t S14*0* N< irv*y s ca its
south boundary liens, ammo belr~ng *Is* tho Worrtft boundary It" of
!afar N. ur r*y i
Tuscal *at arriloar the otrtb boundaary line at too T on 6t rvoy
to Its xortkwostr ""Mrs
TJ4KVCX# South aarloa tho **,at boaaMaatar'y li air thu '14aapeon rVey
to *Us laaoo, of essinliiw.
T"T the Inhabitoass at* the taarrlt*r7 fiestas ae,nnex*d tt ~ tzie
Town or outtslarko# Toxaar, *Uoll bo oaatittod to *1 1 t ko rights oa4
privileges of ota r altiaa►*nO m#4 tNmaW by oil tkw **to *ta 4 orQiaeirrr<noos
d* in oonformi,ty th+rrrarato and ta►aNead ond, adopt** In ',paarousaprt to Title
g o# h triers 1 to ld i.eaalusitri, T."O ri sod OLVIl $*&*atev of lox**.
'TAX effietal umv d beando rloo of *U e `awn or 6*utkl ko# xr.aiacos,
to b* cerraso**4 o0d amended ■o as to ineliardr tbo ae oratrsarat onol do*-
aaribod territory sea ootrt *9 maraud town,
~y r THIS o ions wtali boon om, sr'fftotttrro t r+anand attar its paua~n*4e 9
and opts"orod.
this 23 day of f'e uaaary,
A" P'-'Y fat
'1 T T
'l'rlNr trE
rRorn~sow suw~ y
F. TN~Coo P JU~YE y
A -**j: lama
= 3oov~tb~
A 4*Z1Y 1 hU AND ANVWX 41 TS I:T T
, "sir 41%1) 1144o 4n-0 TA. 11 74% -,~W$rs .40 11 ;in-
l.'1'UTS TAB , F t.-t` :5,_ . Oft 1Ri t»t 0 T- ALL TUX
80 t.>> UN D BY 'k" #v `S AND TV
# Sys "
' Yk{','7 g`I!M
.1*4 WASe P01"woot to the pravi+alo of t bo Aote of 1953. 53rd
Loelolwt+ortl. Vag* )ST. QksV**r 930 oadtf'lod as Arttoto 9746"*G, 4visod
Civil St tatoo of Tossto# X* W. i l.lay and w1f*q goti llofo Torrnnlt
4W Cyr"ntlr. " ir►*** $ owners of trtw real property b*relaaft o r d **ri4b►+ad. having
o do applieatl*w so by low oro'a►>ld d to tbo Mayor w W Ueord of Al4+iAr11poo '
of tho Iowa of utb4adts. `rtras* a *root of tend #m**jlblwd of 40 sores.
were or loss, ar is fully doso rlb►ad in va rroalky Doe. rood rdod in Voles
"3A. Alts . Do" Wooor4oo T*rrarst Oouv alt. Tozost eAblmted in the
James Tbornblli Survey, Taror+ani County. T*saso and owe fully desarib*4
by **too One W a►nd# as follower
tt ,t l at t1w Wortboost aar~,rper of 'th* 260 so ++n
UtXOS, West V30 tarss t ke to Wo thwoott oernor of o ftid
rrrny ~
of said ray l
' " lost jP36 vxraw to a *take to Use srg» ndl
T r A 1, orth SS7.1/9 vnrow to tho '4ao* of bogitnning.
A plot of oaid land eh*wing its loo*tlon with ;r*op*ot to the "down of
Southl*ko, To%*** to at+it bbd bor*to awrked NUTUI " *A*,
~ 1.
TbW• *it* property owners borolmobovo described betag a►+jsaont
and Soati gueve to the Town Limits pit Soutblsko, Tt►xesq be o to Uoroby
o rsod and btougbt wii tbin the or rat* Limit* of saibl To*" send to
boroby sod# an ,int€*Srol port *horoof,
OAK '1IUT, the owners and Inhabitants of +th area herein *mw3tsd be
onft4ttld to *11 of thr ri, to and parAril. ;os of *tiler oitslaarns and
property owner* of gold Tow* and bo bound by ell of the sots sad or-
diatarose made to sentaraaity t rotog now is full lerso ^n4 offeet and
At Obst wbi ch f hor*of+to r o+ o"#d.
"Wi"t. fti af *t at is aRw bo►undalr'io* of thaw e.own of ootftlako.
9 1R ItaM lF. so bor*totaro, odesp*#4 oml a*aamd . be ond to horoby *wooded ran
so to tooludo tno afararlrem* nti wd territory no port of t Tmm of
artthaa►A~w, 'nae~. O
T41%. ord#naaanoo *hall b*eoao offoot vio one be in f%,#11 fores, o +
*irf+oot from a after its atlas" ant *VW*" % by tas mtoyor and d~.xiy
attasstsd: by the Town "-,drorotoay.
fir.-PIZU tEt'd s 99 4*y of r+ar'Wmary o A s 195i •
9e'o r es.
r 40AC K
I a~~
GOJAPr~CN1 w.,LQ~.3ot~ _
! i
EXH 161 T
ac 1.Mw 20o v~~t~~
x qrs tylrt Fy - ow•v6C5
so M04%
W tb O 111 b R P6C21Y AND A9WX ;lsf3 Tat
191h1, 1X'V' ''s ~9i AIC TT~~~?*YT 111 s s0lVT x mil
do il!CA x' R1,0A 142 A Y'AV T e 'W 14 ''#4, "r soul-it.
AND ~ :r 1~ t "Y AMA. ; g 3.i: YA At~"'~
Ili PM'-', Wt T-, TMX 98, 1 to 100
trr ?fit is y, } Y) V 1) 6°ts. P
WX A „ suout ttn Artiols 974 of !bs 1925 o+wtood 41yit
''tstattes of Toss, W. 1.! *ad otWors, inh►obitonto Of tbft or**
twroii n described test woo or* aliflod to vote for meeseh* rs of tho "tats
Lat isloleurot bone herotof ark if#►%94 wt*h the yor anp fte oo r+d of
w.. 14*r m of t4o Town of ° utltslaks, Texas,, their petition rs+ u*fti
annowaetton of the said orox to tho rown 4f "~~i►tlt~tl s?~~t a "texas • suo"A or**
been dos orlbod, yes ro t lowi s
itWI 111 stt a int In tz,%o rth 1! 4o of 'oanty sad boo- 30bQ, 0,mwe
being t4s ortkwo:at earner Ot t uo Lo UIv ers roof! 7alrront Cmunt y,
foxes f
10:outh slwkg tke sst line of ouoty i-,**4 sr 3016 to a z'wolnt *tkor*
**a* tators*cts a tre et of land *nu*"d to the To ot° otttls koo 'Toxrl'
ersue"* to its Csr'dl^^ns• 40. Use odsvtod ~40osttbwr 29, 195461
asst cleft tko bow asy Ito* of sold ( 41*40ss 4 to a point;
4olrth sly rho bou"414ry It"* of said trft w 42 to a icnt $
Tfi*~. s, South along the boundary line of sold zjsr4kmonos 42 to a y,-,vin-t;
` AAiW.t, U*ot eels tk boundary Ito* of said Or4insoos 42 to a Point
in tee ` ~.s t 1 of Qoejoty : sa4 tto * 3016;
A 14 t 'tt, outh 61004 the 404t It" of uZownt'p ood o. 3016 to a ►int
In w t raot of I*"d omnarsd tt* t ho To of S*vtb,l*k*, To"*, pursuant
to its ord,ta*aeo o. 60 odopteed bsNowbor 19566
T40,' ,CK, toed olong' th* orttb bou try tin# of said ir+1lnonso d to r
poln+t 'horn sold ordiLnon*# ~o• lP*or**ots * ttrsot of bond onnwx#4 by
tbo own 11f iw- ttl ko, Tova*, puttrsuant to its ovd.1nee to o. 490 s40ptod
do ?`'~0 r a
TR~#C , riortti aloft two and%ry line of svid 0r4t w+s o. 49 t4 a ;*oInt;
Tdt d * Lanett ter tho 4,08t 40004ory It"* of the U. U. tioll '#Arvoyj NOW
1AXACS* WortU along. V'so -.*at boundary It"* of Via v. » 40 grill r vo7
tktur %so* boovido r,y lino of ttto t.. i:~;Ivrs Suave' to that *ortth 66-
anti 1 to* of Gat►unty Noaard No, 30"0 tlaairre burr the orthoust eaornorr of V ar
L, ".Avo rs a ts' rarrlr
g` eontinuia foe crag &Ionic the stoat boun4aary line or the J. fir.
ksitroraa `ur"tr1Ry to l+* aartti+ro/t arotrrrtrrrt
`I,imUt , Vast along tho North boundary 104 n♦ of th# k . ~ . Calv*rs --ur way
to Its Northwest oornort
TAt; Ct., 'Louth #Ion thr **at undory la naae of sold .atrrv*y tee f Lo ,>l.^**
of beginning*
ft=i r~= aria id to i t z sus, was vine aw,4niad by so arrialovi. t ar►sa cu tod
by L. 'P, ft4lo and otbor s, inbabita n is of t h" areas dar►oerlbaad and *he
ore aerli clod to meter for ea+r►atboro of too =stone 1,.ar41016ture owl th-t t b,,
signtared said affidavit oorti.fiod ttho tt sold t1,O*l,t1*O 06"t oldo ttia<>re geld-
no arbo of more t uas Arty Im"ont of tb* 4%1*11flod voters r*st4.tng In
*mob or** who vo vottat4 in rover of weaving tuo sold or** and Lao aa►
tobaabitsnts *horeof an"oxo4 V), and 1>arap~*rrrw it p* rt of kba a<1"n of '`;o athlw
Talrx*e t egad
wk ,':,,i,A * it oppe^ring to the oar:ral of 4'44iaraw9e of the lov*a of Maw nm
asu!° xla ru►, 'osars* that all statutory r*qu'ir naaa"ts I" aAoetrrrvott= " with said u
Pr ovoisod sowexarti-v" ismve bn n uitt'llt a4M ttlt*t tt #aid area dAY
droupod into n ttrar1*,wl' Ike not *or* raon 1/2 sit* to widtu aw turt ear
all of awEPoo to adjoe* st of gees l,V* ontt ~;ity Li oit o of the Ifewo of :.~oxettt` lk
T0xsa I
At 1-} a'f)t tOi Mki «?i 13>•. 4,4`):f,3ra9 int. A1n a k!°3 'r ';.ti. i x,.i 4' y#~~d '~';F~•`~*
TAP, twr*lnoftt'sr de"ribod territory Pyle and aadja*ont to too
Town of :-1iooth%obi, 1 *xxar, is hereby aannozed and brou,iit6 within tear
4* !~a*rpto t.inltvi and wade on Intogra*1 part v. w( Olown bt 4outb1*Xo* ~
'Tara, %*Ld territory being sitau;ttkod.lo .ta*rrrent County. Texans. ^me P1e1141
itovierl"d by noto* a tul bounds oa to l lows; s
1NG 'i? ;I +t art i point in V'10 orth4-At"O air County :vnrod No., 01300, 0* 40
bergs the 'Q*rtftW**t corn or or that i.. Chivers Survey, Tarrant ~ounty#
`ar zaa$ ar ar
34010, ?autu olott.att 0 '#04st lunge or R:a,.arat^y ?.atatd.'to. ►1f to a point iibattroar
so** i n t *rse¢ats rr *root of load ar►renrxv3 t -t f Im la>un 4f SatuttttUke. l exadp'q
tpursum,"t to Its )rrdln#,noo !4r), 42, vd?, !tod "zoowa bob, 2'9, 1956t
i`rt y?*At along the baun'*^ry Iln4 oi- %#I(1 k rdiaa►noe 42 to t pointt
`gtNO North slow, t xm b►ot ndr-'ry .liner of *cold rdiatonois 42 to ar ~ua&at;
t _
fir; "ri-o hl * souttt t+l ' ttw boundary 1>tm of sold O r410404# 49 to a tae tnt s
West along tho boindgry. Itoo of sold Oe°et;inanoo fro to is eint
is ths, -4sat Irmo of county er Ad it t
qR : , ; to South alcr! the tA*st line of County ad No, 3016 to 0, *Int
g t . a traot of land orn oso3 to f *wn n besot ako o Tes<xoso pursuant
to its f~r4tnt»nce► NO, 6. #edl pt*d -eo. 19561
Esty~.s t Olon y~p~ the 3i~rt+R i~yy~th ~ y~io y~ of # ~i~y}L!.14 ifi{y:~800# XM~yp~ q# 6 a
FH 0.4 4 ~.,5. y~,oun4oEy~y lb
point r r o said rdtaftftoo 'Xo, 6 inttorsoots a trootE of lend stmoxod b,
CA* `I`oao of outalLok9o Terltrt pur#+k„ oat to its Ordirauoet o. 1#$9 o4optod
fJ,r 6emb o t r 19561
TAX,, Virtvx atone tho beondary fare of suld IIrdlnonao r+. 49 tm a pointl
90 twat to the *ot boundary l i # of tho ~ . k, lall k~urvoyt
f. N .t. *ort!~ *lone, ttiv riiaitt boamd&ry ling of t ho Vey
e eue t t ► owt boondary i trt of t x,. ChAwors Sc#vvvy tax t i N'car th
line olfr t;*unty Po*4 No, 3080, sa being the orthou#wst t orator of ttm
err 1 xr1`,S, 04t"(tt1f'rUtas Xor. ah *!o the 4 aot6 6ftundakry I tom of the -40
. i fttvoro S4rroy to Its Northe itstt oarnerl
+#t#ett e' ► , the Berth boundary t, f.no of tbe► «t• . hivo s f 4l Toy
fhX,1 Cr, 'Soutts 910v*, true *OS* booft4ory 11 #f $jefld "4{ir'rey to t~J'40 1)1.*#3o
of' beginning,
T11:4T t1to in bitants of the t*rritery b*rotn are xod to t-w
q 'tee of :*eruthl&ktt. T+axer. anoll be entitled to all true rt is oudl
s ri vile soo eat #lteiti#r►r Oittsono aad bomv4 by all the auto and ordinances
emdo !,l ooaa! orast►tr ttbrorose d tread and adepetod to rsuant to "it's
qR t8# Jlhovtoro 1 to to f►~s+~l.~t~.fknt►ewp~ 14visod ftvil *tatwrtwa of Togo*.
rrM 30
;`its; offjokol atop *0 4 bova4afrl*s of the loM►n of Ott ~t~a~s~ extes.
to be cor.rroctrtod and akno*4o4 so as t- 1"Oludo b a!'err Montl"00d +ive-
ortbod torrritorr so part; of salt 'l .
Tdl or!$t#rtas" #bell bo me ot'f octivo from and atfta At* +~aatse~~s
ow~ approved.
' F this 3 dap of l obruary • " . E~. 1$~~' •
Ar V' Ov >
e 0
J i
P p,
.29 DWe, 51,
3 ~ 1
~ a
o~L~ - i DEC, 34 '
Wit of 60muAn't TV-XA9 M Axle VIDI V"'V
$A" as "TAU" TO T*M "aMb 4W k"VA"014
0V 01W14 041241 UV VIM TOVU Wr WjU=LA *
Y0# f►: Ul"V't s "V16F O4V'3i. T WV M
VGA * ARUM AND 00ARt- T1*4 0"10X"
„A ar O VI 0A .
~ AU , $ OUSAA to Art"10 974 of XVXJ toss CIVU
totutios of Ifos , V* Lo **I&" atd atbo"o laboutstb of the
of the btlWto ,10gA OtatUV9jp b*Vo b*V*tot6V9 9JAMA WItb UW YoV
oa the AWMW4 of Aldermen of the TOM of 8 U*klW o * TOM* #
tbrtr vock"on s stiff et tent s ar" to tue low"
Of s+Mthu"o Tox"s 040b oror being dosarib+od oo foA,tavs+
A tMot of tom "Wato In the T# A" " oaf ,y burrroy's,
yarrant 0o f s tie and " tally 40" r1b od by wet** and boon to
&o follows a
84W#1A#A1A4 at ar► V"At In fte A*rlkb rk4bt *f my tin* of County
o. 3090f oaf bot fte J o cost oonwr of tbo 1-soody rl oy 1
.o 4Cr' *utb &to tbo W oo t Lima of Cotmtty Need • 3060 to a
kO,1 nt Wb*ra CODU* r 0`Ad • 3086 CAMS Foot tor & OOVOOT
T144OIe A"8 #Otr #1 CftMty Vaal 6* 3088 to tiro -*#t &An* of the
T E S # %oUth &Utkg *be WOO$ iAo ary A.UW of tb* To 04o $10" VVay
bra o"m 11as Astor sts o tract of IaM" &mwm4 to tbo Town of
liou xl&kso TO*&.** rowmt to Its ordA#sam* sow 520 4400*04 umber
~ Vas 19i
Tv ;J & Ot i11tOft fte Q V*b LLUO of 'j"J SMMW# tdo • to ttM SALO t
r" b0t, , ►tb oloft ttW We -at LASO of 0 tf Read x. 3123 to Me
44ft"st comolp at s tmet of Is" w rti ee r. 440 adopted on won r 299
A 9 t
ts`4Gt# *qt to tbo oawtbWoot Corner of ~ raAi►nararMS~a +~o. 44$
I,' ~Aack g Aortb to tba Norte of owner of *a" k.,rdAm la
*aid ,cos nt ring tbo, bottb wMdo y Line of for beedo urvoly And
tow atb + ! or the To ~ . A ,trvey I ~
` it0 s t to 404* 1ki 1..1410 of County 900A • ~t+~~ i
S Aotb ' tbo 00% L of aouftty 14" * 31X3 to the
ectb 1440 oc qty he" 0 30001 saw* boi t Sortboo*t
comber off` Qood'Y *Urvevt
TMAM* o+ t 44*ft the Aertb LlAW of tooaty aa,,d, • 30809 to the
1i~' bray.
'W o *"A titian was atarocowma od by an aMft'#da vat ts& ti
by I's L Motley *Ad or t baoray g tabb►t t nts of tbo "*us 6000ribod Wm
who are qu"t#iod to Ww" for members of t at* Logiar Utu" &as
*bat 1' tt so off'34* rit oortif l d that 0*14 petition 0004 ains
the "Sma►t ros of o than tiny r t of the qualified Voters
ory SS41 aMta" ar►Too WiAo have voted to #oW*r of bores tho *aid amo
apra tbo tit to thereof mod to and booowo awa rt of *be Tom
or Ama to. Tex as $ MA
VWWA*, t bearing to tt# goad of a4alworam of the m of
~*ootb<t g Tomi~&$ that all ot&tAwm roquirommmto to oonneeti+oss wktb
0"4 proposed 640004ro b*40 f%4tit,tsd 484 t t UNS 0014 ab"&
444,W Or00,004 9►oto one tdo'tr'itory to not ore tAft 1/2 six* to Ath
"A "at all of 06ae to 644araooott of tbo jos"t city. (A»atto of the
. Air ODUAIA 'P Of 413 i,3 -RD T ALX-, 1t,A, 1~A T41, T;. v4* (4
' 1.
E `bib ba1►rels w for de€ erlbed territory lying *AA *4400mit to the
loom or 4W~Skor f ►r# to tvo"bf acrd ial rmoo t Witbift tbi
c 4r, aaa rar►to, ate *IN$ 40" an tnitooml part of t h& fovea of boutba o't
T oq '*xid territory bow *itu&*" 'fit imttr„ TeX"# *ad
i 1 4464w tbod WY tiro 4WId bow as fool w*# -
i -
'I of o 004st. tats the aortb r gbt of way 14,80 of ' + ttf Oad
• ! AM the 'WOrtbwtla S t aYRRI V1WT Of the I+alMMAY SUVTQY j
TUTt" , boutb 44006 th# Vest L5ta'3* of County Vlo" fir 3040 for ~t
iooivat w orb qty *ad ° o S tome *oit for fA *9m rl
T € FSc% t &or*** county ~ ~0 « 306 to the vaat Line of the
F ed '5UrVoY
141k4la 1 autb &So~n# the Waaas t b ora airy ~a,.ta~at at ttso TP z4: iieed survey
wtWWM *^a* It"* lntora~nNvt& a troot of "A ai~aat►~tod to thi Town Or Aftmmo'
'qutbtwmj' Ux"01, 4raluu at to Its v"'rd tumo* o* 3,29 o4opt ltd bee"btar
t ~ tg ~ aµ
US's, t "Oft tae st+ Line at ordt+aopwo ~ 52 to IWO toot
1SAO at County vw" A** 31231
l SCS9 oe a aSo the Vowt A.Awo of q ty seat *00 9123 the
4 "oast co"Now a► t t of I*W or"so* 440 meted
oo oombor t9. 1936
- s, w*s + the Southmat mor of ostsmamse . ~
TW"Ac1, rth to the ►rstwoort owsoor of. oul+dr or4k rasmso •40.
" o oolat bokag the %outis eery Lbw of tbo 3&od* t o
s t" k*W 14" of the T# lix'1►
3 19 t to %tso toot U&O r of 0" %y R0&4 e 312
TUX9,01s, berth "osW tb* Woot 1 of County x ad Ao. 9123 to the
Comer air t "oody survey #
j ' 10 , q Wo*t ol"g Use Aorth tsso of County 96*4 Uo * a, to
tie ; is ! or uirs"60
TUA T tie 1066"t"40 *9 two torerltory yrwiei n ondo to tbo
T at vat moo, To"*s $11411 b* 06t1t104 to Ylt tb* het#bt• *114
p ri vilowsm of of s *A t lrGl and bbw"dA* O11 the awet.o o taww+ea
r~ as" to o00to i ` tharta p"o" ae" opt I's purasumat rte
title sot tore 1 to 10 100SUM&+ 0.0 to" CIVIL t&tatos of t+r&&** Ift +arftio ~ boa"orl*w of, Uo Town of % tako ~ . Ion!
to 60 ego tot ^j" &*$foe" So " t e 1ft*1 . tbo oto"W"ttQ$"
rr. 4eloo rl t*iC ktory *a port at *"At Vie.
TI" o1 ire o b&1% 4aowm* effective tier r arst ortork Its
Poo*"o a o
, b % Us 23 of 1010 awy s A* ~j. '19-570
rr f,
29 a~.ss
Q Fe
~ ~ SJ
o~ Z
u ~
i ~
oRD. 61
2i oEG ~t