1957-02-09 207 MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 9, 1957 TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Pursuant to the call-of.the Mayor, and to notice given to all members of the Town Council, stating time, place and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town Council, South- lake, Texas, was held o n Saturday afternoon, February 9, 1957 at 4:00 p.m..at the Carroll School. The following members were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor: A. Gail Eubanks Aldermen: W. Lee Yantis W. C. Cummings R. G. Lyford• C. M. Gordon J. F. Quinn Mayor Eubanks called the meeting to order,.. and. the minutes of the previous meeting wereapproved as read. Since there were no communications or unfinished business, the .Mayor asked for a report of.the committee investigating various telephone companies serving the area. One.of,the committee members, Mr. R. G. Lyford, reported that they have contacted a telephone consultant experienced in helping rural areas develop telephone systems and improve service. He said they expected to have a full report on the situation by the next regular meetingZ Mr. John Stephenson is Chairman of this Committee, The Mayor announced that Messrs. Vaughan and'Hillis, with the Texas Power and Light had suggested-that we pass an ordinance to the effect that no utility company could enlarge facilities to extend service without a.franchise. It was decided to prepare an ordinance enforcing same. The Mayor recognized Mr. R. C. Patterson, who asked that since Lone Stan Gas has lines as far as Mr. Tom. French's property, that we investigate the possibility of their serving as much of our area as possible. Mr. George P. Gleeson, the City Attorney, stated that he had already contacted officials o f Lone Star Gas and that the Gas Company promised to look into the matter right away. It was decided not to appoint a committee until we have more information from the Gas Company. Ordinance No, 64, Adopted at.the previous meeting Book 1= P. 2059 of the Minutes was discussed' The Mayor read the ordinance in full, 'SAN ORDINANCE CREATING A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FOR THE TOWN OF SOUGHLAKE, TEXAS AND PRESCRIBING THEIR-POWERS AND DUTIES.n The Mayor announced the appointment of the following members to serve on this Board: Chairman: Mr. Frank R. Denton, Rt. 1, Grapevine, Texas V. Chair: Mr. W. E. Mayfield Rt. 1, Grapevine, exas 208 Secretary: Mr. George A. Schultze 66 P. 0. Box 537, Grapevine, Texas. Other Mr, H. M. Hunter Members; Rt. 1, Box 188, Grapevinr, Texas Mr. Harold Knight-, Rt. 1, Grapevine,.Texas During discussion regarding this Ordinance, it was brought out that members of the Board are Free to call on others for assist- ance as it is needed, Mr. Gleeson said that copies of the Ordinance will bye sent to each member of the Board. He also offered to meet with the, Board and advise them before they begin their work, He said hew ould furnish them with a sample zoning map from other similar communities and such information regarding Texas Statutes.as.they will need. Ordinance No. 30 6.previously tabled, was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE RE ]EIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJA8ENT AND OP CONTIG UOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . concerning property of Carl Goodman and wife, Edith Goodman, owners of,the real property described therein. On motion of R. G. Lyford, seconded by J. E. Quinn, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No. 30) ORDINANCE No. 65 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE ADOPT- ING AND ACCEPTING PROVISIONS OF TITLE 28 OF THE REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS . , concerning the changing of the status of the Town from Title 28, Chapter lI of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes - TO - Title 2$, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925 Revision, Article'561, as amended.' The main advantage for making this change would be in relation to having more legal rights in Courts ~ of Law and at the State Capitol. Also Councilmen and the Mayor would be elected for two-year terms instead of one-year terms and on a staggered basis, On motion of R. G, Lyford seconded by W. Lee Yantis, all five Aldermen,.voting, said Ordinance was passed unanimously a nd.adopted (ORDINANCE N0. 65). ORDINANCE No. 66 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 'AT LARGEt SYSTEW FOR ELECTIbN OF TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAAE, TEXAS: PROVIDING FOR A MAYOR AND FIVE COUNCILMEN:' THE RESPECTIVE TERM OF SAID MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN: AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE D ATE Same provides for election to be held the first Tuesday of every-April, on a staggered basis. On motion of Co M. Gordon, Seconded by R. G, Lyford, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No. 66) ORDINANCE No. 67 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING 6 THAT CERTAIN OFFICES OF THE TOWN, OTHER THAN MAYOR AND TOWN 0 COUNCILMEN, SHALL BE APPOINTIVE INSTEAD OF ELECTIVE . . Same provides that after February 9, 1957 the "office of Marshal shall' bean elective office which office shall be for a term of two years; offices such as town Secretary, Treasurer, Assessor and Collector, Town Attorney, Town Engineer and such other officers and agents may f rom time to time be a ppointive instead of elective, and shall be appoint ed by the Mayor with the advice P and consent of the Town Council," On motion of W. Lee Yantis I is seconded by R. G. Lyford, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE No, 67). 209 Minutes Page 3 Regular Meeting 2-9-57 ORDINANCE No. 68 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE PRO& HIBITING A UTILITY COMPANY OPERITING WITHIN THE-TOWN OF SOUTH.. LAKE, TEXAS, WTrHOUT A FRANCHISE GRANTED BY TGIF TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE TO EXTEND ITS FACILITIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING ANY KEW CUSTOMERS." On motion of W.-Lee Yantis, Seconded by R. G. Lyford, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE No. 68). ORDINANCE No. 69 was introduced entitled "AN"ORDINANCE' ANNFXI NG COUNTY ROAD NO. 3016 TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF VAY LINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 3080 TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ,1w! On Motion of W. Lee Yantis, seconded by J E Quinn said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted JORDINAkCE Ito. 69).' ORDINANCE No. 70 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . Same concerning property'of Buster Lee and wife, ownersof the real property described therein. On motion of C. M. Gordon, Seconded by J. E. Quinn said Ordinance was passed unanimously a nd adopted. (ORDINANCE o. 70). ORDINANCE No. 71 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING. AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Same concerning property of Ralph T Eidson and wife; Maxine Eidson, owners of the real property described therein. On motion of R. G. Lyford, Seconded by C M. Gordon said Ordinance was passed unanimously and a dopted. (ORDINANCE No. 71). ORDINANCE No. 72 was introduced, Entitled "AN ORDIANCF RECEIVING AND ANNEXING THE INHABITANTS AND T ERRITORIf D ADJACENT TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS . . Same concerning a tract of land in the 0, .W. Knight Survey. On motion of R. G. Lyford,6 Seconded by , J. F. Quinn said Ordinance was passed unanimously a°nd adopted. (ORDINANCE loo. 72). ORDINANCE No. 73 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING THE INHABITANTS AND TERRITORIES ADJACENT TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . Same concerning anothFrtract of land in the 0. W. Knight Survey. On motion of C. M. Gordon, Seconded by W. C. Cummings, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No. 73) RESOLUTION NQ..2 was introduchrth-that entitled "ORDER AND NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION." Same setting the election shall be held at Casey's Store on April 2, 1957, being the first Tuesday of April. The Election Mudge and other Managers of the election set forth therein as follows: Presiding Election Judge, L. A. Casey; Assistant Presiding Judge, L. T. Cathcart; Clerk, Mrs. Hal. Nelson. It was announced that notices for same will be sent, 209-A Mr. Kenneth Anderson was recognized by the Mayor. He asked i., if a temporary zoning ordinance would be practical to prevent undesirable developments until a permanent zoning Ordinance is worked out. The City Attorney Mr. Gleeson, advised that a permanent zoning Ordinance will be ready in a very short time. After the permanent Zoning Ordinance is passed, he advised that we w ill be in a position to control development within a five- mile `radius of our City Limits. - ~ ORDINANCE No. 74 was introduced, eot6tanIng policing of roads in FP Eastern Tarrant County, where sufficient p rotection to the General, Public using said roads and highways is unavailable at this time, and in the interest of Citizens of Southlake, Texas. On Motion of C. M. Gordon, Seeonded by R. G. Lyford, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE No. 74) ORDINANCE No. 75 regarding health and sanitation for the community, was discussed. Lacking sufficient information, said Ordinance was tabled for future consideration. Mr. Gleeson asked-to-discuss the Hurst movement of January 16th regarding their annexation of a large portion of Tarrant County. He stated that there is a definite law that one City cannot interfere with the boundary of another City or incorporated area. Their Ordinance cannot be effective until a second reading which may be within thirty days or two years; It will be necessary for Southlake to have the area certified and show boundaries to the Attorney General at Austin. The Secretary announced that a letter of thanks had been sent to Mr. Joe Fechtel for his offer to use the Western Hatcheries„ Club House for meetings. No further business coming before the Council, the meeting was adjourned; Time of next meeting to be announced later. FP Irr Dolores Quin n, Se y.-Treas. PP p roved, . ail ubanks, Mayor w " dRDIXAXCS NO. $s AN ORDlNASCS AAOFT1*0 AND- ACCIPTTI PROVISIONS OF Tarmac me or Tits RuvisED tLI'fm sTATims OF TS:SAA, 192.5 X1VI9ftON AS ABM MM999 1 XLAT"I TO CYTISif AND TOWWS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN XTYNCTiVIC RATS. WHIRS", on the 23 day of 8*ptoMb0r, A. D. 19561, the Town of So+uthlake, Taxes, situated in Tarrant County, by ardor elf the County Judge of said County, recorded in Volume 34390 Page SSS, Dead Rosords, Tarrant County, Texas, was 4e04ltrwd to,bMe duly Incorporated as a Town pursuant to the provtsiows of Title 2$,j Raptor It,. of the 1923 Remised Civil Statutes of the Stets of Taxes# and _ WKWASAS, the Town of Southlako, Texas, threuXb its board -or Alderson, desires to aselept the provisions of Title 08 of the Revised Civil statutes of Texas, 1925 Revision, Artiste 961, as amended, relating to.01ties and Towns in lieu of its existing Charter and powers relating only to 'T'owns a" Villagest and WHIRSA$, they sold Town now oentaine ons Manufacturing Sstsb- lishment, vhioh fast the, Ueard so finds, and which is hereby officially dsteraeinedt NOW,, THRRSPORS, DS IT 01MAINSD BY TAS BOARD OF ALUS0991 OF 7119 TOWN OF SOUTALAXI, TSSA:tt ar 1. THAT said Town aosopt the provisions of said Title 28 of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1923 Revision, to- detbor with any amendments thereto "toting to Cities and Towne l that sold incorporation shall hereafter be known as the `TOWN OF SOUTHLAIKB, TtXAS•, and shall be subjeot to the provisions of said Title tilt relating to cities and towns, and shall be vested with all the rights, powers, pri♦ilo os, Immunitloa and franchises therein conferred. TkLAT all ordinanees and reselutinno heretofore adopted by the board of #ldorwon be and are hereby ratified, accepted and adopted as resolutions and ordinenees of the Town and are to remain in full foroo and offset in all of the orovisio>ns thereof until some are amended or repealed. 3• ALL of the present Stestive Officers of the 'town shall continua J^ in thoir respective positions, during the term for which they ware *looted and until their successors are duly *tested d qualified. 4 THAT a copy of 'this ordinance, signed by the Mayor, and attested by the Town Secretary,, shall be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Aldermen, and a certified copy thereof shall be recorded in the Deed Records of Tarrant County; and the Clerk is further ordered and directed to procure a corporate seal for the "TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS" for the purpose of authenticating the official acts of the Board of Aldermen of said Town. 5. EXCEPTas herein provided all ordinances and parts of ordinances, and all resolutions and parts thereof, in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict herewith. 6. THAT this ordinance shall take effect,immediately upon its passage and annroval. ADOPTED this 9 day-of 'February, A. D. 1957. T ' PW MAYOR ATTEST: TOWN SECRETARY PP it PP ~s f t o2i 2- uiRDIRANCR NO. 66 AN OiitDIVANC S AI3t)PT G THE "AT LA1WX0 StSTSM FOR %LNC' ION OF TOWN COUNCIL TR9 TO" OF S T .Ki„ TRXA31 PROW11110 FOR A MAYOR AND P1V9 Ct itCTLMXV C 7113 RNSPSMYS TURN OF SAID KATOR AND CIWNCRIL C AND YON AN '1'tCT- TZVZ DATib. W#ist U50 Titlei 280 Chapter 8, iirttolo 997, as amended by Atte Ants of 19490 519t Ledisla.ture. Porte J73. Chapter 1". mootion 1, of the ovitsod Civil s►totutes of Ta> l9x5 Revision# grants to all auajelpolitles, n Texas operating under the Qomoral Lowe of Tax** relating to ftnielpalitiost as option to soleet its alderoaalo few of Sever t, and the sight to provide tho respeotive terms of Ci~ounoilaeen elected. W014, THZR)ICFORE, 82 IT ORDA1529 BY TfM TOWN CWWC1L OF 'T'HS TOWN Of m%50UT11LA iT , TEXAS $ 40 TIAT the option extended in sold Article 977 of the Refisod Civil 408tatutos of Te=as. 1923 Revision* to eleot a Mayor and five Councilmen at large frow the entire Town be and is hereby adepted. The term of ofties of Moyer at the alootien to be hold is April 1957. A&l1 be for a period of two years. At said election five Counollmen *hall also 4bo eleoted= the two oandi.dates for usunollmon rooeivring the hilliest number of votes east of such slsetlon for tbeo offieo of Clduaea►ilwsen shall serve for a ' ,ported of two years: the tbreo oandi.dates reoolving the nest blest n mOmor ,ref votes shall serve for a period of one year, or until tbol,r suocessors are duly *looted ono qualified, Tbo terse of all elootivo effloors now serving as sueb at 1tbe time of adoption of $bls or,41nono• shall expire on April 1. 1937. or until his suooeeesar is duly elooted end qualifled, whose tern seiall be for the period as provided herein. OR 3 ALL erdinanoes or pasts of ordi,naaoes, and all resolutions or parts tboroot, in confliot herewith, are bereby expressly repeated. 4. TRId ordinance shall booasea effwetiv a and be in full foroo and offset upon its adoption as by law provided. ADOPTID this day of A. D. 1937• PPOR 000, ~itI.AYC~`p 40~ATTRST` Tt"111fi M-Off C r ORDIbADCD NO- iT AM ORDINANCD PROVIDING THAT CXRTAIV OFTION S Of ?Us TOWN, ATd TRAd MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL MM, SL" " AA INTIV'S 199TSAD' OF dL&OT1TDf PRO- YIDZ TUAT ALL O g1lleAXONS, OR PASTS TKtFZOT* IN 00SPLIOW DAB XWXTH ARSS X1312dtT DTCPlALXDi PROVIDING T'+ R AN FXCTIVDATD. WRRR C. Title 24, Chapter f, ,,rtiolo 977. of the 1925 Ferlsod Civil Statutes, so smon4od by the +,ctx of 19496 31st Legislature, Pogo 373. Chapter 199, Section 1. provides that esob municipality in Texas, operating under the general Law of the State, other than the officers provided in OrdInan :,s go. " adopted this gat*, the following additional officers; A Town Secretary, a Treasurer, an r► Assessor and Collector, a City -attorney, a Narobals an Ingifteer, and such other officers cad agents as the Town Council way- from time to tiseo diroet* who may eithor be appointed or slotted as provided by Ordlaance; and, WHIRSAf►. this Town Council dooms it to the best interest of the Town and Its Inhabitants, to make all of such offices oppointives ~ St IT ORDAINED J3Y THY. TOWN COUNCIL OF ",tHR TOWN OF SO11'!'`ILI.kZ, T%XASt 1. FROM and after the effective data hereof the office of Marshal shall be an eleotive► office which office *hall be for a term of A* two Tcarst offices such as the Town Soorotary, Treasurer, Assessor and Collector, Town Attorney, Town gngineor and such other officers 00 and agents as the Town Council may from tie* to time direst steak be appointive instead of elective, and shall, be aMwinted by the Mayor with the advloo and oonarnt of the Town Council. 'T'he Town Counesll may confer the rowers and deities of an* or scarf of these officers upon other officers of the Town. it s* 2. ALL ordiseono*o and parts of ordinances, and all resolutions and parts thereof, in conflict herewith, are hereby expressly repealed. TUIS ordi", ngosha'll become effective and be in full force and offset onth* M1" day of Tebrunry, A. R. 2' 57. Sr. AS PTI&D this day of February, A. D. 1957. APPRtt Ar ATTZ ST MAYOR rogg S - I «rnnxY~xc~c ~e AN 0"INAMOs PROMIMM riti A UTILITY 0OKPA?#T OPSPAT116 YTTRIN M TOWN OF SWTHLAKS, TBUS, WITUOUT A rRAWOHISs CMAXTU MY VM TOWN or SWTHLAKS TO XXTXVD ITS TACILrMS FOR THU PHRPOSS OF SXPVIVG ANY XXV CUSTMORS. 82 IT ORDA1199 M THEE BOARD of .ALDERXXS OF THR TOWN of A SOUTHLA 9, TSX.ASi ' tlan 1. No utility oempan operating 3.4....r.~.._.. within the Town " Limits without a spooifio franohis• g;rented by the Town of Soutblake# Texas, shall extend its pipes, lines, wires ands 0 faeilitiies for the purpose of serving customers not theretofore served by It, Sogt12. This Ordisanoo shall be in full force and effoot from sod after the date of its wssegs. ,go PASSSD AND APPROM this ' day of 1957. MAYOR ATTEST: SZORSTA►R a o xbxm* bct no. Ali 01 Y1aICE AXSV..:XXUO CWNTY 1LaAn NO* 3016 TO THE SOMI RICWT Of WAY Wit Of CSC XTY ROAD so. 30sO TO "h TOWX Of 61~PIf L AKS 9 TXXAS # 81 IT OR"IX&D BY THE 7C?Vb COUNCIL. of TH9 TOWN Of S{}MILA 1 9 TE s " 1. TRA►T the onti m right of war of County Road Rio. 3416 ~ a rift *or *b fry the prevent Town Limit Um in the tit. Y. Hall r"f • Abstruet Ito. 687, Tarrant County s '1 oxasag to the South rigbt of gray Ilan* of County kead See 3084, be and is boroby anhaced to th* Town of.Seuthla"* 'Peach, and aaad* an Intograal part thereofe T145 ordtaanoe shall bee+oare Wootlte and be ih full.. forow wand etteet from and after its adegtlon. 1A. P"T1 this -Z'9.Z=;-L-duty of 70bi"u&ryg As D* 19377 MAYOR AT'7°1~Sfi c TOWX SWR TARY ' A tb s OM f J* /cam- ~ `f 414 #10i B 44 All 0 1V*S1 R9041VI40 `k-ND AN*-ZXI T'UR "tVV TBB,tdl ra';L I stn T T 5J AM 1,%4M R*WXX A 4% PART Of $iSs T-",WX ASS TdAT T OWMOS' AND IB- WXJNN M TO% AM x,94) 411,14INAMOMS SOW 1% itfi'SCT Awn To ItARI'ISA" kvomsj R sfIVI 44 4MUDI s C014sW.10 "ll'OPPUMAgo i OARIBs Crf S"3 TUO • UUMM S AW"S9 Ath A"UM99 ~Ab I AO rt sAA, rom aret to tt►a rsvisloar nef ttw "to *f 19330 33rd L ogisl o twro , err" :jS?r C &%#tor 9,19 +r "If t" die rtl of o ""0 sa►wi o" Civil stnetrretuag of Toxs+rr, 14. S. I*** of Torrrer"et Coonty, Tom". *wnor Of tuo reel Vo ope rt! t inrpftor +darssrci'bad, having mode rpplblrttiom as by low rrm►'r 40 the ftfor 6" 40014 Ot A140MUM of tune TOM of to,» 1re#rne„ To:MS, a trm t 016" tYOrerrAnetlxg of ~erl"*# 001,0 or l+tio, sit~walo+t " ttto J, i, fr1~lM m" Surrrrre~r, TWrfo~et p4 tt, '!"aa # fully 16#4 An a de", root to fotwoo , .-1 t"r~ ~iiR+..«,.~,,,......,9 4" i Roser~s, Tar~rest sue, Uza#. a~ r* ally deereoribed by autos * 0*4 betu r1► os follows s Is owIxs1E net a Volat to the south line of the J. mma twerr*ot, Torrremst 04waetf, To***# 129.t ♦a.roo from the ttrro*ot **roar tMoreors 7€ ttUt, Yeast 301.6 ♦eere$ to a point borne the m1outhrreat oarrer!t,r of a,57 *or* trot doosrib~od I" the *bow* rarawtioW04 . d+eodt i of oaeie! S? roro tre"I " HV01, See* 017 voras to a points Ttrg' 1 , tsrrta 604 werro.s to On* South brousd*ry ltno of a 12 *oTo trout wlskeu to & part of 0 26 *or* 'grout doeartbod In too, oterrnewout3,lmod deod$ T4 9s. *oret to tho southwost aarreor of ooid lid •or* treats x;,X~40X, N"AP 'H i510 w0rras to Oka torr"thwoot sorne r of oold treats 't HS-408, xect 4073 Vorso to the E4#t line of t *aid J, A. Troarmane %'m rVrref; Tii z, South rNlesta Itko Buret lime of mend J. . Pr6*600 Surrey 150 *Orr** the the eurth xiao of the, It •orro troott oforsnontlonedr rrr~r rrr 'T:4XN ,t, crest slang *aid oath line to a fok"t wht eh to trrw war ^t+ba sot corner net a aerro trot aforNaimention edl T111C , to► &to" the Brent line of said 57 **ro treat 949 war** to ta* Aaso of btegi.nnins. ,A plot air seA4 lan,4 st*o ting its looation with roopoot to teak Town of All rR rtulatae * To*&*, is +attme hod herepta warkod 9991f TT *A** to tJ Om TRAT* tb* property o►woorm ihtor*laabovo (Iosartbod being *4jooont .4 sd o nt isuteniis to the Town l emits of 8outdl,Qtter* ' oxe ftv a to sad to horob~ **nosod &P4 t"#r1tiLittp ut witlttis tho Corporate Lta lts a>t sa14 Town &04 to ho"by a4do 00 Insegral part tkor'eaof. TRAT* tho, owners %o4 left bstan*# of the area borsin snnem I" entitled to all or the right* and prtwil o• of othor ottl cons prop rtx owner* of sr *t,. "Tar PnO be batted by *11 of than *a** and ordInancon **do In o4af'ervAty thor*tet*now to tall f*ro* asw et►fi`eRe't and th:st etAIetU way be t raattor A4*pt*4, TfI T, tho a*tioi.ol app aped boundar os of taro Tee or outtlio :o* s Tsx!~%q as h+rtrotofe►ru ettdetrptod and a sendetid. be and to horoby aootimod a+a ar to Lnarluft t1so atoromrnt'lan+ot territory as port at" tt Toao of a ettxlaicer, Texas. Pq 4. THZS* ordir. non *boll bMoomo ogrt *t vo aotei be, in full forcers *ad wf1"oot faroaa and of tor its Voss do► odd a rov* by tho " oyor and 4411 attested by the Tow" 'ioeretory, ~ 0 Us y 9 ~ stl~Yt~te e■ Alf T T'e 4M r~ rr w ww w $?s✓oCS. ►q 12.4-C. r 4 V O .0 v Ci if S~r•ba~ts__jI2 2+ EXHIBIT sr ALE : I/Ax" _ 40o vq e,9s ' s. S, L E E Aft or, 1 1 a~ A ' A+ of r T A4 0, "4TI6E3+tAI S TO TAV T64% Of PAR _'Ar SAID "t"tM$ M ' XCX k ' 'Ut LTV s AND 1 - ice, pwrsuantr to tha provistene o!" the A-aete of 19;53, 33" L##Islaeturos Pogo 3J7, Chapter 93, esdifiot as 4t4ole 97"Go vovlar" CIVIL Statutes at Tom**, Ralph 1, tidsan and wifts, Mastne Udson. agars of t Ito real >ter"morty b*rolapuett"r dosoribed, having m 4o oppl isa t i on as by I*v provided to the error and Ooorrd of 14ween of t Town of boataloko, 'err oev at troot of land 06+e6taetum of il" as"*, more or lses, *Stu**" in tk* To . no" Survey. Tw" County* Tertaes, nor* tui ly dos+earibod by rues o boom da as tellorror 40 ,P'"q tkw wtily it at at point to t ho West 11no *r County Road No, 3016 and tbo tints t h right set water line of " e>,r >ttetat da~d~erw,e No* 1141 "1 URSU"s, in s ' ortpboestor ly dtraeotion alb the "rttt right of wey 1.00 of Stat* 414tie: 1140 toot to a point, same WOW the WortWmet oer eer or a treat hsrola dr,svribodt aertrrewetos Titer! cto !00th l desre►e 43/400t 3".6 toot to *be go"tbe *0t **veer of sold ormati " SCN * soutk 79 degrees 10 almw*** toot d99. i team to tho oot erliclat of woy la" of Cl+e most,t Need to. 10141 T ~ t h 4,t , soritrs *left the se s t reF bt of way line at county 0e4 See 301+1 loa feat to the P1069 of "cinnivic. A Plot of setld land *WmA W Its loaatien with rrospoet to t o "+1'ows of Southloko o 'rexos, to o tteee U►rota w*rkod X LUT 00 9 1. TU T, the proleorty owners tarerratireeteews, doserribod being odjse*nt aced a 611ttl,gaeov a to the Town Llmite of ftoottrlarte, Texas. ~~o rt d ie boroby annexed ae" ^eren within the Cor *rraty Lisit ae of sold Town sn4 is beraWy aatdo on Integral part Wwroot, aw rr++ I; TuAT. the owners and intt bitenta Of thO urea hOrarin * a= br entitled to oll of the rigtt s ftnd s. rtv11*9*S of etbar oitir*n• and property *wears of **id Towe and be bognd by *11 of t rots and orditr+rteass mo4o in coofor ttr th#roto, now irr full torte area offoat • and that w le4 mwaf' be baroattor a~~~a3,t e+d. 3. OP VvXT, tto official amps and boundnrir of ts:~a~► lown if 14n*-+ttxlo~*# I& T+e%**. at ttarrotoforo adopted asul asendod, be end it beraL nmonde+d so art to t.nalrtde the afor ntimn*d torrltirlr so part of #ttte ' amm of is e~ett►la~ke. '~a~as. ~ b. 'luls, Orr410aaOO re1401LI boati •ffootire and be in full nrce and offeet froat o"d after Its poisaraKe and approval, by itUe W,=*yor and duly astosted by tua `lawa oar *tarrf. ► `X13 tats $F 4my of esbruory, A. 4. 1~~~ • ■ t~l~ rrrw ATT Vt r r .w • rr V ORDINANCE 71 I ll J GMVE) ~B i ~i i y:r ~ ~ n2 02. t~~tiyCib'aIFC3= . ttt , # t' ! 1st JkliUMlth Tue.. 1';t itltlTt l` 1~*' s t"Il iF4 AWA019,ft TO TRY Ttvit# ; #i.,g AAA rVJ(Vt#* TAT SUCH RVA IOWD 89 A. t' AuT OY T,4,k; 't. T Kit o T ?"i 4, * a~ TUT J,-4v 1 .1T"-*ATX glIALL . 4lt't"MIC4 To T401, '1t m iw t)Usk OM AN*d vt T OX, To W N air tM+t`)UTAL"19 r T A S * Oft hOU" BY T49 ACT A", 0 +:t ,ldANOW4 tbA►CTts XX MtSUAWT TO TX7U 20, 0* 10 lNCLU41 Ze Ptty CIVIL Ar is OF T CASs ,NXD 'r cT1T OAT%, %Hl*VVA*v Vorsuawk to ; rti►elo 974 at the tfts R«►lrt 0#4 '.Y11 N 4. l trrttslt of Texas, A. u4ntor and others, ltt bobi toottr of the or** b#rotn sttssrkbod *ad Vitae or* ~~uollflod to vote for wtb *ro of the tyteto too, vtolotbttit, burs bsitt otoror e, filed with the Noyor oodtbo Ord at A14ormen of the, Town of SootbUko, T+t wati, their tot tlen xs+ ►sting ontottoltiotw of the *aid orso 40 the Tow" of 'touttata e, 'l"axes* *ooh vtroa bol" descrlbsd as f+rlistwse i *root of to" attur►+titd is tw W. j~algbt v*f* *Uorretati ,~untyo I***** wars ftwtllr" doo4r#'bsd by sotos *Rd ltrorssds * follows: d lv, l is the atrtht right of wor US* of ountyr 114A far. In tho 400* line, air the, s. twi*bt c vrvoy l Tl' t vo vort tk *Ioao *be sold ~,*et line of sold surv* to e l'Rt bell tho Southarestt taer"or of a troot of load anntox is Abe TOMS Of ,SkW thtok*, TOX08„ 0JR +asttt r 1936, PUr- suriot to &to Or'di atrt:os So, td, belt the Present Southern city Limits -air said, 'TOWS I" the *storm ht tar of th+a cf. W. Kn bt #400 tray #t * "010t t T49*0 * ,X49% 41o *be 0*14 City Limit L. Wo 930 v*rert to t sont,or line of t to . r. 1~ni ht s"='1tF~t 14,49C S9 Sout4 elott kho *enter line of t#a d. W. Kate" Survey to tbs lortht riotxt of way time of t, osaty Read No. Shit Ti Mdd, #set along the Marta right of wty Uns, of County ~ eod so. 3099 to the pl woo of bodiftnilrtq. eAt alttl4,, Said Petition we* atarooar #ad by an stfidovit oxoodtod ' by a. 9. wato r ovA ethers, labo ltonts of tbo sroo* dosorkb*d o nd Sato A" avo 'ttv*Ufiod to veto for ors of the ttttot,r loogislo rs, evW that by stoning said orl'Adowit fortified that 0614 potlt1#0 *00toles the #io tttet trtt at *or* then fifty porroosit of the qualified woltor# tro+wttdt to sm4 t oreo Woo have walked io fllvwr of bovi for said *roe and ttttr Inhabitants taerr*of otaoxod to and bo+titeatto o port of the Town of 'Sfcit bo lakoo Tortes; VURSASO it eppe:,,ring ton the wrd of Aldermen of OW Town South t*ko, Tozos, t4a k all statutory roq Aro nto in oonnoolt ion ul.t b a sold prove" an xatten bozo boon fulfit.1od at►nd that the sold ores duly groUpo43nto ow territory is not nor* ttion l/t to In width and t h** &I'l of **so is sdjsc#"t: of the prollont pity Limit$ of th* Town of -~*Uthlako, IOXAss fit: tT cl, MAld191i cat' Titir O »-'i"P, O A is -q . 'Kz4 TIMA01 2. PP TiM hrroistarttor doseribwsd torritr:orr lying and tttdjo eent to the own of **4tb1ar e, 7t'ox**, is hereby annexed rued breu ht wlViin ttze coraoroto, !..units end trade on Int*rrsl p*rtt of tfto loran of `=a►,~tst~tatt~+a, 19xos, said territr►ry tpo ng situ&tod in `rorron+t lo,aa' ty, Tvseaa, and btoi,a ~lltr in 1bt1► ltotrth rtrd#! of ray lisar 'art Aott ftad 30" to tbw 1c00t tin* of ttbo KnAtt t rwltrt ~ TARS0'19, taorth aloft *be void too* lino of bald Garvey to a ■ polatt bolost that tbrrsutt oerner of ~ taroot of land onnexod to tbo own of 6out~lisko, ToY^s. *11#o oa. 31. 1936, our- r.s event to its Ordias"st o. l*~, being tbo Wrtt►tlest ' =ett"Orn City Limits of sold Tevn n the 1k4stero halt of tbo h, ftl SUrvW at sustta pa►lnt t as TICKNOR, I"** axar►as tote s*-&4 City l t"t Lima 930 wore* t'a the 09 eontor' line, of tbo ID. w. KnttgM Surroyj "t"st~~i~, e~stb► et.a~;n~,*, 1M~tr e~,n~~r' 1'Anw off" ttM ~a~i,.~a.t ~ urvey to trio orlb right of eey tin* of County 1koed 3099t toot oboe twhxo Wotr ttr rigUt of warty tine of ouoty ~ god a. ) to the T41000 of W4innl-40 rw TWT the Inha bitonte of ttra lorritory bo roln o at[sd tel t Tevo of Southlnwo, Ioxaos *hall be oatttlwd to all the riebte sod prIvklogott of otbor sltl aoottt end btoux4 by all the sots a ordloances as" In oonfoyretty thereto and possod :gnat tadoptod to pursuant to TItlo dd, Vb►s'pters 1 to 10 Inetust", O*vlsod Gail *tstutes of Toatsaa. 3* ~ ~r TA& offlotal crap and t*uad firlox of tray Town of out,nlo , '1* to be oorroot ool eno easn"d so Gas to Inolud# the sfor+ seat lnod dos.. , " *rlbod territory as part of said Town, TWO ordinarttoo swtall Leo-oma sttteetive Cron and rafter its paNt sosge o nd atp royal » s W At ' PI'90 +tbis 9 day of TWb ruory, A. U. 1937. s ~ aC ~A MAY ! ! ORDINANCE 72 II, N CITY LIMIT p. s 6.'7i 4c. i , !7a 19AC. 1 Cuv+vey ROAD Np, 1099 I 'EXHIBIT S44AX: s, Ny{ = 300 VA,e 116 as X KWaITANTS AND TSWRITOt! US AWACENT TO TUR TVVW 0k S.WrAU"g.. TS S, ASO POOV1 S TSAT W4,-' ARSA %4WLY at A PART air US To** Or SOUTH- 1TAM TO TO UOU" S PAVI .S ft OP U i S ANT TTt T M% "a CRAPT 1S 1 to 10 INAUAISfl a *MOWS CIVIL ST WTXS Of T'lt: AX. ASYSS T34 TAUS ,W W: ; IL e T Ale AS AXIV AT k X38.8 A inno AND t-Tcv1 vxVG ~etyp AN Wtit CAB rsuout to Airttolo ~►7air the 1383 R♦fwiE sod Civil Stratoteee of T*xoo. it. me mkmt*r and otboro* Inhabitants of' the or** roin do"riott aletd Mtvw or* quolift" to veto for toga Of the St*** IAWInlat*"# harW* h4ree*o hr0 filed With the 90Yasr a the eerd of 0doreaan *t tho `dove of 04u1t . Tax,* , their * petition rr que,ottle g o esttlon of t 4o **Ad or** to tho Tovn of Soutt tUko. 't'Ilttost *soote eerier pmt d***rib" as folt*woi os . A *root of land teitreleitot to tha► 0. ltaeinbt SW"Miy, Tarrant 4,~orj-atf. Toxos, nor* folly dosoribod ►y w*too and bound uo folloval iUWI~6134 at a potat in the taerth right of way l.'aea of County Ad No* 3009$ 950 warroa from Use wrest line of tt **Id 0. . SstUht u-voy• tlat+t tb* **a+tor ltne, at' sold survey at 84o# #or&at $ ' S~GYr i North along ttan said contoar 11no ib We Sioutuoustt ooraeoFr of ete 40 sago *root of lon4r, aeeo11 *W to the 'Dawn of Southla►boo Tamao j, on Uo*oad+rr 3. 1936, pursuant to It* Orel alweetoo ia. 16; TaxW64,1 1, *ton a tkw south. tine of a U &Or* *root of land on"zod to the Town of Southlake, on anvorf IS• 19576, trout ♦o Its rdlatawco No. 29 to the uthlstrt +oo rour thaer*Ort ' H 010 North alone the root ILA* of said trroot wb l*t Is City Limit Liao o South ake, orooto d by & *#A 0rdinswe t No. 89# is a City LIaeit Lima* 760 toot outh of the ooo**r Baca of tr. tf* poed I?tom wed= "l t1WX# Seea►t alone **Ad '="Ity Limit Ltao to eta Int In a +e>w a City Liatit Liao amt i North and Soy th# saw ts*UW 400 tent oat of the *enter lIns of 4ounty 14W4 So. 30411 THRX096 South along thee Maid city Limit t+iao of all time 400 toot from the o►ielt**r lino of "County 1lood go. 3031 to the Urth Its* of a tet" oot of tend evood by Vii. A. Pm4* onO w f'o *60* t 0d to tho TOWIn of bouthla,tttarr, Ton*** an ;)*a. 19►3~. err pursuant to its ordinaaan:to No. --',i p TURN, ao4th along th* 4osat ti.ate of tiro said Pratt* treart, 61, tttalo sootthwept oorn*r tborootf, and oontit`r4* South along tit **at liver of a teas *or* treat owabaara4 by 9441 L. ,',shall and wit* ~ is"n rataed to the gown of Soatttlatrar on Door' 30 19360 "'O"t to Its ardtllt.aaranoo tp. d, to too f3#ltuvoet oorvorr of swidt trrac t i we taot along the, t►outh line of *he sold ten *or* treat to a point 400 tow* *oat oa` ttta i 01"tor line of Counter OP4 30310 a city Limit Line at *,jot% point; ~,auth along to.o s-14 It'y Limit Lino to tho OthW*6t corpsor thvraa or at suoft, a 1 art; ~ east Rlw the sold 40p04-ft city. Limit 1,111# to t nv spot right of watiy Ito* of co my ~J'.Ov d lia, 021 l t 1 t, South alone said rlgpt of glair line to tl* Nor tta riebt o way liatr* of Coisaty : o**4 4o* 3"93 T119M lK, es+t along the North 'rigb or way U .no of Co,i sty ( 'oaa4 r a. 09to q~% veto* #fv Cie, p11r o era', trog noting. " %AXP%a . arold petition was 600majOA104 by mm Offitdavftt a)lZ000 k by 0, 14. ajuator arena *there. tlrtbo taw" of t kjo areas described ar,4 wt oro qoolit od to rot* f'or momborro of t'xae State Lo islota;reE as nd tho t a by signing said war'apt,d+a vit a o rtti.tt*d that sold. petition "twine t tle sk waao tur*o of wet,* ion fifty po~rvoat of ttj,* ,rtaa *11t iod *1iro t *rs r sid -I ne p to sueh area witt have +afetatad in #'>tartor of bovrind the **14 aras`aao ,'d °tto lsrbabitsotat► thereof *nn*sed to ono haws," rt=* a part of the ootft- Ia3~+r, ~ era~sar; aa~raESe ~ WkttVXAO* It oppoo rin,f to th,ae a~ of Alderman of th" "Vow" of ■ Sot#tixlarkee Texans, tliat all statutory roaamiratments In conneretimi wMa said o,wopoafar4 ao"onotion bore boon l`-A f t Ilo4 and t eat thaw saald or** duly grrouped in,%* one territory to mat rrtaa►r * tu*n l/t& mile a width and tsxst oil of ease is A*4*00nt of taro reso"t ~Aty J-144#6 42the '~~pr~ya}hiatz~+as, x'°esasrt; far low) of >L•t. tilt IT 14 t y ? Y L'11141'-;A x) ' "r°ait: It- V 4' t'1, aaa l , sr 1%1 horainoftor~ 4*00rrib d torrrrito><y lylog # odjoeont t~s the 01 Town of o thlaicrr, Totes, 1a1 hordbi aaonosad nd brwAght within tho Corporate t.iaAte arn4 *ad* on Integral port of the 'l"ow" of soerthloks. Texas. *&14 territory being situated to Torrent County„ Texas, wA b14 40*err ibod by wet#* and bound* as to l lofts r r ra w t s 0014 11t at a po n* iM tb* North vtof way l1nio of arrt County etad qo• 30"1 V,$* worse from tt" West 1100 of the acrid 0, V. ltr JAM „rrµvoy, being t'b* oonator line of sold urrvey at ttetob Vt &MI T44 411X, orth al.mog t o Mtp.i£9 contor lino to the 5out:isMMarot Vornor of a 40 *or* tract or land, opoor od to tho lawn of T*x o, DoAAllrAbor , 1956., pursuant to Itm. 3 "RUCIRatlao thta airl►lOu time of a 21 *are troot of load annexed to t two Toim *f Sov thl oko a To***, an rrurmorrx 120 1937. VArrsoost to its Oardinanoo Ito. to thro boottsromat o rtr rr t woof j Nortu slo three U of line of soh tsr*o *h ,64 to Chin aAtAtt 1-ino, of 4a>aatnlok* area tod by sold Ordinance t. to. are Katy ,Asst Litt* 700 root heaftx of the oontor tine of 1': ~~`nd 1r~~t i~.-'Cxj ost oton& sm t4 ltr- a.imilt Lino at all tlrao 400 fa t rr-em taro oontorr tines of okjnty 4 woad +o. )Q31 to tip 4orrtrt Lino of a $rroot of land +tW"d by C. A. A*"" "to Annrtrr" to titer own of outUlt► w. Texas. on o*. &9. 1954. pursuant to its rdl.nxnoo x=~a. Vis + T4~~)M# South aloft tern teat line of t rtald Prro4o trr*et* the tbuwr+f #t rroor fit}#rogr# 41oenttn,~Ilfw VA4, along ttw 40alt liar of s ton warts tract a moot by Pout L. 40hott trap wife O"notod to tbo l+ n of '1 rtttl,okoo 'l'ftratto0 on 0*0. 30 IL9360 wutrrtwaatmt to its drr4 t nrr lw o Voe at to the sou tbwas t a+w rnarr of maid tract l TAINC. Saran oloa *Us •iojth line of the said ton *are trra"t to a point 400 f+>lo* Voatrta o fad, i a* ter l,i.rtm of Cof:rnty No.ad a' I ty ia~1tat it Lio at 94vft oin t l T'M404# gautb olo tb* -sold City Limit Linea to tko. Southwest crlat°a err thoroor at x0oh ' oinil SO** *I . tbru t►atld Sousa lt;f A440 Line to that *sft rL"t of Way 11n0 of Co.~attr ~ a '~+o, ►ttti T48;tC11. oath artLaski rta14' rl.dttt of way 1 no to Cho North rirgiltt of war line of rr~mtf t **#4 ` as 30994t `i`4 C.R. ktool mono tho tenth, riairrt of ray Itna of 1,oun tlr a,*a>bd 3 !~l 934 *or** to the Plrrr" of begin"", !t. ttlm lrtr abitantff of the 'forrritaFrlr beroin rxMox*d to the 1.O*" of outu►laui oq T*Xas. wbaotl be entri,atled, to attl tttnr trititrto & at Privileaos of atb*r •itsa►~ and breuael by SAIL fto aunts and ordlmmoos made to +Ott*f*r"tf tbMttrattto 004 posed and adobes Sn purrsua nt to T Me, d# 86. a arptors 1 to 10 Av#olualtrar. i~ar sod civil lttatutas of 'T`exas. I 'Y L offi*l.el. mato Ond bound..rleo *jr trio Fear of 3jtftloko# lr*X to be eor"O"d *out "Omlod 013 an to Includo ttw eforomontkone4 do*- Ow vrtbod torritory as port of raeid 'Town. TAX erelloo eeo *=sell beoovae effootirre from sat iaftor Its litNt i1 and aP4 zovalt. • r P TT ;,~,T s T "'A Ulri tle r~ 111 ' as UI w 11 a +w r. w ORDYNASCE NO. 73 N Z io _ IQ CIT V IM !T O.W. KNIGHT SURVEY I 3 1 ( h I~ 0 d 3 -3 3 3 CouNry ROAD No. 30' I I 4- 3 I B i T SCALE ; s/OWWc 50oV-4-C" i a a.. y VIXAXO no. } . ` tl~ r►t tblo~ a►rraiea toy rrreaaataoAa ref #a:ar~ *1*** v r'*XAW&ty to the .A000 Oarter Fort Worto Igo at onal Aarporrt and lrprdaaaeaitrial 4" *Domero t lotaabllmbomato Ostaaartred la tbo laretove et of lorrro att domm% r a ty ref alas *A& the s etaoirrm, PIertum if ll+as comity a "WAWA to Sattera vital to um dolor t of oirrlr aatrit tlr r, ~l r for osta"i.atiroaouto auw undies alho ae*n oti on and oea+ oabatla►trod to be loostod sad 00664rlreos tad to s ere bas flat aboat a rap 4d "M raEterr&&& luorthoN ,oo la pi l eti art > 04" Tom and &to yo►wrir l =A b o aotarkaW o ttl►aaaoaaaot la *bo aros art^aoestir aawuoati+wmod aoardrloyaed lu aRUaob oitat is#rawrR ta► ley V000 010 of &*Ok Of ar Otitat#o0% Pitlaa trroaot ort6t"aota to o bl* t oor to 00eroaloastly vwwb r Wft ,#lar*** of ae0046ruertt o arowwollaod to Woo private get" we""** tov O-Aeb purpo+aot thorrlw Ov**tl0A a O&foty treesaoatrd over w e&" 4" ftow fo a oot 1W oawld o>ttlatams lad soing to r" from tb rr ro*- poaestro plaoso of 0446y, tt to on arblaotb oawrl+rtlatat p"tootton to tbo 0doral db1ao Using omad "SAO and bksbw*yo to wit Volla►ba* of this tune I of d ,,,om o a to the beast interest of the bsa►lllota *aafotya aid #+o!*or*& wotfa" at tb! Qitsmmo ot daaaitbtakoa Its mew'irr+rns sad the pubtle to && trovorolaas "o road* maid M,6*44yo bosolm6ftorr eioserl "ds fto down f aotl l of the 'fataaao of tftlWma diem o It *Avloa blo to #Iae" mob rroodo bl1aayo as at r its jurltodilotion tow pokloitaadr , a"atrrar, wbA*b t1m 094"11 so flaadatl yxarat Of Wl.#lit TXa ?a taro Boll witrod astariitet Couuty Rreae s hoot Torarot untys ~t`aMrataratt ~ doa~ri~loMOtd a tre-aad.lo ~o + i I A41 at a #elaat * armitr row►la~; *a tbo rtb rlebrt of arary aort county %I*" so* in tip o I k vw*op "r+r oy a larra►att caoatty• Texas* the oo* ima" of +a" 1:&SO of coataty od as* 311 a o "d point bo tbo north City Unit Line of asutblakoa Ton&*l XCt a Sorth *Long tba loam rrl*A aof way 1 ioao of C+Anty Amw ho* 311" to ak point arms so" In for is the sou tb rift of way fasts of rtaty Pow floe I THRAc „ Meru anoint 9q0 440a a *be +tr4b rat of wavy 1,100 illy Of c4mmty porao`d io• se to a point Wboeraot saw Latorrsooltao P" / the city ,w4t Ot in %be *&14 tb rift of +aNary aerlt • ; woo oso-stod by drdimmoo So* $l# adopted ea tbo 19 day of dooomberr r &V a aea tknuAat reovoaotrr aaaald %"A at su eb point to tbo, Aurtb rrldbt way lla* ,tbio►r j ~r t4o t aelo tir* Nor" rltbt of war Ito* of said a~rt~ Er ty a►* ~l► aeaeattlaaartitr la aa► rtboa►ieWly diraroti+w ate 04* o" rtb rat O u&Y Uno to a~ point wd wrb*ro sum Int+teroosto t rt rt ht of v1W Uno of c4mmty *69 31191 'yakt* boutb sko Wat ri bt of way 1#,w * of Count rad Ito. 31&9 to a► point ub ve sum kntormwts fto lortb 1>W of counts P.WA xo. 3014 a oonfilau&ft "mo• t#w wk salt Qojtty k to tbo W*mt rlgbt of way line tboroof g tbo .goo of b*SA Oa i • asd to borasblr oaod at bV*Ugbt WAWA the ooirosot* liAto and mod* on lstottr trt of tbs Tlow4 *1 Utz}la~o~ lroxa*g swat that tbo off#t otal *or tuo bo orios of too T of soutslake f losa w r as bovotot+r r* 44 opted 0^4 &mks$d* bo mod " as to 1s" tbo aftrowmtlaasat" reads "us btdbw rs arm part of tb* •ald T"00 IUATO tblr OrdlaA i shall booore sfcootLvo tr" a aftor It* 008040 6" *VOroa►a l by tho or#r„ atuly a!ttooted by the T F rot&" "m Irk1 d tow r rd in the offLa o of tuo -ounty Clorb it of "Urrast couoitr o *Xas* s : 1y LVdb- It err r vp .R Ile OP ~r4li~fi~l~r- w- rr..r~ir .srtirriwin t Mr~1 ♦ 7 3 AA ORDIfl.A ON T,* f it T49 10 JUA,LT AI f OTID NO PON WVM008 cy' doa AND t1SV' X Off' VP Vfit1T?% .S *18944161 A 'I:AI c A rv Tom, voitas AxD riwA **j Pi_ istm "a Taw A"'l"ffbfm 'r;f WISA.'f l07i f~fPl`,Atf'JfAI° 1t *I-X]r " 4TASUS" Af*9 d I OF SANITATION AND "fnUT,IVS ttSAW14193 Aft PX Rfd T:1 hA CO" 'Llso WXTU W xA01Az 3, V XX' 'TM' Vold"*, 71 0", A 0IA 14','%X* fl it T AWY) AU. 01 JUO! SON 15 Vx X 'O '1( LANS, I l OVIVI 00058RUOTION Of AP V SMIO TAUS 4*0 PR - Alt= , QvIsT Off IX$TA Ajrj0d' 0Y . AV r %#T$ O TUAN 'I# T 4WX0 TO 89 V OSS "M 1 IIT'ATVA VVIV04401 4STAU480106 tlr°d fit A t o MIG AMUO"ATI" I f t .IC UXALTH AWD SIFORODOW *M41 061 RUPSA V! ALA. 0021 VANOW AV* *VIT S OT OLAUSS 00 $$M iX MOLARS* I3! YAL43 W Ate' COOT OT +f U%F1t'fr%XT J ISDIC1.IOVe Tim X AXWXWO 00 i"ORn 0 trf Tftd ORDISAtfi 06 lAr.L SOT 104 Tlt SWV APTWTXDS OVIDI A PNS-%LT1r Vitt Tilt VIO- LATION Of Titld 03RD tAiNCO fff0 VIAX dt dO LASS " AV $5100 d P4 WAS 00.",o A" SASK 90 Of 4WOU 'f A;s=''L;Vr- a" 009"T I& A SAP ATd Of 08t ffLAXINS AN A0b PROVIff410 T T ! ° X I~ 01RDISAXOS t" IN f#lLL V00011 AND W`XCT tOLLOWI ITS :ACTUX- Add 3 0A'f O' N AS Of LAW PROVIDU dI IT 0AUX11 t W THA T oI GOVIVOIL of 'WU* T t of AfrfA itl.lkA* Td a 1. "t foll+rrwift Urrr►s rhwmr r found to tt►io bsU%***o, unless other- . wise doflmW shall be uetorstood to rrwrra r A, 00*9„{Ot VAIdKI GVPt Any rooo solo wsod for serving water or othor boveroes to two or were ow*oae to may Wrlis plooo or any ostab- lisba#nt oaiorri to ttw ourbrr1t4# twovAdod tbio tero oh*ll not op +►I to !"l oeptselos ►pro rrrly washed and sterillsod after ou sorrrino. . LtKIVQ ; 4 t All wo%*rr distrribut" by any odo"sf or Istdividual, pob io or 1prirre►t60 V 'r tbo polo of f rr 60"ounpol rwe or wfaaob soy be used In the prop rretion of toodo or bororooe or for tho *looming of am utor sil or artist* snood. in tb* *our" of preparation or oooo otion of food or twverrrdoo for bowo, bolt %#90 The tom "MIS KINU vi^T9A0 *Kell aloo lwolud!o *It water o T-itod for frrrrriran oonsumption or good by any lortitution ewter1r4 to the btlo. hUm" G. WOLAV XXOP At T1w urinary + od brr 1 diooi rdwro of Say i 1 s ■il so AUSA-AS.XI Any eefij*ett, rlok" or oaoditto* wkJob er►OU otitUoets ~ M fw►SetM& an "ob4bl,f ~ttodiLawe of (trans ve lon air di oew to or bstewooo b " being* or any etkosr oloj rotj plans or eoonditioa oblob wary be or"# Abel ly deeol or*4 by t i s erditsne "00 to 0 awik gsaers. S. t.AWIA 1 sa any trra n*d wo►rkor Wto %1** 0 r)raott,.*ol kilo-v1*466 of sanitation as it V*rtalnel to die**** wr'nt rol. to SAtITAPYI Aax s ndition of good, ardor and olomnllws±srt witkoh pres010"M tbe► ~ ra is IsiElitt~r of etl a *eve t•raseent *At'I n. , 0. y oetWorod w tetrti 3t tottok* dsegol W for the treatment or ise►trre±t~o. with draining lateral* rnneorrw t hor*np d. NVU-, " f~oLe Any be ft of wotor swing 1nod expressly rorar tA. IbIls IF >re arresrsti on va r e►oos, stter4.eo*~tnc read eslalUr aquotl* wry r°te, 16 1. T4'ILIrT i 'r Uop sr des'e►ieoa for *be do sit avv4 disisharge of bteeoaa eos ortota into a water ete►rriado systooo p J. AIOT MAIM Any seiasrpi pla" of bb group air two or rroto mobil* or rn wonta btr zoieg writ* operated an rental Property for tba Op use art" tsraal"t trade or any or all traitor unit* Jaas e a x rrr bel+ s. ,R It, t' ; +C+LA*T .IMATUI s Afty erw$" trained in tbo ;itritflootlow or distribution of or publis water ate ly terms bass a tom * otti~rasol weNU#W ~w knewso fto Or the as stry tatwi bo oterrle►lef► Msere atital *a the Proot ool essaeobmateeof Voter rlriflootion who to espo#oieo of ex ndutotit+r~ and pp owinta ning t1to riflastion ►oeuesee * to on e►ttlolo rlt rrasuett wr. L. 4AT PI.Tt *.ay et►ourwe or reservoir of water distributed a" to *ad used for " sansa +P3iretw. s. ISs~t Any end oil of the following s aditio" boroby ev"Ifleolly doslarod to b* misomms de► srouo to tho bli+o Mw*ltbrt = . Any oonditi on or plaoe allowed to exilgt In poloaer orsaoc ~ Ifh1Eob a: ,astittAtoo a asdlnd ploce for t1l olo. 11.E f. spoiled or die►ers*ed sweats ineaoda d for err eon+esous ttion, 00 .af rasta'vrrant., food warbelt, bakery,, or **bar *I*** of busineas or ereelr vobtteeler afore food to r,r*purod, ok*d, sttorode tr*n*- partod, oold or seo ra to kkt* ublto w hteeh to nrnt oneeeteatly eesal.o tm#ood „ lot a eroiesi tt:t ry C -I i t i on o w ~ M agar , . Amy r cawwe, aYorAi ttoo or bul taharna eaarr«ltra1104 Or dtwlrVettrrtd bY aaa~ Po"eme firm or aaort araa►tiono atamw ,d+atnrerwwwtaaal aaadoaator; *to** or 100019 blob is ata** awototatlar *4 in a sanitary 00041tion. ill so*&&** bases ozorota, wooto w of o r « ,dmimao, or Other ordaa ok wastes derosltedw ota►rod• dtoob^ral + or *Mooood to dU C[h a way alts to bar a potential Instrument or modius to the tr*rwswiss ton of dieeawaato to or bottwrlal o salt parson ar porataaaras. 1. APY eftX*1* .*r oontoLnoar sat'-Kod In t tratatwelortaation of sorbodo, bye exorota, or the orgonte material w aqb is dafeativis sa4 atttows Leakage or ovilli of oontootatao G• MW amrwrll,aas+st#aarn of water in iiob w*aarq+utltrsa• aarar4 bar+►w+d1. witain the lltrelts of t lowrn of outrt:h.lsUo. 'Texas* A. Any oo ition wabflsk& may be proven to iaa4url sly offoot the p~i blio kwaarltb and wattie t aawy + reottly *r i,n4ireartly rwoarlt !"row the Operations at any bone, boiling tat rondoria „ tallow or ssor work* or *tbo1r" platter ost"bliobownts* 1. Any plea* or oenditkon ttaaaarbo ring rats. Jo Tho prostoaat69 of a reltetaurositoo ttrod#a s, liao, w1tas, oteo aara*Vrbap**# to be *orr i*ro of dioewoo, In any rlooo w1er* stooping soeawo- Iray 40!1000 ore, offtrod to the 'Publio* 't. 'l we',rN~od of any Open sort*" or t parivy# sosaapoot, Or of *"I ovorelo!"aw oop'tile tit„ ttwo apaaa"titots of either of whisk may bo aeoeaasihr1* to t1l'`". A... ►ry traaa`oAA, smosolft aaory plooaa in !r oo wtalub tbwro to ar, *04*0000 ar hall, as Spoor 00 Its pros waor o0oes to iart s knowledge, prot o" at *no* and eontiowe to &bet* trtao 0 *14 atuisar ow" 40 11W &tv 00*104 cffloor", trrtrwi o irati'aaamottloaart award proof or tbo existence of a oauatatarawaae witUaat the Tower of $jwtlAobat►„ Tarrmpo$ is roo*1ve4,. sttaw11 10000 a! WAritt ► rdt*tl** to wawa t►a►rrioM ar+Irs aailr►lr fast! tbO **14 nuisance and ordering tho *'ba t of **so, J* aYb*11 st I son tt=o read ai a *xxy of a o 14 llama Vi ttstr Town : t ternoy e Snob as otleo Moll spoolty trams motura of *be a'arcala►a nes and wharll de,olg Cato a "alaao arablo tiaae within wa<1164 sooft *b atawVn *boll be ooo+ ►1iobod. to tiro event suou not*** to not oomoll od w i ttt wat t AIn tkb opoet>Piod time, tho Town n rd ttorMtsy ob ll be se adsirod by the ttoolth (,,ffl<oer a#W ao *boll Immadlotoly Imatltaate prooeodta ge for the abatement tiotrraroto er ad 3 , e A. .ail v~rowloes sroou~aie►d or usad for rositde,ottel, business or pleaeaure ur osas s,)slt be kept to a %-mitr.ry eanditia", a* to kltehoa waste, laundry waste, or so**#* sh 11 te, al'laawed !b to a eoustlete. disouargo or flaw Into any public place* Cutteir# straot or h sway . C, Vo west* rro4oots, off*&, -sal tuts ug a torisl, si;~ nt ofte",ealso w liquors, Wine* or ottatov westea of any lost shell be stored, depsltIttod es or disz°osed of to any manner as may eause ttao „eltut on at' ttto surtroun4ing lead or the 0 a towiatam►tleni of the well water* to tko extent of endaee eruw the public twelth. OR D* It stash be unlawful for ony person, firm or oar rsti to use any land vittat-4 tta<o lindts of tho Town of Southloko, as +s private or publle deep ground that milgh t constitute, baraedivW ploe" for la*oets, ap rodents or flies. 3. 4, Ngtll such tiro as apt owwoar system Is ##vallabls w tbin tho Town u.rr of Soat'ajake, exaar►, all to man exereto shall be, ditspoood of t zroudh a liptIL tools a PProVs4 by tua City, aunty s0.1 atato 4*614ft Dopsrtarwaats.with dram- ing latorsis trun4ing trUo efron, constructed as provided her*&** and in the OP Soil,ding i;od* of Clara To%"i of :iolttkleke. '''14sas. Providit .furthor that the aamwr sooh ais set sbsil suffl.oioot t p'earont tito Vollut'ion Wk of sutrtoos sail, tso of-intftni utlon of *tiy drilacuki woto r Supplys the Infection of any flies, ooskrenoitss, or th* vr*a tlen of any otbsr na;1**nse,F" 0, 'Al offluout fro* :conies took* hor,oaAfter itc>nattmot" shell ba disposed of through a subsurface 4 rainago field dr►sign to sooordanes wlitb ,saved public health engineering praotise or any otbsr wot*xed mulch does not *root* a Mds4ncw, i• o *as* pool. op" surf*** or pit privy sboll hforreetttor bo or otoootcragotsA within *bet To-d" of dsdth akt; ---Te"s. • OL 7~r O ao OP MIR '.iL" KILNS rr► All oporotertt, roa ors, or suV*rlatt+eeratioraets of any publutoe be ildtasger, er+etbt"l b euo►o►oe, thOotroeee, fI11i+ stations. tourist aeoaerto, buss station* 004 tot+rrns Shell srs►Vtd* and maintain sanitary tollot aso mo►deati.oust» 70 40y f+nd all l+ubl a W,11 1SWO bsrooftor a onetrueth d rba ll bpr+r Ao- ooerpore'atod thorol.n oil i ueh twating, woot ostiont vlueir4, sa►eroianiago end rat-r- roo rii.e rootures *a way be novoataor,y to property xerort*ot tho A* %to poersoft oacooW 9CfLoeerrs, ee+twployoos, or otlao rs whose duties require suoh* vla;*ll be T± r ittad to a** upon t4* platforMe oov# rl,ng the toeo*$ „a to whi.e t too is frozen to too foattorlaos. All oaploeyoos vi-,*** sorrioo s sero roqutrsa# on 16nks #U*11 to provided with clsora oft**$ or besets whloh ssioll bo used for n eotkwr pu r eso* S• No 14* Oont telnoisd with send, dirt, oi.ndors, Beret or any sthor 1 10", foralen substancesottal l be *-old or offered far solo for Wimso eeons> ioi on« C. All water wood in ttm ereetraai!osturing of So* suall be from an spgrovo *ouroeo mod be of a satoe quality. tory.ioo plant: *porotorr staall rov1A a soenit ry. bandwaa sing oad toil*$ foo llittes for t1jo u%o of all *ploy*** thereof, 9• A. Alt eltrier*j water for blis uee* #boll is fgeoe fro* 4olotwrlaeutr mo*ttaer anti swell ttow;j ty wito sb+a oesswlir ootabliob" therefor by the , toty r twenty of Oseltb or the Vatted tot** rublio 3ae#4t'b s rvloo. .y O. `t'ae a*o of tkto **amen dried amp is bsersby terofttbitod to this ''*WOO No driekins W&#I*r p ;aali sorroed oxas!pt In swAt4kry oantpiners or t ireuO eothor sanitary mediums, 9,ae A. o diotriOt, firm **"O otion or t:xd#tridaeel, shotl furnish to tits publi,ot any drinking wot* r for whiek ony eoftorgoe to elex"s ►anloss *be pr - Uooo, tarooossing, troestwernt and distribution is at all ti." under drys p'' P go "vo ""r♦1*11 of a aRe mpeta»t W► Yt.o r Works er`porf or holdir a v4'114 Oorts. #rr f boo ts, of eampotonoy &s@weral Uftdorr, dlroottem Of taer Tax*$ :m"trAo 4)espaart- metsatt t If doo l tea . No o r, a' eant* asaptia o r or o ratar or ottior portion limving oborg* of any %*tar works su lyla4 vator 1rf-?r x¢4~xlier or private u.-40 e,irsl l krearwiar Iyr f aarnitsb tow assy -poarson any -mit cola s'todd ftiarRkirtr: +~cv ter or vormitt fte n'ppl1araea*9 tt'~oof" to bve lime jnaacanitary. 0. "'k'a* o ~r or wa%na r of ovary ,~~ar~»?P sipply sys too i"zArnisbtnE ~ dri wtator t sr*4*n-%, firma or a or orratioi-itr within th* 7owrn of Umftlatkars, aa<bol.l ftriva ttw water too tod at reasonable i storrvols read ~ o ll fure i*ii tfte taty !toPal.th vffla*rr witla tmonttAy r#T>e,r°t* thf'-r"Of* to to s° -yeAcol a on"oetlo t botttaeon th* a itotrribtastion *yoto at a Voiotia drilerbAnd ***or su lly ovid ti t of owthor v toar S" "'y *hall IF bo porrmittod ualofte% ouen otharC wa,itpr I* of r d of* wool.tesry quality 9nd t u* ;o t# or+re artn earn eaaara to a p row" by the trt* oro r t t of m al til . votor its reees+siclao t"ry""" m any ruhtlo dri,nklc , vaetar° supply rtal.l 1Y* yr O+a t* *isy orrritnkIt"V , ao"do"Pi ng, ooolts , ta►lumblog, or as wy ottwr *yet wool*** the s a t it a iinnoot i on is of *,oh a dos tdn as *I l l itnartaaara'"ar► against say be"- flow or t►iVftf)nads of sorry o or oontowl~, ~,tsd, water frrow **Id rosy stew into ~ tho a rian#ati.*s ***or surely. Upon dissavorry► of early erorAltion Oontraasrry to tbwso wrovitetswar, writtea aaaot'tee *hall t1o ,rl4voit to ttawes owneor or o out: sa~aari~ totat!ing ok evnd%t1*n by tbo "Ity Koala Offloo ! nd tsuoh owner or "at slams l oast* sgaat$3 oe rre oti ono so aro meoesw as pry t o al. t asw to t u* cw,4add it lacy Meow e am-A as t as V. o wart of er4 seattons 4* :e„ as n c of 10 s rat i as rri ly w~ to th* ±~~►d~r~tl+~sa. 41strfibution or polo of raw, untrrea'ratod surfaasoo w*torr. rr; tl.. r 3 W- ,f) FUI eLAWS RCIIA i° b'o ?14- WPB;L1%A1 o At wry porsna. firer or ea orpor t t -in, pulxl to or Vr lva to oeaat la t rssesd, t1se lrsA*bliAbottvn t of *~Ay drinking aw +torr py►ly or aser►warg* dispo*ol, dust for *lle woo (tall, rovi Myer to oitb s t. va ctlon +a+4o3*a►oy'* submit a loterd plane s +attift+sestl s t rotekr to tho '}"owo of ,eaatr~l.aasiaet rtalth Off'loorr *Ad the Ovt,, ko artsosrrt *%,al l ov'""v* smelt Provided seat Plaa+oe !riot yr r<lr`aa to the ewator° s ftry rv; stroaw. wol.l,itkon mars of t41* }-tat** tea sa.iE water sarpply or so wog* dls vsal st*% s4atl ~j* ost*blitsbod only ai`torr o r"ol has bo*n i"a by tho City ffooltn. Offizsr and tho ~~t f~* e► + atrt ft, aaa a~ ~ea<a t t tx. Be Any r-gonewy *uppl,yln drir kto wAtor or rtwarodi dire ersl sorrvioo to fb* publio fteArrintg to wake any material 6r mejor after! :in *ny wet+I! or sa,w s slates tbst way offerat ftber eaetilat rry tontisrrers of such uts.11ty, *boll., before king teiab @ aC t;O49 1, iIvaas writtot, oca't&** of w.,cft tntontloi to tb~ Town of bo tblokis and th* A taaato apartment of floolthe 6 r 11! . A* All $*"story d+ roots outstont sit Publio drinking vato r "Unts eb sbtola ' it Oupply from a Or+l round souroe* slitrll be temodistsly •srrs6't~ld • W* imblio drinking **ter *apply system fitrnisb+rd drinking water fro* findever*W4 ooorsN to 6140 "*1&* *hall sstsbitab ►d at any v1stt# sabjtrs.tE is Possible polletion by any flood watsrO, arrow odegwat*ty wts+tsatsd t~,ir~inst t'larsdl,. X111 artotion Wslls or MmUon v1poev us in W"Y "110 dpin ng watsr supply system *bell be asnsts,#tly vretootod, b$ prwstleol. onto- ui-rda aaaintt surfais *r sukosurfa o p#l.lutlon. # l twesto ok a . l # be pormi t rt*4 to wato r or ra lw w i n too Well 4*000 snol oware of a ®t►i~1s drjokI rster supply oyatan. . .-1,1 biio 4TA "ki..ng is"'tor distrl.i tton 1lr40e. Oft 11 be 1aonstrustod a1° +I mPOrgr,1'MO W*t#rI*,k with ttidbt JOLSt4, a r+rs~s~a►sbl+a ~re~frM 41 stonaw from +rr~ . **war 11aaa. 1a s watOr 9VOO my oUrf0#0 Pubtlo drAnkl, water supply *boll 3rs dads, oesoosibls or 4*ttr+arad to *my 00006msr for dtri+s 108 r° sea Unto** It boa first roo*tWed trsotmost essential to rwndsrIng It Ws, for man esauuw itra, All try **ft lMt Plants inoludlnv aeorstion, see"Istio", tllatnd, tooth M f4tsrstti+rn and #ht#rissti Ito *hall be of s~tc h aloes An" tYPO **MY be PrasOribod by o,%od r btle health *nd" Inooring praec• *Ago*. U. 0l0c,r sattrr rsser"ira sbrll bs as"rsd and be of 006" typo and ot►nsttrustIO" ss will rrsrrsnt tbs swtran** of' do**, Inooots snd surrsnw M+rwgv~as. All rA►AMt1i, of f oov"rati►one and ►rrs> tM►staat sneitoa that i raa~d Any body at ***or for tuUlle ass :hall oOWP*1rO** 'W11bb the ats,t# and L-0041 bsvert rots st' "41614 to t 00 "tro, *t 41mOooo-boo rk" sms- "Ito*@ on the i eveands+t a»+ra►. } 1 k ai PeY ILS k li 'i`rk JfAl' i~4 e IP a • X311 otiMtht If1.ablia~,?r3' s uTattoo S trod othor attt*adonts in *here* 6 of any pubtio svtaaw p"l %hort walaataei~~ *It suots vooils in et sanitary deen"tloA. TUO bostortal Oant t of tho wra+tor to Ony Puttlo owia uto' ON pool ehoLl 00t be aelUmod to ORGosd *-.to liatlto 00 'Swoooribod by ostab- ift 110 •tandsrds o tits -tots Do"rtwont of lioa t ttk. s;ooidawtwl o to rtao from OoZ to #5 part* per aallitan units of w*tor *"It bs notsuloord In ov*ry bite skImm'-o4c of thToutMoull tho rlo4 *f t ip' uso, r st t>tr ! r ylw otsl haa~r+ re f0f- t WAbI1O 04aat11 OVOr Us Piv+ol tod Vo ski-,*w an ^aid r**Otto" to a It"nct.* $41 ToO, C. ny ;i4,j 11 ,::Ito of awaty bIAO ba0it houso sworn' tit* surroks;a italo tkor t'o s4#11 at veil times b* Dort to n revolts y a* ►t iono 4. ► c"b or ue*4 by two or nor* rsoeeso *"It bo -Vor- wetttwtd or diatrVbttted tit oof both 'xetruote t►t a w*btLo owrl ool. P' -t allittox sw4WA bo rsrt!'tP'&Aod trt7.1 aw immAne,- mewls far oo=~~<^t:e1 W prolootioan of bothors ea aiasot aputus o ntoatoatteno S. 41 porsons known or xas ►tetod of 4-ol lnfoattod w itb say parr trraraaisalbl+a s ara+~titl ►tt of esn uetioeblo i►ev :to wastt bo ses tudod frd !1#oo imp w l.so co star:troWin nand r pliaanoa+o of ell -owb1tu swal,sa vig setae ii skald ba 9,10h t* ro> je* to 0 Preet loot sst,nlaae ontr Poawte1b111,tj of dra vain. or &njury of bathers. N11 swri l pool* horsoftor aossr.struetod staall ' +0 lnoonfCor ity With o" Publlee horlth cknostrt 04tiosse ~ ii. 1,11 bathing suits and towols fornis-bod to brtitero by say poroan or porsrns shall tttoaraautt„bty waoofted with te#+aelw` end bot water and tttorougt~ ty rkar~seaet rant drtsd aaftsr o~-dh us** 1. + It d ro ss l o ro mm of ~ ny *aw Vxm i+ -*so shall eont fi in aelaso►wrr bart" (06121t1s6. r tw overater or witnagor of any p=jhlle sw Avw1* >t rs*91 s, *11 mevlri t !egoato and ;trop r *"Iprovd rrtostlttlos for t°ho des ool of ~ tt *xerots by ttvv b 1€:ivro the raaof. wry stentteol lt4tnd o#teal bo leeos-t*d on tho rwuodee tftat are a' woil raleied an t 0010trAfA,ad lt~ * soaztittary GA"Al+tisnsr. j, o>a t'4 aea satel 6 ull t ea te1I ho 'r+ro trly 'r'*04110tod 4 Provide" wltfa to ad+equato #+tpjAy of drinking w ofor vvl a *,vPr* +d arrmi ***&So diae- I +~1 p~aa arystsaee, lawswtea~*~waawe fa~tt.liti~s, tt~ar►ti~ aiys~r a llaatiares fsalwili tloos *It of W"oh *boll a' 0"frusraee Witft arrwtoiel,isb" sto awr4s of good Public 'btwaeelth ongl" ring ootisss. EX. All »ut►13e ea+eata a►ls lat00414 r"o" asalaeetwl"" Sod as"Tot*d, grfiall G o ply with tho **w rood o6d s oculawtist noo 9. All pubiis eeabibraeol lta,lldl a sod sppurtsoiiie t#e egeoto *all L Is maintain" in * sanitary 1019"N't It. tll b ,ldl +a"Otto lafte and joniters oisplerod on a raft time oksMt shall too % wrsod 141 tbo, funds meats-to of Safaety sad s ef+ olt as"Itaewt +d n" lair. fv*jrl► sjj*a*jv, ptersoa, firm or r oo rpoaraectlofe spetawa!#►og any tourist #ssrt, trsllsr smart m bottwloo *me and read Wwoes In tbim Town ok ►1x mrs e w • sawwfM satatld aew+eetlwi+r tstaattaeear supply for i s rta►Ntsrst oor4uot ttloroot sated s stlt submit saesplatto of sold aesw*or at loast sawaeeate tea year before the noutb of may to ttwau City hot,iteb► Oft*`teaor for bwoottertelogloal s alyal~lso. • ``V;ory totirloik *o ar't, traawfl r **art and hwtslog imte sand rooming 130+wa#09 skull be equi setd with an # v*4 Olsten Of eNeaMSassdts dls ssl wain- tola*4 in a sontt*rl conditions. s 1. Ill owmr# or s r'ateriw of any tourist *our*, trollor oouwrts and Natol o, i>esao *and ogatrts bouooa* shall parovid* *very par'ootioswel fae oilitay ♦ssowtlaati to kooving tlb * iontirs, araeese, s!' O"k of rigid *sort* ;In s Sevatory ore+ diti~w. as 14VOVT *~r or oiler stter Of stiourlot sateulrl *ad haul snu# ovid ro+ "oW howewsr trrsvidloW #*au *to~ for tb* hosting of arrnyseaftt tta►orioof *boll dotoraelino that sua t * tovoo are p torltr Installed *ad maintain" in pr+ap#rl y rraeolsi 3 ~ oalwd a+*aawsws. X. l:l aer ►rs, O+t a rsttswa s, or aftnocors of every tourist eourt rind bst+els, Aft" s ea rooming sseews $boll 04 swtatre all sawewetaitory oppliwsasoeset eelt"Pted th* ►i,s is good repoire. to All food Wwrod; for solo at say tourist sow* aged bstols-, l.atss. and ro mirig W w### ghoul be odow truly Wettrw+t$" free fusel, duet:, wrrraeelo, ee ellocee and *boll be k opt in a saasiteelry opedition at all ti re. Go Re, oa elr, afti eor or a4apftt eboll ra ►ttor fstrrnlok any multi wt ony tsarist **or*, trallor *our* SM fbotslre, Inusr and roo"Ne * wesoo to any per$*" aeu4604+s41a previous sw waM gist: outR asvine first thoroughly ralo►onad the sot4 unit send %avlog proridod alums *ad ataeataitaNrrlr ob eots, .es to wol s and pillow spto**ae thorafor. U o worry tourist toter+t, trailer a *wurt snr! !stubs, IMM same roe"Ift tko,'46*9 frslli to, oonlrore is any Prwtw'lrliseraaes of tkis ar,ii"a ss to horwb►y dsolorsd to ooosti*vt o o aa►ai Same w. st I I. All Owoors• operator* or awAosors of orgy Wet, iao* tourist court, traitor petao t or rooming grouse shall ■aintmA" all O" Oh vrsetlsos to o sanitary oamUtion. F xI- tMOVW . MIC V ~_t3KS AWE h sluary fair ground, publle park or aaeusoisonrt osot*r of any kited auito;'7► . oern4it•Lion and s and all food and nt nsd to a s Shall be +sai sl beverages + i,eb way be sold in ony gsrt of x ok pal*oo simall be ods;w#tely yaroteoterd ogeleAt Mae, d ast, vermin, spoll*eo- and stall be kept in a e0mitary oO"4 .tl,on. OP No person, f r # a rporotton or other~ owpleay* r shell use, or prrsi+ to be used, to too, oetn,4uot of oay business# rewwroutturind *#tobltstn nuts PP of;, othor 01000 of atmployrM entt, any yaroera**, material or eaftediti on known to ta* ro say p%9s1blo adverse *VIFso♦ can the 14exttb of say rso ns or porzontl, oat}ttloyod tbor'ein unless a rrraml+arments have boon *ad+s to +r of atain the molts` potteaatrtl onviroaseant to the *a%* t t iot *,Jeh injury will t resulto* ►try todustriol sstablistment #hal t be cont.i l lr rt ainto Dad in a son$ tart' +aendition. 01 Any poree". fire or oorporattt,on, wit* shall violate say of itbo pro.- vie loos of say soetion or subdivision of this ordlesnoo, *hall be tl t*4 not loo* then five (°-5.00) Sellers nor sooro t o + ' t rod ~,"~~lat1~Jl.Qra3 ka►'liors, end ooeh day of sueb vtolotion stall oonotituto a separate of!`*awe, The, penalties of this ordinar non *matt not o ly are a person or ronn* bovo omereirod due elllisanoe and hrmo •ier<lotod t; slao without any In tent* to. ' aait ~L $ o This OrAinooeo is ou lative of all Iowa and ordtoommo Vortolni to bmilding# seem and sanitation* 1aou14 any o"otten, artletl*, prow vision or 'sort of this orrdinonao be doleaarod to be useenotAttu+ticMal and gold, by ea curt Of oa tent 4urlsdiction, sjob doe:its tom skell in no say s West it validity of any of taao romminiitig parts of qt r eardinaseao, ual# the part baald uraeonsttitatt-tonal or void is Visspaarablo fr M and t is t%9 blo to the operation of tbo romeant ports* "lh* Town .low el.l doaslarew tut i6 Would ffe post" thaws peers of Mis ewdl"oeo im"oh or* rrslld w" owittrd any parts w eft war be an~an ►t twl~i+a sax Itit buid known toot ou*b par** waft uneaustitutionol at tbe ties of flao passage of VAS Tills Ordlnanoo *ball boomm wfiCoott"'O 0"4 be lw tull tore* and effect fry and after t dot* of its adoption * publisotion as by low wrovi 4 d. 1 . "'T") this 'q day of . . 1). r " I, V R D ~I t i "now +fi Ai U T