1957-01-12 P INUTFS - RFGULAR .14F - TING - January 12, 19457 TC)~' r COUNCIL OF `Ca, Y TO °';EI OF SOUTI-tL KT' , TF° AS 6 4** Pursuant to the cp ll of the Mayor, and to notice given to all members of the Town Council, stating the time, place and nurpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Totem Council, Southla-l{e, Texas, was held on Saturday afternoon, Janijary 13, 1957, at 2:30 p.m. at the Carroll School. The following members were present, constituting a quorum: M,a or: A. Gail r'uba.nk Y s Aldermen: C. K. Gordon R. G. Lyford J. F. Quinn Mayor Eubanks ca11_ed the meeting to order, and the mini-ztes of the three Drevious meetings which had been disr)pnsfd at previous cal.ed meetings to facilitate business - were approved as read. The P a:.yor turned discussion over to Mr. George P. Gleewon, the City Attorney, after brief discussion, the following Ordinances were brought forth: ORDINANCE Rio. 29 previously tabled was introduced -entitled °'AI~T 0R 1)1 ni C RFCEIV I'qG AND ATT~~r' ;II{G T 1AT.ITORY ADJACT-. IT A7-j-) C01,11TIC:UOUS TO TI7? TJ'°.'N OF SOUTHLAKE, T~',XPS . . .T' concerning property of R. A. Underwood and wife, owners of the r eal nronPrty described therein. On motion of R. G. Lyford, Seconded by J. F. Quinn, said ordinance was gassed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINAECE No. 21P) ORI I bT".I CI? No. 60 was introduced - entitled "AN ORDI Af1CF' RFC~IVTI'i('T ACID A T ,TTY T J i T 1 i t i' / T t 3 ~I~Ijj' I'~~G laR~;.IllORY ALJICi IT ~.4D 'CONTIGt;OUS ~0 TI'T` O.RN CF 9OTjTK, K. T'~::,xAS .t' concFrnin7 r?ronerty of Crawford C. ;`Tall and a-.rife, Doris C. Nall, owners of the real nrorrrty described therein. On motion of IL. G. Lyford, seconded by C. Y. Gordon,_ said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORI_)IN TCT' No. 40) OF'~ IiJr.ITCF NO. 61 was introduced - entitled rr "14 ORDIr1AINCr, RFC IVING AI1TD ~',N:N7XING `I" R vITORY ADJACT NT sj.;D CONTIGUOUS TO TI1p T,)Tj'.j 0 z{ SOU TI-'L K '1 7 TI XAS concerning- pronerty of Jinks Jones and Fmory Jones, owners of the real nr onerty described therein. On motion of R. G. Lirford. seconded by C. Ft. Gordon, said ordinance was passed unanimously axle. adopted (ORDI A`ICi' No. 61) OIL I'Tt~P~CT No. 62 was introduced - entitled "AN ORDINANCE RFC," IVING t~ ,1D r STN ING TTIRRITO.PY ~DJi{CTIN A`J) CONTIGIIOUS TO TH TOT.11 OF SOI1T1 T~ ~ LS concerning r) ro -,erty of A. !'T. Mitt and wife, Ruby Hitt ~ owners of the real nro-_)erty described therein. On motion of R. G. Lyford, .econded by J. r. (;;uinn said ordinance was passed unanimously a nd adonted (ORDI ANCT No. ~2 ) ORDINANCE No. 63 was introduced - entitled ''AI'N' CUIN T"PkNCF. RFCs IVI ICT AND T1'T'XI `,TG TT~ RTI Ai ITORY APJZIC } ,IT A1.11) Ct>I'ITIGUOTI.S TO TP T O 7 T OF SOUTI-'LAK TT AS . . concerning n ro-ertir of T'. G. Brow and wi.fr ! udre Theo brown, o`,rn(-rs of the real pr~onr 'ty d escribed th~rr,in. , y R ~ d - G. Lyforrd, seconded by C P,_. Gordon said. ordinance UTasm asspdof unanimously and adonted (ORDIN.A1,CT' No.'63) A letter from Texas Popper and Iht CornnanTr's F'res%d nt, t''. Lynch was read, expressing his 7,oor TJ,rishes and thankinn tis for our letter of December third. The Mayor caller.'.- for the Secretary-Trea.su.rer's rrnort, i-,!hic'?t,a s as follows: 1. Letters of annreci ation wer{ sent to the Texas Power and Light Comp-Jany Presidr-nt, T°.'. Lynch at Dallas to Mr. George P. Gleeson, City Attornrir at Ft. "Jorth, anc? to I essrs. 5. I'illis, District I ana, -Pr of T. P. 8c L at Irving and. Jack Vaughan, Asst. Dist. T gr. of T. P. L also at Irving. 2. E'Ee received the bank book and chedk book from the First National B~.7:nk '--t Grapevine. 3. E:xpenditures to date: X2,00 Notary Bond, X2,50 Eking Fees to Countv Clerk, Tarrant County, Texas. Total I)i_sbi_a.rsements ,1,..50. There was no Marshal's Report sire e the 1- ars',el Z,ras out of town. Under New Business, t}e Mayor introduced a letter and a proposed Telenho,ie Franchise from the Southwestern tates Trl(:-nhone Company, he opened the floor to discussion, after which. it was decided that since the Southwestern Bell also services a larp7F portion of the Town that a committee viould be appointed to contact them before a definite decision is made also to look into ')oth sides of the situation. A Committee consisting of G. Lyford, Chairman - and ;mop Jo Stephenson and John f?uinn ,vmas Pj)pointPd. r. T -Pson brow-s.Zt un t'ze ect of ?onin;D nning, r ic'n it Tj Iliac' 'peen -~r^viously discussed le eti s. Ne L 1 7•.,_e ~ 'at he ,;ad self conies of the Colleyville Toning ordinance to all aldermen and to the Yayor to read before this meeting. He asked for their ideas, and after a discussion it was unanimously decided to create Boning and Planning Commission, members of which would be appointed by Mayor 7ubanks, ORDINANCE', No. 64 Baas introduced - entitled "AN ORDINANCE CRFATING A RUXNNING AND ZONING C013- ISSION FOR THT TO11N OF SOUTYL.O KE, T AS, AND PR :::SCRIBING TH71jj P0`drRS `ND DTI TI S Sate to be composed of five members, resident citizens, taxnavers andcjua.lifi.ed voters, to be appointed by the Mayor subject toJconfirmation by the Governin- Body, to serve for terns of two years. On motion of R. G. Lyford, seconded by J. T. (,uinn, said Ordinance arras passed unanimously and adopted.. (OR, I , TiCT, NO. 64). 1'r. Gleeson, the Attorne'77, called to the attention of the Council that filing for all offices for the forthcoming election must be done prior to thirty days ahe d of April 2, 1957 (election date.) which E,~roulm -,e by Midnight, March 14rmst. 5 r--co Nom , Healso announced that the FTarshal must post rules for the election, including the procedure for filing application for office, in three a public places. A resolution concerning this matter will be ready by the February meeting. 'after further discussion regarding election procedure and other matters for future attention, the I ayor stated the next meeting will be the Second Saturday in Feburary at 2:30 p.m. at the Carroll School. r 1 aOt AND dO"1 d TIO T* Of dOAlMAKN O TSXAOJ VIDUM T-An OWN AL4. SWIMS A PAST by AX& TOWN AIM 'RAT TUt OVISAS ASS I*- PRITU. dt OTIM dMt S by daU TOVS* Ad'O O'Mb TUC AND WAINAXOSO t I`O'W` AWO To lilt 1~~ tl MdX MU OV1bd .r M " " AND + UCTIVO 'fib O#IMQIAL # AIbp Ok SAID TOWN Ap JMtRXIW"8 ,i WPT AS AMMUD* AND MOVIDING NOR AX X"M*7V% VATS. *H 6dd* Var""t to ttw provistooto of tho Aots of 193~►. ~ 1ASIrlataesr00 lace 3070 chap"T 93* 0044t s" 00 A rtiot* 974-00 Revised di civil $tstntMW of Teals. ftMW*,V4 t r fta eel Wito* borks. 1%0 Hol l • of Tartrs"t Go"tyo Toms, ewers of the we" +s ~.-r hereinafter 406or1bod. kowt, s"WIo OLra#Lam as *y low prov&ddd to *No mayor *ad Board of Alderman of ft* TOM of S0Wtb%*JW, TOMr►a. s Watt of toad *Mwiotift of .-o troy, moro or loso, sift~ to t60 1. E. Thompson and Francis Thrgop. Surveys,Tarr4ntQ9 Tgx~mvwf tty 6*"ribod by notes and bound* "1 40 fo l lows # wwr isVt at o eiat to Uw gait rtsh# of way ILUM of da Mty 44 X*. 3119 tWtbs Y. W004S Survey, Tarr*** County, t`wsaes, to tbo dortbe"t earner of Ito intor eeti on air "34 wood witty, County o*4 fie. 310341 TdMWL, olooW the Seat right of way lino of sold county load No* )119 to a oorwotr err sold road beer* Rest 1 TIANCtt* tt00t o+rrreato said roast to the sat right of sear 1100 ftor-oof l " XICX* Soutu ot.+sovW ttw tewst right of w*y tin* of said tread to t b* torttt r°,IgUt of way line of Comaty R664 No 0 3"0: ' Ate ri, iA s Northeasterly J.troeti atone the °V rth ar4ght of way line of County Pood So* 3"0 to a Sat tdswterr !sane satorsoeta the oonter of County ROSS 31061= "i,tuose bortboaat *left the worth rich* or way 1*.nse of s. A. No. 114 to a Veto* for corner# of tbo tract heroin dot orllbod l ` I iii, totrtb t s roeo is!lswtboo Soot 126 were* to a p*Int for aernor; TtIcVC%* %ort!h 87 nacrseas sb aim*** vo*t 41 were* to a point for oonsor; Q RP IN pm-°'a'" THX%019* 19 4aaW"400 46 Minnt*8 Vast 93 V&"* to a eaaarat+aarar to the North rtcht of .taaaaf ISO* of ~r County Road 6, 30401 OF 1=#k' 3m a aaelo *ai<d C+arunty RaAaaaad No* "S0 and 61 allaoaastiattaoigg tie** on tho aaatrtb right of way Un* of sold baaraaaad to tho Vast bouao dv4ry line of tkw fraaaaast oa Turaaop Survey and "aaltioutittad *Or*** *aid road to t:30 oath right oar way Uaa * tfio roof l ar TANdOd,l South and s* along t h# said Oomaaty aoaad o* 30" to as polaet wtoro auaaaear@ Intora"ts tbao West s`IMM of way 11no of County Rood aio. 311+31 ' AXV0t# Soualtiat aaalosk; the oot riAtho eat' way line of County f4oad o. 3119 to the North right of. wash f,itse of 0ouaatf Rood No, 3034 a" 4 o+ t ai oo ros t sold road to tba Ust rIght Of Way line tbora ote *be at go of beginning* A plot of s*Id load aet►aaawaaaaiieaad its tsootiaaeaaaar wi,tta rospeoat tthe 'town of 'is b o ta~ta1_aaako, Too s o is o t#aaaaob*d b*roto marked IMAM *A*'* . op ia~* wr " ;f'i'9 the pr"oaartf o "o" b o rase oaoav* daa oote►tbaoad betas aaatd jaaaaaaeanat sp aso tionomae to tba Town LImA+to of brw+R ahsi 'i`oaroot, be *aatd&* berobi► aenaaaaxoad aaataed bromdLtt witiotiln the Gooreoraato J6taa4taaaa of said Town and to it hereby *"a an Integral port-thor*of, w . THAT. the owners had itaaebobit;ttntaa of alr" area be►roto aeamsomod bo ~ ♦aaa titlaeead to rartl eir the rights and privilogarar of suer oitisaaeasar prae poharry/ owners of ateoid 'fa►aaatn aaaaaald be *mod by *It of taro **to *ad it ordinamooo aaaaaeaaa o iaaat ooaaaaaf`oraAtlr ltbtor to, aaoaew in fall f oo and offott and toot wktaaft way be borat oftor adolatod, PP 3 rw °t'H4T# the oaftletataal Map and b*uaaaadorloS, of ado Town of Southlako On , 'falaaaaeaaa0a 00 b0ar0t0f0r9 ae►daeaPtaaed Ond 000.04awd, be and is tMferaoabay aea>taaaaaa 404 So ~ aea* to iatlteludo *U* aforementioned taaeree" itery as part of tho 'town of '~>teeaa~s,~aa.kaaa, ~ooa~* lr op T-3140 ordtaato nao* ae<taoI l baaeefto affaaeaaettro and b1► In full for** ~ and o f foot, Ian and attar its Vaasa" ate#4 approval, by tao Mayor aaeata4 duty ottoot*4 by *be Town as cr*ta ry. oft aatT t%4T t 04"M'" Ida 171 >:>aa t aw 'i` f Alf J L 5 I V l Cy 'AS Y q t E i 1 EXHIBIT A r RA..a o+l~ i . DoR' S. HALL ' o..O,vs A:~ r7 ORUSAX41 so 41 OINM* AO dd M @ t ' `'d`im T9w Mt Ib00TOL SO tA" Ov It Alto ice- # t 1 1 nom"" "It. at W9 A*" A" "MAPM sm Its w"M Of SUO VMS v AS XWkWoke" "onto &S Autlostill, A" bJl~~d~ ~ d~A► "awrltla !4tl~~t st ~~"~'",~r Istwi **Us of TomA# Anks I*"* a" «t+tlr~sM~ Tort 4000t0 ' Two*. ***we of Ifs V**% ! 0be" t~or A~tO## M~I~r s p 0t"*"* 1 " #t low pvoft to *ft tOr and W o o t"d of .~Idsvws O" lfrr Tole *#I t rftlo , sue, a irowi ler 10" 601M1 M- of 3670 wre or SLOS t,t sift"t" #A ft* L. . t"" Wit. T ast l "Ntwo T*z*s, uw* 11T 40W~ by 0n000 and boom" air to140r a S` of a V &S" $40 I W "t USIO of *tO L. w M SrrrVlr *t tift rl*Ak Of Way line of !Mato XA&tmsr r►. 1141 "=*so urltbt 016" ft* O Ume *t 0*14 Survey ts? •oras to a point for tko tlthtroO eorwer of *be trto$ bolao bN►rrel* doaer bode '1 ak . wl# htst *I*" fto so" r#h lima of sold traot 36S oar" ter the South WASM of way 11,00 Of Mato err. l,x~t THRY020 to a Northerly and vostwly dirootion oloft tho said swA th 1i»e or ststw► vl t ' o. w#* to the paver ' of begi,aolag. A plot or said tame w oair its leout.les wi tit roopoert to the down st outhlahMr. Toxoo s to o tt*e t here$* aokv*d SIAZ= *A** 1. "TttATO "w Woperty +sw+orrtrs bas"Ina Mtvo dooorlbod being adjeco" oad ooiotiWav* to tfts Tow Units of wttbtltrtk*# ?*so** be grad to hereby o"aoso# slwwq"ww-ug%t rifbla *be Corporate, Limits of "'taro and is beroby **4o an latoWel port tharoof. a , + ssd Amb aDltuats of tla►+o oae 1w ro ss sneezed b satitloRd On *ll Ot the right* Fwd privIlfte+r Ot +t011r o WSONO ark! v ro►vaety sire of I &AA TIOWN and be boon by all of the sets Old •rolmossowt WAS to 00"te ropy tborrrt now to full torso, and Woot mA tbst whisk soy loo kor**tt*r #4*" 4* 3. do ettleaul Wev 004 belAoodarlios of the, Town of t*00thle"t Tommy * 00 boo-otst sre Odartod, end o memdo d* be and is t*ssby .m►sdo& as ss to #orsloot tho storms tion" iwrrj**vr so part of *be 'down -of lt, ol"+oso 04011 b.r**" Wootlu+, and In "%'I for** and Otto of from *md attsr Its prier r s, r pnm bg tuo A*yer a tuly attorsto►d the Town boorotorye 'Sk IPI '~k'rs a N r Y J e T 99 lie E X H B i T f iMcq -:300 ✓~,ca.s ' ..JEIJKS ~ EMOR~ aToni~J- aw~;t~Rs T lA l A'R 'f ID I AT Ali" S, i d " A PA df "IS T VX AN T &'T t"" WYE 0 AND Za- APTd TdtAt f su" 1T4ts TO A" 111% MVILS"S C#JP 0W01TIMS Of SAID TO*V. AND M W tb M T€M AM b blX .OSf NO* 11 IPS(IT AND To t IMNAVU APTtVg f TM r,1%oV1b t t 1 AND 06AMT1: TAM 1#14 MAL W-d AIPIRS CAF 1410 Tr 130,p AS AKFJ *0*X AVOrl'" AS Al!ONSIM, NO t1'F1 1tl`TW 108 SI IVIA Kurt. Wt ? .sta. Va rswraatt to the pre totone, of the Aoto of 1153. S Lostelaturo, rage 5.57'j cweptwlwr' 910 0"Iftod as Artloli 074-0# Ittowlsod Civil ttatafte of T*saso A. Ws 14*tt a" +wiftr, WAIW Hit$, of "`arrant County, Twtsaat, swoort of the root 1wovortr Iworok ftor daarari , baling +asft rprp►liestion *a b' law prarwi►4od to the 14 yor and ward of Aldwer+wwm of the Town of "ot o". Texas, a troot of, load wfanoist!n* *1 - Calf 41/2) *or*. amtir or l a SA*m*tod to tbo M*Aro of J. 0. % boon 8,wwv y. Torroaat 0owntf, Ttrsess wwwero fulif dsarwtribad by *et+ls osod t -unds *a f of loos i 01SWING at a point its tiara 4#00 it J. IA. tiibooft sump.- to tko twwst right of way line of bounty good So. 3041 wtoro 0"0 Intersooto the Worth #r iitr sib` way linar of alket* Highway po, talt 't'AK40110 Vorth *tend t e taat right of way it. of sold county Road WM+ 3041 to the tb right of way line of Coontf Read his. 10,99 and owntimstatd st eta+g *aid S utb right of way lino to the **at risk* of wef Uno ot, wr&14 Alomatj 14o04 No* 30411 Tarn it, With &t ons Sold Vount,f RO'*4 $is, 5041. 376 wares to a point diwrootty Wo*t of the 14rtaarrt *t oo rmo r of a *no on4 on*- haelf it*) *or* troot of load OWM4 by apP1100at's heroin an+df w:oo- t taming avert satr eiraa the +awestor lass of sold read and further sonts"WInlt In *0 ****Orly diroation In a line parallel to too Mortlh bomwwd dry At t'bo J. 1. ►lboon Survey, i3 wares to the north- spot wrsrno r Of **14 *roat: Titg*i't. South aloaf th+ taatr beawwaawdarry Ito* of sold trout 37* Vr ro# to tuo 5 out+iabMwst oorn*r thoroors " KAN0 6, twwawt In a line parallel tf ttlwrr North bwaadlry Ito* elf *^14 twr*ot a dtstaanoo of 73 verse to the *enter of minty a*d No, 3041 and oontinui*rw '#sat to the West ri vet of way line thoroof t TAKVi„iii, nth a to than west boundary line of said: road to rr point who" aa** Intror*oote the r *rtm boundary Ito* of 4tpt* Alebwrar►y Xo * 1211 ?#iiNuC t, North *ad too* ai.otvd 3tot• oligbway e.121 to the taut rigut of way Ito* of County Road o. "610 thaw ;nlxoo or booginfilag. PP 16 plait Of 0014 tend showift its 1o06fiion Witt Imspoetr to tue Towo of outoiakoe Toss, to ot:too sd b*roto worked XULDI'T *A,** op b arr oontttgu s to the T+ its of douthiskco, t"oart*oo b* air:d is hereby a+ xod and tr+awE t witb4a tho Gorpor*to l.inits of soid "foot" sad to borsby node on integral port thereof. vp mil', the oasorsr and &*b.#bitoott• of t or** heroin annexed be entitled to s AI of t-no r3 bta #ad rivilogoo of other ettisome and rr property *wmws of rsnid Town and be bound by all of the ootte owl ordin esoes *ado #n oontorwity there**, noar in fuller fo ro# a"d offoot and tbat w,-Aeta way baa horeaftor pit*d. 3. TUAT" ttm etlioial map and boundortos of the Tows of soon lako, ilk Tax*** so rotororo adopto4 and aitlaeoodod, be and As hereby awond*d so as to inelado, th* a►t' *rowoftt f owA territory am port of ttso 'four of PP l Aia t io, TOX&S r Pm • W T to erd +na"* o Ll Its"oo oltwat:ivo and . br An Cull forte, *ad of"tist from end otter its ola ge, and approvarl by the Mayor and duty attested ~ tiro Town S,eerot,mry, PP 6L (J PP MAYOR Wr a ST% v is 1e P F XW. HALE y ~ y PAC r~ 4. i f 5 ~ p ~ r i t M t 6) Rf w E 4 r 8 { 00,01tAbO1x NO. 63 AUJACSW AND 00WT1WQ-,. 4 To T t To" OF SOUTALAA , HART Of "1; T,,") *N AND TtAT Tfr OWE S&$ AND IN- &4alTA T8 U & SOIr 64" 10 1t+)1 T7`A. TO A Till' k44" L t of OTA a-ITIZINS of $Ax0 Touse AND fill WWbb AT TAI ACTT$ AS* *ti1W.°kb4U IN tf '1tC 3 AX9 TQ US UJW9'1XAJrTW1 ADOM91 VWTNXX PSOVIDING WON AMBI16 Ab# C " '.1 r TUR 0MOZAL DOUNDARISS CJT $AIi1 TOWN a AS U209MORN ADOPTXV itAWW_bXD* AS0 3 PROVIDtft "It AN SMOT"S AATN. o l # pursuant to the provisions of the Aots of t333. 33rd Losisla ro, Fees, We ckeptor !3• *"&f as Arti:olo lp", Rsvi s" Civil Statute@ wt Toxas, A. 0, brown and rit*# Andrery Tboo Wows, or Tarrant #orurartty • Texas. sumors of the real, provo rty boroi wttar doa- aribod, btavi`oW so" o li ewtietw as. by low providetd to the Mayor and ►rd of AJi;oraroat of tbo Town of dommstab+e, Terxoog a treat of lend oernstatxrrrd erf to Soros, *or* or loss, sitdatod in itb►w W, It. taros r9tYf v*y, Tarrant e0ounty, Usage from fully dosoribod by we*** and bounds as follows TRACT 20. 1 consisting of d.i *air*** sterna or 10009 donor ibod ""o by mi*toa and boureds, **-wit $ uJISIRWINQ at a point In the Worth fright of way 'limn of F. X. t709 sead and the lose right of gray Unrr of dnwnty lewd 140.30331 T",rksl 0X# worth along the dset$ right of way lino, o!' Gocouty ),~Qad go. 30331, 140 ararse to, a point far tbo Northwest sornor of the treat of load boleti heroin dolor bolt T"Nose hart tw a sn" pore.ltol to the North li to at' "a U. A. seves aurvoy X." voraa to a votat oro same Lstorsosts the x0rrisk rirbt of Vey It** of to N. 1?" 9404• TURS040 in a 11 tlt +rs tltssif d#roolties along the worth right of Vol line of sand i. X. 1701 woad, X70 Vo:ra# to tlao darn ridbt of Vey line of 00unty Mood We. 30330 *be plaos, of beginning. TbA4T b$a0 a w Consisting of a saner, aroro or too** lying boutb at 1'. No 1703 goad In the W. h. tarroi suraet►y, aoro fully dosoribod by etiatoo and bounds ♦s fa l lowa s 1% 1xG- at a point 320 worws store or bract been of the So** liana of C 0unty hood to« 3033 for Minn sutbw►st ooeraor of troy t being borolm dosort*o4, said point being also in tav South right of way As 400 line at lr. K. 1?09 R*04t T N480 to a A*rthosettatr"ly diraoltion aland the `youth right of way l1ne of to M. 1709 Read, 230 wears for the aarthwoat *error of saiel trecot t 110 i TASNUX. Se"Oft an a lie peerollot to the West boondory It#* of 4M tit tr, . Survey lls V reas to a points same being tuo oatlawost oerneer of sold s &o r* troot j d~ .r '!'T !WINC1., Xast of a line parallel to the Wort ix boundary lino air e. P# seeveee>s Suzy s;lg vor*s to tho rIvoe of beginning, ,t plot of said lend o bowing Its loostion with imspeeet to tit* Tar*u of r. goettblsa3tte~. ?e>". Ia ottaebod her*%,* marked TWISIT *A*, POP x. TT fi. too property owner* b ratnabovo doseribsd being o4j"esot s ooattiWous to Cie 'raw, t-teens of outMnbo. Texas. be o" to hereby asaeateserd and beroa tt within tfto Corporates Units of sold Town one, to "a hereby em ote! an integral fort thereof. OP T *AT* the *waste and i ttnbitonts of Use or** k*rota annexed be POP eat tl&d tee alt of tbo risfi s and pitlvitoeose of other attineefto and property ow"ors of said Town and be bound by all of t kuy outs and, o rdtaoneeos us4o in aeotor ty tborsto, now In full fore s, and offset e" and that whie ft mmy be hereafter adopted,. 3. T4AT # the *f'f'i oiol map asefd beuod rime r sy the Town of Sa uttalak*9 s T+rx*s a sso b*retoforo adopted need "oondeeds be *ad to tooroby oerreseedod sae as to i,nat"do, tie AforommU00" territory sere part of the 'roosts or OPP ~ca►uEt►ls~tecere. '~e!lf~. T" l#I. *r"mmoo sesastl beeltomoo o t'foot vo, a" be is full iforas o offset f"rois and otter its passoco end oppurovol by tit* hoyor and duty attested by tense Town eorutary, s■ ✓t a TO s tTARY Po P" a ■ c3 ~ N do I~ o ao ~ Rs N 2~5 J 4 2140. N Q 38 vAs, a „ SO✓es. 6 1 8.6AC•~ k~ ~z I w ° gvo4 KE~~ER w. R. E A V E S SURV E Y 48S. NO. Soo i Z a V E-X H) 8 1 T A SCALE mcH = ZOQ vARA3 P.G. RUbREY `r, BRowN -owNERS w 205 t ORDINASUS NO r 64 AND i*PRAC I81 tlp Pews A110 h'u'gs. IT (31rfVAIX b W Td. WARD Of' ALDWMXN Of TkM TON Of 82 r ' AT, tkoro to hereby orootod s esteblisbod for the Town of Steutblake, 'lOX&S, a Planning and ioo►inW Cos■risoisa, wktob 91Aa11 be o+ peaeod of not I*** tbea, three nor so" tt%on five members. The members sholl be resident oltisont, lasp*yors and qualified voters at the To+nrr, all of war shooll be appeist*d by the Moyer subjeot to oeenfirmatien by the *&wotrn ag r #r, to oor * for a tofu of two gears. All s°aoo notos shall be filled for the unespirod tore In the saw* manner ss provided for tbo original a oiotments and In the same manner. s►osibore of the Commission &my be rrweved by tbo bayor# with the oonseat of the Governing body, after )bllo bearing and for **owo assigned to writing. The members of the domalsslon *bell oorv* without eetmpre,nratihn. tow R• TIM Planning and 4ontng 8om issi+on shell also$ a Ch*Irma n, Vloo,•CTtair and a r orotw7 from its 1l ombors"p and *bell have power to *"lof oa*b qualified porsons as main be noossoarry for r bo proj)K*r eonduot and vadertaklago of teas Commimol*n sad *6 osf for their aervtoos and euob of rr nsosarnarp espoasrrs, pr•vi404 thou the east of s .ioh 9*rvioos amt esponses shall not axes" the amount appropriated by teas igovernind body for the us* of the Commisre14n. It $boll else bsvo the power to make rules, r*galatioss and by-law far its own govorn>.eent, wttlob *:tall os>nferw so nooa►rly as possible, with t1toso governing the Town Coonril, accred emm shall be subjoet to approval by such oosellr halt by*-low snarl t iooto4o, among other Items, provisions fort A. Rogular and special meetings, even to the ablle 3 a. Records of its !',Coaee&lass, to be open for inspootion by tko publ lass r C. 14portl to t tw governing body sad the pustule, from #100 to time aennuawelly i PP" A. for the ft-Adi ng of publio hearing* on its rosommenda,ttiose rp " ,memo 2o6 000 Tt Plannlnd and a ntr* Coam►. efUn WWI kove tva powor and it stioll be tto duty to ask* and raeommood for x4ortion a asrnter slab, to a vhole or in ports, for tbo future +develo at and rodovolopaarat of the aruatolpollty and its onvirons and au&l l have power and it shad 1 boo At o duty to prepare a couprobom lvo plan erdinanoo for sonind tho Town in scoordonaoo with Chapter rr 2039 Rats of the € *Cular oosion of the dia'lotu rov 19*7# (Arta. kilt- to 1011-.1) R. 0. S., as a►a►+andedz a• ~i. T-UR said cosmalooion 94411 also resolve, examine and con- 16 oider all plans# plot* and mplots submitted for the taurpa** of sabdirridlnd or resubdividing land situmtad within the 'own of soutbloka, and within five miles of its 'Town Limits, in araceirdono* with tho Provisions of Artiole 974-,l. V'ernon$s "foams snoototod `r lotutesv and the rules an regulations as way bo mdopted by tha► Beard of 41doraao►n pursuant thoroto. OP e TRY, sold Oo ioml*n ataall perform sua+h other dutiaa as may * presorlbod by the ordinonooo of tbo Town and the Lows of the tot* of Tawas. low fr . re 'x',!19 drdinanoe shot1 boa-me eft`eotive and be in f 41t tot,caro a►nd offset frets *ad after its passage rind aapprora►l, by than "-ayaar, w dully attested by tbo Town ssorotaary as by law ro. ovidod. a• AogpTxv this 1t day of January, AP "P VID., AT`E' t a w TOUS Q» pi l' .pX s ~r ■ a s