1959-12-12 IIJ TUTnS OF THE REGULAR 10EETIā€žTG OF THE TOW NT COUNCT-11, TOVI OF SOTITT'LAKE, TEXI;S, DEC., 1959 Pursuant to the call of the Ma, yor and to notice given to all members of the Town Council, stating time, place, and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town Council of Southlake, Texas, was held December 12, 1959, at the Carroll School. The following members were present constituting a quorum: Mayor John M. Stevenson Councilmen J. J. Carlile L. A. Casey W. C. Cummings C. rI. Gordon Also present were Marshal Keller Austin, 11r. John Quinn, IvIr. Frank Denton, VIr. Brenske, and an associate of Mir. Gleeson, Mir. Benjamin McClure. The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by the Mayor. The Secretary read the minutes of the November Council meeting which were approved with corrections. The Mayor asked Mir. McClure to investigate state laws about the setting of grass fires and, if necessary, to write an ordinance with a penalty for setting grass fires with destructive purposes, also a penalty for the throwing of trash near the highway. Mr. Brenske's proposal to extend his bread corporation was discussed by the Council. He was given permission to take out a building permit. The Council discussed Southlake's having a truck with a water tank for grass fires. Marshal Austin was asked to look into the matter. On motion of Mr. Casey, the Council voted unanimously to give a check for $10 to Miss Judy Cummings in appreciation of her services as secretary. A franchise for the Tri County REA was considered. 11r. Gordon moved that "whereas it appears that a considerable number of the citizens of the Town of Southlake are desirous of continuing to receive service from the Tri County REA and would likely create a condition of unrest and dissatisfaction in case of failure to grant to the Tri County Co-op a franchise to operate in the Town of Southlake$ therefore be it resolved that a franchise be granted, and that an agreement, satisfactory to the Town of Southlake and the Tri County Co-op be prepared for approval and execution by the Town of Southlake." MINUTES, DEC., 1959 2 The resolution was seconded by Mr. Casey and adopted unanimously. A letter from Councilman Gus T. Halbert was read casting his vote to allow the franchise for the REA. Mr. Carlile was asked to rret a revised franchise showing the areas of operation of the Tri County Co-op. A discussion of enforcement of t?he building code was held. On motion of Mr. Gordon the Cou.0cil voted to contribute $100 to the Grapevine Fire Department, and on motion of Mr. Casey to give $50 to the Carroll School P. T. A. for the year 1959. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Judy Stinson, Secretary i APPROVED: John 1. Stevenson, Mayor