1959-03-14 . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF SOUTHL•AKE, TEXAS, PARCH 14, 1959 .r Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to all members of the Town Council, stating time, place, and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas, was held Saturday, March 14, 1959, at Carroll School at 9 p.m. The following members were present, con- stituting a quorum: MAYOR; A. Gail Eubanks _ COUNCILMEN: C. M. Gordon L. A. Casey W. C. Cummings J. J. Carl ile The Mayor brought the meeting to order. The answers received from residents of Southlake regarding the letter and newspaper article mailed to all citizens were acknowledged by the Council. Also acknowledged was a petition of 49 names asking that the Council pass the Zoning Ordinance No. 119. The Council discussed the ordinance. C. M. Gordon moved that the ordinance be adopted with the following amendments: Page 18-Section 11 omitted entirely. Page 18-Section 10 omitted, which limits height of a house. - Page 30-Omit the part of Section 18 which requires that a building be corr~- pleted 90 days after the date of passage of Ordinance No. 119 J. J. Carlile seconded the motion. Ordinance No. 119, plus the amendments made and passed by a special meeting of the Council December 1, 1958, plus the amendments made at the regular meeting of the Council March 14, 1959, was approved unanimously by the Council. No further business coming before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. 6 J dy C gs, City ecre ry ffkt A. Gail uban s, e'.yvor 1 ~ fAk No . OfiD%R AND XOTXCR Of TOWN RIACTION s4 TIM STATE Of TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF TA> fIT ~ TOWN air SOUTRI A M ~ AWMaS "RJR X* As Gail Zubanks# Mayor of the Town of Deutblake, Texasp by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do bor*by order that an election be bold to the Town of Moutblake, Texasp on April F! 1939, being the first Tuesday tbereefg ter the purpose of *looting the following officers of said Towns A Mayor and two Councilmen for a term of two years and one CounoiUmm for a term of one years fsom April 19 1939, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Candidatos.for Mayor and Councilmen ter places floe One and Two receiving the bighost number of votes for such offices and places shall be elected for a torn of two years; Candidates for tb a orrice or Councilmen for place. fie. Three receiving the bigbest number of votes shall be *looted to such office and place for a term .4 of one year. Andq that said elootL*n shall be held at tbo Carroll Sebeel in said Town, and the following named persons are hereby appointed Managers thereof a to-grit i Aj Ld~Ll~ Presiding Judge Assts Presiding Judge P+rlorat L5*4~ Clerk The Marsbal is moreby directed and instructed to post a properly executed copy of this order and notice of eloetLen at the Carroll Sebool, the place wboro tbis election shall be bsldp and at two otbor public places wi tb in the Towne Said notion shall be posted thirty days borer* the dame of said oiectioise signed and oxeeuted thLs the day or A. D, 1939 • • MAYCA9 ?own er outblakev Texas A ST s In t-/~ wfl SECRETARY A rrt w Pep, Joe "SOUrriou so 12 r W PA"t pursuant to the provisions of Title pds Cbaptor pt of the Revised Civil statutes of Texass it is previded that tbaro *ball be be ld in saob municipality in the Mato of Texos on the first Tuesday in April of oaab ysart a general election for the purpose of electing officers of said wunieipality t XOWv 79 I&°TORRs RX IT A LVILD BY TR$ TOWN COUNCILt Of "t' rr TOWN OF SOU TWt AKZ t TZX.AS t Ole Y. TtiAT9 tbo Town Council of the Torre of Southlaket Uxass at OPP a regular meeting bead tbis dates does beseby order an election of officers for the 'T'own of Southlaks t T•xass to be bold on Tuesday April 7 s 1959 s for the purpose of electing a Major and Tw* Councilmen for a term of two years and ono Councilman for a torn of one years from April is 19.Es er until their successor* are duly elected and qualified. Candidates for Mayor and Councilmen for places No* One and Two receiving tars bidbo s t number e f votes for sueb offices and places shall be *looted for a torn of twee hears 1 Candidate for the office of Councilman for Plano lie. Tbreet receiving the bighost number of' votes *ball be elected to sueb office and place for a ton of one ye or. r... ZZ. I. FOR t tee purpose of said o lac t ions the entire 'own is fro roby constituted one voting proainotl the polling place for said election *ball be the Carroll Sobool witbin sa.d Town and said election shall Qo bold between the boors of 7=00 A. R. and said 7%00 p. R. on the aforementioned date* suet the following prrrsono are hereby appointed to act as election offieorst T'residitrg Judge Asst. Presiding Judge 1 7/ Clo rk Clerk ZII. (a) So person sball be eligible for the offloes, afer9montioneliq unless be is a qualified elector of the Town and bas resided in the Spate of Texas for a period of one years and in the Town for ~ six (6) mostbe nest preceding the election at whicb he is *looted'. . +rr ANY *1411blo and qualified person wW have his 'nano printed upon the official ballet as an independent Candidate for the Wives heroin provided for by filing bis sworn applioatien with the Mayor not later than SOO l", No o'clock *s.3i eb d, 19S9. Itw application, *ball state the •poeifia office bei► tag sought by the applioant and that the applicant to eligible and qualified under the Laws of the State of Toxasp to beoomo a oandidato for and bold the office being sought, if elected. V. (A) V w form of the sworn applioation oba►li be substantially as feiloys 94 To the Mayor of the Town of Srutblako„ Texas, 4reetlnsot do 3 hereby sake application to barer my aa*o printed on the offietal ballot as an Inds- pondont candidate for the office of to be voted upon at the Town Xle*tion to be bold on tin '?tb day of Aprils 19391 and 11wrobiy +Cortify that I have resided in ft* State of Texas for at least one year and Tar the town of Soutblake, Texas, for at least six wantbe A prior to the date of suety election, and an qualified to looks, this application and that I an legally qualified to bold such office# if eleotod. a U53MATZ I d lSI M IM .,i STATS CSC' TZJi" COUXTY 4► TAR14ANT ~ Z, * being duly egos", deposes mad says that the statenents contained In the foregoing application r are true* 14, -SLAM" s Subscribed and sworn to befere are this , ,,,,,.day of , A. 'p. 1939• a ttrrriy Pablia Tot and for fir rauAt s Cry . Texas o ..tom. s (a) Such sworn application may be accompanied with a petition signed by qualified elootors` aithovab such petition is not :squired. (0) Such sworn application shall be aeoaopmle d with an ~ executed copy of the *Loyalty Aftidavit" as required by Article 641.2 1931 blootion Code, in Vernon#* Tesas Civil Statutest in substantiylly the fallowing forms r 3 s of the Town of S ut Make , County of Tarrant, State of Texas* being a candidate for tbo office, of f do solemnly swear that I bellove in and approve of our present r+rpro- •entative form of govornment, and it olootedf I will support and defend our reprosentative form of government and shall resist any effort to movement from any part a thereof, and I will support and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of the State of Texas** ~ Candidat7os Signature Sworn to and subscribed before #o at Bouthlake Texas this the .aday of A. D. 19". : I/~q ~Ilrll~ OW liotartr Public to and or ~ Tarrant County, Texas. iL Vl* Any Candidate for either of the offices herein provided for may tti have t•is name printed upon the ballot on application to the Xsyor„ such application to be, furnished by the Tom Secretary attid that sales PF shall contain the signatures of five (S)._porsont of the qualified ib voters of the Town of.tbe entire votes east in the Town at the last general eleetion# %ftL4& applications shall be aoaompanied by the loyalty affidavit as heroieatbovo set out. Vi 1. #r The names of all ttio so who have filed their sworn applications to bave their names printed on the official ballot as candidates shall be posted by the Town Secretary In a conspicuous place at the office P of the 'town Secretary for inspection of the public for at least ten days before he orders the ballots to be printed. The Turn Socretary V " shall prosorve in his *trio* for a period of two years all applications,, notices of objections and other related papers. .W -3- VXXX O ANY person eligible to the offices b*rsin provided for who has filed 144 s,vesra application in acosrdance with the provisions of this resolu ion, sba I have, big name pru*od on 'tbo official ballots A such perr*oae,a*y► cause his nays to be witirAra &t any *Uw before the official ballots aa" printed# by filift in writing witti the Town Secretary a requost to that offset over his signature, duly attested to by a Notary Public. No now so wi th- drawtt *,ball be printed on the ballots. Not lator Uan tin day's before the. Town General 92o ction g the Town Seoretary shall have the oft1iial ballets printed. XX. TIM ballots to be us ed in said election shall be prepared in the nannor . foreee in the election code of the State of Texas onaotod by the 1951 Legislature. ~f X. ' ALL qualified voters within the aeaning of the constitution and Laws of the State of Texas # who be" residod in the State of Texas for a period of one year, and In the Town of Soutblake for 3 a period of six nont%e prior to the date of the election herein NOW provided for shall be entitled to vote at such election. 4d I A1. 10 VOTIM by ab oontee ballot in said election shall co enao on March 18, 19599 at the office of the Town Seorotary, Southlako, Texas, voting by absentee ballot shalt close at fire P. A. April S, 1959* X111 ' Tim election officers above named *hall make and deliver the returns of said olostion In triplicat*# one being retained by the praroaiding Judgo# one dal iv ered to the Mayor of the Iowa t and an* delivered to the Town Secretary. The ballot box containing the signature *tabs from ballets used In said election *ball be doliverod to the District Cleric of Tarrant County, Texas* and other ballot boxes and election records and supplies shat l be presorverd by the Town Sesrotary in the proper office as tW law prevIded. The Tom Council will most not leas than five and net more than soveu sloes following said election for the purpose of caaavassing the returns of said *1*otion. t.d , ~f ' r ■ OM XILII THE manor is boroby directod to give notice of said election whi eb sbari l be signed by the Mayor under the attest of the Town secretary, aid shall state the purpose of the elootieng the Officers to be el*etod* and tbo Marsbal shall post a properly executed copy of the electron Proclamation at the polling place boroin provided and two copies at two other public places witb in the Torn. duah notice* shall havo attaebed thereto a cortified r copy of tbia revolution* XIV4 SAID olootion shall be hold and oondueted in accordance with the laws of the Stater of Tomas for tbs belding of general elections for state and county Cffioes except as o tberwiso provided by chapter t* Title i81, and the 1931 191octiorn Bodo of the Revised Civil statutes of 'lows. r ` ADOPTED this lei February dar of R. 19.W. MAYOR :t DTs • 0 TOWX SzcRI3f&Y c- s P r