1959-03-23 r MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF SCUTHI.AKE, TEXAS, March 23, 1959 Members present: MAYOR: A. Gail Eubanks C OU NC I LME'1'- : W. C. Cummings C. M. Gordon J. J. Carlile A special meeting of the Town Council of Southlake, Texas was held March 23, 1959 at the home of John Stevenson for the purpose of annexing the property of Charles Alexander. The m6tion was made by C. M. Gordon and seconded by Wade Cummings. It was approved unanimously by the Council. No further bus'ness caning before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. 1 u u nmin , City ecre ary A. Gail Eubanks, Mayor -M„ .a s X4 1A1 AM ~ X= R"ZtYx d ASNIOMM ' MZT10RY A 1AMT Adis dOMdUQUd " TM tOWX Or VIO X1 r A PART Of SAID "WX,AXV,TMT US OMM A00 VAIVUJMU Of OMR CITZISM OF '%A%* "*So AND Atfl ' Al 10 XXMX A#"; AXMVMt 3rUWMTiA PAMO 10 fdA !l AND ddSVXCTZ W rZCI l"l Of MASS 3O AN ISSWWORIN AMY AMUM" x A*A ftff it I ft ' AA 4 XM I1O WR o lMaramot to *be provisions of %be Aot#► at 1")g 33 iotalew o~ Pogo 357* d totr 30 eo"tiad as Artist* 974-49 ►isod Civil Statutes of ?oX&sa Cha rUm Wo Alexasrdor &W wifot Iva bo Alomm doro owwwo jW the we" rIw bore".. offer doosribad b+t►rruw Modo tiest t as lbwy lw lla~ori4oe# to *be error a" Tom moil of the T*m of U*thlaako, Texas o for anrruation o!" a tract of land *osro ast of )i sores of land out of the too A* T roonan buvww o thw"w* county s Tox" o nor* fully dooeriaww lw aeotgs and boundso to-wits ~r DMANUS ♦t the southeast corner of tbat A* A. Treomen dutrwer ~ Ydsd42o west 61+ aoutts Liao tbereot 324; Irew$ to so 1" ""or or tract 00l4 to der 0yors TWA, north 449 trot .to stake far comer is north #iswe of *rest bs ht Irv*" MONArtmt so oborn by do" rooorrdod in Vole $1lt wwo 147 of the '!arrant CeantYo Toxas, toed rooor4o l THLACZ# oust 326 foot to the oast line of tbo said yro*"An surtoiri TAISC RO souta 447 foot to the 0Mtaee or bsdiaal"as and eonta►inLG8 three 006 half Memo of l AW# Moro or i•ssi A plat of . said laws s ► ; i#s leeation wttb sreoieoet to the Town of Seutblake, Toxaol, is attached borot* + w4*o ! %XWW'T VA 01 and AAie 1e it ar"*ATi" to the Tanya Commit of the of Aewtb wwo Texas* that all Statutory a"r+r stw"to in o+ setion wi tb said Proposed amos tl en have !coon tultilled and that tlss PON rleow* domeribed area to not Toro Its i/* oil* is wi,dtbg that not nacre tba n tbre+e qualified voters rosido tborsoa a &M Cleat the sum is a dja gwnt to the wooont City Limits of the feunr of S wethtako 9 Toase i p 4 roo p ns IT lU.tb ST IM M QtfUWIL Of T T Of tIN- blalwlt~ab~r~ wloaortb*t! Af aAat •wrat w"t~°ia'~'t ~ l~ to fib* lorwt Wrtts of o4wom ks o xas # be 0" is berew amw" a" bn*04*16 wtt tte coo" rato ld"ts *f a~ttd ' and is i mom apt "tow" ` x4T# fA%o oars a" viA* ata t* wt us Akro& b*r4a f am"U" ~ be ontltled to aii of r veto me >Wrirtlopos of otltor wrttta"t and rrsporty moors of T*wn rind be bow" by all *r "a acts aM •ads+~ausor 0!0 i» oo"orl"lty► fk oroto, ftstr to full torroo 0" (foot aad t"t WU&4& a" be attlr "opt", 3. T"Tw the of l"al Tosw►a * as rsoto~ro and b►~4+rwriorr of *k* Tom o!" tt►othla~eo, adoood ate! ONMO444S be a" to berobg► artadod ~ so as to Sattla" "o atarsrontsomt torsrltarry as pax* or "m Town ~ S+atbwrbs►• Torras. ':t"l T* this a tgawp Shall boo"* 0tt0041" aid be to full ~ tong and Otte" t>P A M4 attor its poses" and apprrowal by tho Ma"r am duty attested by "s !fir Soori y. C2 3-4d PW AXKWT ► SbAs SIM 4W of r robe A• t • 1039* ATTrIM Ord ~dtT, pw .w pp