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I' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, JANUARY 10, 195 me Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to all members of the Town Council, stating time,, place, and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas was held Saturday, January 10, 1959, at Carroll School. The following members were present s constituting a quorum: MAYOR: A. Gail Eubanks COUNCILMEN W. C. Cummings J. J. Carlite C. M. Gordon 4 Also present were Attorney George F. Gleason, Building Commissioner, Frank Denton, and citizens of the Town. s The Mayor called the meeting to order. The Secretary read. the minutes which were amended and approved, and the financial statement for the month of December,; 1958. The Mayor read a letter written to Mr. W. F. Esslinger of the Southwestern States Telephone Company. The letter commended the Company on the improved telephone service in the City of Southlake. The possibility of passing an._-or-dinance.-requir4,ag- a'-~,-pa$s-ing vehicle to stop when a school bus is loading or unloading * children was discussed by the Council.. " Att°orney'Gleeson explained that state law required, a vehicle to stop', `but"not--In an lncorpbrat'ed 'distlrict. ge'"fu tltier explained that the traffic code ordinance could be amended 40 td require the passing° aehicI4'--to `stop. ' A motion was made by . Carlile to amend the traffic code. It_was seconded by C. M. Gordan and approved unanimously by the Council.; 40 . The Kstyor asked ',(>i discussion of Ordinance 119 by the Council.' The Council asked to hear.' further',public,opinion before the final 'vote was made upon the Ordinarce. A statement Pram C." S.~ Smith of Grapevine filed against, the City Marshall was read by the"19,aybr.- C. M. ''Sordon `read a resolution which was published in the Grapevine Sun the week before. W., C. Cuings suggested that a complete mailing list of the re'sid'ents of Southlake be made* a further sutgested the possibility of a letter, giving a resume of the action taken' by the Council for the past two years, being mailed w to every resident of Southlakeq ob to aots `sxu"cin f s •y " Q y ~w. ~z ease `sS,u n • peuano rps, esr SuT!,e:quR eq4 `TTounOO -eg4..6a0'jeq $UTiuoo, seau'snq: seu snJ. OR •mao!t XGPZ-T P- ST goZga `uedo eT. 2 eosTj. 'UU94 .11894 10 A!j. 8 aoJ 'G 'g ,t;o-Tqa. sosTd s ~aoLwX 9i;4. ez. uedo oswy •~TenT~.oedaea `sBuTe~na .w • 0 *Al pus eTTTavD • r • p..Sq peTdnooo 4Ta.ueaano oars, eeon-Ed elegy •uedo aas ea~e4 avoL oaq aoa gas.ueTga ` pus T eeosTd 'T-l.zdV uT- PTeq eq ,o! TT?unoo aq4 ao uoT40eTe oq4 ioj uedo, eq. PTnoa TOg4 TXounoD S4TD et;!,uo saasTd, eq4 peu.T!l~Tdxe zogwx Sqz •TTournoo aq4 aq L,TsnomTusun peeoadds Ova 4T pus `izoTqom aqq pepuooae eTITa$D;:•f '=r • -equepTse:z eqq 04 peTTva ae44eT eq4 pus peavd9ad sea aOTT SuTTTsm eqq tT4un peuodqsod aq SuTuoz uo uoTqoe 4sg4 PGAOM uopaoj) OR 'to ,J r r •A, AI! Maw A~ jig ~kIM XAAX i. itt ~elI+M 1'!R' *"M R+!F .In `Twf ~ ASS UlA'Tl M IN T TOWN Of 4AWral.USfA "US, ktTX A OOWMM tSM PL Mt, AND RMA.ATXVG ASS MMZMIdT VG TUS T PS AXp 04APA1C M at 00XAtTAkUC Tjt)X TAB MMOMAUR 01' L. MT THAT MAT 44AC UPIX01 Sx OW YAXD$# AID OMA OA SPAC SOl .TW MUM O! PM3"tihAT2091 IAA ON A>AX trAB Of BU ILml16". 4T 'OM" An LOm P A AX'A 0090" PUWOMS I AMf'AMI' T TO I A UM M AND MWLATM TIM A ~t X, 0011.. A f Zt X AtWWST* VMj0* V M Jf i . .4 *A"A'2 , AwT't RA.. TZTA X A1Fft,' A #XR "OVID' '!"PM ATX P l #IR" 00 1AtP MATI X VIMATIMS Ate Of d! T'U$ IXAMIJ frt. I&IJ = *MR WX TV Ay' A WasubmAtuW , . , ,ASO T IRAQ A~ ~ na.ak'MN ($*WnAU t " ddXS'!`I"!''t U A SBPAAtA?X ABM HAM XYM 0" =MX 10 MVI tflAG "AT t 4AA Vt M AT Md Of THAN Of M$ 10p'A1INANCS NS MOLAi X SINUS AS A • tP X AM X14" NOT PRW=n T "to " 114)(1411)11"J=41 "M U"IKIM TM OXVIL ItIMS128 *In* IT BY TM LAW Of IM StA"A"X Of Tit IM Ot W CUMA.AI"" WM AND Att1WtiC " C ►'P"I1* AS ;AMXVANWft 82!1 D !"fit N "tAM„rA"M AM'R TxMATXMSI PU*M= MAM IVAT TWO ORDIXAMX MAM t UNULATITX OF ALL +#MM DIWAN 01 "S TOWN At"WTI! T U t1iAWWt XA"!t"M lk ftMI M 1 141 tt MAN ml *R" "am% Xfr11 PAIII -Iv me IX ~ ~t ABM W"M IMM AND AA X T WX O! WS AWAi € W Aft PLULMAIXON AS ' J%lr LA's Plt* XIWD. .r AMA XT +AAAmWma W. I" TO" C OUXCIL Of TOWN dt •WT AXX. TXXASt tf AAi. tho ' ems of SoutMxlako. Toigao• sAftta in Tolprs»s coup ty s duly 100orporated aad oporot log parsuanA to Tifi to Atd, 1925 k :isd Qlvtl XAattAos of Twoo and ttmXAtl, for the purposo of feru y►lannind* $be 'A'+tr!t" (oatwell of tb* Town of 8outhiako. 'd'raws, teas twWo tsfam" adop**d as osdtl atsttg, ~1r orsaitAad a A'la niwd *ad Zoning doamisojen with lastv"etloso to w*** i • 00 rr and recommend for adoption a master plan, as a whole or in parts, for the future development and redevelopment of the Town and its r environs, and to prepare a comprehensive plan for zoning the Town so in accordance with Chapter 283+ Acts of the regular session of the r■ Legislature. 19270 Act. 1011-A to 1011-J. R.C.S. as amended; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Southlake, Texas. deems it necessary in order to lessen congestion on streets, to secure safety from fire., panic, and other dangers= to promote U0 health and the general welfare; to provide adequate light and .1r; MW to prevent the over-orowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provisions of transpertation,po' sr water, sewerage, schoolso parks, and other public requirements; toj conserve the value of property and encourage the most appropriate„ use of land throughout the Town, all in accordance with a eompre- i hensive plan; and UZAS,, at the present time no definite rules or regulations are provJAed for by the Ordinances of the Town of southiake, which weld provide a uniform plan of location, size and use of property, in order to protect and properly safeguard the various neighborhoods or localities in the matter of proper zoning, having due regard to the public welfare and comfort, it is necessary that temporary rules and regulations be provided until permanent zoning can be promulgated with due hoorings with property owners, as is provided by law; and e r -2,. e rr Oka sold Planning mad dewing domd"jM eleag ~i Its efsontsatloo kaw s, tbar ly oonejdered wetter* perrtwiwiwd to Mu"rlpot Xwwing of the or** sitwosted Mitbl,w tbs Tem4, old a~ bold boa riadwt is s am"ti+sa the owitiib, b a we rwttutwwsswA"* tbot dwt to swweb area being mostly of a rural iy"t ibst tw► bald some In status woo It would be to the beat iwwterost In the hrwtldk, safoilr 04 som ral Welfare of the Town and imbabsto wto tbariwf that all of the 0944 situated therein be olwtasit"d its stasis Family 1%volliwt oi "stristo 'evittl fuarthe r stmr as afotorre"tionse "a be ratdsl * la m""$ US XT ORRA2`IMS W INS TOW Mli, or TM k.. dlM WO. i no tbt► purpoew of tibia Ardiw o. the relieving w e"a rad ***-m so me" herein are defimed to weer tko totlavtads WORDS Used to the Present to"* Loolis" the Mare j words I an She *Aftsular nutsbar lsoltde tbs plural $ and words In tbt plural 'e for Iftelude, the alm ular; the word "pui'idiwws" toolodwo fibs word *diruoturoo; *be word O'ghetto or the Word *mueW' is wamfttery and Net diroettor y l tbs term * us ed ter' twe2"rs the somin oftels"d fes• or ~irtestdswi tes". „ Zt bit arise g ofrdiwato building baaviad a, two oustamrity Mmidowwt to and oes a on the lot **ow p&04 by the 45111101 main bultdiwwg= or a use austawarilr Isoidont to it aria use -of "a pr"Wrty* A buildleg housing rw aeeoeaory use !s eatsidsvod as integral part of the a"* building wrbarw it bas my part of a wall r mom IN 000000 with the main buildinge or Is under on extension of $be main root and designed as air Integral part of the wain building. OP r , MI A aalsor wee whisk is used primarily for webioaler worries soooss to the beet or side of properties otborwiso abutting i1b on a strrreet. M A stony below the tint stormy to "flood under •story* * eowwted esr a story for taetgAt regulations if srrbdivded sand used for dwelling purposes otbwr *ban by a Janitor or wstobarsaw to employed an flsa promises,, rw s A ptoea or parwot of land entirely sumo ardod by ` pablis highways or *$roots* otbar then alleys. In safes where tae ra>rrr • e plotting is ineoapl*to or dlsoannewtod. the Building lrraspsotor shall detorelao tkw outline of tbo bl,ook. 1r ggMAATwss The nassaing and massing CorAwissiara of thin Town • of thliakoe To***. Ago s Town co u"OU of the T of Sostobtakoe Toze*. OP In& $ l"ko amass for MIL of the Ourrb in front of tb lot, am or In aa" of a soraor l ot* along with abutting street w1are the IM to seen eaarba level to the taigko#t. 91s"121 s A Building a portion theroof * designed esolarii wly A for residential oeoupenoy, inolading «►rrae last lir, two family* and WOW +raasltiple darell it sa. boarding and lodging rioasoa0 apartment housasar a and apartment hotel** but not betels. ■ wu t 124 iwioAdod, or d0S&6wod far 04MUPOO07 by ono tUdlg. MUM$ An we"Ojsory balldtap for Mtoratrs only or merior tiMloa. „ PUJS=t A building or portion tboroofe designed or wood for *be stores** !al!„ biriais Mara or repair of motor i trobloiosg wtdo t to opora*od for tsmrre"Ist purposes. 9ASM& e d building or parties tboroorg osoopt *be** defined SRS a primate* a pa'biio, or a sowwAnity #*Togo di I ,r providing *$or*" for motor ♦obieios, wltb toeiliites for rasta "s but ow otber sory►ieos. ~ MUM a mamam fte vortioo d si&"o s aaeurod trow fibs b1ghost of fibs, folloriag three lswelim* r* From ibs street ourb lavell be pros tbo ostablisbrd or meas stroot prsdo to Maio ibe, "rb toss not boom eenstmotedt o* flow tbo average rlAisbod 4"W" lerrol sdjoialnM ibe q buildigp if ii sots book from fob* strooi 11not to itM levol of fte biabast polist of the roof bps of flat rooft or roofs iuoli"" not were ttuaa one imb (t") io ttw f"*9 or to the w►aa beipbt level of the top of tbo min plates and hldbost o ridw► far otbsr roofs. ttr~ t fte vrrtiatal dtsttems from the rr +r►mes Imml of Book yord or sour$ to fte, bl t psiat of s my p boundary wello jet A varsr'ai at land o0oupiod or to be *aw mple& by ad* builditg, or unit group of buildinda, and the ttaroestsory buildings of WHO menta"Oftly laseldont Obereta f tooludime Omsk open spmeos as ars, required ualor tkis ordinamoo, 0" bore its prinotro t frostatgs wpm a Pubilto strsot or a Plao0a &ATM ,NMI A lot strutting wpm tare or star* **roots ai their iwtetrmeotAon, A. sorraor let s&all bo dse reed to front as that **rwot *a w stb it has its least disnett81+8. ""too* othor~risst spostflod by $b e Building IrtBpe0or. MM-- I,; . A lot woos o side Moos do not abut upon Ow rr strop#. - rt ut -Am, *nto rlov lot bates f at sA two strrsts. e IM. MMI The limm bousd i ft a let so dof l ood s srein s f" r t t "a b4moftry b"woortt a tort and the, st"Ot r OR tltklob it treats • UU,.. M A& ?to teary Brea %ftt rtt to *pps►sito a" at Ot distant f res ibo front str rot llnel sta ow" that Its the rinser of ~ ustetr►r'"Istf the Srildieq 11aspeolAwrr sbrtll +tssltor" * tits Woo r l1wo 4 R A" let bounds" liana r" a front or roam ■ line thorootj A •ido litre be a patty lot U 00o a lints borddriiis. ; on as alloy or plaos or Bids stimot line. t' rr w~ ~r R M M wONS horisontal disUMe, from l1be frenrt street l ins, N tors Vass l ism, Into barks"4*1 "Stows, be*"**" old* linese "saswred at tb a front bultaing It"* as establish" by the niwirrwM front yard robrrrirooe" of this ardl aonso. r.~ goo s=~rxAbn At arro. baildir or yard Musk doss note by reasene of doa;t;dn, u"O or di io64, **"tore ~rf to the regulations of the diistriet in whieh it is sitootad. it is a legal norinoonforwirg use if ontablisbad prior to the passage of this ordloomos and an illegal wan-eoalerrwirr woo it, establi bod after the I***"* of this or dinonorlr and not otbsrwiso apprewed i as Provided herein. D.: An epsw# ww"ouviod spew etbor than o stroot or alley poraranontly sstsbliohod or dediost" as the pri"oipal moons of aoasos to property abott m Maroon, MU I A building oooupied as the atiidir laoo of One or so" persons in r eb t$e urge and woaagoom wt of slooving quarters, s all applism"s ter oo"Ime Yentilstingg beeping or lig tim era ampler one "Otrrol and wbkoh small last"" 91"00 towitp dwellivwt watelt $bel to the IMAM Pail buiidim on say tot in Ir+r►sidontial bistriolrs. 'r wet oporstod as a "nim reow is oono otiotn witbt a b llet or bearding b ovso, whsro food is soewrod for Pay a for oonswar"Low In time Wildini. where pr stolen a w be nods for serving fend on tbi. vrowison wabelde the irttiidime unless otbrs"dow stotrsd tenet". WAMMS An alNSSory building %asated on wise let or drsuaeds with the Mitt buildittde and us" . as ltvtwd rr WS"I'eers, f4w sor"Ots 0044eyed an the prseises, and not routed or stbe"toe used as a separate doini,eile. m ANSHMS The m1stmNtem bortsontal di romans between the front resell Of any proJsdtie►n of the butldtft p atoIudlux st*" and ut00001eee4 th porok and the street 1 ine. p WAU"A- EWE & to aesessory building for the . kWWtni at berses, ponies, or sales aawned by ®eeupattto of ft* pIret►tMt ears, and net kept for rsareratiern, kirs or awls, p AAMm o' U' 1 A stable other ttioa a priv*te or riding stab as defined horeiae, b 0 4 strueture to whieb hersos, po+*es,* or eeeerler, tr used ox lsesively for Pleasure rldinp or driving, are housed, bearded. or kept for hires= knoluditg priding traeo k, t That part of a building tneluded between the srerfsme of atNeuee floor and the surfase of the floor no*$ abarre', or If there n be ate floor *bow*, sk et part of the butUUn t whisk to above the surfs" of the higroot fluor thersef. A top story attis is a balf ast"T vW m rr *%a main litre of the savos to not above Ousel olddle of the interior 0 boiatitt of sueb story. The first story is the highest story having ~ Its Interior floor worfase, "at ware than four feet above they eurb m low t o established or San street drode, or 0~6se ground l ev e►l s m P" as wntlom d In " ft*Idkt of mul lditt"" of this seetIO". U ;Mt t theroughte re whl* ► offords prinsivel neems of see" to property abattl tbo rseo* is ` ~mt The ditriditrd lines between the street and tto. 0 +r* abuttrw~ !~r'a`t!'• 22 Us : flue ww trusted or orosted. wbioh rogwirtwr loests"s on tke grounds or attaabod to womstbiwe bovine a loostion, on the groupdi i.aetudins but not lislood tw, advorrtialax slow. billboards. OM postor VOWIS. but oaalw+MlrrolY of Matow ary f a or * wndarf or rotaiMing atlas w EMMA" r "f "SWAP Its tbwr anomart s"s ors f of a buildings sueb arty b►ariad rolls. OoJLWWWs bon+rawt err gi.rdors. =s Tbs Tow of So"blako. Tons*. ► d w ifiootion or Warrleflon of tho proftsione of this Or-dinamao. as 0"1104 to a apsoifiww ploWo Of oroportfv jr, aw *a diattoe t from roSM&NO. J Ms An open *Vmw at #rrode bet w oon a building and the + o4j"wing lot linos. "ne"ypiod and uaebstruoted by any portion o1 a struotaro from fte ground a crd. oxoopt as +otborwiso PV*vidodo to .woomwrtnd a yard f the x rpe" of dotormind the Width of a alder yarrd s ttw doptb of a front yard as, the doptb of a roar yard# the l+ooat horisoatel botwoow the lot Una and: tbo main building shall! ~wf bo uood. ~ ,.,Z%Ms A yard aoroaa tba full widtb of tbo lot ontondind from fife fret xx.ao of t#ow► main boildingto the front line of tbo 1of A yard botwmm tbo roar lot linwr and tbo rower lino of bided dealer building and the a#,dr lot limos. Y1►m 1. § Mt d yo rd bot~rwoa ttra w"m building and the adja+aoat aide lino of the let* and orctonding ontivoly from the, front yard { to tbo roil yard tb*roof. ti M2U ZMA, 'This or"nouoo :full be ko"m and way be sited so the Towporory Soning nrdinamoo or the Tom of tet%%Qk*, rorw o. 1P =21 Nos 30 top $bo Posrpsse of regulating and r stristifte, *be use of r Tared 004 the ereOtioft, aeastrwrtl:e ng rloonstruotiong altolretianp or ~ moo of buildIftse #trwot+raro# of tanrd, all area situated with tlss grow" of fioYthlal► is horoby dosignated as on* 41s#riet as ral levo i di 20 tarabailr TWO111atg striot. 61rrw. r b i Ae Boundaries or the district as onowers"d tab S#etipan a of this erdia anoe to hero%y ostsbiiahod so shown on a pared for the$ ~ Purpose, ebiob map is hereby desipantted as the Zoning District maps ! sad sold wep and all the notation** rateir'oweas *nd IntAr mUen sh"m tboro,on is t; rrbr made as =mob a part of this O rrdi nonce, gas- it t %e sous aw ire set forth to Lull ftor oln. It atoll be the duty of the Commission to keep en file in Its orfloo an awt tle ear of sold mope award rr all obsrrge#, sMMULtrr MOOV or additlons therote, r When 40flakto 41stanoies to toot ore, not obolm an tbo Sent sistrlot ftp♦ bo distrust boundaries are, Intended to be sla►nd existing stri►+rFt,. alley or platted 1,At lines, or !s'It!!ns'lon/ of the tw and it the *zest locution of such lines is riot clear, it sbtall be ~ d1i 's dstertsia" by the building ~urpuo r, doe ooftidarstiew being gig to 1s001bisn as i"Aloated by $be seals of the uni ng District tom stroats or alloys am, tba grew" stiffer from tbo atrat±ate or alleys us shown on the Sontag Distriot memo tort Building Iaspoetsr may *poly for "etriat dosignatiaats on tba slap to tbir strosts or alloys out tba ground to mob ao r as to oe for1as to for Into" and pur"oo of Ibis Ordlmm". ark Whenever any st> oo,* or alley is voooted, the par#ioulor distriet to wbiob tilt adjasont prspsarty lies shall bo outomotleatlly estendsd to the **star liso or anty, * *a,* stre*lt or allay. A11 tatrri" otd*k array beroa rtsr be eanasad to the Wawa *ball atutoattstieally be of smos of lying arbd being In Sirtrivt"AO until r snob eloasifiootxen shall bevv be*" wed by an a Amant to the Using Ordlnsnoo as orovided by Low. SSOTIt)Y btu. ; ARAM 91 A Board of Adjustatant is bore" sstnblishod in 'aooord sso with the l►roftelone of the Texas dttmNtrttos. Se"Ien 7 of gbM**r 2 of $btR 40tbt Le"aleturse Regular Session (192710 llaing ti um* !bill bo. 87, "card-t tbo Sontag at oitie• toast T*wa o* The word Ofterds whom used to WAO Or"osooe shall be sonstroad to mosm tllte Board of idJustmealso The powers atraart duties of the bomV are aNrtnr, ararted In $"$too RAs Ad MOO Ord wheel tee~elttt of f1Vq fir! o *ask to be •p sl ed by tleg Merar OW ft W Wr" the 0e;0%011,6 for a torn, of tee years. esd rssbls ter ewwse fit' the s"sinti' ewth+artt►dr No" written O barges and after vubile hearing, Ya+l'MMASO shall be fill" w to** the` u"OXP1V td terw of any member who#* terror boo l m - rs vasant. The 0oe ll may In its diseretion delegate the Power wsd auttwrity hos4m in # rant*d to *be Soord to the ~~►ee~sai+a~. s "A,• AMMAIUM Aga A, 201MAL dsop! as b tmwter pre►idead r no builda" or strwsture eitrall be or"tode 06"tiruotede w reeo"truood or oltored, nor shall any buildieg. stwtatre or Is" e~f bO us" for any purpose **bar i is por"ttsd In the diaatrieat is Whisk web butl41ngp straesleare or land is sitwwtsd. 9I. dee building eor struetare eHail be orootod, e*not"eat". re:onvormeiteid o»r o1flored to *"*ad they hoj dltt or or" 2 f emS. # t°twrei e! 06440bllsh" 0010 the "Strieet in whi*th sueb building or structure r i er x e~raa ted, 3. de let area shall be redwo" *r. +d inierbO& se tb&t the yards or other open aiaOSIas shall be smaller them vr*worl"bod by this w. Ordinamwo nor shall t density of be 1"84,0asod In any memers exit in snntomitty with the area ree 3,tlioss estObjIshod ■ herein. .i..iZ; 96MA no= Zo i aim&* tsfaly amlls" distrlat, so wildi'm or 4 i s Ali bo srs*d aad 0* . *Aldiltd *ball bit ar"teo or atrwrstatrsily ltitor~s4 w is a11"Osei or "silo" is bar us" for A ' otbor fiber, outs ar so" or 16" toltaW vw r~sos, of oe" +sa efibor~iso s"eitl"aly prvwid" to this olydiaawsrr# t l 1 6,11wt* family p"111060 a ` !1 stw rebos 04 >sausoly •!IMt A and Orwafiad 1tesrAr w ty qR bui.t+di"09 twtblio was+ re pOIJe o0dolotrstiv►o bull"mms iwblis tibrori~s.►tii~h staii+, ssMt Tiro stafiless. !at' i+Ntafiod is VON rri satordaasa 4itb st least s0 of tbo tollwi"t On a lot si"edy ftgoit to tba it" for %*Iob fibs b~tilliai verftt IS sle" "tsd. w a lot br►wU* a side 11" "maw fir a "bl i o perk. stsyawes"t or +10000"'0 or diroltly a+w"s a shoot trowa mw em Mr MitiOs of sold us" s. ° ft a gwoor loi bsrrilts a "taimm or oao bwrd t too) - towt tl~wfiaaatr~. d. 8a a tot tb"m slue of vki*b st,*oiw stmets. On a lot sow*v d %W iw J%mvd of "*IVA Ad jus"Wat. subsrsfi to tip svpw rsl Ow tte a wlmsil a Mlowlaot pwbtia bssrtad, as bates; a isssfiioa wbsro sorb b eltdlng %All no's wafioriilly taaslns 0oi riad prottsrw toe r W"Ostisl No** d ..1~.. Ali f" ( 1 rublie Vaasa and playgro"WW, Isoludiw4 publi , r!►ereaUQQ Or lerrrir* lwildinss witlitiio sUeh perks. NMI* sebsels s elementary and him o alld nrirrate sobeols wife enrrieulwr e+iaiValsnt to *hat of a publie elementary or bi Vii, and Ametitutisns of b. itChor leororinp, twailuding stadiuas aiod dormitories In e+onjunetisns if loootedt on the oew"oe ~ (s) calf eoureas (eaeeps miniature #*If eourres o drit tag b randoo asd otber Sisdlar aotivities operated as a bus noes) Wr 4 ) Railroad ri&t of wars, not inelvding railroad yards. JiVriemltwrss nareerielMs and tr+sek Vardons limit" to the ~ n gogra#ation and otultIvation of plants; *M41 am I repo o us oi. (0) Central otfloe buildings of oer"ratio-as, firo # or 1441Viduali ~Ced to the furniski►nV of telo"One Servlee to the publie, iaeludi#" any egaipMent to eonneetiow with sueh buildin661, or a part of *mob tolspban* oyauten neeesssry in tloe tarnishing of tolopbon service two the p+ublies 493 Mmai,elpal water supply po►serwrolrss filtor bodes filtration *lsiots, surfa,e or underdlround or eve oad water storage# water wells and pumping plants, (10) Aeeeosory moos. iasludl g parking areas, eustonerily in dent to the *bow moos and loosted on thoi some let therewith, 0*- iioVolV #AbS 0OMWet Of a bus10000 ear itndustiiry, -1 y it as lk two aommsory use shall Anoludo mmtoatary b"o seoa"ratisns, seek as tho ort#ee of vW24010et. dentist, 001110049 drooemkor. +wtsieiaw, or artist, (not tateluding barb * or Da"tisians) Weider ttme rello,"1W restristionst 4" (1) That soak uses are looated is *be dwelling Used by a person as. aria or boar private rooldomm" d) Tbo t so assistant **bar then a Somber of *be family bmtwsb eld is e■ ployed* and oo window display or *Len* oitimw illuminated or ware, than one (1) "were toot In area to teat to advertiso tttae sash. b. A billb«sord, si ootr+d, it advstrtising sign shall net be Perot**ed an an assessory Uso, •aorest the* the Plaoing low w of an illumduated "!or dalo* or Oror MonV sign not Moro %bain • It 49) square toot to arom. way be pormitted as an t aesessory use, and oneovt that sb+utroboo and otbor In- U stit"tiews way "*play signs showing mews, sstinitios. and •orrioss tboor An rtroeidod, and ltbot during oeastrustion of a buluung one unill.u► "Mated sign showing tho names of esstraaters or arobiteoto for suebtbuildings stall be Po"Itted, Providing Mush sib shall not be more than sipbtt (IS) s"aro feot In area, and *bell not be aunt more *ban five t,~! feet to frent of the ootabtlisbrd or rti eustosary building liens„ and sus% sips shall bs removed immediately open eeavtlotion of tbo building. ..z t~ Ivor nary dwelling house tk*" *hall be Permitted *so pri*ato gara go with apsN for not more, tbon one actor Vehlels far sash tin thousand (20060) opera foot of lot areas or earraatse ep;artorao provided tbat amok garage or eorvents' 4partore ehrl.l be toasted net leases *Wm sixty (60) foot from the front lot line. "or loos $ban tow n (10) toot from any side let line* nor 1 *00 then one (1) 01 test from any alley liar. essop't that when the rear tot 1116, L* eammon to ar side or rear lest lino of anoth*r lot„ Saab outbuilding *us% be toasted a minlo w of tin (10) feet ' from said >r+ras fart 1ti.no. alyd in the eaesa of aernelr tens not lase tbsn the dtstmw* required for roalaw ses from ~ ■ side streotsl wad furtbor prov'idod that suah servants' a, quertere shall be aeloupled only by sorvwos employed *a the promises. A sera" way be areristruote d sere** a seamen im, to$ line by mutual agrooment betw"n Property owners, A ,garage or soawsRto a quarters *o"struotod as integral 6 port of Ow main building atoll be subjeet to the n rsgulsts"M affseating *be main building, sue*" that 61 an a sor"or lei, a rrivote garrogs. +stren attastaard to the lp actin building and "art *seoadift the `tolg" of trio notes w building„ way extend into the required veer yard to a r ►int not loss the" o lgbtoe " (18) feet from tbs ream lot Haag and shall not eeoupy mare titan thirl y (30) persont of the required rear yard. so port of a detashsd sssassory P building shall be eloser then tort (10) feet to tb* main ■ building., ui trr d, ewltlr drrs"s War be p end**od bf the srard, 1►11k sot munllw preps war prowls fas111tlas far washing 40 sores Seemm Vista. AS fro* the street, wall be by not •ors them am drir+reaklrs $mob 1tarasss shall be at toast slit. f i) too$ from 01r pre lot lino and shall bo ss* beek hose any fro" or sleds stroot lisa as toast ton (to) too* more *ban amid be . r►4"Pir od for a twat l ise homes in tho so" loostlewe rat shad too not Ovor one s4ary or state" foot high. So sammsrsisl woblets, of were thou Inm and oar-Umlf 122) tons sop"It r shall bo bows" to any smok 000WAwlty 60141406 .■w s. T rortrf rest. ****to sales Offl ,e„ tosltod on prop ty bo&mg 4a140, inS tlmat" to parl►od of Salo, but not di oussodia*c two ors voittbout spNial psral,t from the girds is A bobby sbop,my be oparotod, as so sooossory moo by the *"tq awt of fibs sro.isss purply for poereanal onjoy eons, SWAB ant or ors&t *nj pVOV1404 tbat tba artiOlos Pro- due" of lo+sstvaotsd aro not soil oitbor on or on fib* loss asst pro+Idad smob use will not be e+b"alows or offonal" by ro on, of ♦lbratl ow, noise, alrr, dint, smoke air twos s _IBM- W rM So dwoiling *bell be eonst"Olred to aaid li104* Faulty p bwlliaW blstriat 'Loan than l a art teat of flow ape /z-0- osolmal*o or Ana, booosomys and garages. A 121 Jf iMi ! The sd.ni+rm area of lots In oa14 dingle fly dwelling W giotriet wbMWo donitsrt dower is not arrailabloo *bell be 140048 ' agwara feet for oaaix single family derollint. ON 110 UMLIdiag beraaftor or*Gtot and atrr*etaralll► a1t•rad. iw MW it #bo d#rrt:iw+ts nri►dd for larroin shall o:6004 rwo and 0»8alt 'j, 1 d 3 or Turttwr#ra t .93 D t+rtot. SAO, ' , ?be n W1141104" Single PWAIT Diotriet sbwll. be **a- atruotod treating atrr the street lap" "blob, the lot as originally dodlostod trargto. dt..~i~`f.gm,..10..-. 2 # r (A) Jagn . ARM There shall be a front yard alogg aa+sb otrroot lino or the lat. Tho SIUL pus 40ptb of a treat yard. au"vt along the alder line of a eornor lot shall ba 63 tent at tbo !root buiii ng lino p OVILdwRd that it twouty-tive (23) peto+rrnt of a stoolk r ftwouta" to iawrov" with build! ass. The Trent Yard shet% oxto" 0 Now AM this all imment of aeoh ,mastito buildings. be sometroeted Roarer %ban t*a (14) lost troW any aside lot !in*. di (11►«l AgROAM 1 s1 t to ammessry 101141nps or strasturss shall be oortatmet*d or or*otsd a*aror than `t*n (10) last from any s14o or roar 'tot lire. Al C 11 . Q s 1'iuildiras ow earner lets* where interior lots be" boon plotted or sold fronting on the side, street* say 's pr*3*ot not *or* *Wm t*xr (10) toot 1n two" of the lines established for buildi+gs by ♦bs frsat yard, requir*onts for the interior lots on tho silo strost, pro "od this regulation she 411 not be so. inter- pr*t*d as to r*duoa the butidabl* w14th of a oerner 'l of in aeparat* Ownership at the time of the Vo**ato of this ardinanoo, to lose them twenty-i'two toote ant! Provided that the sods yard "gulations above shall be obserwod. (11-3) A Y-Al t The depth -ref the rear yard shall be at least tarty (30) persons of the dortb of / l t $ but "Ok depth deed is** 'be more !ban thirty (30) toot. (0) a ..2~~t The tainimAn wi,d'Rb of a lot shall be sixty-ti+vo (45) toot, at the front 9ultding Uno, pro*id*d that a inhere a lot has loss width then heroin required, In separate ownership di at the time of the Passage of this ord tease,*. this romulattom will not prohibit the or*stion of one single family dw*ll.irg. ■ A OP OP (d) !to "rat* for tins eonstruetJoin of a building In tbo a area h*roi" doseribed as dingle tautly Dwelling bistriot shall be issued by *be duil,dims Uapeeter to the Town, stbw *hoot a port OP whieh drill allows the oswatruett"n of a building Permitted to be wood for dwollieg purpooss only, In aooordanoo wttb the provisions or b this erwdinsioetarr. An appliowtior for any other umo eat a rifled bsrs nabove shall be mmmW to the Building Inspeoter of the Town. gad b by his Warred to the Commission for a consideration and r"commondeitioO" to the Oevooll. Whanerver swaeh re ammendtition to filed with Vio Towrn ~ +Coettomil -by the Zoning issi.en►, *sob elasstriesties and iroeamtetwla#ftn sUmill be advisory is its nature only and the Town flows oil shall be at liberty to off1ro it or allow ssoh sonstrustion as the foots or opining way justify* ~ id) no existing buitldime within stow torritery within the Too not ~ or Southlatce, "Toxas, jnowt lawfully me" for business purposes stall be alt,oreds pan* sled or eonstrueted for business purposes wit tt at` OP permit !"grate the Stildl"C tiommis4leimr, This "ridt shall be obtained under the same Pre+ rs sot out t" $ootinte M of this ordittaitvw** 10) llawstrustio" or all buildt,-fts to the Single Faulty Drsll1#W Distriat shall be In sooor4awes, with the provistowe or the Building tr cods or ttmo Teri now to street aced as hsrsinafter amon4ed. i R Iftw_ ar o ~ tat lawful, of the land earaisti:ew at *be time of di •doptlo" of tbis ordlasnera# alth0uou owe b use doos earl Sonfors. to the lrolrirlea w trorootr, asy be sontirdmod, erceopt as provided otbaorwiso is ib#s *ra naiseee. but It saw Now-oontorwity aae Is diseentipmoNp any future wee of rasiA band *hall be in araWorwity with, the provisions of this ordinance. b t 'tilisa a of d"Ise ►s for eaaee•0011farNOW rues existing so the time of for ssage sweadaaesert, suVr10"ont or Obante of taxis errdinarree sba'il be issued tho Sall tag iws laeeter and the Certifierrte y j "all state that the *,go- Is a noo-oonforsi sse and dohs not ounters with toe vrow sie" at tk 0 ordinamee. The building insleester shall ar notity all owrteero a" 600" nts of prro"rty b!#ns meed as noo-oonfer" wags and said * s !s Shall wttbia► tbArty 410) drays aftor roesiXrt of snob rteeotico'M a y at the asrtleae of the Building Inspector tor a oertitisearte of eisoupaaey. (e) The lawful use of a building existing at the tun of adoption of this ordirwer" way be s+rntirtmode eaeaee" as otherwise prr,a' ♦ia",# altbeudb susb use does not eonforn wilt tors provisions hereof, and s"Ok use MW be extended throwebmt the bu11d184„ provided no ratrruotural alteerstlesse erareirt those required by !raw or err4ie:arare$ are wawdo therein, i!' no strr"Wrot attorotlopm are made# a earn-. oeaaforwing use of w building may be ob angvd to any use permitted In fto *saw ease sistrlst as fbet in w%lob the use existing at the time of "w P i adoptiow of skis ordinam i,r poraittsrdl 0s06r4186 to this provistotle of this Ordiftaerrss. trbsaapV14W a W'se tistrist shall be borogftar ' ehm""d* +sMY t *xIsting moss-0e11f( w"Ing MN in stir sbommod A di.striet wsy be 410nt "Wad or fhsa # to a woo psr"lttsd is the saws use bistrist *a that its wbiarb the existing tsrpar is slatted. ~ prow"00 all Q%WW raisulottoas drwrrwisw thw new toss oro 004*1104 With- Wrswarrev a -s►sn!"'ell"se mm of a Imil"we be* been ohow*d to a wars rwstari o tad us* or a ap>*"f ortai.ns us** susb 1 shall "t tte ss tap ` bo ohalwod to a lain rostrieted u#s, (d ldhonaprar tbv use of argr building iiam, boars oarimmoonfors1Ne by vt rtaa of a *U0000 Of tbO use 010tt"iet, s#t * moo nay n*"rtbA►ls br sslriti AA or may be abant"ad to a usa tt tor~asd js tbe Use, Visor, ■ to Whiob the woe was l posted borers su*k ehrn", psrevided, Oil etb* r r lstibas BeVernind the now use be sosptiedl with. * gibing bsrsiq ShOll prs+roNt the substantial roaterstion witbi* a period of twolve (is) aanths of a building Whtob hem be" damaged by tirsO, oxpias+ On, fle+e►d, torRS4o, Piet, ass of the publte ouewo or staridswt of any kind, to an extant tMAst the east of ■ sd*k rooteration daps not essood sevonty-limo poroont (75%) of ~ tbs 44000004 valuation for tart purposes of said building jimm"iately ■ prier t0 susk #00060 ar tha soettitwsnss of any use existing therein laww is toly prior ttwr*t*, (t) in Single Todly Naltiex tistriet, ow MOn-sar+pforming P7 OP ass not sendustsd Within a building shall, be disa"ti>r od WI$Utn Four (biro rs from the ttsto gals ordinance shall booo" eft"tiwe. P ld to buiidlads or land or prievisoav wboro a nossme enferaing b US* is dies tinusd fair 'pro tban niwstf (gt) days, or is suporoodard F ' by a afs Witted Is 0%0 diatriot to %*I*% it to Ieseted„ Wall Ma devoted to use pro"Uted iet swok diatri#t. (b) Any sslotieff "on-osrntorrind 'rosteurod or Sets* so defile" to tbls or dl,eraa eo* in come OIL blatlriot', strap be dlsoent#r od or meda to oonforn to all of the ireerents oserlbod A by tkis as+dlnenes Within nia months after the ieffastirro dato horaot, A0- (10 0 so rraeon't ' iaM shat. l be osoupdt,ed or asstb a=*so far aerioultu ral uwoa, and no buildt ng horoa.ttear arooted or strueturally k altered Wall be oeouplsd or used until a Co"Ifioate of rtae ROY ay shall have w losuod by the dcrll,dias Inspector or other offioor designated by the Ton counoil to Lamm Samoa MUMIS Gortitlesto of ooewp awmr for & ,new building or the alteratlon or an oxistiraay barildif sball, be &"tied for ooinsidont with the a"llootien for a bultding permit and said sertirlooto shalt be loaned Within three date after the rotuost for reao Wall hero boon .ada to Writing to tbo Building Dora lsoloaaor or other offiosr designated by the Town council to Issue same, after the orootion, loosti ono rolosetion or alteration or awob building or part thereof, *bell have boon saaplotod in oonatorwty► With the provisions of those rog"Utioes. Pending the iasuanoo of a regular osartifleute, a temporary eartifiaets or t easupamo r way be Issued by the sold offioor tar a worked not oasoodint *Is (6) months* during *he sompletion of alterations or during partial oe+rarponof of 0 building verrdiag *to eam plotion. MuOb temporary w )PW ~r Ir ssrtifleats shall not be str ed as ist stir spry attori1w the r!►speittwo riebts. duties or obligation* at the owners, or sf the T relating to tlae use, or 00 "Pansy of OW Promises ■ or any other matter severed by this o rdlimaeo« and suds tts+aseorary sortifi at• shall vat be issued *amp* under snob rootristions and provisions as will wdstustely Insure *be safety of the osou mts. (3) : dor#ifioato of Ooompan" for tbo us* of wsant toad or the she"* to the e#ersstor of the ass of land as herein provided shall be a~Rl►i+rd for before ~ say sueft land stead be oesutiud or used and a sarttifisste of osoutsre y" shall be isuued within three (3) days after the a elisation teas ~ been nsda 0 prov&4*4 so" us* is to eogfsroity with the tarovisioas ■ those relations. A C,ortifloose, of tblteuponay *hall state, that the building sr yroges" use of b building or lande ooo lied with ■l l the 'buildl " s and bsaittb laws anti or+ immmewr and with the vrovisiaos of these a regulations * rooord of all sertifiostss shall be irobt on fits in the offise of the To fta rotary, and enples shall be furnished. ~ on rmWost, to any person having a prortriotsry of ltoomey interest r In the building *treated. t so too s? 11 be offer"d far s t►srtirseato of t osromey issued under this Ordinaeeoo)o ar a pow rr ~iE4r a L X11 '~i,~ -JA t we vomit for *be oo istrootion of a 1a#1dist In ibe or" herein doaerribed as Single, !`OUILlY Dwelling District atoll be issued by the building ias~raior in the Town of boutblgbo. Texas. otbtor 4d than s porm.t wtbiobt will allow tlto wometruetion of s building vomittod to be used fOr -dwollirtd Purposes only. to aoeordanoo with %bte pwr+ovtolons of tbip ordinaooo. An o"lies tion. for ottwr was 1.0 WW distriet tart spooiriod heroin. *bell be notes to ibe Building Imposter of lbre Towerj and by bin -reforr" to iho Zovaing t O*w colon for s eeunsidertstie ss and rooo rat+dation be rho Town Qeuneil. Mbonover amok rooe rondatio18 is filed ri!bt the Town Council ANA bw film Zoning do+nw sshan,. iuou olassirleaoiost asd rosom"Wwotiost shall be s4wi,soirp to its mature only and that T Oounoil shall be at liberty to aftirm It or allow such oonstruotitIon as *be toots or opiate" army justify i~ p1p put 41?, ~+=mi rn.n r. ~w Zinn AIR AM= 9Z JM DRAM 9111AMMMMMI 'X"le Meard of Adjualksmont ply. In appropriate sense and subtlest to appropriate, stootditi and itoro:uardso OMM spoeial ouseptions to *be torowu of *be Orelinamee to harmony witbt its general purpose and latent and in aaoordanoe wiitbt general or spoollto rules heroin cent er ined . } The hoard ftell adopt rules to aoeer"noo with, the provisions of this Ordlnawoe. Noetifto of the Sward shall be Mold at the sell Of ChOAV#aq a0d at 0000 *that tlsisa 00 the A*Ord NM1y drternIO*• Ire Sush obalruom Or to his *be*"* for eetltg s iswaw. may ad- miwlotor oatito and oompui Ow attendance of wltrmseea. All 4P meetings of the Heard shell be open to the ImblAo. Tbo Board shell troop ni,nutes of its preseediegs# shawind ths, Moto of eaah •ssaber Upon, eaob tuestlen, o►r. if ahsont or fallift fie veto* Indsootirad suet fast, arnd shall deep rooorwds of its ens"notions • • and otbor offlolal sotiona * all of whisk shell be Imimediat*ty M filed in the offioo of the Board and shell be a p bllo rooord. s Appeals to the deard way be takes by any *person sgarieveds or by any offlOo r, doparrtaomt, board, or bureau of "m Tows at doutblow# ao ootod by aty doetsion of the ad's1*1strott" offtee~ w Nab aPIrrsls shall be tak ft within it reasonable tiea►r as prOW1404 by tine ru'>tos or the Bearde by filing with for offloorr from whom k the appeal to taken and with tbo Snarl a not"o, of appeal sp"Itytog >w the grounds th-tweot. Tbo offloer free when the appeal is tokon shall forthwith trom"t to the Board sit the popo rs Woustituti+ the r reowrd upon whiob the ootion avPealod from was taken, An appeal stairs all prrarorlings in furtbersnsr of Hair aeti on r appralyd freese unless the orrieer from whore the appeal to taken egrtifloo to the ward of adjustment, attor the notlea of axial shall gale boon filed with him* that by reason of too** stated In s the oortifl,esto s star would* in leis opinion, souse ismiwent peril r to life or property. In sua'h ease proooodtinda shell "at be stayed s ,..ti.. 0tlrs~r~rla0 bW a ostr~rtnlnt o~ Wkift may b groat" i~► 'the boord; or by a 0sourt of ate o# a1rp110ation oxw astirar to "No •ffiosr ft" w $be tp"61 Is tolc0# and on 00 gouge Obown. '!"1M► oa of ,li mit *ball fin' a ressomablo 6100 for *be k rUW of tbo O"Oole give Vwtbllo aoti#0 ft0rr wf, ar well as iu0 not&** to . t10 , p#r♦1#w sw lai0ro~rt, a" do#1" tbo , *tw x1 tdla a r"Sowb"0 t"WO p Use boarlow Ow vartt mw *"*or to Person or bar oont or by sttorarr. 8"" stall be" tbnr fol lovIre rs t 1. 110 boor 00d 40#14# SOON -to Wbor, 116 it a11*904 Chart thove is orror to on ori0r, ro Irewwt* dot Tian. or dot0rwioation sr"s by so soat"Istrotivo •ffiolrl 1.0 tb* +rfor ro war of ftis Orrdlar use. To beer *ad 4o*"* ~r9r@lal off!#ptt fie tho tor'" of di ; *big 01410 0000 ""$1 rtiab tbso 8"wd In rlr id" to lbw under tiro profit elana of t hl o erdl Oomm. To sutheris0 u r wvpftd to opooifie oases ~h #srlrtm* fir" t1r +110""M Ot this %*Inawoo as 011t set be ~fArary to tbo publio Interest, rburo. #+ri to spo0lal oonditl+os s. a lftoral #utoreement of the ovis eas of *hU *nllaome ► Will rsOWlt Is wases"•erf bartumpt *04 •e thet tb0 spirit of $bia prilasmso whom bo *be*-- y *84 substantial #1## 4O~ r err lip WO • OP TO grottuttt a Permit far a temporary bNiliirug for 000 00"0 ioot s o~nreiiir distriot wbtsb to lmsidawtal to *be dwslliwg doWo101ROMts said permit *o be lssowod tar a Port aid of not were hoot one year. rt. In o10rsisiwol toe *boo mentioned powers, *usb *oaord way re,. "roe or affirm, wholly or portly* or ooalry m di,fy the ardor require- 'wants 4o01010rts er dotormiaattion appealed from and may make Omsk erdors requi nts dooteloss or dotorrlotrtatIon as oa;bt to be OF oo"eq and to *hot and shall have all powar•. of ttto affisor from whom the appeal is takes. ' o oortaUrrirag veto of four members of the Board atoll be PON rrtrtsorsortary to reverse any orders roquirowonoaots dorslsiows or do- ! r.r► termination of any soak administrative offisi#1, or to doside to favor of the applissmt on MW matter upon w Ok it to required to pose under this Ordinastss or to offeet any ♦ari<atio n of ~ Ibis drdinan", r~ Any person air VmWoona, jointly or savarally agWieved by any dsolsion of *be Heard at Adjustment, or any ta>rpayorrs or owl •ffloor " d,rpartmont beard, or bureau of the >oronlelpolitys way proooat to a eourt of reword a petition& duly v4w&fleds setting fortb that suet d+osislam to lllftal, in whole or in part, sps►sifyirng tbo r. froa"t of show illegality. tutob petition shall be presented to is the court within ton days after the filing of the dseision in ` the oflioe of the board. ■ '~U1 Upon t e"s0140 of seek pe utiou the eeewrt may alle►w a writ of f+rrR OSovari dir.eted to %bo.Reatrd of Adjustment to treeviow suft 4owtsiou of trot Meard of Adjustiment and sk all proooribs tbetre►iw tbs tIme witbl;n whisk a VOOMM tbeHrsto most bo eratds and sorwtd w tiers ralstev" s .atto rosry,, whllob oball not bo le ve than ton days aced may, br outandod by tb* seurt. 'l'letrr allevemse of tuts writ shall not stay pro"Odietys ""It tbs dooistom appealed fr*ue Wt tb* oe urt nary • , am avo l oalt sa, .a motto* to "ve beard aced 64 duo souse sbown* sretsrt at . restraining ord*r, fte, herd. of 11 Quotment Shall vot be r «"lre►lr to er.tura tteee o rlet"al, po p.rs acted upon by it, but it ob"I be, suffistent to A ' returm o ewrtlfled or omra soptoe tbtret of art of snob V*rtions tbertroott as may bo .alle d for by am* wait., fto rst+urn aboli e"** curt fortb afaettt otbor footer so may be pertinent and motorist to • *be ground* of this doeelsiow ap"Olerd free and *hall bo torifled. zf a open *be booriaR, it *hall 4"Oor to the court ttot tact *e is enerssaetarry for the propor dleeposltion of tho mattoerO It ay aka svldee"o 60 appoieet a reeforo* to take gook *via*"* as At way diroot. ward ropert 1 ,49, soma to Veo *our* with hie find inns of fast and sonolurlome of law, *blob *hall sonstltuto a part of the prsseedlrpnda Upon wbASIX *%a determination eef tbo oouert 0 011 be made. The, rtourt *~I way p*w*roo or affirms wholly or portly $ or may modify tbo doolsio n up for review. A pp r~ 04840 sbatt mot be stlem"m agaiort the board notes* it shall op olds to the court that It "104 wI%b ss lt#+rnse. OT to bad foltb, or ahem w alioo In oS,"as tee dowlslow appoaled frond All tssuea in awr w. f prosoodAnt under ttaiAr selMttan shall b&" prereV010s0 over all other civil motions and taV10+r10e41n604 rr MRFA91 , MUM= 91 IMUM RIMBUgs (A) Nothing beriin somtatnsd eboll r squire any shsnWe in the plans, senstrustinw or dssig"tod use of a building astually '011tsr sonstiruotion at the tare mr the possess, of this erdinamm po-°j and whleh, entire building shall be sow loted witbiat 90 days firer the date of th* Passage of thin ord nanse. Nothing heroin oe"twtirwrri t -o shall roqutre any obande is plats, sonstrastjon or desl.dnate& use Of • buildift' fort whisk a bwtildiat "rut* has been heretarwto issued and whleh entire building shall be soroloted writUm 9d do, Me date of tie passaite of tau asi 1 na saa i' an Wit. to this ordinemoe t hsreattor adopted obongi,ng the boundaries Of distristse t1we prov#,siowr of ttdS ordinanso with regard to r building or Promises existing or buildings vader eonsltruetioat or buildin; porgies issued at the time of the p&ssaga of this ordlimomoe shall t"ly to building or proulmos existing or buildings p under sonstrustlen or building Vorw its issued is the area arrested by suet moondwreast at the time of tits passage of gush aw oodmont. `a' 3©-- rr (a) The provisions or skis er4100mw full not o"Ir di to OW sub iwLs e4 or additie we the ptat and buildiws rostrietiows or whisk he* s eototerer been apprr`so~1 by ter soaarission and rat- sordet is the deed r ooor'ds of Tarrent County. Tereus, SM 19, M MOX, Any person. firs or serporat ow rriolot s any of tko pre,vtolom or tints .erdlaaaselrs *ball be eleomd guilty of a Nis- 0100a+awrs 004 UPON OOM40t1010 tom'#o!* sbsll bO riwod to a OWN not ergs then 000 *40&04 Dollars (0100900)1 "Ok 4my suok VIL010tiow sosti los ohall are:astituto a serer veto Orto n$** flat to osse any building or struoturo is ors wtods sonstrootods reeonstruoterd s al tsrod s repaire d s ooa :rto or maintain" # or any building* strwotwro or land is dead to Veterlation of the &Moral low or of the teas of this erdiwasoos tho Town of sout1darkoe in adelitloen to imposing tbo pon alty abovo provt404 way instttato OW approprist+s setiow or pre+saods"S to oeurt to preset 41044 unlawful ersottosp oonastruotion, rseeaustmottons aitsratioal, rspstre i eomersioats mainte namm or usars to restrolm, aarrset or *be** saeb wiel ati on s or to prevont the o omov "ey of e b bu tldi ss, s truotuwre or herds to ►nt tho illegal as** oovWmets burslnoss or use to or about suok land; and the dwrtwitte" of any violation of the torus of tats ordlnamm so a w odsmrnove *ball not proolw" the Timm of Oewtbla'ke from tarroking tbs elvil 1r, too givens It " by low to musk samen s but sane *ball be ewmilattvo of spA In addition to the pa lttss prreserib►ad for sae h ♦iolatie lit Attu moss= T st sr~nsti+an, psradrspb, strbdi+risioa„ eZaus~►, s~rase :r preftsiem of tbis or" names, swat bo ad jadded IM6114 or hold ► sustltuftewals tits sage stall not Offset tk* vllditir of *us ordi as o stiolo or our port or Provisions thoroof otkrr than the part so deeidod, to be invalid or u:teoris~itutio rl. ~sd tU. ~ U L UIS OV" aUS* ShOll bs Ovid is hereby doolo rod to be eumlotive of all ettwr endi s of Town of Southtake, TOX090 offeotind ow erestian and ee►astruotiew of bulldinds and strueturos to taw town, OVA sba11 not ropwal *raft*** any seeker dinaweos, *seept Ineofor *s the provisions of suob ordl.aanse, or ardinamoos, or* o• iosonessisat or to esatti;et with the Provisions of this ordi»wReo, ~ in whisk Inotr►mm'o or lush, thosw provisions *hall b• and thoy ars brroby ropoalod. 'mss srdinawoe *%a12 taM offert and be Jim full fares and offeet fr" and aftmr the dote of its edoptiow eM mbiieotion as VrwwI4*d by Iaw, A fft8 this ...,,.fir of sir, A. s. I ! . it A Arses I A ORDINANCS NO, 220 AN 0RDINANCB AMBNDING ARDIIIANCII NO. 118 (TRAPPIC C0DI) by ADDING T RBTO lSZOTION 25..A, PROVIDING RZOULATIONS IN OPBRATING SCHOOL HUSB8 UPON THS HIGHWAYS, ROAUS, STRXZTS AND PUBLIC TRORCUG HFARIS IN TUB TOWN OF SOUTHLAKK, TXXAS, PROVIDING POR MARKXX* OF SCHOOL SUB BS, AND ©YSRTAKING AND PASSING THERBOP, oY 4THZR MOTOR VSHICLSS T8AV SIXG lSUW HIGHWAYS, ROADS, STTRXXTS AND VU13L.IC THORt UWWARR8 t 'LA" 49R PROVIDING THAT ANY PERSON VIOLATING ANY OF TUN PROVIS10S OP THIS ORDIBANCB 8114LL BS UXIt XD GUILTY AP A MISDSMKANOR, AND UPON CONVICTION T1l1 AXOT SHALL 88 TXNBD NOT LBSS THAN 10, 00 NOR MARS THAN 8 200,00 AND FOR AN XFr3CTIVB DATZ, OR IT ORDAINSD 1W THE TOWN COUNCIL OT THS TOWN OF SOUTHLAXI, TXXAS s THAT Ordinance Nov 118 be amended by adding thereto Section 25-A which roads as follows: 40 ,WNW .r~ OVERTAKING AND PARSING SCHOOL HUSs The driver of a .r vehicle upon any highway, road, street or public thoroughfare within the li=lts of the Town of Southlako, Texas* upon meeting or overtaking from either direction any school bus which has stopped on the higbway for the purpose of receiving or dis- charging any school children shall slop the vehicle lwmodietely before -passing the school bus, but say then proceed pest mush school bus at a speed which is prudent, not exceeding ten (10) silos per hour, and with due caution for the safety of such children. p. THAT every bus used for the transportation of school children shall bear upon the front and rear thereon a plainly visible sign containing the words "school bus$ in letters not tons then eight (8) inches in height. When a school bus is being operated upon a highway for purposes other then the actual transportation of children either to or from *shoots all workings thereon indicating "school bus" shall be covered or concealed. s t>> 3. s glaway with seppr a to TRAT the driver of a vehicle upon a hi ~ roadways need not stop upon sooting or passing a school texas ~ which is only a different roadway or when upon a controlled- access higbway and the school bus is stopped in a loading sons which is a part,of or adjacent to such highway end where pedestrians are not permitted to cross the roadway. 4. w. THAT say person who violates any of the provisions of this o ordinance shall be deone& guilty or a wisdo,"ooor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $ 10.00 nor wore than r $ 200,00. THIS ordinance, shall be**** effective and be in full o force and offset from and after its adoption and publication or caption hereof as by law provided. s AUOFr9D this le day of January. A. D. 1.959• APPRQVgs: KAYOR P ATTRSTs 6 0 to TOWN SNORCr ARY P P r *ja eKxw►o or liability for Ow *at or 0*400t of ths oopwotirro boar M omwidoration - of - the Cam. of Aad WiVt1*00 Omd fromwddso by tho c1tr as ftu IrAest t the pri l of oeAAW mat o that otroote~ bast : Wks d *thrr f.~►+s pl"off tbu tb* vitro ood is U- of o ~ ts"WO oo t a + ox0a (volother Uvlod t *A v*loroas, *vw or *U*r o r ' r of *Ax) .v ~ in Iaou of UOeaoso and Inspection f"s or o ot*"A t ON",; ae or ,old restau and of *n other t"m"e" It must., i`0409 and r oia of Ito tVor bird &***t W WU*h t lr Cft . ""t or hemai r be attherixod or o ro ► . v'3* or ll-Owt n evar' tho us""i r or " oA `moo Uvo doh **Uor#o to i~ topoo* urm rrw oat. vAQ ottro *h* etAro (TA-Com tty Blootria " and 0" to tbo city + tthl"op r and oo OV bets F t W9.1"Ou III of oo Y*uw t tM t h i an smovat ovdv*ioft two (`4) per eoftWZthe gro Oiv4OwW row#v" bv too coop mti t~ its re and oo i~ *"AMC tote year frog 0440 of oloi " iioaititr , tto11►o to roder s ~t o!►~ &I VOW to istsatri etb #~r aa►~rroo ONUOdIVOU lion VA4AW mfr ovisio" or the t ~+t <t **avmrT bo It or b* S t : i,a .+r . 40 mat dZ ►udsd bar 4401m, o b * LOU# TV 4R* ' Y Uf 1935o.. and ~ ~+ISIs July bLr 1937: irre+~I t$ of ~hOr or said rocouU m a" A**ij4* * he"b ++ar be r off,. aft"dod or ebossd. t'ft► b #.bwr yftr o V"O ob4i be fil" *Lt! tb * UAW mhowigw its sm"o. or**&d f tbo 'Vmoottus . r o der b be bm" upw "Id frt. rth ho i od "Ir bo U or of r o l Wltt+ +ll r aoo ►t~ th" or o ro tb* riattr t+ biter 'r -.l+osctrio otit,~ aroa that ti oh+ sped t4rthor tom".0 tbo 1jm*x - of Tom P wror A-- go the o otims 4md Tri-~tIo+ctrio b o "cU" *vA the oo ti IlAw wr o t TOO$* Pooh t Cam. The "Operative troor AV* oot to 441"4 *bo oadsti fteiiities WA 4rdAft4s)o+a *MU be emm i' mot in ad"tioe to tb t er p to ` dry Mad brdix"~ O"wd~ held or + by ter oo"Wattvo "W: ' Itt or parts of omla~es tbot **an bores a herOW moo ~d. ~r this dat* A PTXV AM APMYAp t r the d of z A. • It"* w S ATATS OF TXXm 'rota ♦f the Vlt)r of mat t rrost "W ortlaanu* po`w , robr t city, of 4thlAkes tw* mod. tbo, rig cooporatt**, . to *ad ti It its " trio ~ `1+ POW4$2 . Ito" with A r IWAW7 or 1 Sr m umdI Ir+ xmd c"Awita, , t4WVt, 'V:tr" d tr M t ► Amd to tftr grauts to aefteent r uo m Mt' pl-es" alb fur Nth, ally, m duo are" sd Cwt meter roguUtif and 46 out" UW*" -404 *bat i&* c:ttr- of sowtWAawo -so Tom, awl rge"wo poet ! tom, St .A t e"In provided. WXTX ' Bob &r SIAL, this the "*w t►f p r t' A