1958-10-12 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TOZ COUNCIL, - TOWN OF S OUTIi LAKE TEXAS, 1 : 12 , 1958 . Pursuant to-the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to,all members of the Torn Council staVting time, place and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting-of-the Town C6unciT -Southlake, Texas was held Saturday afternoon Oct. 12, 1958, at Carroll School. The following memo rs were present constituting a quorum: Mayor: A. Gail Eubanks Councilmen: J.J.. Carlile W.C. Cummings L.A. Casey C.M. Gordon Also present were,city attorney G.P. Gleeson, Judge Graves, Frank Denton and J.L. Richardson. The mayor opened the meeting by reading a letter of resignation from Councilman H. L. Gilbert. C. M., Gordon made a motion that the Council accept the resignation. W. C. Cummings seconded and the motion passed unanimously in a vote. Mr. Gilbert will remain a councilman officially until a successor can be elected. The mayor will notify him of tkis. An installment was received from the Southwestern States Telephone Company on their Gross receipts tax. The check was presented to the treasurer for deposit. } The mayor announced that the school board has approved the holding of. Corporation Court on the school grounds-on Saturday. Frank Denton recommended that the zoning for aouthlake be all residen- tial. Attorney Gleeson was asked to draw up an ordnance to this effect. The Marshal was asked to give his report. He reported that he had re- ceived a complaint from the constable regarding his use of the Grape- vine police for assisstance instead of the constable. The Council recommended that the Marshal continue to request help from Grapevine when needed for the present since they are generally more readily available than the constable. C.M. Gordon also recommended that the mayor write a letter to the constable explaining the situation and asking how we can better cooperate. The mayor said he would write this letter. W..C. Cummings suggested that warning signs on the highway stating, " "Southlake, Officer on duty" would help slow traffic and warn out of town people that they are passing through a patrolled area. These signs could be attached to the city limit signs. It was also brought out that the city limit sign on the western limits is missing. The attorney will see about replacing the missing sign and adding the new ones.. Ordnances 117 and 118 treating a police department and for the regula-- ` 4tion of traffic,respectively, were brought up for discussion by the Ii L• gv page 2 , mayor. Each Councilman had previously received a copy. The mayor and the attorney briefly reviewed the ordnances and recommended their adoption. C.M. Gordon moved that the Council adopt Ordnai~rce No. 117. J.-J. Carlile seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ^7.C. Cum- mings moved that the Council.adopt Ordnance No, 118. J.J. Carlile seconded the motion and it also passed unanimously.. Judy Cummings asked to be considered as the Town. Secretary to replace Don Perry who is resigning. The mayor appointed her. C.M. Gordon made a motion that the Council approve the appointment. The motion was. seconded by J.J. Carlile and passed unanimously; No further business coming before the Council,.the meeting was adjourned. 'Respectfully Submitted J y C ngs., Town Sec etary Approved, Gail Eu nks, Mayor 1P r f m• it? s . ' Tice cw dtlW' i►1 ts, Ttt #s rwmuzvo A"66116''r)N= 00 MMMS TtIIMXWi *AS l6 T EA'` OR WM6 fN RAW OR ,`Aft*SAL bffM 140 CAM M ' b TOW 6 APSNAL APM& TWWWWf* To MAx 6 MIMM +ri IT 0"AINb'U M TO WCZL F T OX TO of S OMULAIMe T ASS 40 "M ltbo" to blereby itrootod a" +Mft imb d o roll" Devo rtawt to the town of Som#U bo, °6erorm Oemiky, Texas" a 124 di ' l"$W of 0" 'Altpsrls0st of P01 *09 hall be i Town "Wrtb►. Tbr 4"" 004 atb&ILI boo ""Pe " of tbo 'TOW t JKatrottosi 41ttttd 20va*y batorsbotls a %Wleyees for Twit Cowsetl ► dotwmLim w The T sbst *tall bove I i i i listia dirsrlklme and een trol of bbe oiiotr pwo roatob subs to otm opts" of tho "Ve 4alff~ of tb0 14"m owd S%0)0016 to O U46 rultora, To"1 x010" ;z orditEUStt m" 4d as tb* To" 00aft tll way preseribi. I" r IU" T 46000s"tlon of tbtr weredows surd employees of tbo PoUsn SolpQit'bt *06 sbsll be psfablo of s Use a vW to s ,ow to be rim& bbto TOW 00"011, "Mt to "o f to tdm to *I" by the Town commili 4" before estoorins "On bbs dsb"s of ltItr tk"I *pesttt►o offis+r * *be s of s web nev&r$*"b oaten si*w bowd if 0" m 40 $ a 11 be rro~totlr" bw $be t3towtttttol,ls to sash trot rn f lbs weaw.bed pl~ by $bo To" Quell, 008" #s_nsd oar tho aowwu "Y toss boat for - $be o"l roost of fte VU6&1e aterfteo, OW a&" w r" of time f01140 bo►f IPIAMON sbsil IM" atnd 00%0 ribO So the oattbt 09' 0IM00 preserlbotd by #tow QoMIAllistlo o of tho Stott of Uses I*or O taip offl~riola • 4W' iet 1Y, aA at RSS [ a► rr"atnalY ter aY 000sat in the Qrllso Deporta tt* • otter thorn the 'raw morstalo t worshatl s%oil op to* 0 6" persoa is fill OUft V"* WW as t.n tto flr'att t with tadw sM ssnata~" of its Tom t, 1, V US Town taws t r rshatwror *mo at ttto oars of the ptai loo never$. o%*% X11 at to altr~Mat»ta~ta of tin carwrat~t A csart and stall fitly ssd relthfutltr onesatto all write &MA VVMWsataae is.wts" frost sarld st#rts vi Tax Town !rshaa suatlt hs tto oust ollow Ofirloo r of *be Tom** a oball tiswo s r"plowe sulta► &"at* to that of that 148yprt "Os' OBIS Other immmstri of *be POUG ► awportftmt old shell was the P'am' with the ►strste of t counts to •wo"ti the writ of w *osrob war root. T+ "Webb and Ow"tf Twvs "bale at" other owptoyoeo of *be Pol1ow ~ httMSMNt Mail to and "W7 Oro bsr*bv ta~trM reitt all *be pe~ and aawttbsvlo r t to t hat as posoo sft"lsarro 0044W the too of *be #to** at umims in tar an oewds ens ffi atad to 0V* the dtri t0i A-oww of the *t aft mW the o r4loe"Ws oat sp r tttat"sts Of floe TOM %1tbA* the lAwl.ts of *ho Twtom* and it shell ~ t* t0 AWSY of aatt0b 0-MOOTS 60 b* wOUVtt to OwUl ari.*6*# s. •r trmm "wli dime wt Mawr pomoo * ttln tko f."Atat of *he Tow, Obatt to** tau WAPtA ft ' 11 Voroomp so of fo a#U a &as t the s'#tloat sss*0 ftok afi"la ws stalt fiatrtArtr too their t "amw a rs '6* Est the *owwtlt*sion trit"aa tta Taunt, Wr OfIra sae at almot fte to" of that state staff or that wrr'+Llttaamsss and rest ttlons of ter Tom", to 0"0"'0 MW a Ari* skit srtaft tows« ortinatawoo end 1rog"Istlwr"t *0 dst+ std arrw*Bt Off+anAOr• 9400100t t sue; to iPatssrw #tris food *rdo r of the Tom t1w to so"PO $fto lam "taffso thoroof fr" W19100 41016 a" the - ttr tt Its ft" lat,W& tab Wisom shell tie" tttant " or *606011ty Is OWS atattaarog wt shall its any oriat" w 'ent or taarraatt Of weariest "wt armor lasts PJ"" to twir ba"s by tbo ly ommuttittsd aarth4rift'soo of tits #"Ma Ns" 0ff100rtt shr►ll sot iv* OW fns or a►ttwer~ swwpoft t %low fat, air • ss"stars "WOOr" to the rfevusson of his y,* ettmw thaat t1w pq atalssy Paid t"** the Tyr *0 000* UP" the sPPrawrwl wet" than Tom immm dft" L l Ott • 044 4*41 t ros"W a too as wtt oe to sar •aN avi M#1s wow the two of $t* 11+lltat* or ww" "0 ss~tiasiwasro or ro Erttar~r Of "M ~'t OR, r pars at to tytrrr cor rrrot Oeur t of sras~ Vz* BANT to fte "r►ootion of fto a t Torte oorr abolt o"%I be" O*"*vOt ~ bus# of the t`otrw Prreivew. 1x: "a t"sarrtlt 11mrr has aball ha" tfrrtr a thorn,tw to wto ooAta bu ash sorfftsrtsrrtt bstl ter appes brrfare tbrr toroorrou0s court of wsgr pors** Sarre" +wtft offooso ott#r n tto jorse"otion of TIM Town "Oraftale to order to prove" or to prtrsaurssrstir qpiofj orb good ordor, s►"%I tam tiro autborrttyr ts► dW sllsrrro w"w* bar arree to drinking Aso#. or any other " 1 *e or bra lilt>6 of WAbUe rlr+rra0trtq DOW to tho pr+ar"44artr Md suppression of olttrlo and "M or~* of o " ovt witty " *be Tom, I" *hall bMV* ILUM VO~ Old JWtedtettela r 640JW441Y So tbe orlff of t cow' wrrr,e r►rir tyro. I"* or t lotto of valwas Tax T n*el o Styr at~r►rr!ealrl and ~ ors of the 'alto>► Corp arrr"tsroat„ ill arr~rr~t all p•roome rrse *",It vbrrttr wet or tut move with `611010 to tho *00"Otoo or th* dutstoo Of tr< ssr of A"s* or Who o n be wasy of orgy 41sroPOer►ly obi whatwe nror. .r ALL Vohs o+a of fto ' wpa of_*wt ► . 'frarsrtsr, OW&I 1w like Pnor with 4 Mayen rl to Sato *It wits e reesmaoo sweeter s out of tte ,i i. 'wl"M Tort Morrs bal s deputy terw germ"ter a" oar lMrrirrers o!' M err tbo I,*%& o ft"r t, * rrttkout Mwraat,p arrest *W offender or of ism offead*r to the fol l owles sarrtnw o r~ A• WkSo mW fatsry air iltsturboaggo 1a#ft or ►owok of t 109ofte 4w V01,6440" of my Tom a l"WASO ao+t ttad witkin or memo N of *he womb*r of t rol D"Wrtmmt glad ttta rttrr t o t a f'w.leIW of WON* of tbi pomm has Latta saatattttod witble tort prooommo o(o ♦lttnw of a AwlstrwU a" *ask mo strato s h"I vO rUlly Ov"r tkO araOttt Of OW atfendoro Os, own At to rowwoortttoe to a "Oetisr of taa Deli rt. mot 0000 af'044Ubia rues" tbab a folo1w or a diaturbstwoo r affsalr sr Of thO P00tae M! violotlasn of some Town ardla*o@*# Liars tsts ol"Ods, ant fibs* tit wftawtars OtIl probottly r a+aay !tf fibs arrant is delo rod to 'Pro~* a warrant. 100 i0b4ft aro found I'm fiat"m ,aaaas of under otr*wWoome" W 410h reosatq y whow thole sush po rs n tit w* 1ra" t tltl► of saute fwl,< , or taro tuts. or ore about to aaa t aotre off'st a ri at tttr IMM of taa $*ata Gf T+ Xeo or 0rd11000" at tho '1`+aW** ~ d0 for croote r owr$staty St to speeiftooll'y pravlL4ad tbot WON 0 a f! leors a" mombers of teat podia bovortt+ ent Nor sa arroo t wl tt tt tt owrsat Ow sod all parsons famed ev rp"Obeft Ltd or swill. to ftlow at WIraNW04,0 a+ st as ttt" a pasrsota to f ont lurking or bl,41ft to alloys or as I' saes not ter otttr S and suah p"a~1# M umwbs* to sottsfeeterlly W MISS" his oati no. b• r tterw a 1"Woon to floolt> tst r otrrettsts tom, WtAloh Hea t 1tuat t; is attain to ommv* from *to seene, Of swm*o grime 4*0 hAa Pot#. ~ as wbera a peroes is rtsmwbt or found the #%iaht tame to a IS or rotes„ air out i!# or bar" or #w"O evverltaaant t ►roto'O and is "Imblo to show or *to** #mf W 1414t or a"t rl4w for t la Omsk asa„ or is fawn or 004tt its sow bo iat me or publfi aaa the "ltht time and to tiambls to show may fright or tboy ter for ttel"S to #14o h v1soat* to Wbora a per*"" to t or rO . +ttt+atrriotne rvm OW hoeso or bulldl at on usu al !Aaure cor Or so' unusual or #Il plei ous tq oamo of *X14. go Vitro sow rrson to d 000wrrod wi#k airly toc%** s lams ++at~lr motorlose on his parson or lot l fir" a tlt we Of aath aataro art to Indteateat tbty a ra loth or deolg;ood for tw" to Otis por"twa. t a.>N of some grime. Tug foregoing +a"woorstlce t not iin%00 +rd ash *bell riot b* aanrtttrurd to Onelude t$a r~ w0ba" a"atsi 1-4 oil 000" 00"09 Wig, tho comers sr t"O Ofts 014 "A 48 ,611 eso4w am* peu a" bo &woo tid 'withowlt wrw wart 04 hold to be "*at wlttk somrduw to low* of,. "w "V"lk Ob"l &Wmedlarrtnly 'tow ► . r t►aood wo" vw o ~ tt ► "49rod the arrrrrtrRt, or it ab aw"st aw WWI* w itbo an orrd4r►ir, t wom befovo !br mm t or rttoo t 0rss r► rti strrtt o bra » A " To" ssU sb011 pp"ss# tuo "urd**"w a" bads" for „ ♦ moo! of tb* t"wrx100 lt`rsrr+rrrtt, r dlr~ttt t" awkwt+torr 1.10 *"oft *be I, embierrwt of 8014 9'0~ stM11 be orr~rrd. low ~ 410 Mm r+i v Nwtll. 00" It ~rtwr~rtrttrtry, in *row to * wtor" far two of i Tow of tb3r 1 to Ov*" dtrut Go r t e 41 eor pre"Olk wtlrrpr~,ty lr ~i~ir vv"Ortp to o"* puftlis ditttwrwr~►atd+tr* of Wit, or ~ atibd+rlrrtlt swr or wbs in be bait renswt to !fit' r tror l10161tSCA lot U a" orr+lrsr, or tiny *we" to wrr owot, *r t" to""N" it rrtt", !rte O" U b"9 t tw wowr to swrwwou tats *Orr*" ms w rrrr+r ial osi* s 110 or of *my of "W +u tt1 +srrt la t ni wt dSwotion wgr br 0"080&.rry and 8%146 Ore"al Polk 10 To "O Ishal,l b* w"J trl* ti trot ord+rtrrrtt or ttko 110y4wr end i0 ball l av* ft e titer Power a a1ltMlOftey wulrt on *Afq awt 0 yi ~Mwl,t rt~r s**a*rr ftlidomwo w1 rrMstl ~"vs " oomprrwsr- oottt+a 1Ort1t"Oleog !I own of wt'wr M, "s avl R, *to***" or imm"1i1ty to rrwti, +rw ter tom" of sm t" "l w the ft~ a wall r dp aso *OM O~ ~ ird O*r", or * t"I* drat, as * wtllro Town "web" OAVUW tt 'ph'i" of O f p$*worr ir1 14iy ttn a "O mad- *hall.*r"1sw *Il U* visa pt r, sett rAr r d+*Airl►r10 'l'Orwlt *#"b" 40# acerb porl"I rltowwidod "St is "0 "we" to "it 11 tbrt► fte s" or Tow trobbas o In fib* 11140r t of a ,.r the bA altuo owtot r Welfare or tba Ted and ito istribabiteemw e tho ftraw *hall tug ral ttm duties of ouok a friterer mw "l su" time 4w s WAOI A ttoo Imoree aer to Owt1oblo. 'llt. fdl TOW, oterteb" 4** *to i** soffit of tbcr "O ror. Shall havo the, t`i" t+a auk Ow or tiW Offlo>oro and oee topper! %dw MW be ""Or us jurao"#tion, ee" 00" Val tar i. "Woo"". ***too* of datro iaesre"lity or dratet~re FO It W ta!'tlset * or or ,off. be seatsetsrata 0 ens itete *tm Wlel+rtd„ the TOW rwhol ft"1 tort>taetittb is writift certify free tarsi, towthor wltk Otto OO for tbo Ie!►uePINISSOU to ttw %ayo • who shall Within rive tM t"m the lw 4MILtrlt or s+ut+s b 00rtIlierwto, At dame a&4 by tbi r q#Tl*" or owl yeo so to 4*0 prooood to inquirer Into for of the 4etetoeetn ol+teet! and ronder Ju4swewt tbw+teosn a ek ,~wddwout, It tbr' ertAtt"P be r1~et aod9 may be ouspomIoni re6mottata In ranks or "r eesal, a" am* j sho11 be five Sl. w 1 O to" *'t"o+rrtpt rwholN of used in tlts tordi►tolltmm Oball be a IN i Ri hawses WIfb Unt of io tore 00biret of Polleee's as Is by low ~"rt►i+tred. 'tt Taw ill at its disotrot# vsr►ido ter *be molter of ~tr+el of Beer lle* Depot tte mporarity or porrtewseeeatfir dlooblod An Irby +l O eeittarg a of their +i utioof and sal sum rsavo the rISM to r►"" for tbf arsw+taiatotion am a tdaieedstsratioete of a teeioset !"at " to Provide fever 01, "Satm" a late" 4100601ro *1f $410 Poll" two** u Odor Mott sirsttewe rules wend r+etgulottom as $o r be 41soateed uduiaeotelos vko r that fluatw*8 of the Town Will JUSttfr the Under& taking of theist Sontloo* t, 2=8 ordi.+taesae * *bell be and to hem doo tarod to be o ',ta►ltivo of at& other order airs of the Tom of soatbtlatko reffooting tbo awbjoot scatter berrein and ,arbatll a" over*** to r+etforl or Otto** any *mob *Vditatee oof or Ordl l less rssopt 1ersrtrfor an the "W101 *m of # mob ordiatraeerS oral 3,mm"Sistteeaf or to eantlist with tb* Vii" at this rrtwd1momoeos to aftiotb iaattauteet orr Im etretaoom, 'I tbaso !wovisloats ubeell be aid they are hereby roptolod. . r e l k- `1 +r ` ~ ► qr **"Lou* artiol0, povVISSON or Part of ui s *W"0 4400 be drlarad to ta► ao+ 1►9.'I t#++ ei 04 VG bw a oaore at - -towt ,u orliO tiaa. *ask *W&SILOW *he'll to 00 way arft*$ the vatiutity► OW art tbo rWriwint poifte of r o"In"60 un~i000 Ib" bold oaaelri#re i oad v,*" is iala abler ev" OW i to;M is, ri~~► to t(W oporoliau at %IW lomis1ive i" a low i wratMrU ~ 400ba, i At rwwld tWWO aO tI►so POrt Wh"I o U and eat#t" poru w eb SMW boua on. stilu enal it it t known "at r pooft v+rs rftoomtitmtsoml a• *%a iiae at P&44*4" of *b" ardiftema►. all. tam rtt*ot aV r to tall torso and OfToot from, a4 mrsor tho data, of Lts ponds". ~r 0IX) O la / of D~ rn Ij~C-R- s «r '40 49 1 90 0abl iAdt°I wo. iii! AN ORMAXOS RMATIM TO AND SLAT "tom TRA"10 Ahl) 'WIs WSA of T s tAML1C %t;TS V lCLds tip ALL W1.4089 AXU p1; t lAtSt XSTAULlWl,V-Cir A 80f,'.90 LIMIT FOR ALL SrUlgWrS U SA19 : t: 'Y * AS 414U. A$ A Otis" L T L 't^lt t3 FOR TAB 11GO-a"!"l:ONC or Ww"VAIM T, 1 P,1509j, V 'f At ,00 OEV OZ.i'f IWft V!0t,.fA'%U ANN 0 ,AtJI. fix AIM) I% A StdK WOT :td xopsm or O ap.o1 O IN CONFLIw p~ } 'w " r~, p1 'gi" m you PULL VOROB A99 UITSOT r"! AND APTO Uk 3A^ OP ITS t4 M4 AND FVM.i~ATYLO* AS 1OV-199 B1 S=AW. 40 n WWI J-F.AS, Artiste 67014 of the Awls d Oi,Vl Statutes of 1"Se so iMtttnt►deds beltttld p "torrtt oot rt gw1irlttttd trwlfis on the hi~rafs of the ststo oR 'fs►"49 and At►t#e&* d of ttte Venal Code of the Stsats of Texas fur"mar trro rlst 1t sped of vehle►los on the biommlr# of d $*at** Providerd thelt *It *Moss to~ and •l110000 r oar ado" sueft roWlralt om not Insonslatontt with the aforomention" stotutet's t on&* * , - s the "resent reWlationet haretotere, adopted by ttte city ttasipol S ttt`#i"ftio in said City catty l;ood*stats+s errs!. ttzotre are oonditlc►ae onlstltttrd In sold Olttt ottNdieRtt go rims $be lifte natal th a" safety of the pu tlel wW tttu►ve o"alks a publio n*eosulty for $be lamadl&tlto It as=ervatl+act at pgbl o health s04 oofot yj fld XT O3 li INX Y TkM TO*N C(n.; i ll, O)t TAX TOUN (W : ,.*,L" fL si ii' ovetr An this orditionee the t ol"3ovina term ore ussds they shall have ttta mtMtattttltg,t respectively asenrlbod. to them In this see#tion. lftJdd MPAATM w r ' perllsri ~rtaMSa~t of t1e city* Ua roottlro arr tore uo Its duly a utbarrised offloors or 040"00 ' tp "tJ.t d ars us" to *Us srdinsaft shall be arlrao aaroai 'w with tsrar oc ty or Tow baaarshalS o s ovom ast ►i porwo,119 times. 00-sarrtaaarrrsbip. a sso"atleft or oorpopotiaq• d t wry Ver i w who drives or to to "tust pby'st "a ~ iw»t"I of a •sbioloo OWNS* - A SMW240 hold* that iea ***Is of M rrs ol* wr to "W s►vent a vvblsl s to tbo subs*et e►t an 00 M MM41 for 00 n" ovol **I* or tsaaats tbw of with fto r104 of pRar~adwtsar up** poveillowns of tlls slow "*$o" aatatod in wo ardgoodIPaat and V;itb ~ an is dtarto rid" of tr"Oossioaa wrarterd in flat arsadltiese3 weadso or talMral!IM or to the orew *r a wortltrr"r Of t!. wsbieler is t►at1t104 to "M0001000 tboo sweb eondluo*" rrs; a VT- 100 '~Pv wertosor shall dooodd tho ewmw►r for tbo rpos• of tai. ordlaeaora, STRM 00 14104-WAY . onftro width b"wo tb* dory ll , of s►rr"T publ.iely aa"awtalmW wbaw mow port tbrr"Of Is op" to that saw of, Mw olio for porporroe of rroblau3ar trravoLo P pA AfJ OR sblfANAf tVery or ptaaaas to VKVW$o ow stIlp aad u004 for. +rewAsulorr trawl #p' the o twor send lthose !slang his or lopliod psreaiaroloaa from the swrerr but not by o tbor per*~* 110Adt - That partielak of • hiskeray i+aaslr to 40siswrd„ or ordt"Ortlp owed for rsbiatulor tral"1 • to the entrust a ~wat 1 tudow two 12) or no" ieyrarars to re"wrys the terror 10 FOO MY 0 *a uuswd btrroiu ill rotor to our 40402 read"w soperetoly bit not to all aorob rosrdsaasyrs oolloettvalf. SXJMVALS - watt ssrtior of * stroot botxee" tbo owaft liaws ON, fte teftwst" liras Of t roodweye mad tbu adjae urlt sroportf lines tsstddidod !or tbo us* of tartrriars+►a!. 1ASID ROADWAY f. A r wy utf.ob to divIA" into fro wr were ot*orly marked low* for belled Rlr troftio. Tlst td 1U011t'AT zVory b s way or portisst thereof of the a*trsneoe to wtAkob ♦oklowla►r trufflsr trots iatiarsootbW WkSkjoys is ro rsi by low to borers *"%ortm or oroarubw the same sand r kow stoV stow *Wee or"tod as ywo+ri4od s o this Aot e strowb or read ooy to rrospoot to ut ierb ownsve or aosupaots of obutti ns toad* and other ssrirswu howo no tosal rldbt of sooso# to or trowr Uw same oorlart►t at arurob TMINIS only aasd its rwob os r as way b* dotorw a by tho bl s autbsaritr having jurladiotion wrrar suob tds*mt• street or roodfa0yo mMa:wru, i iiluur urva 4'r~!zl.r` _-.w. - /92 t ON The arom oslMrir"trEtlod wlfbUM fps p " atA*W ON, oommeetl of fir lateral rtuttV6 ILI" * or it ttam. "im + laftral ltoottrtdotlr Uses of tbo rooday►a of tro 411) bis%WWO Wkiek ,foist am onef er st, or twrl~rottlOttrtelr af0 3FU04t 03*14 0 or , afros Wit"s ■ vhlob sof4 ro s atmfvrdat ham". jol"Of gat may otbor tt to way ooato to *onftlot• so WIMW t► a bleft" Laes "s two (a) roodNoys thf.# 301 foot or more aW09 tit Worn W000146 of so* read yr of mob "Vtdod hl~y by an istors"Ung bid shell be regard" tts a *everoto iatorso"loo# to OW tvim *oft ittalrerfttootlas Amy also inalw4es .r fAvo 10) refs ftk:Lrtf (30) foof or me" sport, then every mreaassyc of fw (t) r#tradt oars of twoft hlOmmjrs Oball be V*Wrdsd as a separate i af+srttoof ion. ""hsf ptsrltl►o~r of a~► otrdtrrlli 1tttIR1 ~r1tlwis w $be protommuom olp ttom of Surlb, a" ~rt~srtlt ~l~f of Infer. sooftsa* or OW O "boo P"rIVION Of tr satattdmw +~lwrrrtt itwdiwwt►tad for vad"ttrlirm erevolm Ow ties* er oltb*v sorld no 'mht 61* awfsoo. An? Portions of w "**My ot OW elsewhere distteoftf &""ostod tw VOUStrlaw Weaving aw list" or otbor Waft- tsar on f4s ~rtrfatr0►a. o dAff1"1'. ` dlr » I%* area sr spa" offlolellf opt rVart rit4l.s a roadway for tbo onelarrlvs, star of podestrtafs a" WU is protaatod or to so asrbod ov la"oatfad by ado"ot t rf as to be rl.,ataly vtoilrlw of at t fhsos while sot oporf sa a safety aem*. (a) Maxus* st"fttl° « The torritotr"r eoriti Oaa to aid itr olvding a vvedway whom riftim stir *#A t rod (l") foot sloatp s emob, t064rOtlr "we are butlldimpa in use for bsw&"ms or i""strial sa►rp sr rftx,fk' ~l► fibroo bwarmalve (300) faiif of fronttr o on awe t►ida or *h" o hmv r+td J.1") foo* ssllostivelp on btr!itb sides of th raadwtl -O tr mo(b) SUSIOUX" WMOT - ?be torrlforf +s+rwnt t on to sad. isolut flat ooatp"trttsd a business dlatriot *Wm the Property on swath taghwa>r - fors diate"a of throe bowv%* (306) toot or' No" A a 1 a tho I, w..an,i.tto lWomrod vifb arwtoldomms or ro idols awed bsildinr# in use tor business* i 07 " tsrr too up" or IV %ftl4ft person or It '"W'tq S or "o.T be frastopt►trtttd or dareve upon a vubl le ht~ • 40 mom f d dsery rrobiola an It ovel" dofimmo whets is sllf-~►i,l+td• rt y~ 40 1~3 MMUMMA - xwo.ry motor vottlolo having a saeddlo for time me* of tkn llider a door to is ol on not earn i t1woo, t3) wheat* to sontoot witk *be ground but Oxsiaditg a treater. m"iscox a i b fr ith of tide fire dopartmot (tire patrol), polt#o v►hWaes, pebt&o and ptiv eft ambula s ter 1t hi k paelotts bovo boat 100wed 1 fate %o*o Seard of Afta t, 04 rt syr tobloloa of atm sp , rsl make or psblie or +Ne 00"Wrotiom as Oro designated or owthorlsod by the #ororaing body of as l ooo rvers trod *owns RIGM OP WAY - Tbe, prlril+e#o of the A twediato 0*0 of the Street ~ or btab"Wo tltl' AL TRAY320 610NS - All si#mj morkirtga and dowtoos otbor tt *&a m%** not t.ftooml►stont With tots Ord ornwo, Planed or orootod by owsborityr of a publis body or eftietael buiving jo risdiotlodat, for the purpose of tdin#, dlrosttirtad, warmly* or regulating trafflo, TRAFTIO O(ArrROL #l Ako Anyrr dowtoo„ robot tt! dal olootrlsallyr ~ or 4041061,0411y opor*tod, by wtdob *rafti# is oltaer4w.lst f +iilarel►~td to stop a ►00ad. RAILROAD dSO* OR dl AL - Any *Up* signal O r 44WLOO oroettod 1W suth*ri' y of s pub l e belt or official or by a railroad and iottooded1 to #iwo notilae of the y eoaoa of railroad troobs or the approo" or a railroad train. TRA"10 - Pedestrians, ridden or horded atainala, vefte oo. s troot fors, ON otto r oftevoydtunssr, ostbrr simayr or to#aet o! white using any bl rsyr for Purposes of travel. TAMING • ?be rta iirg of r btlelos mbet xor owrm', led or "at* upon a roodwayt, otbsrmloo than temporarily for the parp"t of, td *hit* actually on~o ! for loattdtato, or unlowdln#, or to obodionoo to trot is ~ sicno or si#neldl. OLICS tJT14IE . +h ry arffioor of ttm Ottyr Poll** b"Wrtwont or any of offloor Sutherland to "root air rar late traf` le or to make arrosts for vtola►tions of traffto regulation. CITY Tbo word ,Gtty *hall mans Town of uthisko, Iroxas. 40 cam of re"Qx it" +DXr4w T'NIA"10 i It *holl be the duty of the 'roU00 11-e-ont of tbo city to srrfor" the provisions' of this ordinomeo, ditloore of "w Pollee qft Department airs boaw riled to ditreelk all troffis oitbor to person or weens of ftsiblo or swilble st arts in oonformamoe dig witb tbia vrovisions of this ordinaftso„ pravsAod toot In the owes* of s' fire or other omorewv e:-. m expedite traftl0 or soreguard padestriwns, W.10o" of *us sI&** Deportment mW tiro Department ON way dirset tr+artis, •o sowditions roduiro. 'notwitimeta ndtog the "rowtolo" of We ordi mm, MIXS OT P0,402 AUTWRISSO TO ADOPT 49RAGMY a R LATI CMS i obisr er 001 too is borsiyr ompoworsd to w0b and *"for" rotulattOfte osoessory to make otrootive the ptrowit lows or this ordinomoo to Ito and onfero r temporary regulation* to savor w. i owargonoios or sptstol oomdittenoo IV, u WA8 To cola ' Of rWA4R It squall be unlawful for ♦ny person to wilfully tttttso to or 4 rail to eowAf with any lawful order* signal or dirostlon of any polloo offloes Invested by low with outborilp to dir"t, control or V*sutot* Craft k e, To The r►islotwo of this ordinonee *hall sVAy to tho driver of any we 0;10 own" 1w or 11 sod to the sorftea of the Units& States Govornrsot# any dtatos Oswntr. City* "lotto or Willagos and It shall ,r be Unlawful for OW on" driver to v1*10t o o y► of MW prawistous of IMS and "Omao evowt as sthend o pondttood b rein or in the uniform traffie sat at the &tat* air Texas* YI, -wM VIUUOLBS 0 As The provisions of this ordinones, regulating toe movemonto perktne, and standing of lohialao stall, not s"ly to sutbortsed sue' f' wrsomw wob1e100 ss dsfiaed in this ordinana►o vulto the driver of snob wob ess Is sgarrating *be saw its as overcomer to the woosssory porfsrmoper of value duties - This exemption aboll wts hewswsrs too flew driver of any sir wsbisls frou t4s v400006 at a less " redrrd of the safety of otbsrrs. I%* driver of say author tseed wC y vehisto wbss roopon"rerd to as ~esr-iii wy 0011 U P631 upproooblyd a rod or step sid"%* or MW step si» s w tt SIOW dorM us 000400arp for 0004W but Prose" osnt t t 0441y Mat Swabs rad or stop sign or sly , i. At otIMW' 441me driwors of sa r sod sssr ney Vshletoo shall, stop in ebsdiswr to a stop s1gp or signol., C ♦ Be driver of any outh eerissd omorrrttwey warebdel# shal►1 ♦sswo any opeolel lsrivilows, under this orrdiwwo sw►pt when sa0k wthiel* Is oporstsd to response to on wsr#uanslr wall or in the twoodioto pursuit of on setualk or susyoetsd vUl•tor of tree 'Lao, viz. 'l'ids trot of reties t tsrettr autb*rlseds and as to all Uattie sl vas and alt, wwU vwptvod tarasroundors It shall be big Beatty to vtowe and maintain or osuss to be PILO*" and maintain"* all suet offietal trsatete stems and si reels at % twat r point* and ow" he way &a" nooooseeery for tss proteeetion of the general pubtles providing that trust stow and eigwls scars, uniform out location thereof to not sontrory to Um -prsrislons of ttee Uniform Traffio Code of the Xtats of °fssas. VIII. DISPLAY OT UNAtMORMIJ SIGNS An S1019ALri ~MGAM TiO w It shalt be uaalswful for any persona is plsso or rainttain or to she of up" or In w' sw at any street and unottiolot *rattle sign* signal or d wles WhIeb pwrvor►t• to be olp is an Imitation ots or res ubloss on otfiei I traeafrie * or of lp tor doh ott"pts to dlrset the movemout of trrrarriar,a or whiab bkfts frow View or iretorto rw with she ottestive esss of ssr Oftiolat dire tr yr Opot. • The "Lot of foiles or say *Meer Under "a dirsetions is t+a w eby exposorod to rose" every suob rparao oil isd sl R signal or dow oo. or estaaso it to be remolvd• wit3 ut endow, low a xx' OMP Of POUG 1 AAA"ItX1Zb TO 1 rUMATS OR0 AL is A* The Riot of r'atiee to tarosw a+a rtmod to establish and to dato1pato and well tbrr► *af *r aeaintaiae or wr+reuve t% be aweirtalaedo by a eroprialro d swdsr raeipp *a, time Upon the *art&** of the rrosA*eye errosev ellm at toto w world ms whore In leis 0911ien we" to ?fires Asulot 4a ttr to ptdlest runs o rvosing the m4 aey, & at suaft other 1ela a as be t*y dom nesessarys 6 s. All podastrims Shall strictly 001*47 whirr the direettoom at Saw offlota& it t19 oestrot stemalt and at ro vremblted flere ero otm# Bray raeahta r to a Aeeslm"a di,rltrtat or any designated bighways webers sroosuatho hw* been i nstal led. I11T1 R"REX04 1eXTU BIGNS X1 shall be mdaw "I for am Person to wrilra lly d•fawe* Injure„ awem# obotrruuet or Intorrfera vitb aW offie"I sign or Signal s Al GAM "R iMAJ710 A*' The C lee of Polls* to heroby soeewrod to ostoblish safety 40 *ones of suteb hired teed *hor'#464W and at A PIMMs so he may do" a"Ossary for the + !'r1►tw►etian of redostri,ans. ' A* The dkAst of Polloo is st o outhortood to ar4w tome for 49 tracers r on street fiats at rush Planes as be "or dow •dviombls, 00"oletent wrilb the vinwisions air hi arrdinal es. XIIw A. The driver of any wraftlole on tho Strr"ts or therouWarr" of the City shalt brrisw tb o v ehiele tbat ho'+eer shs is drt`ine to e "It and mete Step whew ti p►r~~eere, as tear .U4,orr*00,610a o! Ovw 4$ `sat Or t1Me~"~lor4p where • step a 0 at~ of olktwrr dWwi*e 40 bas bmw pea itadt oot ttep tbot srid wtleetre Shssld stop bsrom vammftrMli o fee warrb 11m of stwh Intersostin sytr"t or other thoroughfare and that sur a full *Ad el Jets stole Shall be me" w►itbio fitta►erte (I$) feet of the nearest aide of the xtrewt or bborrom4or'a a be ad MvPromebed« • It $ boll bs ualawft for say BAs 0=*Pt a 004401, at "a rouse *spar Or arm aastflow wow tba ""ransom of "o, cbt tet" of poll*** ts, t4mes, so" as" or *ton" of any tiad Uvoa st robs 41loys * r tbora me of t city* and the 6111,09 or Po1fL+lrrs sbwl1 be sutberised is al ato the x04010100 Of Web Step sia ns$ tlfild las or dsr1006 at bWlagMV# #~tors~rtit. OF G A 1~R Y`` a 3a.6.#: +.Mlr f JF"i`-t94I i4i .,LAC It stall be lawful for tit ditravo r twe a w0hR610 to steps St, 604 ftwu vokiele, f►n ' of the taltevi plesorr, O X000 WUM 00004" Y to rvo" ',senfCtjot With **bar *raffle ar is ooh yttaaA► wk tb the dittr*etA*4S of a palfl•r erfCf!i0er or trartl+e sro"roi sis or of final $ 1• wittAn as Ante rseati n. 0% a ai!llllt l its r sitbin twealky f d#) toot of a crosomalk at an into+rosetione be Za amy safety SWO as of6ftetally owted by tbstr cuor of rot.loo, or by a person aerdor,' Ma dlar!ootloo, So aittAn ttr ty-fEivo 125) , f['oot Irva titan i oraaotl of otrrb Is"000 or, it ulm* then witkin f moon (IS) foot of tie iatwoootl of pert lines at an t.ator'sssrtrti+euas ou"Pt at el o t: to Wit"" tblrt,f 430) Iroot Upon the t* a t"'lsf ebbs boaatoo stop roan or trrtfio owArel signal toasted at the side of tbo r odretr. 1w 4o, betteon • safety scree and the adja+w t *orb or ulttf . thirty fi"fit of polube on the otvb Summodfistoltr 0"0014#* the *wde of * safety amm, nntoos *be *raffle s tt rity ,*.tvo i swa a difforout l+ tb by rt or norm s; a within fifty 50) fact of the ieosrosrt rest of a. aat,i to wit a t ttt (so) tawt at tioo driveway O"WA Joao to any ~ fire station a" an %a► at" or a street o tto tai #rnotra to &my lC vo Station Wit"* sWWOUty-t sve (75) fo*t 'it sold +ontrtt►art+l o ~ (Whom property 91 tod )1 Jo s1t r a r area designated and ss►orkod as a * o 1'*rtclsg" r orisso ri 1t offf otal *No i"a :#&rew* stet or other roorkie r as rt t* lustaltod Or mads 1W the Obi.ssf of P*Uvo or a*I person sttador bi +ti#t~l~lttfl is is t#*nt of any tb tr a cm, tsar ~eii dfl t where i*bwle enterbolawmt and etings, are #w1do, a. blt"* tift'toom US) foot of a fibre tw"ant. 1.0 to f rout art a P► to 01, 'jwmto Abri:"# a way 94j. % a *"O"ltl 'x* Alamo"* *r +o0posita any srtroot +Nr~tloa r sbitettt~aetflos►o waea awto itt►d, standing or sort would abstruet traf tle. 00 on ttw r si+do of any ►lotee stoplood or arked at *Us ad" of ourb of a street, k, it $bolt be taralo wtul t`spsilr any drlv*r to pork a wo"olo Wiwi* an alley. r 9~/ ~Nt oatadr p~atuana► tatrro *t!!'iaMl,al tratt~!'iC`i►aw arit[~aat bw+~nrr b~ a~rol►taaMd praa~ltaibit lttaa~iatd aa~ psa!'~. -Mo psaa►a M a tatll WON* a vo"s1s, not la wf+sll# twdor Us ooaattrat ts60 OW saatO k 1►aa *Mbit" We& or 4W*y train 0 aaurb aeUOb atistaarass a* to saga l • OrANDI LOAV " OR VXW Asl» OWLY is CRATAZ1d P s. A. 160 0t of ftll,lso she&& bawaat rattbo rtty to dotoratd.m tits 10tisa at Vtatatts+atlwrptaar son" and loading some att" shallR "mot attattd an istatllas or muss to be ttaaistni""# a psi sto airs LwAl oti Obo *so* It stotl bs uanlawftl, ter the ~#rnsr of 0 wrbisls to • %ops arbond or park aaearlid vaa slo for as potr'iad air ltlss longer than is tta oossury for fAto onvedi te" la lft or Unloatdi of pes"Wors in any pla" watft" as a Passenger sonar. tt smell, be to aaeftl far wo ditwo r of a vobialo fie steps, r stsatt* or park **U ooMol,o ter a. port" of fit" laimdOr then is att"aataatsatrO r flit the 080041,61'" Is losdiatatt *r unload ng of pasaa sars* or far tbafr trtaat1,004iis and drlivory or pivltup and leading of tttatsriolss is plaaoe asfted as 0 lea4it Some lA no o aso shall ibo 00sp MOT low" ta and 1044106 of attatoarials sum" f:l!'tar s tis) wia"tos. VMM XDMD lld 0s Ala "."US A. It stall be uatlaw tal ter any driver to stops 004 or park at" tottt*40 "Poe a straaut to "Oh no"" or under sUsk * sonditlateats attar to low* evatllobl'o loss *bon tot 414) toot air the widtb air *be r004"r for fro +otrv+sMWO of Voblautlar trofflars ou*opt Wat a ditvwr **I Step totatporwrity durst a 0%al 10441 "t or uslosdlns of pswe"wors or Mko" "Os~tssaT to oboosomm to trattttia regula sane or $raffle spur or slow of ar pollee arfloor. r _ It shall be, axa awful d'ow atttq driver or owner to park any tr'atF?a44400 or porwat too satutaan to be par"&s stand or roman rdjo at tar aattyr parbusyt mutraal strip or s+at>busy spptoaetb aitusted or bot"s in atpy roat,#My. It shall, be twlaw tl tolp Ow driver or owner to park any rtobiolo or porwat bees ssm to be parlatltds staatnd * or roman on the „ aaRo dr at atrty bri+ddo„ vta aatt or oubl ay* or Obo ""way of the s>pprowab to any br141ge* wisdust or *Wbvarp. move* Me; ALL *SOW rlitirlr°M tR+s s. IT shall be aauia awful for *he drivar of any rrwrmot* to pa sold v elo on any gaaave& arrtriat for art period of ti"o f or *ban trbirtf 31 artist **S between tbs Wore at 4100 A. . and 6100 A, No of avW . STAN tt rA IM CLOOR TO OURD Whom s 81 m m Py In +borliaaasso to trotf * lrnrwl,atioos or traar 'io sly or sigm&** OW driver or any iat* shall not s tol►„ stand or Verb OW Veditl a to as roadway other *ban parlaliol ride trlre oddo air the roadway b adad to tba diraotiaia of tratftot aA rltk like embolde weals of $be valjislo within , of ton (WO larval bos or "W sate of "a roadway 9 oXOOVO aura streets be" boos soft" far angle or tward.-In owe OVISATION Of VMs OV A '`M Of m itt t 1dt ' VMCLS UPON the Opp rsaft or erg autherixed WSWWf Viols air voftwos giving a Us, sign" by boll, siroaa or orrbow% wUstlo. %be driver of every o trer Mole shall lsmodiatoly alrkwe the an" to a position as no*r as Beals seed parallel to teat r1 t bmd ad * or saw of tim sttr"69 sister at mW intars#+ Uos, sr arrtrrarrll starer and roman In arm* passible " taotil tba mutbor ood, ~arrarrt► voute4e, or robiol.os *boll br rasaaard* unless otherwise "rooted by are Alas offloarr's six. It OWU be mulawful tar *be driver of *I* Wo slog other theses an oftiolal basal ess„ is follow olosorr ttON rive hundred 45") toots to strata fire a rraretme tre"lling in raAaapow" to ar fire at*"* or to drive into or stop a Wobiolo within tho blows Wasre *be fire n arrstwt«tr two as tort to auaamr to a fire dorm. ,r , MOSSING fDW asi se vobioto sbal t be driven o Yor t aaq► aar►#F+ostaad baNSa>r of ar dire prartroirt w►ban U44 down on any street or private driveway .err to be umm at stag fire or slave of fire. Witb"t ooarra,owt of the Fire ireto& ar time Dee arrtnent orrialaal to oomma nd» -ls- . 2t1'U 40 UMAWSVL To lla''tb r1maw VWtddl*V MASS It itbsl,l be mola wAst for the 4river of OW obese, to drive betimos tow vemsl s sopprios" • rumeral or between Other autb- aerriaaed pf"aessiess While tbat►,lr al►re to notion provided that sst+t vom eles orre sae-owedy so dies atod. 4prow ,lts s shall eeo apply to jotsrsepotion o trrtttle is oea►ntreelled by trmtlfe grl eentrel ltowU or V01100 aettsoors. 'I. 419 lTOMMINO PRW ALLXi OS PMXrX Wt driver of aN 'Whisk ommirrs frow an situ. dr"'t y or .r %wilding sbell stop smob s sls #mos"retel* prier to dritrrtes onto o O&demtk or orate the sldemlk area extending rltsross ony ollolrmy. As xxnz. It itho 1.1 be err#l rEwrtrwtl for OW person tarty ell upon opy blelreloso rneterersloo o"ster, ozoa. Vetter sbml ee'l or an toy ♦ehl"O to slUW to or to sttss# binsaelt or list vebi'rele to any stbaet s rrd web&*%* "wei! OW aaardrar&y. ` • ' ► driven of aw ssblelo &mtomdlos to turn mt an saterssstion shall to see ss Rellow oo asllrss ax ditterest motbrd of turslas is diroot0d by buttemss worker* or signs at irrtersestl+as, to wkkob Ov"t *am$ shall be made to r ace t►itlrt tits "rrsotlexis of sash rkorrso Wttess or sisasr A. ApSroresb for ae riebt terra sbe l be mode to the JO W tor turf is smarost tar the right-brand aids of this voad*► send rrlt bt» land amrb or oddae of the ra►aassslr. So resob ter 1e91 tyre ssatll be madle to the logo fair trrsmli'ss to unto 1pubt net and *arrest to Oto seoter 11"eOt the P•-- ""Ways a" the left 'bum slash bo reelydo bt posslsd tee the right ' of snob ssntorr llrtee ~ae it Qaters the larterso tion mad ase;,ar leavlt the lateraostl+ by I tooled to 1646 rldbt of the oeetorr liege of the r+mrtd+my then er nte#rod. ~r NOT s A* It *ball be wirr"&Vft1 ter MW person or VOVOWW f d va,r dinwt O par"* the ru"164 err drlr of of my ow torr•odrRH~s~sa ~ali►r SAO a'i 010 a1009 OW SOV000 arY Public ~w# strsot• Oxley or are to $be business* 06"Wepetal Or rl9&&.oati,&J rats of 04 *ban tMrr*Y i ar&SoS i bpi it shou be urr<tar>ii> Ad tar aaY teroeN OV PeraNerars 'be rang drive, or permit the rrui<raa "M or drivins of say trerrailarIe, designs" ar SO NMI safety 4000rr9 0114 Of Marked by !,dale Or eeted an tae aer xt "*do j r *"at# ~ 04 hiab Yee der trio 404091 0s40e0 sad between the rr* of 030 d. . and 41. Ve as at ell meter rater of aVo" *too sweaty ~ 20) tse oft ors The ■'t r arui►•.sootlos shall not apply to sworsoney r►OU10104, as to herr*&* dstAnod When reave►adind to omrdsnoy esltss Co %oftlac So t A# orewlste n Abell be oo airtruuird as r*- ~ bibitift the driver of a S*tsr vehiels from oboy* # tars irrtetrruett t of any Fantle offt.eror diwOtilrrd troffiOO or emy signs signal ear wee dtrrtotIft the »►vemest of traMot. . d. Tkko driver of any rrablOSe "001ed 0 school building or t ,mounds t 'oait during sebeel rr wrWO or rrktlo WAtd"M Oro inn ter Or leaving sok"S dour the *"atmg Or unloving ?Aourr, *fta l brim so" veftiole to a full and •ewplota► ofto Where olow be" bees ersrltrrd tn"Oot ng the preartelty of a **beat or 0" 001 err ,r air! fete 'dotsf at oi#se to hereby outhorlsed to sr"* and owistoto of me to o forwity aritbc this is ti as p. ROUMMX W,-, U OF A S r XXOt T SY A r"lim 0 IOtR (M $M'"Xs PS TIM, A V XXX p €90 AMMIA1NINGUe 116 atoll be sa ltawtul for an yaw oxo"t a poll" ottieor„ ~ or ese oyev*tl s a ftrNo 4Irruok or aar lawoog to ueaw a * roe on suob eo"rle vvwvUsd gear 1/tw are permitted to moo a skren„ *bo t l be rewired to use, $be "no* When an Oworter Sall to being wedw,r So 01000 WWI bo reed„ !w*"* as ois+rtrle drt **roar of a Ow"I ,i tem tars oftpablei► grid'` bsl heard **worst blame n odvr ooe of a moving iol+os ~L xxvzx s A• Any poroon to Virgo of a sorr or ro"Ir shop s i tua tod +ri tbin trbM 0& *Y 0 to w tiob to bramobt any "O ft r vehA slr whisk shows enrtds+ta M of WSWO be@ i lk to an aet+ "Onto or st'r ook by any bullot„ *bpal r t tto 4001110 to $be Polior bopcANO" thin twouty -four tt bours after etuok motor roblolo to rrhrnteivode sir ift the orq*ns err, re"stl►attiow err &*A aerie and address of the + uor of svok webiolo. R, Any p+e" oos driver at a reroute involved in any saatidont. shall fn e wittb tbo olieo artwork of the City r rs wrt of r sudb oooidont# giving fell details tborsof acted suet report shall be for *he eauriderettal moo of the Prrlitto peprartrent and be • sut►jo" is the proftelons of Seet.ion 167 of the Oulters Traffio Code of the btato of To&**. r '1X1. A* Xt is +aola+r101 for the ownert•i per Skar other vor*on. oNW10y1tw or Ott?borwAso "rooting the drrt+r►w of may so ele to require or kru►wb*ly to perwit the operation of +sush wohlolets umm s hUhwrf to any etenn elr +oontr ary to lairo a. Whon*~ saw putrsore is & rrr ootod f any violation of this i"awto Punishable as a arl.ads"Osuor'D the arroatod person shall be immediately taken before a wasistret+r within the County in wbi,eb the olfotnoo obarg ed Is alloged to have berate eo+a aLtbod and who eras l u riodtotion of suoh offense and is nearest or most oooossiblu with references to the Vises whore said arrest to irado* 40 in arq► of the following cos** $ 1. ate a person arrested dowands on low►disto appoorarsn e bofor* a nWistrato. 24, When the person to arrested open a obargo of negligent ~0~i~{idef s 3. Whon that person is arrrronted upon a share* of driving White under the i"Iflusnoo, of irrtss ooting liquor or noro0rtts dugs. M. Who" OW person $s arrest" choral a Shares of failure to "Op lac #be sweat of east se eldontt. sousing doetnq personal injurries# or donAge to ,property. in any otbor *van$ when the person arrested refuses to give bis written proaloos to atppoorr to oeurt as horreinatUr raridod. rW a* fiver a Person is arrested for away Vlolaa#ion of MW ordi n amen, vu"abwomo as a wwwl awwtrr,a and swop person is not immediately taken before a ma"s#rato as #oroi~aro r+t quirsd„ the artlt'otwtling offioor sball prepare to dortl,oo to Witt" no*"* to appear i# 00mrt 00aiwaio this omm and V adds of wiaob Vrr*owt P tbo liwttonso "*"bar of his rro iolo, if mmy* the Orton" obo de a" lbe, ftoo Plase wt bon and ~o swab son shell appear In oeur#o provided# how voMir., *bat tbo offense +n speeding ob tit be, the ly often** t aki. imondaltotir the issueftoo, of 0 written wwtetls* to appear In o rte a14 only Otto" If MW arrested rsom ditwos "to sir!#ton promise to *$posr in court, b► signing in dsolloisto written **#lao proper" by tbo *"voting otylotrort and Provided twtbor #bot It abel1 not be ~torir Iror an sff~tor~r to SIVO a Written 0 tt** ' #o its' itwttt asaatr# 00 am person a wwS W f'sr the o©tfi"00 of OPOOd# w boss *mob poram, its operating a 11As19 ll+ good In,* s#o#a or 00000" 04bor, to an ft*te . of Tease or who is at 910014,,ont of a ittatto or dwn*ry ost#bawr t so tho State of 'roses. d. Tbo time op"Ifitad to so" notlee to attar masot be a# loss$ fif#dsst days offtotr soo k arrost unless itbw i s arrested shol l dammed are or orl ioar hsoltr 1 wad. Ito TUO 4040 s flod In somd awotloo to armor must be bofi7 1% a wtagistrwtalo wiltk wt the City or 0oaunity to oy l,eb Rbo offo me mars! to all d to the boot ioaa> i t#sd ond >tw fts jurisditoiltion of am* afroasa* IN Tbo arrested poraon in order to s ro reloaso-as 1rurtr1444 to able *oetle* wMA Stvo kilo written irrirawwwdsro taro'' to a spoawr in +Muttwtatta s by 0440104 two d00tios to #bs written "#ioaatd prepared by *be arresting offitortor. 2%0 ar141,0*1 of son" wool e, *h%,% r-##UA. by wrtaid o f<toor and the #*W #tiowtroof 4ol ivorwsr4 to the orso arrested. luorarwpon, wrwt" offloowrlr *bell forUtistr##b aro?et ,,qr tto person awrrswr#oard* from owas#sdy. th. Any person willfully violating his written rromls* to appear In eor u r#, Ag*ren ma provided in i s so atton# to suitty of a aiw saapwtoa~ trenord'loalto o of the disposition of the o> tm rso upon witiou he was orlet"ally oraroswtto do A written prwetoo to water in *our* meaty be _ liod wtritb by SOY SOPP04"1600 of 000019010 ME A. a toradolne prwisloants of # ,s Sooar#ion *hall gotrorn all lino offloldtr#t Jr. w*king autrrotowots xi.ittt)aatt a wwtrn# for violations of twttio *:,"lnenaos beat shy rsesed#+r+e prw Abed taortroin W wwstiall not ow,t Arvi,ole be oaw oluslrto of any ott oar oa thod rrowatorlbod Pm by lirw for t'tw arrest of a person for on offense of like drsdoo Je Any offloaaor v t"loaikw any of *be evasions of this soot on *ball be guilty of of oonduot in offitoaro end scull be snbjeet to removal faarewt o fftoo. w wl~ ~ 2-6 y .w MALTY tr 0"INS A§W ~ ~fto tall , tolate, s *f, fto m"is o sr of ibl ► *rd1►"Mmos or n ear- rwddtt s by the chief id of lltw tsZremoo itoroto s l be ttullip *1 a 1! MSls 1 r160nv" *omtotl:e► t "Ge sbslt be risA not to oxem,064 two hundred deform Ot . L w or C, riol XAVICS " sir 800tLoso sbbsootl,en! sop1omoo al+sss* or rasp of tbio O rdi to for 0"Y' r*twsnrn btrld to be vuarra►a t~' ilsr»~, dig suou 40e slono wall not stt*at tho Wslidity of tho, p ►11v po►rtt"10 of this Tho wlt s+QSS. ftty 00"meat borwtby molar" Masi It wtnld bovo pass" this ordinano• and oseb s+Yefton, sa oetion. ,o s*ntomo** olmoo or }lrO" t 'w4t# * if it had :;nown that *VW . or *W0,1008 W subsoo!tlonNe ss to wars, a ansss or pbrasoo would be doolar*d Uffoonstitu.tt@not a OR V AJOC , W # A ' to ms. rat An "to ordiness* shall !fit 't t or rop*al in MW way anyordlina ! or h*rooketo r *ntso'bod'o "toting to th* operation bt 1 twee" mottw basr*r„ cab* *or *tbor tom - using tb* otroots b9' tho 0444 for. Mrs *ad vrd~nans?eae roloti to sit air* hore#by intsnd and doolo rod to. r i» fut% is and Imm part of Ibis tr a dads is #oola r*d to be a polloo , nWatSlitU,on domignod acrd i niton"d f i pr drrwtinn of the tills po o** beeltb and sototy of s r* dXp oxpomdlot popolationt Of 1,11MINANOSS All ordiviam s oar Parts or trdi noes In **atli*t 1w rar'at i t orb %oroby rfl d * ,r boa TUo ordiname opal bosoms offootivo *Tod be in full !rams tnd ottoo# #r" +a an*r vw do** of its app stm 0" tublioa- U00 " bl lour vro1►1404. & Io of Oc7 a X3 ~2- A* 0* m, 4 A't'I S - t Town $nov W1 . r