1958-07-12 MAW MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE 'ftv TOWN COUNCIL OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS July 12, 1958 Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to all members of the Town Council stating time, place and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas was held Saturday afternoon, May 10, 1958, at Carroll School. The following members were present consituting a quorum: Mayor: Hon., A. Gail Eubanks Councilmen: J. J. Carlile C. M. Gordon W. C. Cummings H. L. Gilbert A motion was made by C. M. Gordon to adopt Ordnance Number 114, annexing land located on the J.J. Presiaour Survey. The motion was seconded by J. J. Carlile and passed unanimously. A motion was made by J. J. Carlile to adopt Ordnance Number/15, an exi ng land located_ _in the R. J. Price Survey. 3 The motion was seconded by C. M. Gordon and passed unanimously. A motion was made by C. M. Gordon to table discussion on mail service for Oak Knolls addition. The motion was seconded by W. C. Cummings. 3 The results on the questionnaire concerning police protection were: 3 Question Number l: 85 yes Question Number 2: 5 yes, 88 no Question Number 3: 25 yes, 68 no Question Number 5: 77 yes, 14 no Police protection was discussed. It was generally agreed that we were not in a financial position to acquire a police force. No further business coming before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. 3 Respectfully submitted, ~ C7 D. A. Perry, To Secretary A. Gail Eubanks, Mayor y +rr , 0tWXAXCt lies. 114 At ON ANOX IM1UIM AND AXXXXXV0 T1rRRtT' tY WAC1 ` Ad'b !0A1iTZ#1 OUS TO T= TAb'1a' OF "CZ""1i1.AK,d, TUXAS 1 1*I Si1G THAT WON A1tXA 8W.L MSOM A PART Of SAID TOWN AND THAT T 0M Atb IXNAUTANTA TMRXGF SMALL 83 TILXU TO ALL 299 1 ~1 a! 0TJ1XR CITZt d Of dAXV Th►Mv AIM 88 90U11V ®T Tit AM AND ONSUA11Cts NOW XX 2"BOT AND TO = 1cI*- Qt UMZM TAR OFTW AL 11MR1 ZS Of 8AZ9 TOW AD IMXTO"RX-ADOPTXD AS AMMUND9 AND PROVID136 "R AX rtC"i`M BATS. XRSAS. Pursutaat to the provisions of *be ARts of xp,%9. 33rd s.rt ssiatum, Paso 337 * tptlr 939 oodiifted as Artiste 97 S. Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. R. Se f1arp41Ns and wife. AN40 MIS fterpioss of Twma"t Co oy. Tres. owner of the real prottrttrty b4w*" fter doseribsd baring wards applieatlon as by law plod to the Rr►!er and Taww Cown"I of the T'mrn? of touttai,ako. Texas, for' an eenatlan 40 to sold Town„ a Twtnty-Theo to.1)' *we tract of land situated Ito tb! J. J. I'rosb r Survey. Tarrant County,, Texas,, ant a after-Nice (69) der sore tract sltwatrttd in the "r. H. ftoomo* Abstra" ISGb ftr eye Tarrant Cotie e T"asg more fully daseribsd by notes and bounds as foiIowa I A tract of Is" eowsloting of SS adtss mwe or lass 1 oea tod to *be Jo J, Prowbour su rley a Tarrant 000"Y. Texas* more fully doserlbod by roots and bsundo as fellows s WMINVI'O at a palulk to tbs soMtb ridbt-of-way direst County Road *o. 4m wboro am" iwtorsoots the prresout Most City Lod* Line of the Tories of tblaue Tesmal T=0110 Yost atom th* South rldbt-ref-war tins 0owwtr Road 4093L to a point 117.3 warms Best of tbo soutbwort Corner of the J. J. rrowbour Survey= TUSUCffi, &trtb 0 degrees sl win. wont erossind tbo sortb right-or-way line Eownty bead 4rt71* and +weatimmi g 4i44 verse to a s®utbe Southeast Corner of sold tract i TH=08# West to the go** rigbt-ot-wade line of County Road WWI for earner i err . "=DC$. Worth alomg *be treat right-of-Maur limo of county Recd 40410 21406 war" to a point for earner= T11=039 east 261 *1 raras to a point for eoreer l Tv a$,D we rft Q dotes 21 mine Woo* 164A !'1 vao a s point for 0orno l lWWdl.• :Ust 36.10 taws to the Wo rthoast Garner of 0014 Tkt==,0 r1kit 79 V&r&s to the Verth ridbt..of•ray Lino at County Its see Its ~ Td, Riirst ales "10 Nortk si ht"t- arty line 4t county Road i is *be assent West city Limit Liras of TMM of XOW ttlah+rr. Tea" I l R,lbnth arousing county fza►sd 1100 40"1 to "a plaoo be"Unems. at.• A A t tt of find somist ing of slaty-sonar (69) *ores more or. IS 40 losstsd In tho So As 'lhe%"** So,v" 9 Tarrant downtro 'l`+rxwee Moro fully do ribod by motos and bou"" 19!19 fallout r R1'i at a point I in t1w oast Boundary Lino of the « . Thoppeon bwtrver %%Ors soar, iftsoitrsiosto the Soutb risho-or-over line of county so" not 30"s sold vol"t op being a prevent South City Liwit Litre of the Torn, of i. Souvolko„ Tax** $ t bdR* loath alb taatt Bast wry Line of the sold it So tt, Tho arrer stttr"y. 492 waves to a point for so rmort TUX . w oo% 72409 sarres ISO the southwoot 0or"or air said Treat $ ON TwWC 0 nth arom* no" or isrso evosoing County Rand 'sa• " to its North rl4bt_of••wty lino of so~+rart OP 'l ldt4b„ last aloes *Us North ariaftb-o -way line of County Us& Noo 30" to tt point wkoro sawn interwasts the Nast rt0*-.Of.%*Y Uno of Cousty Re" 19,00 "1 'wit OX-$ South al t, f1ko Xtat right-at-.4wty line of Couv*y Road wog to tba ls*"b right-of-Tray 1100, elf. loouwty o Read No. 030$ for sootrno rt r. ' NN+t , Saw* aloes the North r1ttht►of-%0y lino of County Road Xo. 30" to tho Nest Boundary Limo of the fife H., Tbo"Mon rw.v for earnsr t Irrir IMSMO Soutk along tho Nest Boundary Lipp of sold satrvvy +aar►+r set 4ounty Road No. 30" to the plooo of bsdin"Ing" op 170 ~r 4 A V►at Of salad. tnMOU Of 10" oaeal ~tWM*1aa tbereot with rr~rartpo" to "W Te10 of 1kutbluko*~ a* to ottoobed ko rwto mark" 1001 8 *A* and *0'** r ospoetl'velyi and Wwou * It appeorift to tote T° eowli~, of fo- Tom of Sm*Uok a TOO*** that all oft*aU" r o4pive Osts An o,oft"oth►a With apt" prravoood amm"#ioa have boom fulfillod a tbot the obove dMWIbod or*& to not sera tbaa I ft * also to dtlr* "ot not rears thou trio 0mllftsd votore r"14* t r'oenrel* and that tbo $am to ~ to fto prreome t city 14m its of tfte Town of doutblalcot Tort IT oaMU#ab Y` Ttm To owL t,)# Tot Tmm D# SWIft .AK#i * TXXAS t 1. T* + ! herolembore do ortbed. bolas adjaoent* aread dr y 1~e tho T LUAt# of . Taste * be end l41 bib ate *04 rerd.• brit ai air the Genwroto Limits of oat4 T*vm a s bo"W no" as int Ml V*44- *19 a• + " UTj fte 0~0 sold sAW"$e of the or" kwrolm on"aod he oetitt" tilt all of tb• 1-1 040 4" WOU0600 of atbetr 01'61*90e a" f otoora of Im" Town acrd I e Wmum bar all of tbo so" o" *S, ltlnarto" rem is erauf tf t#twtots* is fu11 foroo and oftoot and that fablobt MW to 11e"a ter eubt""o Tt1,,lAT,0 the olYt"at aap and be w der "S of t ho TOW of t lst OkO e T'*mo « as lrtr#+ to" od*vto 1 one eme""'D be and is am4ft see"" eo an to Us" SOW at`oro""ti-mood teat'rite" me part of' ttio Te o t t Mobo « Town * I4. Iat* or 41."emoo, a 1t o!'#eottr~e and be to ta+1 t torroo and offoot Item sst aiRter Its t0000 and apPretV" OF ttto baXart aad tu1y *44meted by the Tvwa Sooroterys b idr< s ear ` ...,....w. • 1900 At'p'aO"Ov now t 40 Q#It Al iQt Nom. it's AX +t ' xxmw t awnT ► Axis A BC : TMXTM Aft' An WXWOUA TO ?n Von at ItoM"U, "X't t tt THAT !Vt AM SUAM UWW A ~F U11Mwtl°"AA1l Mt Vi i' MULL 88 X"t" Ao " AAA. VNITUAWS Wt 6TWO O1"x" MOS OP SAID TOO, Atb WW'' " A Ali KV Itt -1B Xrr$M Of A:AXV TOM A Hl lf*X A9011, AS Al XOAb. AND P"V'lb n* - JP A* S"ill" 't g o wam • spow to the Worlslons of tb* Alstts of lV,$3• i&OW" r POW We Oba er 93600tlfW so Art"%* rool VVo"w bs"Astti#or defartb" haft" we" st A tAoo is by UW prow"od to fib* mtye;r Ow 1*10 mil of #br '1""m of Issw4bl atkes Tss ma s for anti or s # t eir to" lsat~ltl riAat~ ' Nt~s t~bsit a of ' PrtM , "hut tuti go"". Ulm s. owe) ftlly ~ibs4 by ttr~t►ioo i~tt,r ~t~t s Ak lknot of lo" eenolstlva of , *or" Nat or boat fiftNt *0 OW. 2, t. P r &OW #AWW" 0 firrtaat Owsty. T*xam, Imoro tullf 4 *Waw t IV motor 804 1ttoom& ats follow* $ INNING Leis po 101 to ibat "atibt st cornor of ibe . tw#bAi rant * "it VO&VO being &Ike* to fibs Xov fAk of tbat O 0 'rl,tts r'tt yr and fts ll osi -wf~•n~rrty l lsox rf t ~ so" us. ►i1`i, Game bot" 0 wooo" a sty &4n*lb LOW of tb* 't'ow of "Utblakr, 'tarrr"t Oom#A , 'lotsssl "U0,20 ""It "705 toot move etrr s** to r t" fer ooroos l ut !'ooi go" or loss to ft o West rAybt-ot-My 1itt 6WASiy 40" sta. "Id f*V aorsor# Itltb l~, lu 0 rltbr 4**rly 4trool tto# laloft tbo besi saoti- of-my 1,100 *91 fewwttr So" ms. ~ tt, plotwrr► +tf b Ons", AI► 14*6 of sold Is" aborAM tits 1"ation with lit to a* 7E"ettr0of 44mtblLak*. 'toss e. As attaeb" Wrote "opt low arsd rrr~ " Ai +s~trt~ it* ibs 'lootrt srsl t~► '~"O1Ai of MMOWU to 0006"f tti Alar►~► Texas* tbwrti all iiatt+ati~t►ry IFMWU t of soil p r'opos" onawsaliLort bove boon f flllot a" ibat ib* oftwe on* to Iso$ nom "m it a a"* I'm W"fto O" t tb" tbrao gor►lift" V*tr!m rn#iM tbsvtow, a" ftelt Ab: t to "J t is fte t~!"oAPOSt Ol tf t.lmalia of the Tmm •t l~iwktt, ~os~t Irv OF TIXAS Wit', tho vreportf bovo umb evv Anse rtbed being •djwrrortg send ~ tdCsome ► Town mitts of &mthlrtlce ~'rercreatt be a Are hrerA s~etatrrrrtpd rwetd bro # Within the !~ovoi~+rrts rests or TAATr e►~ratA Amts of lOw or** herein annex" be e►ti UW to all ho, rIgMw sod vil er of atbor • t-As>r" emd pr "y Hers Of Maid 'T*w toad be b and by all. Of note and or dtnewaore made in Ae"foralfw tbArrooo', sow 1,11 MIL !arse ssd Otte" send f4brMt Ott be bwerrw rttwer :M. T"To irks offlotol war s boamdorl es of the 'holm of dwsthim" Tom*, as h* toterre *"PWA and mmen s&# be sad Is torAby see tw to t WIV4 ► tbre retor+rn~~~ ~ territory as part of tbo Tow"f of d+ atit ttiltst, i Ads wow • . h. 't Cdr :+Ardimamse otwll 11►~ Oft a offo tt#ve, o"d be to fall forreo and *tlr tt t"w and reftorr its eage A"d s ewtl by tto Mayor and duty attootod by the town rAretarry. ATT -T r dW