1958-05-10 !G~ id do 14W MINUTES OF REGULAR MKETING OF TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF SOUTHIAKS, TEXAS, MAY 10, 1958 Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to all members of the Town Council starting time, place and purpose of the meeting, A the regular meeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas was held Saturday afternoon, May 10, 1958 at Carroll School. The following members were present constituting a quorum: Mayor: A. Gail Eubanks Councilmen: J. J. Carlile W. C. Cummings H. T. Gilbert T. A. Cosey C. M. Gordon Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denton, and Mr. Cathcart. The Mayor opened the meeting by reading a letter from the Corps. of Engineers regarding the town park on Grapevine Lake. The letter stated that the Council must approve several new amendments to the C agreement to complete the lease. Action was deferred until these amendments are received. The problem of acquiring a marshal for Southlake was discussed. Mr. Cummings and Mr. Gilbert stated that they would investigate several prospects before the next meeting. Frank Denton suggested looking into a hired patrol service similar tQ the Greenville Avenue patrol in Dallas. C. M. Gordon moved that the Council draw up a petition to see how many would sign up on the basis of a monthly fee of around $2.00 or $2.50. It was suggested that this service be presented as an alternate to a police department and tax assessment. C A. Casey seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Secretary was instructed to prepare the petition. No further business coming before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted D. A. Perry, To Secretary A. Gail Eubanks, Mayor