1958-04-12 loo MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 12, 1958 TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TKIS Pursuant to the call of the mayor and to notice given to all mem- bers of the Council stating time, pbace, and purpose of the meeting, the--regular meeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas was held Saturday April 12, 1958 at Carroll Hill School. The following mem- bers were present constituting a quorum: Mayor: Hon. A. Gail Eubanks Councilmen: J. J. Carlile W. C. Cummings L. k. Casey H. L. Gilbert C. M. Gordon .Als present were the City Attorney, Mr. George P. Gleeson; -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denton and Mr. Whitt. The meeting was called to order br the mayor and the minutes of the previous meeting and the special meeting were read and approved.The mayor called for the financial report which was as follows: March 1 Balance . $265.50 15 Cash Received (Building Permit) 1.00 266.50 March 8 Cash Paid Out (Gasoline Expense) 1.00 April 1 Balance 235-50 The majror opened the meeting by presenting the canvass of the April 1st election results. The election results which the canvass showed are presented in Resolution #10. J. J. Carlile made a motion that the Council accept the resolution. The motion was seconded by C. M. Gordon and passed unanimously. The oath of office as administered to the newly elected members of the Council: Mr. L. 1. Casey, Place 5 and Mr. H. L. Gilbert, Place 3 and to the reelected member, Mr. C. M. Gordon, Place 4. . Nominations were opened for Mayor Pro-tem. C.M. Gordon and W. C. Cummings were nominated and the Council voted to continue W. C. Cummings as Mayor Pro-Tem. 6_ The mayor presented a letter from the Texas Powere and Light Co. enclosing a revised standard specification for water heaters. The specification has been filed for reference in the Secretary's files. Mr. Whitt, a candidate for Marshal, was present to meet the Council. The matter of"a new Marshal for Southlake was to be considered by the Council during the time between this and the next meeting. The Secretary announced that a letter had been received from the Southwestern States: Telephone Company accepting all of the ordnances recently passed by the Council regarding the franchise and rates. No further business coming before the. Council, the meeting was ad- journed. ~6( Pp lespectfully Submitted, AMW D. A. Perry, Secretary Ip *r A. Gail Eubanks, Mayor to op L 1p F