1958-03-08 - ?MINUTES - RE GULaR MEETING - MACH 89 1958 TOWN C OU','\TC I L, TOWN OF S OUT HL&KE, T KUS Pursuant to the call of the mayor and to notice given to all members of the City Council, stating time, place and purpose of the greeting, the regular meeting of the Town Council, South- lake, Texas was held Saturday March 8, 1958 at Carroll Hill " School. The following members were present constituting a quorum: Mayor: Mr. A. Gail Eubanks Councilmen: Messrs: J.J. Carlile W.C. Cummings J.E. Douglas, Jr. C.M. Gordon J..E. Quinn also present were the city attorney, Mr. Geotge P. Gleeson; Mr. Frank Denton of the zoning and planning commission; Judge L.D. Cathcart,; Mr. Bob Lyf ord; and Mrs. E.O. Doudy. The meeting was called to order by the mayor and the minutes of tine previous meeting were read and approved. The mayor then called for tine financial report which was as follows: February 1 Balance 3293.50 Cash Received 0.00 February 8 Cash Paid Out (~arshal, Gasoline Exp.) 28.00 fool, ' March 1 Balance 265.50 The mayor opened the meeting by reading a letter from the County Commisioner's Court concerning the allocation of right-of-way costs for the purc?-iase of Highway 121.. He also brought before tree Council a form which he had received concerning an agreement allowing the dumping of garbage on Ordnance No. 110 concerning tae annexation of property ink the J.W. Hale and John.&. Freeman Surveys was brought before the Council. C.M. 'ordon moved that it be adopted and the motion was seconded by John Guinn. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Lyf ord of the telephone committee read the proposed agreement and rate ordnance in connection with the application of the South- western States Telephone company'for al.frahchise. He recommended that Southlake pattern their ordnances after those passed in Irving. Several canges and additions were recommended in the ordnances and agreement proposed by the telephone committee. The mayor reco_,,mended that the telephone committee meet with Mr. Johnson, the attorney for the telephone company, as soon as possible to go over these changes. The meeting was set up for Monday, March 10 if Mr. Johnson is available. The changes involved a 90 day cancelation clause and a statement that there will be no more than f our parties on a line. +rr John 'uinn recommended twat a special meeting of the Council be w I'K ,o.2 '.linutes p rQ .k. called at the option of the telephone committee for a final decision regarding the telephone franchise. This was put into a motion and seconded by 'Jade CLvrrnings. The motion was adopted unanimous 177. Concerning the application of Southlake for a park, the mayor stated that we have the priority and all that needs to-be done is. to make formal application and fill out the agreement forms. ~ rr,otion was ::.lade and seconded that we~ proceed with the formal application and plans for the park. The motion carried unanimously. The formal application is Resolution resolution #9 concerning the request-to the County Commissioner's Court to allocate Southlake's portion of the riht-of-.•ray costs for the purchase of Highway 121L was brought before the council. John 4uinn moved that it be approved. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. No .further business coming before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 4:05 P.M.. Respectfully Submitted, A. Perry, wn Secretary A. Gail Ru anks, or ar r~ E E7 OMWASOt 210' 110 OAtIAAAOd l ilt'': AND ANOI T UUM "Ai TAPsXTIOSSO AWACSIIT TO T#d TOWN cri► iOUTU.AKS 9 TXXKAa o AND P I§XW TKAT SUCK ASS dUGW.A 48 A PART A! THS TOWN OI' SHE W i TLRA TO I AMTS AND PRVXLi 3 OT O"m ams"s or T T" m r "UmAno Ti Alt. AND "M iY '!'bid ACTS AID ONDIAA 89 SNA A IN SAN` TO TITi2 28o COAMUS 1 to loo Imas Ti* p"Isso O"U STATI Ot TIMA3« AMA it DIXG AMD *"Tom dWXIMI*XXS OF TFIX TVWX OY' aOLITiLAXso TBX490 AS 42ANTOPOOt ADOPTU PUMIDING FM AN Xt 'A+Q T DATE. WAXRXAAo pwtrement to, Arti.alo V74 of this 1ltS Xot isod Olvil stotatoor o! Tgtoso Woo Vera J. Jaorla.mm *ad others. Imbslritawt• or the area berain dosorkb d ant wbe or* qualified to veto for mov6srs at too $tate togislatweo kwo barsiWetrs filed with the mayor and tbo "lorry d+wroeail of the. Two of Aw laho„ Tortias. thoialr patitisoat regw Otitnt ammmatiow of *be said arart to the Town of Sow*UW sq Teapots, swab ar ort belt* do►serAWA as followsr A tr"t of Is" is tko Jo W O dais swrvogir, Torrent QeatwtT. Tarose and ~'e fully dsawA rod by notes and bounds as follow! 8 x" at a point to the soatk ftwOdarf Lisa of the 40 W* t* dui at !be amtheast torten of a treat of ILOW era od to tbot Tom o! OwNt"Okeo T'oaoeso ors"Ont to its Or+atisanoo do. ibst ' C+QA, Shat sl th o ikmth IWAnAory Line of said survey to s point wbove Draws Istors"Ke the Stmtkwost GoRrwuoar of s treat of t aremosed to ssid Town pwrsuawt to its Ordinwoo so, 941 Tit *o forth slog , tbo West Lase of arson deseribord for ovoid Orliwsaort Noo 9' to its soartbwest comers TAiM#so Wont along the hortft Line of "Ad Treat to a point rkOro as+art intOW000to tbo pest Line of a *root of land aaorosod to Soutblairo vurevent to its ftAlmooe too • ► t THXMto north .arras the rest Liao of lraot daaoribsd s"r is s ld O"It rrese Nos 1#.5 to its Northwost Oornor; THENCE. East along the North Line of said Tract to a point" where same.,1rMersea:ts the Northeast Corner of the .J, W* Hale Survey=' r~ THENCE, North to a PP . point where some intersects the oriotnal City Limit Line of Southlake in the John A,. Freeman Survey; THENCE.,-''West along the original City Limit Line to a point where some intersects the West Boundary Line of the John A. Freeman Survey; THENCE,.,South along the West Boundary Line-of said Freeman and J.,,W,. Hale Surveys, to a point where same( Intersects the Northwest Corner` of the Tract annexed 'by, Ordinance No,, 48 s THENCE$ East along the North Line of said Tract to its a Northeast Corner; THENCE;, South along the lost Line>of said Tract to the plate of beginning. WHEREA v said petition was accoarpailied 'by an affidavit execu by Myra. Tera J, Jamison and others,, inhabitant's of the areas described and who are qualified to vote for members of the State er Legislature and that by-'signing said of fidevit certified that said patition.oontains the signatures-of more, than fifty percent as of the qualified voters residing in such area who have voted in favor of having the said area and the inhabitants thereof annexed to and become a part of the Town of ~Sou-thiake; and WHEREAS. it appearingto the Town Council of the Town of Southlake. Texas., that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the said area duly grouped into one terr..i-tory i,s not more than 1/2 agile in ;width and that all of same is adjacent of the present City Limits of the Town of Southlake, Texas; BS IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, e' TEXAS : 1 • yw THE hereinafter described territory lying and adjacent to the Town of Southlake.. Texas, is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits and made an integral part of the Town of Seuthlaka, Texas, said territory being situated in Tarrant Count eras. and being described by metes and bounds as follows: -2~ h lir 1P ~r MMINING at a point to Vs► South ha Mary, l.inw sit Us J. WO to liarlW at the &mtbw*'M 00plaw' of a tit of Tarsi aassarst to the Town of SwObl acs,, Toms • wro ant to Its ardin r xo. "I "mut asst sl*" the Mouth rwdsvy $.lm of said enamor to a point wharf some i ntsrooots the iw$b~t cor ar of a tv"t of lomd womm mil` to m I*w Pursuant to Mts 0141 so. TMXdd* North along 'the West Lima of trout desorlbod !a acid ftdioes", SAM. 94 to Its asrth"st wort T l # =Test nisi fte North Lisa a.f NA 'i"rraot to a point whams s.a.o iatrrtoartd tbo *soll w41010 of -a te=at of land amimon" to Sauthlaho rsu"t to is ordimanss do. + VUMOR. North along tho blast tins of tr"t dsssrsribai to weld srdiummee No* 45 Ike its asrtb"IM ciernor I ' dsCs, Smat slons the North Lim Of aafd Frost is s "tot wharm sash f "ters+r 10- thee- 1ts►r610196010 "Oornor of fAbs, 41 halo Owwa#►: union* ftatb to a print °wt1ewo osmo la ro is the orrlous t City LUdt Lines of irthiahrr in ths~ Jahn A * WrtomaaE Sm"01 I T'am+. Waot #1006 the ofigiaa City Liall wo to a pot"* whom sago fmtormwti tho Best Soundory Liner o: IrOw 4 ohn A. ProOMMIN ft Y j Tagmai, Iftaft ato" the woofs Owwatery &.100 of so" Proem" mind 1i.- Halo &Aswys,9 to a *ist` fahsir sar=is intoramsts the Northwest Conner of tba}-T"st ammim i by Mardi se Xo TUUOS* xost atom the North Liner o 96140, Iftelr to its tarth"s I Carne 1 ' xm#. South atom the east Line of sold 'fraot to the passe, air beds" 1". - 1' tkw. imbafts"isgits rte= 'Obe, ss"itr brsl~+rr t am"*" is t!le Tarns s! li~ruihislts ca•, hs~1 , 4s sal►#ilod '#a midi iii #s do ahd prlV,%js*r«s ..of otbarr 01$1&0 "L boo i try a'tl tbR mets awl ordiftmoss s 'tai' sonforwats thereto a" polls" and ada#tad in pwrawnt to Tit1o ;ids #taptors 1, to 14 i.."olusivog Arvised Civil dtotutss of T*xos. lop PP q ii OP TUt *ttlelal map and bsuWari+ar of the Tamil of ustalsko* r. Tex*** to bo I vroot" and ammood" Ma as to 1"eluda the atw*- a tlos d deso ribad territory as pert of said Taws. w TATS srdina t shall bacons st#sat vo train a artor Baca ~ r** **co a ; a royal . PP, dM is M} dA]► '~It"a`A't« A. D•+ rr APPRO M"M rr ATU s .....TOLE ~tor-A~ s~ r. ilk IM iw 4w PP