1958-01-11 /3! MINUTES - 1EGJI.,.R MEETING - JLNUiRY il 1958 TOWN COUNCIL, TO,,,PN OF SOITTTHL&KE, TEKhS Pu Pursuant to the call of the mayor and to notice given to all members of the City Council, stating time, place, and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas, was held Saturday January 1958 at Carroll School. The following members were present constituting a quorum: Mayor: Mr. L. Gail Eubanks Councilmen: Messrs: J.J. Carlile J.E. Douglas, Jr. C.M. Gordon J.E. "uinn Also present were C.M. Prade, Ken knder son, and Mr. Jamieson. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Playor announced that an election will come up Lpril lst for the replacement of three Councilmen who were elected for one year. It was brought out that Mr. Gleeson had recommended a numbering system such that voters would vote for place 1,2,3,4, or 5 instead of the candidates by name. Candidates would run for a given place only. C.M. Gordon made a motion that an ordnance be passed adopting this system. The motion was seconded and, in a vote, the ordnance " Election of Councilmen by Sequence" ws adopted unanimously. It was recommended that a large map of aouthlake would be convenfeent for the town's use if it were placed in the Carrol School lunchroom. John Iluinn suggested that it could be ordered from tine engineer. The recommendation was also brought up again to make a gift to the school in appreciation of the use of the scriool building for the Council meetings. John 4uinn moved to donate 25 dollars to the Carroll School P..T..L. to be used as they saw fit for the benefit of tine school. The motion was seconded by C.M. Gordon and the Resolution passed unani- mously.. The City Treasurer was instructed to present the check to the P.T.A. at their next meeting. A discussion followed concerning the annexation of some territory in the John A. Freeman and J.W. Hale surveys. Mr. Jamieson was present to request the annexation. He was instructed by the City Council to obtain a petition requestin annexation from the residents of the t territory. C.M. Gordon offered to help him get the petition to Mr. Gleeson, the city attorney, to enable the drawing up of an ordnance. No further business coming before the Council, the meeting was ad- journed a 3:20 P.M. Respectfully Submitted - 2, /-P. 222j, D. A. P rr , wn Secretary A. pail Eu anks, Mayor