1957-12-14 YINUTE3 RE TUIJ_ ~ MEETING ~r DECEMBER 7 1977 TU.-IN COUNCIL, TOX'T OF 3 OUT11IL KEI T71:L_3 Pursuant to the call of the mayor and to notice given to all -iembers of the City Council, stating time,- place, and purpose of the meetirjJ_, the regular rieeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas, was held Saturday Decemberi4 , 1957 at Curvoll School. The following members were ,resent constituting a ,quorum: Mayor: `r. Gail 'E banks Councilmen: ~"essrs: J.J. Carlile v'. C. C, mmin-,s J.E. Douglas, Jr. C.'.. Gordon J.E. 'uinn :.lso present were the City ~Atorney, ,'r. George P. Gleason, Air. L.T. Cathcart, Judge :~lbert Graves, I"r. and .`rs. 'Frank Denton, Mr. Stevens, and Messrs. Johnson, z llen, and EsslinYer of the aoutlawestern States Telep'-one Company. The ..eeting w,,s called to order br the I,?ayor, and tae minutesof the .previous _i,eetinZ were reLd and approved. T'r_e Financial Report was not given. The Ya7or opener?. the n:eetin- by read?in; a co:~munication tm "'mitten t: the aoutlwestern States Telep:ione Company regarding the fact that their +r proposed schedule of rates for 3outhla}.e does not cover present service. "r. Quinn asked v"r. Gleeson if there were any restrictions on the n,.z°;ber of parties on a party line. Tie reply was negative. Mr. Esslinger took the floor to state that his purpose for being here and that of the company attorney, i:r. Johnson and the Revenue iequire- ments Supervisor, Mr. Lllen, was to get approval of t'i'le franchise an, rate ordnance. In response to questions, Mr. Esslin;er answered that there are no reg .zlations coverin; t_ie number of parties otL a line an- that the present schedule does not cover the )resents rates because 40 it is not customary to do so. T'_ze service zatim dx-ina implied on the rate schedule would become available after the franchise and rate or' nance are approved. Mr. Esslinger also answered that the proposed im- provelrlents could be begun 'in larch and completed in May 1958 if the franchise were apprrved now. Mr. Quinn asked if it could be put in t'ae ordnance, done by June 1958, and the answer was affirmative.There fol- lowed a general discussion of tLae excess construction charge. 'Er. 00 Esslinger stated that the franchise would eliminate the excess con- stri_zction charge wit.iin the cit;r limits but that the money would not be returned to t:-ose people w' o have paid for t zis servoce prior to the frL.nc,--iise. discussion was then held in Vnich the Southwestern Mates Telep_~one Company representatives pressed for immediate action on the franchise. The Council felt that more assurance was needed that the proposed service would be supplied after the granting of the franchise. her. Stevenson suggested that an engineering study showing what is planned be attached to the franchise or out into a letter to the City Council. - era 13o p.2.7"inutes 12- - 57 attorney Johnson stated that the study should not be in the franchise but that it could go in the rate ordnance. City Attorney Cleeson said that it was not good to have two subjects in an ordnance and x re- comLnended the supplement. This supplement would be a separate agree- , vent containing engineering study, map, time schedule, and other things not in the ordnance. Lttorney Johnson said that they could supply'ap a-serf: (1) the tariff, (2) an Engineering sketch, and' (3) the, committments of the company concerning com-.encemnt and completion of construction. The only escape clause desired is the usual one concerning conditions due to acts of mod, according to Yr. Johnson. He also sug- gested that they assemble their mays and other information and meet again one day with members of the coucil and telephone committee to organize the inforrrati on for tze supplement. The i,ayor agreed to t'ais. A discussion was held regarding the potential dual rate which would come about during conversion from eight or more party lines to four party lines when people on the eight party lines would be paying the V I same rate as t',ose on the four party lines. Mr. Allen stated that the change-over can be done on an on-or-before basis, all at once. This way generally agreed to. r_ayor Eubanks appointed a committee consisting of Plessrs 'uinn, Lyford, Stevenson, and Denton to make a date to meet with the telephone people and work out the details previously discussed.T'ais meeting is to be held preferably before the first of the -jean. 11r. Esslinger said that the tax ordnance had been receive? by his company and the tax will be paid this June. No further business coming before the Couail, the meeting was adjournea at x+:15 P.M. Respectfully Submitted D. A. Perry, ovm Secretary-Treas, Approved, nks., Ida-, or A.. ~~ai1 44a