1957-10-12 MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 12, 1957 TOWN COUNCIL,TOTTN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Pursuant to the call of the Mayor and to notice given to all members of the City Council stating time,p lace and'purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the City Council, Southlake, Texas, was held Saturday, October 12, 1957 at Carroll School. The following members were present constituting a quorum: MAYOR: A, Gail Eubanks COUNCILMEN: J. J. Carlile W. C. Cummings J. E. Douglas, Jr. C. M. Gordon J. E. Quinn In addition to the City Attorney, Mr. George P_. Gleeson, and the i Marshal Ken Anderson, the follovdng were among those present: Mr. L. f. Cathcart, Mr. Albert Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denton, and Mr. Gibbs of Southwestern Eevelopment Company, Mr. & Mrs. Parry, and Mrs. Ted. Kasper, Jr The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, and a resolution (Number Five) was entertained for swearing in of J. E. Dou las Jr recently elected to fill the unexpired term of former Councilman W. Lee Yantis: 6n Motion of J. E. Quinn, Seconded by C. M. Gordon, said Resolution was passed tz unanimously, and Mr. Douglas was tt5worn in by the City Attorney, Mr. George Gleeson. A letter from Southwestern States Telephone'Company was read by the Mayor, acknowledging our letter to them of August 29, 1957. Mr. G leeson stated that there was no mention in the telephone company letter concerning the cost of installation or the time for completion of installations, The Mayor mentioned that in his conversation with Mr. Fsslinger, the latter stated that whichever telephone company receives the Franchise they will buy out the other companies within the City Limits. There was some conversation regarding present telephone subscribers ' serviced by other companies than Southwestern States having direct "toll free" dial service to, Fort Worth. ' It was decided to look further into this matter and other matters in question from residents of Southlake,° The Mayor asked for the Marshalts report. Mr. Anderson requested a highway "Stop" sign from the Carroll road onto Hwy 114 on the South side of the highway. There is already one on the North side. He also stated that other school and highway signs requested-previously had not yet been installed. The Mayor asked for the Secretary-Treasurerts Report, as follows Secretary reported that the election was held with results as shown above. 9"21-57 at Carroll School, She also reported that a letter was sent to the Department of Public Safet at Austin, asking that bulletins be sent to Mr. Ken Anderson. y ~a The following Financial Report was made: Total O.H. 9-14-57 $2$$.95 !r TOTAL RECEIPTS FROM VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS AND BUILDING PFRMITS 240` 50 $313.45 TOTAL DISBURSFMFNTS TO TLFCTION SALARIES $32.00 and FINAL PMT. ON MARSHALTs RADIO $50.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 02.00 Total O.H. 10-12-57 $231.45 Under unfinished Business,.the'Mayor announced that the health hazard at the Trailer court had apparently been removed. The Mayor announced that Mr. Albert H. Graves was willing to serve as Recorder of the Corporation Court of Southlake Texas., and asked the approval of the Council. On motion of W. C. Cummings, Seconded by J. J. CarlileI*it was unanimously decided that Mr. Graves would serve in that capacity. Mr. Graves was then sworn in by Mr. George P. Gleeson, who gave him instructions and made suggestions for future procedure. He also advised that the Corporation Court'has a separate Seal from that used by the City Secretary. It was announced that Mr. Hillis, Manager of the Texas rower and Li,aht Company at 'Irving had asked if we want str?et lights anywhere inside the City Limits. He advised that they gill make a Survey, on reauest, of the most strategic places where lights would be helpful. There would be no installation cost, and the rates would be very reasonable. It was decided to look further into the matter. It was announced that the 'G100. gift to Grapevine Fire Department from our City would be delivered soon. w After discussion regarding reimbursing the Marshal f or part of the gasoline expense he incurs every month, it was suggested by Mr. Frank Denton that we pay Mr. Anderson a minimum of 6ft.00 a day for this purpose until we are abletm do bettbrv. On motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by C. M. Gordon, it was unanimously decide=d to pay Mr. Anderson $1.00 a day beginning October lst The Mayor asked for suggestions for a new Secretary - Treasurer, since he present Secretary is regigning because of pressing household duties. No further business comingbefore the Council, the meeting was adjourned, SFCRFTAR - TRFS-SURER AY *!,,iscussions during; the meeting also developed needed publicity for the *City. Mrs. Doudy was appointed ''Voice of Southlake" for the Cxr p!. .vim. . and. Mrs. Ted Kasner, Jr. offered to prepare publicity for the Dallas News.