1957-09-14 MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING _ SEPTEMBER 141 1957 TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TFX. Pursuant to the call of the Mayor and to notice given to all members of the Town Council stating time place and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town 6ouncil, Southlake, Texas, was held Saturday, Sept-ember 14, 1957 at Carroll School. The following members were present constituting a quorum: Mayor: A. Gail Fubanks Councilmen: J. J. Carlile W1. C. Cummings J. F. Quinn In addition to City Attorney, Mr. George P. Gleeson; and the Marshal, Ken Anderson, the following were among those present: Mr. Joe Box, Mr. Frank Denton, Messrs. Gibbs and Post, representing Southwestern Development Company, and Mr. Harold Knight.- Mayor Eubanks called the meeting to order, and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The Financial Report was read in detail by the Secretary-Treasurer showing a total on hand 9-14-57 of $2$$.95 ' The Secretary's report was as follows: Grapevine First National Bank changed the name of our account from "Town of Southlake" to "City of Southlake" since all checks deposited designated "City." A letter was sent to Southwestern States Telephone Company atcBrownwood, clarifying our position on the Franchise situation, Election notices were prepared by Mr. Gleeson and posted in three ' places by the Marshal, Mr. Anderson. Two applications for office were received - Morris L. Barry and Joseph F. Douglas. ' It was noted that our City embraces parts of three separate voting precincts and three schools, necessitating three poll lists for each election. Following are the precincts: ' Dove Precinct #39 Carroll School Bransford Precinct #38 Pleasant Run School Grapevine Precinct #35 Grapevine School. ' The Secretary also announced that notice of election was printed in the Grapevine Sun 8-29-57. She also announced that copy of letter from Mr. Gleeson to State Hwy. Dept. had been received, asking the Frr. Dept. to install City Limit signs on Fm. Rd. 1709 and StatF Hwy.-114, in accordance with our present City Limits, and also requesting School Crossing warning signs on Hwy, 114 Fast and. t`lest of Carroll School Road. The Mayor announced that a Mr. Foster from Co11Fjrville had a ditch on his p ronerty in Southlake City Limits that the County wants to build a road through. They plan to dump metals only and p Friodically cover over. It was discussed and dreidFd that wr need an Application f T,rinutes 9-14-57 p. 2 or Proposal from the County in this regard before the City Council will consider it. Under unfinished business it was brought up that there had been no decision regarding the proposed $100. gift to the Grapevine Fire Department. Mr. Box, of First National Bank, Grapevine, said that the County presently pays $1,200. to Grapevine for expenses regarding the town and surrounding County. Mr. Quinn stated that the $100. is a gift of appreciation from our City for their help when fires occur. It could be used by them for a party or whatever they wish. After further discussion on this subject it was moved by J. E. Quinn, Seconded by J. J. Carlile that the $100. cash gift by given to Grapevine Fire Department as a token of appreciation. Vote unanimous. The Mayor recognized Mr. Gibbs of Southwestern Development Company, for further discussion similar to that of the 8-10-57 Council Meeting. He repeated that his organization wished to be detached from our City Limits since they found it impossible to comply with the. Ordinances completely, mainly because they find the cost of paving the roads prohibitive. The Mayor stated that the Council does not favor disannexation because of their responsibility to the other people in the City. They need to protect the interests of the surrounding areas. The Mayor recognized Mr. Harold Knight who stated that he vT aspleased to have the City protect his interests. He stated he i s a member of the City zoning Committee and also a near neighbor of the Development. He is interested in upholding the standards set up in order to protect his home and the 39 surrounding acres of land,' Mr. Gibbs stated that he wished to have a relaxation if the requirement of curbs and gutters and hopes to meet with Frank D-nton, Chairman of the zoning committee to further discuss this problem. Mr. Gleeson, City Attorney stated that the Deed submitted by this development at the last zoning board meeting isntt entirely clear, that the Lake Crest Deed submitted as a sample of restrictions is incosistent but the main omission is that the Deed makes no provisions to enforce the restrictions set out in the Deed. Mr. Post, speaking for Southwestern Development Co. stated that at Winona Gardens near Dallas, this Company enforces restrictions and that the area in question will have a restricting clause in the Deed. Mr. Gleeson stated that it took much time and work to get a bill through the Legislature to recognize our Boundaries and that the City of Southlake may run into trouble with the State if we want too make future improvements. The question will arise in Court if the Council acted in favor of the health, safety and welfare of the people in relaxing to the extent of disannexing. The Courts might later uphold the disannexation as invalid. Mr. Gibbs stated that they wieh to protect themselves by upholding the type development they hope to rave. After further discussion, it was decided to ask Southwestern Develop- ment Company to prepare a letter stating exactly what they CAN,do, then the Council will take further consideration on the matter. Minutes 9-14-57 P. 3 Mr. Denton stated that he has taken Mr. Gibbs through the Oak Knolls Addition to demonstrate the problems that occur when roads are not paved. The Mayor stated that since we have used the Carroll School for a year and a half for a meetingplace it mightbe nice to make a small cash gift to the school to show our appreciation. After discussion it was agreed to be a good idea, but no vote was taken at this time. Mr. Denton gave a r eport, stating a couple of specific cases, on the subject of building permits. Some discussion was had on this subject and the question of a Corporation Court to enforce permits was b rought up. Mr. Gleeson said it would be nice to have a Corporation Court if rt iwe need it. He stated that the Judge of the Court may not hold any other office. He also stated that in some instances the Mayor is Judge of the Court and in his absence the Mayor pro-tem. acts. The City Secretary acts as Court Secretary. The office of Judge may be an elective office or he mad, be appointed for a two year term running during; the Mayor's term o f office. ORDINANCE No. 107, entitled "AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A CORPORATION COURT I N THE TOWN OF I~OUTHLAKT, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR JURISDICTION THFREOF AND FOR A JUDGE OF SAID COURT FURTHER 'PROVIDING FOR MEGULAR AND SPECIAL SESSIONS THEREOF AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced. Moved by J. E. Quinn, seconded by T,. C. Cummings, said Ordinance was pdssed unanimously and adopted. The Marshal asked if traffic violations would be brought before this Court, and Mr. Gleeson replied affirmatively. After further discussion regarding zoning, the meeting was adjourned. Dolores A. Quinn. Secy-Tre s. Approved, A. ail rubanks, Mayor x F t pG 1 A~ ORDINANCN NO. 107 AN QMNANCX CRUTINS AND =S1'A91i.2S1LI~ A CORPORATION COURT IN THS TOWN OF SOUTHLAKS, TWEAS i PROVIDING FCP iMenICTICIN T1nsCF AND FOR A JUDU OF SAID OWST, TO an KNOWN AS RiCORM I FURTMM PsOVrDING FOR TIM XLWTION OF SAID RSCORM AND FOR Tint AIpOZNTmm OF A MCORUM; PROVIDZMOr THAT THX Toth SSMWAItY SHALL 13X XX.0FPICXO CLUX OF SAID COUNT Ali DU XS of SAID MJ=j WRTUM PROVIDING FOR 1RXQUTLAR AND XP2CIAL SltMONS TAIRSOF AND FOR AN =FPSCTXVX VATS. 1MMXAS. pursuant to Title 98, Chapter 1466 Articles 1194 to 1200 130e11104ve. IP25 (Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended provides for the creation or corporation courts, for cities, toms and tillages incorporated pursuant to provisions of Title 28 Revised Civil Statutes or Texas; sat, "MAS, Article 1197 as amended by the Acts 1959, 53rd Legislature, Page 59, Chapter 51, 8eotioa 1:, of said Title provides *be procedure for the selection of a tteoerder of said Court in all cities, towns and villages not incorporated under special charted and 1H4 the Torn of Southlake, Texas, is duly incorporated end is now functioning pursuant to the provisions of Article 9461, Title 28 VATS; NOW, TUR S. 8E IT ORDAINID BY TUX TOWN CtWNC XL o! THE TOW OF SOUTiUMN, TNXAS t 1. THAT, there is hereby created and established in the Town of 8outhlake, Texas, a courts to be known as the 10003WORMON COMM OF THIS TOWN OF SOUTHLAKS, TSXAS . 0 2 THAT such court shall have Jurisdiction within the territorial limits or the Torn of Southloke, Texas, in all criminal eases arising under the ordinances of said Torn, and shall also have concurrent P jurisdiction vitk any justice of the veaoe in any precinct in which f said Town is situated is all criminal cases arising under the criminal laws of this state, and arising within its territorial limits. is which punishment is by rime only, and where the meximum of such fine way not exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). THAT such court shall be presided over by a Judge, to be P known as *be GReoorder" rho shall be appointed by the Mayor r with the advice and consent of the Town Counails TU Town Secretary shall be o:-offloie Clerk of the Court heroin created, and the Town Council way in its diseretion. r appoint a deputy to sold Torn Secretary with the some power and duties as laroin conferred upon said "oratory. s, P TSS Clerk of the Court shall keep minutes of the Proooodints of the said courts issue all process, and generally perform all the duties of the Clerk of a Court as prescribed by law for a County ClvA Insofar as the same are be applicable. ` TUB ColVeration Court shall hold one regular'session weekly at such time and place as the Town Council may designate, and such P special sessions as the Reeordor male dear necessary to care for the business before said Court. 7. TFUS ordinance shall become effective and be in full fore* s and effect immediately upon its adoption. ■ AU01T=A this 14th day of September A. D. 1917. e APPRGVZDt s is MAYOR ATTXSTt TRW $ftRSTARY w