1957-08-10 MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 10, 1957 TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS A Pursuant to the call of the Mayor and to notice given to all members of the Town Council stating time place and purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town 6ouncil, Southlake, Texas,, was held Saturday, August 10, 1957 at the Carroll School. The following members were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor: A.-Gail Eubanks Councilmen: J. J. Carlile W. C. Cummings C. M. Gordon J. E. Quinn W: Lee Yantis In addition to the City Attorney, Mr. George P. Gleeson, and the Marshal, Ken Anderson, the following were among those present: Mr. Joe Box, President of First National Bank, Grapevine - Messrs. Gibbs and Post, representing Southwestern Development Company - Mr. Paul-Schell and Mr. Frank Denton, Chairman of the Zoning Committee for the City of -Southlake. Mayor Eubanks called the meeting to order, and the minutes of the two previous meetings were a pproved as read. The following Financial Report was read by the Secretary-Treasurer: Amount on Hand 6-18-57 $207.45 Total Receipts by voluntary contri- bution for Marshal's Radio 224.00 Total 4431.45 LESS 7-22-57 paid to Circle Communication Co, Initial Pmt, for Marshal's Radio 100.00 TOTAL O.H. 8-10-57 $331.45 There was a general discussion to consider a retired gentleman within- the City to serve as Secretary-Treasurer, and later to also serve as Clerk of the Traffic Court. There Was also more general discussion about parks within the`City, and it was decided to get a committee together to further investigate this subject; The Mayor asked for a discussion of the proposed telephone franchise. The Mayor read the chart of installation cost of lines submitted by Southwestern States Telephone Company. There was general discussion and Mr. John Stevens-on, Chairman of the Telephone Committee, stated ' that he had no special report but that he believed we needed some more definite commitments in writing concerning the pros and cons of a future Franchise. He also stated that we need to consider all angles of this situation before definite action is taken. p.2 Minutes $-10-57 Itwas decided to have the Council nreparea special letter to be sent to Southwestern States Telephone Company including a request for more definite information regarding the type service they area ble to deliver, an adequate performance bond and a time limit, It was also suggested that the telephone Company also needs something more definite from us, which could be taken c are of with the above mentioned proposed letter. Moved by C. M. Gordon, Seconded by Lee Yantis that such a letter, be prepared. Vote was unanimous. The Mayor asked Messrs. Gleeson and Carlile to leave the room in order that a Franchise for Tri-County Electric Company might be discussed. Their absence requested because of their electric company connections with two companies. The Mayor stated their request for a Franchise and passed the R.E.A., proposed franchise around for the Council to study. After various discussions it was moved by W. Lee Yantis, Seconded by C. M. Gordon, that this franchise be tabled for the time being. Vote unanimous, t~ The Mayor recognized Mr. Vii. Lee Yantis, who asked that his resignation as Councilman be accepted since he was moving to Shiner, Texas right away to accept other employment. On motion of J. F. Quinn, Seconded by C. M. Gordon, Mr. Yantis' resignation was accepted by the Council: ilr Mr. George P. Gleeson, City Attorney, said that our City is in a legal class requiring an election to replace a Councilman. He also stated that we need thirty days' notice for an #lection to allow the people to file applications for office. The following schedule was suggested by Mr. Gleeson who stated he would prepare RESOLUTION #4 in order to take care of the election notices to be posted i n three places: Close of Filing for Applicants......., $-31-57 Absentee balloting to begin........... 9-5-57 Absentee balloting to close 5p.m. 9-1$-57 Final balloting, regular e.lection..... 9-21-57 Saturday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Carroll Sch, Election officials, subject to confirmation, to.be: Election Judge: L. T. Cathcart Asst. Judge: Mrs, Irene Nelson Clerk: Mrs. Cleo Howard The Mayor introduced Mr. Gibbs of Southwestern Development Company, who introduced Mr. Post from Security Title Company in Dallas, Mr. Post stated that the S.W. Development Company wished to work with the City of Southlake, and that hew as present irhen the land for their proposed developmentwas pu rchased from Mr. Box. He also stated the S.~jf. Dev. Co. has 20-odd tracts from 10 to 300 acres which they are attempti g to develop. He stated that Mr- Gibbs has succeeded Mr. Bell as of this ± and stated that the Dev. Company has learned their proposed real estate development is in the Town of Southlake The Mayor asked if the S.W. Dev. has ever developed inside an incorporated area, Mr. Post replied in the ' affirmative and stated that they cooperated with the minimum reauire- ments in such cases but never in such a new town or in a place with such strict ordinances: P.3 Minutes 8-10-57 The Mayor asked if they lever had to alter their plans in any other area; Mr Post answered "yes, regarding d epth of roads", but that in each instance the City has allowed them to comply with minimum County restrictions and some placeshave altered their ordinances to help the development get started, He stated they were prepared to carry out thew ater requirements but that the road requirements are too steep, and if we do not with to modify requirments they re- quest their area to be disannexed and released to Grapevine because they believe they can comply with Grapevine's requirements. Mr. Yantis asked about the legality of disannexing a tract of land, and Mr. Gleeson said that he would look into the natter before the next meeting. Southwestern Development Company further stated that they would like to start their develo7lient with less strict prohibitions and maybe later they could require pavement as Southlake requests. This, in order not to increase cost of lots beyond their prospective purchasers,means The Mayor stated that if we release land to developers and continue to do so every time a developer doesn't with to comply with Ordinances, that we would have nothing left after a time, o" Mr. Gleeson explained that by experience in other cities the streets should be well constructed in order not to throw a burden of upkeep on the City and thereby require high taxes to keep rebuilding poor streets, He also stated that it is impossible to even g et F.HA mortgage assistance for people to build unless the streets meet their standards. Mr. Joe Box stated that at the time he. sold the land to the Southwest Development Company that they intended to annex to the City of Grapevine, It w as later learned that the property in question was already within the City Limits of Southlake. After further discussion itw as moved by J. F. Quinn, seconded by C. M. Gordon that we release the problem to the Planning Commission and our Legal Advisors and take action after their recommendations. Vote was unanimous. Mr. Gleeson made the final statement that Texas Statutes make it mandatory for a City to restrict any developmFnts to protect the general health and welfare of the inhabitants, No further business coming before the Council, the meetingw as adjourned, olores A. uinn - ec recs. "Approved, A, Gail Eubanks, Mayor i j !1R shall state the specific offioc °beint seusbt by the applicant and that the applioaat is oildibie cart vaiitiod wander the Law of the state at Tones. to became a oandi"to for amid bold such otfioo, it olootod. Paris Is"llostions' can b ` 0*014 t 'gut the office of the 01W eewer4tary. . TUX now* of all these v to Mawr fated tbrWeverw applies- tions to : draw bheIr ;naMrd printed n. _ he ofd teial b"1 6t as a candidate stall be posted by *be Tow" $aerctalr'y awl .a. oojsspiouous Place her office for iwipeotion to the Pwblie fer;at least tee days before she orders the ballote to be parint". The Town teorotarp shark preserve- in lrasr arrive for a psrlod of two years all applications, notices of objections and otbrr relstod 'paporb. 6. rAXY. porson olidibie to the oftioe twrr*sn proria" for who has rite& his swerra application in aooordaww m wife -~tbe provisions of this resolution, shall hero his naval p #intod .vp.-tbo official ballot. Any suota pes!son Met ownasa his , umm to -be v thdreww, at any bane before the official %alto** arp,printwd# by fillet in witlap with the Town dearetarr a .re,",pot to that street over.bha s` t at~o, duly attested to by a Sqtary hubils. No Ness :w -ftoww ►w m s,ball be printed ow the b.alets. 'Not later tl>lm twee dwr~►s: betoft the said Slootion, the Town iooretorl► shall, hawse *be 'efflotal ballots printed. - TAS ballots to be wood in said o eotiew oball be Wavered in the. rrra"mor wd force: is the election w 0"t of taw Stlrte of Toxsa enactedby the 19-1 Legislature, as S ►d. ALL qualified voters within the swaniup of the constitution and Lore of the state of° T!sssa* who he" rosldod is tho state of Texas tor., s -p oriod of on* "are and in the Town of southlake ter a period of,six •ontba prior to the date of Z-ho election heroin provided for shall be entitled to Vote at such *106tion. 9. 11MNG by Absentee ballot in said election *ball commuce on 9optewrrbor ?q.1957* at the *trio* at the To" 8wrwtary0 Soutblake, Texas. Toting by absentee ballot shall clew at five ofolook P. M. Septosbor id. 19Si• -l!- TU election offioors above namA shall male and deliver the returns of said olostiou is triplioato, one being retained by the Frosidint Judge, one delivered to *be Mayor of the Town, and one delivered to tbo Town Soorotary. Tko ballot box eentaiuirg the aip,nature stalks from bullets uoed In sold olootion shall be ~ delivered to the Distriet Clark at Tarrant linty, 'texas, and otbor ballet bases and eleetion "car" and suss U" aball be prOSSIF Wed by the Town SNrotery in the 'Prtkpoar oflioo as by law ~ provided. its 19E Mayor is Imwoby direoted to give aetios of said election whisk shall be *low & by the Mayor under the attost of the Tow~a lleorotary, and shall state the purpose of the olootione tbo offleor to be olootots and the Marsbal a ball pout a properly ommatod copy of the eteetten proclamation at the gelling plaos ber+eie provided and two ooplos at two otbW pulklie plaeos within the Torn. Sask notiees shall have attached thereto a true and a *or"** espy of this resolution. i K ..Ai SAID olootIon shall be hold aad sonduetod in asoordanoe with the Lane of the $*at* of Tosas for the bal"ne of spoofal oleetiono for state and county offisos o,xeept as etborwise provided by M aptrr Title !8, and the 1"I Mlootion Coda of the Revised Civil dtatutos of Texas, as a+eonded. e ADOPTID this loth day of August, A. D. 1957. a A ir YSo 7 Ton ATTT 't "W 82MITAW Po `3m