Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to
all members of the Town Council stating time, place and
purpose of the meeting, the regular meeting of the Town
Council, Southlake, Texas, was held on Saturday, June
1957, at 2:00 p.m' at the Carroll School. The Mayor being
on vacation, the following members were present,'constituting
a quorum:
Mayor Pro-Tempore: J J Carlile
Councilmen: W. C. Cummings
C. M. Gordon
J. E. Quinn
Also present were City Attorney George P. Gleeson; Marshal
Ken. Anderson, and Mr. Frank Denton, Chairman of the Planning
GuestB included Mr. Carl Goodman and~~_/o,€,,Q 7--7-
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor Pro-tempore.
The minutes of two previous meetings were approved as read.
Mr. Carlile recognized the City Attorney, Mr. George P. Gleeson,
Mr. Gleeson stated that that due to Tarrant County having only
two sanitarians available for flood control and operation of
"fog-machines" in the County he had some difficulty in contacting
Dr. Jordan and Mr. Brewer. They did sot have a chance to go
personally to inspect the premises of Mr. J. D. Half's pro-
posed-development, but they did state that the approval of
roads, the width of same and how they are built is strictly
up to the City of Southlake They did state though that they
would not approve septic tank construction on any lots sold to
individuals to build homes on, unless each lot is at least
an area of 10,000 square foot (minimum) and would even then
have to comply with existing laws regarding drainage, etc.-
This is due to different types of underlying rock, gravel, and
other types of sub-soil making evacuation difficult, If impossible
to comply with State and County septic tank construction as
mentioned in page two, Minutes of May 18, 1957 Town Meeting ,
in live of that they would require two square tanks 250 to
300 gallons to each dwelling - or other recommendations according
to drainage possibility,
' Mr. Gleeson further stated that according to exerie problem affects all small cities, and they should notca this
any plat unless the developer can assure the City that in
addition to satisfactory sanitary conditions the developer can
also supply SUFFICIENT WATER FOR ALL RESIDENTS - unless the City
' itself is prepared to serve water: Frequently persons living
on a high hillccannot afford to drill a water well.
y P. 2 Minutes 6-8-57
Mr. Quinn asked if. we should amend existing.ordinances or
get a new ordinance to cover this matter in all instances.
Mr. Gleeson said we will have to cow,
Mr. Quinn asked if the Engineers recommended setting up a
performance bond in this connection.
Mr. Gleeson said that the City can put it in the Ordinance
to drill. the well at least to the Paluxy Sand as a minimum
depth, and certain other specifications as to the=size of
the well, the developer to furnish piping to the lots. The
amount of the Bond would be bused on the cost of the well
and laying of service lines. Specifications to be set up
by the Engineer and include in ordinance to limit the size
of a development according to the amount of water available.
Water service rates must be reasonable.
The Mayor Pro-tempore recognized Mr. Frank Denton, who
asked if we should rack along for ,a while longer, or make a
charge for building permits according to Ordinances already +r
passed. He stated that we will be faced with increased
costs for the City of Southlake and that any revenue we can
secure without City taxes seems desirable; He also stated
that it.might be well to decide if we will charge the rate
for permits as previously voted on, or make some minimum
charge, With good weather in prospect, people .will start to
ermits. He stated
build, and it seems fair to charge for Permits.'!
our only firm ground right now is sewerage requirements,
and with changes in weather the sanitary conditions are
affected. Mr. Denton stated he thought thepeople would
feel better if we begin right away to require permits, and
they will know ahead of time that they are required.
Mr. Gleeson stated that in a recent conference with several
gentlemen', one an Engineer for the lakes near here, it developed
that someone wanted to put a fishing camp on the I-ake shore.
The Government Engineers have very strict requirements to avoid
pollution of creeks and lake tributaries. Sometimes they even
need core tests before septic tank installation to see if there
is enough soil to absorb the water. Government Engineers do not
permit housing developments or any living quarters along any
lakes for this reason. Very few tourist courts are allowed,
and if strict standards are not kept.up they can cancel permits
of tourist courts on one dayts notice.
Mr. Gordon suggested that we go ahead and require building
permits but suggested we may also change the existing building
code at the next meeting.
Mr. Gleeson suggested the fees as they now appear since they
are the same as in Fort Worth and other small towns and
builders would agree readily since they are familiar with it
Mr. Denton said that if we start requiring fees we must stick
to it and not keep changing.
. 3 Minutes 6-5-57
Mr. Gleeson suggested one possible exception to rates, as
voted by.the Council, He said that barns, chicken houses and
other necessary farm out-buildings should be less, possibly
.11,00 for such construction. He also suggested ;.n connection
with farm construction for barns and chicken houses that the
phrase "no metal buildings" be deleted:
`Mr. Quinn agreed that we should make such changes as might
make a hardship on farmers and retain the Code regarding
business and residential construction,
Mr.'.Quinn asked Mr. Gleeson if, at the County Conference, the
made any mention if they will continue servicing this ara, they
Mr. Gleeson stated that based on what they have done for
other similar localities it appears they will.- Since their
staffs are busy night and day we will get better results to
request their sergices.rather than waiting for them on special
Mr. Quinn brought up a question regarding a stock tank
created on"a farm - when State Hwy,, 114 was constructed they
made a dam to retain the water. It now appears that this
tank creates a definite hazard for snakes and mosquitoes and
the water backs up onto residential property. He asked if
the Highway Department should be contacted in order to lower
the abutment and drain the water,
Mr. Gleeson asked Mr. Anderson where the head
Highway Department were located, and wasinformedlthat oittis
behind the Zoo in Ft. Worth and Mr. Jack Hamm is in charge;
Mr. Cummings stated that he has talked to one of the State
Highway men in this regard - he took the man out to show him
the site, The Highway man agreed it should be lowered.
It was agreed that this matter would be taken c,,are of
Mr. Anderson asked Mr. Gleeson what procedure should
followed in order not to create a traffic hazard at the new
24 hour Service Station on Hwy, 114 in the City Limits,
Mr. Gleeson stated that any City of less than 2500 population
must adopt their recommendations, The Highway Department made
two surveys at a similar place in Euless and they then posted
signs on the highway stating "No parking closer than 101
to the Highway right-of-wag line, They will make the signs
for you if you get an ordinance and can enforce it;
After further discussion by all present, it was definitely
decided to go ahead and secure forms for issuing building
permits according to the existing Ordinance:`
Mr, Gleeson said that Euless had a unique solution to the office
of City Sedretary-Treasurer. A retired gentleman, at home and
always available. He issues building permits
lf t al f to acts as
Clerk of the Traffic Court, They pay him one-haandal
he fees
he collects until it reaches the sum of $50,00. Anyone wishing
information about building, the gentleman checks to see if it
complies with the ordinances,
i F
P. 4 Minutes 6-8-57
Under unfinished business it was brought out that we need to
raise money as-soon as possible for the Marshalts two-way radio.
It seems possible to work out a way to secure one for as low
as $110: not i nstalled, It was brought out that it might coo
be necessary to secure an operator's license or a State Permit. .r~
Mr. Anderson stated that he already has one: Mr. Denton
suggested we secure the funds by voluntary contributions.
He started the contributions and others followed suit. Mr
Anderson stated that the County requested that we get a radio,"
He also stated that if we secure-a new one the Federal Govt."
will pay one-half of the cost.. The difficulty in securing a new
.one being the longer time to secure it It was unanimously
decided to go ahead ands ecure the money by voluntary contri-
bution IR
The quevtion of a telephone for Councilman Carlile came up
again. During the discussion it was decided to go ahead and
write a letter to find out what must be done in order to
bring this matter to a clcs e
Mr, Gordon stated that he would like to secure a large map IF
of the new boundaries:
Mr. Quinn requested six prints the size we now have so they will
be.available on request. ,
No further new business being at hand, the meetingw as
Dolores A. Quinn, Secy Treas.
pp oved, A. Gail Eubanks, Mayor