1957-05-18 MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING - MAY 189 1957 TOWN COUNCIL OF THE T01N OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice giventto all members of the Town Council, stating time, place and purpose of,the meeting, a special called meeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas, was ' held on Saturday afternoon, May l$, 1957 at ~,:00 p,ffi# at the Carroll School. Besides 'George P. Gleeson, City-Attorney, the following members were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor: A. Gail Eubanks ' Councilmen: J. J. Carlile W. C. Cummings J' E Quinn ' Town Marshal, Ken Anderson was present, and the following were introduced: Mr. Benjamin McClure, Associate of Mr. Gleeson,:and Mr. J. D. Hall, Jr- The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, and Mr. Gleeson stated there was 'one ordinance to consider before the Special Business: ' ORDINANCE No. 103, entitled "AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING COUNTY ROAD NO. 30160 FROM COUNTY ROAD NO. 3080 to THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF R. D. PRICE SURVEY" was introduced. No motion of J. E. Quinn, second- ed by W C. Cummings, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted: Mr. Gleeson showed-prints of the new Certified Map, with Field Notes, to the Council. He stated that five small tracts designated A, B, s ' C, D, and E were not included in the town, ORDINANCE No' 104' entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TOWN OF S04THLAXE 'TEXAS: ADOPTING AN ORRICIAL MAP: PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SUCH ORDINANCE IN THE DEED RECORDS OF TIRRANT COUNTY, TEXAS: FURTHER PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES AND ' RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." was introduced. On motion of W, C. Cummings, seconded;by J. E. Quinn, said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. ' The Mayor introduced Mr; J. D. Hall, Jr. who described the features of his proposed residential lake development, He proposes to call it "Southlake Park", dedicated to sportsmen. It is 76 acres, owned by Adriel Hall, Trusteei and borders Grapevine Lake for over 3500 ft.' It is heavily wooded, accessible by graveled roads. Mr. Hall proposes to personally select purchasers cf lots. No alcohol will be sold in the proposed shopping area on the premises. He produced a plat showing lots of 7500 sq. ft onecabin to a lot: Construction of cabins to be in accordance with F.H.A specifications - 350 sq.- ft minimum, APYcluding porches and garage' Inside plumbing and septic tanks. Roads to have 501 R,O,W; 201 wide gravel 6" deep, winding roads and all-weather; Mr. Hall said he wants it to be a credit to the Community, and would like it zoned as a recreation and park area- He hastalked to the County Surveyor about roads and Xr.tbicRwn;-~the Surveyor, s aid the County will go along with whatever Southlake says about roads 1 5, - r~rr rx.~rrwr.rw~r rrw irr ■r 77 -2- Mr Gleeson said that from the standpoint of zoning, being the extreme Northern City Limits, it might be set out as a recreation district; He did state that the septic tank v/s size of lot is contrary to the minimum State and County requirements - which are 500 gallon septic tank or two 250 to 300 gallon tanks with the " drainage laterals on the lot based on the type of-soil, usually a minimum of 10,000 sq ft-. to the lot, The City, County and State all agree on this;. also', no lot could be less than 7,500 sq. ft if attached to a sanitary sewer: The Mayor suggested that we ask the County Engineer and County Health Officer to make recommendations-in this regard; Mr.. Gleeson suggested he meet with Mr. Champeaux County Engineer; Dr. Jordan Sanitary & Health Engineer, and Mr. Arewer, the Engineer under qtr, Jordan and that they examine the proposed site to see what might be wank ed out„" r, Mr, J-. J.. Carlile stated that a 201 graveled surface road is danger- ously narrow for passing and it might be better to-comply with the- minimum width set out by County Road Commissioner, After further discussion it was decided to look into this matter further. No further business coming before the Council,, the Meeting was adjourned; + Dolores u nn, Sect'-Treas. r t ppro ed Mayor Pr -Tempore° Ld" ORDIVANCS NO. 103 As t RIRANCS UNSUNG aotq = $ mo. 314. IS" fit WV ROAD !tel. 30ft TO THS x4MM XV1XA.4" t.ltiX R! R. 0. "act MUMMY is IT oft"Lass W Tits TOWN 00umcm 4T Tun Tt Or SOUTUt , TXXt5t 1. TAT abbe oatire V&06-of-mw of County Beat no, 3014 rwming tray toe North R 141st-of-Way Line of C+wwty X"d pia. So" to the 1110"h Rormterry IL400 et fto R. b- MIS* Sm"OS, bo oM is hereby oauueleul ter Ilan Tmm of 64w%kle a Testis, and a"* an istogml pork tbereef a. MPM TR1d t mm e w *%"I boo"m otteettwo and be In tull fore* and effo lb from surd *flur►r its o0loptl►em. A !IM9 tble 14 &W of May, X. Ds 195?' APPROVIlbs NA oa tATTIMT t T MN SXCM%T ,j ~v ORDINANCI NO. 104 AN ORDINANCS kSHBYXNM THS nOVNDARISS Or THR TOWN or SoUTHLAtE, TsxAS= "Op"UG AN OFFICIAL RAP= PROVIDING FOR TRX RlMRDATI0N OY SUCH ORDINANON IN THS mmD R$CORDS or TARRANT CWWTY. TRXAS; YURTHM PROVIDING TOR RZPUL OF ALL ORDINANCSS AND RRSOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HERSYITH AND FOR AN 1WF20TV= DATE. WHEREAS. pursuant to the order of the Commissioner's Court of Tarrant County. Texas, No. 28325, In Res $Incorporation Proceedings of Town of Southlake, Texas", dated.September 25, 1936, executed by the Honorable Quo Grown, County Judge of Tarrant County, Texas, the Town of Southlake, Texas, was duly incorporated pursuant to the provisions of Title 28, Chapter 11, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, a can of said order with plat and field notes defining the limits of said Village having heretofore been filed and recorded in Volume 46. Page 397, Minutes of the Commissioner's Court of Tarrant County, Texas, with certified copy of same being recorded in Volume 3037, Page 2220 Deed Records. Tarrant County, Texas; and VSERRAS, since the incorporation of said Town as aforementioned. several annexations to the said Municipality have been made pur- suant to the provisions of Articles 974 and 974-0 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, by reason of which the boundaries of said Town should be redefined; NOW, THRRUORR, 8E IT ORDAINED BY THR TOWN COVICIL Or THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKI. TRxAS s 1. THAT the boundaries of the Town of Southlake, Texas, be and are hereby redefined as per field notes and notes and bound description, attached hereto marked Ishibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes herein. 2. THAT this ordinance approved and attested to by the Town Secretary, shall be spread upon the minutes of the Town of Southlake, Texas. and a certified copy thereof* shall be re- corded in the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas. P p 3. P 'SAT the map marked Exhibit "BR-and attached hereto is declared to be the official map of the Town of Southiake. Texas. and a copy of such asap shall boo posted to the office of the Town. ■ 4. ALL ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith shall be and are hereby repealed to the ♦:tent of such conflict.: THXS ordinance shall become effective and be in full force P and effect upon its adoption. PASSED AYD APPROVIS this -ZL,,,,,_day of May. A. D. 1937. bow r MAYOR ATTSSTi . TOWN BR(MZTARY r w P~ -2- ~rl REVISION 0? M"ARX39 OF THE TOWN OF A TARRM COUNTY. TEXAS MAY 11. 1957 BEAINNIXG at a point in the Neat Line of the Jas, Thornhill Surrey,- Abstract 1505, whore such line intersects the South right-o€-way line of County Road No. 3099; THEME, North along the Vest Boundary Line of the Jas. Thornhill Survey to the North Boundary Line of the said Survey and continuing North along the West Boundary Line of the R. J. Paden Survey, Abstract No. _ to the South Boundary Line of a 28 acre tract of land out of the W. R. Eaves Survey, owned by F. W. Albrecht, annexed by Ordinance No. 93. Xarch 16, 1957: HE CE, West along the South Boundary Line of the above 28 acre tract to its,Southwest.Corner which corner is 365 Ins 1 +8 varas more or less West of the last right-of-way line of County Road No. 3088; ~iEi~, South to the South Boundary Line of the W. R. Eaves Survey; IMCL. West 127 varas to a corner; ENCS. South 243 varas to a corner; TRUCE. West 470 varas more or less to the West Boundary Line of the T. J. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1502; 1MNCB, South 230 varas to a corner; CE. West 283 varas more or less to.the Southeast Corner of a 72 acre tract of land out of the J. G. :Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, owned by Otto Taylor and annexed by Ordinance No. 38. December 29, 1956; THMNCB. West along the South Boundary Line of the above 72 acre tract 686.5 varas more or less to the Southwest Corner 4ft P'" of said traot= THNCS,.North along the West Boundary Line of the said 72 acre Taylor Tract to the South right-of-ray line of County Road No. 4012 also known as F. M. Road No. 1709, Tom, West along the South right-of-way line of EXHIBIT "A" -~oZ F. M. Road No.1709 to the West Boundary Line of the D. E. Elston Survey, Abstract No, 499; T~HS , Worth across F. M. Road No. 1709 to the North right-of-way line thereof; . 10 THIN CZ, Bast along. the north right-of-way line of B. M. Road No,. 1709 to the Southwest corner of a 5.6 aor* tract out of the.John Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1133, which corner is 657 varas more or less West of the East Line of County Road So. 4041. annexed by Ordinance No. 91, March 16, 1957; T_AENCZ, North 290 varas, I EN , East 108 varas TO-, South 290 varas more or loss to the North Right-of-May Line of M. Load No. 1709; CB, last along the North right-of-way Line of F. M. Road woo 1709 to a point 475 varas more or less East of the West Boundary N Line of the J. G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18, which is the West Boundary Line of a 20 acre tract of land out of the J. G. Alien Survey owned by Walter Brumbelow and'wife Fronne Adeline Brumbelow, annexed by Ordinance No. 90, March 16, 1957; THERCZ, North to the Northwest corner of said Brumbelem Tract; T Bast 237.5 varas to the Northeast Corner of said Tract; THH16, ,8, Worth to a point in the North Boundary Line of the s J. G,. Allen Survey which is 712.5 varas East of the Northwest corner of said survey; TWWOB, East along the North Boundary Line of the J. G. Allen Survey to the Bast Boundary lane thereof i N North to the North Right-of-May Line of County Road No. 091; HEN E, West with said North Right-of-way Line of County Road No. 4091 to a point, same being the Southwest Corner of a Tract annexed by Ordinance No. 35, December 29, 1956# which'is 1337 feet West of the East Line of the John J. Freshour Survey. Abstract No. 521; TTWNCX, North 1364 feet; r TEMNCZ* Bast 606 foot; - Q , South to a point which is 359.4 fort North of the North Right-of-Way Line of County Road go. 4091; -2- err UNNOX9 Bast 606 feet to a point in the Melt right-of-way line of County Road No. 3033; 3MINCS, lest to the Vest Boundary Line of the Benj. J.. Foster Survey, Abstract No, 519; laing Worth along,the West Boundary Line of the Senj J. foster Survey to a point which is -336 verse Worth of the Southwest Corner of said survey; T~H3W, last in a line parallel with the South Boundary Line of the said Foster Survey to the Southwest Corner of • 60 acre tract as described in Volume 2094, Page 39. Deed-Records of Tarrant County, Texas, annexed by.Ordinancia No. 51, Deoembe'r 89, 1936, which corner is 570.2 varas.West from the last Boundary Line of the said S. J. Poster Survey; THl Cl, Worth along the West Boundary Line of the said 60 acre tract 594,2 varas to the northwest corner``thereof THlNCR, last,along the North Boundary Line of the said 60 acre tract to a.point which is 475 varas West of the Bast Boundary Line of the S. J, roster Survey; A" TIMOR, Borth to the North Boundary Line of the said Senj. J. roster Survey; 3 NOE, Bast-along the Worth Boundairy Line of the Benj. J. foster Survey which is also the South Boundary Line.of the John Childress.8urvey. Abstract No. 253 to a point sass being the Southwest Corner of an 80 acre tract also annexed by Ordinance No. 51. which is 1188,4 varas more or less West of the last Boundary Line of the John Childress Survey; MONCE, North to the North Boundary Lino of the John Childress Survey ; HUC$,.Sast along the Worth Boundary Line of the John Childress Survey to the West Boundary Line of the Thos. Seedy Survey No. 72; T OO]I., North along the rest . Boundary Line of :.the Thomas. Seedy Survey to the Worth right-of-way line of County Road No. 30$0; TH~~, ]fast along the Worth right-of-way line of County Road No. 3080 to the West right-of-way line-of County Road No. 3016; TH2101• North along the West Right-of-May Lune of County Road No. 3016 to the North Boundary Line of the R. D. Price Survey, crossing said.road at such point to the last right-of-way Line thereof; -3- OF NC Southeast, South and East along sal-d Bast Right-of-Way Line to a point in the West Boundary Line of a Tract annexed by Ordinance No, 69, February 23, 1957; .jHX C?~. North Along the West Boundary Line of said Tract to the North Boundary Line of said Joel W. Chivsrs Survey; HE CB,.last along the forth Boundary Line of the Joel W. Chivers Survey to a point,being the Southwest Corner of a tract annexed by Ordinance No, 99, April 1, 1957, which is 1985 feet ae West of the Northeast Corner of the Joel Chivers.Survey; THnCI North 1983.5 fast to the Southeast Corner of the OP David Douthit Survey;, THEN West 249,6 feet; HBNC North 960 feet; TH,,,,,,,, INCZ, South 69 degrees 38 minutes Bast 427 feet; PP THEAGI, South 18 degrees 18 minutes Bast 577.8 feet; T...EHNCJ North 89 degrees 49 minutes; Rost 165 feet; ~ T T North 18 degrees 03 minutes last 830.3 feet; 'PARE. North 89 degrees 53 minutes last 286 feet; XMRXX E, ~ South 14 degrees 22 tainutes last 1274.9 feet; P• Tom, :youth 88 degrees 43 minutes West,. 205, 3 feet; HENCE, South 1791 feet more or less to the North Boundary Line of the Joel W, Chivers Survey; lNCB, East along the North Boundary Line of the Joel Chivers Survey to the West Boundary Line of the James L,.Chivers Surveys, Abstract No. 34$; T.ENCR, North, along the West Boundary Line.of the James L. Chivers Survey, to its northwest corner; ift Tom, last, along the North Boundary Line-of the James L, P Chivers Survey to its Northeast Corner which point is also in the West Boundary Line of the N. E, Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1563; • THSNCE, forth along the West Boundary Line.of the N. Z. Thomps OC Survey to the Northwest corner thereof; P ~w -4- ~ rr/ THSWOB, lost along the North Boundary Line of the N. E. Thompson purvey to ,a point being the center thereof which-is- 950 vanes West of the Rost Boundary Line of the John Childress Survey; HHUG3. Worth to the North Boundary Lino of.tho John Childress Survey; _1 S C East to the Northess-t Corner of the John Chil dross Survey; THEM, South along the East Sourkdary Line of, the John Childress Survey to its Southeast Corner; >SNCB, West to the East Boundary Line of the N. R. Thompson Survey; THENGS, !South with the last Boundary Line of the N, Y. Thompson Survey to the North Line of the Frances Throop Survey, Abstract No. 7511; Tom, East with the Worth Boundary Line of the Prances Throop Survey to its Northeast Corner ; THRICE. South with the ]Bast Boundary Ling of the Trances Throep Survey and its continuation to the Worth Boundary Line of the Samuel rreeman Survey No. 525; THBNOR, East along the North Do»ndary Line of the Samuel Freeman Survey to a point which is Worth of the Bash Right-of-Way Line of an unnamed road lying-just lost of County Road No 3119; THIN ON. South along the Sast Right-of-Way Line of said unnamed road to a point 500 feet North of the Worth right-of-way line of State Highway No..114; THBNO , in a Southeasterly direction parallel to and 500 foot North of the Worth right-of-way line of State Highway No. 114 to the Bast Boundary Lino of the T. Raster Survey, No..158: BRACE, South along the last Lino of the T. Easter Survey, No. 158 and the Thomas Easter Survey Noy 1674 to thw-conter line of County Road No. 3012; TR_,,,, E!tU, South 68 degrees 51 minutes East 353.04 feet; THENCE, South l degree 14 minutes West 847,26.1 ,.North 89 degrees 58 minutes West 1039.87 feet; THRICE, South 0 degrees 37 minutes West 1513.21 feet; THENCE, North 89 degrees 55 minutes West 594.01 feet; -5- pp ap w b"' E , North 0 degrees 17 minutes Bast more or lass to the South Boundary Line of tb* original City Limits of the Town of Southlake; IMI, West along the said Sowth Boundary Lino of, the original City Limits of Southlake to the Southeast right-of-ray line of County Road No. 3094; O• Southwest with the Southeast Right-of-way Line of County Road.Wo. 3094 to the Worth Boundary Line of the C. B. o, McDonald Surrey Mo. 1013; UINNOX, last with the Worth Boundary Line of the C. B. pp McDonald Survey to its Northeast Corner; THENCS, South 906 varas to the Northwest Right-of-May Line of the St. L. AS. F Railway;. or _HU, CX, South 54 degrees 35 minutes West along the said Railway Right-of-Way 548 raras; TH,,,,,; INCE. West 18.4 ♦ares: THIMCS, Worth 456.5 raras 1; kIN& HEY, Borth 89 degrees 45 minutes test to. s point 8.5 varas South of the Borth Boundary Line of the H. Hecker Surrey which is thei-Soutb Right-of"Way Line- of CowAty Road. Wo. 3099; FIE Cl, West with the South Right-of-May Line of County Road p No. 3099 to the last right-of-ray Line of County Reed No. 3041; C • South along the last right-of-way line of County Road No. 3041 to the Forth Boundary Line of a 0.5 acre tract in Jno, N. o" Gibson Sirrvoy No. 591, owned by A. W. Hitt and wife,.Ruby Hitt, and annexed by Ordinanso No. 62, January 12, 19591. HENC , lost along the Borth Boundary Line of the said One-half acre tract to its Northeast Corner; H MCE. South along the East Boundary Lino of said C.5 acre pp Hitt Tract and continuing South along the Nast Boundary Line of a one (1) acre tract owned by W. W. Frank and wife Charlene Frank which was apnexed by Ordinance No. 39, December 29, 1956, to the Southeast Corner of the Frank Tract; THE]IC3, West along the South Boundary Line of the Frank Tract m to the last right-of-way lane of County Road Ma.t 3041; r THE~HCs., South along the Rest right-of-way` Line. of County Road. No.3041 to :a point which is 749.5, verse more or less South of the North Boundary Line of the J. N. Bibson Survey No. 591,'which point is also in the North Boundary Line of a 9.07 acre Tract in the J N. Gibson Surreys owned by A., Ritchey and wife Jessie, annexed; by Ordinance Wo. 89,, [arch 16', 1937`; THE, Bast along the North Line of the said Ritchey.9.07 acre tract to its northeast corner which is also in the last Boundary Line of the J.. N. Gibson Surveys ,THIN„OS. South 811.5 verse to the Southeast Corner of the Ritchey Tract; T-9LMX West along the South Line of the RitoheyTract to the Bast right-of-way Line of County Road No. 304ig g , South with the Bast right-of-way Line of County Road No.. 3041 to the berth, right-of-way Llne of 'State, Highway No. 181; V1 10j& West to the West right-of-way Lins of County Road No. 3041; RNC Worth with the West right-of-ray. Line of County Road No. 3041 to a point 950 varas South of the North Boundary Line of the J. V. 4ibson Survey; 11.9,E*, West 750' varas to the West Boundary. Lint of the said Gibson Survey; THE. 'North along the West Boundary Line of said Survey 300 varas; THENOZ. Gast 650 varas; THZ North parallel with the West Boundary Lin* of the said Gibson Survey to the West Right-of-Way Line of County Road No. 3041= IUZNCX. North along the West Right-of-Way Lino of County Road No. 3041 to.a point 805.318outh of the North Boundary Line of the J;.. N. Gibson Survey;, aras MZNC?, hest 467.5 varas;. H NCl, Worth to the South Right-of-Way Line of County Road No. 3099; 3M, West along the South Right-of-Way Lineof County Road No. 3099 to the last Right-of-Way Line of County Road No, 3016; THEN, South along the last Right-of-Way Line of County Road j No. 301 to the center of Big Bear Creek; -7- ~p THIN-C iw a Northwesterly direction along.the reanderngs of Big Dear Crook across the Sall Medlin Surrey To. 1038 and the WL111am Ik Crook Survey. No. 293 to the host Boundary Line of the list. It. Crook iSurvoyl AIMS, 'Worth along the West Boundary Line of the Wis. S. Crook Surrey to the South right-of-way Line of County Road No. 3099: IM123. West along the South Right-of-Way Line of County P' Road No. 3099 to the Vest Boundary Lime of the Janes Thornhill Survey and the point of beginning. SAVIi AND EXCEPT the following five (S) Tracts of Land which are mor• particularly described motes and bounds, to-wit: 1a A tract of land out of the J. W. Sale Survey and the John A. Yreeman Survey described as follows: S, OUN,Itsla. 'at- a -point in the Worth - right-of.-way Line of County Road No. 3099 which is 630.8 voras West of the Mast Boundary Line of o thb John A. Freeman Survey; P Vest along the Worth right-of -way Line of County Road r No. 3099 to a point 200 varas West of the Bast Boundary Line of the J. W. Sale Surrey=. P 1=919, North to a point 600 ♦aras Worth of the South Boundary Line of the J. W. Sale Survey; ~ IISE. Rust to the last Boundary Line of the J. W. Bale Survey; a MEN.911, South 133- varas; " r. amij last 557, varas; iI NCX, South to a point which is 346 varas Worth of the South Boundary Line of the John A. Freeman survey; ~ THE E. West 237 varas; THEN E, South to the North Right-of-May Line of County Road No. 3099 and the point of beginning. <Fq w ar: L TUGT a y~~N,NIINGo at a point In the North Right.of~woy Lino of County Road No, 3099 at a point which is 363.3 versa Vest of the East Boundary Line of -tho J. W Hake Survey; THzN B.. Vest along the North Right-of-Way.Line of County. Road ,No. 3099 .to ,a point which is 210 feet Zest of the Vest Boundary Line of the J. W.. Hale =Survey; , THIS B,, North to aR point which is 210 feet. North of the South Boundary Line of the J. W. Hale Survey; THE_X04,.,West to the Bast Right-of-May Line of County Road No 3021• ' TTBxCX. North along the Bast Right-of-Way Line of'County Road No. 3021 to the South Boundary Line of the original City Limits of the Town of Southlak*; TH_8 CB,, Bas t-witb the original City Limits.of the Town of Southlako, to the West Right-of-Vay Line of County Road No. 3119; ~ HZNC ,,South with the Vest Right-of-Vey Line of County Road + No. 3119 to the North Boundary Line of a tract of land-annexed by Ordinance No, 70, February 9, 1957; T H21., West to a Northwest Corner of the above tract annexed by Ordinance, No 70; TH XC&,South with the west Boundary Line of the tract annexed by Ordinance Noy, 70 150 wares to the.North-Boundary Line of a tract annexed by Ordinance No, 45, December 29, 1956; TIM19 West along the North Boundery,L ne of the tract annexed by said Ordinance No, 45 to its Northwest Corner; TH. EZNC]I. South along the West Boundary Line of the Tract annexed by Ordinance No, 45 to the North Boundary Line of a tract annexed by .Ordinance No. 94, Larch 16, 1957; THBNCI, West to the Northwest Corner of said tract annexed by Ordinance No. 94; TH... AS. South along the West Boundary Line of the tract annexed by.Ordinance No. 94 to the North Right-of-Way Line of County Road P" No. 3099 and the point of beginning. A tract of land out of the J. G. Allen Survey.desoribed as followss B ,Hums at a point in the South Right-of-Vay 'Line of 1, X. Road ' No. 1709 which is 278 varas 86uthwest -of the inter- V. siction `df thsi -Routh Right-of-Way Line of T. M. Road-Mo. 1709 and the test Boundary I4inw. of the J. G. Allan ,Survey No. 18; aw aF THXMCM, South 949 varas; WINCE, Vest 77.6 ♦aras; T1CBNX, North to the South Right-of-Way Line of R. M. Road 1709; . R, , Northeast along the Southeast Line of F. N. Road No. 1709 to the point of beginning. TRACT D. A tract of land out of the Thomas =aster Survey go. 474 as described below: e~ IS1, at a point where the Northwest Right-of-Way Line , of County Road No. 30$9 intersects the South-Boundary Line of the original City Limits of the Town of Southlake; SNCSB, i`n a Southwesterly direction along the Northwest and w South right-of-tray litre of County Road No, 3099 to the intersection ■ of the last right-of-way Line of County Road No. 3119; 1 #A nmz, North along the ]fast right-of-way line of County Road No. 3119 to its intersection with the South Boundary Line of the • original City Limits of the Town of Southlake. Texas; 11=, Bast along the South Boundary Line of the original City Limits of the Town of Southlake. Texas, to the point of beginning IA w -10 - 31 3 A tract of land out of the Ae A. Freeman 8urv*y.Wo#.,522,.dsscribed as followsa 3 at a point which is 696 verse V44t of.. the Last Boundary Ling and 1209 varas South of *he-Merth **undary Lino of the A, A. Preoman purvey,, which point is the most SOutherly Southeast Corner of ;a 11,12 acre tract of land now owned-'by "It. H. 3 Morgan and wife, Stella A. Morgan, annexed by Ordinance No, 50, December 29, 1956; T.H~, North 768 varas; 1,. N,X, Zest 24 varas; TH~U,M Worth 10 varas ; OMOX, last 45.4 varos; TH , South 784.1 varas more or less to the Southwest Corner of a 70 acre tract in the A. A, Freeman Survey now owned by 0. B. Joyce and wife, Versis 0. Joyce annexed by Ordinance No, 26, December 29# 1956; . OW 1,r in a Westerly direction 6944 varas more or less to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT "All I -11-