Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given t o all members
of the Town Council stating time place and purpose of the meeting,
the regular meeting of the Town 8ofincil, Southlake, Texas- was held
on Saturday afternoon, May 11, 1957, at 2:00 p.m. at the darroll
School. The following members were present, constituting a quorum:
' Mayor: A. Gail Eubanks
Councilmen: J. J. Carlile
' W. C. Cummings
C. M. Gordon
J. E. Quinn
W, Lee Yantis
Mayor-,-,Eubanks called the meeting to order, and the minutes of the
pevious meeting were read, Mr, Gordon suggested minor amendments
to the minutes which will be made before the next meeting.
The-Mayor read a letter from the Southwestern States Telephone Co.,
asking for authority to install telephones for the Creel, Nicholson,
and Councilman Carlile families, The Mayor announced that auch a
letter would be sent right away,
Mr. Quinn asked if the persons mentioned would be required to pay
extra installation costs-for the privilege of a telephone. He
suggested that a definite understanding should be reached so that
installation of a telephone would not cost excessively,
A letter from Texas Power and Light Company was read by the Secretary
regarding a modification of rates for certain commercial customers,
' which will be attached to the book of "Rate Schedules" originally
received from the Power Company,
' The Secretary said that according t o Mr. Esslinger's request, a copy
of-an "excerpt" of minutes of the meeting pertaining to his portion
of the discussion during his attendance at the Southlake meeting,
' will b e s ent to him.
Under Old Business Mr. Gordon asked if it will be satisfactory
to rsford the Resoiution for the building code.
Mr. Gleeson suggested that he
go through the efltire Building Code,
section by section. The satisfactory parts should be un-disturbed;
' ror the changes Mr.°Gordon should make notes. Mr. Gleeson also
suggested that the Mayor appoint a Committee to take care of this
matter. It was suggested that C. M. Gordon be Chairman and
' Mr. Gordon said that Mr. J. F. Quinn had offered to help,
Mr. John Stevenson, Chairman of Telephone Committee, said that
Mr. Fsslinget's boss (K. C. lindry, Plant Engineer, Southwestern
States Telephone Co., Brownwood, Texas) had called him. He wishes
to have a Certified map of Southlake as soon as it is available,
he also stated that he will work from Brownwood direst to facilitate
' telephone business for the Town;
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Mr. George P. Gleeson announced that the Joe J. Rady Co., Engrs.,
are preparing the map and the Field Notes for the Certified Map.
He said that the original is in two pieces, large and fairly hard
to handle. He asked if it would be satisfactory for the maps to
be used here to be smaller. It was agreed a smaller map would be
more practical. Mr. Gleeson also said that five maps will be
prepared at this time - One for the Original Ordinance, one fot- the
minute sheet, one for the Marshal and two more; The Fngineers will
keep the o i.gi al and Mr G1 s n can h qv a gductio s ene er
necessary Gleeson asked a special mepe~zng be iel next week
to complete the validated map-and Field Notes! voting on same.
Mr. C. M. Gordon asked if we could make maps available for the
citizens at a reasonable price. Mr. Gleeson said he would find
out hov much they would cost.' He stated that one copy of the
official map must be posted at the Carroll School
Under other Old Business, Mr. C. M. Gordon asked what had been done
about tre sub-standard shacks near the Lonesome Dove Church.'
Mr. Ken. Anderson, Marshal, said that the County Health officer,
Mr. Brevrer, had inspected the development and had condemned it
He stated that he didn't think we could police it;
Mr. Gleeson asked the name of the developpmment: Mr Anderson
said that Mr. Archie Hunter, 2319 Kirby St. Dallas owns the land,
and that Mr. Zeke Grimes (Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas] bought ten
lots and has moved houses onto the lots: It was stated that
sewerage facilities are three feet from the well:
Mr. Gleeson said that he will call Mr. BreweraL Health Officer,
on Monday to see if he gave notice to have this situation corrected.
The Secretary reported that Certifications of Ordinances 95, 9,-,, 97
75, and 100, with captions published in the Grapevine Sun on Apl
1957, had been received from the newspaper. She also reported that
signatures were recorded at`the bank of the Mayor Pro Tem, Mr. J. J.
The Marshal, Mr. Ken Anderson, reported that there have been three
accidents within the City Limits within the last month - two drunks.
He stated that all three were taken to Grapevine and that the Grapevine
police having facilities to take care of them, are cooperating 100%;
He also btated that three people have asked him about building permits.
He has referred them to Frank Denton, Chairman of the Zoning Committee,
and they seem happy about the arrangements made:`
Mr. Anderson said that he had heard that the City and the Marshal
are both liable for legal matters concerning arrests, unless'the_
Marshal draws a salary of $40.00 a month;
Mr. Gleeson said that was an old law and concerned a Marshal not,
beingable to carry a gun ulless he drew $40.00 a month„ Mr'
Gleeson further stated that a police officer is always liable if
someone decides to sue and has grounds: If the Marshal is considered
negligible, however the City is not liable. Any City Employe, if
considered negligible, does not liable the City itself,
Mr. J. E. Quinn asked that if someone sues an employe, who will back
him up
-3 -
Mr. Gleeson said thAt the City backs-them up in such cases:
Mr. Anderson then asked if it would be advisable at this time to
appoint'a Police Commissioner or a`Police and Fire Commissioner
from among the Councilmen? He said that at"times he needs support
in case of emergencies, and advice,
Mr. Gleeson said that this works very well in some towns. That the
the Mayor desigftates from the five Councilmen, a liason with:
1. Utility Companies
2, Fire Depts,
5 Finance
These Councilmen act as shock absorbers until the next Council
Meeting; Each Councilmen would study these matters and each would
be familiar with the problems of same. Mr. Gleeson also suggested
that the Mayor be given a little time for thought and organization
of these matters.
It w as stated that to date no building permits have been i ssued,
but that Mr. Frank Denton has been looking at the plans and has
discussed the matter with people requesting same,
The Mayor stated that this should take care of policing and building
control for the present, that in order to provide more policing,
definite building permits, etc. that taxes for the town might be
necessary, and we want to avoid this as long as possible since that
seems to be the desire of the majority of residents. It may be
necessary, like with building permits, to make special cases.
Mr. Gleeson asked if there is a Justice of the Peace in Grapevine.
On an affirmative answer, he suggested that if something comes up
that we can't handle that we turn it over to him,
Mr. J. E. Quinn stated that since Mr. Anderson is on the road alone,
with no communication in case of danger, coud we work on getting a
two-way radio for his car - by voluntary contribution, if necessary,
Rather than regret our negligence, could we price one installed by
the time of the next meeting. It was decided to get this information
before the special meeting next week;
Mr. Anderson also said thereis a new cafe being constructed on Hwy,
114 which might bring up the problem of pa.r?ting close to the highway.
Mr. Gleeson stated hevill talk to the man i n charge of traffic to
see what can be worked out;
Mr Quinn asked who puts up road signs designating a town boundary;
} Mr. Gleeson says that the Highway Dept will install these as soon as
the town boundaries have been validated:'
The Mayor stated that.Mr. J. D. Hall called him. His Dallas friends
want him°to sell them lots for week end cabins. He wants to
set out a subdivision to be called "Southlake Park" on part of his
lake frontage near Denton County. The Mayor stated that Mr. Hall
has been referred to Mr. Frank Denton regarding restrictions' Mr
Hall wants to know about protection and zoning. He wants nice places,
principally to be used for week-end cottages: He wants to know what
sort of zoning is necessary. The Mayor announced that he will probably
come to the next Council meeting for their approval,
No further business coming before the Council, the meeting was
Do o :e B, i , Sec rea
PProve a -Eub-anks., Mayor