1957-04-13 ' MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - April. 15, 1957 TQWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Pursuant to the call of the'Mayor, and to notice given to all members of the'Town Council stating time pace and purpose of ' the meeting, the regular meeting of the flown Council, Southlake, Texas, was held on Saturday'afternoon, April 13, 1957, at 2:00 p.m at the Carroll School. The following members were present constituting a quorum: ' Mayor: A. Gail Eubanks ' Councilmen: J. J. Carlile W. C. Cummings C. M. Gordon J• E. Quinn W. Lee Yantis Mayor Eubanks called the meeting to order, and the'minutes of three previous meetings,^having been dispensed in order to facilitate the business at hand, were approved as read. ' The Mayor then welcomed Mr. J. J. Carlile, newly elected Councilman. He'also welcomed various guests, including Mr. Wm. P; Esslinger Division Manager, North Texas Division, Southwestern States Telephone Co, ' RESOLUTION No. 3 regarding the e1 ection, was read in full by the Mayor. Motion of J. uinn seeonde by W. C. Cummings, said Resolution was accepted,as read,' unanimously. ' The following officers were sworn in by Mr. George P. Gleeson; A. Gail Eubanks, Mayor: Councilmen, J. J. Carlile, W. C. Cummings C. M. Gordon, J. E. Quinn, W. Lee Yantis. Marshal Ken Anderson, being unable to attend was sworn in later by the Town Secretary. All of their Sworn Statements are on file with the Town Records, It was moved by W. Lee Yantis that Mr. James J. Carlile be elected Mayor Pro Tem since he received the highest number of votes in the last election. Seconded by J. E, Quinn, Motion carried unanimously, ' The following Financial Report was read by the Town Secretary: RECEIPTS DISBURSEMEN S 1-27-5 , Texas Power & 11-27-5-6',- Light Co. - 2% Est. for aso. ' current year. 88.00 1-4-56 Notary Bond Dolores Quinn, Secy. $2.00 Filing Fees, same, to County Clerk...., 2 0 ~0 2-19-57 Industrial Office Sp1, Co. Minute Bk. No.2.., 5645 1 Box T.W. Carbon. 4.00 1 Box Bond Paper., 4.25 2 T.W. Ribbons 2070 . 500 Envelopes 4,50 3 Steno. Books .75 1 Box Fasteners 1.35 :q 2 T.W. Erasers .50 50 File Folders 2.45 1 Fxp. File Home.... 4.70 1 Exp. File Vault 5.50 12 Mailing .90 3705 2-20-57 50 - 2~ Post Cards For Notice of Meets. 1.00 4-26-57 Check No.' 1 to J;E Quinn, Reimbursemt, for above amts, $42:55 4-13-57, G.P. Gleeson, 4-26-57 Trustee, re: Compensation Check No. 2, L.A. for Officers of Election Casey, Elect, Judge 12,00 held April 2, 1957 4-26-57, L. T. Cath- cart, Asst. Elect, Judge 10:00 4-26-57, Mrs. Irene Nelson, Elect Clerk 10.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 32.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS /,9 TO DATE 2 `00 TO DATE AMO ao 7 4 The checks,for compensation of officers of the election are included in the,reports since they.are part of the business of this meeting, The Mayor expressed his thanks to the members of the Council and to all persons who aided in Town business during the past Administration, and expressed wishes for continued interest and cooperation in the future. { A letter from Mr Wm. P., Esslinger regarding a telephone Franchise was read by the Secretary. The Mayor then turned the meeting over to Mr, Esslinger, in order to discuss this matter. Mr. Esslinger expressed surprise over the size of the Town and the number of potential customers. He stated that he wqs not prepared to discuss a possible 200 plus homes in the approximate eighteen square mile area as telephone customers. He stated that his estimate was considerably smaller in preparing his discussion: He asked if a map of the area is available, and was advised by Mr George P. Gleeson, City Attorney that a certified map is in the process of being prepared and should be available soon: Mr. Esslinger asked if all residents desired telephone service , and stated that at present there are only five circuits in this area. He also stated that his Company could not put lines out ' in Southiake if the service wontt pay. Rural lines are costly. ' pp.3 4-13-5'7 Mr. W. Lee Yantis stated that they pay a business rate at the Carroll School and that it is an eight party line with tWeee business telephones besides the school and the line is always busy. Mr. Esslinger stated that that condition exists everywhere at the present time; Mr. Yantis then asked why the school pays the same rate for an eight party line as for a single party line in Grapevine; Mr, Esslinger said that it was $6.00 rural and $6.50 in Grapevine for the services mentioned; Mr. Esslinger then stated that he is today prepared to service 50 families in a six month period, that he didntt realise that there were 200 plus families in the area; J. E. Quinn asked how soon more circuits would be available and how soon private lines would be available, Mr. Esslinger said that at present private lines area vailable outside of Grapevine by paying 100% installation costs, but that his Company will need to send an Engineer to make a survey before he can make a proposal in this regard, Mr. R. G. Lyford stated that Mr. Esslinger would probably like to with-hold any further proposal until he is better prepared! The Mayor asked for Mr. John Stephensonts report as Chairman of the Telephone Committee. Mr. Stephenson stated that it is desirable within,a six month period that anyone wanting telephone service or single party lines could have them at a reasonable rate - and that anyone wanting four-party lines at a reasonable rate should also be able to have them within that time; He stated that we would also like extended area service with no toll rate in order to grant a Franchise. He also stated that the Committee has con- tacted the Keller Telephone Company, tither Telephone Consultants, and has even considered our own Exchange using an R.F.A. Loan, Mr. Esslinger asked if the customers could be contact4d and asked to prepare a survey of the type service they want, He stated that it would speed service if the Town makes the Survey rather than thetelephone Company. He also stated that the rate problem needs to be stattled. He stated that each Company used similar equipment with similar costs and that the service Bost should be-about the same with any telephone Company. Mr. Esslinger said that their Company policy is that they cannot service the area unless they make money, He further stated that he is,at liberty to offer toll free service to Grapevine. Mr. George Pl Gleeson asked if Mr. Esslinger could make immediate telephone service available to all members of the City Council since they need to be,reached quickly on many occasions. Mr. Stevenson stated that we need rate schedules before we can ask the people what type service they want. He also stated that any company justified to receive a Franchise should be giving adequate service. Mr. Gleeson stated that the Council may grant service permission without a Franchise and that some areas have two or three telephone companies even with a Franchise, 16 Mr. Esslinger said that he will submit his recommendations to his Company Engineers and that they will make a report at a later date. Mayor Eubanks expressed his thanks to Mr. Esslingen for attending the meeting and stated that the.Council will look forward to~ future reports.' Mr. Stevenson stated that he had discussed telephone service with Messrs Lamkin and Weimer of Keller Telephone Company since last meetin alt; Weimer being Mr. Lamkints consultant. This meeting on Aprff ll, was an ex loratory converenee with the telephone. Committee composed of-Messrs. Stevenson, Chairman, Lyford and Quinn. The sense of this meeting was reported to the City Council an April 12th, Mr. C. M. Gordon stated that Ordinance No. 95 should be rewritten to be more applicable t o our area and that he would appreciate help in this regard. The Mayor-stated that it was passed mainly for a stop-gap and that it was understood at the time by the Council that it was their best judgment and necessary at t he time. Mr. C. A. Prade was recognized": He stated that thew ay it reads he is completely liable and that he doesn't see how anyone could live up to it C' M. Gordon stated that he believes it can be stated and revised in such a manner that the Ordinance will live up to the wishes of the inhabitants of Southlake. The Mayor and the Council agreed with Mr. Gordon and asked him to draw up such a statement for }publications Mrs. R. E. Smith was introduced. She stated that she would like to have her property annexed but that she needs to consider several matters • first. ORDINANCE No. 102 entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CUTTING OF STREETS, ALLEY AND SIDE*ALKS IN.THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING CONNECTIONS TO, OR TO REPAIR . . .tt was introduced, After discussion it was moved by J.E. Quinn and seconded by W.C. Cummings that the Ordinance be passed, Unanimous= After discussion-regarding getting acquainted with various County Commissioners, the meeting inz adjourned. Dolores A. Quinn ecnl~-ta_ ry- reas. PP oved, Mayor tDIRA~R 1tD. 1~ AN QUISAMN R "TING T ma amlow of mXAM8, AU.S'YS ARD SMMAU = TSR TftV Of •ma ma, Tom, T "T rumoSs or Mum ocomm s or, T4 *SPA= 09 AI►LTRR ' 11A1T 40 l XW= LINE ON SM48 DS MAIN dMdRlt ON VAT LXXX4 ON FOU ANY tom` PURPO"t Vt►TIUft 10 TU Z iA X42 Olt A VIVO= TT ANY Of SUCK STR 13MIN* A1at= " SU= RR .AcTION4 AS rRMDRD mWas1 vNevI S spacxrICA« TX0104 T MOMLLIM A1f2 AT'QINt I ON Of 8"XXTS, ALLXTS Al SZOMALKS t1RUANUG T3At QV TT 19or S YRt R1loot vomm alp w"s "It Pu sR or U. D IMNR TOWN AGAINST DAl R3 TO TOM 40t1'NIItd OUT DT CN N1i Of SU= STRXXTS, ALLXVS ANS S,tSXWA XSI r1mRR rl DURING T AT ANY t SSX, r=Sol4s * !'IAR 1 A ATXOX * O SAM-L UO UP ON Wr ANY STRUT, ALLRV-' 00 SIM" IN TNS TOWN Of SWTW.AKIBs TXXAitS, STT*VT SST SWMXX T A PUMIM TSB IMU TUX TOM SRRRRTAft, AND SSS tAlU AND ltXMS84 To BAC9KrILL IkXMMi SUQR ST1t BWS, ALLSTS ASS SIDR AL K S IN A 1MANDR VIM SPUTYXCATIons va"TSSS 1 RIM, 911ALL 85 .DU= WILTY OF A ~D~DA, AM RTC 1ONnCTXvN onA11.L. BX TTS IN ANY RUN 41, NoT LRSS TSAN $ 5«118 AND NOT 1 tR "THAN noo-oo, DAcm on sow vicL SY xxxsTs SAIA LL MXSTVM!t A 48PARAT19 AND USTIMT +SA'"y=Sjg, sS MD196 THAT is CASs or vzLML VzoLATION MO', SU= TIOLNTIORS Of THR PUM310 tV TNIS QRSINAMS AS A KISS AI~N1#R !lfiAALt. NOT 1''R Si T Town O S OU TULARR, 'SAX" M* ZXMIM 'TRR CX MAIL R"jSVI SS QIT"# IT Aw THS LAWS OF THE STATS Of T AS, WT SHALL CUMU"T"S AND SUBJECT TO OS 3TION AS MMRxxAwVR PR +GtR ' St SUCK ` VIOLATION. "S IT t"US:ND ST Tl2 TOWN COUNCIL OF TU TOWN Of 8tA,3'TA LARNe TUA31 1. Any porsoxw, f;lm or oorporaiion do oirius to wpm my stroii 40 alloy, or sidemik for" for purpose of 0R 106 . chows to any water wrr tawtio,tary sow►r Systwn or for sow otkw purge, to tko TOWN of moutblako, TQM*, or to altar or v AV SOW valor twos or b►auso or *&in or late"I sovor, hens, or for awy otomw roe as adall firm, o app'g atio:a to tao Power S o roiawry of Soatbtiiaicl, or big aw# ►laa4 wr+sproso~w~#ira, ovd r•!olve in wf`wr*tiaS a porwrit to opoa swrt► stroot, showy or siAans m for suoob pa-pose or purposes 00 ioo baorws of m perwt ab"I "se"y, ro ~ pow P so" vormat is grantod, Dry *be T"a 840rotatry s P ' !ate ap rins ""voter mail fit" W14k *beN tee" daorotory 0 srroty i►mswt ' to Use seta •t *1l00.6*w , wi tlt ema, ailitrttM"oett sarf'by, *a bO OPPrOV04 bf tk* Town StesrOtery aaa4 City Atterstsy s ~ 94041tiostad *ttat the oe" tormdum will "Ooro "I strosto, allots r~r 01*40+e um Open" by stnld Permit" to sa■►s mend! Lion rr t;ittat, matic Pro"o>uts is ON" OPMUW. 4440der $100 ay eettloatio" bermiaatttar plrow"ot r am* *all alarm, iIldotistti I, a" koop aorstioaem A fte Tarot at South maw aicsttstrt all 118"11*1060 , judementm„ oaestts 40414 VISPOSIGO'o Mbimlt N yr IN aata4y VQr seervm asalm* tbo Tarn in oonltagti or tha praatt hard or said parretit. (b) it 00" Pormiiae tart net 4081ra to tila Suet hoed wi ll$ ~ the be Rt,moMesoft ~miltaiart ~maarb~ •'~1! suttiead Iet a strertt shall ~ A m4a to tits Town tamretary Lie a *er an may be aat•aquutrod by "S city Soesatt~, bee" upon sent ri 04411ratft of fto come ttebtlm mdss+t Of the 1eaektill#ft mad rost+aeerstiion Of tbro r troote allay ar sift olk ovemet„ to a emarentso that ttt♦ P holdaraar et #014 ponat rrili vostero Its sold at t►i * a11af or sidmtiallC to the 0=0 mavaition that estate& Prowleve to its opening and u the • ftlAt&q"8 bmraln plovid", 3. L" the Oupirs tle" Bette :i mWA in t kW permit or s oamo r it the, We* of the s*rootms ollmr*t evemee or puUtlo *rood* as r prwrltst train is " tom"r ateemoseaary. tteat cold ftndtoo it►all 010or mold strtwtv alley or aiadar lk of all obstrvotiaase i itiqutione for "Stories streets, aligs or eldowa " as~rm aal >iM►1l~tw z a lM i"lam' ,i1,Lalt''s hliteh shall be well tamp" to i toy*" Me& In Same of s ttostmatt o party 141mg sold pored $ ogre" to me-Isolate salt itt*k for a ro"ona#M1o lmafts at tiss. (b) t YSL S'i'RSS'!S 00 ALAJTSs tti*mb aba '111 be well tamp" in 6 # 1m to at► vote* go b"ow I** murtamo at ' Otrmmt, atettmr ~ i4slob em (1) too# of go" re" grow 1 will ba *amp ed to % a fill 10141 ri* `SRO Awho " + tba ;*&te s s►traat.. Par" bellies sa;L$ erastlt a a *0 41Rtaim 0"d out for a a`mmstonabrta 10mth of (0) ftALT 1 AIM Banat: 1tft o t"& i! Nticrrtatt *we of as to tte **we l"PWolp!ralh am In a+ib"tIon "a m+st atoll fiaalsbtd by mapo rimes alepara►~to1y 06 of i tattsmt Of "-1ot vemotrattem asap"It .tolloving alft a me"rius of Mtbat is srdistartu tarwttt mbs►t ~r t~erlo sra~►~t1, a I ~ id) 1PAVX9 ri'!' SMs bitob shall be flooded ald f illod with a good quality of beakf ll gravel and tamped down to a yoint i* below the toy of $be existing ooftoreto base and than fillod with d• of ltd mixture sf 00*or44e. Ar*or 'fe ar,jb drams; tins, a surfaoe shall be ovptiod irerres"nd ns to t aOr`e~sieetiwt surfaos on the street. fie( so street, read. er the rrs+ 4faxre+s to 's 'larva .iitat halm barn Modified t, s icorrao to ice,-span op rt, difai . s1trll be out or eromomM! 'by 'ioreri "'i- brat that wai+d'`:1"a►i lwrl shall b* rrowsred to drill. 00"'0 or 40eric t rough the subs rraeUr alt a 4010", to be detoarorrinod bf duper d#ty x"Inooare aoievor, if roerb pa es}*+rdarare is doeaasd isrldrrastle" brie ra&"n of reek, sotilitl+ro, .OiMMwaet oonstruetion of, torra ass a" A out err event" ~wr aside. il beroir- fill materials *ball be of selsoterd mam ral, 6042edyts and eenment its pees !onus of *7tee 1 Prly eesymeted, and favor" with a three Amok Mrr1is slab sub-ysardo -7777 .7 (f) U28VALKSi''8il`!'"xM AND bMVRWA1*# b t*h *ball be flooded and filled with 's foal :queielity of beo4fill vel afters ob a ooneroto aurfaerer * urll be aftlied that moot, ` with *"elfloat ions for some"" si mm1ks. gutters and drivoways'. as required by the Town. (y) INSVZOrlin o !lay and all of t o abase Wo rk shall to done under tb* dirootion of* and satisfaotery ter. Ow City ibtineer. The holder of a perurlt shah notify the dity ftplnserr twenty-four (iii) hewrea parierr, to the dose tho beftflll 4111i to ,osdo mad a City hosirooterrr vull be. >P"o nt ' at- ibe t lure i ho 'we riof Is done, but this will in no'ma rol ovo the yroraeit bAlder VOW Us holm arability for saint esoranme dam, to f" r* astir It" aretiairod wort. ( h)' IF Push, opening or 4 vatian . we* ; retitled and restored as herein pronri&" an mead by the City, i S or Me authorised reerces+rwtsEtir►o, it shall be the dusty of the diiri► ,hoer to notifY sued i'ormitero i.n writing to "till a00'rrestarer sane` a" preeridod also, that it said Pornitoo''sh"l fad]. to refill sod restore ibo save within tftrsar ftj days a>rter isoissmee erf -suck aerti"O the City anfiarroor shall 100ediately proosod to have said epsoijo err *"ovation refi llsd` and "store gn1d. a tre at # 44W, or of tows"k to its merits "ftitisar O$ "As overt oir raeb araoitoe pal, to pair for tlar Mearwor ei"rrr 'Of, the sfsreo.onVionr> 000# derpositr or 4100* 04 pay t if this "ieNilr** ' orf suelk rooters tio" from 100" flowultso a" his sur► `'im **gee ir►WI% suobt P114OLtee filarrel a 'abarrety bond as herein prrovideds further provided that So sae" where a sash deposit wslm madeo wire tows memot . of $044 , alt seals rear In after the psyarrswt of said eaglet of rsertsratlom w • sball be rofundod to ihs mid Pormitool provided that if salsa Pomitee shall refill and masters said street or allay to 'itil~ OvIous tier condition 04 sasore to approved by the City 606ifteere *ho. aforemen- tioned vask deposit shall be roturo d'to frresitoo uv*n Outhwisation by the sold City beylooort provided further that in the event any ftroiteo shall fail to refill and rosters any street, alloy or aido%%I 9 *Mt no further pormit shall be issued the said pewlteo by the Town Soorotkaary until said *"ovation ahall 46v* been W11194 and rosterod and the cost of some boa been fully paid. 4, SAM Y OF 1142 IU Ct a (a) The ponAt holder *hall not out or open more than ono-bolt (112) of t ha ' roadw yr at a time in order to, maintain the flow of traf trio at all ties, gavevore In an r ssurotrwossy• ar with the permission of the City Sawglimeer, the total width of roadwy my be out or opened provided barrioades are plaood at !tare first intorsootion am& way from the out amA suitable detour alga orested, r (b) If a out or opening is loft after 6 00 P* tt, a barrieade must be ploood on both olds of the out and a suitable flare or P flares *hall be placed to (rent of oaeh brarrieotrde. Said barriesdos and flares tar be furnished by the Vowel* !voider, (o) It to understood that the permit holder shall be P rosponsible for the safety of the P ublie sad *ball be hold fU l2y liable for aeeldesnto and for damages that might be ogusod by oa#d out until aware hag been approved and aoeepted by the City ftCIno*r# P or big authorlsod roprossetitIvo, S ~ (a) Any porsow, paroonae tire or oerperatioour wbo shall dig up or Out &W otroot, allow or rideval m In the `own of dautblako« " Taxes* without first having soourod a poor'ait as provided herein, and 6 Who falls and rofurses>t to Somply with the Spoelflostlems to bimok- fiilalag`` and restoration of wuah► strestse, allots and sldouusume shall P be doomed guilty •f a Misdemeanor and be subsoet to a fine in a sum of not Iowa then d 3000 nor wrote ttsotn * 109,00. mask day that such violation eentiuuuea to exist shall be a ohsbtarato and distiwet offonso. 4b) but in ease of any wiltul violation of any of taro tormrr and previsions of tbls or"nanoo, the Tern of Seutblako, Taxes, to additlea to loapesint the penalties above provided may Institute IN ashy appropraloto sett on or preooodings to any seurt having proper ,)urisdiotlesa, to restrarin, ooaarreet, er abate swab vielatlewt and the definition of any violation of the tsrars Of ftia ordi oo as a niaNl - oball not proolude that Town of Soutblake, free invoking the eivil romodlas given it by the two of the Oturte of Toxese but *hall be oumletive and outages! to proaeeutiosq s as her*1nabove proaarkbod ter suoh violatilns, L or i. WITI , sm* tim as %be Tom rota#as a qualified person as City Vaginew rho Cousty, tbediwssr of To"&** CtiuwtV, Twos, is thereby *4We utss to serve Boar T(hm as its City Sagi eer wi.tb full P"Ior ate autbority to oatoroe all of the provisions of this ~trdisnanoo. 7. THIS O r"mmoo *hall be and is hereby dooUrod to be oumtlativo of all etbor ord muss of t" Tow of gkw1ddlaks atfootieg treffie on its stroots aced shall not 01"Wate to repeal ear' street any suck ordiaa"O or or"nom"m escape insofar as tbs - prowtokows of awb ortinamoo or erdisaamw aro' iueensisteut or to oonfliot with these provisions of Otis erdiwaaoo, to whisk ims anon or instaaess torso provisions shall be sud they are boreby repeated, SMVJLD any section, srtielo, VmwIoI*ns or port of this ordimtsss be doolorod to be unooostituti oral and void by a dwrt of oomph tons jurisdietios, ow* dsnisiaw shall to no way offset tb o validity of hay of the remaining porter of this ordinesttss unless ttae part hold *mmostitutional or void is inseparable from and indlevousabli to tko operation of *be remaining parts. Tarr Tenser Csuetoil thereby dooletros that It would have passed those psilm whisb eras be Lwoon- stitutioaal if it had knot that snout parts wart uaooustitutionai at the time of rtes poses" of this o1440aer+eo. 9. TRU Arda3wmr small bosom oftsotivo, ad be As full torso and Woes frees and after the date of its adop#tioe and pu'blisollea as by law #rrovided. A t"D this Ooy o f Aped 10 A. U. 1,957, %^l ux "01 ATT9IST 0 .rira ryr~r~n~i yrypyr~rrrr ~r■r~rw