1957-04-01 MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 1, 1957 TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to notice given to all members of the Town Council stating time, place and purpose of the meeting, a Special Meeting of the Town Council, Southlake, Texas, was held on Monday night, April 1, 1957, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mayor Eubanks. The following members were present constituting a quorum: Mayor: A. Gail Eubanks Councilmen: W. Lee Yantis W. C. Cummings C. M, Gordon J. F. Quinn i Mayor Eubanks called the meeting to order. Minutes were dispensed in order to facilitate the special business. J The following ordinances for annexation of property were introduced: ORDINANCE No. 98 was introduced, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . . " concerning property owned by Lake-Vu Development Corporation. On motion of J. E. Quinn, seconded by W. C. Cummings said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINARE No. 98). ORDINANCE No. 99 was introduced entitled, "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORi ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOXIN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . concerning property of Adriel Hall, Trustee of Tarrant County, Texas. On motion of J. F. Quinn, seconded by C. M. Gordon said Ordinance was r passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No. 99). ORDINANCE No. 101 was introduced, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE RFCEIVING AND ANNFXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKF, TEXAS concerning proprrty of Clyde D. and Lovie Jo Lancaster, owners of the real property described therein. On motion of C. M. Gordon, seconded by W. Lee Yantis, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No. 101). It was brought to the attention of the Council that a water system in the Lake-Vu Addition is about to have meters installed at each house. It was suggested that Mr. McKee be notified and that proper steps be taken to require a permit before the digging begins in the streets to install meters. It was also suggested that the Council meet with Mr. McKee to suggest equitable water rates for the Citizens of this Addition; Discussion was also instituted regarding recent signs installed on the highway in the City Limits and in Lake-Vu Addition, which are against restrictions or Ordinances of both the addition and the Town. It was suggested that steps be taken to have the signs removed, The meeting was adjourned. Dolores T-. Quinn, cy lr as. pproved, -A,.-ro ail ubanks, a.yor s , i s ,r ,r 4d