1957-03-16 f MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING . MARCH 1957 TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Pursuant to the call of the Mayor, and to.notice given to all members of the Town Cpuncil..stating time place and purpose of the meeting, regular meeting of the g 'own Council, Southlake, Texas, washeld.on Saturday afternoonMareh•16, 1957,tat 2:.00.p.m« at the Carroll School. The following members were present, con- stituting a quorum: a Mayor: A. Gail.Fubanks r~ Councilmen*., W. Lee Yantis W% C. Cummings- R. G.: Lyfor•d . C. M. Gordon J. F. Quinn Mayor Eubanks called the meeting to order, and 'the minutes of two previous meetings were approved as read, -Minutes-had been dispensed tn-order to facilitate special business.'`, Under old business, Mr. Yantis reported that Mr.. Fslinger,, of Southwestern Telephone Company, had called him to say that he was anxious to meet with Town representatives and discuss their ` telephone Franchise. There was no Secretary's report. The Marshall, Mr. Ken, Anderson, reported that he had'been.invited to, a ,meeting of all Tarrant County Law Enforcement Officers, in Ft. Forth and that it was suggested that we secure a radio for the Marshal's car for better cooperation with other police and k fire departments. It was suggested that we secure one, but no definite vote was taken on 'the matter. The Mayor suggested that the Council get together with, him.and that they go in small groups to pay friendly calls on the County Commissioners in charge, of roads and other matters to establish friendly relations before we need to ask favor's of them; Under new business the following Ordinances were introduced:. ORDINANCE No. 75 - which had been previously tabled in the proeess' of, preparation - entitled DAN! ORDINANCE TO PROMOTE THE PUBLIC``HEALTH: PROVIDING.POR METHODS OF CONTROL AND PREY-PNTTON OF PREVFNTABLE DISEASES: DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS . . FSTABLISHING.STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS OF SANITATION AND HEALTH PROTECTIVE MEASURES It was reported that this ordinance was the`same as the.State Health Bill but written to be understood by Citizeigs'of this community. One important feature of the ordinance being proper. septic tank installation with laterals running to such length as County Health Officers may require after-engineering study of the soil. It was moved by C. M. Gordon,, Seconded by J,,E. Quinn that the ordinance be passed. Same was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No.' 75). ORDINANCE No. was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCF RECEIVING , AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOXIN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . Same concerning property of A. 0. and Minnie Etta Brumlow owners of the real property described therein. On Motion of R. G. Lyford, Seconded by C. M. Gordon said ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE No, $A) ORDINANCE No. 89 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECFIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY'ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE,:TEXAS concerning property of A, F, and Jessie `Ritchey, owners of real property described therein. On motion of J. E. Quinn, Seconded by C. M. Gordon, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No. $9) + ORDINANCE No. 90 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACEN+ AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF r SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS concerning property of Walter and Fronie A. Brumbalow, owners of real property described therein, On motion of W. Lee Yantis, Seconded by C. M. Gordon, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINANCE No. 90). ORDINANCE No. 91 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . concerning property of Rufus and Mary Ruth Welch, owners of the real property described therein, On motion of J. E. Quinn, Seconded by Wade Cummings. said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted (ORDINANCE-No, 91). ORDINANCE No. 92 was introduced - concerning property of Adriel Hall, Trustee, but wastabled because of insufficient information, ORDINANCE No. 93 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF, SOUTHLAKE., TEXAS . . concerning property of F. W. Albrecht, owner of the real property described therein, On Motion of W. Lee Yantis, Seconded by J. E. Quinn said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. (ORDINAICI No. 93). ORDINANCE No. 94 was introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS . . concerning property of J. E. Douglas, Jr. and wife Oma Douglas owners of the real property described therein. On Motion of J. E. $uinn, Seconded by C. M. Gordon, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. ORDINANCE No, 95 was tabled temporarily pending discussion of Ordinance No. 96, the "Miniature Building Code." The floor was opened to discussion concerning this Ordinance. Part of the Ordinance would establish standards for construction of public as well as private buildings. It would also provide for building permits and would protect the town from sub-standard homes and buildings which would attract undesirable citizens, Mr. Gleeson advised that all U411ity companies would be furnished a copy of this Ordinance. The Mayor recognized Frank Dentom, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Committee. Mr. Denton reported that in our Town we have a unique problem in that there isurbral•as well as residential area already within the town, as well as potential commercial areas.,_ each of which have separate laws governing their administration. p3-16-57 His Committee might need more than a year to complete their work _ regarding permanent zoning and planning in order that none of the inhabitants would be inconvenienced unnedessarily nor feel that they are being-discriminated against. He also reported that they made temporary recommendations to prevent soap works or-oil refineries springing up in what might deve1pp into a nice residential area. He suggested 'that all citizens having problems could submit plans and problems:to the committee and to the Council and work out something to protect themselves as well as the Town. Mr.,Gleeson reported that he was studying documents from all over the4'United States regarding reports of City Attorneys. He suggested that zoning should be enacted as soon as possible.° A zoning ordinance may be amended only by notice of public hearing after passing, and the Zoning Commission may also advertise a public hearing. Everyone in the affected area is invited-to the public hearing. Same must agree with the Statutes and Common Law in order to keep the City out of Court. ORDINANCE No, 96 was introduced, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING AND REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION SITUATING, FSTABLIAUNG, LOCATING, RE-LOCATING, REMODELING, ALTERA~'IQN,'RFPAIRING AND REBUILDING OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURFS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKF2 TEXAS , On motion of R. G. Lyford, seconded by'Wade"Cummings, Said Ordinance was passed and adopted,- Voting, four in favor: ne against, (ORDINANCE No. 96) ORDINANCE No, 95 was then introduced, entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO BE HEREAFTER IDENTIFIED AS THE PLANNING-ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Voting in three separate parts, was as follows: Length of City Block Maximum 1000, Minimum 6001 9 On motion of W. Lee Yantis, Seconded by C. M. Gordon, passed unanimously, Width of City Block Maximum 500t Minimum 3001 On motion of W. Lee Yantis, Seconded by C. M. Gordon, passed unanimously. Width of Major Streets 751 Dedicated 40t Pavement Width of Minor Streets 601 Dedicated 36t Pavement Width of Residential Streets 60= Dedicated 361. Pavement Width of Curve or Lineal Sts, 601 Dedicated 391 Pavement On motion of C. M. Gordon, Seconded by R. G. Lyford, passed unanimously„ A resolution was presented to charge a $5.00 deposit on all bound copies of Ordinance No. 95 when loaned to individuals or companies for their reference, Same to be refunded on return of the bound copy. Motion of R. G. Lyford, Seconded by J. E. Quinn, same passed unanimously, P.#3-~1 ORDINANCE No, 97 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR REQUIREMENT OF FILING ANNUAL REPORTS BY TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH ELECTRIC, MATER AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITY SUPPLIFRh, WITHIN TIE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Further briefly referred to as the "Gross Receipts Tax-Ordinance," providing utility companies to pay 2% of their Gross Receipts for the privilege of using streets; 90 days' after the end of the current year is allowed to render these reports. On motion of W. Lee Yantis, seconded by C. M. Gordon, said Ordinance was passed unanimously and adopted. ORDINANCE No. 97) ORDINANCES' Igo. 98 and loo; 99 were temporarily tabled, needing further information. ' ORDINANCE No- 100 was introduced entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MOVING'0 BUILDINGS IN AND HROUGH THE TOM OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR PERMITS AND FEES TO BE CHARGED THEREFOR On motion of C. M. Gordon, Seconded by J. E. Quinn, said Ordinance was passed and adopted,, Voting: Four in favor . One against, It was moved by J. E. Quinn that*the second Saturday of.each Month be established as the regular meeting time until further notice: Time 2:00 p.m. Place, Carroll School. Seconded by C._M, Gordon, Motion passed nnanimouslg, Mr. Gleeson, City Attorney, announced that there is a bill before the State Legislature to validate incorporated area$ and all land annexed since incorporation; The bill would provide for a per- centage of population to square-mile areas. He suggested that we attempt to redefine our boundaries before this bill is passed, He also announced that our adjoining Town of Westlake has already redefined its boundaries which are now on record. The meeting was adjourned. Dolores Quinn, ccy. r_fi eas, pproved, Gail Eubanks, or May v. b d f XTXG J?° N 70 Ti l " •f' ()%W If 54IMULAU S O POZYWO45 tit 0" CITI of p"fit '4'UWYR, AND f SWIMS OT A" "!SP. ACTS I ~t~~t t did V Vt 10P AWD TO 9 1 ! *AXR * to ~tno prowlsi si of tr~a- Aets of 1'#53, 59rd l~.. *491010tu". V 3,$7, Ukaptor V3, 0041ftod as •'Lrt*#At t V74-G, $4vit e" Civil , Ststatoo at 'roa oo* A. 0, sa %innio ttts ftmalowq of Tarrant a Cori qty, Tons** *we*" of the real property hereloott*r desertbod* having o arrpp'liostiou amts by low provtdod to the Mayor and ftmtrr4 of ;~lda►at•raron of tae Town of gttkl,ok*, Texas, a trot ' of Ion* **nstot# tg of 313.14 r *or**, senor or l+tsag situated to ttio 49 o. boso urrreye Torsreot ~~/~al~t,~►, s ?*so*, were fully deooribs4 by st otas and bound* so tollowet anal hise at a ert"t to t os t It of, the j. X o ';4US641 !,~urvsf, *SO r►arss oi9wb of 't %ort m t s erner~ or sold -~uc, oyj TdAtC t, 'drttst 610 worse to s point for dornorl TAtNot, nth parallel wtitb, t h* Foot. -bottn+w O ry line of osi r t. 'Urvo r to the aeotor of 0tssttr R004 Ito. 30411 TAIMSv $A are *3ru tstorly diroetion oft t the artwtx ter 11ne of t ou>atp he" . 1941 to s r►iwtt V50 wore* 44mtb of the Vertb bouwd*ry 1i" *ad 756 v*rss Most of the set boo"otrf Ito* Of *F armc s, post t5s Versa to the lost line of tuo ftboon army t TUXUC R, Vortb stood t ,sat bee ory line of said rvey 300 r,rr 8 to tbo PIS** of beginning. A plot of said land suawisd Ito loeatlen wcift rasp t to tfto Towrt+ of Soutblsko, Toxars, is attookod horoto mar d 4=181T *A*. 1. T#.AT, for proporty o%mors ko rtrf,walrt *v* d+l ~UWd bro tme o4j*0oat &ad sltentlevogo to the 'gown Ukults of;' *saN►tblatak*9 Topss,j be -pad is ,aroby asttata,ox9d snd bar9mg1kt rritlttim tbo Ar ttr< otsr Limits of 0024 Town and to kortttby awu" &IN Integral port t moot. Twff, tllaartt owner* and iabobstaltnto of tbo ores hor+!l" somoxed be 0 •atitl*d to *It of tbo r#gtto and rirllo4o0 Of at r vitlitata# old nvortt suee of OMA 'own o be lrsuwd by veil of tho **to 004 os» .v 414840" lO $A o*>to ty tlmwota, now to l t to"* wad *tt*** o 1 oft** waloll tmy 60 h*rowftor aO 04h O 30 IP TUT; tho Otrl"04 map bimm trl+rs of #b* *wn outhlak*0 Toss$. s* ber*tot*ro Odopt*4 o worldode bo 604 to fto" sar00404 00 s* t* uwlado t1w Of*re"Outiomw territory so V*:" or Ow Town of okAtftl*K*,$ ' illlM w Ta. N* *rdlnoeo oftAll br""4000 otfootls* a" bo to toll fore* OVA oft*o+t f r," *!`*or Its ssaf* and approvol by *W*r *ad d i It *tt**tod by tko Tow ****r*t*rV A Der-rza this dey of ~ : wwrrr+~..; • Its i ATTESTi I i i i i of P i r ~ td - C ",Mm RADAs APO. --Io'q 1 J~ 5 !i 38. 4 e fl d r ~ EX N 18! 1c.~ a vgAta~s Aa. # -►swNic errs I~tc+waaw- ~wd~!'~t~ 1 46 it . AWASSU AA-0 GOWUMO # S TO A 10191 eft 1awra.AKd o 1""S VISA '!!"`AAT WGd ARU GdA 8400*8 A PAW SAID TA* AN* T T T +M A AND ISA ITA "A TA=W AA4 SYT112id To At TMA T ol> civism alp SA*A 1 v f ASS SMS Skir TJU AM AlM 91SA Odd lM WTWT AND T ~rCitAt~A~~ ADO01 M"WW d"A"j,4i 4 fed AMM01M A SO cowmjMT*d GFIFICI.AL AA~.ArI tT1A: At XPrNOT'TA RM. U ASw PW &mA to the mrseloos of t4tr A*$* of z953. 53rd oSt s1 o tv " o rrras, W o at op+l io r 93. eodii"1ed se Aaar►tA010 . f" ovl Cjrrit SAa'1trr tos of Tomse. A. T. 141,0 0001 + &0*0#4 0"Y, *f Torment kiotT. ToMos e 0,14MV4 of *%a "AM, ws"v*y hor"Os r 40avribod• how►ieg 0&40 o ll0jk*% rw on, by iOW WkdAW SO tk* MOYOW h+rori Of Aldermen of the Tomw of SOUftlrrku. Twoor, o woo* *9 A 00mole irv or 9.07 •orrtoo move or lets, o1#46ted to tho 4, we eib&40 rwoy* Irorrront tmot,, TAXuto. ritratrrt rutliy do"rr'tbr! * as$" , %ibuNds •s f011ove: r m lv xIva to *us Asset &I** at the, . . ~ o swmey w ► • ~ were# ortth of the gorr`theast owroorr *f is*14 t v** ?rta'Acd. W"t mOak war" to o 4iot to tur 4011tior line of 1 ~o+raot~ ~ore~ rh. i "t` =tip, aerrt~h #oAr oo to ol, mtoo west 10,704 two wittk tN* o+tot+sr st tom rt'lod TWA-N40110 Worms id 4"r o" Ab "r m to# Uoot "o to #r*i' rti t;b t cm erre+~+~ar of soil reidi ' W91, Sowbk Ad too r"s I rdemt*w *coo* •d warr** with hart eoot~► rt s [ s +rtla mood ~ ' vasseA. rertte , doaratrla* *6 istwitois Woofs 9,61 ♦r,rso With too, rtsotor of sold midi rat t. A.ot SAO'" ware" * to R of ar#t ip t r1t Utoo of *be Wvx A s South all..$ rlroroo to t ho "Arro , or "Slow "We A plot of said to" Shotiiaar; Its 1000tion with "O Ot to th+rt Ts Of d tbloh*. Texese is attached bar*** worked UT IRA,$. THAT, the fpo;►opOrty **no" k0rroirra#rrevo 46*00ftb" IM&M4 o+djaoorit A • i J ooartim S to tbo Town Limit* of oaOkUke, Ireasso to 004 to bsro ►204 bream wtlla corp►roto 14r1t0 of SOU sad it b r Md* so tattowol, port tberoot, ABC, too 0~4 and Inba"t"to of t k*roia oaa*"d bo 04401*4 to oil of tbo ri to plrivilocrs of o"Wr ottasopd a" H powty 6w"oro of 0,014 tow* bo bow" by all at !alto Soto *ad er- 416000 0040 la Oi1► Worwity tborotb, Mow io► full -for*# aad of1roat s», "wt Oks soy be borootter a+ opikod. 0IM4101 *so MO bav$44riow of tbo Tom of ooatblokoll ' oss , as 4*rwtofos* +t 4optod 1aa4 ow dod, bo *ad to baby oadod to + r to, l:a0 r i>o ofor*Matia t torrltory as vort of tQo Tow of 3 #aelobr„ Tons** Talc, ortia mooo swell be**" otfoot4ve "m is felt Ibroo "A orEoot from a" attar it* poaras 0 oast resat by *be "aXor a" daft dtt*otod by tbo Tolm - oorot , X PTr"D th's 4ar of 111- ~ irp~=:►t~'~ba MAYOR a v f 0 Sj gg 1 YI e a i 4 f 1 6 H I B I T A sc;sg-E: ,fie, oo mAtig i r:, OMSAAMM * ANJA=" AND lT To in T"* SOW#SL#JM IXUd l VXMUM T T AMM. MLL XBOOM A AW SAU I*= AX4 UAT I= OWSIM A 12-o ' RAM' M XW SNALL UTI TO ALL Tit pd1Tll f Q "Y d T"0 W. OWNS Of =1 AM AAD ORO"AWRO W U `SPIC T ITT M 'G"1UALR 3l€ Of "U 'TOM SWIMTOTOU Aft"U " "*=M a►tat~+ Pft* 11S119 QW4 : f wd #4 A#l# ► f►a wd dl asautes of Via, *4t Now-0a"W am wift from" below* ZWSVA t as"Oor ' f * o"Oeve of Uw VW4 of 06 T te :Ia#a a11to %*"oo a INS 1aaa~ Alfa# ' off # of # #wrll* In U&MO # ft" A o+l►m"o Taww"1 Cowsky i~tttartad t pi a G* 411aa bra Trr"l 404aftwo Tlftso aid mw" f+-tlw M-10 W" %V met** &W boom" as follaata~ ho" 1 ~ +N►t t t1s~r ~ ~loa d~~o t~ saa►to~ iia+a o ~ - ~ t * . Al") S ,mss 'V*st T # *or" to a poi too ~"W# s &m* t *!vw~►apouft for 0061"tf IPt daa ft IM VOV" to, $be om"w PLUM of X611106%. deal 80" (f'« 1) Roo **vow# vwnw to U* plow of begLuaAaW *ad Ool" a ►aE dolt 1 • AZ1a~ ~ A VU* of S"d U" *MViaf Its! 1f06 W16b V*Mf4Wt to 1 TOM *t A*Vt 1*8"o So atiafted is ao~, fa*X " *A** ""If* 4010 1114,140" aa~l 0Ywt - 60 00 TOM U"R• Ot S0W%%&%bOo 100"t be aad 1 "aa a aao 4" a t nl t1 fMnoft l"ins of met low as As " ft"S an tail Paa t1 rftf i,~ l/ X10 tom! ro +ttm -h-Ko"#o Ot area t~Ift 4101100104 ~ be ortlt ta" to all of the tSo" #"Vuoww of y r "tAxow a" Property #wwti Ot S+i low a" be bow" ow all Ott A ' oad • t ft"o to ooat #y tuov # mm tall foroo w t t"t vueb ► to Ott*r ad*pU * T`HAT9 tb* oMOA&A Q&p SMA bp►*fttU!AAo O' the 1040 09 04Stft& • e so so Anoloft i &fOm"moot&o"4 territory pwft of the T ~ ma"Wo oball 'booome offeotteo be to rule !"ors 4 Otto" troo am Oster 4to, * ma awwwwol of fte *Wor A. a« 1M. w "YOU CC`. r tr r ' M wo` ~ X09 ._.i T I I L~ I o- ExHIBIT A~ SCgLE; 1.wcai4®0 sf,#,t tf w~~r~~t ~`,c~t®.vis A. d~lttiri►A~.cow_ owN~xs ~r _ i w I*U*t oVtV'I 'fMM W " Vii" 400010 A d lVA*U "tom i y WIAM ii `1"i TO AU. TUX POIVIL4' 113 ~Ar 611491k V1T1I d Oil 4 TOUV* A*# WWAO ST I ACT ) r;AVIXA t 11 OT 34 Arts t V Av AK ;trip 'WrI a *AT** ~ yp►*~,~~ is ►~M r~! ~r# "gisl*torow yo 3$7# i+baptor #3* *"&flod 60 tit ► . POW4004 Civil StotMitss *t 1a7 pufws *01* h #04 wiwtwo mkwy try .V014k, of Urvs*% 4,woe l e To"*. *~r• of the rool prop" ber1eAmwft'*r dre#- ork"d, ftowt INe"* 0"l iloo tlem we low pr ovAt " t! ow ' filar *sm fiord of A140r+rw is *t fto lore of a t Altai o o Tefto g s tro t of low s+a w ts*+ a of So* dwod, roro per Son** are $a tolly drasor'tb" to Deed in o!lr ut#i to t4M J* ftrt s ►rv". Torras* Cou my * T os, more fully 400farsbod by a**** see boamAs " f'allow*x lkt 0 Point wwwo too ass! li"M at 04onlp rwod e. 4"1 Intwfrsaeots t 'Ort a It of 9. N. 17 14004; i 1yUs, oast s.1ond tbo Vortb line +oi' ir. N. its poid, 549 war** oo►r* or loin, to the %*at Uno wt r► 5*6 *or* *root **nod by the ! "OneI ?%Svcs# worth retem$ the soot Lin* of 0o44 506 04" trreret "0 vats to its or'twesst rowl T Ct rtb it * tams stay At* Line to the Worth line T t:tAjo:, west *long the Worth Use of to . 1?" rood to the 40*t lmwmftvy line of the Martin rat Ito of too W**t boom" HOW at sold ftrvoY tq ttrre solAk'1 firm of I'. M. 17" hood= "fi" t, sttat sl t" $owttk line 4 to . 17 $4too to the toot lip oir arr mod err. tl ` tk;s y, worth *to" tbo %set It"* of County i**dI e. 4041 to the ~'~~N fir ~►~i~.• A pl*t *r sold t load stwotfis Ito losseloo *Itlc #rosp*044 to do 'Town of ( %*urtrrlol 'i'ts s• As ottoa $ boroto so "MA TUIJIV * 1,~ 1. TYAAT* tbo Property ow"Orare tborare,lnakbrro doserlbod bolas 64400"t and aro**S&WMwe to *to tir'OOM j.trettar of touttelokes Tatsss* be armed to korwby omer X04 and browAht wit4lo *be ►rPorarto Ltolt m of 0014 Town 084 to hereby 0040 oo lo+taeigrs1 part thereof. T,j ttw owner* ond la bitaeats of the area heroin annexed be onttttod to Ot Of tb a ar t#a 644 P rIV11# a of **bar triti#o"r * provrrty sw%*aro of tepid Toanrr sod be bou*4 by all of the 00*0 *ad oardloonooat ado to #oofor ltf *"rot*, now to full foist and offaeot and teat ubtaeht soy be born raftor edolptO4, 3. "t ATO th* offlolot rap * boondu rtoo of' t Town of outbloke, i Toxoo, as breraretofero od pte,4 srttir mmo4od# omd to +lbo ratty oaa ad d oo as t* lAoludo the Otor+mentIM104 territory *alr Prat of` the Town of Soietitt &ko» Teas, 1, 3 So otrA#aseermm •'stael1 boars*"* oftootive sod be is tut1 forarrto 004 r offoot fromi &Pd otter It* passage and opprovv4 by the zvajor ono duly attested by flao Iowa ! aoaro t pry • ~ thlo /.Ca 46Y 41t .MAICA r r c3 r i, N I I r I c I ~ 'a _ l d-rl d..fR- iWA-mill MF 7 olw:orj MP. rT ' I A no le~~vs M^AY RUTH iOgLC#4 Ov AJERs AWACOW ASS CONTIO 48 T TOR TOWN Or W4 W• Aft vlvi TWNT AFC *A WILMA* MWOM A P-41T or 041 T Ws WT) ''MA 110- 0* Axe IN. lTAN# Va"PA, }tom. o ITL " AU. lux oTVIU S 60 f,!TMXP 01TIMo Of SAID T~Vo# Ao0 ON *WOO BY US AQTS AU 0-011:144" x9ig it. "racl AN4 TO t ANALIfkrTO Aly'~'Xo; IMAM MV104#0 t- ,P AXX*U AN" 000 I XOTI NG TUX fWY1611AL OWNSOM198 :.I ii' SAID TOWN* AS A$ fd* ~~i~t~iA~, ,I,rM~taaot to tba► or+tnt►~►st~►asat of t~t~r aottr t'i~~. L+e,skolo tare. Paso We 4 p4mr Pl• s 1fled or p.~~#~!~ !1~?~~►. flovis " GIVIY '+rt~tlt~taM• of US"* f. W& Albr*"to of 'art ammity! 'remos. ftmo " of t r*4% amity r*14ortor **at>erA'bod,, h6vttr 0*60 mi"llosttet of by tar rovX4ar4 to *a* osor end art of Al4r rs of o To of #t~rth1okoe I osws,t & 6roolk of loam 00aat►160144 of 84 sue0 attoro or 1lrms tokfmatttod I" tbo *a go so"st r' *ys Torrant Jftm1t 0 T*xiAR atNMJt* fistiy "sorlbod by sot" *04 ksinds " follows: ~ r at s stint ~o ttb* south rtobt of way It"* of 1`. N. 1?09 Sod torittrotrat *be toot, r ght of roar l;lim of 04miaAf Koat# to. 301 !Ax'k0Rr Woot and, oat1west aloaai tho gout' 1100 of V, g. 1709 Roots t'% 4 t o sorttbbivos t oor of at as *or* tt'oott An t ~ . 14. w** 14aY o+tFtaed by +opplsooot b►trstalt 1° 10, s t„ "aft o f t fte WOO t l l l o Of #0". dj Wof o itf*'$ tIto souta%mot gtor et Td slh~ct . SO** art i t as t b l l wa 163 w eras to the toot 1 t or Ceivi ty o*4 NO* 10"s "To xv'M * North 0101W Liao A"t line of County Road go. 3080 to the pt ar wa otro~ot'ss~p,+. A plot of 0014 tat sheoing #,SO lone tioa wAtk Too of to t "nowt of soathis"# T*a*oo U a ttesbod hor*to atorkod tXMXWM *As* T T* the po"*r1tr owso ro boro.ita mbore +Aat po below adjoeo"t a4 on as to t "'oa r Lt"** of tou"lloa,0 Uses* bo *04 i• Ctrs ata»st x d * ►udmIt wtttUft tbo t artrpolrwts sMis of sold 0 ttratt *ad l 0►wrobq start * on taatoarol port tmeroot. TAIAT • UM rrni" *Ad l1abolbitsa tai st the r r*.. ko r* l►r ol7lnoxed be *040104 all at tho riebts and prllwll ►s 4t stbW "tl,MM a" Prroperty *w" re of said Town sud br boo" by all of tbsr onto ,gat •rdhmm"s *ad* to ~tOrslty trlasr+rtta, now in toll fore* and ritaert *ad ttat rbAsb a" be rrsett* r a4rpt*4, 3, r THAT* that ottlolol map *rd bour%darlkws eft the "'"o" of Soutblrke,0 66 ' oxosa, as rtt otors rd*ptod end ao@ odo be oatd to korrrbr snrs rd - wr as to tacluds tbs oforonwat toood t*r ritory so brut of the Tmm ®t soutblake. ORO$. r THIS ordinunar, s ul.l bar ofrottwo aW be to toll tore *Ytd 16 •ttrrt from *ad ottor its prss"o, ood s"provol by tbo, Mayor and dully attovt *4 by the `own oorstary, op A04)PT&D this 4*v of 19.57. !t'~31t~~1N~~s Ai ISSTt 7, 10 8T,;CP'ArJ*ART J R • r i t ~ i' r • s a'je~ss S 10.1 R. E~gvES -sot C- y m y i E-KiMBIT I I i SAC=S S i"f S '1 10%* Of d e T S 1 rvoVID UAT U A&MA Mi" MOCI if1 A JPM OF W TOW ASO T AT' T tVOUS D 131- ITILA"S P 011 (ISTSAXPO Of SAID 't' iff 3SO M 80Jit@ ice' AOTS AND ov=XAWAS- My n jWr ' 3X8 TO IsPRliiAIV AJWPMS VORT tIN1 M AMMISO 'AND 0610UMM"t '0MUAL O A 1 Of *31 V M, ` ~ ; ''1 ` tti iii 0 WASOXASe VWfuset to to proviso ome of dim` #AMpr of 19,M 5 04" ISTO ak*"or "93*; #Stv t l $Utatoo ` It mO 1, Jo S om Jv.., 0 M, # = 1111kiwlaio st Towsat -comotro INW004 owners of tto' Pool promr`ty 110ro "ter dos- !ribod# bor1 wwe s 1xoottow #o by low pfd" to tW a r and 006" or oldsruw of tiwo TMM of t oks,r TOMS,:; "sit 1 soaoi#t1VW of 1+1 oo"S# W1rb j*o$,. #lft6t" fto 40 . Wo Ift10 rrr*Y, 't*rroft* C*" *f# '"oorAe, WW* fol-11r 4s~+ l► +r"et •,OVA bounds 00 f011ovoe 8W1 NI of a print ka t North rigftt of w#W 1 of Cointy Road NO. 27603 war** from the cost Uoo of** SjiAA . -4&1o ftrvvy# soil tat being the t b 11 10 oorv tr&** of 10" a►+ rd sVV41o t i0VO1ni "T M09# Nora In s 1Aao rslUt to the o* liars Of .i1lar~ 4010 urwet 6" vorso to s 1n* for Sort"sst oera or of $#&A trait, TAioC U;, i oat 1o b Is** vo11Mt 00 tas Xorth 11-so or so"L "Wr"y 07 rr roo to 0 Veto* fasr r w of **raor of sold mat T N%C90 Ott In o lino roll.aet to *&a V*ot 1300 ' of *01 'J*r ~ 600 worse to th# North rsabt of way III" ♦t 0 ty ►sdtl' $O, 30,091 'c"" ono o1ino304tt mod. o„ rrero ► tiutla~ ark' blM~►o~.A. J► plot of *a14 tam stowing Ito loostion witit rolpoot t 1w loon Of outbl#ko, T*xom, to ottookot beta ft** MUMT +A*. 1i M ? tT, the W#vorty OWWO borolmobore +104mwtboA bolas odjsoswt borobj om*mod and br4mgkt olth tun ►rporwrt* 1A+r ito of **t4 own I' and Is !o►r*by raid* an Integral port th*root. i e ' t tars of Uftebttonts of the 4wo* berolo oaatssod be 'autttI" 00 Oil of tbr rtdbt* OW Prtlril+ SOM of Ottwr "US std Property" sondr• of So" TF-we and be bound by all of ths, oft* w d rad**&#"** t0 00%f*VMA%f t 1at~►; 10 fa11 JrOVOO 004 wlrf**t Oad Mat whI41% way to borsaltor adopted, 3. THATe the off1*14 map asf boUad ar1os of ttko Town of outhlolw o Unoo, *9 ft*r9 to#trr+, +t t►tod bad amended# bo 004 is boroby "Madod r so as to toolrlds t otero ►sttssied territory as port of the 1r~ of S,outulaiwo Tons** srdtaamw sUall booome offootlr* s be In tall j`oro* ssd ~ oft'*** fr" and after Its pass*$* and approval by *be aotor at data st4kiotod by ttho Town Soorotary►• A ,,Pl,tD *tklo Ian" of , 4). 19,57. ~ . AT T5 NVt 4 't t,;; ;t7ditNTANY a` t~ r r do $ i I) I J W. MALE -W*vIEY I I i i EXHIBIT A" scwes; i M1riv =Jon r f_ VIA` MAX S4, 1 . T1, - 10) it- ;*ITUIN UNITS OF NOUT9LAX49 TKxAss &C; f4j'Tafalt Of Wall U-141,14 AS AMViCVt-*j PROV1,11116 V00 US .JIM 4"': 04 OV ANY PLANS, OR "G:VL`,Ts YOP cu11'alwo lt1N.. ,*$k1"Q* 4A-%4SI , V%YjJ.T1~oVS Aft WIDDIVI =»1 S Of TO TM TMs ASST AND 104160 ci'MAIS*,tlf,4 V AF*4 CM. bVIOR '>C ~~1a1 TUNPll N 1S is 3ltTn ►t:'.`4 f ~ fffl# *01- . z ''1 UORI' TI if'~',~P RIU~IVS 10 4 Y • M'41% Ak, T ?i ~;A. *4,AN MOY1011b TICIA (1 D1TIANC*1 01'1 fla I`=i IT .s LL Al USLAUFUL T1,,s 1 AV( ~ OR `t l SIP I I t s 4 ~ 1 t~ ;i% kps 't w, 15 0 r k 0, * t 1~1 1~1 U ' 00 'PLAN. 1 "I' 4 k _'r,:3 ♦ fl#; 3 1? t' ~#k e T : CO 1SOT TO NI LAI M LK ASi Pii AUS PLAT PLAT 30% atu,* pa(wab at T44 Tt~ww 11A4lNINU AS`s +1# 11 iii L , i)C lg~i~ V1~1~' 1419tf :~0 °A11M1 y~ 4.15 tr y~1~.t '11e 1~TS X,04 0 12 *VWEC "'I 4 ; , 101y, s 3,40 r4ly LAX-1 rkMa ¢0) ATV tai "s" O 'i Xt, :T'* { 4* FLr:., i.hO %,,I N:Mj !'3t4;1~+ ? 1 r A 3AIT50 QLAUS AND 1 ' JA&. Of ALL OP V1kAAT1,%* AXY OF Ta-z' p"Mi'R511U 1 M1x~ 1 1!' *44ALI., at 3K 141 W X11+'1 Y 1? A Xt%*X f** 690 Wli, i V 'r t CT € T&; RIZ I" M .L ill JU 19 NOT Tit** T I 0 M010.4 Pb ' )Vai,11 . T , ~T 10 AS(W * .1 L A29V 00"IM-4 Y;[ .ATZt'r1IS uv %Or. c 3 V 1w;, L 4I ,114 r 1w- i yl tIors r It'll 1' 1 t1NA9, 44 'Miii IC4w4,T41J 1 t # ':A: - 1t+~# I Patti 1i . l' ,~L III' 1N"1« 1 Vi TOWN (4 WW"Mas, ` EN't"e Y47,14 sst, i kC, olvm F- i 1 X111rt XT w us l Au of Tilt '~i C f . ~ I N O X-i Y~~s► ~ pl~~ : ~ 1~'~ R T~ , 1~►, ~If t.' Ir I$ 1W)$' N A. y id ► -'_i Kr x. TT f,bR D:A11N11) lit 'Flits TO** 'fit ~ X11. V Tf Tt'+KN ,MCT -M I., fir and a#tsr ttw ;paste et tests ttrdiss s1'I r1i►1o saUlftes ► of lmd wi#a fto Oor" to 1..si1m *f 4be Town of Aoutal t. Toawo* ♦11 ptato see 00"sIalssM of IM4 outs1140 l cl►rporoo* Liarl+ wr s4* Taea of *Mftlabo t1~ OVAMAIMM my bi V0010400" to 4.041WA* Within $No Osa~ 1lovto Limit* of tho 'town an extF"Mian *f aatd cor rote Usatso all traotr II&$ ftwo 1la of tho C r'>parotw 4takto* *%"I skoaom to ► lu1lo'ltieS rule t#°td !#~;!t~ 1 ~ ~ ~dll~tii i I '2 (1I for the pWposo of Al%torWot104 OAS Ordie- *nooo, cortoin +taWds u*od borsin are Oflood as follove s r 10) , Tto 'rotm counsll of the Towrrar of xooiMakee (b) ilains ar. t rMrr Jim* a Its* beyond w ob buildings arrest be sot book room the **"at lisp. (er) ~M&&M. The Town cou"Oll of the Town of ►utt4la- o. (d) J%Mj I. A loool roari tda1 *treat is one whi ou is lat<*ond pre wor tly to orve, trroffle within a wola rorbood or limited rert#.4004101 41staMriet, mend Whieb to not nooessorkly oontinuous through aovorol r*014000101 districts, w W Ate A minor street to *no whiob to oontlakwus tb retrudb sewverrtr~odis*"etto and to Intended as a eroa nooti ng *treet botwroata rrs+oldewtiol distriots rend major street* or business diertrrlcts. ~ (at) tom. A Saar #or mare at is a Prim slpol truffle artery # *ore or loss woot eras *or*** the Torte wb sb to irntosAod to oannost r ramwto perr$* or tbo Town or orsao audiaarerart thorotoe and *arts as a prinoipa t eroarnooting. street rwit?a State and Federal i4ghwoyse (g) . 1 anp. drawing or abort on whitab a subdivi+iors rl or as subdivision. As proo*nt*d and wi tux be subntier for approval oa:d intends to rrooorrd In tiered form. i ,it"$&..s,.ALt" Street width to tno shorts,*$ distano* between tram tin** w glob doli. ,ato . tho ri kt of way of tho otroat. w LIA . A at0e 1viston is ttw division or rany lot, W troutg or arr**& of load into two or werer lets or sitwe for trier, Pur- ~ oooo, whotbo r iwaoodlarto or future* of sans or of buildi xw development, and wbi*U kaalu"* crater dodiewtion of any load to the paablic crime. ~ Whothor in the fours of strorrts. ar,lloye. 0000000t06 Po"te. or plaay- srrousds. 8. iMisi+r►aa1 of lama for a+srie#altursll parprraars; to parasols of five woroee or sholl not he inoludod wttktaNt *ftA t dort"S Lion of SubdivierlOno unless any 104h dlvisloss of five aor" or aNss tnortudoo t to platsrroi or dovolormont of a now street or ****so •a*eaaN nto r ; oplaEttind to the subdivision of any part of a ~ hft j« blook or o eviously roplottard subdivision, addition or rmy treat or P*rool of lend ttAst dtoos not sraorase cave looption of Ony strout Lino or arralr Asset subdivision boundary ttn*. 4 SUCT'low it. AN&OW ' five prints of & pr~ell"asrry plot of a any p'fopoood subdivision 1! be sabnlttod to the 1`s ounotl, for tb*lr review end ar m ovat before the proparoftee of *be final Plot to r*oord« ueh plat must be U41#4 in the offioo of ttts Toeret► %osrstl at 1. ost fivw day* raerioar to *be asootlrg of whisk a rrovr-l to ask*4 T410 plot 04011 be drown to ***to at 1000 to one +or ho T410 plant east% show, or be araoomp niod by the foltowirg i.otloreationt at ~•Sc (0) 'iho S*xWs of tue Owner oed/or trsr►hdtVl40r# t iloyto*orod Sacknoo r. or ta* l sotr4rr04 **a** to rooxrtrnyor raFove"Imis for 4,110 survey or dootg ra of too plot. 4b) Tbo Prepteo+od noof t spar suradit►toi on (WrAsk met flat be so similar to that at on existiord sub4t talon 00 to 0ou" oenftston) attd rrt aos of o4j Mont oubdivIsl ws. to) Loosv on of boundary line* A"d >wrtdth sn4 i+asaUotn of vl+otit- ad stro,oto end alloys within, or adjacent taro tt Tweporty for a dlo- ' tames of 300 too*; p rloal rostures of trrt,R property. Inotrwta"S ri ieNSOtiewa of ratorr etou ro v* r*'v4sao*0 br 4"*'* sasir►srtso prrs►o*ao strrus- taus *nd trt r f*Aturtr** pertlrtaowrtt to sMtM4i'rr3,ota*j and lasartisria of any shirt py urttlMoo wift sire of siowe>rr *ad water as&"** Us Outline of wawrdod rrro*o or then lootrat1*j% of urea! terdiEvtftol trarets to rs- ouirede rer Plato onssad sst turoo *orr*$ to gra:,t aroo. "Stowrro oruot be rr►Mur ws .at *be Intorrrttls of two feat. All et st4lons shown shell be rstsrrt *d to Tow* +d*Avu* *or*"* of tie posh in to be ! i- et wttsd. 14) ?Us U motion sudt vtdth of taws vO"osod otroots* reads a 10400 and Other te#tur<"`ool wind, t air losrotlotr► to roldtiow to 1PI.s iked sitre-ots to a44oso ov4d vielous sholl be off. Xtf t rs a" 04j*4o"t wtu d1vtolon. t►btm a sop "Mob rap be MWO on a wwrrwax torr ssato► 0 most he 11#6tied a rrtirao 0,41110 and ewotoreftilp of 04100 w* p<rs rties. to ottoet and dist~ow" to the Mo* rsst a t^utbdivist"W'D o ilrtw rtb* rrtreo►ts. or highways to tr rlubdSvi stun off rod for ro orrd May ennreset with *two* in tts n ooretat sebmtIvIkoloo. Pro sod strrssts stroll not be s wo *war land* of o44aeo► **more unless +wrwrtt*on rsauauts orewertng this a diUon or* ►+oMrnted with the 'Plot. (e) A $14tNfmMike ss to 440 typ* And WAd%U Of orra4106# p*swseOnts Or surttrsind proposed by the d+osaslopor, s alt -bo, 1so on the pLut or+rr true 40V0110orrr40 01900tUr0. IOM WW *h r*V*O*dr `OW011000t0 rthOll reezo►i" written rtPWO*a ► of C* 4=aunollson bdtor• am snofta1i oonstrus- titea work its pa rtsrnr ado 'r"irat+ ievrslcr r surall orro * with wl "o- p►rr i ste ut l'l i ty dotpawr trssr<ttttt a A /sr oftwp*rvy for rice stuns att. a" refund of ail eOnortrrrtMtse" **at,# of o6ob utility AnWolrod# and all, suoo + arrrrrur e t+onts ti tb a e ertmmt of tbo Town at Southasles, small be in writing and sub, of to trw approval of tho o r►illerwrrra. f f i A deoidrtastitorr shalt bo shown of boss prrovAsed us+s of land vituis ttw ou'trdivistew; that to* the t»a of tti+d ttietl us*$ 1s00104 I' r Of trusirrsss err t d M* trr101 SAt*** o» sit+ota for 1Gtrrur0%00, wrsr%+ar+olr* ptotr'or# or other spo otst a***. fo' Tto following aorrt't,floatort trhall be ploo" art the Plot i r+ 1 **vlswwd for Pr,ollel"ry Approval t "to DAre"torr of rabllo ork* 'r '14 `I P' a) spVVOV*d for Provsrstion of Final rtatf nrrrsw~r„ city Oloomiwa awwoet sofa Aomitlld Soord s tortu pint, sosle+ and dartwn *hall be shown *a the plant. (t) After *%a 1pro tainarrf plot boo boon row lewed and . Uaa ro- wtaM ..'wa" grist prolinin awary approvol of the loran 19vWIoo*r ■nd/o r Dirwrotor of Publie **rba, oad after sold prreliaa ta*ry sl*t has rooawrlvod VW of rovol of tbo 'own rlontains a," 4o:at oord, sook proliwa tmory plait *boll be mob"t+led to tho "'own council for Its tsotaMtiv* opproww►ial. d 'own asst #"It d Bret! s l ly asoral arws s oi4 Ml iaslnwry slat a>rnd p all ow"ortiwg date rwWtrod to bo submitted with smo lrroltrw#a4 o y► plot, and If lrowwad to be ssrtiofooterir, t TOWW ceuo11 abaall diva its t+wrraats+kty a sl rrowrsl to *old parolletnsrf plat. ha tentative s,p Vowra l of tbo tzreli'wiaiwarsry plot by tbo Town Olin oit does aw" trod- otitate, sretwrptarnes, of tb+w s+u ltww kslon, but Is Merely an suthorlsa►tioaa to mmos«d wai tb, tbo vorAtioft of' tho final P1*** titt~a"' Ill. JAO; 1 Attar t 4o Proliaal.aawaary plot bas brreaaa iw>fntarr- tively arpp"Wod by tktww ;ear 000 "11, a ftn*l nlst to ttae tern of a rwtwnrd vlat stsalll be pre +rsrd and oubrrltttod to that -Atf b"clooor or alrost r of 1141+as aoar toy, reftom aw:+rd trswse*&aKaai*m to *%0 Cou"Oll. l'lwr+s 4 4S) Or*"** *r a U*h P" t *to" t* fx l;d to ol'flasws of tt 4 City t ia#or v"4jor lrtroator of voblle sorbs at toast (lt) days r prior to tbo Oo•ti at whton approval to as'bed. TM* blot #ball, be omdmjttsrd osw s swaps, of 100 too* to *no lnoh* This plot snail, Show, or be oooommontod the following 1"folvotsome . (a) '9K"hs mmos of tt a o owner and/or oubdi der wad of tho 11000904 *tot* laaadarurvoy* r, or rs otorwsd eogtooor rospo rasiblo for the palate ~ (b) ' ass of trio arulr"WISIon MM a 4404 st O"diviolo ss, the #aalsrr * of artp'wlrrsta (to oa#taw,rn wr k*mwor possible to anwrtiatiasd **root >Nurarss) and s gwrro of lots *rut Moohar, to aoiordawwoo with is sfst tto P o rwraft mr. to 4seo of braraoaalft st"ota, t ho Its" of wlwslwaartturo *hall be .oat", (soo t4norarrl a4quiroments). (wa) An also otwotar boundary s urv*y of tbo swroporty9 with boorings 404 di tawraa Wet rotorarw e" tts sturrr r line* ostarbliwrrbod wsawrbdlvriartww, wswwrd allowing 4be &In** of all wad arwooaat land* *ad the less of urdJawe*" situ **so rata tools width and war oo. trsrwt *nd tot ti*oo is aadjoeont subdiv1sl,ons $boll be shown in daraataod lines, (d) Looslion of lroraoawaod lot otreotoo, pubrtle b wr►aafs, perks and otbor features, with srer+ourrs+A~d +dinw melons to foot and doolual frootimm of foam, with this lawgt12 of radii arsrd at alter of all ourwrss all *m glow* and with all attior aftel print Intoit`assrtiaras 8000s0ory to ro rrodm4 the plant on Mao ground, Die wssi ame at at i loan ob w a from u11 arrw►,ple potato* %`01srsrtoutrs, w itb an int orvol of oaao or two to** as aowrearar ' A. ,I + by *be tee ►O Ali be *kov". as l"s "Ased li i. All ois- ♦wlttt,OUlr Aftew shall r11fergv& to lsifll datum, I%* O#MtR~s nor be *bews on a ssporosb t if we 1esl rsd but the 4VOW1 sbol i be to lks *ame shots sr the pl1at. ` losatl of builaliv 11000 On fr t of" 01411 strootse and t'bo loesti a" of %1i111dy 110000rs00. f lreritrlosltf Oftowuw r+'sttristions, arooorV*S1a,# and/or olletsla skts, if MAY: to be 10"0" 10 OOMMOtION tf the _ `4&d t*00. .4 mw 14tt4akttko of 404406tion or oll 'w1#svl tv# pebits blab- 9rarY04, 1~,Orrb1< and ottrsr lalrold iAtorrlddod for publto Uses otemod by %%a o+a Wr or *wnark"s *ad by s11 001wr parties who ba'" 0 1N►rtgago, ar lion tntsfrsot to teas propertlo All dead ~rM►s'~~a1~#or~1s ~ ~ or* to be f i lod with t r4r plat # $bm l l its 0-howw or Mad sspsVs*41W1f . (b) A waiver of *late f dswargoe against tU* Town oeassionod by tb11 arsttlrlfo rrl r of par os er,tba s1terr**14a of tbar ou►rfooo of say portion of oxistiry *treat* alloys to oonfo rm fiat tbo► srrodas *s- tabllobod Sn %no oubd1vtolba* 41) Pooelpt sh"Ing t=mot 1111 taxes are paid* r~ ao rttflostl4m by s ~oal~s~s ndl~llr or s liosat sd *tot* to d Sur"yorg duty tllakal mod by *be "*td of Ton", to the offoot tkat *60 plsw represents • alsk tf lra*do by kin* a toot all the oooosssry ourvsf nrprrre* mmato sro sorr eetly shMM tiallt 160. 1 k 1 The fol owimW o*rittftoot*o *boll be plsa on tit plot * is s 1&"W111r tort Will allow $fto filling It$ Of #b* #rokrt#flllsiaa•1t by Itbo "'.rope-hr *rrty l A f 1 « asoa sdod Farr Final Apprtltrs! s 1 1>rr~sr 1111 +pt` ~1M City a pirrosto r of roublio or s. : pprro i ('~rks#rltMlR ~ ~~11w~1 art and 001"d Heard trrrrr► tar# t bsrlr and Moor Departa"t The following s ttfloatos *hall be +solr!+►t an $b w plait attorw it lag boon floally approved by the Town Council: - 5 - 1. i X hereby ostrt fy thsat t iw wb+tsrst and foresotsw Plot or Addition to tiro Town Lifettit Of the Town of t+nu t + , srr 100; we* s v rv"d by t bo Town 0-i,wm i l of, the Taws of ou tb told. Toass w on t day of a T~Als stVPWWm1 *hall be nvali.d Imlosrs the a sh plsw:t of atueh a44it1*0 i to rooorded to the offloo of County tqoft of Torraaat Uountr. ~ 'Tax**. wiltbtn U dsfs from srt:ld data Of fi.not Mppssr►at. Sold "ditloar $halt be Oub'tot to all the r"IrOmmtw of tbo , rlsttintt Orftsaartats of tho Town of +wtklako. %stsrwrsss or ttasrtd lttble day of Towit ~Oero torry ~ (1) . Olat ithrwll Do *eoossrlaarm *4 by llaa•profix♦ WWOtrt. 220 s Oftd plottod to a ssalo of a►raart twodro$ foot to a t lsob borlaontal sftd toss feet to 000 UWU wtrtiesl, for 000h vro astd rtroot in the smb- division. Ibaao plon•praftloa shall show ttm rrlgbt of urdf of the ~ street *04 portia" of the rim 4►f war at' lattorsootlsrrg *or**** is tho plat ;porf#&Ou- ThO 1Waf1lo ttor1400 aball show tko Osistln a grants! r a time 'Tweposed grs,du at five polsrats of orostr..sootion; that too at the aaontnrrllinwot the buck-6f-ourb lines. *n4 the property Itaos. l asp) Typle.&I oro>t+r. weetton shell be eftawn of the tiyvo and width MW ~ Of Pawl"S IWOV6804 for the otroot rr. garbs and Ou#torss rtrlrrmomt Typos *ad 1)rm1m#6* 1%tr U4tW* 000140 lts ards, of the lawn +af So url lloko, in *tt*@t at the ltiarst of swbaritrsirsasr Of ttrs Plat OW41 bt 4ASOls Subj#Ot e to the approval of *No city Kowtm or and/or Di.rootar of tbl 4 uOrko and Vw Town ~f ou veil. (n) Nortla PProt, sraal+ # and date x tAal i be ahowa, k (e) After opprovol of the -lot *no rep rodmotblo 1wint or treeing #ball be f iroisbod the City agissr or and/sr birtrotow of Pubtle Uerkm osaplete with all nO**aaaarf sigmo#tiros. All flgw"S and letters skolm Mat beta Plot", disttin+rts antd of itrffietant *is* to bo "stly rood, a04 Met butt wuffloko"t de"Ity to ask* r^ lasting *SO l aAt reoerd. (P) bOm *or* Own ano, shoot to used for a slat,, R key map. k sbowins Ow *ntirs subdivision at mullosr +ttatsrlo with block aWmboro and street me**, s t all bar shown oat of the sbsotst Or on a **Perot* shoot or the unto sirt►at. (q) 7'ho ongtnoor, or surveyor, rr*OpanstlbY.a for the plot, sr;,trll Piste P*r*aetsat +t mm u sluts at *NWA aerator of tho bound ts„f suavely of tboa oubditrislern and Pt the s e"* er-lisaa ~,n ~ ~ssoptt~ aar~ point of all ittroots. Tb+tas wtoatt ant *%*It bO a o or0tw pOat* four (4) inetwe In diameter one four (4) toot :lor . or ottwr sn ob typo at, stem# i as • bell be ¢i f 16 eapprev" 1qr t►* t1,r triaonr aAd,sro' rtlr+rrt►rr Of brtl.►o "loo point or lator tiy00 *0 bo indent" on tub troy ors eMlytNtA ante illerrt * *rr e u 11 be Wevo to *tws , rarRots *nd tie "Wind aad 419tomms or tbw >rOlt►NO"o, tloos Irlud in WitbrM term With the City 1ba x ar rant er Ift"Otss of $btito Wo"W o Upp of s""We"rR rbrtll be teat to po"oertet ore" 10 r meow t ttrrtttru toq two, loofts ba%** Sr*44, Ad to ama-port type P61-m-1008 and flush with esisti ft SroWVA 19"1 to Mooopoovs". 1Eietreti+at>r p lodati*u* *f Memo #Nstts shall bw rho on the risal AA. swrinis xvr I,a do~t~r►loperr. st i M 000100o ratty 064"s it~1~1 of i peri't10" or o eeetleft trf +r~rb+dir~itrl+ts►w be so,** *11 tbo rre"irt is Wt this ordinan" vi,* h r*rorosos to look pore"1oo or *ootloo la tu* $ama **saor as to a »!'"#"ired for a O&WM4:tNt** ambdtV%Sjoo, far the *vast a saldlivisltom and tke float !riot thor"t to ovWWW d by tbo Town eurrwll 1a' "otionfo ♦oab final "164 of * 1 tion to to eater tfto from or fte ont trre suhdivs- 01*60 but in to be d1:stitr~ti~ from 0004% outer stlrrtt by w dis- t#,aeut*b1 lottor„ fir or 04606ti.tlo. IM104k rMovalvir "all rata e~ ~n- s**UtIvoly trwoosk"t tt* 9ottra inttb"T**soo* bell to to be diattneliehod from e04h other redtion by rt d1stlrr l ai letter# motort or sub-title. bloek rwmborrs sball,rus 00ee0e0tively t r I tbo► Opts" oub4tvisiot• even tosuch tooft Gu*d1vt on MW be finally 0of* to east i olks. osrtol . IW rw L4410 rW01k be 044* i'or ft* !st*ft4i t* of *044W s*rr"ts. 1 minor -*Too*$ obb 1 be verovided for otr oulattoM mt tl rtiIMS, 'through the oub4tvistens 004 eidowel* tooo1 r~tldrr#rti~ri ~ttrr+sts Iwovi4od to I 0044to, tho oub+dirrlsi". Off-oooti,r street lnt*r**0tI*I" will, Set be epprerr*dr All NaJo r and d minor tre*ts rrbmll 60 esntitataewe or in rtlldnoe" +witi► *x1otting strops* an►1+~su ~rori~+atia~a► srrs► d~ ►isa~* bt ~s 'rs+t~t +~~ii sltrMr orrn- siderotion of rli+llMMtm0Udatl It 604* by *,b* usty sac# +rr and/or ~irootor sr airliu wa►rri s itt'Vill""r" St" "S rr° « 1 be "leveed. 11) curve p4w"lr*ararrAte (otit+or ttrwn i't~totrsll~+ltti~e»~ ~ w#jorr tt,vo#,e **I have a minitsowMt ra li at for **ntor itne or 109so foot j bi,+ r Streets mar brt rs • mislmnr rodii of tba goGter-lI"0 of 935 fo**1 t.00*1 0*01dltesttiot At" nay both a O&ISigago rod" at ttw *ontter lints of 549 teat, +unloos to t!i "I yet olrr 0tes"M *be Town sowtooll approv,09 a ;0001 tt1 *011401sti al otro* With a small err 10141 saw rradii * to Iftiou srtse th* ftvislovo r oast" pay osm *4410191601 o0st of igetrell~iA 'tk* votor sn4 **ve' l&ntort SNtat604 by the Smaller radit. t1r oott lmltoroootiou pera tuso two stroets lotwro*ottt as at one Point st+atl l be evoid*d •s"Pt white It to 101wootlem to eaaomro # Proper +oit"*t 8.10t+ow +otbOWN1,e0. oh*ro $*"rot **I* oorto' rs, at *A* Aninlt• ostwbs ok linens# spool0l .....a rook r0ondi ng or out.-off, or acerarerre and/or M tr"1'to ae1►rolarw aro r be rriequArsd $10 to~* safety 604 footlitr at trAorfle NOW""#4 ser J*r S$r*ot aebdttl l Lj*t4W**ot any otborr gajor *$roo t at an angle of l+tts ti2on otrct ~ b ~rlH , We are.irw*r strrrdot *..oil Intorwoot ate Oft jor otrr at lefts t+' n siretl d*49"S f or wm b*r rArt1nort" ot"ot at loss thee,* thirty 40494n0. SO lso,oi ~oar~errriti,al Street rekrarll 1 ttOrsteast any ittrerr Otr**t at 10* than al t 40WI WOO. jor **root n%oTssetift"ar resell, have Ptreeptrtf lino oors►wtrr rodit Witu a oin&mm tn"XAnt 4lete000 of thirty toot, Minor on. Beret- d*ntta Stssaets *hall bar &S tho prapeertt lieee oeor&norr, rrrr+tii at itntorsoott"Oo sU&21 be fiftoon foot ressWrrod. tree ttko too* of the surb. e f Dead kod ,,,tweets ona '~%►"rrtsk ';tome or plseros may be Terr- F wdttsd prrhorto t for* or oonto+utr oP the land so k,%* it dtflt- 1b, oult Vt plot Mi th nmOWWst1ae4 rrtreerto, but oreet{opt in UOSUOU61 *pass* so dead ar" **"*to Mi.tl be spp~rwsd unld+o* *mob ftod and otreoto ore prrdoVid od to OV$n :eet of th futia rs streets Its artdJeat *nt lay", 14/ vourts or Plooes *UaIt vr"sd• Prroporr er ooes to 021 o ar t oru►ll. ,g*morra lly not arraeood roo"Or four hiindm*4 foot in 10notb, oad1 arR tare orouad *hall be owt4o4 at t ho oloood end, odt th so outol4i radius of mss! least $1X%y foot to tb& fao06 o the oMrb and 0 alf.jiMM radius of "v*nty toot ti ttw parropaertf lime. ty► (t) Fiolaoti-so to F*,el,joining treat* kind Londe l systois of strv*tet 4osi edrtaid, for tho subd iviotane eontoopt to amouet ooso*o must oonno of wittt str otrs already dediootelet I" odjo+ton t subdiVl- *toa; and *bwro not wdjeovat oonnootione or* plotted. "jet to gonoral bo tho aoooonobl# prn4eet t..o+n of str*ot to the nearos$ subditwldsd traaits * m" eoust be oont i d to the bouetldarrS*O of tho tryst autbditrid*d, so tbOA other sub-► d.irrteoteno may A Met 1t rrowi.th. ~ eoeorvo strips of land ooatrot i. tatg aooovre to or egroore from other property or to ~ or from any otlreet or alley or bwv In ttrte effoeet of resteriet- tog or dammAgin; ttto adjoining propeerty far sub4tvio on pur- poses or Whieb will not be taxable or a►aeeetaee►ble► for etpoolerl tats" is shwtll not be paetVitted to any sob- division onlows soap rssor-vo stripe arro o,inwoirsd to the 'Town to fee siweplee. r Strerot 9>rrudoor Hajgr troots way how* * wearrciwuaree ~rw9dee of five Ivrre vat ulrlarso the natural tep,sawo to sum as to require ****per ra+ttos. to odlab ease a so"n mad *"-bolt ~ psereesrrt era4o way to usod for ar tsrrecLwje .-u e*nti.otrrtous dlrtoneee of 066; teat#* "Maor' Strra►w*s sat have a maximm a gr&ds or **von and on*.»botf "ora*sit . Leowl 1-4oldosi t kol Strt *vtr e ~ any have 0 smaximum 0"40 If tan perer#ot. Al s►trootee must ' how* a ■lo rr erode of at irrr:at 5110 of *or rreont. -.7* ttor-lineo gt t+e *h ees with on +ol,seebrbio di:fferoneer j of Hare then two poroont etb,el, i be aft! oa to,°l wk ,n wertioal f +ourv os of sufficient length to rxrowtere w ninirwutwe of 60 r ~a foots *too ediot o J#r Streatil fast atcht dla- dw tartars on rotor Oro*** W" t.*aa1 A o",omt iot Str<oots. No V*:rtisel OUrrrra. rtt' at l be 1000 twA 0 f0101k i» 1 th. ` Wr#WOV a Woos slope Is Som"sary or + aritattlrr fry ono orb to tbtw s stt# OW*o *me % areas ftsooo mall not be loss lure throe 1mbes to thirty *s## nor were than twelve lachoo in +tt rly !oalt. ,r~ C+6~ +sah #~r si~li~hs~ In ~#~a►~ra1«. is##rs###lt s1~r~►1~r. 8.#i1a1al tM it of to s • ttttax# l b II" at mleft i rt- t*v, vato as to oar" or*** traffiat *41equattoldt to soot existing wAroots or s oteamary sabdiristoo otlo*o to the #IMt ead• %ho" no 040*106 Plate scat" 1, t btl at Shall be not more ttbar! /.Y.°.. Q,. toot In tons" nor l#*S #baa as toot i z 1o tb t►rr##" 10 trap a1 as**** In uEtaatra usl #as# *barr# a bi##b is #1l»owod to be morn the ....GQl foot la ,R s o nneotit', oid#wolk 4 Iroo t a1" u+ loootod on a to toot 4+sd10*t4d #assamb 001 be 'roquirrod aa►oroa* tb o rrttddlo artlaa of *%Oft bd##k for ~~►trtr~►tr wxt#. ra1►is+0~k +aldths sttatll ~e:~t erattosd ,..,~d'GLr.,.~.. toot "or be lao* than r0*40 onoopt to ut#ts al rr~aa#+~~• l St"Ot wuthsr mator arltrrsatts shall he** a O&OSaaWO dedlootod Width or toolk with 0 warm POv#noat width of 40 1 /5 .w....,w. Mot k1n+or t"#** *h#ll Mov# a w11ilamm deddlorrEt+fd Vddtbt of #ote with a aaatariwaM pawing If * b Width of .~i......w... foot. Looo V#01404t al t"Oto 014,011 koro a alm" do"Oelod width of /a, 1900"ONYWOWM foot with s a3alom i amt trldtk of "fib fog -t fri* brook of ourb to book O `o , axe*" toot to tba oaths #f +oax~► 1 ►arr rrtr*Ots adetk V 44th shat l be Smrr#osod to a Wi4% oC foot from btr,&* of rbk to brow of a aelat• if tie;$rirod bj~itf i"gtialaor aed/rtr bUmot#r of wbtllat worke in order to prsvldo easy otvd woo trowel + at# mAroots* Aw r# the wrvo to Oet too al sharp It shad be too volley not to roauirr# #tnt addittaatal *14th 1o *s. +o t attarvl llaa*& r s#r*#to, 19 (b) Sidentrlksa rraorolty >rol t* ~►aertid+►ttt sal sid•wa►lks will not be r"Ol ro4q but witoro itetraaritd#d tboy "*It be not loafs tb 4 to** in xidthl rrollol to and not mor# than it foot above or dw)+w t o d twoont wrrbr maid#r ataW •ual i be 1*ooted error ltt+ot ios*14o ttho de,"ostod #trr+r * t & --no and w situated wbolly witkin tho dodiost*d tattroot. -lelsw&tks ab#tttt business o rrty *hall. bn" # Maims wldttt of 10 lost. Vorrkwrttrat *Oat% be oxosvots=ad or fill*4 to • gr do i rallol with as be 040 were • m two foot obloviio and Ottell net be lovoar than the ##otor line attar ►t droder at t right of way U nee asdiarad Volk$ of a old*% not 1set than 16 1410has WW'V 0* Anstofled aaitmttt the, rear of Ow ouirb. # 9► All OeanStV-U*ttiaro WOr#S, sIA#h 00 At"Ot ora«d rAf S Ott" Ot 40 W1rw povii „ *term savers,, curb #nd orw ttttearr **rat. satnt.taary pow ssrteasrrs or water notes er t >raeod by the ovx.w r, davstop er, or o trootor# w4all ae subjost to inopoetl+raa durs.am 001MOtraaeotion by the orotoo r aewertU*ri*I#s of *be Tors end p skol.l be soaralereasteed in aoeae►rdaenee vitas t:#eeo stsaedord ift epaoli lOstioeets sirprewrd by the Town Co-u asil and whelk tiro on f1to to Uto sr rios of the -01tty engineer araad/aear Director of • -obtle arks. ilu (10) Curb and * ttort Standard typo* of curbs and d t to rs ~ *hall required to be oonstruoted on 441 strwo*O s aw*nwoos and lacy down aaurbe *bell be required to be a omstruoted at *11 alloy Interseetionse !P (11) strwMot Besot All streots 9-4*11 have a sia inch ooaep^otod 6 b*** oorasetrusted of notoriaelas approved by the ;ity a iaaear arasd/or ftreetteer of vublin erke* ai base *hall. be son- e• sterwaet od on eo substantial crab-, r*4* approved by the City dlooer weak l*r w1roetar of rablic 4orks. (lZ I Sttroot suarf#e1 od or psrw►wont a:- * 3 bo mandatory. k be loan *ball mire to ourtoolne to *e#ae)aeist of two *oat penetration* aar **no"** orr brisk, one lash rock osph It or warayt otk+err typo of approved bot or o old +s.-ee txod, p waeto rtol &a 4otoraeetne4 by the City Zngiwjoer arena/or ~'')irw etor of ~ublio arks, s opprov ta4 by tho l o*m Coudoll. ,-,-11 stroot a saaaeeattruetloo work *"It be portomsed by ae bonded eontraotor who Ows filod ,foit~if'ul, P*rir#traaanwro bond with low tUo 1'own of :.~outitxlskoo so en q%iirod In trtho ordlelmaro aeov* rhos spoelfioarttowe for striott ere-n trustiou. (13) **or* Sowors t -torn saseor* s._.all be consttruotad In skxob 1>a♦aeattl aeear and of such also and diaeesaeesiaealatt design 004 of notariotae as s ®itlled by the tty Kneln eor a ndf rr 44roottor , of blue torko, ritb *fie a viorftvarl of Oster 'nowt Counail. 4b) ct$4aearllaasut► ea elar+e+r+wnlaee (1) arks, p4ay,1 ro4ndst Public and . +eeot itls t All sub- division* l zos,"Ins five &oroo to dress acres, shall iesel 4o s dadlaeeatikon of aeroroximaetee five poreont of weld sroso or** t,a th* Publ,io for use os park*, playsteYeer~aee►a~ar, public or ooho*l *It**, orovidawd tern Planning &ad *,onkag ;-***Pd owl *I%* To%t, a ou- noil d*oa aeuaak ido+dleotioe ~4irA16-r,, '1`ko said tiro j-ioroont to be In a 4ditti.on to t l ' eporttyr 4#41- esttoA far str*ots# alloys, ot_bsr rblio "I#, or utility oosowonts, %old five €*roowt osyr lnelu4o a required daerdi,- ooitttom of fifty test an osatq aide or all volt dee#l"od crosk.s for oa rk yx#r"wen's. a (R) 4usrra ntoo for 11,1notruatla st or sInton*noe of Strweettsa ba~a Vol of tho plot $hall not i.r so *sty duty UaVOO tbo low" aeo noorni ng t bo awa l est onaerno o of improv►em*mts of any m4eh I P, dodlootod Parts until ttere proper putboritiss of tteo lot** *bell b+sreee made ae t 4al asea W a re of the some bw entry, W" or SATProV*dMWt * 13) Reiplattlags Any replotting of any existing subdiviaion per any part +t ksaeroof o boll ,e e** Abe r"rtraee eats Provided for hersi" for a now subdirieretan* 14) VAO,s a04 000iore*eatloensI Adri** eeead 004 potation In Also irro rstiol" of plot* will be freely givo+s by tbar Town t}laaaie aueeld aeA#,,e ►ard and ttteeeee l►tf ioesr and/or roietaer of rubllo Works, (5) No sub41te1o3*a or addition 94owi ns ro**rvo stripe of 'Laud aootrol l i *be to J-10101 10 ways or. 04,1ee1ainig trn o"Or- tiaes wi.l two srpro"do whoe>rae Plato are vrooo,n+t*4 for a« mar! teft adjoin r► a tt+rd proVortf, - tho owner sd jor developer of the proposed subdivision *hall twrav°ide bias " . rato pe>F.eert of boundary stroots. 1' ? T tnot approval of a final plot of subdivision sfeell be V,*votld uarl,otreae suort approved plot of soon subdivision to roeordod to *tie o lia►o of the County Clark of Torrent County, 'fo=.os, within 10 days after Via do** of its final ' approval by the '1"+nwn Comne 11. e eltl so buitdtft vor•eeeetit nor any wotar, sawor, plumbing or 41*0tlr 1sal raralt $hall b* Issued by` Abe To% M to the ,evo*r or any +ether rrs*sn o tits, eerorep"t to any proporty to *"y subdivision ootr*r" by this wr,t1eee&noo untill 4 40) -uearter time as Abe dote'nelnevor WO/or ownOr two 000pliod with the ro%ulrowaent o of this ordiaeaee o ono tbs f lreeel plot rwtegaeerdi iaeTWoreneuents wtta crows eit to true bleeaft fasiex Abe street on oftiob tUe prt" op* rt<lr to o t >Co#+tad r 1001 adi ns the lnstollartl t of stts,e►+ts with ►"T be** and paving* j our b, and etto r, darala ado rtruoturws a store eeeowoars, all ee ooorrdlend to tbo aV*oiti+oo*vA ns of the Town of S*Ut"#i-o; or 1 14 (b) until on *soraw do#aolt auffi,teiow't to v-ey for t1to next of suoh Impr vooonto as dote rve>i eeed by the amity indta*or and/or .Arsotor of 1,ablio verbs cowwU4 an # ir►ats 4omwi terreisl rate baeliI* !sees b oo aod+ie with the 'tea t Oo"tory sosom- eertiod by rooaeont signed by the dovolovo r and/or owner aeut a►rlsieg the 'own to woko suob ~a rate at Provallind rrl.voti• #►awetter'alteaeer s," Vey for the Nye out of the osereve dnrr welt. sbw!Ld th# +dovol.*jw r and/or o~r -fall or rof+uso to last al l the rogeirted pr ants within *moo the time of tod to scan written eegrr oont, but In ao ease 1 I it 4 - rrrwrrr~irr.Yrr~r~rerrrmor y . t00W 9b811 ttho '!'own be obligated to altake XU*h &*p#rove msft%s 1l8ee1t. ' ueh deepeusit say be used by tuo owner and/or de+rreete~ eer axle odroso prtysonts as the mark prow***** in makIryl szfi alb i+sproveeraants by making ea•rttirtt*d r"ui- Yr sitishs to ttte '1"et<WD `~010rotaery sts ►rtsd by oviF otwo of work dr*nit or PP ~aa until tU0 el*v*lopor aa"d/or Owner fi.lon a oorporaFto gurety boftd witk t.tsae °rown ieretetrstaary in s *us aquea& to th* so** Of sued iaa rorreetee"tr ff,r tea desisnateed area SUaarenta oing ttue Installation thereat Within tit# thecae stated to the bond. and for aea►inteoomew for two yarors ttwrewtett@r. si T 11 1€.~:. -soA►dvlo or rocs t'ayoblo to awn -*or*tory in _ elvaneeea 'Mateo fbll+o►ej"S ssl►sel.,:ls of fees and otiordwae aetear<11 be 0a11«0to4 by the Town soorotory. his d*putioaa or ooolstsats, when any Proliaaloory eras ON or plat to t*ndorod to *ka tgvn. toots of tho toes ana o+sar4oo pro- vidLod for heroin skaall be p&14 in adv►atnoo, and no ootion of !t%a 'k Town 00;%And ond ''Lo"'104 sowr4 or 'down :Bic null *hall be valid until tkae tt"leb"'16i I tt>'-tr♦ b"n said to t ho oftloor designated herein, 1'ho OP TOW" 11"oetreetery. taboo dopautios or assisftonts. $haall l.loot town Foes and ottar,gss In oooorda nco with ttso foltowiet arohee ,slits 40) trott>eainory plats. 43.00 per lat. ' lu* 50 estate por.lot. A oortitlootee *hall be made k, ttr pumper of lours skowind tboti for 17t P feeds provided for bersta bows boon paid "rioer to too submission of any preliminary or first lk I" is to tbo 'town 01ouningr awl 'ill ing ~ xeerd, and no approval *bolt be valid until tb* fk*o boor been ooltoo^twd. a< f ► aa000p44000 of a l aal plat by the ow" of ."uthla►iapa do** neet. its uley man nor* oblidato the Toeaetr to riaanso or furni,rta any *term sewer, drainage as tt~' ueetures, or street or water or satyr iarprawveeft%s or any otbor laarp*ve nwists writkin the s STV" ed subdivielon, sA **or* so~ or drainage i'oollity, or strou is or water or *ever Improvements *boll b* v'at*d ten or "*do, nor +atIp l arty perbtio money be *xrenda►d an any now prr,jar sod subdivision, Appeals may be taken to tho 'torn Counarll by the swans and/or dev+al*p*r as to •eetions of too City ' aawdineeer and/or =,dlrmeetor of -t'"bito morkate ayrld or the Planning And 4onind prd# wrttetbmtr on preeliminary or final rovisw ~ of a proposed plan, SttC1,109 Vill. .~.Y Any person violating this srdi,nsoco or any portions thereeeef *hall Upon eeonvistion be guilty eef aw nt,u+d+aftoo rotr and Sh*11 bee fined not lo** rowed 416i90 nor ~o tbon 400.0s. and ssvb day tit eeuOh vi01st 0a oesetiattttttees shaali be Oansid+artsd a sepatrate of fonso and antsu"ble aet►oeradl l,y. r ti ar "R k UON 1X. Ord& All o r" os 0r14 Porto of Ordtt#ti1000001sto ttt b*roritft *rw bor*by viopootlod ra o of this ord manoo to doelorod low, 114 or mitoonotitutionot for *"I romson, It of It not tip hoILd to iiwolidets, or >twoo r tho v*1i41t q !'ores, or ottoot of say otter oootion or sttottatto or tort of a #ootloa or por Wo of this ordIneass,* 11,09004 so* adopt *d to the .w.~..~..... dot of 1937. :P Sit l ATT pi's rag ~C. `'t yy~yy i , WWWANUS *I.,. a'"a t °l lJt.lv"1<'1° fil 0 1~ 14M-514 TA 1010 of ^iLAxx$ TVI,tli, S PROVID49 0 l LS llitl, 1*23 RIMS R CIVIL %TAWT9S Of TSK dt, AVS AWO %X0tVT PM1 O A,rrPU ATING IN S 1 3 VIWV il►tw"RSWt 1*1 Til Vic. A: M i 0AXTRO 81 M (if T-i TOWN 1 PROV14126 104 AS T-ALS TO Af ' A T $U P- 01 lG l 01 WM UTILITV a Belt Tw YLtjw* i3 VJ 0' %G A PAXALTY r l+ lP 0 E.,T dr ?k. f"lll,. 14,:t AMMO Vii. ltXx OUT ! 4R 4!%104.00) ipk(; A'..+4 T,00 H SAND X r*'l DAY T MAT t l ~l.f 03 "X " d xi 003,449%4 N3 4 ly t" "Ws, si ll Pt!i'l'%v A ..xii, so t v* ru#iuc Wt%T c.kr "rte TOVN, Mom 'l"e"a AL LOA 't~XAP1I.oATlr,* IL1.101 W lq D RS006W g ~ `XTA U1 r 4 SAY1A-4% C1.4WtlS, 3 l~ l Al M' KWASic1C, ' A.;. ;1i 1 ~l 'Ctit w"l" it a ,t31T 'tt»f *.X x M 11'4, MIYX AND 11%, It V' IJ. (104, A,% ,l Zr" " Late*l'K% IT Al)''Tlf.lri C ATICS A% :Alt` L A10 r14, eVIDXD 'l RXA ;k a it x• i TltAT all roots o* **seelatimm, *rSoulaMbloneg a"4 oorrporstt vns, osoogtl.ng sapplie" of sbito utility :sorvtoo rovent " a i`rwneiA** gro *04 by ttw 'l`rR1r11rri of rrthlalms Tytt *oo using or orros"talulffl* any t*10gr+sl►o, tolovk o, olootrio lint or other polos* #*a o1po ]Lines, water pipe i,toal, pipes 41"4 otlwr ttxt%w*s i.w MW of the olv#otoo hi o- mayo, srao►orwants, all+rfo, lark or o+ttwr v1sooo wi*04 ► teat Oo►rporato L.LUA1 # of tvw Town of ►rrtttleko* ,f+ssse# attalt on ttw lot day of Moreik of 00okk and *very year, filo witu tb* Town 1140*rotarf a *wave report shavim fho areas rooolpto from the business ooo alttod by mob persons, oatoolloW*nt, organ owtions mod *or rations within t Corporate Limits of gio sold Town m d, ovela +o##xwr ;information on to prov&4*4 by Ar'tlorlo 11210 1925 s,wio Qlt►il tratute* of Toso*, Tor the i+r*oo4l Toi*r • r+dl+ dw►orr~o' A%PW i TUN t1WOrd Or A ldorumn m&y. wtj#" It away see tit* ba v* too, books 0 ast r*"N'ds of w►ook Por*on. atssookstloant, owwwasaawtieani or oaeryaaraattl+aan rnra d0rMW tbo statement required in oot 4m l or tbialt drdiatutnoo,~ aatsaataNaiaawwral by aw r0 otontot#wa of tbo 'town to asaatertaa n wtAotbor swot otaatteaaent ~ to orerrt+r►. ba~•rOthc to th1!•r4inaoeo 01411 bo oomosmod t+w.,rovoat tk* TO" -far*w ""OrUlarailaaad the feet* by Pay otaor w ouged. 3. UA T'• *a; or borer* ttm lot doer of X a;orlt of oa4b and *very year, orrery ,per"". aw 8*001. e t i oawt, or f e nk sa tl on, or eor ro tl oft ort+aonatify i"s or using Use str"tat, biatttwayst maaaattaowon►ts, alloys, @wtrks. soar other ale Visotos in t3ak* 'town of x%00 . %10kar, 'I s*RS, wltlo colors, P,&lw►ot, aa►atatat for ottusr fixtures ai(WIl of n sandition to suob furtbo r ootouputn ey VON to ~ toot ''lbws ownnaelly for *,,A* h oari+w►3la goo aar rawntaal equal of two (a) Par- >oont of the gross ro olets resolved by ntuoh person, onoool*tlo n, o>r- dawtatlaraetioee or Ooryoarofte n from Its business oooduo►tod tw► the Corporstao Limits of t b* Town of 1,,iouth aatbo, fox**, for *be prooodlawd yoga r, whte t sums sbotll be Void to the 'down of ~outtalaa►kaw. '~ooarccaa. 4 TUAT, upoo rrroolrt of tno above rental by the Towle *be Tows 4orottawr°y sbmla deliver to ttww person, aatseelaarti , erdaaaaw►lzotl*wat, ~Wl or ear-o rotion payt thaw s>rawe a reoaot: of swats roatol, w4tah sold ay rooolrt sb►anil 04tioorlwo aar*s+au parson, a a asaaaoolaarti* aa, oargaat Asetteso, -r aa. oor ►ralrionr to use and aoaatuvy tiao strooto. tatlrAa'rraay#S ooot+rpaAonto, awl lei oo parks aad otbor +blio aawoys of the Towta in eorrying on Its b+o vanes for twelve (ly) months from 3atrtaoarlr7 1. of 006* yoor. 7"aes ATO rttto r*ntol 'far tue r viloto of using the otr**ts, of loys, blabstoys, awatrawo aa<+taw, parks or other pwbtle, places at t bo Town of So:aMtrsIrkleop provided tar to tolls ordinance to not aftoratod as aa► tax, but to mad* for the Vrlrrllaroo new on.joyo4 d be enjoyed by such persoaas* oar**- 4iort1=')as, wrgoaa104410060 004 setrperet,lante of +ts Rit o awtroots, ♦0arro- mosttaw, atalloys* and otbor publto ways of tbo lows in the aendust of their rorspoetive, b4olftessool &04 snob Sborafos ore ead Atl,aaratol. to aarll and rt elaarrawa.6 fro neftiso► to os *no all otttotr taass of *very nature whatsoever aaada s not the ►rsins, oNl s olotlans, ordoragt natiaano or c rt►or* tInmo mentioned horoia.p I` AT nothAntd lwerole it lntoodond to rotlove any rson* atas~r+aw» Ir a ati.aerttlaaat, orgentset on, or ororrorrtion of aas"y +o+ornaiiteiorn, r+atstriotloan or roWslrow*nt, taat"~*od by any low or ordlnoaoarao of sold Town of oa lbisi~e„ TolCar r 1P a r Sc? Id TO tus ordiwe"o •nat sr t a frsesMosi to tay arti~ll# +aar ► + Iles ordot#sstsot or oorvr»rstI m dOO the tt$roote* e004000~%O* `sl'ioys tt otbor pub!ilti Mayo a" ttW1 trwer be 000 fits i#d ' . 'tbe atsdrt* or o tbe"160* t 1k* MI! the ov, ' rjgm to +t tetitl 'tbo rl+r►tlardt►M t wt" mar "Adder .ttad roi"wed the an- eorowd rsatels for ~ yt►~r it' 'Phtob Sjoh 000* 110tiom be***" Offo otlr^o v&&d to tbo 'to" I d. 1 tj :the, Tom of '#blabe boroby reosr oo the rig" to out sa to Street at ashy bine~ otl ber giros#rt~eMtioats rM►M~sxa+r ~s as to the orwotlos and ~i~tttlwt~ der poles, Wirer„ Wipes s otbtr#r oppertouawnCes lR tabs s prwrtoo M*sAM+ nts, ollty o and otbar poNerl#o s of tb* gold Town w" tract *Uw to t ter wire *uob tolos• V*V*s# wlros otbatr property oVaipment'sad tUturoo tt s It war 4mm proper to be ro""d r6t.o eegwt ro wires to .b* rtA t in e40its on #40b tirse ra the r r w Tov a ittay do4w A ,,M TUT, *very porgoo, +wssselation, orgoontseti on, and oor orot on nbo *hall otorote s ay baslnsss st *bout filiiva the "port, ter ~f*orlAod i low soetton 1, bo ro+ot, lwttd the "y t or tbo rental prrovLdod for barrriw s%ol l be sub„ lot to ' s malty of One, Ruatdr*d (t1st►wtd) boll o rs for *ooh tt> every toy tb*t sack V*r . ossoolotlswt. ordrtaSu** ,#m* or oorporati on sboll udust Oueb bustmoss metes ,Nod oooupying #tw to#row ttl, oa+rtezonto, all* o g porke or otber p ublt! ways of th* low* of. wllh"t tb* pays*** of the owid rontetto whie t *&to sum sway be ar+rear "stud by the Town of *outbloke to a **art or competent j%wisdiotion %w o suit rt isd b+ rolnw every person, o 0001 e-t10t, *rsoOlsmtol^a or e+arjM%Or*t1Ou otm tiao Weal Meomwor or o0wt or ovorlr s$ en Woo, o *mjaotiaa or oorporattoo fti.ling or r*CAel to allow ttaw *sow etlow sseevrldo4 for to Sootta+w t bo~f sbtelluplo» ttOOwloi1ov to $be ! SrpMrlrot»r,+tO coort or tk w! Town of %outhl"es T*ttato, be fine& to ay 000 tram! to ose - owo umlrod 4#100000) boltttrS 404 0~1 day;s lst:lIA ,4tr rolusttl, 00 nti r d 1n tbltc tatltlern, trbatl be dtetwMtod tt sae~trratar oi*toaro. Ut V1'l lag* Piro Kors el ,w bui l,di wd hart to i r• oleotriost iu- oplM►acto1', Town 'flat o3''t'l~00 # tl~~*" other perseen* dreolana►itbl by t l ow"t sual"l trove pr and It 04 11 be #bs#r duty to ttx0*140 and twto tr# tsar ti IW *UW 611 ttelWspimt* +t*1opbettrs* olote 'to llsb# ' or o tbt►r pot*** one M ti.wes# ust#er pt" %&**so pip** mod othor as fisturos 10 *I%,# public p►l+aaoo >wrttklu tb* To** for tbw pur se of seeing ow*4 Items to fouVA to be a sse#t! or a amrrullsblo for ttbo purpose >br rttiob 119 It to uoxwd. the porsor'welud, ►ottovolntt or us taattoloing ata►mw *hall be f i r ~ M 'r w~rrw~rirrrrrrrri~~rrr - r s►titind a#ytd e~nquirsd "1800 sir # *of* *ad multi►b * wsand:ltl . tt 007 ss*tAaa. P!rog"Pke s+ubdivisle"o alousst brass or Prasisisn if thAw Ordiftemoo wholt bo ad j sd lovotld or twit is*. 00"sti+tAltiaa0l, t 0#400 *hall 'not affast t validity of this or~dlftano* s! # wb*l r or uy port or provision tborsof at r tkoft trw part to PP 4061404 to b tavalld or unealsatituttionai. A* a. .trPi, uV19 t MAYOR PW rr I re' so& 40 COU12 S 01 `MKS 9 "U SS P90- 49 #M UAT ' 09" AUA &*A" B&C A IPA XT Of "M "Wb A WAT OWSLOS AAA 14"UT 46 $SO L 49 "Ulu* to A" M PRIVA#t QTX" 4112"" of 8"S Tom # A W T AM A Wft SOW Ab MWT'AM 10 H& MILI SAM'St AV M lWtl f P^WfDU 140 AM 40 AXS X30 tkQTI t► lk 4011M L N".le ft " A TOU9 AS Ul"VOM ADW" At AX*,A b r "Nd t Ah 54TtC fit . f►*&&tvr+o F 33 s ~r V j* oe f~'flad so drl~ ~ + ; Lrs~ttd C&V'11 dt~r *lAL It ISOMMs WM*t*PMWRt ' itrWWO. + tin tat WMAW l laiw of? It Moot* -aft moo *wow 4f the J r Irv ho f for d wrltbodo ab+r ISS w o I" ii bey urMi wow""o to "M fir a" ago" * A"W the l or I Srltbls o %W"o a tv"S of is" 00"Igtlt*ft „~wueV"0 wi~ri Of 1rii,~ 04t NA ~aM► It T* itOV NO 9 of l~ dom. ~ d o , Torrent COMStylp lroxas o "i t%a ly dot"rltbtw d W so*00 &nd bow"a 00 t ollowr « oftl"IXG at a #"at &a *be motor SUM or to me am (SevLow. f1rop+o#r1*0 #twid an the o t 1"M O r fto to x4mtow "oar # TU~ 0 ff qwwwj* l trot 51 Ofwr oow Soot "llo toot to & veiio l laws* Soo ft a doglos 14 aim"* West o"9" t to & Points cell o MM 844 so dean" skwsfre Writ 3***I f to, a vote*$ V t fMomob # devo" " suns o t 1 #1 too* 160 A point $ WOsO 97 at ttt" lit 1606M fto t to & points TUYAWIKSMOM t 40 T"4"9 SOW" "4000 toot to & Ault to t eoutor I&** of S * he 1m t t►ltrwr r►~+tr wt ~ 04"1 "a * is on Sul soro d ro+stUM &Ieft $be for tine of T. N ;o IM # 1i f<~rwwF RNA to U PIMM O lani&W. Savo a" b that fib of sam #root was *Vully IL"1wded wltb&n a* too of tbr T e of 10"010 at t um Or Its f +wosva"**4* *0 4040 as# 1fsto &a ohowo to llolk attoobod storooo. A pUt Ot 104 swMoWift &I* l .t M i%b ra nt tt* We 4:0" of L$j AT Q A S by 'l0"14) Qj A rj4tRS Of T%t IroV+o Of 'Ml fp the pwopo" " otomorre bovo& lt►bswo #ooortbod being 044040" + oottowe" to bbw logo L"Ate Ot " t M Two* be WA to bid i List o" b olt w1liot ftrt r irYt ! i.#uadtti ofT iiid l~wrn of f<• 2. THAT9 the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto: now in full force and effect and that which maybe hereafter &&opted. r 3. THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Southlake, Texasy as heretofore adopted and arendedq be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of Southlakot Texas. r THIS ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and r effect from and after its passage and apptoval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. .~s ADAPTED this 7- day of A. D. 1957. A.~ APPROVID s MAYOR ATTEST: TOWN SECRETARY' i i r r ~aM xj~ ~ ,....,n• ~,.~AyNd' ~'a, gi ~A ~ Y ,N M1 t~ 1 ~ eat I OW AS 0 B I 9 'aJ 4 0 + Y11T xw t K~,'i ' [q a h r- r a r jK t t t. ,5 f { S ~w"y. tld Y cIv f 1'. 3 Hof ~ gg i ell *4 ~ s s e t EXHIBIT "A" bpi A$ OMIAMM AJW ANNUM AWACMXT A" CO;Ut'1'l TO IWd OF 9692" 1 t TUX MI MOVIDSMS ARIA dtWLL U160" A P$WT Of 0"b T b AMD T"T IM Cbb XJW 1 1 W Tll ACS A" 04044iAMM s IS KY11 "t A&V TO i 1L0,T1r'9* ADOM t :F#3SMMV2" YOU tl XMM b d ,WU TW WYE 80MANXIS OF SAID T A S S I* TOVOW "WT" AN"U s A" PUMIDING W011 AM f-ITSICTIVI DAIS* wax • Para t to - tbu VINW&MAO" of the t* of 19's3# 3)94 j&Ut%W*$ Padt 3 # ft ptor 93 *edtlllad as Artiol~e VA-Gs aswilL Stan"" o T~ *410 TV""* # of Uwant C ter s Tmao• *vow Of "0 peM lrty berlTbaalfter 4*04 aboa # barb am" ilta►ttaae as Or last pawls ter "m "r and Town Cowwltl sttyre 'h'ow of itble tt s Tax"* 0 tsattt of tend W*nml stl as 41 of 74ot &*me# move or tam# slt4Aat*4 the a be P*to ► *vA j o W o eve" trr ro sl tee 6tod to Torre" qty # Texas # *or* tally + +ta"vibod by aeotwo *ad Wands as tollwa s dttaus at 's 001st An t ho tb bsGw4&rY Uns at Ow r1 b* s+ l ~ and toll ~ bOUNA e~T line or the ' 40 "v'+ fttvvro ftme "9 toot st or the northeast aw eSr of "0. Jo bo v ero unroy f, said teary lltwn boift tk* vw**owt •itT isiwk% Zino or atRlakov larrsat * ' as orostod by its b oo • Tu"Ick # rtb I to" to a tat t T=A O r+t% IS* &*few* 43 swumtar lose a*$*3 toot to a dint; mxm# doh Ik degrees dt as ikow West mI**# tot to a Feint I THS t # *"I* " da ar"s " asaWNW. t 04 #+r+ 4 to a pokaet s " TAM=* +q mob to + roos 43 WASO44M Soot s3 to" to a point S T # r" 49 doer"o 49 *toot** vast 143 foot to a got"% t T"Wto sew" to dest"s wl ttmrat ao*t Toot to a poll'%# T t# xerft 69 *wroos 36 aedmOos► W*vt bar toe* to a pokst is %be IWW" rtbilt 9vVv*lr i M # *w1kb P60 foam to tbo South SOWM"V► Uft* ot the ett S viva" o tost 2"06 toot to the Southeast rtr"#r of wes Utas t uera~T t TIMACL9 itb 1"3*5 toot to tbo aetb boundary line of the ; . b• Pelkoo burvoyp existing City Ussit Dims et eoeUtblkoa Toswrl TaL; ; # Ao rtbt 89 fees 30 wwo toot oamw the SmAb bowaAary 11no o ttwr prioo sur my It" toot to the plaao► of t41001460 a s P A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the Town of Southlakes, Texas, is attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "A". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXASs 1. ~ THAT, the property owners hereinabove described being adjacent and contiguous to the Town Limits of Southlakes Tezaa, a be and is hereby annexed and brought within the Corporate Limits of said Town and is hereby made an integral part thereof. r 2. THAT, the owners and inhabitants of the area herein annexed be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of other citizens and property owners of said Town and be bound by all of the acts and ordinances made in conformity thereto, now in full force e and effect and that which may be hereafter adopted. 3• THAT, the official map and boundaries of the Town of Southlakes Texas, as heretofore adopted and amended, be and is hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the Town of Southlakes Texas. 4. THIS ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor and duly attested by the Town Secretary. ADOPTED this .S-- day of A. D. 1957. R APPROYEM 9 MAYOR ATTEST TOWN SECRET "Y -2- • y G ¢9w, Its, 0 I Nye +3~ W J ilk S). ol A I w M A At)P)F-t- HA41.L - TRU~57"EE e +O~tttLM~ a~ • IOtM AX WwIT1t r Wnw or tOUT 21w T~t* "tonDne ram r l=s A resat T ors ca"assw luau "+I is mmtw a Tl4t* 0 14 j ""I'uX 0" "PSAh, IDY ALLU*UVANU (V PAP" Of ORNIVAMU I 00*n4 ' TM UVM; MVIVt THAT An pus" O rum a mnvv Vu TI NG r t' TM VISIONS, OP UIS OINAUI SU* A LL TI TX.. SMALL aS n"S IV ANY NOT ASOX IrX"- 25•f# p t to TUAp * Iiiw*** p t1IrAMOS 044AL" 0=010 WiVg p D AS * IStAp tt LAW* L "V """Mfg's " vt munss m "a "m ca"Cu. ar To& Ift #ason, lw*0"4, farm or eorvw*tUm U tt*"Istter sow* •ttrll Uro 4w 1Mt1t M or throud^ *a* 11"Ibs Of the "T°own oI , ►+Ii1I r Taw"* vbwa %W so+ttst It%all is nov" in* tgrowab or Apow '660 stroOts,s or 4100 oya SI•, *T pubtle r>E * witi►out first tI*Vri" softllm" • .MrsiA troat "w 'Tom ~to~ a~ttl~rlst►ttMt 411 #Am* **art ON* 6664 tt"t 0* "Gh peov4s sh"1! so~ ter tea sews" of 0 r tt ar ft i"104 ;LIM* tw Tom fer re0o"ttwuO ttem thfW04" **lose two sir ""*a Ow Iris woo ftre* O"wr*O a 1wiItimw p 1t for *w e% m"st rwatione T a"l it ftal l VW for *a" pilvftt fto omw of 10, 40 for the fivot *w "A 5*00 for eaft O"ItIomd Amw or tr etsom tberaot tkat tb► bm*e or WA UU *g to iw„ or on tt w strooto * *%t oy * * ovenuos or putt t @ ar n+ w, ltltt~l~'ttt~~ II . *$"S Si p'>i natt to $"me" Up *a* T" trotars * "0 lartty 6"1040 8 1Mtltratw itlall it,"rs a tttttav" be" v&y*iris to tw Tauw of soat7s""O'D 'tos"s 0.0 "0 am of ft* T%mwa" (6100#600+0) iwllarf, qs+t tats by a ft"ty cam, s erta*d to " 1"010"a iw 'tsaoa. fm bo apwNtttt" by S" "Togs U*"607 04 city Atttor r e00itt1*6tas &smog otthor tufts "at sotd portty will sow*, miry and A ■ YI4 iaaartaless ter Town of stwtbla oo Imme * a sates t all t kobtli t es * j4dowats * Oe s is a" expeos wwttieb soy to a wSOO sesavo wtww! Mats Tam is a sh mqpwqww of tAr grentlas Of um a* Perot$0 up" sbo OvA rar tton of the time samsA "a rw * it oo*lwwr * it the us* Of t 4tlr+Nt0* rliIWO8 OVOW44 0 Or pUbLAO frOW440 10 00 tONIP e w - s sooarr, fto ftWor ~I *leer ova dt of 1 atrstruottems oo rt,"ns fu rtbor, t `tom, fterstwy may ref11mm is 1str" a remsvwl pt Lot w. Omw wharg am* sork "Au 00006si4000 fts removal or tting ~ Of My rS 2"0100#U* : 60 . w 410 00AUty 0OOVMf . Or to 010 ,fe * waatlt 6"Oft tuft ."a" Owd "Ip"06"Ost for soot ~t iii 1ra-t r twat~ arlralwamentt with "m lts opa"i0o aNwobw or 000611~411ms so* vW000 "tom" 1► Witte* *4rq at* Or by dov"#ti WSW 44 smap" ;0 arwtitioumt mmalkis# of wo"t to 00~1,- t "st of swt la Work * fta t to* sut ft "d ra a+t "No wives so .00VO4 or t, to fts satistaotloo of tim t "t~►+ai a~ or e+awwttroit *sow* STATS OT RXNVWAL e A rmst lamm" by $be Tawwrs Saatrot&ry is a bomm mover Wall *tat* s t fisatily 041 t#N 000"tiaas to be **OPIUM wstb to ar irl * siri1 destjoato tiw rout* to be k, wwA ttacit the t Um for raaaavat O to 00 M" athatl "v0d at tic "tart►s* aveftwee Or pub&&* usllh be used r *hot pur"00 onto" s"r or* an a #*atw dw ssema+tod bw th+11r Ta lm ►"hatl » r 'i tT« Tim tai or aR busId tns uwwidor w u:1t* ar~rarA* aa~att ~ be aowitiwwwt s dwwtft *it t~ - k""wv of tai ft,Y * s" ' by "s re s fit a 4*t "I ` mired if . tk* Ta ft rob" * w "S & oompl*ted o aa" aualt be ara~i M " sets the laws* solms tbrt tiaw " the t#arwwu Of" ~ X8404• m i h+a s t.i bo ai l0nrd to his sw► r* w"", S or str Or""" Or lalterseet1 * Or is "Ok veegt " to "I"t k`. +rtat r s to auwtr t~ "fit * " ~ -w iii to trt &a a 4006 aHaws oses alt emeb *od and to Mww► O"tor wrt said WSW" an a►t,l tt#dss *Or as tho at^t+ S 'I Y. llr that 'town 1trob" doom It us" o or &#maorows to the K ie to auwty* swtf stnwtuvv or lwrt1di *vo r p►llat rowels Or ;tea, on 000* 00% of t +aeadition of said 1tr+t114iag or strwwttwrar* no wit cull be 104"Od for set# arlwV490 r. T Stl. i SWUM vif + *grow Ago ring i uw vore#f1lt or ver"sw r "l ! rr t rR "W TOM Seere" So we" a but'same 0001,1,0 at t"a em 40 after 04" %as d;N ro"U" sto "ti mn4w rs t that 0"4 to TI U&TO"t, fte shoU em tit ft! - **"*4*,* OUOY S # WWOMMOs it ""So . N"*k ~ 1, + **eor" m t b tt+tlt~z` i# " WA6 + 11slid 1dift 0080" ' #i 0 is fte *tlr e t * OUSYSO OVOWASdg or ' 1t4 + 4"% 1t, Oks irtd %im" a ~ $"1 tiara v"94". tit s In 4604 rower '«1v t6" wsff's bete" fte pest V"armatec. Upon U19 f I tW* $ #0 so ustkin ~lM1t ~ 10 "A" t * fie tk* 4 ssturik e"as or fAfte To" wtr"" * 10"16 ate mr"" ""I "wo tba 40O N40 *M* to It Atrl/~►4its fk% to rs • aV*NMW or 1&O V"Nd e to bs rilwtr" k*W, Wo s1tttwa of the **oft dt by said howso **"ir rosp ibl*r for tho . poyso" at mo. 40 C, ST It' bow" **w*r oft I rope" (A* tue Tow ft "b" or IriS1.M*&MU ♦a 1 14%ts' 11► +riR of ioo*tI u whom *b , wiI4A &G' to its on tbtu i is for fte *40t. fatlwlo to report teAo 0"11 bs s*"s ►drrl *d 0 tr#~rd~$amm"~ a lX last tbsr ply 61*8 IfLobta to a ftawr as korelim prow"". rl rowe"I st.& bell**" a a p"bIj* stro*t "14w* pmmoo* or "*I&* s` otm"# &AA a*&&% me* to aayr manner #maorf'+M wtbb for r v&ta vertf' of t wt4mA&. Tko Tow XwmOwl shad rr bh p ear to rt~aa ~awss ~ ~ ~ i r s- tldt"CA sxM011 IX ANY pas-see or x#11 r°oUsiwd smW s+ w#Aow of tkis *v*; nA * *hall bo smi tp of a Ord or and ar t be ftwsd not loss tb" be* so" "M rhrrr t P i T"s b* to dull ro"O Vito" risfll*wlsa #!o ed"Osen and p"Itostion a* 61 Sim pravlAod,. AU *i . Y IkTl ` ,4Ts rr. lib OEM" wt Of SOUTIUA t# MASS POWADIA* T d Aim A PART Of 'i U f drL f IXTU. ALL T l f T~w 1"Q%fi ! wnaM t'i1 stiff *An TOWNS Ahv SMUY Ac" Ago LXASC Now 14 MfT'iCT AND 'ice JMM M1iAM w ; fi b P lVl FOR A IAG C MUL 4WISCIA of SAID Vw j) , f fft~:fi~"~wliw 7i`Ms UUMM i PURto tine 1~t of am As" or 19330 rt 33 rkolaa Urlroo P"* 3370 Cbmr%oV 930 o0"0* 00 Av%&elo ftrio" Clr#4 bta tutrae Of T"",v dw9jd. 0" W&CO "W" j o, 1ww +oeaaeter O;r Tasivat r tyo Tar ue S Owoo of ttrlaoe I4M4 o`+ bo amea#toer + -0"bo ao t*Wl 4"0 +ot 1# 40tio n neaae by tar Provided to the k or and Town Co ei1 of the Two" of Soutbt"o. Irembs, ale tv"t *t land *on*U*&" of so"k **no* iftwo, or 09 "tvawtod to the J. Ao frOSMO I *y oelto&tod in TORT"t co"w ae To m w,e own ftilf atamovibee 1` note* mid tpeowwo o+t foexlorwea xiti &t ► po aaet irk ttim bor6b V&Ot Ot way U00, ot Cry w"d • 30" Ube" some tw"m tauot a" mi +e r t* 1 SO** 11010 Of COMPtY P4Mbd . $1199 ommat City Li w&% Lar of «i tblo e,, T*r raat County n fox* * t " • t a o t Me mot trill et of W*y U** Of Ca6eWKY 00" +oe. 3119 to 0 p oe"t wbo" *00 $eto rooot* *bO 9e06b r # of f U" Of County NO" 3OU i TWLVCDLO w+ro►olk " the *b lime aft 301A so tbo woot irlshit of +wwt► 1>i►rorure ref qty P404 31 is $ IMUCt, ae 80"b "One the wst 11*0 of 3110 N 071 war" to a vote* for 0orerewer I TaLaCt,ae West 1375 wo r+itoe to a votes for oerr* WT AM r Tf ljj ftotb tt,1•9 1rae►~ tt► ao iotat i'aoer oraesuo rl l f„ 13 r 9 IVSfoo toe tb* V*ot rij*%4 at y IL "M Ot 00%m*y ikmoka ago 3~ 1 T t s r►utb aoe1o#W t *Oot 1t" Ot 3119 to a Lns rte ~ 00aeeeo lnt#rlrs"ts tw" A Eb rif o t 1it► aeef County waiad ~aeF • 3~9 t c Cli tp 6f s u1 wsrrs~r ~i► mss t0•1i$ sss &gong one tt~aar+~[` #art+eo at boditsd o t two • &WOO SO M or toss Oufs of #bO • A • off" i obming its &*ea tion► 01t1. s # r tbo ' fit tb s two T *"*'p " &t*Mft" h*t*** rWO *A*• IT SMA4XV.1) BY TWI W tNi;~,r w 1. ,'ATE, tho ofow y ow" re 604*1bn►rrs doo'c rib" b"Aff od~asMMt# A" ""44po ilr to tbo 161M his of 3044" 9 bo i t b*r*lw 400*844 w" WO O&* +rrl,tb tt. o k rei ter ot* std Town ttfi#rtleo wstts~s+~►t toof • 0 the t9►wwwre A" IvAo"t s ot" tbo ~ txor~r~ 17~rIiR • be onsit"d to &jLl of t ho "4160 Pe VSI*S s of •tbwr leitisew 04 pity * ►as of W44 Towa w b: be"i ow otl of 44W sets is 00"toswtty tb *rotor sWW fall "W" MEt"ft" tbftt wbl*b nay bs Mss r#*ttoar wdo#tsl , fib 3• ~►ttieiwi sop o~ t+e+ea of tie Town of op • r. ovttt co , i s as herot"OEV i►pt~1 $ I be awd is bow 4"06" s1i ws *0 ISM US" tbf o ttofifi~ t ► wo port of tbs T*wn *t raetk&,*w s 4 rea►s. his fi "dt~ ~t bfii *ft4OOtkW* be Is NIL fosoo r. w" oftoot lr rm wttss its paaswso wat &&V" by t1w a" doly wt t*stod by the Tom S IWr rtaty • ~ this cot ____woo woo A 1. 11 ~oc k KAMA 1 N I~- C Acru~_ .Fcwr~ nio. o, 2 F. M. l 7 o 9 - - I r p 9 S of fAc f 10 1- oqQ h Jw.HALM SORVE/ I I country o4e Ala. i~ r d EXHIBIT A s~E; ~1,)cm'0V j c~yag D. f ,Loon' TO LAAiCASTER. - owve,Qs