1963-12-14 1 i Council Meeting December 14, 1963 fi•. Mayor Tate called the meeting to order with the following councilmen answering roll calls Earl Williams, J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate, W. H. Crumbaker, Paul Schell. Corporation court judge, W. G. Miller was present as was Mr. Mark Gordon and Mr. Coy Stanphill of the Texas Power and Light Company. Mr. E. P. Allison was also present and Mayor Tate suggested that the first business on the agenda would be the plans to be presented by Mr. Allison. Mr. Allison asked for permit for construction of one tour-plex unit to be constructed on his land located in the city limits. Inasmuch as this type construction departed from the ordinance which specifies multiple dwelling, but which had never been construed to indicate apartment type buildings, a full discussion of the proposed construction ensued. Considerable time was given to lateral lines, adequate disposal of sewage from the multiple dwelling being considered extremely important; location of a well, etc. After the matter had been developed fully, Mr. J. J. Carlile made a motion that the council approve permit for one unit of the apartments at this time, this motion seconded by W. H. Crumbaker. Before the vote, Mr. Allison stated that approval of only one unit might interfere with the financing of the construction. Mr. Earl Williams and Mr. Paul Schell suggested that council could give tentative approval of the entire project, if required by the financing company, subject to inspection of building, sewer lay-out. This was considered a good idea, but was not included in the motion as made by Mr. Carlile, which carried. Mr. Allison thanked the council and Mayor Tate called on the gentlemen from TP and L to speak in regard to the help they might be able to give in working out zoning problems in this fast-growing area. Mr. Stanphill gave some interesting facts and Mr. Gordon suggested that the Texas Municipal Leagae would be an excellent source of help in this regard. Both gentlemen were generous with their time and offers to be of assistance and Mayor Tate expressed appreciation for their coming. Mayor Tate had been contacted in regard to a building-permit for a trailer park installation by Mr. Chell Taylor. After general discussion, Paul Schell made-a motion to deny this request for rezoning, Earl Williams seconded and motion carried. Routine bills were approved for payment and donations to Carroll PU for $50.00 and to Grapevine Fire D partment for $100.00 were approved. A stove for $20.00 had been installed and this amount was paid to J. J. Carlile, and approval of a bill for butane which would be sent by Whiteiide Gas Company was also included. J. R. Tate was refibursed fora ledger which he secured for office use; Keller Austin w$s instructed to again use about $15.00 for courtesy gifts-to Grapevine dispatchers at Christmastime. Mayor Tate discussed the new zoning commission briefly and hoped to have five members by next meeting-date. There was no further business and on motion of J. J. Carlile, meeting adjourned. MRV* ecretary tr 3 l missing copies for minute book Ordinances No. 141 Jimmie Messina 142 Henly C. Wallace 143 Janette Scott Cristopher 144 Tip J n I ~ la _ . i