1963-07-18 ~ x Regular meeting of the city council was called but not enough members present to transact business, therefore special meeting was set for July 18, 1963 at 8 PH in home of Mayor Tate. G' The following notes were taken by Mayor Tate in the absence of the city secretary. Called meeting held on July 18, 1963 at which were present: J. J. Carlile, J. D. Cate, W. H. Crumbaker, Paul Schell, Earl Williams, and Marshal Keller Austin. Also attending the meeting were Mr. NeDearman and Mr. Norris, representing Rockledge P:-.rk, and Mr. W. G. Tiller, ii, >rospectivF corpor__:.tion court judi,e. Mr. McDearman and Mr. Norris were asked to state their business. They wished to know the status of our license on Rockledge Park. They were advised that upon presentation of their settlement to the city of Southlake for the period of January 1, 1963 through June 24, 1963, the city would not longer be responsible for the Park license. Mr. Miller was introduced by Mr. Austin and a period of open discussion followed regarding the possibility of Mr. Miller " serving as corporation court judge. The following business was then acted upon: on mtiaa by Earl Williams that the city adopt the list of fines which the council members had studied, as minimum fine rate, W. H. Crumbaker, seconded, motion carried. A copy of the rate sheet is attached and becomes a part of the minutes of this meeting. Paul Schell made the motion that the corporation court judge be paid a stipulated fee for the fines imposed and collected: is, a $2.50 allowance for fines of $15.00 and under; $5.00 for fines over 15.00. Motion was seconded by Earl Williams, carried. J. J. Carlile made the motion that Mr. W G. Miller be appointed Corporation Court Judge; seconded by Paul Schell, carried. Speed limits and signs were discussed but no action was taken. Motion to adjourn made by Earl Will*ams, seconded by J. D. Cate, carried. . Mayor, an secretary pro-tem... SCREJULE OF FINES -CORPORATIO14 COURT SOUTi~L E No Operators cense $10,00 No Operators feense (suspended) 25.00 Aceidentf failure to report 15*00 Accident leaving scene (PSRA) 25.00 Cutting hru station driveway 5,00 'gong side of street 20*0C Followin erge e3fi vehicle 10*00 Interf rr g with emergency vehicle 2000 Interfering with fire truck operator 25.00 Breaking into funeral procession 10000 Passing violations 10400 Passing in a no passing zone 15*00 Turning violations (except U turn) 10.00 U turns in prohibited area 5100 Run top sign or red light 5000 Interfering with duties peace officer 25.00 Registration violations x.5.0'0 . eessive noise (muffler) 15000 cin 25,00 Failure F e to yield HOW (all) 25.00 Failure to stop for School bus 25..00 Unless so designated by the Fudge all ether driving; v olat onso,0000 Defective or Misuse of equipment No valid MVI sticker? 15000 J Defective brakes 1500 Defective lights 10000 Driving without lights. 20,00 Failure to appear (any age) 15.00 Drunk 10.00 Drunk in car 50000 Affray 2540 Disorderly conduct 25*00 Parking violations Overtime 3004 Wrong side street 5400 Other illegal parkings 5.oo Within 10 ft. of pavement 5.00