1963-06-08 L Sri
Meeting of the City Council
June 8, 1963 2:30 PM
Mayor John Tate called the-meeting to order. Answering
roll call were W. H. CrumbakerI J. J. Carlile, Paul Schell,
Earl Williams and the newly elected city councilman, place 4,.Z
John D. Cate. Votes had previously been canvassed and returns
acc ted an o b
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e ea` i o~ oee ywas TWA-istered to Mr. Cate by Mayor
Tate, after which minutes of the previous meeting were read and
approved. -e-Ai Rockledge Park and it s t problems came up for discussion. '
Mayor tat* agreed to contact Mr. McDearman, lessee of the parkts.2.
concession area in regard to proposed improvements; however,
the council cautioned that the Corp of Engineers had indicated 0_7~
that all funds not actually used in improvements should be turned
in to the US Treasury immediately upon cancellation of the cityts
license with the Engineers to operate such park. It was reminded
that the city had asked to be relieved~of this park responsibilit
in 1962 and that as recently as May 24, the city had again asked
for relief in thirty days. Telephoned message to the secretary ,
from the head of the real estate division of the eorp indicated
that such approval would be shortly received. With this background,
council felt that any negotiations regarding expenditure of funds•
should be considered with care and caution.
Letter of resignation from Mr. Frank Lanford was read and
regretfully accepted. Earl Williams =do the notion, seconded
A by Paul Schell, that Mr. Lanford 's letter be accepted and that
the council owed his a vote of thanks for services rendered.
Mayor Tate named a committee for selecting a new corporation court
judge: J. D. Cate, J. J. Carlile, Paul Schell.
On motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by W. H. Brumbaker,
routine bills were approved for payment and meeting was adjourned.
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e n ate, mayor
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