1963-04-20 a. minutes of Meeting of City Council, 2;30 PM April 20, 1963 Meeting was called to order by Mr. Ben McClure, City Attorney. Oath of office was administered by Mr. McClure to the newly-elected Mayor, John R. Tate, J. J. CaDIH Uouneil- A man, Place two, Paul Schell, councilman, Place wabwv. Resolution number 23 regarding returns of election was read and adopted on motion of J. J. Carlile, seconded by Earl Williams. Nominations were asked for mayor proton for the coming year. Paul Schell nominated by Earl Williams; Earl Williams nominated by W. H.. Crumbaker; J. J. Carlile mowd that nominations cease; the vote l _ was two and two and Mayor Tate cast the deciding vote in favor of PaulSehell; called roll and those present were, besides the X. above-named, were the secretary and Keller Austin, city marshal Old business was first considered; no progress had been made on the new sign for the city hall; W. H. Crumbaker reported briefly on information he had obtgined in regard to civil defense plans.. Routine bills were approved for payment and Keller Austin was instructed to proceed with having his radio checked by Circle Communications at a reasonable expenditure--as usual. Mr. Austin was asked by the Council to present facts and figures relating to his expense as city marshal. After a general discussion on this subject, Mr. J. J. Carlile made a notion to increase Mr. Austin*s car expense allowance to $$00.00 per month, effective April 1, 1963. Earl Williams seconded the notion, general discussion ensued, vote called for, motion carried. Mr. McClure was thanked for his presence; he promised to continue his cooperation with the council; Mayor Tate thanked the * members for their presence and asked for their help in the discharge of the responsibilities of office to which he was new. There was no further business on the agenda and on motion of Paul Schell, seconded by W H. Crumbaker, the meeting was adjourned. n Tate, Mayor ecretary C 40 a